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By the netanyahu government'. President erdogan said he condemns — what he called — a barbaric attack by israel. The white house says it is deeply disturbed by the incident. Here's us secretary of state, antony blinken. First things first, let's find out exactly what happened and we will draw the necessary consequences. As you have heard me say, i have no higher priority than the safety and protection of american citizens around the world, wherever they are, something i take with the utmost seriousness, so if we have more info, we will share it and, as necessary, act on it. Our international correspondent, mike thomson sent this report. She had been taking part in a protest in the northern west bank. It was organised, one of many taking place in recent weeks to protest against the increased expansion of settlements in the west bank and it is said by local media that israeli police had opened fire on those taking part in the demonstration and also used stun grenades and tear gas to try and put a stop to it and during this the young american was hit in the head by a bullet. She was taken to a hospital in nablus and later died. The facts are still being cleared up. The israelis say they are investigating what happened. They admit their forces opened fire after stones were thrown at the soldiers, they say threatening those people, but they say they haven't yet determined exactly what led to the death of the american. It is one of those situations where the americans say they will not point fingers either but they want the facts, and the us secretary of state, antony blinken, has said this is a tragic loss and he will do all he can to try to uncover what has happened. When we look at the west bank, we can see the number of settlers that's increased over the years. There are something like 700,000 now across the west bank including eastjerusalem, and the number of attacks by settlers on palestinians, especially palestinian villages, has increased a lot, and that has been a great cause of worry. Recently, america decided to issue sanctions against a number of individuals and entities too to try and put a stop to this but so far there is no sign of that stopping, carrying on and causing increasing concern across notjust the west bank but the western world too. Elsewhere in the occupied west bank — the israeli army has withdrawn from jenin after an operation lasting nearly ten days. The palestinian health ministry says 36 people were killed in one of israel's largest operations in the west bank in years. Residents were displaced as israeli forces damaged buildings and other infrastructure in the northern west bank. People are now returning home, though water and electricity remain mostly cut off injenin, from where lucy williamson sent this update. Israel's troops and bulldozers have leftjenin camp now but the impact they had is written all across the streets here. This camp was the heart of israel's sweep across the northern west bank. They were here for 9. 5 days and this morning is the first time that residents have been able to leave their homes, see the destruction around them or, in some cases, come back to homes that they fled days ago. Israel says this was a counterterrorist operation and it is clear that its target was the armed palestinian groups that are based here. But the methods it is using are what are raising alarm. That does notjust mean the civilians killed and injured but the level of destruction that are wrecking people's lives. Lucy williamson, bbc news, jenin camp. In gaza, un agencies and partner organizations have begun the second stage of a major polio vaccination campaign. The rollout comes a month after authorities confirmed the first case of polio seen in gaza in 25 years which left a io—month—old partially paralysed. The vaccine rollout began on september first and since then, the world health organization says 411,301 children have been vaccinated in gaza. The ultimate goal is to vaccinate 640,000 children in gaza against polio. The biden administration has announced an additional 250 million us dollars in security assistance for ukraine. The us secetary of defence lloyd austin made the announcement at the ramstein us air base in germany. But he declined to lift restrictions that bar kyiv from firing american—made long—range missiles into russia — which ukraine's president zelensky says is the only way to end the war. Putin wants more ukraine than he wants a security for russia. He does not care about russian land and people, hejust he does not care about russian land and people, he just wants to grab as much of our land and cities as possible. The amount of assistance that is not yet been delivered is significant. The war has enough air defence systems to ensure that russian terror does not have results. 