Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240702

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an explosion there, with news agencies reporting it was caused by an israeli air strike. meanwhile the palestinian militant group, the islamic jihad organisation, has posted this video, which it says shows fighting against israeli forces in the city. israel has warned people living in the area to move to safety — aid agencies say there's a chronic and growing lack of resources to care for them. meanwhile, more details are emerging of the seventh october attack. the bbc has been hearing evidence that women in israel were sexually assaulted, raped and mutilated by hamas. israeli investigators have gathered more than a thousand testimonies from witnesses and those who handled the bodies of victims after the attack. our middle east correspondent, lucy williamson has more from jerusalem. a warning, her report contains some distressing details. out of the chaos and mass trauma of the hamas attacks, new stories are starting to emerge — of rape and sexual assault. including graphic testimony from an eye witness interviewed by police. they bent her over, and i realised they were raping her one by one. then she was passed to another man in uniform. she was still alive when she was being raped. the scale of sexual violence here is not clear — bodies were mutilated and survivors few. police admit they are facing a lack of forensic evidence from the site. you can still hear the israeli bombardment of gaza and see vast clouds of black smoke hanging over the gaza strip. but in the days following the attacks, this site was an active combat zone. it was a big enough challenge to collect the bodies, let alone early forensic evidence of sexual crimes. videos shot by hamas during the attacks, an early warning, a large bloodstain on the trousers of one woman captive, female bodies piled on trucks, naked or semi—clothed. body collectors describe piles of women's bodies, naked from the waist down, some with their legs splayed. often muitlated or burnt. those who witnessed sexual attacks have struggled with what they saw. i spoke with girls that are now, at least three girls, that are now hospitalised for very hard psychiatric situation because of the rapes they watched. they pretended to be dead and they watched it and they heard everything from the side. some of them want to kill themselves. some can't deal with it. crucial evidence has come from the makeshift identification unit at this army base. but the scale of sexual abuse during these attacks may never be fully known. it's definitely multiple. it's hard to tell. i have also dealt with more than a few burnt bodies, and those, i have no idea what they went through before hand. bodies that are missing the bottom half, i also don't know if they were raped. women that were clearly raped, quite a few... staff told me there were patterns in the violence visited on women's bodies according to location. investigators say these attacks were systematic and premeditated, but piecing together even one single story is slow and difficult work. the wider story of sexual violence in these attacks is onlyjust beginning. lucy williamson, bbc news, jerusalem. the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, has countered those he says are trying to pressure israel's military tactics in gaza. he said the only way to finish the job was to use crushing force against hamas. the remarks come as american officials are starting to voice disquiet about israel's methods. our diplomatic correspondent, paul adams, sent this report from jerusalem. as israeli forces move south, another hospital in the eye of the storm. this was al nasser in khan younis this morning. four days after the cease fire ended, a desperate, constant procession of death, injury and grief. seven members of kassim sheba's family were killed as they slept. "why did this child deserve to die"? he asks. "what did he do"? nearby in dharambhala, a miraculous escape. two sisters, maria and lana, pulled alive from the rubble three days after being buried, along with dozens of members of their family. translation: | saw| a body on the ground. her head was covered with rocks. at first i thought it was my sister, katia. but then i looked again and i thought, it'sjenna, my cousin. death and displacement, two things israel's american allies have asked it to minimize, but people are fleeing, many of them, not for the first time. the war�*s destruction driving them on the front. washington wanted this phase of the war to be different. but for those caught up in it like this panic—stricken ambulance crew, it looks and feels very much the same. street battles are raging in khan younis. these pictures from islamic jihad, one of the two main palestinian armed factions. israel will win this fight, but at what cost? paul adams, bbc news, jerusalem. will keep up close watch on those developments. on wednesday, the us senate is expected to vote on the latest aid package which has been drawn up by the biden adminstration — but — it seems things may