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but on paper, the deal secured in dubai this morning is hugely significant. for the first time ever, there is language and a commitment to move away from fossil fuels. its impact, of course, will depend in large part on whether the signatories actually take steps to implement what they have agreed in the coming decade. after all, some of those countries included the united states, australia, canada, norway, who right now are expanding their already significant oil and gas production. there are many who had wanted a strongerform of words — particularly the smaller island states, who are already facing the consequences of a warming planet. from dubai, our climate editor justin rowlatt sent this report. we waited and we waited, and then... hearing no objection, it is so decided. ..with the bang of a gavel, the deal was done. applause and it got a standing ovation. so the hammer has just gone down here in dubai, and that is the fastest that an agreement text has ever been agreed. the president, dr sultan aljaber, he's calling this an historic agreement, but it is hedged around with questions and doubts. it calls on countries to contribute to ambitious actions to tackle climate change. now, i could do a single plate and claim to have contributed to doing the washing up, but would you consider that i had really pulled my weight? the president of these talks was in no doubt how important it was. now we can truly say that we united and we acted and truly delivered. there was support from many countries, especially richer nations. to have as strong a document as has been put together, i find, is cause for optimism, cause for gratitude, and cause for some significant congratulations to everybody here. and congratulations from saudi arabia, too, which had pushed hard to weaken the commitment. small island states are on the front line of climate change. many of their representatives were not in the room when the hammer went down and they were not happy today. there is a litany of loopholes, they said, and it won't do enough to tame climate change. the course correction that is needed has not been secured. _ what we really needed - is an exponential step change in our actions and support. that got a bigger round of applause than the president's speech. but the consensus does appear to be that this is a significant step forward. that is certainly the view of mr aljaber. this is a historic, historic, landmark, game changing agreement. only time will tell. thank you. he told delegates today that now the deal is done, it is up to them. they need to go back to their countries and take action on climate change. that is how the promise of this agreement will be delivered. asjustin suggests, the language in this climate agreement, which is always carefully crafted, still gives the fossil fuel producers space to keep working, and this is not the first time the cop has delivered ambitious language. the question always is does it translate into meaningful change. here's our analysis editor ros atkins. the idea of an annual global climate summit was first established in rio in 1992. it was there that countries agreed on the ambition of stabilising emissions. five years later in kyoto, the first target to cut emissions was set although the us opted out. then in copenhagen in 2009, hopes were high of a new deal. at the talks ended in failure and frustration. and afterwards, the un's bank immune noted, it will take more than climate change. there was a lot more in paris in 2015. there was a new common goal for all countries to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees above preindustrial levels, and ideally 1.5. we came together around the strong agreement the world needed. the paris agreement improved reporting of emissions and also drew some shifts in climate policy. further progress was made in glasgow in 2021 although some were disappointed that words were not stronger and by 2022, the un secretary—general said... and while there is often a gap between commitments at the summit and the actions that follow, these gatherings do bring a regular global focus on climate and sometimes that can shift the global approach. at this cop in dubai, countries have for the first time agreed to transition away from fossil fuels. this is new. but in the end, it's not words that impact the climate, it is actions, and the money to fund them, and you might wonder what impact all the past climate summits have. well, emissions were going up when the world met in rio in 1992 — they are still going up now, albeit more slowly because of global action that has been taken. which is why cop28�*s real significance will be decided by what follows this latest deal. let's bring in mark campanale, founder of the carbon tracker initiative. good to see you, are you a glass house full org glass half—empty person today? house full org glass half-empty person today?