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The city on a regular basis such as storm shadows and other missiles, to hit deep inside russia and the ukrainian partners say that if they allow them to do so, it will only escalate the war. However, the ukrainian authorities say that these weapons will be used only to hit military targets such as airfields from where russian bombers take off and attack ukrainian cities. On friday, ukraine's president zelensky fired the head of the ukrainian air force, mykola 0leshchuk, days after an f—16fighterjet after an f—16fighterjet crashed, killing its pilot. Crashed, killing its pilot. The f—16 was recently the f—16 was recently sent by nato allies. Sent by nato allies. It crashed while repelling it crashed while repelling a barrage of russian a barrage of russian missiles over ukraine. Missiles over ukraine. Meanwhile, moscow is withdrawing 100 paramilitary meanwhile, moscow is withdrawing 100 paramilitary troops from the west african troops from the west african country of burkina faso country of burkina faso to fight against ukraine. To fight against ukraine. The officers from the bear the officers from the bear brigade — a russian private brigade — a russian private military company — military company — will support russia's defence will support russia's defence of its kursk region, as ukraine of its kursk region, as ukraine continues its incursion. Continues its incursion. 200 russian paramilitary troops 200 russian paramilitary troops will remain in burkina faso will remain in burkina faso to help its militaryjunta. To help its militaryjunta. On saturday, at least 300 on saturday, at least 300 people were killed in one people were killed in one of the worst jihadist attacks of the worst jihadist attacks in burkina faso in years. In burkina faso in years. And russian president and russian president vladimir putin is set vladimir putin is set to travel to mongolia. To travel to mongolia. It is first time mr putin will go to a country that is a signatory to the international criminal court since it issued a warrant for his arrest, alleging he committed war crimes. Icc member nations are instructed to arrest mr putin upon his arrival, but the kremlin says it is not worried. Was flying over russia. As your correspondent mentioned it is only 30 kilometres from the border, kharkiv from russia, so they release in relative safety and then it is guided down to its target and it has almost 700lbs of explosives. They have larger ones that have 1000lbs of explosives. That is a devastating bomb. So i am not surprised with the damage and the casualties that this particular thing has caused. Vladimir putin will keep this going. So if putin continues this, what do you think the ukrainians can do? i heard a comment today from the danish prime minister saying that ukraine needs to win the war. All discussions about redlines must end. What are your thoughts on that? i think he is right. Sadly it is coming a lot from washington, dc, from the american government who placed handcuffs on the ukrainians. We gave them weapons. The us knows and we have encouraged other countries to give them weapons. The uk's missile mentioned, the storm shadow was a superb weapon and they should all be used to strike as deep into russia a the targets ukrainians are going to go after. And i trust the ukrainians when they say they are going after military targets as opposed to the russians who have launched this terror campaign that has been going over now for well over two years against civilians. So we have to allow the ukrainians to go ahead and just hit back and hit back very, very hard against the russian military. The concern that has been expressed by western officials including those in washington, dc was that in doing so and in using weaponry that comes from those nato countries is that it then opens up this war, potentially, further. The risk of a further escalation. Are you worried about that? do you think that is a point to which president putin may go to? we would be foolish not to worry about these things. Not to consider the implications of what these additional actions may bring with it. That being said, this is a war and it is a war that the russians started. Ukraine has performed superbly. We have got to stop second—guessing the ukrainians. I hate to say this but if putin decides he wants to up the ante against the ukrainians, if they are allowed to use these newer and more effective weapon systems, then so be it. The ukrainians likewise will respond. Do i think it will engulf europe? no, i do not. That is not in the best interests of putin, he does not want that. Russia will be devastated. There will not be another russia to follow what would be left if nato decides, for whatever reason, if nato gets involved in this thing and europe gets involved and europe has to come militarily to the aid of the ukrainians. I want to briefly ask you and i know intelligence can be thin on the ground on this but what shape do you think the russian forces are in