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of the european parliament. to hear more, let's go to christian fraser, whojoins us live from brussels. this is the second—biggest election in the after india? it does put it into some perspective. we will all be focusing on america in november, 240 million voters there. we are in the european parliament, above the hemicycle where the politicians normally sit. you can see behind me a huge screen where we will start to get the first exit polls. i told you that has been a shift to the right. we are starting to see that some of the first exit polls. let's concentrate on some that reflect that trend. germany, the cdu gaining six seats in these exit polls. but the hard right, the afd, finishing second with 17 seats. the spd of 0laf scholz finishing third on a record low i4%. the greens at nearly cut in half in germany. tears in the room next door, where the greens are having an election party of sorts. in the netherlands, gate of elders party had no seat in 2019, they gained seven. in austria, the heart right freedom party coming first with 27% of the doubt. it is a repeated pattern we're seeing in these countries that are reporting early. the centre—right is also performing in these countries. it is important to remember looking at these results is that parties do not sit according to nationality down there. they set in seven groupings. to the right of them, the european conservatives and reformists. giorgia meloni of italy's party sits in that group. it into the right, the group were marine le pen�*s in a peaceable set. let's get some reaction from germany and spain. joining me now are guy hedgecoe from madrid, damien mcguinness from berlin and hugh schofield from paris. damian, some reaction to the exit poll from germany? i damian, some reaction to the exit poll from germany?— damian, some reaction to the exit poll from germany? i think this is a real story of — poll from germany? i think this is a real story of the _ poll from germany? i think this is a real story of the mainstream - poll from germany? i think this is a | real story of the mainstream parties doing really badly. we are seeing the winner would effectively be the centre—right conservativess. they are celebrating today with 30%, which is a percentage more than 2019. but that was seen as a really poor result five years ago for the conservatives, so this is a diminished party, but they are the ones with the most votes. but the real winners are the far right afd. that wasn't expected because the afd has become increasingly extreme, it is seen as very toxic, even by other far right parties in europe. they have the mass protests against them, they have had scandals. the predictions originally were that the afd would not do that well. there to the kind in the european elections were not even allowed to stand because of the scandals. they were basically shoved aside by the parties have because they have become too toxic. they have got second place. they are cock—a—hoop, they are triumphant, they say they are not on a role ahead of key regional elections in september, where they are saying they will get the most votes in eastern germany. in germany we have national elections. it is a disaster for the german chancellor, 0laf scholz. his centre with stp party has never seen a result like this. sight is not able to describe it. it did look like the lead candidate was trying to hold back tears when she talked about this. she said it was a bitter evening, it is disappointing for her and the party. they will now be in the evaluation node. this means each of the governing parties who have done badly tonight, the splits within those parties are only going to get bigger. the splits between 0laf scholz�*s governing coalition, which is already rocky, is going to get even more argumentative. i think we are going to see an even more the brel mood and atmosphere here in germany over the next year and a half. does tend to be a referendum on the ruling elite across europe, but it does reflect back on the domestic politics in each of these countries. let's go to madrid and guy hedgecoe. gantz was an outlier, at the last election they were going back birds. —— vox was an outlier. i’m election they were going back birds. -- vox was an outlier.