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Have been several incidents like this. Take a look at this one, this is a small fire in a different Polling Station here. This isjust the first day three days of voting. First lets look at the contenders also on ballot. They havent criticsed putin and they havent got a realistic chance of winning. Nikolay kharitonov of the Communist Party a political veteran. Vladislav davankov of the new people party former businessperson, relative newcomer. Leonid slutsky of the right wing, nationalist liberal democratic party. Remember putins main opposition figure, alexei navalny, died last month in a russian prison. His team have asked supporters to come out and demonstrate at Polling Stations on sunday. Here are the details of the days vote with our russia editor steve rosenberg. Russias democracy is the best in the world, the kremlin says. And at Polling Station 38 in moscow, we found a choice of candidates and plenty of voters. Democracy in action, right . Not quite. Realistically, only one man can win this. The man whos been on russias political stage for the last quarter of a century, Vladimir Putin, faces no serious challenger. His fiercest rivals are in exile or in prison in the west. But not that ala, whose son is fighting in ukraine, wants any change at the top. Of course i voted for putin, she says. I trust him. But not everyone who came out today was actually voting. This, one of a string of attacks on Polling Stations across russia. Theyre unprecedented. After chaotic scenes here, what does it do . An arsonist is detained and green ink poured into a ballot box. The authorities called the attackers scum. Some voters were greeted with a show. Well, its one way to bang the drum for russian elections. There is voting, too, in parts of ukraine which are under russian occupation. What russia calls its new territories. The Ukrainian Government called the election here illegal. Polls close on sunday night. Expect a putin landslide. Unpredictability is very much a feature of life now in russia, but that does not apply to elections. The political system here is built around one man, Vladimir Putin, and the kremlin tightly controls that system, including elections. So mr putins re election is not in doubt. And neither is the message the kremlin will be sending after this, that Vladimir Putin has the full support of his people. Steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. We have these pictures of Vladimir Putin himself voting. He didnt vote at a Polling Station, he was voting online here as you can see. A click of the mouse and then a wave. I spoke to vladimir arshukov, executive director at the anti corru ption foundation. He told me what he made of the scenes on day one of voting. Well, lets start with the funniest one of mr putin voting through an electronic system. He managed to do it in one click where anybody who is familiar with the system knows that you need to log into your personal cabinet. You need to get verified through an sms. Get it on your mobile phone and put the eight digits into your computer and then look at the candidates and do the voting. It takes minutes. Its not done in one click. So its all staged. And this can be said notjust about just the footage of putin voting, but the whole elections overall. What about the. The scene is instant at Polling Stations of people putting dieting. I want to stress, of course, a vast country. Lots of people voting and lots of voting and Polling Stations taking place with no events at all. But there have been these small number of incidents. What do they represent to you . Its dangerous to raise your voice against the war against putin and his dictatorship in todays russia. People get arrested for posts on social media or for going to protests with just a blank piece of paper. So the courageous people that want to show to the russian authorities, to the whole world, that not all is well in putins kingdom, only give us encouragement and my heart goes out to them for their bravery. On sunday, alexei navalny� s team calling for people to go to Polling Stations and demonstrate and show their presence. What are you expecting on sunday . I dont know whether youve just lost sound there. You look like you can. Youre frantically regaining us. Yeah, just to say, weve got alexei navalny� s team asking people to come out on sunday, go down to Polling Stations to make their presence felt there. What are you expecting to happen on sunday . Indeed. This is a low Risk Activity for people to come to the Polling Station and on a particular day, on particular time. And some of them will vote. Some of them will be too. They wouldnt do it. Dont want to participate in this farce and they will just gather there. And its a perfectly legitimate way to. For anti war and to putin people to gather around Polling Stations and to look at each other and to show that the there is a significant number of people who are against putin and the war. So its notjust our Opposition Group thats calling for it. Its a common theme across almost all russian opposition. Thanks for that. Now we are going to head