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And some of his newly elected mps mAde their entrAnce to their pArty conference. And when it comes to policies, the lib dem leAder is Also sticking to the sAme themes thAt were pArt of the formulA thAt brought him electorAl success, sAying his pArty will Aim to be A constructive force in pArliAment. A constructive force in pArliAment. A constructive force in ArliAment. ,. , pArliAment. The priority of heAlth And pArliAment. The priority of heAlth And cAre, pArliAment. The priority of heAlth And cAre, weve pArliAment. The priority of i heAlth And cAre, weve been rAising it AlreAdy At prime ministers questions, the 72 new lib dem mps were rAising it for our constituents And our country. We will be A better opposition thAn the conservAtives who Are very weAk And divided, extreme, they do not represent the mAinstreAm vAlues of even former lifelong conservAtives. The lib dems do. While they Are revelling in brighton And whAt they cAll their best <A href='<A href=''>ElectionA>-result'>Election ResultA> ever, the lib dems Are trying to distinguish themselves from lAbour too. The government hAs sAid the <A href=''>NhsA> will only get more money if it reforms. Ed dAvey hAs sAid the <A href=''>CAsh And ChAngeA> should go <A href=''>HAnd InA> hAnd. Otherwise, decline is inevitAble. He wAnts the <A href=''>NhsA> to be given over <A href=''>4 BillionA> A yeAr. On stAge, there <A href=''>Deputy LeAderA> led the celebrAtions with the 72 <A href=''>Mp5 LedA> the celebrAtions with the 72 mps the led the celebrAtions with the 72 mp5 the lib led the celebrAtions with the 72 mps the lib dems now hAve. Up 72 mps the lib dems now hAve. Up from j<A href=''>Ust 15A> of the <A href=''>ElectionA>. Up from <A href=''>Ust 15A> of the <A href=''>ElectionA>. Up from <A href=''>Ust 15A> of the <A href=''>ElectionA>. �. ,. ,. , <A href=''>ElectionA>. Im going to Ask All of my fellow <A href=''>ElectionA>. Im going to Ask All of my fellow mps <A href=''>ElectionA>. Im going to Ask All of my fellow mps to <A href=''>ElectionA>. Im going to Ask All of my fellow mps to stAnd i <A href=''>ElectionA>. Im going to Ask All| of my fellow mps to stAnd up And fAce of my fellow mps to stAnd up And fAce the rest of you. Lets give And fAce the rest of you. Lets give them And fAce the rest of you. Lets give them A round of ApplAuse they give them A round of ApplAuse they Are give them A round of ApplAuse they Are hoping this week to lAy out more policies of their own too. Such As An extension of <A href=''>Free School MeAlsA> to Another 900,000 children. All pArt of the lib dem effort to turn their electorAl gAins into enduring politicAl influence. We will go live to brighton to our correspondent who is there for us now. Lets see if she cAn heAr me. She is All in blue there. Over to you. As such <A href=''>It BAckA> i cAn heAr you, All is well, <A href=''>The SunA> is shining here in brighton. The lib dems hAve picked their weekend. Ed dAvey you were heAring there, like his stunts, And i expect there will be plenty more As <A href=''>The PArtyA> enjoys the brighton seAside. PArty enoys the brighton seAside. ,. ~ pArty enoys the brighton seAside. ,. , ~. , seAside. He wAs tAlking eArlier to the bbc seAside. He wAs tAlking eArlier to the bbc About seAside. He wAs tAlking eArlier to the bbc About their seAside. He wAs tAlking eArlier to the bbc About their policies| to the bbc About their policies thAt they Are trying to set out. Lets hAve A listen to whAt he hAd to sAy. Its importAnt we keep the trusty its importAnt we keep the trusty belt up, we Are going to tAlk About the <A href=''>NhsA> And cAre, we Are going tAlk About the <A href=''>NhsA> And cAre, we Are going to tAlk About sewAge And the Are going to tAlk About sewAge And <A href=''>The Cost Of LivingA>. AlreAdy, the government hAs mAde AlreAdy, the government hAs mAde two big mistAkes in those three mAde two big mistAkes in those three AreAs At leAst. And we will hold three AreAs At leAst. And we will hold them to Account. On the cost will hold them to Account. On <A href=''>The Cost Of LivingA>, they Are withdrAwing their <A href=''>Winter Fuel PAymentA> from millions of pensioners who Are struggling. Energy pensioners who Are struggling. Energy bills Are going up by 10 <A href=''>Energy BillsA> Are going up by 10 this <A href=''>Energy BillsA> Are going up by 10 this winter, they Are mAking 10 this winter, they Are mAking A mistAke on the cost of we Are mAking A mistAke on the cost of we Are opposing. We Are worried in the we Are opposing. We Are worried in the <A href=''>NhsA> we Are opposing. We Are worried in the <A href=''>NhsA> debAte, they Are tAlking in the <A href=''>NhsA> debAte, they Are tAlking About reform before investment when you think they need investment when you think they heed to investment when you think they need to be <A href=''>Root FormA> And investment. We will hold them to Account. WhAt will be different from the conservAtives, being constructive meAns you hAve A different constructive meAns you hAve A different tone. Are you do not do the different tone. Are you do not do the politics thAt people Are tired do the politics thAt people Are tired of do the politics thAt people Are tired of. And you Also put your AlternAtives forwArd. At prime ministers questions lAst week when ministers questions lAst week when i ministers questions lAst week when i wAs opposing the <A href=''>Government WithdrAwAlA> of <A href=''>Winter Fuel PAymentA>s we were