— house full org glass half-empty person today? coming back from cop28, i person today? coming back from com, i must— person today? coming back from com, | must say _ person today? coming back from com, | must say i'm _ person today? coming back from cop28, i must say i'm positive, | person today? coming back from i cop28, i must say i'm positive, i'm more glass half—full. it's not what everyone was asking for, but the key thing is that fossil fuels were really at the heart of discussions, leading up into the discussions of cop, looking back we can say this is a pivotal moment. it’s cop, looking back we can say this is a pivotal moment.— a pivotal moment. it's remarkable that we've — a pivotal moment. it's remarkable that we've had, _ a pivotal moment. it's remarkable that we've had, what, _ a pivotal moment. it's remarkable that we've had, what, 20 - a pivotal moment. it's remarkable that we've had, what, 20 odd - a pivotal moment. it's remarkable that we've had, what, 20 odd cop| that we've had, what, 20 odd cop summits and the elephant in the room has ever really been addressed, which is fossil fuels. has ever really been addressed, which is fossilfuels. so has ever really been addressed, which is fossil fuels. so the elephant is significant, it puts the fossil fuel industry unnoticed. how will markets and banks react to that, and most importantly, the shareholders?— that, and most importantly, the shareholders? when we last spoke about this, christian, _ shareholders? when we last spoke about this, christian, it _ shareholders? when we last spoke about this, christian, it was - shareholders? when we last spoke about this, christian, it was a - about this, christian, it was a couple years during the glasgow cop, we made the point that fossil fuels are not being discussed, and here we are not being discussed, and here we are just back from dubai and it's what everyone is talking about. the signals of the industries is this is an industry which is structurally in decline, you got the rise of renewable energy, the fact that electric vehicles are now 50% of sales in china. so that'll be a fundamental challenge to anybody investing in fossil fuels fundamental challenge to anybody investing in fossilfuels in fundamental challenge to anybody investing in fossil fuels in the future. this is an industry which is clearly entering into its endgame, renewables are already growing faster than fossil fuels, which will mean clean energy will win. now investors have got to act, we've got to deploy huge amounts of clean energy, we've got the build to deploy huge amounts of clean energy, we've got the build up to deploy huge amounts of clean energy, we've got the build up the grid notjust in the uk, where it's needed, but all over the world, it's about electrifying everything. if we can do that, that really will be the death knell for fossil fuels. can do that, that really will be the death knell forfossilfuels. the thing i heard today, and it's right, is that any government thinking they can hand out new oil and gas licenses or coal mining permits, anybody will be able to challenge them and say, "if you are a signatory to the paris agreement or committed to the dubai accords, then there's no grounds for any licensing for oil and gas." i'm expecting to see legal challenges with the uk handing out new licensed is. that's been the important _ handing out new licensed is. that's been the important point _ handing out new licensed is. that's been the important point you've i handing out new licensed is. that's been the important point you've made when we are at these summits, that we don't look at the sunk assets, the cost of business of investing more and more money in an asset that they won't be able to use or take out of the ground. i suppose in that sense, the language as you suggest is crucially important, because shareholders will be able to point to this and say that the government is a signatory on this, we have to take this much more seriously now. we do. carbon tracker door mike did a meeting with a major bank in dubai, then invited their investors to join the dubai, then invited their investors tojoin the discussion. and what i found, much to my surprise, is that these investors nor mike are very well—informed, they can see what's happening, the rise of companies like tesla and see that the oil and gas industry is really on this pivotal moment. you asked if i'm optimistic — the only thing i do express some concerns about is that transitioning away is not quite the