to ukraine. A Russian Missile strike which hit the city of 0desa thats according to emergency officials. Local Authorities Say death toll now at 20, with 75 injured. Heres our correspondent in kyiv, sarah rainsford. The numbers are really pretty high. I mean, were talking about 20 people whove been killed now. We know in this attack and dozens of people injured, some of them, we understand, to be seriously injured, some a0 or so still in hospital after this attack. Now, what actually happened was two missiles hit 0desa today. The first one hit a residential area. Its been described as civilian housing, certainly. And some kind of recreational infrastructure is how the authorities are describing it. And when Rescue Workers went in to the scene to look for people, look for casualties, to put out the fire, then there was another russian Ballistic Missile strike on the same spot. And we know that at least one Rescue Worker was killed. In fact, the rescue Emergency Services have have named him and they said hes a 29 year old man who was killed. There was also a ukrainian medic who was killed, also trying to help people at the scene of that missile strike. Thanks to sarah for that. Now the latest on russia post war in ukraine. Europes leaders havent exactly been united with their messaging in recent weeks. Emmanuel macron, has said he would not rule out deploying western troops , a suggestion that was strongly rejected by the german chancellor, 0laf scholz. Now, meeting in berlin, european allies have agreed a mechanism to supply kyiv with long range artillery. A shortage of weapons, and ammunition in particular, has been blamed for russian advances in the war. Lets hear from the leaders. Translation we stand closely by ukraines side. We have made this clear from the beginning, and this is true for as long as it takes. Its clear we support ukraine and it is also clear that we are not ourselves at war with russia. A common aim is and remains to ensure ukraine can effectively defend itself against russias aggression. A Crystal Clear signal, goes to moscow. The russian president must know that our support for ukraine will not ebb. We stand united by ukraines side. Thank you. Translation its our future, our security,. Which is at stake in ukraine. We are doing this out of solidarity for the people of ukraine whose territorial integrity is being threatened. We are doing this to defend international law, and we are doing it because the security of europeans and of others is at stake in ukraine. It is with this determination that we want to oppose the War Of Aggression launched by russia. I spoke to our correspondent jessica parker, who is in berlin. I mean, there was sort of three or four points that 0laf schulz, the german chancellor, announced along with the others in terms of, i think what theyre trying to say are concrete steps. So buy more weapons on the global market, looking at this coalition for long range weapons as well, boosting Military Gear Production in europe as well. But it was all pretty vague, to be honest with you. Sounds good on paper if you think that europe should be boosting Arms Production and buying more weapons for ukraine. But not a lot of detail behind that. And look, i think as well, in terms of what this meeting was supposed to achieve, yes, it got those three men in a room to talk about a ukraine at a really crucial moment. Of course, that us package of support still held up, but i think it was also a bit of a pr exercise. I dont know if you saw the Triple Handshake that 0lav scholz, Emmanuel Macron and the polish Prime Minister, donald tusk did. But it was very vigorous and prolonged. And i think theyre really trying to send this message of unity after a few weeks, as you were mentioning, where there have been some real mixed messages, particularly coming out of paris and berlin and even some barbed exchanges as well. So i think they were looking to repair some of that damage and looking slightly further ahead. What kind of difference does this show of unity make . Does that increase in supply . How big is the shortfall . How big is ukraines need right now . Its really difficult to say in terms of what was decided today will make in terms of a difference because the meeting happened behind closed doors. And as i say, what we got in these Press Statements and there were no questions that journalists were allowed to ask, it was all quite vague. But we know that ukraine is facing a crucial Ammunition Shortage at the moment, which europe has been trying to scramble to help to provide. And a lot of the conversation thats going on at the moment is how does europe boost its Industrial Base . And a German Defence company chief i spoke to recently said he thought it would be ten years before europe could be in a position of Self Reliance in terms of Arms Production. And i think thats the other really important point here is that the us aid package for ukraine is held up and people are looking ahead to the us elections later this year. And given some of the things that the republican hopeful donald trump has said, there are fears in europe that the nato� s Transatlantic