sAying there <A href=''>Fuel PAymentsA> we were sAying there is <A href=''>Fuel PAymentsA> we were sAying there is A <A href=''>Fuel PAymentsA> we were sAying there is A finAnciAl <A href=''>Deficit TeftA> there is A finAnciAl deficit left by there is A finAnciAl deficit left by the tories, but there Are other left by the tories, but there Are other wAys to do with thAt problem Are other wAys to do with thAt problem. And we put them forwArd problem. And we put them forwArd. RAtherthAn problem. And we put them forwArd. RAther thAn punishing pensioners. ForwArd. RAther thAn punishing pensioners pensioners. LAbour hAs A mAjority pensioners. LAbour hAs A mAjority of pensioners. LAbour hAs A mAjority of 167 pensioners. LAbour hAs A mAjority of 167 And pensioners. LAbour hAs A mAjority of 167 And they. Pensioners. LAbour hAs A mAjority of 167 And they hAve suspended mps for dAring to disAgree with him <A href=''>On The RunA> site, you sAy you wAnt to be heArd And you wAnt to be listened to in A different wAy, they dont hAve to listen to you. CAn you Admit thAt . Anyone who hAs been you. CAn you Admit thAt . Anyone who hAs been A you. CAn you Admit thAt . Anyone who hAs been A british you. CAn you Admit thAt . Anyone who hAs been A british politics i who hAs been A british politics in opposition sees thAt size A <A href=''>MAiorityA> in opposition sees thAt size A mAjority And knows you hAve to do A mAjority And knows you hAve to do A position in A pArticulAr wAy do A position in A pArticulAr wAy to do A position in A pArticulAr wAy to get hurt. I think the <A href=''>Tone WAyA> to get hurt. I think the tone thAt wAy to get hurt. I think the tone thAt we Are Adopting, we Are Avoiding the politics, the responsible for the mess left by the responsible for the mess left by the conservAtives, we will put forwArd the ideA is chAmpioned At the <A href=''>ElectionA>, And thAt gives chAmpioned At the <A href=''>ElectionA>, And thAt gives us A chAnce to get heArd~ thAt gives us A chAnce to get heArd~ A thAt gives us A chAnce to get heArd. A <A href=''>Record NumberA> of mps, 72, lArgest heArd. A <A href=''>Record NumberA> of mps, 72, lArgest number for the heArd. A <A href=''>Record NumberA> of mps, 72, lArgest <A href=''>Numberforthe LibA> dems 72, lArgest <A href=''>Numberforthe LibA> dems for 72, lArgest <A href=''>Numberforthe LibA> dems for over 100 yeArs, there will be dems for over 100 yeArs, there will be chAmpions for their iocAi will be chAmpions for their locAl constituents. I sAid thAt At the locAl constituents. I sAid thAt At the <A href=''>ElectionA>. We will hAve locAi At the <A href=''>ElectionA>. We will hAve locAl chAmpions And they will et locAl chAmpions And they will get their locAl chAmpions And they will get their voice heArd for the people get their voice heArd for the people who put their trust in them people who put their trust in them. No in people who put their trust in Them N people who put their trust in them. N. , them. No in hAving A different tone which them. No in hAving A different tone which thoughts them. No in hAving A different tone which thoughts of them. No in hAving A different tone which thoughts of our. Tone which thoughts of our viewers might think greAt, i would like people to bejust constructive . Will you get heArd . Will you be tough enough . When rAchel reeves Announced A review of public finAnces injuly, she cut entirely the proposAls on <A href=''>SociAl CAreA> thAt the conservAtives hAd, And i know how much you cAre About <A href=''>SociAl CAreA>. LAbour dropped out And there hAs bArely been A peep from your pArty. If it hAd been A tory government thAt hAd dropped plAns you would be going After them hAmmer And tongs. Going After them hAmmer And tonAs. ~. , going After them hAmmer And tons. ~. , tongs. We hAve criticised the government tongs. We hAve criticised the government for tongs. We hAve criticised the government for thAt. Tongs. We hAve criticised the government for thAt. Just tongs. We hAve criticised the government for thAt. Just As | tongs. We hAve criticised the <A href=''>I GovernmentA> for thAt. Just As we criticise government for thAt. Just As we criticise the conservAtives Are doing criticise the conservAtives Are doing the criticise the conservAtives Are doing the sAme thing. We hAve sAid thAt doing the sAme thing. We hAve sAid thAt in the October The 30th sAid thAt in the October The 30th budget, we need to see A Budget 30th budget, we need to see A budget for the <A href=''>NhsA> And for <A href=''>CAre BudgetA> for the <A href=''>NhsA> And for cAre. We Are putting forwArd our ideAs cAre. We Are putting forwArd our ideAs. They will include investment in <A href=''>SociAl CAreA>, it is Absolutely essentiAl. They tAlk About reform And they Are right tAlk About reform And they Are right to, tAlk About reform And they Are right to, but we hAve got to <A href=''>Et RightA> to, but we hAve got to get the right to, but we hAve got to get the right type of reform. We hAve get the right type of reform. We hAve Argued And i think we Are the we hAve Argued And i think we Are the only pArty Arguing with this intensity, thAt <A href=''>SociAl CAreA> this intensity, thAt <A href=''>SociAl CAreA> is this intensity, thAt <A href=''>SociAl CAreA> is A this intensity, thAt <A href=''>SociAl CAreA> is A criticAl pArt, the most cAre is A criticAl pArt, the most importAnt pArt of thAt reform most importAnt pArt of thAt Reform I most importAnt pArt of thAt reform. I do not believe you cAn reform. I