0ur europe correspondent nick beake has the latest from kyiv. President zelensky wanted to attend in person this meeting of more than 50 allies at the huge us airbase in western germany because he wanted to take his message to them directly and that message was that they need to ignore any perceived redlines that president putin may have. Mr zelensky said that his allies absolutely immediately had to give him permission to use long—range missiles so that they could hit further into russia, target airfields and other places from where devastating attacks on ukraine are launched. Mr zelensky also had a short—term warning, saying that a lot of the air defence support that allies pledged to the country has not yet arrived. Lloyd austin, the us secretary of defence said he heard what mr zelensky was saying and announced a new package of aid. He did not focus on the issue of long—range missiles, talking about us being in a critical stage of this war. He spoke about the incursion by ukrainian troops just over one month ago into russia itself, into the kursk region. He said that this proved the russian army, which had been engaged in acts of aggression, was now fighting a defensive battle on their own turf. This has come at a cost, however. President putin vowed to bring retribution, revenge for this ukrainian operation and we have seen an increase in the number of russian strikes over the past week or so, notably on tuesday this week the city of poltava in the centre of ukraine was hit, the most devastating single attack on any ukrainian town or city this year, at least 55 people were killed. For more, i spoke to former us ambassador to ukraine, john herbst. The new announced aid, what impact do you think that will have? it is a positive step and can mean we provide ukrainians. Ido i do not want to overstate the importance but it is a good thing to see. What do you think of what lloyd austin said, the us secretary of defence? he said at this point he is hearing ukraine and it's call to allow ukrainians to strike deeper into russian territory with western weapons but there was no decision made on that. Why do you think that is? the biden administration has been regularly intimidated by putin's threats of nuclear escalation, despite the fact that several kremlin redlines have been passed without anything happening. It is an unusual situation where america is self deterring because of kremlin threats. Highly unlikely to be realised threats. What about other allies? european allies like germany? do you think they may turn the tide on that decision? i think that there is an axis of timidity with 0laf scholz and joe biden. They reinforce each other�*s not very sound instincts, that somehow russia is going to go nuclear when, in fact, there is very little chance of that. This is dangerous, more dangerous for russia than it is for us to escalate. I want to ask you about the political situation in kyiv as well because we saw ukraine's parliament approved this significant cabinet reshuffle that president zelensky has announced we saw some critics say that president zelensky is just trying to centralise power because his ministers were previously his advisers, are you concerned about this development? i think this is pretty much business as usual, as we have seen in ukraine, notjust since the russian invasion, not since zelensky became president in 2019 but also the previous president from 2014—2019. They like to demonstrate their power, they like to respond to domestic unhappiness by changing cabinets. I don't think it means anything more than that. His supporters said that it is wartime and all the more need to centralise power around the president, but critics remain and president zelensky says he wants his government to focus more on getting aid from western allies but if you look at some of the ministers who were in his government until now, they have been very vocal on the international stage. What do you think zelensky means by this specifically? again i think it isjust exercising his prerogative as president. And i suspect we will see them still heavily involved in ukraine's efforts to win this war. But it is really not much more than a gamble. Zelensky said let's try someone else and i don't think it is going to hurt the war effort, i don't think it will improve it either. But there are many talented people in ukraine. Regarding the concept that zelensky tried to centralise power, i go to kyiv all the time and i was there last week and i will be there next week and i believe it is true. I also believe that while they are fighting a war, most ukrainians will cut him some slack as you already suggested. But when the war is over any such tendencies will not work for the benefit of the incumbent and the presidency of the ukraine. Ambassador, as you were just in kyiv, how do you sense the morale amongst ukrainians right now? we are heading into a difficult