not be going as smoothly as kyiv might have hoped. republicans have indicated they could have problems with the package — and president zelensky, who was due to address a closed meeting of the senate, pulled out of the event at the last minute. the white house says that, as things stand, the support for ukraine, which already stands at more than $110 billion — will run out by the end of the year. i have been speaking to our north america correspondent peter bowes in los angeles for on how are these developments being seen in the us well, this is clearly a critical time for ukraine, seemingly desperate to get these additional funds to support their war effort against russia. and there is some synergy between the calls that we're hearing from officials in ukraine — for the senate, for the congress, to provide authorization for these funds — and what the white house has been saying. some quite really dire warnings from the white house that money is running out from a us perspective, and time is running out as well, with one official saying that ukraine would in effect be kneecapped if it didn't receive these funds to continue its war against russia. and that's why it is a critical time, some surprise, that president zelensky would pull out of this virtual this video meeting with congress to presumably argue his case for these additionalfunds at the time when, as you say, the senate republicans, democrats, are debating this very large foreign aid package. $106 billion, which also includes aid for israel, for taiwan, and — and here's the potential sticking point — aid to support the security efforts on the southern us border between the us and mexico. and that is the area of disagreement between the republicans and the democrats. right. the vote is expected on wednesday at the us senate. well, republican speaker of the house of representatives, mikejohnson, says that the biden administration has failed to substantively address concerns about a clear strategy in ukraine. as we've been talking, this has been a divisive issue. is there scope for common ground on this matter, then? there is always scope for common ground because while some republicans seemingly oppose the extent to which aid is being proposed for ukraine in this package, and it would be about $61 billion, there are other republicans, more centrist republicans, who believe quite strongly in continued aid for ukraine, and perhaps have a similar view to the white house. so there is scope for some agreement. and i think the question at this stage is if it isn't $61 billion, how much will it be? will it be a smaller figure? and would that be enough, at least in the short term, the foreseeable future, to aid ukraine in the way that it desires? all right. peter, stay on with us, because this is also, of course, going to be an important issue as the us heads into elections next year, because i just also want to get your comments on the news lines that came in from president biden when he made a ratherfrank and perhaps unexpected admission that he said he's not sure he would be running for a second term in office if donald trump wasn't also trying to win the presidency. well, in his own words, president biden said, "if trump wasn't running, i'm not sure i'd be running, but we cannot let him win". the opinion polls currently show donald trump with a narrow lead in the race for the white house. peter, i'm going to come back to you with that. president biden has voiced concerns about donald trump running for president in the past, but saying it now in the manner that he did. what are you making of it? well, it certainly surprised quite a lot of people here. i think there'll be strategists on both sides, republicans and democrats, trying to figure out what is going throuthoe biden�*s mind. it isn't certain at this stage that donald trump is going to be the republican candidate. he is significantly ahead of the other contenders for that nomination. but as we all know, donald trump is facing huge legal issues with criminal trials coming up next year. and there is the possibility that one of the other contenders, nikki haley, the former un representative under donald trump, she is doing quite well. and some people are suggesting that perhaps she could be the republican candidate. so are we seeing joe biden here, perhaps considering that if donald trump isn't the candidate, he won't be the candidate either and stepping aside for another democrat? i think these are questions we probably can't answer at the moment, but it's it's throwing the cat amongst the pigeons, to use that phrase, in terms of the race at this stage, which, interestingly, the presidential election is now exactly to the day, 11 months away. in the uk — a a 42—year—old woman has died and two other people — including a teenager — have been wounded in a shooting in east london. the incident happened at around 6.30 in the evening, near hackney. no arrests have yet been made, and police say officers will remain at the scene overnight and will be in the area over the coming days. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. let's take a look at some of the stories in the headlines in the uk.... prince harry's lawyers have begun legal action against the government over its decision last year to strip his royal security arrangements in the uk. the home office said prince harry was no longer entitled to them, because he lives in the us, and is no longer a working member of the royal family. south wales police say a 28—year—old man, arrested on suspicion of attempting to murder a woman in the town of aberfan, was known to her. the woman — who's 29 — is being treated in hospital for stab wounds, but her injuries are not thought to be life threatening. junior doctors in england have voted to stage fresh strikes this month and next, after talks between the british medical assocation and the government broke down. the bma said junior doctors would strike from 7am on the 20th to the 23rd of december — and again injanuary. you're live with bbc news. the uk and rwanda have signed a new deal — which the uk says will address the supreme court's concerns about sending asylum seekers who arrive in britain to the african country. thejudges ruled the policy unlawful, because it could be open to breaches of human rights. but the home secretary, james cleverly, said rwanda had made a clear commitment to the safety of people who go there. and i have guaranteed that we will address the issues the supreme court has put forward and we have. i guarantee that we would work collaboratively with the rwanda government, and we have. i guarantee that we put this relationship on a firm international footing, and we have. the main opposition labour party has said it would scrap the policy if it wins the next general election — saying that money would be better spent going after the gangs which organise small boat crossings of the english channel from france. for weeks, boats carrying hundreds of refugees have been making a hazardous journey from bangladesh to aceh in indonesia. on board are rohingya muslims — many of whom fled from a military crackdown in myanmar. they say the refugee camps in bangladesh are dangerous — but — the local population in aceh is often opposed to their arrival. we should warn you, this report from hannah samosir contains material which you may find upsetting. after almost two weeks of sailing, these rohingya refugees have finally reached land. but the refugees who arrived from bangladesh have not received a warm welcome in aceh, indonesia. local people have tried to push them back to sea. "don't make us hit you", one man shouts. "you can't dock here". many of them are women and children who desperately need help. some of the recently arrived refugees are now being housed by local authorities. yasmin said four babies died on the boat she was on. one of them was her daughter. translation: when i first arrived in indonesia, - i had two children. but when they put away our boat, one of my children died because he was sick and we didn't have any food. i had to throw her body into the sea. yasmin and more than 1,200 other refugees are being housed by local authorities in temporary shelters like this. she says she fled bangladesh after her husband died and her brother was killed in the gang violence that stalks refugee camps there. they might be safer in indonesia, but the conditions are very difficult. here tents of people are squeezed into one room. some of them are sick, but they have no choice. and the refugees are still arriving in aceh. over 1000 came in recent weeks, and more boats are on their way. but locals say the influx is already out of control and needs to stop. translation: they are | unsettling and ungrateful. some of them ran away from the shelters. to help deal with the new arrivals, the indonesian government has set up a new task force. but many refugees find themselves trapped in a kind of limbo. zahara says her camp in bangladesh burnt down and she fled to protect her children. she dreams of being reunited with her husband, who is stuck in malaysia. but for now, a video call is the only way these children can talk to their father. they are closer, but still too far away. hannah samosir, bbc news, aceh. international data suggests that luxury watch theft is on the rise around the world. in london alone, more than £50 millionorth of watches were reported stolen in 2022. we have a special report now shedding light on this form of organised crime, and the methods used. tir dondy has been talking to both criminals and the people they target. luxury watches stolen from people across the streets in the uk. a multi—million pound criminal industry. victims left traumatised by these unprovoked attacks. london is the hotspot. i've tracked down a gang of luxury watch thieves who have given me unprecedented access to their world on condition of anonymity. are you guys happy with that? this is the gang leader, who we are calling m. do you not feel bad that you are bringing kids into this? he has little regard for his victims. it scares them pretty much for life, some of them are scared to walk alone at night. does that not make