Military Alliance is going to be undermined and therefore the role of countries like france and germany, two big economies in europe, germany, of course, the eus biggest economy, not to mention poland as well. Their relationship and their ability to come together and make europe more self reliant is seen as very crucial. And so its not very good when the two leaders of france and germany are that real engine of europe dont appear to be getting on. Still to come on The World Today President Biden praises Senate Leader Chuck Schumer for his Speech Calling for elections in israel. Arctic sea ice is shrinking. Well look at a possible new way to stop it. Around the world and across the uk. This is The World Today on bbc news. Lets look at some other stories making news. Labour have accused rishi sunak of � chickening out� of announcing the date of the next general election. The Prime Minister had ruled out holding an election on the second of may, the same day as local elections in england, and previously said his Working Assumption is that an election would be in the second half of the year. Mps will get a 5. 5 pay rise from april , meaning their annual salary will increase to over £91,000 pounds. The independent Parliamentary Standards Authority says the decision was in line with the award recently agreed for senior civil servants, adding that it aims to be fair. Both for mps and the public. Food Delivery Firm hellofresh denies taking subscriptions from customers who say they had cancelled their accounts. Some customers say their accounts reactivated with money taken for orders they had not made. They believe thatjust logging on to the app reactivated their accounts. But hellofresh says money was taken only when customers made a quote Proactive Decision to do so. There are signs of growing disquiet in the Biden Administration at the lack of progress in halting the conflcit between israel and hamas. Secretary of state Antony Blinken has said the United States needs to see a clear plan for israels proposed assault on rafah, including how civilians will be moved out harms way. In washington, President Biden has praised a speech made by the us Senate Leader Chuck Schumer, in which he said the israeli Prime Minister was a threat to peace and called for new elections. Amid the us pressure, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus office has said israel will send a delegation to qatar for peace talks. All this as a ship carrying Food Supplies for gaza is waiting off the coast, in a test run of what is hoped will become a new route for aid into the territory. Here are the pictures of that aid that has just arrived. According to the us charity, world central kitchen, the ship contained 130 pallets of humanitarian equipment, 115 tonnes of food and water, which will be distributed to the northern gaza strip, the vessel underwent a comprehensive Security Inspectio according to the Israeli Military. Cyprus, the nearest European Union member country to gaza, has said a second, bigger vessel is being prepared. Lets start with those comments by Antony Blinken about wanting to see a plan for israels proposed move into rafah. President biden has been very clear that given the large number of civilians in in rafah, abouti. 4 million, many of whom, as the Foreign Minister said, have been displaced from other parts of gaza. We have to see a clear and implementable plan not only to get civilians out of harms way, but also to make sure that once out of harms way, theyre appropriately cared for, with shelter, with food, with medicine, with clothing. And weve not yet seen such a plan. That apparent change in tone by the United States has been underlined by President Biden. Hes said criticisms of israels Prime Minister by the us Senate Leader Chuck Schumer, are shared by many americans. Do you have any comments around senator schumers Speech On Israel yesterday . Senator schumer contacted my staff, my senior staff, he was going to make that speech. And he. Im not going to elaborate on the speech, he made a good speech and i think he expressed a serious concern shared notjust by him but by many americans. I spoke to an ambassador in america. We can all see that the negotiations are continuing. The statements of israel cast a doubt of the ability to move forward. We certainly understand that hamas� s position containable, as it is rose, yes they continue to talk. This is a testament to the importance of diplomacy. I would testament to the importance of diplomacy. Iwould not testament to the importance of diplomacy. I would not be surprised, i dont think any of us should, to find a way forward through this diplomatic efforts. There is support from the United States, partners in the region, and concurrent pressure on both sides. There was pressure on both sides to get this deal done by the start of ramadan. The start of ramadan. President biden even the start of ramadan. President biden even suggested the start of ramadan. President biden even suggested an the start of ramadan. President biden even suggested an earlier deadline. Both have come and gone, yet you remain optimistic . I do. Diplomacy