right now when you look, for example, at the withdrawal of some paramilitary troops from burkina faso to continue to fight in this war. Does that tell us anything about the shape of russian forces ? it does. It tells me that they are having significant manpower problems. There was reporting that you saw about a month ago that the russian prison system has basically given up everything it can in terms of letting convicts out to go and fight for mother russia. So if they have to do redeploy folks from overseas and these adventures they were having in africa. It's small numbers of people, but if they have to redeploy small numbers of people that tells me they are hurting when it comes to personnel. Four palestinians have been killed in an israeli air strike that hit a vehicle accompanying a us aid convoy in the gaza strip. The convoy had been carrying food and fuel to the emirati red crescent hospital. In a statement, us—based aid charity anera says the rented vehicle was driven by locals to help secure the convoy. The israeli military says the car had been seized by gunmen, and it alleges that the four were militants. It follows a similar incident in which a world food programme truck was struckjust days ago. The vehicle was hit ten times by israeli military gunfire. The two staff members in the vehicle were unharmed. Israel's military operation in the occupied west bank continued into a third day on friday, with the army saying it killed a hamas commander. On thursday, the israeli military withdrew from a refugee camp near the city of tulkarem in the north of the west bank. It says forces killed five people including the local head of the iran—backed islamichhad movement. 0ur middle east correspondent lucy williamson sent this report. On a road outsidejenin this morning, israeli forces came face—to—face with the man they believe led hamas here. Inside the white car, wissam khazem, shot dead by the army. And with him, two other men who tried to escape. Killed in an airstrike as they ran. Israel says all were involved in bombing attacks. The eastern areas ofjenin and its refugee camp have both been sealed off for the last three days and there are fresh reports of casualties — including an 82—year—old man who paramedics said was shot nine times. This morning, the army pulled out of the camp in tulkarem. The destruction there enough to remind residents the destruction there enough to remind residents of a war. The army laid wires from this woman's home to blow up two houses opposite. Families she has known for decades. Translation: i have tenyearold triplets | and they threw us in a room and then they started the explosions. Five explosions in total. Imagine the walls shaking and your children clinging to you. It feels like we are in gaza. We met another woman stranded by the rubble that used to be her neighbour's house. Translation: they told us that we have tunnels and we smuggled armed groups to this house. They claimed we have tunnels like those in gaza. They drilled and dug into the floor and all they found was a sewer drain. Later she shows us the broken floor. Beneath it what appears to be a drain. Too small for a person to fit through. You hear a lot of comparisons here now with the war in gaza. This is still a very different situation that almost one year of the gaza war has changed attitudes, and tactics on both sides. It has changed the sense of threat that israel feels from this conflict here and many people are saying it is changing israel's response. Negotiating the damaged streets, a funeral procession for ayed abu hajja, a 69—year—old with a disability, shot dead by a sniper when he opened his window. Alongside it, gunfire for the local leader of the armed groups here. Mohammed jaber also killed in this operation. A show of force from the armed fighters of tulkarem, less than one day after israel's army withdrew. Lucy williamson, bbc news, jenin. As the humanitarian situation in gaza continues to worsen, israel has agreed to a series of humanitarian pauses in gaza to allow for the vaccination of children against polio. The idf has agreed to implement the pauses starting on september 1st, in coordination with the world health organization. However, israel says the move doesn't amount to a ceasefire. Hamas has also announced its cooperation with international organisations for the vaccination effort. The director general of the world health organization expressed his support for the vaccine effort. I welcome the commitment imposed on specific areas to allow the vaccination campaign to be carried out. Between security, damage to roads and movement and displacement three daysin movement and displacement three days in each area is unlikely to be enough to achieve adequate coverage. We urge all parties to assure their protection and that of facilities and children. Humanitarian pauses are welcome but ultimately the only solution to safeguard the health of the children of gaza is a ceasefire. The best medicine is peace. Here in the us, republican presidential nominee