Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240702

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by the rules. we put in ourfair share. we wait our turn. as some people —— if some people can cut that out, you've notjust lost control of your bodice, you're fatally undermined the very fairness upon which trusting our system is based. that is why this legislation is so necessary, to deliver an effective deterrent to those who wish to come here illegally, to restore people's trust that the system is fair and ultimately to stop the boats. and so our bill today fundamentally addresses the supreme court plasma concerns over the safety of rwanda. i did not agree with thatjudgment but i respected. that is why we have spent the last three weeks working tirelessly to respond to their concerns and to guarantee rwanda's safety in a new legally binding international treaty. the supreme court were clear that they were making a judgment about rwanda at a specific moment 18 months ago and at the problems could be remedied. today we are confirming that they have been and that unequivocally rwanda is a safe country. and today's bill also ends the merry—go—round of legal challenges that have blocked our policy for far too long. we simply cannot have a situation where our ability to control our borders and stop people taking perilousjourneys control our borders and stop people taking perilous journeys across the channel is held up in endless litigation in our court. this bill gives parliament the chance to put rwanda's safety beyond question in the eyes of this country's law. parliament is sovereign. it should be able to make decisions that cannot be undone in the courts. and it was never the intention of international human rights laws to stop a sovereign parliament removing illegal migrants to a country that is considered safe in both parliamentary statute and international law. so the bill does include what are known as not withstanding clauses. these mean that our domestic court will no longer be able to use any domestic or international law, including the human rights act, to stop at removing illegal migrants. let me just go through the ways that individual illegal migrants trying to stay. claiming asylum. abuse of our modern slavery laws, blocked. the idea that rwanda isn't safe, blocked. the risk of being sent to some of the country, blocked. an experience human rights claims, you had better believe we have blocked those two because we are supplying all of the relevant sections of the human rights act and not only have we blocked all of these ways that illegal migrants will try and stay, we have also blocked their ability to try and stay by bringing a judicial review on any of those grounds. that means that this bill blocks every single reason that has ever been used to prevent flight to rwanda from taking off. the only extremely narrow exception will be that if you can't prove with credible and compelling evidence that you specifically have a real and imminent risk of serious and irreversible harm, we have to recognise that as a matter of law and if we didn't we would undermine the treaty we have just signed with rwanda. as the rwandans themselves have made clear, if we go any further, the entire scheme will collapse and there is no point having a bill with no one to simmer —— with to people do. we have set the bar so high that it will be vanishingly rare for anyone to meet it and once you have been removed, you will be banned for life from travelling to the uk, settling here are becoming a citizen. of course even with this new law here at home, we could still face challenges from the european court of human rights in strasbourg. let me repeat what i said two weeks ago, i will not allow a foreign court to block these flights. if the strasbourg court duties to intervene against the express wishes of our sovereign parliament, i will do what is necessary to get flights off. and today's new clause already made clear that the decision with whether to comply with interim measures issued by the european court is a decision for british government ministers alone. because it is your government, not criminal gangs are indeed foreign court, who decide who comes here and who stays in our country. of course, our rwanda policy is just one part of our wider strategy to stop the boat and that strategy to stop the boat and that strategy is working. i have been prime minister forjust over a year now and for the first time small boat arrivals here are down by a third. even as illegal crossings in the mediterranean have soared by 80%. let mejust the mediterranean have soared by 80%. let me just repeat that. small boat arrivals here are down by a third. to help achieve that we have assigned returns and cooperation agreements with france, bulgaria, turkey and georgia, illegal working rates are up nearly 70%, 50 hotels have been returned to their local communities and we are housing people in a new barge and inform a military site. the initial asylum backlog is down from 92,000 to less than 20,000. we have returned over 22,000 illegal migrants and as our deal with albania shows, deterrent works. last year a third of all those arriving in small boats were albanian. this year we have returned 5000 people and cut those arrivals by 90%. and albanian rivals have far more recourse to the court and anyone under this new legislation. that is why i am so confident that