— -- vox was an outlier. i'm 'ust lookin: -- vox was an outlier. i'm 'ust looking at fl -- vox was an outlier. i'm 'ust looking at the i -- vox was an outlier. i'm 'ust looking at the results i -- vox was an outlier. i'm just looking at the results from - -- vox was an outlier. i'm just looking at the results from the national— looking at the results from the national broadcaster. the hard right vox party _ national broadcaster. the hard right vox party appeared to be in third place. _ vox party appeared to be in third place. that— vox party appeared to be in third place, that is what we are expecting. they are the third biggest — expecting. they are the third biggest party in spain's parliament. they did _ biggest party in spain's parliament. they did make a breakthrough five years— they did make a breakthrough five years ago— they did make a breakthrough five years ago in that european election. it looks_ years ago in that european election. it looks like — years ago in that european election. it looks like they have made some gains _ it looks like they have made some gains according to these polls, not the kind _ gains according to these polls, not the kind of— gains according to these polls, not the kind of really spectacular gains we might— the kind of really spectacular gains we might be seen from other heart i’ilht we might be seen from other heart right parties across europe. nonetheless, consolidating their position— nonetheless, consolidating their position as spain's third party. elsewhere, not many big surprises. it is elsewhere, not many big surprises. it is the _ elsewhere, not many big surprises. it is the two — elsewhere, not many big surprises. it is the two big parties, these socialists _ it is the two big parties, these socialists of prime minister pedro sanchez— socialists of prime minister pedro sanchez which appears to be vying for first _ sanchez which appears to be vying for first place with the conservative people's party. going into this _ conservative people's party. going into this election campaign, i think the people's party really saw this -- was _ the people's party really saw this —— was really hoping for a big win against _ —— was really hoping for a big win against the — —— was really hoping for a big win against the socialists. as we got closer— against the socialists. as we got closer and — against the socialists. as we got closer and closer to election day, they started to soar of know work then it's — they started to soar of know work then it's petitions on the right, and the — then it's petitions on the right, and the conservative started to say, if we are _ and the conservative started to say, if we are with the job of the socialist, _ if we are with the job of the socialist, that would be a reasonable result. because the campaign really didn't go but equally— campaign really didn't go but equally well for the leader of the conservative people's party. it looks— conservative people's party. it looks as — conservative people's party. it looks as though those two parties are very— looks as though those two parties are very close, according to these polls _ are very close, according to these polls i_ are very close, according to these potts i have — are very close, according to these polls i have been looking at, with vox in _ polls i have been looking at, with vox in third — polls i have been looking at, with vox in third place, then you have the catatah— vox in third place, then you have the catalan nationalists on the left comihg _ the catalan nationalists on the left comihg ih — the catalan nationalists on the left coming in behind him. i the catalan nationalists on the left coming in behind him.— the catalan nationalists on the left coming in behind him. i think hugh schofield has _ coming in behind him. i think hugh schofield hasjust _ coming in behind him. i think hugh schofield hasjust popped - coming in behind him. i think hugh schofield hasjust popped up - coming in behind him. i think hugh schofield hasjust popped up from | schofield has just popped up from paris. theirfirst schofield has just popped up from paris. their first exit polls are imminent. we know that marine le pen and the national rally were at record levels, over 30%. what do the exit polls show tonight? that record levels, over 3096. what do the exit polls show tonight?— exit polls show tonight? that is no surrise exit polls show tonight? that is no surprise and _ exit polls show tonight? that is no surprise and a _ exit polls show tonight? that is no surprise and a big _ exit polls show tonight? that is no surprise and a big surprise, - exit polls show tonight? that is no surprise and a big surprise, in - exit polls show tonight? that is no surprise and a big surprise, in a i surprise and a big surprise, in a sense that the poles were correct, almost to a decimal point. 32% is what they are giving... 0ne almost to a decimal point. 