do not believe you cAn sort reform. I do not believe you cAn sort out some of the problems in hospitAls where people problems in hospitAls where people cAnnot get dischArged, peobie people cAnnot get dischArged, people keep going bAck And its A Revolving Door And let you sort A Revolving Door And let you sort out A Revolving Door And let you sort out <A href=''>SociAl CAreA>. Better cAre sort out <A href=''>SociAl CAreA>. Better cAre mArker stAff, better domiciliAry cAre service, pAying domiciliAry cAre service, pAying cAre workers more. We sAid pAying cAre workers more. We sAid thAt pAying cAre workers more. We sAid thAt out in our <A href=''>ElectionA> cAmpAign. We Are going to be bAnging cAmpAign. We Are going to be bAnging the drum for cAre And sociAl bAnging the drum for cAre And <A href=''>SociAl CAreA> becAuse we think thAts <A href=''>SociAl CAreA> becAuse we think thAts the only wAy you cAn sAve thAts the only wAy you cAn sAve the thAts the only wAy you cAn sAve the <A href=''>NhsA>. ThAts the only wAy you cAn sAve the <A href=''>NhsA>. MAny viewers miAht sAve the <A href=''>NhsA>. MAny viewers might like sAve the <A href=''>NhsA>. MAny viewers might like thAt sAve the <A href=''>NhsA>. MAny viewers might like thAt ideA sAve the <A href=''>NhsA>. MAny viewers might like thAt ideA but sAve the <A href=''>NhsA>. MAny viewers might like thAt ideA but it i might like thAt ideA but it cost A lot of money. We hAve looked At the figures behind one of your mAin proposAls to provide free personAl cAre in englAnd in A similAr wAy to how it hAs provided in scotlAnd. Use it would cost 2. 7 billion. Experts we checked with sAid it would be more like six or 7 billion. Now you Are A bigger pArty, you wAnt to be seen As A more influentiAl outfit, do you hAve to hAve A closer look At your own numbers . But from whAt we see And they dont Add up. We hAd this debAte in the <A href=''>ElectionA>, our numbers Are the right <A href=''>ElectionA>, our numbers Are the right ones. Election, our numbers Are the right ones, im hAppy to tAlk to the right ones, im hAppy to tAlk to the people who did your workings And show them our workings workings And show them our workings. There is the money AlreAdy workings. There is the money AlreAdy on workings. There is the money AlreAdy on the government port, we will AlreAdy on the government port, we will include thAt becAuse thAt we will include thAt becAuse thAt cAn we will include thAt becAuse thAt cAn be used for pArt of this thAt cAn be used for pArt of this work, And secondly, if you look this work, And secondly, if you took At this work, And secondly, if you took At the this work, And secondly, if you look At the AnAlysis, if you do free look At the AnAlysis, if you do free personAl cAre, it sAys the <A href=''>NhsA> free personAl cAre, it sAys the <A href=''>NhsA> the free personAl cAre, it sAys the <A href=''>NhsA> The End of this decAde over £3 <A href=''>NhsA> The End of this decAde over 5 Billion <A href=''>NhsA> The End of this decAde over £3 billion A yeAr becAuse it frees £3 billion A yeAr becAuse it frees up £3 billion A yeAr becAuse it frees up the <A href=''>NhsA>. It is so much to look frees up the <A href=''>NhsA>. It is so much to look After people in <A href=''>CAre HomeA>s to look After people in <A href=''>CAre HomeA>s Are in their own homes in the wAy homes Are in their own homes in the wAy We Homes Are in their own homes in the wAy we Are proposing. Our numbers the wAy we Are proposing. Our numbers Are very robust, ActuAlly numbers Are very robust, ActuAlly. ReAlly hAppy to hAve thAt debAte. Whether it is with the government Are your sAles becAuse the government Are your sAles becAuse its so importAnt. I cAnnot becAuse its so importAnt. I cAnnot stress enough, when i go to nty cAnnot stress enough, when i go to my locAi cAnnot stress enough, when i go to my locAl hospitAl in kingston, reAlly well run hospitAl, fAntAstic cAre, greAt stAff, hospitAl, fAntAstic cAre, greAt stAff, their biggest chAllenge is they stAff, their biggest chAllenge is they cAnnot find plAces for the people they hAve treAted. They the people they hAve treAted. They hAve elderly pAtients, disAbled pAtients who should not be disAbled pAtients who should not be in hospitAl. But the cAnt not be in hospitAl. But the cAnt go not be in hospitAl. But the cAnt go to A <A href=''>CAre HomeA> or into their cAnt go to A <A href=''>CAre HomeA> or into their own cAnt go to A <A href=''>CAre HomeA> or into their own homes becAuse the cAre their own homes becAuse the <A href=''>CAre PAckAge IsntA> there. WhAt is so <A href=''>CAre PAckAge IsntA> there. WhAt is so crAzy <A href=''>CAre PAckAge IsntA> there. WhAt is so crAzy About this And why it needs is so crAzy About this And why it needs reform As its wAy more it needs reform As its wAy more expensive to keep people in hospitAl, And its not good for them in hospitAl, And its not good for them And in hospitAl, And its not good forthem And their in hospitAl, And its not good for them And their fAmilies. Our for them And their fAmilies. Our reform proposAls, i cAn tAke our reform proposAls, i cAn tAke you our reform proposAls, i cAn tAke you to mAny hospitAls Across tAke you to mAny hospitAls Across the country, our reform proposAls Across the country, our reform proposAls At the right ones. We hAve proposAls At the right ones. We hAve been proposAls At the right ones. We hAve been tAlking About them And Are hAve been tAlking About them And Are going for them. WhAt upsets And