donald trump has made a new offer to voters, on infertility treatment. At a campaign event in michigan on thursday, mr trump said he would ensure all women have access to in—vitro fertilisation, either by funding it via the government, or by forcing employers�* health insurance companies to cover the procedure. In february, alabama's supreme court ruled that embryos created by ivf should be considered people. Democrats tried to tie mr trump to that ruling, saying he won't protect access to fertility treatments. But mr trump has consistently supported access to ivf, and his new proposal is seen as attempt to neutralise the democrats�* attacks. And mr trump is now attracting criticism from his right, for comments he made on abortion, also on thursday. Speaking to nbc news, the former president said he might support easing restrictions on abortion in his home state of florida. He told the broadcaster the state's ban on abortion after the sixth week of pregnancy was, quote, too short. Earlier i took a look at the state of the race with two experienced strategists: democratjoi chaney, and republican kristin davison joi, could we start by talking about the interview last night. Harris and walz sitting down with cnn and i think most of the remarks after that interview had been that kamala harris tended to fare relatively well. She came out unscathed. But that she may still lack specifics when it comes to policy. Do you think she may need to fill in some blanks there? the answer is yes. All candidates need to fill in some blanks. That is just the nature of the beast that is an interview. I thought she was fantastic. Better than came off unscathed, she came off as a strong candidate and a strong current vice president. Of course it was not a policy conversation where you went into a lot of detail so she will have to fill in some blanks there over releases over the next few weeks and months and then. . . The debates. And kristin, your thoughts on that and what you might expect as well in terms of the tone at the debate? i thought we had 27 minutes, really 18 minutes last night and did not hear that much from the vice president. It is not so much that she has to fill in blanks but right now we see that the biden harris administration trying to decide which version of herself she wants to be. She is on the record on a number of these issues, on fracking, on energy and on the economy and on climate change and now she is taking a reverse position to try and moderate herself because, frankly, her record is out of step with most americans. So right now her campaign is taking a deliberate approach of scaling back and rewriting her record and where she stands on a number of issues because it is not palatable for the middle—class americans. So i think that is what we are going to see the democrats and the harris walz ticket are experiencing a honeymoon right now for sure but at some point joy will not be enough. Americans will want to hear what her plan is to fix these problems that, frankly, she is in charge right now to do. So there is a lot of work ahead in the next 67 days. Talking about the 67 days, and the honeymoon momentum, whatever you want to call it, how do you think the harris campaign needs to keep that momentum up was to mark how should they do that? this is more than a honeymoon. This is a full love affair and america is really excited about the walz and the harris campaign. Very excited about that ticket and donald trump would love those kinds of responses about him. In terms of flip—flop we already talked about flip—flopping that has been done on the trump side of the aisle. So there is no comparison there. Yes, i think that what we are seeing in vice president harris is the ability to read the room and to lead an entire country. She is the president for everyone. So where she may have been when she was running several years ago prior to being vice president and where she might be now, now that she's had four years of serving on a high level role doing a greatjob at it but also serving and seeing what works, right? what is tenable, what is politically tenable, what is appropriate in terms of policy, needs to be done in order to achieve the ends we are seeking. That is important. Everyone moderates when they get in office and they see what they need and what can be done, what are the political realities. It is a good smart thing. We want more deliberative thought process. The trump campaign and the vance campaign would do well to follow suit. I want to talk about moderating positions a little bit because kristin, looking at the comments that donald trump made to nbc appearing to be fairly ambiguous when it comes to his position on what he might support when it comes to abortion in florida. Are you concerned at all that that could be problematic for him when it comes to continuing to rely on the evangelical vote, for example, which of course we know historically has in proved important for him? i am not concerned at all. President trump before he was president he sat down