yet you remain optimistic . I do. Diplomacy is yet you remain optimistic . I do. Diplomacy is never yet you remain optimistic . I do. Diplomacy is never easy. Yet you remain optimistic . I do. Diplomacy is never easy. That. Yet you remain optimistic . I do. Diplomacy is never easy. That is yet you remain optimistic . I gr diplomacy is never easy. That is why it does take time, and recognising that we, the world, in a position watching these two sides fight for maximum position, is because its less than what they can point to a success, victory, its likely to undermine their position of remaining in power. Certainly with the israeli Prime Minister, its widely understood that if the war continues from his perspective, its because theres so much pressure on him with israelis having lost confidence in him because of the october at seven fight attack. And from the hamas side, this is having a devastating impact on palestinians in the gaza strip, and the wider arena of conflict with israel. They have to have something to point to, it is not easy, it is deeply complex, and therefore it is taking time. , ~. , time. Right now, the white house spokesperson time. Right now, the white house spokesperson is time. Right now, the white house spokesperson is addressing time. Right now, the white house spokesperson is addressing these | spokesperson is addressing these issues, particularly by thes attraction of speech. The administration attraction of speech. The administration into attraction of speech. The administration into speedy. And the other administration into speedy. And the other side of that confirmation, what are the other side of that confirmation, what are his the other side of that confirmation, what are his next steps . When does he arrive what are his next steps . When does he arrive irr what are his next steps . When does he arrive in haiti, what does it look he arrive in haiti, what does it look like he arrive in haiti, what does it look like in he arrive in haiti, what does it look like in the day is coming forward . Look like in the day is coming forward . �. Look like in the day is coming forward . ,. , forward . After a feed to my colleagues forward . After a feed to my colleagues in forward . After a feed to my colleagues in the forward . After a feed to my colleagues in the state forward . After a feed to my colleagues in the State Department on the investors travel plans. I have no doubt he will want to get down there as soon as possible and get started. He is of sea eager to get started. He is of sea eager to get confirmed. We are really grateful that he got confirmed, to make a big difference that their foot up the State Department can speak to that. As for sure, the commitments, and i do believe. We have a shared commitment with the haitian people, and with a Haiti National police. We need to make sure they have what they need. Clearly taking questions and a number of issues, moving off the issue of israel and gaza a couple of moments ago, he was saying we havent seen a raffle plan. We would like it, to answer questions. We will keep a cross that, and if and when any more news lines come out of that press conference, we will turn to it. Attempt to stop the sea ice from melting. Spraying it with salt water. Heres our science correspondent palab ghosh. Its such a simple idea that its surprising that no ones tried it before. The team here are pumping sea water on top of the ice so that it freezes and thickens. The aim is to stop, maybe even reverse the loss of Arctic Sea Ice caused by climate change. We are pumping around 1000 liters per minute of sea water. Today well add an extra layer, so well add probably another 5 10 centimeters of Ice Thickness in this area. This was the extent of the Arctic Sea Ice in september 1979. A sharp decline since then is alarming. So could thickening the ice stop this trend . If not polar bears and other arctic Sea Creatures will lose their homes, and the rest of the world will be worse off because the sea ice is the Air Conditioning System for the entire planet. This is the center for climate repair. Researchers here are assessing whether the Ice Thickening will work and can be implemented across the arctic in a way thats affordable and practical. If we just allow the sea ice to go, the arctic ocean becomes one of our greatest Heat Absorbers rather than one of our greatest heat reflectors. We let it go. Things are going to get even worse. Weve got to try and fix that. His team is also working with australian researchers who tried to reduce temperatures by Spraying Salt Particles into the clouds to make them brighter. And so reflecting the suns heat back into space. The idea of repairing the climate is a controversial one. If you can fix the damage so the argument goes, then its a green light for countries not to reduce their emissions quickly enough. But the researchers here believe that the situation is so dire that theres no alternative but to do both. If we stop doing efforts and we will leave it as it is, then we will for sure result in a really, really bad scenario. So are you personally optimistic . Yes. Thats why im working