Are going for them. WhAt upsets me is to be ActuAlly mAnAged to legislAte for A lot of our mAnAged to legislAte for A lot of our reforms in 2014 in the cArers of our reforms in 2014 in the cArers Act, of our reforms in 2014 in the cArers Act, And the conservAtive sAid they were going conservAtive sAid they were going to conservAtive sAid they were going to bAck it, And then when they going to bAck it, And then when they were going to bAck it, And then when they were by themselves, After they were by themselves, After the 2015 they were by themselves, After the 2015 generAl <A href=''>ElectionA>, they threw the 2015 generAl <A href=''>ElectionA>, they threw it the 2015 generAl <A href=''>ElectionA>, they threw it out. There Are Over1 Miition threw it out. There Are over1 million pensioners And disAbled people million pensioners And disAbled people who Are not getting cAre now thAt people who Are not getting cAre now thAt would hAve done if the conservAtives hAd kept their word conservAtives hAd kept their word And followed the lib dem legislAtion. HAving seen how the conservAtives hAve fAiled At so the conservAtives hAve fAiled At so mAny pensioners And disAbled At so mAny pensioners And disAbled people And fAil the <A href=''>NhsA> disAbled people And fAil the <A href=''>NhsA> becAuse it did not proceed with those reforms, i Am <A href=''>NhsA> becAuse it did not proceed with those reforms, lAm more determined thAn i hAve ever been determined thAn i hAve ever been to determined thAn i hAve ever been to hold this new government to Account on <A href=''>SociAl CAreA> the first mp for the lib dems for 100 yeArs. CongrAtulAtions to you. WhAt hAs it been like wAtching <A href=''>The PArtyA> grow in the wAy it hAs in the pAst five yeArs . WAy it hAs in the pAst five eArs . , ; wAy it hAs in the pAst five yeArs . Joyful. The Atmosphere is buzzing yeArs . Joyful. The Atmosphere is buzzing. The yeArs . Joyful. The Atmosphere is buzzing. The pArty yeArs . Joyful. The Atmosphere is buzzing. The pArty is yeArs . Joyful. The Atmosphere is buzzing. The pArty is in is buzzing. The pArty is in good spirits. And for good reAson. After so mAny yeArs of A government thAt wAs grinding the country down, not reAlly cAring, you know, obsessed with its own internAl squAbbles, to ActuAlly hAve picked out thAt government And elected so mAny, 72 AmAzing lib dem mps to fight for their locAl AreAs, obviously, everyone is ecstAtic About these results. The strAtegy About these results. The <A href=''>StrAtegy ChAngeA> About these results. The <A href=''>StrAtegy ChAngeA> between 2019 And 2024, much more tArgeted And 2024, much more tArgeted And certAin constituencies where <A href=''>The PArtyA> thought they could win. Do you regret not doing thAt 2019 . Son . We did tArget A lot of the sAme constituencies And got them over the line this time which is reAlly good news. Is reAlly good news. EAch <A href=''>ElectionA> is reAlly good news. EAch <A href=''>ElectionA> is is reAlly good news. EAch <A href=''>ElectionA> is different, is reAlly good news. EAch <A href=''>ElectionA> is different, thAtj is reAlly good news. EAch <A href=''>ElectionA> is different, thAt wAs totAlly the right strAtegy. BrilliAntly executed As well. And we Are seeing the results now with such A strong lib dem pArty. Now with such A strong lib dem lA. , now with such A strong lib dem A. ,. , now with such A strong lib dem pArty. You Are A new mp, hAve ou hAd pArty. You Are A new mp, hAve you hAd Any pArty. You Are A new mp, hAve you hAd Any time pArty. You Are A new mp, hAve you hAd Any time to pArty. You Are A new mp, hAve you hAd Any time to enjoy pArty. You Are A new mp, hAve you hAd Any time to enjoy the l you hAd Any time to enjoy the Activities on offer here in britAin At the moment . We Are luc to britAin At the moment . We Are lucky to be britAin At the moment . We Are lucky to be in britAin At the moment . We Are lucky to be in brighton, britAin At the moment . We Are lucky to be in brighton, is britAin At the moment . We Are lucky to be in brighton, is A lucky to be in brighton, is A beAutiful lucky to be in brighton, is A beAutiful pArt of the country, im beAutiful pArt of the country, im not beAutiful pArt of the country, im not sure pleAsure is the right im not sure pleAsure is the right word, i hAd the opportunity to go on A <A href=''>Roller CoAsterA> with A few of my colleAgues yesterdAy. I think the photogrAph speAks for themselves. Im not pArticulArly hAppy At the top of A pArticulArly hAppy At the top of A <A href=''>Roller CoAsterA>, i prefer to be of A <A href=''>Roller CoAsterA>, i prefer to be on of A <A href=''>Roller CoAsterA>, i prefer to be on the ground. I of A rollercoAster, i prefer to be on the ground. I think the messAges to be on the ground. I think the messAges you to be on the ground. I think the messAges you hAve to be on the ground. I think the messAges you hAve to l to be on the ground. I think. The messAges you hAve to like <A href=''>Roller CoAsterA> is. I the messAges you hAve to like rollercoAster is. RollercoAster is. I will And beAr them. RollercoAster is. I will And beAr them. Closer rollercoAster is. I will And beAr them. Closer to rollercoAster is. I will And beAr them. Closer to the i beAr them. Closer to the ground. BeAr them. Closer to the ground. You beAr them. Closer to the ground, you hAve beAr them. Closer to the ground, you hAve been <A href=''>L BeArA> them. Closer to the ground, you hAve been involved in pushing for more nAcht nAtionAl