this bill will work. lord sumption, the former supreme courtjudge, the former supreme court judge, believes the former supreme courtjudge, believes this bill will work. we will get flights off the ground, we will get flights off the ground, we will deter illegal migrants from coming here and we will finally stop the boats. thank you. questions from the boats. thank you. questions from the media. can we start with the bbc? �* , ., the media. can we start with the bbc? ~ ., the media. can we start with the ssc2~ ,. ,., -,- ~ , bbc? are you saying to your mps bluntl on bbc? are you saying to your mps bluntly on all — bbc? are you saying to your mps bluntly on all of _ bbc? are you saying to your mps bluntly on all of this, _ bbc? are you saying to your mps bluntly on all of this, back - bbc? are you saying to your mps bluntly on all of this, back me . bbc? are you saying to your mps bluntly on all of this, back me or| bluntly on all of this, back me or sack_ bluntly on all of this, back me or sack me? — bluntly on all of this, back me or sack me? ~ . �* bluntly on all of this, back me or sack me?— bluntly on all of this, back me or sackme?~ . �* ., , sack me? what i'm saying, not 'ust at my mp5 — sack me? what i'm saying, not 'ust at my mps but fl sack me? what i'm saying, not 'ust at my mps but the i sack me? what i'm saying, not 'ust at my mps but the entire �* sack me? what i'm saying, notjust at my mps but the entire country, i sack me? what i'm saying, notjust| at my mps but the entire country, is that i share the frustration. my patients with this has one thing. one of my five priorities at the beginning of the air was to stop the boat and i'm pleased we've made progress, down by a third for the first ever time by the way, we chose our plan is working but we have more to do and that is by this legislation is so important. we have got to end their legal merry—go—round that is blocked as from getting back rwanda scheme up and running and that is what this legislation does, that is what the new treaty that the home secretary signed this week does and that will mean rwanda is safe and there are no more blocks that our ability to get people on planes and send them to rwanda because that is critical. we must have a deterrent that says, if you come here illegally you cannot stay and you will be removed. when we can get that up and running, as we can get that up and running, as we have with albania, we will see that numbers come down. i am absolutely committed to think this through because i share the british people's frustration, it is patently unfair what is happening at the moment, which is why it requires action like this that is novel, contentious but that is what we are about, getting stuff done on the things that matter. this matters and we will make sure we deliver. next, can i turn to itv? you we will make sure we deliver. next, can i turn to itv?_ can i turn to itv? you have made clear that — can i turn to itv? you have made clear that stopping _ can i turn to itv? you have made clear that stopping the _ can i turn to itv? you have made clear that stopping the boat - can i turn to itv? you have made clear that stopping the boat is - can i turn to itv? you have made| clear that stopping the boat is one of your— clear that stopping the boat is one of your biggest promises to voters and you _ of your biggest promises to voters and you also telling us this legislation is a way to do it. so can i_ legislation is a way to do it. so can i ask— legislation is a way to do it. so can i ask you, will next week two vote _ can i ask you, will next week two vote be _ can i ask you, will next week two vote be treated as a vote of confidence in your government? and will you _ confidence in your government? and will you throw conservative mps out of the _ will you throw conservative mps out of the party if they defy it? we don't know. — of the party if they defy it? - don't know, but what this vote is about is confidence in parliament to demonstrate that it gets a british people's frustration. i get it, i am acting on it so the real question when it comes to all these photos for the labour party because i want to get this legislation on the statute books as quickly as possible. that is what we are all about. we have moved at record pace since the judgment to get the treaty, to get the bill introduced so the question now is the labour party. we have got a plan to pass this legislation i want to pass it quickly. but i'm not hearing from anyone else that they have got a plan. so the real question when it comes to parliament, the questionable of you to ask, is what is the labour party going to do about this boat, this legislation? because we have got a clear plan to stop the boat and deterrence is a critical part of it. there is no way to stop people coming here unless you have a deterrent that mean tape will be sent somewhere else, it is as simple as that. this is how a deterrent and we are doing everything we can to get it on the statute books and get it up and running so the question for vote in parliament is what is a labour party's planning are they going to back the legislation? next, can we go to sky? d0 back the legislation? next, can we notos ? , ., , back the legislation? next, can we notos ? , ., go to sky? do you see the reality of what is happening _ go to sky? do you see the reality of what is happening here, _ go to sky? do you see the reality