you feel bad? the thieves i met say they are only interested in watches worth thousands of pounds. many are prepared to resort to extremely violent means. and you can see the size of the blade. andrew dinsmore is a conservative councillor. last year his watch was stolen by men wielding a machete in chelsea, london. his attackers are now behind bars. my wife thought it was a terrorist attack. at the time i was wearing a long—sleeved jumper. there was no way you could see it from the road, and the way they approached us, very directly, straight to me, it was definitely they wanted the watch and the only time it would have been visible was when we are in the restaurant and i pulled myjumper up and we were eating. it's organised crime with people involved at multiple levels. gangs pay people to spot victims in affluent areas. some work on the streets, some inside bars and clubs. and how much do you get paid to do this? the leader, m, listens into our interview but becomes uneasy when he sees people he does not know. did you just put a knife in your trousers? a gun? whilst we were there, another gang showed up. we finish our interview early. but not all evade the law. in central london, the metropolitan police are using plain clothes officers to tackle luxury watch theft. i clocked them up there and round the corner. our suspicion is that he was spotting. i've spotted him and he's followed to females off down the side street and i can clearly see him looking at a watch and almost crouching down to get a look at the face where we've now gone into a bit of darkness. the watch thieves i met see it as a lucrative alternative to drug crime with scant sympathy for the people they target. but those who get caught face long prison sentences amid a rising awareness of their ruthless tactics. tir dhondy, bbc news, london. you can watch the full documentary — hunting the rolex rippers — on bbc iplayer. to the turner prize now — one of the most prestigious awards in the arts world. it has been won this year by 41—year—old jesse darling. his work was inspired by brexit, the pandemic and immigration. our culture editor, katie razzall was at the ceremony. and the winner is, ladies and gentlemen, jesse darling. jesse darling only went to art school in his 30s. he's worked in music and as a chef. now, he's the winner of the uk's most prestigious contemporary art prize. well, this is a lot. darling's show opens with checkpoints surrounded by barbed wire. there are jaunty sculptures of crash barriers. unionjacks and bunting adorn the room. the oxford—born, berlin based, artist says, in part, he's focusing on what he sees as the uk's hostile environment on immigration. i'm looking at what's going on here, and i wanted to make a work that reflected that, and i wanted to make a work about britain for the british public. and whether they like it or don't like it, it was a great honour and privilege to be able to do something so public. hosting the exhibition by the four nominated artists at eastbourne towner gallery has doubled visitor numbers. here's the show�*s curator. what does it mean for eastbourne? i think it's something that on a local level we're feeling incredibly proud of. to be able to host the turner prize is really special, a really special occasion for us. we've been getting thousands of visitors coming through of all different age groups, and they've been feeling the confidence to come into contemporary art space. jesse darling is £25,000 richer, joining the likes of damien hirst, steve mcqueen and rachel whiteread as the turner prize winner. he said he'll probably spend the money paying his rent. barbara walker was the bookies favourite, with a show that depicted people caught up in the windrush scandal. conceptual artist gillian leon focused on motherhood and the roles we play. the other nominee was rory pilgrim, who created a film during the pandemic, looking at what we cling to in difficult times. all the artists reflect the themes of our age. in the end, jesse darling takes the prize, praised by the judges for his dynamic work. katie razzall, bbc news, eastbourne. denny laine the founder and lead singer of the legendary 60's band the moody blues has died at the age of 79. he also started the group wings with sir paul mccartney co—writing mull of kintyre which famously outsold any beatles single in the uk. that's all for the moment on this addition of bbc news thank you for watching but do stay on with bbc news. hello again. temperatures have dropped away quite sharply through the night. and as we start on wednesday morning, there will be a hard and a widespread frost, particularly across northern areas of scotland. on top of that, some fog patches around as well. but there will be some sunny spells, certainly a quieter spell of weather for many of us throughout wednesday compared to the last few days. that area of low pressure bringing the rain, clearing away to the east. we've got further weather systems waiting out in the atlantic that will become more of a feature of the weather over the next few days. but a cold start to the