32% is what they are giving... one in the people who turned out to that, more than double the emmanuel macron candidate, who came in at 15%. behind her, these socialists. no surprise. but of course at the same time, one has to sort of take stock and say wow. this is such a huge progress for the party. no longer can one begin to refer to them as some kind of marginalforce, kind of existing because of some whims of the electorate. it is there, and it is there for good. it is representing a huge chunk of the population now. even though it won the last two european elections, let's not forget it came first with in 2014 and 2019. still, to get 30%, that really shows how much politics has changed in france and in europe as a whole. fill]? has changed in france and in europe as a whole-— as a whole. guy hedgecoe, damien mcguinness. _ as a whole. guy hedgecoe, damien mcguinness, hugh _ as a whole. guy hedgecoe, damien mcguinness, hugh schofield- - as a whole. guy hedgecoe, damien| mcguinness, hugh schofield- thank mcguinness, hugh schofield— thank you very much for that. a little murmuring through the room as those results from france came in. 0ur europe editor, katya adler, is here in the hemicyle with me. 1000 journalists from all around the world here watching these elections. why are they important to? there may be some people around the continent who are a bit sniffy about the european parliament. what does it tell you about politics in this continent. tell you about politics in this continent-— tell you about politics in this continent. ~ . ., ., , , continent. we are already seeing from these _ continent. we are already seeing from these exit _ continent. we are already seeing from these exit polls _ continent. we are already seeing from these exit polls the - continent. we are already seeing from these exit polls the trend i continent. we are already seeing i from these exit polls the trend that was predicted, where at the right and at the heart of might do well in these elections, and it appears to be coming true. —— the hard right. i predict it will be some quite sensationalist media in at the coming days about the far right being on the march in europe and all of that. although these votes are about an eu institution, the european parliament says it is the most democratic arm of the eu, because eu citizens can look for the meps to represent them here in lawmaking. however, if you are sitting in barcelona, the meps to represent them here in lawmaking. however, if you are sitting in barcelona, or prior, or budapest, day. that is why a lot of eu citizens use these elections to send a message you have themes across europe, you have voters worried about the cost of living crisis, worried about how much environmental reforms are going to cost them as well. they are worried about migration and they are sending that message. taste migration and they are sending that messaue. ~ .., migration and they are sending that messaue. ~ .. ., , migration and they are sending that messaue.~ ., , , message. we can really see with the greens, message. we can really see with the greens. they — message. we can really see with the greens. they are _ message. we can really see with the greens, they are haemorrhaging - message. we can really see with the i greens, they are haemorrhaging votes all across europe. i greens, they are haemorrhaging votes all across europe.— all across europe. i think was interesting — all across europe. i think was interesting is _ all across europe. i think was interesting is that _ all across europe. i think was interesting is that jen - all across europe. i think was interesting is that jen said, i all across europe. i think was i interesting is that jen said, the interesting is thatjen said, the millennials are lending their votes to the hard right as well. this is clearly a trend, and it is something we are seeing in europe reflected on a national level. the other thing when we have the sensationalist headlines, we have to bear in mind the fact that what goes on in this chamber is who are your friends. the parties are not the heart right, the nationalists are right or far right, though they all sit together in a mega— group? they don't. are they on the same amount on every subject? they are not. but i think over the years they have become more mature and canny on how they can operate in this department. we don't agree or ukraine, uk, we willagree this department. we don't agree or ukraine, uk, we will agree to differ on that. we will work on migration... 0ra on that. we will work on migration... or a certain policies, thatis migration... or a certain policies, that is where you will see their influence, but not on all i think. considering what has happened to the greens, the reaction on the right to this green backlash we have seen across europe. this parliament will take us almost up to 2030. the scientist tell us this is the most decisive decade. are we going to have a parliament here that does not go as far on regulations, that let business off the hook? the go as far on regulations, that let business off the hook?