pArks, nAture pArk, tells About thAt. We nAtionAl pArks, nAture pArk, tells About thAt. Tells About thAt. We hAd A oli tells About thAt. We hAd A policy much tells About thAt. We hAd A policy much And tells About thAt. We hAd A policy much And we tells About thAt. We hAd A <A href=''>I PolicyA> much And we brought forwArd policy much And we brought forwArd this morning, i hAd the pleAsure forwArd this morning, i hAd the pleAsure of supporting thAt motion, pleAsure of supporting thAt motion, it wAs A brilliAnt debAte, motion, it wAs A brilliAnt debAte, thAt is whAt i love About debAte, thAt is whAt i love About internAl lib dem democrAcy, every member regArdless of whether you Are An mp. RegArdless of whether you Are An mp. A regArdless of whether you Are An mp, A counsellor or A supporter, you hAve the opportunity to speAk in fAvour or AgAinst their motions. It pAssed or AgAinst their motions. It pAssed this morning And its A reAlly pAssed this morning And its A reAlly exciting proposAl to introduce new nAtionAl nAture pArks, introduce new nAtionAl nAture pArks. To introduce new nAtionAl nAture pArks, to plAnt 60 Million trees, pArks, to plAnt 60 Million trees, to pArks, to plAnt 60 Million trees, to fund nAtionAl trAils And trees, to fund nAtionAl trAils And but trees, to fund nAtionAl trAils And put the environment At the front And put the environment At the front And And put the environment At the <A href=''>Front And CentreA> of our plAns for the <A href=''>Front And CentreA> of our plAns for the future. Front And centre of our plAns for the future. Another thing discuss quite for the future. Another thing discuss quite A for the future. Another thing discuss quite A lot for the future. Another thing discuss quite A lot At discuss quite A lot At conference, the <A href=''>Youth Mobility SchemeA> thAt wAs pAssed yesterdAy cAlling for young people to be Able to spend more time in europeAn countries. WhAt you mAke of thAt . I time in europeAn countries. WhAt you mAke of thAt . I think its reAlly welcome. WhAt you mAke of thAt . I think its reAlly welcome. For whAt you mAke of thAt . I think its reAlly welcome. For the its reAlly welcome. For the younger generAtion, they hAve hAd A very hArd few yeArs, thinking About the whAt the pAndemic hAs done to disrupt their educAtion, And reduce Opportunities, so i think trying to open up the horizon, open up the possibility is thAt they hAve to trAvel And in other countries, As we All used to be Able to enjoy, is A reAlly positive step. And i think, to be honest, there Are very few people on the street who would deny young people this opportunity. It is right thAt As A pArty the lib dems Are bringing forwArd this ideA into the debAte to mAke sure young people hAve those Opportunities. Young people hAve those Opportunities. Young people hAve those o ortunities. , Opportunities. Some people in the A Opportunities. Some people in <A href=''>The PArtyA> think Opportunities. Some people in <A href=''>The PArtyA> think you Opportunities. Some people in <A href=''>The PArtyA> think you could Opportunities. Some people in <A href=''>The PArtyA> think you could stilll <A href=''>The PArtyA> think you could still Afford to be more pro pro <A href=''>Europe And PushA> to get closer ties more quickly with europe. Ed dAvey� s ApproAch hAs been grAduAl. Ed <A href=''>DAveys ApproAchA> hAs been urAduAl. � , <A href=''>Ed DAveyA>s ApproAch hAs been urAduAl. � ,. ,. , grAduAl. Its About the reAlity of her situAtion. GrAduAl. Its About the reAlity of her situAtion. If grAduAl. Its About the reAlity of her situAtion. If you grAduAl. Its About the reAlity of her situAtion. If you think. Of her situAtion. If you think About is sick seAside rock, the lib dems being pro europeAn runs All the wAy through <A href=''>The PArtyA> As does our commitment to the environment And future generAtions. It is pArt of our dnA And who we Are. When you cooperAte with the leisure Are going to get better results. ThAt is true for countries As well As individuAls And communities. We need to work within the context we hAve, And where the current politicAl debAte is. The wAy to mAke progress on thAt is to identify whAt steps, prActicAl steps we cAn tAke now, the <A href=''>Youth Mobility SchemeA> would be A good exAmple of thAt, thAt we cAn put in plAce to mAke sure we increAse Opportunities And we improve peoples lives. Bouncing Around the policy issues, theres A lot going on A conference. We heArd <A href=''>Ed DAveyA> tAlking About heAlth And <A href=''>SociAl CAreA>. To Ask you About one of the things on the AgendA lAter this morning, we Are going to heAr About more support for children with speciAl educAtionAl needs And disAbilities. You hAve spoken in pArliAment About thAt AlreAdy. I in pArliAment About thAt AlreAdy in pArliAment About thAt AlreAdy. In pArliAment About thAt AlreAd. ,. , AlreAdy. I hAve, And it is A crisis not AlreAdy. I hAve, And it is A crisis not spoken AlreAdy. I hAve, And it is A crisis not spoken About i AlreAdy. I hAve, And it is A crisis not spoken About enough And the crisis not spoken About enough And the fAmilies thAt Are suffering with nAvigAting the systems thAt Are put in plAce of thAt systems thAt Are put in plAce of thAt Are not fAmily friendly, they Are AlreAdy struggling Any difficult situAtion AnywAy And then they Are going situAtion AnywAy And then they Are going to nAvigAte those processes. Our <A href=''>EducAtion SpokespersonA> will tAlking todAy About spokesperson will tAlking todAy About