same as phasing out or phasing down. it suggests that things could go slowly. i worry about the pacific island states, i worry about countries where 1.5 island states, i worry about countries where1.5 celsius is the absolute minimum of warming that they'll accept without a climate catastrophe. in a course next year will be looking for something a lot more ambitious than what we heard this time around. i'm optimistic we can, but we've got to remember particularly people in the global south that are on the receiving and of some of these events, whether it's storms are catastrophic winds or droughts, those are the ones we think about at this time. we have to remember... but think about at this time. we have to remember- - -— think about at this time. we have to remember... but the point you make about that time _ remember... but the point you make about that time -- _ remember... but the point you make about that time -- the _ remember... but the point you make about that time -- the next - remember... but the point you make about that time -- the next time, . about that time —— the next time, that's crucially what we should be focusing on because people need to see this as a progression, a progress report on how far we've come, and brazil into a 25 will be the point at which countries decide what they'll do up to 2035 and beyond. that's really the summit that will probably determine our future. so do you think this text lays the groundwork for brazil, does it change the thinking two years out such that come 2025, the ambition there will be that much greater? there will be ambition there, but the oil and gas industry is an industry which made hundreds of billions of pounds in excess profits the last 18 months. that money would've covered loss and damage multiple times over. we've got an industry which is extremely politically influential... plenty of lobb ists politically influential... plenty of lobbyists in _ politically influential... plenty of lobbyists in dubai, _ politically influential... plenty of lobbyists in dubai, right? - politically influential... plenty of lobbyists in dubai, right? look. politically influential... plenty of | lobbyists in dubai, right? look at that letter from _ lobbyists in dubai, right? look at that letter from the _ lobbyists in dubai, right? look at that letter from the opec - lobbyists in dubai, right? look at. that letter from the opec members that letter from the 0pec members saying everybody has to rally, the future of the fossil fuel industry is being challenged by the dubai roundtable, and itjust goes to show how much is at stake. so i think what i'm expecting from the brazil discussions is the door closing on the power of the fossil fuel politicians and that we can move past that then and talk about the new economy we are building. and what i want to see in brazil is some of these very successful business people who — elon musk turning up to the cop would be interesting, speaking about what this new future looks like — and actually thinking about what the world will be like, and renewable energy will be a lot cheaper, vehicles where you'll actually be selling energy into the grid. we have to describe that future and move past this rather sound democrats are politics of fossil fuel lobbyists. 200,000 politicians where they are then at delegations from the global south. that is certainly something to take a look at, a lot of people saying that. mark, we are out of time but it's good to have you on, having just returned from dubai, and we will focus a little more on cop through the course of the programme. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. let's look at some other stories making news. in the run—up to christmas, shoppers are being warned not to fall victim to scams, especially when buying items via social media. figures from the main high street banks suggest that nearly £100m is forecast to be stolen from thousands of victims during the festive period, with 25—3li—year—olds the most likely victims. the disability charity, sense, says a lack of skilled workers in the social care sector is putting vulnerable lives at risk. in england, the number of vacancies for home carers has more than doubled in the past ten years. the government says there was a 2% increase in the workforce last year. around eight million eligible households will receive a £299 cost—of—living payment in february, to help with higher bills. the payment for people on means—tested benefits will be made directly into bank accounts without the need to make a claim. a committee of mps recently questioned whether the payments were sufficient. you're live with bbc news. israel's foreign minister says his country will continue its war with hamas — with