— go as far on regulations, that let business off the hook? the eu is very proud _ business off the hook? the eu is very proud about _ business off the hook? the eu is very proud about environmentall very proud about environmental reforms, it was to be a world leader. actually, just a month and a half ago, they set really ambitious emissions targets for 2014. at the same time, you couldn't move in brussels because tractors all over the eu had come here, saying we had at national and eu legislation that is putting us out of business and you have got to listen to us. because there was a nervousness about these elections, you saw a running back of environmental reforms, or itjust making them a lot vaguer, click on the use of pesticides, for example. i think that you will still set ambitious targets, but pressure in this chamber will mean that the difficult details might be vague and put down your boot into eu fashion. if you don't have voters behind you... look at germany. it was a heating issue, heat pumps were too expensive for the average person when there is a cost of living crisis. if the voters about pay and they punish their politicians, that they are going to send you kind of messages we are seeing here today.— send you kind of messages we are seeing here today. polls closing in these countries _ seeing here today. polls closing in these countries we _ seeing here today. polls closing in these countries we have _ seeing here today. polls closing in these countries we have got - seeing here today. polls closing in | these countries we have got behind us here. you can see some of the estimate starting to pop up on the big screen behind me. but we will go out late tonight, we will get a final projection on the parliament until after 11 o'clock european time when the polls in italy will close. 10% of the seats belong to italy so they have a big bearing on that projection. we will be back with an hour—long special programme in brussels, dojoin us hour—long special programme in brussels, do join us for that. as christian said, he is following the selection for us live. 0f as christian said, he is following the selection for us live. of course you can follow all the latest results online as well. two events in the middle east now. benny gantz — one of the most senior members of the israeli war cabinet, which was set up after the hamas attack last october — has resigned from the group. he had threatened to stand down, unless he felt there was a post—war plan for gaza — with a deadline set for yesterday. he told reporters that he wasn't satisfied — and this is the moment he confirmed he was standing down. translation: unfortunately, netanyahu _ translation: unfortunately, netanyahu is _ translation: unfortunately, netanyahu is preventing - translation: unfortunately, netanyahu is preventing us i translation: unfortunately, | netanyahu is preventing us from approaching true victory, which is the justification for the painful ongoing price. this is why we quit these national unity government today come up with a heavy heart, yet we feel it is the right decision. we are now in the midst of a campaign that will impact the fate of israel generations ahead. in order to guarantee the true victory this coming fall, when it will be the anniversary of this disaster, we should go for elections and reach a new government. i call on a new government. i call on into two nettin i shoe— set a date for elections. nettin i shoe- set a date for elections-— nettin i shoe- set a date for elections. . �* , elections. that was benny gantz, art of elections. that was benny gantz, part of prime _ elections. that was benny gantz, part of prime minister— elections. that was benny gantz, i part of prime minister netanyahu's war cabinet, and his resignation from the government. the prime minister has reacted, in fact, he did so as benny gantz was speaking. i am going to translate it for you, it is in hebrew. israel is in an existential war on multiple fronts. benny, this is not the time to abandon the campaign. this is the time tojoin forces. abandon the campaign. this is the time to join forces. citizens of israel, we will continue until the victory and the achievement of all the goals of the war, primarily the release of all our hostages and the elimination of hamas. my daughter will remain open to any zionist party willing to shoulder the burden and help attain victory over our enemies and ensure the safety of our citizens. that was benjamin netanyahu's response to benny gantz standing down from his government. he has quit government in a live news conference. jon he has quit government in a live news conference. jon donnison is following events for us and was watching that live as well from israel. just put it into context, the significance of what benny gantz has done this evening. i the significance of what benny gantz has done this evening.