of what is happening here, you - what is happening here, you have lost control of your party and this has become a confidence issue, not in parliament but in you? do you accept _ in parliament but in you? do you accept that— in parliament but in you? do you accept that would you call an election— accept that would you call an election if you these votes? what is ha enin: election if you these votes? what is happening here _ election if you these votes? what is happening here is— election if you these votes? what is happening here is we _ election if you these votes? what is happening here is we are _ election if you these votes? what is happening here is we are delivering | happening here is we are delivering on what i said. let look at the record, look at the facts. when i got thisjob the record, look at the facts. when i got this job the number of small boat arrivals into this country had quadrupled in the past few years. that is what happened. since i have been here because of all the things that we have done, we have got the numbers down by a third. that is my record on the situation. we have got the number of legal enforcement rate up, we have arrested hundreds and hundreds of people in those rates but also people coming illegally who have facilitated us off or trade. we have facilitated us off or trade. we have closed and thousands of people's bank account you shouldn't have been here, returning over 20,000 people. that is my record on this issue. those are the facts and thatis this issue. those are the facts and that is because i get it, because it is ridiculous what is going on and we are doing something about it. i want to finish the job. and finishing thejob means getting want to finish the job. and finishing the job means getting this legislation on the statute books and getting the scheme up and running. i am determined to see that through because i think this is a top priority for the country and a basic matter of fairness. that is what we are about, about delivering. i'm not interested in talking, i'm interested in talking, i'm interested in talking, i'm interested in doing thing. the actions we have taken a major difference but we have to finish the job and i'm going to see this thing through. i am confident i can get this thing done and i will say the same as i said to itv, the question is for the labour party. we will get this into parliament, i want to get it on the statute books in record time so the question is not for me, i have got a plan, it is very clear what we are about and we are confident it will work on my track record tells you that i can get things done. the question for everyone else. crucially, labour party, what is their plan? will they vote for the legislation because if they really want to stop the boat greek boat they should be fully backing this plan and they haven't done that yet. backing this plan and they haven't done that yet-— done that yet. your immigration minister resigned _ done that yet. your immigration minister resigned last _ done that yet. your immigration minister resigned last night, - minister resigned last night, calling — minister resigned last night, calling this legislation a triumph of hope — calling this legislation a triumph of hope over experience. he is right, — of hope over experience. he is right, isn't— of hope over experience. he is right, isn't he? he said you were going _ right, isn't he? he said you were going to — right, isn't he? he said you were going to end up being yet another politician — going to end up being yet another politician who makes promises on immigration you can keep. he is right? _ immigration you can keep. he is right? he — immigration you can keep. he is riuht? , , , , ., right? he is simply not right actually and _ right? he is simply not right actually and robert - right? he is simply not right actually and robert jenrick l right? he is simply not right| actually and robert jenrick in right? he is simply not right - actually and robert jenrick in this actually and robertjenrick in this letter in self outlined remarkable progress we have made in the last year. if we talk about experience in delivering on what you say, just look at the record. i repeat it again, numbers of crossings down by again, numbers of crossings down by a third. doesn't happen by accident because they up everywhere else in europe, it happened because we have done a load of things, focused on theissue, done a load of things, focused on the issue, struck deals with people co—op cooperated with people, returning people getting their backlog down, arresting people, closing down bank accounts. we are doing more to tackle this issue than anyone. that is my record on delivering on what i say and i am entirely confident that what we're doing is the right approach. i've spent weeks if months of the last few periods getting this right, working through it with multiple lawyers, making sure that we have something that is legally watertight, that is robust. this is a toughest legislation that has ever been passed on this issue and you just have to go over it again. it deems reminder safe using notwithstanding clause. we haven't done that before that means no one can second guess padma's decision. it makes clear it at our parliament is sovereign. it disapplies relevant sections of the human rights act so we can stop making people making spurious claims. we have stopped them claiming