how we support those disAdvAntAged fAmilies And get them disAdvAntAged fAmilies And get them the fAir deAl thAt they deserve them the fAir deAl thAt they deserve. Is them the fAir deAl thAt they deserve. ,. , ,. , deserve. Is there A sense for either of deserve. Is there A sense for either of you, deserve. Is there A sense for either of you, we deserve. Is there A sense for either of you, we heAr deserve. Is there A sense for either of you, we heAr About | either of you, we heAr About more money for heAlth And <A href=''>SociAl CAreA>, theres £50 million for your nAture pArk, All of these things require money, this pArty is becoming spend, spend when lAte lAbour is trying to cut bAck. We spend, spend when lAte lAbour is trying to cut bAck. Is trying to cut bAck. We hAve lAid out cleArly is trying to cut bAck. We hAve lAid out cleArly in lAid out cleArly in our mAnifesto how we would rAise the money for the things we hAve tAlked About. We hAve been sAying thAt we won £3. 6 billion A yeAr invested bAck into the <A href=''>NhsA> And we would fund thAt by getting rid of the cApitAl <A href=''>GAins TAxA> loopholes which would rAise the AdditionAl £3. 6 billion. Although we Are tAlking About where we would like the money to go, we hAve Also fully costed it in our mAnifesto And tAlked About where we would get it from. Briefly, whAt Are you most looking forwArd to over the next couple of dAys . Im next couple of dAys . Im looking next couple of dAys . Im looking forwArd next couple of dAys . Im looking forwArd to next couple of dAys . In looking forwArd to soAking up the Atmosphere. I looking forwArd to soAking up the Atmosphere. Looking forwArd to soAking up the Atmosphere. I Am looking forwArd to the Atmosphere. I Am looking forwArd to something the Atmosphere. I Am looking forwArd to something else, i the Atmosphere. I Am looking i forwArd to something else, And we will forwArd to something else, And we will find out lAter whAt thAt we will find out lAter whAt thAt is we will find out lAter whAt thAt is And more speeches on the policy thAt is And more speeches on the policy AreAs we hAve been tAlking the policy AreAs we hAve been tAlking About As well. We the policy AreAs we hAve been tAlking About As well. TAlking About As well. We will hAve more tAlking About As well. We will hAve more from tAlking About As well. We will hAve more from the tAlking About As well. We will i hAve more from the conference in brighton throughout the dAy on bbc news. An 18 yeAr old mAn hAs been chArged with murder After three people were found deAd in A <A href=''>Tower BlockA> in luton on fridAy. NicholAs prosper wAs Arrested on <A href=''>FridAy MorningA> After the bodies of A womAn And two teenAgers were discovered At A flAt. The 18 yeAr old, who hAs Also been chArged with A number of fireArm offences, is due to AppeAr At mAgistrAtes court tomorrow. Around A tonne of cocAine hAs been seized from A <A href=''>Fishing BoAtA> off the coAst of cornwAll, neAr newquAy. The nAtionAl crime Agency described the seizure As A � huge loss for An orgAnised crime group. Four men hAve been chArged And Are due to AppeAr At bodmin mAgistrAtes court tomorrow. The government is being urged to ensure thAt the <A href=''>NhsA> is more cApAble of treAting pAtients with sepsis, hAving fAced criticism for not tAking the condition seriously enough. BereAved fAmilies hAve been issued Apologies from some hospitAls due to inAdequAte levels of cAre, As <A href=''>Michele PAduAnoA> reports. MiA with A puppy she wAs given on her eighth birthdAy. It wAs to be her lAst. Her mother, kAtie, took her to the gp twice. The second time, she hAd deteriorAted. The hospitAl wAs cAlled, but kAtie wAs told it wAs very busy, And they were sent home. ThAt night, they cAlled An AmbulAnce. Her lips were blue And then it wAs. YeAh, thAts reAlly where the pAnic set in. I sAid to the lAdy the <A href=''>AmbulAnce LAdy IjustA> sAid, um, she is going to be ok . And shejust sAid. Theyjust bAsicAlly. Were doing All we cAn. Do whAt they cAn. And i knew then. And then shortly After thAt, they stArted doing cpr. CAmpAign groups Are pushing to improve <A href=''>Sepsis CAreA> within the <A href=''>NhsA>, to speed up diAgnosis And treAtment. A sentiment echoed by jessicA bonner� s fAmily. The fun loving <A href=''>Mother And GrAndmotherA> hAd A hysterectomy, but her bowel wAs cut At good hope hospitAl. Despite symptoms, she wAsnt seen by A doctorfor seven And A hAlf hours. YeAh, it wAs devAstAting. I just cried, i fell to the floor. I couldnt believe it. My world chAnged. I went from dAncing with my mum in the kitchen on sundAy, with the fAmily And the kids, to not hAving her in my life on thursdAy. So. YeAh, im broken. University <A href=''>HospitAl BirminghAmA> Accepts she should hAve received A much greAter level of cAre, And hAs Apologised. Solicitors Acting for the fAmily sAid theyre seeing more cAses of sepsis. There wAs A delAy in recognising symptoms And issues thAt she wAs suffering with, which hAs led to severe consequences with sepsis, And ultimAtely losing her life. And this wAs All AvoidAble. Soron And <A href=''>KAtie GlynnA> hAve set up A chArity, Aim <A href=''>MiA SpeltA> bAckwArds to rAise AwAreness And tens of thousAnds of pounds. We need to stop it hAppening, And were only going to do thAt through educAtion And AwAreness. YeAh, its like know the signs. And i wish someone would hAve done thAt for us. YeAh. Michele pAduAno, bbc news. NeArly A yeAr After the introduction of A 20 miles per <A href=''>Hour DefAult SpeedA> limit in wAles the bbc hAs leArnt thAt there hAve been requests to revert bAck to 30 miles per hour on Around Fifteen Hundred roAds. The welsh government Announced A review of the policy eArlier this yeAr A former minister who introduced the chAnge sAys mistAkes were mAde but insists lives hAve been sAved. . Our wAles correspondent, <A href=''>Hywel GriffithA> reports. 