winter as the temperature starts to turn. Morale was skyhigh because of ukrainian success in kursk. Before the operation was launched, one month ago today, everyone was talking about a cease fire in place and suddenly ukraine controls a significant portion of russian territory. So if the ceasefire is in place would always work against ukrainian interests, it is not something putin is unlikely to see. Putin is domestically embarrassed, even as he tries to downplay the fact that ukrainian troops occupy russian territory and are digging in to hold that territory for a substantial period of time. And despite the bombing, i was there right after the huge bombing on monday last week, despite that or alongside of that ukrainians are enthused because of the success of their offensive in russia. Donald trump welcomed a new yorkjudge's sentencing delay in his manhattan criminal case on friday — after he and his legal team had fought to postpone or dismiss the case altogether. Justicejuan merchan ordered the republican presidential nominee's sentencing for november 26th, after the us election. Trump was convicted by a jury on 3a felony counts of falsifying business records back in may, but has maintained his innocence in the case. Earlier the former president characterized the case as election interference at an address to the fraternal order of police in the battleground state of north carolina. The manhattan da witch hunt against me has been postponed because everyone realises there was no case because i did nothing wrong. It is a witch hunt, an attack by my political opponents in washington, dc. Mr trump was also in court on friday for a separate legal case, as his lawyers attempted to overturn a ruling that he defamed and sexually assaulted writer ejean carroll. 0urjohn sudworth has the details. Donald trump spent part of today in a somewhat unusual press conference at trump tower behind me, re—litigating the civil sexual assault ruling against him that he is currently appealing in a new york court. He attacked the integrity of the person who won that case, ejean carroll, a former writer. He suggested he had never met her before. The sorts of claims of course that in part led to the very substantial defamation damages against him and the spectacle of him going through in painstaking detail not only those allegations but other the assault allegations against him, all to deny them, of course, might to some observers seem like a somewhat odd election campaign strategy with just nine weeks to go until the election. Nonetheless, shortly afterwards he was handed what will be seen by many as something of a victory in another case that he faces, his new york criminal trial for the payment of hush money to the former porn star stormy daniels in order to try to influence the 2016 election, to keep the allegations of a sexual encounter with her from the american public. The judge in that case today has ruled that he will delay sentencing, just as mr trump's lawyers had asked him to because he said he wanted to avoid the impression, however unwarranted, that the case was designed to somehow influence the election. Of course, what it means is that american voters will be denied the opportunity of knowing what sentence mr trump will be given for those bookkeeping offences. Will he simply be given a fine or will he, however unlikely many people believe it is, but still a possibility, will he be given a custodial sentence? that knowledge now will have to wait until after november 5. For more on this i've been speaking with sarah krissoff, a former us federal prosecutor and former assistant us attorney in the southern district of new york i want your take on this postponement of the sentencing. What do you think of it? it is pretty common for sentencing is to be postponed and to not go as scheduled, to be postponed many times over the course of a case but obviously this one has particular import. It case but obviously this one has particular import. — particular import. It certainly does. Particular import. It certainly does do _ particular import. It certainly does do you _ particular import. It certainly does. Do you think— particular import. It certainly does. Do you think it particular import. It certainly does. Do you think it would i does. Do you think it would have been, as has been implied, too risky to hold this before the election because of the accusations of political interference? accusations of political interference?. , interference? the 'udge did not have many h interference? the 'udge did not have many good — interference? thejudge did not have many good options interference? thejudge did not have many good options here, | have many good options here, particularly with the da office essentially not quite consenting to the adjournment but not taking a strong position one way or the other. He was really stuck. He had