— has done this evening. i don't think it was a shock _ has done this evening. i don't think it was a shock because _ has done this evening. i don't think it was a shock because he - has done this evening. i don't think it was a shock because he has - has done this evening. i don't think it was a shock because he has been threatening to resign for some time. he in fact was due to give a press conference yesterday, and postponed that when we got news of the raid in the centre of gaza taking place. it is not going to bring down the government of benjamin netanyahu, who still maintains his majority in the canet set. but what it does do, i guess it isolates mr netanyahu a little bit at a time he is calling for unity, and it removes a voice of experience and a more centrist voice from that war cabinet. you have to remember, the coalition cabinet is made up of people with very little experience. that cannot be said of benny gantz, who is a former army chief of staff, a former defence minister, and someone with a long history in the military at a time when israel is now at war. what it means is i think those further to the right are going to have more influence. i'mjust the right are going to have more influence. i'm just saying that mr benn kavi has requested that he himself be allowed to join the war cabinet. himself be allowed to 'oin the war cabinet. ., , ., ., ., , , cabinet. there was a lot of build-up in terms of — cabinet. there was a lot of build-up in terms of the _ cabinet. there was a lot of build-up in terms of the response _ cabinet. there was a lot of build-up in terms of the response to - cabinet. there was a lot of build-up in terms of the response to this - cabinet. there was a lot of build-up in terms of the response to this in i in terms of the response to this in local press, describing it that if you were to resign he would be very happy, we now know that benny gantz has done that. there were other names, you have galant, another former military chief as well. he had also spoken about possibly standing down? he had also spoken about possibly standing down?— had also spoken about possibly standin: down? ., ., , , standing down? he had done, yes. it is not clear— standing down? he had done, yes. it is not clear at — standing down? he had done, yes. it is not clear at the _ standing down? he had done, yes. it is not clear at the moment _ standing down? he had done, yes. it is not clear at the moment but - standing down? he had done, yes. it is not clear at the moment but that i is not clear at the moment but that he will do, that remains to be seen. he would be the removal of another very experienced voice, long military experience. at a time of course when israel is at war. taste course when israel is at war. we will find out _ course when israel is at war. we will find out what happens next. benny gantz of the national centrist party has stepped down from benjamin netanyahu's had the net. mr netanyahu's had the net. mr netanyahu has responded, saying, "benny, this is not the time to abandon the campaign. this is the time tojoin forces.". abandon the campaign. this is the time to join forces.". more on this as we get reactions and the significance of this on bbc news. benny gantz, a former war chief. the wife of the radio and television presenter, michael mosley, has confirmed his body has been found, after he went missing on a greek island. search teams made the discovery close to a busy beach at agia marina, on the island of symi. the 67—year—old was last seen early on wednesday afternoon, when he went for a walk alone in a remote mountainous area. joe inwood reports. on a barren hillsidejust metres from the safety of the beach he had been heading for, the search for michael mosley finally came to an end. the greek authorities had worked so hard to find the missing broadcaster, they carefully prepared to move him. it was on that beach, agia marina, that the body which has now been identified as michael mosley was found. he was found lying just to the right side of that fence over there, really close to where people would have been relaxing and playing on this popular and busy beach. we spoke to a police officer who said that the body of michael mosley had been there for a number of days. but despite an extensive search and rescue operation — involving police, fire, helicopters, dogs, even members of the public — in the end he was found by accident. it has emerged a greek television crew were filming with the mayor, and only noticed the body in their shot when they got back to edit their pictures. translation: when we returned | here and the footage was prepared to send to athens, we spotted the body of the man. we informed the mayor and the authorities were immediately mobilised with the doctors. it was a sad end to a story that had begun, when michael mosley had left the beach on wednesday where he had been with his wife clare. he was picked up by a camera at a coffee shop, and then at a restaurant, here, and then finally, at the marina, before he walked out of town, heading towards agia marina. the death of michael mosley was confirmed by his wife, clare. she said... his disappearance and death has been felt keenly by the community of this small island, by the many people who appreciated and loved his work, but most of all by the family he leaves behind. narendra modi has taken the oath of office and has been sworn in for a third term as india's prime minister. he will lead a coalition government, after his hindu nationalist bjp failed to win enough seats in the general election to govern alone. thousands of guests attended the inauguration at delhi's presidential palace, including the heads of several neighbouring countries. 