or without international support — after president biden warned yesterday that it risks losing support over its "indiscriminate" bombing of gaza. the un general assembly also voted overwhelmingly for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. the israeli army has released this video — showing combat operations in gaza city, which tells you there is significant fighting in the north. according to gaza's hamas—run health ministry, at least 50 people were killed in the latest air strikes. that takes the total killed in the past eight weeks to more than 18,600 by their calculations. witnesses say khan younis in the southern part of the strip is in ruins and now largely deserted. and the head of the palestinian refugee agency unrwa is warning that its capacity to render services in gaza is now on the verge of collapse. we will get some reaction to that later. joining me now from jerusalem is our correspondent hugo bachega. a line of news coming from america that i'd like to put to you, in light of what president biden was saying to donors yesterday, is coming from xes, suggesting that the americans will withhold the m—16s they were going to supply to israel, 20,000 us made rifles over their concerns that they are being used by israeli settlers in the west bank —— ask iyo sky. christian, i think this shows there is growing discontent in washington over what's happening here in the region, particularly with happening in gaza. yesterday we had those strong _ with happening in gaza. yesterday we had those strong words _ with happening in gaza. yesterday we had those strong words from - had those strong words from president biden saying israel was losing support because of the bombing in gaza, and two days ago we had antony blinken saying there was a gap between what the israelis were saying about protecting the civilian population in gaza and the reality on the ground. a week ago, lloyd austin said there was the risk that because so many politicians were being killed —— palestinians are being killed —— palestinians are being killed —— palestinians are being killed that israel could turn a tactical victory in gaza to a strategic defeat. today, the israeli foreign minister dismissed those concerns and comments by president biden, also the vote yesterday of the united nations saying this war against hamas will continue with or without international support. i think pressure is growing, calls for a cease—fire are growing as well, and tomorrowjake a cease—fire are growing as well, and tomorrow jake sullivan, who is president biden�*s national security adviser, will travel to israel, have talks with prime minister netanyahu, and i think what the israelis are saying is that one of the topics of the discussions will be a timeline for the end of the war in gaza. so the israelis keep saying that the goal here is to eliminate hamas — but again, pressure is growing on the israelis amid widespread destruction and the immense suffering of the palestinian population in gaza.- suffering of the palestinian population in gaza. what the president — population in gaza. what the president said _ population in gaza. what the president said it _ population in gaza. what the president said it normally . population in gaza. what the i president said it normally tells population in gaza. what the - president said it normally tells you what a president is thinking, but it's interesting that the us is not seemingly at the moment going to condition aid to israel in the same way conditions aid to ukraine. you'll note from your reporting in kyiv that the americans have told the ukrainians what weapons they are allowed to use. why are they not showing concern with respect to what they are dropping in gaza?— they are dropping in gaza? president biden has been _ they are dropping in gaza? president biden has been saying _ they are dropping in gaza? president biden has been saying from - they are dropping in gaza? president biden has been saying from the - they are dropping in gaza? president biden has been saying from the startj biden has been saying from the start that he is supporting israel and supporting israel's right to defend itself, but he's coming under pressure even within his own party, and i think there has been growing concern internationally over the widespread destruction in gaza, and also the humanitarian situation in gaza. and i think there has been a lot of concern as well about what's happening in the west bank, the biden administration has been targeting some settlers involved in the west bank, and there has been some pressure on the israeli authorities as well to try to curb the violence that has risen in recent weeks, violence from settlers targeting palestinian civilians