little option other than to adjourn the case. Frankly that is often the issue for a judge when the request comes from the defence that the judges in a tough spot. They want to make sure all of the proceedings regarding sentencing are there and as fair as possible to the defendant who often really need to adjourn sentencing to maintain fairness. Maintain fairness. The conviction _ maintain fairness. The conviction was maintain fairness. The j conviction was months maintain fairness. The conviction was months ago maintain fairness. The conviction was months ago now. Remind us donald trump is possibly facing at sentencing. He was convicted on all counts, each of the felony counts and for each felony county faces a potential four years in for each felony county faces a potentialfour years in prison. I think the question is, really, for thejudge, will he give him time in prison or not? i think there are going to be strong arguments in both directions on that but ultimately if it is the judge decision. He has a lot of discretion on the sentence he will impose here as long as it is under those four years. I want to ask you about something else we saw on friday. A hearing to appeal the verdict in the sex abuse case so a jury at the last year that donald trump sexually abused defamed the writer e. G. In carol. In his remarks today we heard christer criticise a number of women are testified in the trial and he said he should sue carol for the deformation, to turn the case around. Carol for the deformation, to turn the case around. What you think of that? _ turn the case around. What you think of that? the _ turn the case around. What you think of that? the one turn the case around. What you think of that? the one legal think of that? the one legal point that the former president is missing here is that you cannot sue someone for defamation for statements made in court. You are not allowed to do that. There isjudicial privilege for those statements and those statements are protected from any claims of defamation. — defamation. Clearly that will not be an — defamation. Clearly that will not be an avenue _ defamation. Clearly that will not be an avenue for defamation. Clearly that will not be an avenue for the defamation. Clearly that will. Not be an avenue for the former president. We spoke a lot at the start of this year about the start of this year about the incredibly busy legal calendar that donald trump was facing and in the end it does not seem like these legal battles have had that much of an impact. What is your perspective? have they had an impact and could there still be a big factor this year? his team has really done a tremendousjob team has really done a tremendous job delaying and putting things off for as long as possible, fighting every part of this along the way. And the supporters, the folks who have fundamentally supported donald trump dismiss these cases, all four of them, all of which including these other civil cases, one of which was mentioned today, but his supporters really dismiss those. They look at them as politically motivated and they really do not consider them in determining who they will vote for. An interesting point. I do want to ask about the federal election interference case, the one brought by special counsel jack smith. He reissued his indictment after the supreme court ruling granting the president immunity for official acts. When you think this leaves this case? the judge acts. When you think this leaves this case? thejudge in that case has a lot of work to do. ,, that case has a lot of work to do, ,,. , ,. , that case has a lot of work to do. ,,. ,. , do. She has to pass through this new _ do. She has to pass through this new indictment do. She has to pass through this new indictment and do. She has to pass through i this new indictment and figure out if it skirts around the supreme court decision as it is supposed to do, as it is intended to do. And in the prosecutors also have to give the judge prosecutors also have to give thejudge more information on thejudge more information on the details of the evidence that they intend to present in court to the new charges. Same charges but adjusted a little bit. She has a lot of work to do to really apply that decision to the facts before her now and any decision she makes may go up to the highest court in the land for review. The bbc has seen, first—hand, the desperate conditions civilians are enduring in sudan after 17 months of civil war. Aid agencies there are warning a hunger crisis is of historic proportions. 