0ur south asia correspondent, yogita limaye, sent this update from delhi. narendra modi took the oath of office, along with dozens of ministers, in front of thousands of guests, including top leaders from many neighboring countries, at the president's house not far from here in delhi. now, this is an event that mr modi is more than familiar with, but what follows is uncharted territory for him. he's never had to be dependent on coalition allies to form a government before, even when he was regional chief minister. now, while the unity of the winning alliance is not at risk, already we are hearing murmurs of dissatisfaction from some alliance partners about ministerial positions. for the strongman leader, who is expected to sweep the election with another massive mandate, this is a major setback. the aura of invincibility that has surrounded him for the past ten years, that has been damaged. and going forward, it will be a test of new skills for mr modi when trying to push the bjp's agenda through, he will have to build consensus with his partners, he might have to get some of his opposition members on board sometimes, he will have to decide what concessions to make to his allies to keep them happy. but overall, what this moment will be seen as by many people is this almost absolute grip on power that his party, the bjp, seemed to enjoy in india for the past ten years, that seems to have been reined in by india's voters. this is bbc news. hello there, no signs of any hot, dry sunny weather on the horizon, things have been cold for the time of year for the last week or more, and it looks like this week ahead temperatures will be taking even more of a tumbler. it really will be quite chilly for this time injune. sunshine and showers for much of the week, may be somewhat dry weather for the middle of the week, but nights are going to continue to be on the chilly side. rain spreading across the country through tonight, some quite heavy across central, southern and eastern england for a while. when we have the cloud and at the rain, clear skies for scotland and northern ireland. into monday, low pressure sits up to scandinavia, feeding in northerly winds across the uk, making it feel cool for this time in june and are pushing in lots of showers to northern scotland. rain across eastern england and east anglia through the morning, taking the time to clear. then we have a bright day two day with sunshine and scattered showers. temperatures disappointing. monday night we hold on the showers, though they fade away through the overnight pier for many, though they continue or are in some northern coasts. central air and associate the sky is clear, so another chilly night. into tuesday, we still have a run of chilly in northerly winds, but an area of high pressure will start to topple and from the west, that should cool off a lot of the showers. it will be a bright and sunny start, but the cloud will build throughout the day and a few showers as well for central and eastern areas. temperatures ranging from 11—17 . wednesday, a ridge of high pressure will bring dry and settled weather. but from thursday onwards, low pressure stakes over and brings unsettled conditions to our shores. wednesday are not looking too bad. thursday and the island, temperatures recover a little bit but it is thought to become bitter once again. this is bbc news. the headlines... results are starting to come in from the eu elections, where 360 million voters were eligible to cast ballots. we await full projections for the new european parliament, but exit polls suggest far right parties are making gains. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is under pressure after a member of his war cabinet, benny gantz, quits and demands an election. the wife of tv and radio presenter michael mosley confirms his body has been found on the greek island of symi. and uk election campaigning continues. cabinet minister mel stride insists rishi sunak apologised unequivocally for leaving d—day events early and the labour party pledges to build more prisons. and narendra modi is sworn in as india's prime minister for a record—equalling third term. now on bbc news it's sportsday. hello. welcome along to this sunday sportsday on bbc news. i'm ben croucher. coming up...