and palestinians in the west bank. so the pressure here from the biden administration comes from many different directions, and i think this isjust the different directions, and i think this is just the latest measure that has been introduced and is being taken by the us administration. interesting, we will watch those meetings tomorrow carefully. thank you for that. let's talk now to stephen 0'brien, former un under secretary—general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator. thank you very much for being with us. you'll have heard me say in the introduction that unrwa is saying that its operations are hanging by a thread — just how serious are you hearing the situation is right now in gaza? ., . ., , in gaza? particularly in southern where the main _ in gaza? particularly in southern where the main population - in gaza? particularly in southern where the main population of. in gaza? particularly in southern | where the main population of1.9 where the main population of 1.9 million are in a sense corralled to southern gaza, and the conditions are absolutely as horrific and desperate as you might imagine in hanging by a thread. i think that's true of some, but i think the thread is breaking for quite a number, and i don'tjust mean the humanitarian sense of water and food, and supplies, and access to medical care and so forth — but i think it's the fear in the population that, having already been displaced once or more than once, there's absolutely no to where they can get out of harm's way. they're being encouraged to do so by the israelis... figs way. they're being encouraged to do so by the israelis. . .— so by the israelis... as far as you understand, is _ so by the israelis... as far as you understand, is there _ so by the israelis... as far as you understand, is there anywhere i so by the israelis... as far as you l understand, is there anywhere that is safe that the un could distribute aid? ~ ,., ., , is safe that the un could distribute aid? ~ ., , ., aid? well, some aid is going in, so esterda aid? well, some aid is going in, so yesterday for _ aid? well, some aid is going in, so yesterday for instance, _ aid? well, some aid is going in, so yesterday for instance, because . yesterday for instance, because they've opened this new crossing for inspection — so the trucks go in, you can imagine the assessments are absolutely vast and well done, and they have therefore meant that all they have therefore meant that all the trucks are fully loaded with the necessary stuff in egypt and waiting to go in — but because of the need to go in — but because of the need to inspect that absolutely nothing could possibly aid hamas is going through and making sure that the areas for distribution are safe for humanitarian workers in the local community, and accessing where the big needs need to be fulfilled. so they are going back out into egypt to come back to the rafah crossing, having already been inspected. so that does speed things up, 127,000 l of fuel was delivered yesterday, essential for the hospital and others, which is about twice the 67,000 lfrom the previous others, which is about twice the 67,000 l from the previous three days. so there is progress... it’s days. so there is progress... it's interesting. _ days. so there is progress... it's interesting, looking at those pictures... interesting, looking at those pictures- - -— interesting, looking at those ictures. .. ., , interesting, looking at those ictures... ., , ., pictures... there are hundreds of trucks going _ pictures... there are hundreds of trucks going on... _ pictures... there are hundreds of trucks going on... it's _ pictures... there are hundreds of| trucks going on... it's interesting, we were looking _ trucks going on... it's interesting, we were looking at _ trucks going on... it's interesting, we were looking at those - trucks going on... it's interesting, we were looking at those pictures| we were looking at those pictures of gunmen on top of the lorries, making sure it's safe when you bring aid to a denser population and in time to get at a crossroads. as if the bombing wasn't bad enough, there's the rain arriving in gaza, and the pictures here when the rain falls are pretty horrific, we have children sitting in makeshift shelters, soaked to the bone, and i would assume many are now avoiding un shelters and preferring to stay out in the open. does it worry you that there could soon be this break—out from gaza into the sinai, or there might be an outbreak of disease? �* , ., ._ , or there might be an outbreak of disease? �* , ., , ., ., disease? there's always danger of that, which _ disease? there's always danger of that, which i— disease? there's always danger of that, which