0ur correspondent nawal al—maghafi, has gained rare access to the city of port sudan and a key border area in neighbouring chad — where refugees are still flowing out — as aid agencies desperately try to get aid in. The faces of a forgotten war. These are some of the families caught at the centre of what is being called one of the world's worst humanitarian crises. Here in sudan, 26 million people are facing acute hunger. We only get one meal a day this woman says. In this displacement camp in the city of port sudan they are safe from the front lines of the conflict but life is hard. In another camp nearby, people queue for water. A most basic right. And here it is a luxury. This woman tells me she fled with her children from one city to another, trying to escape the war before arriving here in this displacement camp in port sudan. Translation: the fighting near us was so intense. Within the first two days two members of my family were killed. Then i watched as two of my neighbours were cut in two. Her children are mourning the life they once had. But also their father. Left behind, they have not heard from him since january. Translation: we don't know where he is, what happened i to him. That is it. Our future is over. There is nothing left. My children are devastated. The scale of suffering here in sudan is unimaginable. 16 months of war have had a devastating impact on people's lives here. Over 10 million people have had to flee their home. And if they have escaped the bombs and the bullets there is another killer — hunger. Hunger is ravaging sudan. In neighbouring chad, these eight trucks are lined up and ready to cross into sudan. But it is territory held by a group called the rapid support forces who are fighting the sudanese armed forces. For months, the saf have blocked supplies from getting through this key crossing point. They say aid is being stolen by the rsf and weapons are being smuggled in as well. Both sides in the conflict have denied impeding the delivery of humanitarian relief. As aid prepares to go through the border, families are crossing it to escape the war. These refugees arrived five days ago. It was hunger that drove them to make the treacherous journey. Translation: it is very hard, so dangerous to come here but all the shops are closed. There was no food anymore, nothing to drink, nothing to feed my children. There is nothing to eat. It is all war, there is nowhere to hide. She told me there was no help. No food supplies were reaching her or her six children. Aid agencies are relieved to see these truckloads making their way in today but they say a constant flow of aid is needed to deal with the horrific situation in sudan. 0ne local district has already been declared in famine and 13 others are at risk. The un warns if the flow of food and supplies is not increased, the consequences could be dire. There is much suffering. These are not statistics, these are mothers, daughters, kids. People are going to die. Children. They already are. Women. More gender—based violence and some of that they will not recover from. This is ultimate suffering. By repeatedly spurning peace talks and impeding aid, the two warring sides are effectively putting millions of people at risk of starvation. Many of those we spoke to were hoping the world will take notice and action before it is too late. A sports venue in paris will be named after ugandan 0lympic runner rebecca cheptegei, who died after her ex—boyfriend allegedly set her on fire. The paris mayor said dedicating a sports venue after cheptegei would help her memory and her story remain among us. Cheptegei, a 33—year—old mother, died on thursday with severe burns after a former partner allegedly doused her in petrol and set her on fire outside her home. We have more on her story on our website. — we have more on her story on our website. Thank you so much for watching — our website. Thank you so much for watching. My _ our website. Thank you so much for watching. My colleagues our website. Thank you so much for watching. My colleagues in l for watching. My colleagues in london will have an update on the headlines at the top of the next hour. Stay with us. Hello there. Before we get to the weekend, friday brought some very big differences across the uk. We had sunny skies in western scotland, and in northern ireland, temperatures reached 27, the hottest it's been all year. It was quite a bit cooler here at the oval for the test match, where we struggled with bad light. Doesn't look quite so gloomy for saturday. Very misty, murky conditions, though, in bristol, where we've seen rain pushing in earlier on in the night and into south wales as well, with some thunderstorms, too. That's going to be clearing away later, and it's going to be quite a warm start to saturday, muggy as well. And because of that we've got extensive low clouds, some mist and some fog around for england and wales, so things may improve a little. It may cheer up a bit, but there may not be too much sunshine around, more cloud producing a few showers here and there. Looks dry for scotland, northern ireland, sunny for the most part, but that low cloud retreating back to the east coast of scotland keeping