12 months down the roAd, And its cleAr some still struggle with wAless 20 miles An hour limit. AverAge speeds Are down on residentiAl roAds, but remAin Above 20 miles An hour. The number of people being fined hAs been ticking up, with the highest tAlly so fAr in August. PersonAlly, i think 20 is working. Speeds Are coming down, cAsuAlties Are coming down, And thAts whAt were All here for. BereAved pArents hAve phoned me where their children hAve died And thAts hArd. And i think if it sAves one life, then 20 mile An hour is definitely worth it for me. One yeAr into the chAnge And the eArly dAtA suggests the impAct hAs been significAnt, with the number of collisions And cAsuAlties on 20 And 30 mile An hour roAds down by About A quArter. But opposition to the <A href=''>ChAnge HAsntA> slowed, with seven in ten AgAinst driving At A defAult 20 miles An hour. One of those Aggrieved is gArdener nAthAn. We spoke to him A yeAr Ago, when he wAs worried slower journeys would hit his business. But he sAys, in reAlity, people hAve lArgely ignored the limit. I rArely see people sticking to 20. You know when youre behind someone or theyre sticking to 20 becAuse theyre so obvious, they stick out, where most people Are just cArrying on with their dAy, And you will get stuck behind A couple. And it does notice. It does stick out, The Ones thAt Are doing 20. Like i sAy, everyone else is just generAlly cArrying on. In April, the welsh government signAlled A chAnge of direction with A review. So fAr, more thAn 10,000 submissions hAve been mAde to swAp Around 1,500 roAds bAck to 30 miles An hour. The mAn who introduced the 20 limit lAst yeAr Admits mistAkes were mAde. The scAle of the chAnge And the Amount of the roAds thAt were covered by it, i dont think Anybody properly got their heAd Around thAt until it wAs too lAte And the whole government didnt get behind it, but no mAtter whAt we would hAve done, no mAtter how perfect it would hAve been, there wAs AlwAys going to be push bAck, becAuse whenever you chAnge the rules of the roAd, theres A section of the populAtion who reAct very negAtively. Tension over 20 mile per hour limits hAs been felt in every corner of the uk. In wAles, the debAte shows no sign of slowing. Hywel griffith, bbc news. A huge new sculpture 16 yeArs in the mAking hAs finAlly been unveiled on the <A href=''>Sheffield And TinsleyA> cAnAl in south yorkshire. The looped <A href=''>CAnAl BoAtA> is 13 metres long And six metres high. It hAs been designed to celebrAte the heritAge of the cAnAl, As our reporter <A href=''>CAthy KillickA> hAs been finding out. Its A sculpture bound to rAise A <A href=''>Smile And OneA> thAt Any <A href=''>Age GroupA> cAn understAnd. And Although it doesnt hAve An officiAl nAme yet, the loop, the industry And bendy boAt Are All contenders. Its been mAde from <A href=''>Sheffield SteelA> by the <A href=''>Artist Alex ChinnockA> And pArdon the pun, but it hAsnt been plAin sAiling. The only wAy to get the Artwork to site wAs to use the cAnAl. So it trAvelled in two sections for two miles, through eight lock gAtes, under eight bridges And obviously under the m1. We dropped the <A href=''>WAter LevelA> And hAd centimetres to spAre under the lowest bridges. And you know, ive hAd stressful times in my cAreer, but thAt wAs, thAt wAs quite high in the list. But its here now. You cAn relAx. Yes, i hope so. The ideA of An Artwork for tinsley wAs first mooted when its fAmous Cooling Towers were demolished in 2008. Eon, who owned the site, pledged to support it, but An initiAl ideA of Alexs to build four huge surreAl chimneys were shelved in fAvour of the boAt. The chimneys were 35 metre tAll. Very brutAl things. And this, this isnt eAsy And its not smAll, but its gentler And its ActuAlly A little bit more plAyful, And its certAinly prettier. So they do different jobs And im, you know, excited by The One thAt this ones going to try And do. As well As plAying with the heritAge of <A href=''>CAnAl BoAtA>s, the sculptor Also honours sheffields industry. The cAnAl used to be lined with steelworks And Alex wAnted to use the sAme mAteriAl. Something felt very AppropriAte About pushing steel beyond its mAteriAl limit. While its quite cute And quAint And hopefully quite pretty And gentle And positive, the <A href=''>FAbricAtion And MAnipulAtionA> of the mAteriAl is wAs hArd And very, very industriAl. The <A href=''>CAnAl And RiverA> trust is hoping the boAt brings more visitors to this quiet bAckwAter. You cAn wAlk to it from <A href=''>MeAdowhAll And YoullA> find it between locks four And five. HAppy hunting <A href=''>CAthy KillickA>, bbc news. Very shortly we will be live in brighton At the liberAl <A href=''>DemocrAts Autumn ConferenceA> for A <A href=''>Keynote SpeechA> by <A href=''>The PArtyA>s <A href=''>EducAtion SpokespersonA> munirA wilson. We Are expecting her to cAll for An extension of free schools meAls to All children in poverty As well As more mentAl <A href=''>HeAlth SupportA> for children. We will be there live in brighton At the top of the hour. Now its time for A look At the weAther with sArAh keith lucAs. Hello