i know _ disease? there's always danger of that, which i know israel- disease? there's always danger of that, which i know israel is - disease? there's always danger of that, which i know israel is fearful| that, which i know israel is fearful about, so they'll be making their borders more secure. i am more worried about the potential for caudal —— cholera or any other waterborne disease. it's difficult when you have so many people displaced, you haven't got proper sewage systems, so you got raw sewage systems, so you got raw sewage out in the streets, the rain flows around where people are trying to take shelter, past will be on the trucks will be sheltered, tenants will make shelter because as you say, they don't feel safe to go to the unrwa schools and other unrwa facilities. so there is a total fear, but at the same time, the knowledge that first of all, the innocent civilians of gods are being used as human shields, so the israeli defence forces under the licence which international law does give to any country still applies, and secondly, israel is absolutely determined to make sure that the hamas terrorists are demilitarised and do not pose a threat so they can repeat, as they've said they wish to, more october 7th. repeat, as they've said they wish to, more 0ctober7th. just repeat, as they've said they wish to, more october 7th.— to, more october 7th. just very cuickl , to, more october 7th. just very quickly. there _ to, more october 7th. just very quickly, there was _ to, more october 7th. just very quickly, there was a _ to, more october 7th. just very quickly, there was a line - to, more october 7th. just very quickly, there was a line today| to, more october 7th. just very - quickly, there was a line today that i saw the hamas run health ministry saying they don't have vaccines for children — will the un address that? yes, there will be a call for the suopiy, yes, there will be a call for the supply, particularly from the vaccines distributor to make them available there on the trucks. it'll be very important to make sure that those which need those vaccines usually need to be refrigerated, it'll be difficult due to trucks hanging out in the sun in the sinai crew need to give the vaccine school, then you need those who know how to administer those vaccines. so yes, there will be a shortage, but there'll also be supply.— yes, there will be a shortage, but there'll also be supply. thank you comin: there'll also be supply. thank you coming on — there'll also be supply. thank you coming on the — there'll also be supply. thank you coming on the programme, - there'll also be supply. thank you coming on the programme, still. there'll also be supply. thank you i coming on the programme, still very grim in gaza, as he'sjust been outlining. we'll talk about the situation in ukraine and president zelensky�*s visit to washington. do stay with us. hello there. given all the rain that we've had over the past few weeks, it's still pretty wet out there. but the next few days at least will turn drier and also the temperatures will be rising. now, this area of low pressure brought cloud and some rain and drizzle to eastern parts of england. that's moving away. the next weather system is coming in from the atlantic. but in between the two, well, we did have some sunshine earlier on, particularly in northern ireland and here in scotland. but where we have the clearer skies in the first part of the night, there's the risk that temperatures could fall just below freezing in places. but that window of clearer skies will close as the night goes on because all that cloud will come in from the atlantic. it's going to bring some rain and briefly some snow over the scottish mountains, perhaps the northern pennines, but it should turn back to rain later on in the night as temperatures start to rise. so these are the numbers by first thing thursday morning. and by this time, the rain will have cleared away from northern ireland and just about the whole of scotland. the scottish mountains, perhaps the northern pennines, could continue across the south—east well into the afternoon, but otherwise we'll get some sunshine following on behind, a few showers for northern ireland and scotland, mostly in the north of scotland, where it's still quite blustery. but if anything, temperatures are going to be a degree or two higher than what we had today. as one weather system moves away, we look to see another one coming in from the atlantic as we move into friday. this is going to be focused more to the north—west of the uk. we'll see more cloud coming into northern ireland and also in scotland, showers in the north of the country being replaced by some rain and drizzle. elsewhere, it should be