here. Thats why im doing this research, of course. And i want to be optimistic. The researchers expect to know by next year whether their Ice Thickening has the potential to fix the arctic and by a little more time to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions. Palat ghosh, bbc news. Just take new to the us, with Breaking News coming out of georgia. We have covered some of the Court Cases Regarding donald trump. Nathan wade resigned from that team. The background is that a judge said that if he resigned or if willis resigned, they had a relationship, then everything could continue, but one or other had to resign in order, basically, to restore the credibility of the case. We are now being told from our colleagues at cbs news, that he has resigned. Nathan wade. As a reminder, the prosecutors in Donald Trumps Election Fraud cases was told that you can stay on the trial if the lawyer you had a relationship with crates full stop that was the decision of the judge. It seems now that that lawyer, nathan wade who she had a relationship with, it has resigned from the case. Donald trump and his Co Defendants had tried to get willis disqualified, saying her relationship with nathan wade who she hired has compromised the integrity of the case. A judge described that and said it created appearance of impropriety. In the last few minutes, we have heard that nathan wade has resigned from the case. This is bbc news. Hello. Weve seen some cloud and some rain across most parts of the uk today, but that cloud has slowly but surely been breaking. And, as the skies continue to clear overnight tonight, its going to get quite cold in fact, itll be a frosty start to the weekend for some. By the end of the weekend, though, we will flip our fortunes, it will feel much milder. Along the way, well see some spells of rain, but also some spells of sunshine. So, weve had quite a lot of cloud today, showers or longer spells of rain, but all tending to Drift Away Eastwards and notice this clear gap. So, through tonight, largely clear, starry skies, bit of cloud just plaguing these eastern coasts for a time. 1 2 showers in northern scotland, cloud, and some rain into the southwest of england by the end of the night. But under those clear skies, therell be a few mist patches. Temperatures will drop away around or below freezing in places. So, yes, a cold and frosty start to saturday morning underneath this slice of clear weather, this ridge of high pressure. However, it wont last long because our next frontal system will already be approaching from the west. That will bring cloud, itll bring outbreaks of rain but, as it moves its way northwards and eastwards, it will introduce ever milder air. That process of mild air wafting northwards continues through saturday and on into Saturday Night, actually. But for saturday daytime, cloud and some splashes of Rain Spitting Across Western Parts Northern Ireland likely to see the heaviest of the rain, then getting into southwest scotland. Further north and east, holding on to some increasingly hazy sunshine. These are the temperatures by the middle of tomorrow afternoon. But for some spots in the north of the uk, those temperatures will rise even further through Saturday Night this frontal system bringing some quite heavy rain eastwards, with that feed of south westerly winds continuing. So let me show you the temperatures for Sunday Morning compared with saturday morning, starting on a frosty note, Sunday Morning, starting in double figures for quite a few places. There will be a band of rain to clear away from eastern parts, then well see the cloud breaking to some extent to give some spells of sunshine, scattered showers out towards the west. But temperatures on sunday afternoon northeast scotland, up to 15 16 celsius, it may be that Eastern England gets to 16 17. Very mild indeed, even feeling warm in any sunshine. Into next week, still some changeable conditions, rain at times, some spells of sunshine. But broadly speaking, were expecting it to stay mild. This is The World Today from bbc news, the headlines. The first images of aid arriving by boat to gaza are released. Meanwhile, Benjamin Netanyahu approves plans for a military operation in rafah. The National Crime agency is brought in to help invesigate a Funeral Directors in hull police have received more than 1,500 calls from people worried about their relatives ashes. And we take a look at the incredible images from this years British Wildlife photography awards. Youre watching The World Today, im lewis vaughanjones. The Israeli Military says it has investigated claims that its forces opened fire on crowds awaiting aid trucks in gaza city on thursday and found them to be false. The Hamas Run Health Ministry said that at least 20 people were killed and more than 150 injured in the incident at the citys kuwait roundabout. The idf has blamed palestinian gunmen firing on civilians, some of whom it says were trying to loot the vehicles. Bbc verify� s Merlyn Thomas has been looking into the reports. There have been reports of a deadly incident last

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