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palestinians. the temporary truce agreed between israel and hamas is continuing to hold. it isa it is a remarkably calm scene at the moment although it is a remarkably calm scene at the moment although you it is a remarkably calm scene at the moment although you can it is a remarkably calm scene at the moment although you can see it is a remarkably calm scene at the moment although you can see the damage to that skyline that seven weeks of war have left there. i was at that exact spot in southern israel yesterday, and to hear it quiet, relatively peaceful, to hear the sound of birdsong instead of the sound of air strikes and outgoing artillery fire, it was a marked difference to what we have seen in the last seven weeks or so. this is all part of the deal between israel and hamas. meanwhile in the past few hours, israeli children's hospital has released a video of hostages reuniting with their loved ones. this is the moment nine—year— old ohad, his mother and grandmother, greeted their relatives. these were families who did not know they would ever see their loved ones again. there were four members of that family that were taken. his grandfather it still remains in gaza. there is still a tense wait for that family. here's how one of ohad's relatives greeted the news earlier: the only one who got to speak with them by now is ohad's father, who is karen's partner. he spoke to them, he said that they're fine, they're healthy. we feel very worried for the other families, we feel like we're one big family with all the other families of the hostages. we're waiting for all of them to come back and we're still going to work hard for everyone to come back. i'm waiting to see ohad and i can't wait to give him his rubik's cube, which i know he really loved and he probably missed it so much. and that's the first thing he takes everywhere he goes. we have just been seeing some of the first pictures of the hostage families released yesterday on the helicopter being brought back to israel. people in tel aviv have gathered once again. they are singing and looking around at the many posters with the faces and names of those hostages, some who have been released, and some who are still being held inside gaza. let's take a moment to look at what we know about those freed hostages — all of whom were captured during the hamas attack on israel on the 7th of october. qatar, which has been mediating between israel and hamas, says the group was made up of 13 israelis, 10 thais, and one filipino. among the israelis — there was one 85 year old woman, and four children, aged two, four, six and nine. some of the released israeli hostages have been receiving medical care at the schneider children's medical center. last night for children, three mothers, one grandmother, came to as at the medical centre. teams of psychologists, social workers, were organised to meet them. the children and the family members are in good physical condition. it is too early to tell more about their emotional condition. our message for this unique situation is to take care of the basic needs of the families, to respect their privacy, and to consult with them about the way to cope with this stress. that is the situation with some of the israeli hostages who were released yesterday. let's look now at the palestinians who were released. a total of 39 people — made up of 2a women, and 15 teenage boys — were released to palestinian officials in the west bank. the majority of them were being held in pre—trial detention. their freedom was greeted with celebrations among palestinian communities — these pictures were filmed late on friday evening. you can see the crowds waving the red, black and white flag of palestine — and also the green flags of hamas. (00v)and this is sarah al—suwaisa — —— what are your feelings now? i cannot describe myjoy. we were told it was a prisoner swap deal. may all the prisoners be released soon stop every day we were suppressed, checked and beaten. i spent eight months there, the president was like a graveyard for the living. there was no food there. we were beaten every day. one of the key parts of this deal was an increase in humanitarian aid, and another 200 trucks filled with everything from food and water to medical supplies have crossed again from gaza into egypt. israel also agreed as part of the deal to allow in four tankers of fuel, and four of making gas, for every one of the four days of this deal. next we want to show you some pictures that have come into us from inside gaza. people have been waiting in long queues forfuel and aid. these pictures are from khan younis. one person said they had been waiting for gas for five hours from five in the morning. that is one of the things that has been an incredibly short supply, you can see people lining up with a empty gas bottles to get them filled. gazans are trying to make the most of the pause in fighting to gather much needed supplies. in some cases to go back to their homes to see what remains of them. the israeli military confirmed that four tankers containing fuel and another four carrying cooking gas entered gaza on saturday morning. as pa rt of as part of the deal, and this happens in normal time, every vehicle is checked by the israeli military before making the crossing into gaza. palestinians have also been heading to markets do dry to pick up food on the second day of the truce. israel said that of those tracks coming through rafah, more than 100 of them were loaded with food supplies. one man told the reuters newsagency that the price of vegetables had gone down on saturday as the truce had allowed them to access goods. middle east correspondent yolande knell has this report. israeli soldiers biding their time. for now the guns stay silent, the truce is sticking. the skies over gaza remain quiet, also. for seven weeks israel's most intense bombardment has taken their toll. after israel allowed fuel, and for the first time, cooking gas into gaza yesterday, palestinians have been lining up their empty canisters, hoping for a hot meal. gas is essential for us to cook, says this man, we hope we will be given some. this pause in fighting is allowing the biggest influx of aid to gaza but the biggest un agency here warned this is not enough. we call for the expansion of the humanitarian operation. to respond once and for all to the scale and volume of the need. last night, as a key part of the truce deal, the international committee of the red cross brought 13 israeli women and children out of gaza. all had been held hostage by hamas since the surprise attack on the 7th of october sparked a brutal war. 39 palestinian women and children were released from israeli jails and greeted home by theirfamilies. today should bring more scenes like this one. in the occupied west bank. and this, in israel. reunited with his wife and two young girls. while there is anguish that the war is not over, these are moments of jov- i was just pointing at those pictures because ohad is there. relief, of course. i5 pictures because ohad is there. relief, of course. is it pictures because ohad is there. relief, of course.