dry and a lot more sunshine more widely across england and wales, where the winds will be lighter. still, temperatures 7—8 celsius across eastern parts of england, but further west, it is much, much milder. and this milder atlantic air and some brisk winds will come rushing in across the whole of the country in time for the start of the weekend. we've got colder air to the north of that weather front, which may move southwards on sunday to bring some patchy rain. but on saturday, it's staying to the north of us, just bringing the chance of some rain in the north of scotland. again, it looks like it's going to be windy here and across northern ireland. the winds are lighter as you head further south, but there won't be as much sunshine for england and wales on saturday. but it is mild air and those temperatures will be widely12—13 celsius. hello, i'm christian fraser. you're watching the context on bbc news. russia launches a wave of missiles at the ukrainian capital — as president zelensky returns from washington, where his pleas for the quick approval of a us aid package gained little traction with republicans. much more to come on that foot of a busy night of football ahead of us. of football ahead of us. sport and for a full round—up, from the bbc sport centre, here's mark edwards. hello from the bbc sport centre. the final round of group games are under way in the champions league, group h is certainly the one with the mostjeopardy, all three teams below borussia dortmund can still qualify for the knock out stages. so psg, ac milan and newcastle all with something to play for. just over half an hour played. kylian mbappe and his psg superstars are in germany, taking on table toppers dortmund. as you can see, both games 0—0. it is a straight shootout. whoever wins goes through. whoever wins goes through. manchester city have become just the second english side to win all their champions league group games after beating red star belgrade 3—2. in a much—changed city line up, 20 year old micah hamilton had a dream debut by opening the scoring for the european champions injust the 19th minute in belgrade. fellow 20 year old 0scar bobb made it two just after the hour mark. kalvin phillips on just his second start of the season scored city's third. the draw for the last 16 will be held on monday.

Related Keywords

Breakthrough Climate Agreement , Fossil Fuels , In Gaza , Language , Countries , Israel , One , Dubai , Text , Call , Uk , Bombardment , Climate Experts , 198 , Progress , Hamas , Un General Assembly , Reaction , Ceasefire , Zelensky S , Washington , Tunnels , Ukraine Aid Bill , Idf , Charm Offensive , Idea , Vote , Diplomacy , Table , Nowhere , Deal , Time , Course , Impact , Commitment , Part , Paper , Some , Oil And Gas , Wall , Signatories , Gas , Steps , Production , United States , Australia , Canada , Norway , Words , Report , Many , Island States , Justin Rowlatt , Consequences , Strongerform , Warming Planet , Applause , Objection , Bang , Gavel , Standing Ovation , President , Sultan Aljaber , Hammer , Agreement Text , Actions , Agreement , Climate Change , Washing Up , Plate , Doubts , Questions , Talks , Doubt , Weight , Support , Nations , Document , Put , Congratulations , Everybody , Cause , Gratitude , Optimism , Saudi Arabia , Litany , Front Line , States , Room , Representatives , Loopholes , Small Island , Step , Course Correction , Ground , Speech , Consensus , Historic , View , Delegates , Landmark , Game Changing Agreement , Climate Agreement , Action On Climate Change , Promise , Asjustin , Cop , Question , Ros Atkins , Change , Working , Global Climate Summit , Rio , Fossil Fuel Producers Space , 1992 , Emissions , Ambition , Stabilising Emissions , Target , Kyoto , Copenhagen , Hopes , 2009 , Five , Lot , Failure , Frustration , Bank Immune , World , Warming , Goal , Paris , Levels , 2015 , 2 , 1 5 , Reporting , Climate Policy , Secretary General , Glasgow , Shifts , Paris Agreement , 2022 , 2021 , Summit , Gap , Commitments , Gatherings , Follow , Approach , Global Focus On Climate , The End , Money , Climate , Action , Mark Campanale , Significance , Cop28 S Real , Carbon Tracker Initiative , Cop28 , Glass , Glass House , House , Thing , Discussions , Everyone , Person Today , Heart , Com , Fossilfuels , Cop Summits , Odd , Elephant In The Room , 20 , Shareholders , Point , Christian Fraser , Banks , Elephant , Markets , Fossil Fuel Industry Unnoticed , Fossil Fuel Industry , Renewable Energy , Rise , Signals , Industries , Fact , Decline , Anybody Investing , Challenge , Vehicles , Sales , Endgame , China , 50 , Energy , Build , Investors , Amounts , Renewables , Government , Grid , Notjust , Everything , All Over The World , Death Knell , Death Knell Forfossilfuels , Signatory , Anybody , Grounds , Licensing , Licenses , Dubai Accords , Coal Mining Permits , Challenges , Summits , Is , Sense , Assets , Asset , Business , Cost , Carbon Tracker Door Mike , Bank , To My Surprise , Discussion , Meeting , Happening , Companies , Concerns , Oil And Gas Industry , Tesla , Things , Phasing , Celsius , Transitioning , Pacific Island , 5 , People , Something , Minimum , Climate Catastrophe , Winds , South , Events , Receiving , Storms , Droughts , Ones , Brazil , Progression , Think , Progress Report , 25 , Groundwork , Beyond , 2025 , 2035 , Two , Hundreds , Billions , Profits , 18 , Times , Loss , Lobbyists , Letter , Members , Itjust , Opec Lobbyists , Stake , Dubai Roundtable , Opec , Lobb Ists , 0 , Fossil Fuel Politicians , Door , Power , Business People , Building , Economy , Turning , Elon Musk , Politicians , Politics , Democrats , Fossil Fuel Lobbyists , 200000 , Programme , Delegations , Global South , More , News , Bbc News , Victim , Stories , Being , Scams , Items , Figures , Run Up To , Shoppers , High Street , Social Media , Care , Victims , Workers , Forecast , Disability Charity , Thousands , Black , Sector , 3 , 100m , 00m , Risk , Number , England , Workforce , Households , Home Carers , Lives , Vacancies , Increase , 99 , 299 , Eight Million , Ten , Need , Payment , Committee , Bills , Bank Accounts , Benefits , Mps , Claim , Payments , Country , Biden S , International Support , Foreign Minister , War , Bombing , Israeli Army , Combat Operations , Indiscriminate , North , Total , Fighting , Air Strikes , Hamas Run Health Ministry , Gaza City , Eight , Palestinian Refugee Agency Unrwa , Warning , Head , Services , Strip , Calculations , Ruins , Capacity , Verge , Collapse , Khan Younis , Witnesses , 18600 , Line , Hugo Bachega , Jerusalem , America , Americans , Donors , Flight , M 16s , Xes , 16 , 20000 , Settlers , West Bank , Discontent , Iyo Sky , Region , Antony Blinken , Population , Israelis , Reality , Lloyd Austin , Palestinians , Defeat , Victory , Pressure , Well , Cease Fire , Comments , Growing , Jake Sullivan , Prime Minister , Tomorrowjake , Timeline , Saying , Topics , Gaza Suffering , Destruction , Thinking , President Population , Aid , Way , Conditions , Ukraine , Kyiv , Concern , Weapons , Respect , Start , Party , Startj Biden , Situation , Violence , Administration , Authorities , Directions , Civilians , Stephen 0 Brien , Measure , Meetings , Isjust , Operations , Emergency Relief Coordinator , Affairs , Introduction , Main Population Of , 9 , 1 9 Million , Thread , Breaking , Southern Gaza , Fear , Supplies , Water , Access , Food , Anywhere , Harm S Way , Trucks , Safe , Instance , Crossing , Inspection , Esterda , Assessments , Stuff , Nothing , Egypt , Community , Needs , Distribution , Areas , L Of Fuel , Speed , Hospital , Essential , Rafah Crossing , 127000 , Pictures , Interesting , Others , Lfrom , Three , 67000 , Wasn T Bad Enough , Trucks Going On , Crossroads , Top , Lorries , Gunmen , Rain , Children , To The Bone , Shelters , Rain Falls , Danger , Disease , Outbreak , Sinai , The Open , Waterborne Disease , Borders , Cholera , Potential , Caudal , Sewage Systems , Shelter , Streets , Haven T , Tenants , Sewage , Schools , Facilities , Knowledge , Licence , Law , Gods , Defence Forces , Human Shields , Terrorists , October 7th , Threat , 7 , Vaccines , Repeat , Yes , Run Health Ministry , 0ctober7th , Suopiy , Supply , Distributor , Shortage , Crew , Vaccine School , The Sun , Stay , Outlining , Visit , Temperatures , Cloud , Area , Weather System , Northern Ireland , Skies , Scotland , Eastern Parts , Atlantic , Night , Mountains , Window , Places , Clearer , Snow , Northern Pennines , Whole , Numbers , First Thing , Sunshine , Showers , Afternoon , Behind , Anything , South East Well , Degree , North West , Drizzle , Elsewhere , Atlantic Air , Wales , 8 , Hair , Southwards , Weekend , Weather Front , Chance , Won T , Widely12 13 Celsius , 13 , Wave , Context , Missiles , Pleas , Zelensky Returns , Russia , Traction , Approval , Republicans , Package , Football , Round Up , Group Games , Foot , Sport , Bbc Sport Centre , Hello , Champions League , Mark Edwards , Kylian Mbappe , Mostjeopardy , Teams , Stages , Knock , Superstars , Group H , Borussia Dortmund , Psg , Table Toppers Dortmund , So Psg , Ac Milan , Newcastle , Germany , Games , Shootout , Side , English , City Line Up , Champions League Group Games , Manchester City , Red Star Belgrade , Micah Hamilton , Scoring , Mark , City , Champions , It , Season , Third , Belgrade , European , Dream Debut , Kalvin Phillips , 19 , Draw ,

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