asylum, stop them claiming modern slavery, blocking each and every avenue that anyone has ever used to frustrate their removal. all of those avenues have been shut down. so for the people who say you should do something different, the difference between them and me is an inch. given everything we have closed. we are talking about image but that inch by the way is a difference between the rwandans participating in this game and not. as i said, there is no point having a piece of legislation which means you can't actually send anyone anywhere, it won't help anyone. so when we are talking about anyone. so when we are talking about a major difference, and that inch making the difference between having an operational scheme where you can send someone or not, it is clear what we are doing is the right approach and the only approach. i'm determined to fix this problem and the people you want to do something else, they clearly don't because our —— i'm confident it will work. there is no point having legislation and know where to send them. so that is what we are getting on with. talent. what we are getting on with. next, the sun. what we are getting on with. next, the sun- if— what we are getting on with. next, the sun- if you _ what we are getting on with. next, the sun. if you don't _ what we are getting on with. next, the sun. if you don't get _ what we are getting on with. next, the sun. if you don't get a - what we are getting on with. next, the sun. if you don't get a flight. the sun. if you don't get a flight to rwanda — the sun. if you don't get a flight to rwanda off the ground by the time you call— to rwanda off the ground by the time you call a _ to rwanda off the ground by the time you call a next election, are the voters _ you call a next election, are the voters are — you call a next election, are the voters are entitled to lose trust in you and _ voters are entitled to lose trust in you and put— voters are entitled to lose trust in you and put their faith elsewhere? i think you and put their faith elsewhere? think this is you and put their faith elsewhere? i think this is a conservative government that is absolutely getting things done, doing what we say we are going to do. we have stabilised the economy, we have cut taxes, we have introduced the biggest ever tax cut for businesses to get them invested, we have immigration falling with tough measures, we are both crossings down by a third, we have also said that we would have inflation, and delivered on it, we said we would get debt down and grow the economy and we are on track. ultimately it is the rich people get to decide whether what we have said and done have worked and i'm very confident in the record we have put together over the last year and i'm confident in the british people and they will see that it makes a real difference in their lives. 0ne see that it makes a real difference in their lives. one last one. gb news has _ in their lives. one last one. gb news has been in calais where migrants — news has been in calais where migrants have told us they are laughing — migrants have told us they are laughing at the uk and its rwandan policy _ laughing at the uk and its rwandan policy are — laughing at the uk and its rwandan policy. are they right to laugh? is your policy— policy. are they right to laugh? is your policy a joke and your government a laughing stock? there are reports— government a laughing stock? there are reports today in the house of commons — are reports today in the house of commons that there were her russian haci the rest of europe? none of that is happening because the numbers are up by 80% in the mediterranean. so what we're doing is making a difference, disrupting criminal gangs upstream before they get anywhere near calais. we are working more closely with the french for the first time we have british officers embedded in their patrols. because i went and struck a good arrangement with the french. not for reasons of sentimentality but because it is in the british national interest to have the cooperation on those beaches to stop people coming in a corporation is working. you will have seen pictures of some of the barriers that were being put in rivers on the way up to the beaches. that is a result of a cooperation, stopping people getting there in the first place in the proof is in the pudding. i'm notabout first place in the proof is in the pudding. i'm not about talking, first place in the proof is in the pudding. i'm notabout talking, i first place in the proof is in the pudding. i'm not about talking, i am about action. the numbers of people crossing from exec to where you wear to the uk are down by a third. they quadrupled in the last few years and they up everywhere else. that says that what we are doing is working, it is making a difference but we have to finish the job and that is why this legislation is important thatis why this legislation is important that is why we work so hard on it. i'm confident it's a right approach, the toughest ever approach, it will close down all the avenues people abused in the past and crucially it is the only approach. going any further, it would mean rwanda would collapse the scheme and then we will have nowhere to send anyone to end thatis have nowhere to send anyone to end that is not the way to get this going. so what everyone should do is support the bill, the labour party, will they support this legislation? we