— relief, of course. is it difficult to watch that _ relief, of course. is it difficult to watch that in _ relief, of course. is it difficult to watch that in public? - relief, of course. is it difficult to watch that in public? yes. i to watch that in public? yes. i am not _ to watch that in public? yes. i am not calling _ to watch that in public? yes. i am not calling the - to watch that in public? yes. i am not calling the shots, . to watch that in public? yes. | i am not calling the shots, for to watch that in public? yes. - i am not calling the shots, for me, this was a personal moment, maybe they should have let the family have this to ourselves. it is a small thing, it is not a big issue. how much of this process, it has been arranged and run by the israeli government, by the hospital, is it something that they decide what happens with that kind of thing? yes. they take them and drive them, from what we saw yesterday, through this complex of professional people, and medical people, to have this process properly, i don't know if there is any protocol for this, but it is a first time for everyone dealing with this amount of people. i am sure it brought a big burden on the health service. i think they are doing pretty good, and keeping the families apart from too much attention, and letting them recuperate for the time being. another one of your family members gave an interview. and how much ohad loved his remix cube. we were told there was this big thing where 11100 rubik cubes were arranged into a picture of ohad. it came out like a beautiful portrait of ohad. also, they have to come here and understand we had practically stopped breathing for seven weeks and they were the centre of attention for the entire nation. media exposure, it has to be gradual. i was talking to a professor, the medical director of the hostages form, he has been involved in looking after these hostages, and when he was talking about the first four release, that is what he said, that suddenly very private people who have been in terrible conditions for the last few weeks find themselves in a situation where everybody wants to talk to them, in some cases people want to hug them, they don't necessarily know that. that is a difficult part of all of this, when you find yourself the focus of public attention, it is public love, but it is attention that you might not want. yes. for every person _ that you might not want. yes. for every person there _ that you might not want. yes. for every person there comes - that you might not want. yes. for every person there comes a - that you might not want. yes. for every person there comes a point| every person there comes a point where he wants to be with himself. and it is going to be hard for them. that is least of our problems. we need to lick our wounds in a way. we are still missing her uncle, and my cousin, he was murdered that saturday, so the family is hurt real bad. it is going to take time. it will be gradual stop i think it is a lifelong process for each and everyone of them to recuperate. 49 days of waking up in the morning and going to bed on the same reality, again and again, it is nerve—wracking, there is so much time for getting into deep desperation, and then getting some hope, then getting deeper desperation. such a long time to build these layers. these layers need to be surfaced now unprocessed. i bet they have many things to talk about now, and would like to share it with friends, family, professional people. it is going to take a while. it will be painful and of course. we cannot be really happy because we miss my uncle and my cousin, of course, different terms, of course, and we will do our best to get my uncle back. he is still being held. he is still being held. yes, it is a crazy situation. mixed emotions surface all the time. i am extremely happy and then i am extremely happy and then i am extremely frustrated, and then i am extremely frustrated, and then i am extremely sad. but i am not the issue here, of course. you say it is difficult to be in the spotlight, but i'm grateful to you for talking to us stop it is enormously valuable because most of us can ever know what it is like to be in that situation, and to get even a small insight makes as all a little wiser about what is going on. thank you so much for taking the time. thank it. one of the family members who have seen some of their family members release, but as he was saying, in some cases families will be split, only women and children are included in this particular hostage release, there are still 200 hostages being held inside gaza, we are waiting for another release today as part of that fourth day deal. live hospital pictures. in fact, these are the prison pictures. they are both really important in this story. this is one of their medical centres where the hostages are going to be brought to when they are released, inside israel. this is something which has been planned and prepared. i think you got an idea there we were talking, when we saw those pictures of ohad being reunited and hugging his father, you get a sense of how much has had to be put into place, how many different layers of medical care, physical care, psychosocial care, those call centres are waiting to receive this next group of hostages who are going to be released. and those prison pictures again, this is in the occupied west bank, it is an israeli prison, they are waiting for the prisoner release which will follow the hostage release. it is a carefully choreographed a series of events that we saw happen yesterday. and we expect it to follow a similar pattern today, we are, after the hostage release, we see the prisoner is released. this is something that is released. this is something that is happening every day over a four—day period. every day people hoping that this will continue stop and now to talk about another element of this deal, from the norwegian refugee council, about the humanitarian aid that has increased in these past few days, as part of this deal between israel and