day for many of us. temperatures potentially down to —10 degrees in northern areas of scotland, and some freezing fog in the east of wales through parts of the midlands and southern areas of england. that could be quite stubborn to clear away, but elsewhere the fog should tend to lift and there'll be some sunshine across many areas before the cloud increases from the west, and with that some outbreaks of rain. but if you're stuck beneath the area of fog, temperatures may only be around about one degree celsius. so feeling particularly cold, but elsewhere we'll see temperatures 4—6 celsius. but in the west, you notice nine, 11 degrees there in plymouth, signs of the less cold air moving in. and as we go through wednesday night, that rain will continue to spread north and eastward. as it bumps into colder air, temporarily, there could be some snow over the higher ground of northern england and across scotland, but that will become increasingly confined to higher ground as we go through thursday because that less cold air, the milder conditions, will spread in from the southwest, moving to pretty much most areas throughout thursday. a strengthening wind to come with that as well. but it means actually where we'll have a bit of snow for the time of a higher ground of scotland, heavy rain is going to spread through and that's going to bring the risk of some localised flooding, especially in areas where we've seen a bit of flooding over the last couple of days or so, eventually clearing from southern and western areas. temperatures here 10—11 degrees celsius, still perhaps just a little bit chilly beneath the cloud and the rain across eastern areas, 6—7 degrees. now, while that heavy rain does clear away to the northeast, we've got low pressure moving in from the atlantic, strengthening winds around the irish sea coasts and further outbreaks of rain. so certainly rain is going to become more of a feature of the weather over the coming days. there'll be some strong winds at times as well. but we will lose the frosty the icy conditions with temperatures in double figures. bye— bye. a turn of fortunes for bitcoin as it reaches highs not seen since april 2022. is this the end of the crypto winter? and the mediterranean diet under threat — we report on how climate change is affecting a healthy kitchen staple. hello and welcome to asia business report. i'm arunoday mukharji. we begin with the price of bitcoin — it briefly hit $44,000 on tuesday — that's its highest level since april 2022. and it's quite a turn of fortunes for the cryptocurrency, which has more than doubled in value since the beginning of the year. from new york, erin delmore reports. this is the highest level we've seen bitcoin climb to since april 2022 and a lot has happened since then. in may of 2022, a stablecoin crash sent a shock to the system, losing investors tens of billions of dollars. a crypto winter followed when asset prices plummeted. then the collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange in november 2020 to ftc�*s founder, sam bankman—fried, was found guilty of fraud and money laundering last month.

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Wasn T , Under Donald Trump , Presidency , Office , Term , Criminals , World , Epidemic , Turner Prize , Art , Thefts , Sculptorjesse Darling , Programme , It , Developments , Israel , Israeli Military , Heart , Hamas , Khan Younis , Troops , Footage , Gaza , Stronghold , Overnight Bombardment , Islamic Jihad Organisation , Militant Group , News Agencies , Video , Air Strike , Fighting , Explosion , People , Area , Black , In The City , Forces , Resources , Chronic , Agencies , Women , Details , Investigators , October Attack , Hearing Evidence , Bbc , Witnesses , Testimonies , A Thousand , Report , Lucy Williamson , Attacks , Bodies , Warning , Victims , Jerusalem , Attack , Chaos , Trauma , Middle East , Police , Eye Witness , Testimony , Stories , Rape , Sexual Assault , Violence , Evidence , Site , Few , Oman , Scale , One By , Dover , Uniform , Survivors , One , Clouds , Bombardment , Smoke , Combat Zone , Crimes , Videos , Trousers , Challenge , Bloodstain , Woman , Body Collectors , Semi Clothed , Trucks , Captive , Piles , Legs , Waist Down , Burnt , Muitlated , Girls , Side , Rapes , Situation , Everything , Three , Some , Army Base , Makeshift Identification Unit , Abuse , Hand , Half , Idea , Story , Location , Piecing , Staff , Patterns , Premeditated , Work , Sexual Violence , Bbc News , Way , Benjamin Netanyahu , Military Tactics , Methods , Officials , Paul Adams , Force , Remarks , Job , Disquiet , American , Death , Hospital , South , Injury , Procession , Cease Fire , Grief , The Eye Of Storm , Al Nasser , Four , Members , Child , Family , Kassim Sheba , Seven , Dozens , Rubble , Sisters , Miraculous Escape , Dharambhala , Maria , Lana , Two , Ground , Translation , Body , Head , Sister , Rocks , Cousin , Displacement , Katia , It Sjenna , Many , Things , Allies , Time , War S Destruction , War , Front , Phase , Ambulance Crew , Same , Street Battles , Washington , Fight , Factions , Pictures , Cost , Senate , Aid Package , On Wednesday , Biden Adminstration , Republicans , Zelensky , Package , Meeting , Problems , Kyiv , Peter Bowes , Ukraine , Support , White House , Event , The End , Run Out , North America , 10 Billion , 110 Billion , Funds , Well , Calls , Synergy , War Effort , Los Angeles , Russia , Money , Congress , Warnings , Saying , Perspective , Authorization , Didn T , Official , Kneecapped , Effect , Surprise , Video Meeting , Additionalfunds , Case , Aid , Democrats , Taiwan , 06 Billion , 106 Billion , Point Aid , Security Efforts , Border , Disagreement , Mexico , Joe Biden , Administration , Vote , Strategy , Talking , Address , Mikejohnson , Speaker Of The House Representatives , Scope , Issue , Matter , Extent , Centrist , View , 61 Billion , 1 Billion , Stage , Isn T , Question , Figure , Agreement , News Lines , Comments , Course , Elections , Heads , President , Running , Admission , Ratherfrank , Words , Trump Wasn T Running , Lead , Race , Concerns , Opinion Polls , Him Win , Lot , Sides , Strategists , Mind , Manner , Throuthoe , Candidate , Contenders , Nomination , Know , It Isn T , Nikki Haley , Possibility , Issues , Trials , Fun , Election , Terms , Questions , Pigeons , Cat , Phrase , The Uk , East London , Shooting , Teenager , 42 , 11 , Officers , Incident , Arrests , Scene , Near Hackney , 6 30 , Look , Prince Harry , Government , Headlines , Action , Lawyers , Working Member , Royal Family , Security Arrangements , Decision , Home Office , South Wales Police , 28 , Suspicion , Life , Of Aberfan , Who , Town , Injuries , Stab Wounds , 29 , Junior Doctors , Northern England , Talks , Medical Assocation , Bma , 20 , 23rd Of December , 7 , 23 , 20th , Again Injanuary , Policy , Asylum Seekers , Country , Human Rights , Breaches , Rwanda , Supreme Court , Thejudges , Safety , Commitment , Home Secretary , James Cleverly , Footing , Relationship , Opposition Labour Party , Gangs , Boat , General Election , English Channel , France , Refugees , Boats , Refugee Camps , Indonesia , Journey , Hundreds , Military Crackdown , Bangladesh , To Aceh , On Board , Myanmar , Material , In Aceh , Arrival , Population , Sailing , Hannah Samosir , Rohingya , Welcome , Land , Children , Sea , One Man , Don T Make Us Hit You , Yasmin , Authorities , Babies , Daughter , Food , 1200 , Shelters , Husband , Gang Violence , Brother , Conditions , Tents , Room , Choice , Sick , Control , Influx , Locals , 1000 , Zahara , Task Force , Camp , Deal , Arrivals , Kind , Limbo , Video Call , Father , Closer , Malaysia , Watch Theft , Rise , Data , Crime , Watches , Special Report , Form , Tir Dondy , 2022 , 0 , 50 , Streets , Luxury , Hotspot , Pound Criminal Industry , Thieves , Gang , Condition , Anonymity , Access , Gang Leader , Kids , Regard , Thousands , Watch , Andrew Dinsmore , Bars , Terrorist Attack , Attackers , Councillor , Size , Wife , Blade , Men Wielding , Machete , Chelsea , Jumper , Restaurant , Road , Areas , Levels , Eating , Clubs , Myjumper , Interview , M , Knife , Gun , Law , Clothes , Central London , Bit , Corner , Spotting , Darkness , Females , Side Street , Drug Crime , Tactics , Awareness , Alternative , Sympathy , Prison Sentences , Bbc Iplayer , Tir Dhondy , Documentary Hunting The Rolex Rippers , Jesse Darling , Immigration , Pandemic , Katie Razzall , Awards , Ceremony , Brexit , 41 , Winner , Art School , Music , Chef , His 30s , Ladies And Gentlemen , 30 , Show , Checkpoints , Crash Barriers , Bunting , Sculptures , Darling , Contemporary Art Prize , Barbed Wire , Unionjacks , Artist , Part , Environment , Oxford , Berlin , Something , Public , Privilege , Honour , About Britain , Artists , Level , Exhibition , Eastbourne , Visitor Numbers , Show S Curator , Eastbourne Towner Gallery , Visitors , Age Groups , Occasion , Confidence , Contemporary Art Space , Steve Mcqueen , Damien Hirst , 25000 , 5000 , Gillian Leon , Roles , Brent , Bookies , Scandal , Motherhood , Rachel Whiteread , Barbara Walker , Windrush , Times , Age , Rory Pilgrim , In The End , Prize , Nominee , Film , Themes , Judges , Denny Laine , Singer , 60 S , Moody Blues , 60 , Wings , Group , 79 , Paul Mccartney , Single , Co Writing , Mull Of Kintyre , Stay , Wall , Addition , Temperatures , Scotland , Frost , Top , Fog Patches , Hello Again , Rain , Weather , Least , Feature , Pressure , Weather Systems , Spells , Spell , Clearing , Atlantic , Elsewhere , Fog , Start , Parts , Wales , Midlands , Cloud , West , Outbreaks , Degree Celsius , Sunshine , Snow , Hair , Signs , Cold Air , Plymouth , 4 , 6 , Nine , Southwest , Strengthening Wind , Heavy Rain , Flooding , Couple , Risk , Northeast , The Rain Across Eastern Areas , 10 , Winds , Coasts , Irish Sea , Figures , Bye , Bitcoin , Turn , Fortunes , End , Crypto , Highs , April 2022 , Hello , Diet , Threat , Kitchen Staple , Asia Business Report , Climate Change , Cryptocurrency , Price , Briefly Hit , Arunoday Mukharji , Tuesday That , 44000 , 4000 , Shock , Beginning , Value , May 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