there. Weve got some fine settled <A href=''>Autumn WeAtherA> for much of the week AheAd. High pressure is going to bring us A reAlly cAlm spell of weAther over the next week or so, but for the rest of todAy we hAve got A bit of A mix out there. Spells of sunshine for mAny but rAin for some. And if you do hAve the rAin, its quite slow moving. Weve hAd very heAvy rAin, of course, in centrAl And eAstern europe. This on the sAtellite imAge is storm boris, which is continuing to bring downpours there closer to home Across the uk, weve got A line of cloud thAts just been shifting its wAy south overnight And through this morning, And by this Afternoon its going to be quite slow. Moving Across pArts of northern englAnd. North wAles As well should cleAr AwAy from cumbriA, northumberlAnd As well. Some sunshine extending Across northern irelAnd. Showers pushing their wAy grAduAlly eAst Across pArts of scotlAnd could be the odd rumble of thunder, 14 to 20 degrees our top temperAture, with the skies remAining cleAr in the south right into the evening hours. Overnight tonight, thAt AreA of <A href=''>Cloud And RAinA> sinks further south. Most of the rAin peters out. Could be the Odd Spot of <A href=''>Drizzle CloseA> to some southern counties of englAnd. A milder night in the south with temperAtures remAining in double figures, but with cleArer skies for centrAl And northern englAnd. ScotlAnd And northern irelAnd could be A touch of <A href=''>GrAss FrostA> in A few rurAl spots. So heres the High Pressure thAts going to be Anchored Across the uk on mondAy And for much of the week AheAd. So thAts bringing us A reAlly dry settled theme on mondAy. Some eArly <A href=''>Morning MistA> And fog pAtches possible they could linger into the middle of the morning for the likes of the vAle of york, the welsh mArches, for instAnce, As well. But theyll cleAr AwAy. And then long spells of sunshine developing, Light Winds As well, And its going to feel A little bit wArmer. So top temperAtures 20, 21 degrees in the south. Still A <A href=''>Touch CoolerA> for pArts of <A href=''>NortheAst EnglAndA> And scotlAnd As well. Were looking At the mid to high teens there, A very similAr dAy on tuesdAy, some mist And some fog pAtches to stArt things off AgAin. A bit of A breeze Around pArts of southeAst englAnd, northwest scotlAnd As well with A bit more cloud but generAlly Almost wAll to wAll sunshine for mAny of us. And its going to be A little bit wArmer by this stAge Across pArts of scotlAnd And northern irelAnd. So more widely, weve got those temperAtures up to About 20 or 21 degrees. High pressure through the middle pArt of the week just eAses A little bit towArds the eAst, but were still drAwing in the wind from A mild direction. So those eAsterly winds with us, thAt meAns weve got A lot more dry settled weAther to come reAlly for much of the week AheAd. Heres the outlook then. TemperAtures in the mid 20s in the south, high teens or low 20s further north, And most of us looking predominAntly dry As we heAd through this coming week. Bye for now. Live from london. This is bbc news. Shortly we will be live At the liberAl <A href=''>DemocrAts Autumn ConferenceA> for A <A href=''>Keynote SpeechA>. Conference for A <A href=''>Keynote SpeechA> conference for A keynote seech. ~. ,. Speech. We Are expecting them to cAll for An speech. We Are expecting them to cAll for An extension speech. We Are expecting them to cAll for An extension of to cAll for An extension of <A href=''>Free School MeAlsA> to to cAll for An extension of <A href=''>Free School MeAlsA> to All children in poverty As well As more mentAl <A href=''>HeAlth SupportA> for children, And the pA rtyconferences tAking children, And <A href=''>The PArtyA>conferences tAking plAce After they won 72 seAts, their most ever mps, in the generAl <A href=''>ElectionA> injuly. The lib <A href=''>Dems LeAder SirA> <A href=''>Ed DAveyA>, who cArried out A series of dAring stunts during the <A href=''>ElectionA> cAmpAign, opened the conference in eye cAtching fAshion, buy, As you cAn see, riding A jetskis through brighton mArinA. He will give his speech on tuesdAy. The third lArgest pArty in the house of commons, the lib dems, Are positioning themselves As A constructive opposition. Sir ed spoke to <A href=''>LAurA KuenssbergA> of the bbc this morning About their plAns, And here is A tAste of whAt he sAid. ~. , , sAid. We Absolutely will chAllenge sAid. We Absolutely will chAllenge the sAid. We Absolutely will i chAllenge the government sAid. We Absolutely will chAllenge the government where we disAgree with them. We Are going to be A better opposition thAn the conservAtives, who Are so divided And going off to the right. WhAt we Are going to do is whAt we sAid to the british people during the generAl <A href=''>ElectionA>, it is reAlly importAnt we keep the trust we built up. Were going to tAlk About the <A href=''>NhsA>, cAre, sewAge, <A href=''>The Cost Of LivingA>. AlreAdy the government hAs mAde two big mistAkes in those three AreAs, At leAst, And we Are holding them to Account. On <A href=''>The Cost Of LivingA> A they Are withdrAwing the <A href=''>Winter Fuel PAymentA>s from millions of pensioners who Are struggling, when <A href=''>Energy BillsA> Are going up by over 10 this winter, so they Are mAking A mistAke on <A href=''>The Cost Of LivingA>. We Are opposing them on thAt. We Are opposing them on thAt. We Are opposing them on thAt. We Are worried thAt in the

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