want to get it up and running so we can finish the job, have a deterrent and stop the boat. that is what i'm committed to doing, that is what i'm committed to doing, that is what the team is committed to and we will see it through. thank you very much. ., ., , will see it through. thank you very much. . . , . will see it through. thank you very much. . ., ~ , much. that was a prime minister rishi sunak _ much. that was a prime minister rishi sunak putting _ much. that was a prime minister rishi sunak putting up _ much. that was a prime minister rishi sunak putting up of- much. that was a prime minister rishi sunak putting up of a - much. that was a prime minister| rishi sunak putting up of a strong defence of his new immigration law. he said it was the toughest yet. he talked at the beginning about being the child of an immigrant but his family came here legally and were proud to become british. illegal immigration undermined the sense of fairness. he went on to say that this new plant lore delivers an effective deterrent to those who want to come here illegally and the idea was to restore faith in the system and stop the boats. he said rwanda is a safe country and the bill means there will be an end to the merry—go—round of legal challenges. he said it was never the intention of human rights laws to stop the removal of illegal immigrants to a safe country. rishi sunak said the law blocked every single reason to stop the fight stew from undertaking. he said there was a narrow possibility some asylum seekers would argue they are at risk of torture but it would be vanishingly rare but amount not to be deported but he also did say the government has to recognise people at risk of serious harm will get asylum. if it didn't do that, the plan with rwanda would collapse but he also said he would not allow a foreign court to block the flight, saying he would do what is necessary to get the flight off the ground. he said it was part of his plan to stop the boat. he went on to say that small boat arrivals were down by a third and that deterrent work. he said he was confident that the bill will work and that they will get a flight of the ground. let's get some analysis of what rishi sunak said. our home editor was listening. what our home editor was listening. what did ou our home editor was listening. what did you make — our home editor was listening. what did you make of— our home editor was listening. what did you make of what _ our home editor was listening. twist did you make of what rishi sunak say? it is very clear that the government is determined to push with this idea of illegal aggression, anyone who comes to the uk by an irregular route is an illegal migrant and therefore has no right to be in britain and must be sent away. and the prime minister almost glorying in what he called the way he had blocked various ways in which people would be able to stay in britain challenge their removalfrom britain. asylum removal from britain. asylum seekers, removalfrom britain. asylum seekers, people were victims of modern slavery, people would feel they would face a specific issue in terms of their safety in rwanda and so on. i think the issue here, he's a busy speaking very much to his own backbenchers and dealing with the divisions within his own party. i think there will be people on the other side of the argument looking at this with some horror because what are you saying is, yes, there will be genuine victims of modern slavery, genuine asylum seekers, people who would in normal circumstances be granted refugee status in the uk and many of the people you come in small boat are from countries which are very high levels of acceptance under the asylum system, but he says nevertheless they will be treated as illegal migrants and he will say that those legal obstacles had been blocked. i think that will be interesting to see how that actually works in practice. he also said that lord sumption, a former supreme courtjudge, had said that the bill which is coming before parliament next week could work would work. that is interesting because lord sumptionjust that is interesting because lord sumption just three weeks ago when the idea of a piece of legislation like this was first mooted said it won't work internationally and may be the government's decision to have these notwithstanding clause is, meaning the human rights act and other human rights legislation in the international arena would not apply, but he also described it as profoundly discreditable made the point it was discreditable because it was a government that tried to get parliament to say that rwanda was safe, even if the evidence was that it wasn't safe. he believes it is a safe country and he says that and that is the government's argument. but i'm not sure this is quite as watertight as a prime minister seems to suggest. 