for an interview with oprah and was a pro—choice american then and this has always been an issue where he has been very open about who he is. Most voters on issues like this, as long as there is respect to mutual understanding that there are different positions they are usually forgiving. In the last two elections. . . We had an entire primary over here last year where the other republican candidates challenging the former president hit him on this issue and he won evangelicals in every single state. He won iowa by 50 points. There is no concern there. Frankly it is because when they look at their other option, it is the radical progressive abortions to the moment of birth and that is not tenable. Donald trump has always been clear about where he is on this issue and people say you are going to lose evangelicals, no, he has won this voting bloc overwhelmingly. We have about 30 seconds left butjoi on the other side i wanted to ask you with donald trump, they're coming out saying that he would make ivf funded, do you think that we are potentially actually seeing a race soon for the centre and some of these policies and that could be tricky to the democrats? i hope we're seeing race to the centre on ivf where most americans are supportive of ivf and are thankfully able to have children through the use of ivf. But to my co—guest�*s comment that progressives democrats, whomever, support abortion up to the moment of birth, that is ridiculous, that is absolutely not true. No—one supports abortion to the moment of birth. So there is that. But also in terms of him flip—flopping it is not so much about changing positions, like i said, with vice president harris, i don't have a problem with someone changing position. What trump is engaged in is a frenetic. . . He changes every few hours hours depending on wherever he sees the wind blowing and i think that may be of great concern to any of his voters. He is not adding voters. He only has the possibility of taking them away so if you are an evangelical voter i agree you would probably support. . . You may say that this this guy cannot be trusted. He was pro—choice and then supported the abortion limitations in florida and in the afternoon he said he did not and then in the morning it changed his mind. It is not about values and kamala harris is always about values. Values have not changed. Unfortunately we are out of time for this discussion and i think we could discuss it at much greater length thank you very much to both joi and kristin for your analysis. The supreme court of the us state of maryland has reinstated the murder conviction of adnan syed, whose case was the subject of the hit podcast serial. Mr syed was freed in 2022 after spending more than 20 years in prison fighting charges that he killed his ex—girlfriend. He was cleared after prosecutors said he was wrongfully convicted of killing hae min lee in 1999. But last year an appeals court reinstated that conviction, saying the lower court failed to give her brother sufficient notice of the hearing that freed mr syed. The maryland supreme court's ruling means the case will now return to a lower court for a new hearing. Mr syed will remain free in the meantime. The world health organization says vaccines to protect against the new strain of mpox will soon arrive in the democratic republic of congo, the country worst affected by the surge of the virus. The who declared the mpox outbreak an international emergency about two weeks ago. The who chief, dr tedros, returned from dr congo on friday and said he expected the first delivery of vaccines to arrive there in the next few days. The who chief also believes that health authorities in several african countries can stop their local outbreaks in the next six months with government leadership and co—operation between partners. More than 18,000 mpox cases have been reported this year in dr congo — with 629 deaths. Mpox cases have been also been identified in rwanda, kenya, uganda, sweden and thailand. Anne rimoin a professor of epidemiology at the ucla fielding school of public health says they will be key. Right now what we need to do is get the virus under control where it has emerged and where it is spreading and accelerating reasonably rapidly. So i think the real key here is that vaccines are to be effective. Mpox is spread by close contact, whether that is with a wild animal that will be able to transmit the virus to a human and then human to human transmission where people are in close proximity to each other either direct contact or contact with bedding all clothing or sharing a close space and physical object. These vaccines will do a very good job. These vaccines will do a very goodjob. In these vaccines will do a very good job. In the outbreak that we had, those vaccines did an amazing job at providing a wall of immunity that drastically reduced cases and brought that outbreak under control. I do agree with the director—general that we can bring this outbreak to a bare minimum if not completely stop it in a very short