it cooler here. But in the sunshine in scotland, and northern ireland temperatures again into the mid—20s, and it may warm up where we get a bit of sunshine in east anglia, although not as warm as it was on friday. We've got this area of low pressure is going to bring some wetter weather overnight on saturday night, heavy rain and some thunderstorms, perhaps already arriving during the evening across these southern areas, and that rain will push its way northwards into england and wales. Drier for scotland and northern ireland, some clear spells, but also some mist and low cloud, again, filtering through the central belt of scotla nd and lingering along the east coast of scotland. But another quite warm start to sunday. But it comes with a lot of cloud, and we've got these showers, along with spells of rain affecting england and wales. Again, it could be heavy and thundery. A few showers popping up towards the southeast of scotland. 0therwise scotland, northern ireland, generally dry but more cloud around, so it's going to be quite a bit cooler, particularly so for northern ireland. If we get a bit of sunshine in the midlands across to lincolnshire, that could pop off a few thundery showers here. Now that area of low pressure is going to move away on monday, so it starts to turn drier, but then we change the wind direction. We're going to pick up more of a northwesterly wind over the week ahead, and that will make it feel quite a bit cooler as well. Now, most of the wet weather next week will be more towards the northwest of the uk this time, the drier weather in the southeast, but those temperatures are going to be lower, perhaps peaking at only 13 or 1a in belfast and edinburgh. Voiceover: this is bbc news. We'll have the headlines for you at the top of the hour, which is straight after this programme. Hello, i'm katie razzall. And i'm ros atkins. This week on the media show, we'll speak to the journalist from the times who's accompanied ukrainian soldiers as they crossed the border into russia. And the korean tv industry — from squid game to the masked singer — some of the most popular tv formats and shows in recent years have come from south korea. We'll find out why. Let's start with ukraine's offensive into the russian region of kursk. This happened towards the beginning of august, and when it did, it was a surprise to many observers. And, of course, this has military objectives, but as well as that, it provides an opportunity for ukraine to change the narrative around the war.

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Palestinians , Villages , Worry , Cause , West Bank Including Eastjerusalem , 700000 , Notjust , Sanctions , Individuals , Stopping , Sign , Concern , Entities , Operation , Elsewhere , Palestinian Health Ministry , Jenin , 36 , Ten , Residents , Home , Water , Operations , Buildings , Infrastructure , Electricity , Injenin , Lucy Williamson , Impact , All , Update , Bulldozers , Streets , Leftjenin Camp , Cases , Homes , Camp , Destruction , Time , Heart , Sweep , 9 5 , Counterterrorist Operation , Target , Lives , Civilians , Groups , Level , Methods , Alarm , Palestinian , Partner , Stage , Un , Bbc News , Polio Vaccination Campaign , Organizations , Jenin Camp , Gaza , Case , Children , Io Month , Rollout , Polio , Vaccine Rollout , Authorities , World Health Organization , 411301 , 25 , Ukraine , Administration , Joe Biden , Security Assistance , Goal , Children In Gaza Against Polio , 250 Million Us Dollars , 640000 , Zelensky , Civil War , Way , Defence , Kyiv , Lloyd Austin , Western Germany , Air Base , Announcement , Restrictions , Firing American , Secetary , Ramstein , President Putin , Land , Security , Hejust , Amount , Assistance , Cities , Western Allies , Person , Meeting , Terror , Air Defence Systems , Latest , Results , Nick Beake , 0ur Europe , 50 , 0 , Message , Allies , Redlines , Airbase , Missiles , Airfields , Places , Support , Package , Country , Air Defence , Warning , Issue , Kursk Region , Incursion , Itself , Russian Army , Acts , Battle , Aggression , Turf , Cost , Revenge , Strikes , Increase , Retribution , City , Of Poltava , Centre , 55 , More , Ambassador , Step , John Herbst , Ukrainians , Point , Ido , Thing , Importance , Secretary , Territory , Decision , Weapons , Call , Situation , Fact , Threats , Anything , Escalation , Kremlin Redlines , Kremlin , Axis , European , Tide , Each Other , Chance , Instincts , Timidity , 0laf Scholz , Parliament , Cabinet Reshuffle , Escalate , Power , Critics , Ministers , Development , Advisers , Business As Usual , Invasion , Unhappiness , Changing Cabinets , 2019 , 2014 , Supporters , Need , Some , Prerogative , Someone , Efforts , War Effort , Gamble , Concept , Slack , Centralise Power , Morale , Presidency , Benefit , Tendencies , Incumbent , Everyone , Success , Temperature , Winter , Interests , Cease Fire , Ceasefire , Portion , Bombing , Digging , Offensive , Sentencing Delay , Team , Criminal Case , Nominee , Manhattan , Justicejuan Merchan , November 26th , Counts , Election Interference , Battleground State , Felony , Jury , Innocence , May , Falsifying , Business Records , Address , North Carolina , Fraternal Order Of Police , On 3a , 3 , Nothing , Witch Hunt , Opponents , Manhattan Da Witch Hunt , Washington Dc , Court , Ejean Carroll , Ruling , Lawyers , Details , Press Conference , New York , Re Litigating The Civil Sexual Assault Ruling , 0urjohn Sudworth , Trump Tower , Course , Claims , Integrity , Spectacle , Part Led , Defamation Damages , Sorts , Observers , Allegations , Assault Allegations , Detail , Many , Election Campaign Strategy , Victory , Payment , New York Criminal Trial , Nine , Stormy Daniels , Order , Hush Money , Public , Encounter , 2016 , Judge , Impression , Sentence , Opportunity , Voters , Knowing , Trump , Bookkeeping Offences , Knowledge , Fine , Possibility , Sarah Krissoff , Assistant , Attorney , Southern District Of New York , 5 , November 5 , Postponement , Import , It Case , Times , Interference , Thejudge , Options , Accusations , Udge , Other , Adjournment , Position , Da Office , Judges , Option , Request , Spot , Conviction , Fairness , Defendant , Fair , Proceedings , Prison , Felony County , Each , Felony Counts , Four , Question , Directions , Arguments , Sex Abuse Case , Hearing , Discretion , Verdict , Women , Deformation , Carol , Remarks , Trial , E G , Defamation , Statements , Privilege , Around Carol , Avenue , Will , Avenue For Defamation , Calendar , Factor , Perspective , Much , Battles , Folks , Job Delaying , Tremendousjob , The One , Jack Smith , Work , Indictment , Figure , Immunity , Supreme Court Ruling , Prosecutors , Information , Evidence , Bit , Charges , Conditions , Aid Agencies , Hunger Crisis , Review , First Hand , Proportions , 17 , Families , Port Sudan , Refugees , Nawal Al Maghafi , Access , Border Area , 0ur , Hunger , Crises , 26 Million , Conflict , Life , Displacement Camp , Lines , Translation , Another , Fighting , Luxury , Father , Two , Family , Members , Cut , Neighbours , Left Behind , Suffering , Bombs , Bullets , Scale , War Have , 16 , 10 Million , Armed Forces , Trucks , Group , Eight , Supplies , Sides , Saf Have , Rsf , Relief , Delivery , Crossing Point , Border , Journey , Five , Food , Food Supplies , Help , Nowhere , Shops , Risk , Flow , Famine , Truckloads , Others , 0ne Local District , Six , 13 , Daughters , Statistics , Kids , Violence , Peace Talks , Notice , Starvation , Action , Millions , Rebecca Cheptegei , Sports Venue , Story , On Fire , Memory , Mayor , Ex Boyfriend , Cheptegei , Paris , Ugandan 0lympic , Mother , Petrol , Burns , 33 , Website , Watching , Headlines , Colleagues , Top , Weekend , Stay , London , Doesn T , Northern Ireland , Temperatures , Western Scotland , Oval , Differences , Skies , Light , Test Match , Uk , 27 , Thunderstorms , Clearing , South Wales , Rain Pushing , Bristol , Showers , Cloud , Mist , Clouds , Little , Fog , England , Muggy , Sunshine , East Coast , Looks , Mid 20s , 20 , Rain , Pressure , Weather , Areas , Heavy Rain , Saturday Night , East Anglia , Spells , Filtering , Scotla Nd , Central Belt , Southeast , Cooler , Thundery , 0therwise Scotland , Cloud Around , Wind Direction , Wind , Midlands , Lincolnshire , Most , Northwest , 1a , Edinburgh , Belfast , 1 , Voice Over , Programme , Katie Razzall , Ros Atkins , Journalist , Show , Singer , Tv Formats , Tv Industry , Squid Game , The Times , Korean , South Korea , Region , August , Beginning , Surprise , Objectives , Narrative , President Erdogan , Safety And Protection , Health Ministry , Water And Electricity , Israels Troops , Vaccination Campaign , Health Organization , Defence Lloyd Austin , 0ur Europe Correspondent , Europe Correspondent Nick , Correspondent Nick Beake , President Zelensky , Mr Zelensky , H Permission , Term Warning , Air Defence Support , Defence Support , Town Or City , Ukraines Parliament , Something Putin , Yorkjudges Sentencing Delay , Nominees Sentencing , 3a Felony , Manhattan Da Witch , Da Witch , Mr Trump , Writer Ejean Carroll , York Court , Campaign Strategy , Porn Star , Case Today , Sentence Mr Trump , Particular Port , H Interference , Options Interference , J Conviction , Judge Decision , Abuse Case , Writer E. G , E. G , Remarks Today , Avenue Defamation , Tremendousjob Team , Election Interference Case , Interference Case , Counsel Jack Smith , President Munity , Indictment And Figure , Court Decision , 0ur Correspondent , Al Maghafi , Conflict But Life , People Queue , Killer Hunger , Notice And Action , Runner Rebecca Cheptegei , Paris Mayor , Bit Cooler , Ireland Temperatures , Belfast And Edinburgh ,

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