0ne quite as watertight as a prime minister seems to suggest. one of the interesting things i thought was that clearly rwanda, a country that many people regard as unsafe and it has been said it has poor human rights record, rwanda appears to be telling pretend that it needs to be improving its human right response to the small boat, arguing that there will be people who have an immediate, imminent, serious threat of persecution or torture who should not be included in this game. so i really interesting point the that the uk government finds itself having to make an argument on behalf of the rwandans who are making an argument on behalf of people's human rights. argument on behalf of people's human riahts. , , �* rights. very interesting. i'm interested _ rights. very interesting. i'm interested in _ rights. very interesting. i'm interested in the _ rights. very interesting. i'm interested in the point - rights. very interesting. i'm| interested in the point about rights. very interesting. i'm - interested in the point about him saying that this. the merry—go—round of legal action. you have covered this for many years. do you think thatis this for many years. do you think that is true? i this for many years. do you think that is true?— that is true? i think in the immediate _ that is true? i think in the immediate term - that is true? i think in the immediate term there - that is true? i think in the | immediate term there will that is true? i think in the . immediate term there will be that is true? i think in the _ immediate term there will be cases, there will be test cases to see whether the legislation is as impermeable as a prime minister and the government lawyers who helped him put it together believe it is. so it undoubtedly will be tested in court. it is conceivable that lord sumption has been advising the government in some capacity or at least has been asked for his view. he is no longerjudge but perhaps they feel his view on this, there is in the way it has been put together something that protects him from challenges under domestic or international human rights legislation. i think it will be potentially in those marginal areas of where does the line where the rwandan say, no you can't go that far, where this outline to? how many people waiting for? a vanishingly small number, the prime minister suggested. it'll be interesting when it gets the court how exactly the interpretation of that out. do you think the european _ interpretation of that out. do you think the european court - interpretation of that out. do you think the european court of- interpretation of that out. do you i think the european court of human rights will stay quiet at the moment or do you think that they may have a view on all of this? i’m or do you think that they may have a view on all of this?— view on all of this? i'm sure they have a view- _ view on all of this? i'm sure they have a view. they _ view on all of this? i'm sure they have a view. they are _ view on all of this? i'm sure they have a view. they are probably i view on all of this? i'm sure they - have a view. they are probably going to stay quiet, there is no reason for them to say anything and there is nothing immediate for them to say anything on. i think the united nations might well have something to say in what is being proposed and the language in which it is being proposed. i'm sure they will have concerns about the human rights of those who arrive in the uk. to give you an example, somebody who is being trafficked, victim of modern slavery he was being brought to the uk to be treated as a slave, that person would have no right under this system to challenge the removal to rwanda. that i think it's going to rwanda. that i think it's going to be an area of some discussion going forward. i think it will be interesting to see what the rwandan government thinks of those kind of cases because part of what rwanda wants to do is to demonstrate that it is a modern, progressive country with a belief in the rule of law. that is part of what is at stake for them. so i think it is... i think them. so i think it is... i think the prime minister is clearly trying to say that this does everything my party wanted to do, any mp, whether you are robertjenrick or anyone else, can say this is the only way forward if you want to get the flights to rwanda. but i wonder actually when push comes to shove, when cases do start appearing in various court, challenges against this scheme, actually what happens on the ground. this scheme, actually what happens on the ground-— on the ground. mark on the legal side of the _ on the ground. mark on the legal side of the policy. _ on the ground. mark on the legal side of the policy. let's - on the ground. mark on the legal side of the policy. let's go - on the ground. mark on the legal side of the policy. let's go back i on the ground. mark on the legall side of the policy. let's go back to westminster and our political correspondent and talk about the political side of all of this. alex, i was taken by the fact that most of the questions from the journalists might not necessarily about the policy but about rishi sunak and how much confidence a party has in him at the moment.