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Schofield , Spain , Set , Guy Hedgecoe , Damien Mcguinness , I Damian , Madrid , Paris , Berlin , Story , Poll , Winner , Centre Right Conservativess , Result , Conservatives , Percentage , Five , 30 , Wasn T , Votes , Winners , Ones , Kind , Scandals , European , Protests , Predictions , Place , Cock A Hoop , Disaster , Role , Candidate , Centre , Stp Party , Lead , Sight , Chancellor , Evening , Peach , Governing Parties , Evaluation Node , Splits , Governing Coalition , Argumentative , Atmosphere , Mood , Referendum , Brel , Politics , Ruling Elite , Let S Go To Madrid , Benny Gantz , Catatah Vox , Vox , Outlier , Dust , Ust Lookin , Parliament , Breakthrough , Broadcaster , Hard Right Vox Party , Polls , Heart , Gains , It Looks , Socialists , Surprises , Prime Minister , Elsewhere , Position , Which , Pedro Sanchez , Two , Win , Conservative People S Party , Election Campaign , Against , Conservative , Petitions , Socialist , Job , Didn T Go , Leader , Looks , Potts , Left , Catalan Nationalists , Comihg , Theirfirst Schofield , Vox In , Popped Up , Hasjust , Schofield Hasjust , Comihg Ih , Surprise , Record Levels , Poles , Sense , Ai , Surrise , Big Exit Polls , Rally , 3096 , One , 32 , Course , Emmanuel Macron , 15 , Progress , Stock , Marginalforce , Electorate , Whims , Good , Chunk , Population , 2014 , Whole , Hugh , France , Thank Mcguinness , Journalists , All Around The World , Murmuring , Hemicyle , 0ur Europe Editor , Katya Adler , 1000 , Exit Continent , Media , Wall , Citizens , Meps , March , Institution , Arm , Democratic , Lot , Lawmaking , Oday , Barcelona , Budapest , Voters , Message , Immigration , Reforms , Cost , Crisis , Themes , Millennials , Interesting , Taste Migration , Messaue , Jen , Headlines , Something , Level , Thing , Mind , Fact , Nationalists , Chamber , Mega Group , Amount , Subject , Friends , Sit , Department , Policies , Influence , Uk , Thatis Migration , Ukraine , 0ra On That , Scientist , 2030 , Business , Hook , Regulations , Go , World Leader , Environmentall , Legislation , Emissions , Tractors , Couldn T Move , Us , Running Back , Lot Vaguer , Nervousness , Use , Itjust , Pressure , Details , Targets , Example , Pesticides , Fashion , Boot , Messages , Person , Heating Issue , Pay , Heat Pumps , Estimate , Projection , Bearing , 10 , 11 , Programme , Selection , Christian , Edo , 0f , Dojoin , Events , War Cabinet , Middle East , Hamas , Attack , Plan , Reporters , Gaza , Benjamin Netanyahu , Translation , Victory , Justification , Price , Government , Unity , Decision , Midst , Fate , Anniversary , Order , Israel Generations , Nettin I Shoe , Art , Part , Resignation , War , Benny , Fronts , Hebrew , Forces , Release , Achievement , Goals , Safety , Daughter , Elimination , Help , Enemies , Burden , Response , News Conference , Jon Donnison , Benny Gantz Standing , Shock , Significance , Context , Press Conference , News , Netanyahu , Majority , Canet Set , Experience , Voice , Coalition Cabinet , Centrist , Chief Of Staff , Military , Someone , Army , History , Cannot , Benn Kavi , I Mjust , Build Up , Terms , Cabinet , Press , Oin The War Cabinet , Military Chief , Names , Galant , Yes , Taste Course , Removal , Standin , Net , National Centrist Party , Reactions , Tojoin Forces , Forces , Body , Michael Mosley , Wife , Island , Bbc News , Greek , Radio , Television Presenter , Discovery , Search Teams , Beach , Area , Agia Marina , Walk , Symi , Joe Inwood , Barren Hillsidejust , 67 , Authorities , Search , End , Side , Fence , Police Officer , Police , Number , Helicopters , Dogs , Fire , Search And Rescue , Mayor , Accident , Filming , Pictures , In The End , Television Crew , Footage , Oman , Doctors , Athens , Marina , Coffee Shop , Restaurant , Camera , Town , Clare , Death , Most , Disappearance , Work , Family , Felt , Community , Small Island , Term , Nationalist , Coalition Government , Bjp , Narendra Modi , Oath Of Office , Hindu , Guests , Inauguration , Update , Heads , Thousands , Yogita Limaye , Delhi , Presidential Palace , 0ur South Asia , Modi , President S House , Event , Allies , Ministers , Leaders , Front , Dozens , Territory , Partners , Chief Minister , Strongman Leader , Alliance , Setback , Positions , Risk , Dissatisfaction , Mandate , Hearing Murmurs , Laura , Skills , Invincibility , Test , Agenda Through , Ten , Consensus , Opposition Members , Concessions , Grip , Power , Temperatures , More , Signs , Things , Tumbler , Horizon , Cold , Showers , Weather , Country , Sunshine , Middle , Rain Spreading , Time Injune , Central , Cloud , Feeding , The Rain , Scandinavia , Southern And Eastern England , Scotland , Northern Ireland , Clear Skies , Winds , Lots , Feel , Rain Across Eastern England , Northern Scotland , East Anglia , Many , Sky , Coasts , Pier , Hair , High Pressure , West , Run , Areas , The Cloud , Bridge , Conditions , Dover , Shores , Wednesday , Making Gains , Projections , Ballots , Election Campaigning , Member , Radio Presenter , Tv , Prisons , Mel Stride , Labour Party , D Day , Rishi Sunak , It S Sportsday , Coming Up , Sunday Sportsday , Ben Croucher ,

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