period of time. Let's turn to some other important news around the world. The russian dancer, artem chigvintsev, who won the bbc competition, strictly come dancing in 2010, was arrested in california on thursday monrning and charged with domestic violence. Details about the victim and any injuries have not been disclosed, but napa county sheriff's office said it was apparent that there was potential abuse and that felony domestic violence arrests are made when injuries are visible or noticeable to deputies. The investigation is ongoing. A brazilian supreme court justice ordered the suspension of x, formerly known as twitter on friday. The decision comes after x removed its legal representative from brazil, citing claims that the judge had threatened her with arrest. Judge de moraes then gave x, 2a hours to appoint a new representative or face suspension. X did not comply, leading to the suspension. The judge says the platform will remain blocked until the terms are met. Stay with us here on bbc news. We will have more on the way at the top of the hour. Hello. This weekend will take us out of august and into september — technically speaking, the start of the meteorological autumn. But in spite of that, there is some warmth and some humidity on the way. Warm and humid conditions drove a lot of the showers and thunderstorms across the western side of continental europe during friday. That warm and humid air wafting its way northwards over the weekend. And while there will be some spells of sunshine, we also have the chance of some pretty intense thunderstorms, although there is still a lot of uncertainty about exactly how many of those there will be and where they might crop up. And actually, saturday will be a largely dry day. Quite a lot of sunshine around, more cloud spilling into southern parts of england, perhaps south wales, and the chance of one or two showers and perhaps the odd thunderstorm across the channel islands and perhaps south—east england later in the day. A breeze will keep things cool close to these north sea coasts — 17 for aberdeen and newcastle. More generally, though, 19 to 22 or 23 degrees, so quite a warm day. Quite warm and humid overnight, through saturday night into sunday, especially across the south, and we will see further, very well—scattered showers and thunderstorms pushing northwards, i think especially across some eastern counties of england. 16 degrees the overnight low in london, a cooler 9 degrees there for glasgow. As we go through sunday, well, that warm, humid air continues to push northwards. With it, quite a lot of cloud and the chance for one or two of those showers and thunderstorms. If they do crop up, they could bring a lot of rain, perhaps some squally winds, maybe some hail thrown in, especially across eastern england, but many spots will avoid the showers and stay dry. 19 to maybe 27 or 28 degrees down towards the south—east. Now, through sunday night, we will see further showers and thunderstorms, perhaps most especially across eastern england. But low pressure's swirling in from the west, and that means from monday, there will be a lot of cloud, there will be some outbreaks of rain. Some of that rain will be heavy, possibly thundery. It could really be quite misty and murky around some coasts out towards the west, but we will see some spells of sunshine as well. Still getting up to around 25 degrees across parts of east anglia, but out towards the west, things will be turning cooler and fresher. And that sets the theme, really, through the middle part of the week — some cooler conditions, some rain at times. It might warm up again, though, for some of us by the end of the week. Voiceover: this is bbc news. We'll have the headlines for you at the top of the hour, which is straight after this programme. Hello and welcome to the programme. Let's look at what is on the show. It might be the last thing most of us are thinking about now but for toy manufacturers and retailers, the next few weeks and months, it is all about christmas. The so—called golden quarter is when shoppers buy toys i get no other time of the year. But with falling birth rates and tough financial times round the world, this particular toy story means companies are facing some difficult challenges. With consumers having to make hard decisions about how to spend their cash. Could a surprising new trend of the toy industry a much—needed boost? this time it is not about spending on toys for children but adults. So—called emerging generations of eighteens collecting collectables and nostalgia brands and they say it is good for their health. I will discuss that and more with my guess. The boss of bull to bear, the stores where you can create a teddy bear and the chief executive of the world's biggest toy company and argue be one of its most iconic brands, a go and catching up with the president of the company behind leading toy brands barbie, fisher—price