— much confidence a party has in him at the moment. yes, because that is really significant _ at the moment. yes, because that is really significant for _ at the moment. yes, because that is really significant for any _ at the moment. yes, because that is really significant for any prime - really significant for any prime minister and particularly rishi sunak right now after the resignation of robertjenrick last night. worth saying that from a political perspective it was very clear who this press conference was aimed at and that was largely the conservatives backbench mps who, like robertjenrick, i think the government perhaps hasn't gone far enough when it comes to their approach to this rwandan policy and particularly how far they might be willing to go to disregard international obligations. rishi sunak was very clearly saying to them, this is a father as we can possibly go. he thinks it is far enough and it is watertight. he did say it could face challenges in that european court of human right and rishi sunak said that if that is a case, he won't allow a foreign court to block these flights. i will do whatever is necessary to get these fights. another message there to restive backbench mps on the right of the conservative party. he did also say that actually the difference between the government's position and those mps was an inch. he is trying to say they have gone as far as i can, the difference in how further they can go, you think you can do that because the rwandan government's position could cause a whole policy to collapse very interesting. what else was interesting. what else was interesting as he said it has a frustration of those who are frustrated about this game is on got off the ground. he says his patients has one thing. you got the impression perhaps that rishi sunak two patients might be wearing thin with some in his own party. he was out fairly punchy press conference from the prime minister and you got the sense he wanted to show people he was determined to do it and maybe even that he was getting frustrated with some of the arguments in the conservative party about it. will they settle those arguments? we have to wait and see in the next few hours. we know that mps on the backbenches are going away and looking at the detail of the legislation to see if it satisfies their concerns but to the point mackeson with making, while rishi sunak is pitching this very much to those on the right of the conservative party that wanted the government to go as far as occurred in terms of disregarding international obligations in order to get those right up to rwanda, the question is whether it ends up alienating other wings of the conservative party who are concerned about the government going too far down the path. irate about the government going too far down the path-— about the government going too far down the ath. . ., ., ., _, down the path. we have a vote coming u - , down the path. we have a vote coming u, mr down the path. we have a vote coming op. mr snack — down the path. we have a vote coming op. mr snack was _ down the path. we have a vote coming up, mr snack was asked _ down the path. we have a vote coming up, mr snack was asked if _ down the path. we have a vote coming up, mr snack was asked if it's - down the path. we have a vote coming up, mr snack was asked if it's a - up, mr snack was asked if it's a vote of confidence, he said no but in reality it probably is, isn't it? in technical terms of rishi sunak made this a vote of confidence he would have let risked losing the whip. he said that would not be the case which we think will come back next thursday. this would not be a confidence

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, Making People Spurious Claims , Notwithstanding Clause , Guess Padma , Removal , Avenues , Avenue , Game , Image , Piece , Anyone Anywhere , Someone , Problem , Four , Something Else , The Sun , Talent , Elsewhere , Faith , Put Voters , Economy , Cut Taxes , Tax Cut , Inflation , Debt , Track , News , Calais , 0 , Russian , Stock , Joke , House Of Commons , Path , Hack , Protections , Orange , There , Parliamentarians , Commons , A Hack , Haci , Results , Overin , Truth , Jail , None , Rest , Cooperation , Beaches , Reasons , Patrols , Arrangement , Sentimentality , Officers , National Interest , French , Proof , Pudding , Place , Result , Pictures , Corporation , Barriers , Rivers , Notabout First , Exec , Thatis , Everyone , Going , Nowhere , Team , Rishi Sunak , Much , Immigration Law , Immigrant , Defence , Putting Up , Plant Lore , End , Torture , Asylum Seekers , Possibility , Single , Undertaking , Fight Stew , Work , Boat Arrivals , Home Editor , Listening , Rishi , Analysis , Twist , Ou Our Home Editor , Sunak Say , Migrant , Route , Aggression , Terms , Victims , Removalfrom Britain , Britain Challenge , Asylum Removal , Argument , Side , Backbenchers , Dealing , Speaking , Divisions , Horror , Refugee Status , Circumstances , Countries , Asylum System , Obstacles , Acceptance , Levels , Practice , Sumptionjust , Lord , Human Rights Legislation , Arena , Human Right , Human Rights Record , Response , Imminent , Persecution , Threat , Rights , Human Rights , Behalf , Point Rights , Human Riahts , Term , Cases , Test Cases , View , Capacity , Longerjudge , Say , Areas , Line , Interpretation , Outline , European , European Court Interpretation , European Court Of Interpretation , Anything , Nothing , Quiet , United Nations , Language , Somebody , Slave , Victim , Example , Person , Discussion , Area , Kind , Belief , Rule Of Law , Stake , Mp , Anyone Else , Push Comes To Shove , Mark , Alex , Let S Go On The Ground , On The Ground , Let S Go , Correspondent , Legall Side , Westminster , Yes , Fact , Journalists , Press Conference , Worth , Perspective , Resignation , Who , Conservatives Backbench , Robertjenrick Last Night , Obligations , Hasn T , Like Robertjenrick , Case , Father , Position , Fights , Message , What Else , Impression , Arguments , Backbenches , Detail , Point Mackeson With Making , Wings , Order , Mr , Snack , Coming Up , Isn T , Ath , Vote Coming Op , Whip ,

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