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Car , Militants , Statement , Locals , Gunmen , Red Crescent Hospital , Emirati , Charity Anera , Israeli Military Gunfire , Military Operation , Truck , Staff , Incident , World Food Programme , West Bank , Members , Ten , Army , Hamas , On Thursday , Refugee Camp , Of Tulkarem , Commander , North , Third Day , Five , Report , Road , Middle East , Islamichhad Movement , Lucy Williamson , Iran , 0ur , Men , Man , Face To , Wissam Khazem , Eastern Areas Ofjenin , Bombing Attacks , Airstrike , Three , Destruction , Times , In Tulkarem , Camp , Paramedics , Reports , Nine , 82 , Translation , Woman , Triplets , Residents , Houses , Home , Wires , Families , Children , Room , Explosions , Rubble , Walls , Groups , Floor , House , Sewer Drain , Tunnels , Neighbour , Comparisons , Drain , Person , Situation , Sides , Tactics , Attitudes , Funeral Procession , Response , Streets , Conflict , Sense , Threat , Ayed Abu Hajja , 69 , Sniper , Window , Disability , Show , Bbc News , Force , 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Quote , Too Short , Race , Joi , Strategists , Look , Democratjoi Chaney , Kristin Davison , Kamala Harris , Last Night , Most , Unscathed , Remarks , Cnn , Blanks , Candidates , Nature Of The Beast , Policy , Answer , Specifics , Vice President , Course , Policy Conversation , Candidate , Detail , Kristin , Debates , Releases , Biden Harris , Debate , Much , Tone , Version , Administration , 18 , 27 , Number , Record , Position , Issues , On Energy , Economy , Step , Climate Change , Campaign , Approach , Scaling Back , Honeymoon , Ticket , Point Joy , Harris Walz , Honeymoon Momentum , Charge , Problems , Plan , Work , 67 , Momentum , Love Affair , Responses , Flip Flop , Kinds , Flip Flopping , Everyone , Comparison , Side , Ability , Aisle , Greatjob , Role , Level , Office , Order , Smart Thing , Trump Campaign , Thought Process , Vance , Suit , Realities , Vote , Florida , He Sat , Issue , Oprah , Positions , Understanding , Respect , Evangelicals , Primary , Birth , Abortions , Points , Option , He , Iowa , 50 , Voting Bloc , Butjoi , Some , Policies , Centre , S Comment , Use , Co Guest , Whomever , Problem , Someone , Him , Frenetic , Wind Blowing , Guy , Voter , Possibility , Values , Mind , Afternoon , Limitations , Length , Discussion , Analysis , Adnan Syed , Case , Murder Conviction , Prison Fighting Charges , Hit Podcast Serial , Supreme Court Of The Us State Maryland , Subject , Ex Girlfriend , Prosecutors , 2022 , Hearing , Brother , Lower Court , Appeals Court , Court , Conviction , Maryland Supreme Court , Notice , 1999 , Vaccines , Virus , Outbreak , Who , Mpox , Chief , Tedros , Democratic Republic Of Congo , Emergency , Dr Congo On Friday , Strain , Surge , Cases , Outbreaks , Health Authorities , Leadership , Delivery , 18000 , Deaths , Congo , Kenya , Rwanda , Thailand , Sweden , Uganda , 629 , Ucla Fielding School Of Public Health , Anne Rimoin A Professor Of Epidemiology , Control , Contact , Animal , Human , Proximity , Human Transmission , Job , Space , Object , Clothing , Wall , Immunity , Very Goodjob , Around The World , Minimum , Let , Injuries , Strictly Come Dancing , Competition , Abuse , Domestic Violence , Details , Victim , Napa County Sheriff S Office , California , Monrning , Artem Chigvintsev , 2010 , Of X , Decision , Arrests , Investigation , Felony Domestic Violence , Deputies , Brazilian Supreme Court Justice , Twitter , Representative , Judge , Face , Platform , Claims , Stay , Gave X , Brazil , De Moraes , 2 , Weekend , Way , Top , Start , Autumn , Speaking , Showers , Thunderstorms , Air , Warmth , Conditions , Humidity , Spite , Sunshine , Chance , Spells , Many , Uncertainty , South East England , Odd Thunderstorm , Cloud Spilling , Southern Parts , Channel Islands , South Wales , Saturday Night Into Sunday , Breeze , Aberdeen , North Sea , Newcastle , 19 , 22 , 17 , 23 , Northwards , Counties , South , Low , Glasgow , London , 9 , Rain , Cloud , Crop Up , Winds , Spots , Eastern England , 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Army , Health Organization , Movement And Displacement , Daysin Movement , Nominee Donald Trump , Mr Trump , Employers Health Insurance , Home State , States Ban , Strategists Democratjoi Chaney , Republican Kristin Davison Joi , Republican Kristin Davison , Kristin Davison Joi , Davison Joi , Biden Harris Administration , Harris Administration , Clate Change , Harris Walz Ticket , Walz Ticket , Harris Campaign , Affair And America , Ticket And Donald , Trump Side , Level Role , Vance Campaign , President Trump , Support Abortion , Joi And Kristin , Podcast Serial , Prison Fighting , Hae Min , Min Lee , Dr Tedros , Dr Congo , Government Leadership , Mpox Cases , Anne Roin , Ucla Fielding School , Fielding School , Contact Or Contact , Bbc Competition , Thursday Monrning , Napa County , Sheriffs Office , Court Justice , Judge De , Representative Or Face , Face Suspension , Aberdeen And Newcastle , Saturday Night , South East , Toy Industry , Brands Barbie ,

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