greek. thank you forjoining us on bbc news. tell as a little bit more about the aid that is going on, it is still not enough, even though it has more than we have seen so far. yesterday that un reported that 137 tracks of aid in addition to the tracks of aid in addition to the tracks of aid in addition to the tracks of fuel and cooking gas came in. this still fell short of the 200 trucks that we were told would be entering each day. that was the most that had entered since october seven. but it is nowhere near enough to meet the basic needs of the 2.3 million palestinians in gaza. 1.7 million palestinians in gaza. 1.7 million of whom have been internally displaced. we have seen 60% housing damaged or destroyed in gaza. people are in desperate need, notjust of food, water, medicine, but shelter, tents, mattresses, bedding. everything that you need to have a normal dignified life. the amount of aid that is going in isjust a trickle the amount of aid that is going in is just a trickle of what is needed to meet these and precedented needs. we are hoping that this temporary pause will hold, and become a permanent ceasefire. not only do we need that in order to be able to have a more effective and sustained humanitarian response, but the people of gaza cannot take any more damage to the infrastructure, any more loss of civilian life, it is just too much for all of them to address at this moment. this deal that has been agreed, it was brokered by qatar, it was agreed between israel and hamas. is there a strong voice around that table advocating for extra humanitarian aid to be allowed into gaza? i wish i could be a fly on the water these negotiations, but i am not, i do not know, i know that the un has been pushing as hard as it can, and humanitarian agencies and partners, and members of the international community, that we need to seriously scale up your material aid. but i don't know where that has gone in the negotiations. i do know that today, additional trucks were able today, additional trucks were able to reach northern gaza and gaza city, which we had not anticipated would be allowed to happen. it is a positive step. we need more aid to be able to reach people in need in northern gaza, as well as in central and southern gaza. a diplomatic source has confirmed to the bbc that there is a delegation from qatar and israeljust now discussing a possible extension to that ongoing truce agreement. this is by no means confirmed, but the source said there was momentum to build on the current four—day period. what would that mean, if you could have each day beyond the four days, how much more each could get in, that is something that organisations like yours have pushed for? every day, every hour, every minute counts. we need to be pushing as much as we can for extensions of this. evenjust the much as we can for extensions of this. even just the first day, a lot of it was just assessing needs, because connectivity applications throughout gaza has been so difficult, there has been ongoing hostilities. this response is not going to take days, weeks, months, it is going to take years in order to rebuild gaza, and the infrastructure that has been destroyed. we desperately need more days, more time, and we hope that this is notjust a pause, that that it can be turned into a permanent ceasefire. i give forjoining us, from the norwegian refugee council. just reacting to that line that the diplomatic sources confirm to the bbc that there is a delegation from qatar in issue at the moment discussing a possible extension to the ongoing truce agreement. that source talking about momentum to build on the current four—day period. we heard similarfrom egypt earlier in the day, as well. we will continue to follow that element of the story, and we are expecting to see more hostages released and more palestinian detainees released as well. stay with us on bbc news. hello. it's a chilly and crisp day out there. the skies are generally clear, too, and that means that this evening, it's going to turn cold. and once again, we've got quite a widespread frost on the way. let's have a look at the satellite picture. and from the motion of the clouds, you can guess where the air has been coming from — from the north. but temporarily, we will see something a little bit milder coming out of the west, ahead of this weather front here. and that's also going to bring a fair amount of cloud and some rain for some of us on sunday. so here are the temperatures — saturday, mid—to—late afternoon, around about 3 to 6 degrees celsius. tonight, the skies are clear. so once again, a sharp frost will form across scotland, england as well, but starting to turn a little less cold through the night out towards the west. so belfast, 3 degrees. i think the western fringes of wales milder too, and plymouth, around seven celsius. but elsewhere, temperatures around freezing, or even below. now, this area of low pressure will be moving across the country during the course of sunday and that means very different weather tomorrow for many of us. so we've got the crisp sunshine through today we'll all have had. tomorrow, it's a case of thicker cloud out towards the west. some outbreaks of rain moving through northern ireland, perhaps around the irish sea, wales, the south—west, the south, slightly higher temperatures — ten in belfast, 13 in plymouth, whereas in aberdeen and newcastle, it's more like four or five. and then through sunday night into monday, that low moves right across the centre of the british isles, and that also leaves a legacy of cloud for monday and some outbreaks of rain. so, not a pretty picture. back to work early in the morning on monday with outbreaks of rain. and notice, the winds are coming from the north once again. so on the backside of this low, as it pulls away, that colder air returns, so back to single figures across most of the uk. now, is this colder weather going to hang around? so we're looking for these blues to stick around and, yes, they do through most of the week. weather fronts try to come in and bring some slightly milder air, but i think it's going to stay on the chilly side. so temperatures into single figures in the outlook for the week ahead, but it's not necessarily going to be sunny. in fact, farfrom it. at times, some rain, a bit of sleet, maybe mountain snow. life in tel aviv, this is bbc news. the 24 life in tel aviv, this is bbc news. the 2a hostages released by hamas on friday are starting to be reunited with their families. israel says it has received the names of at least 13 people to be freed and, in exchange, says it will release 39 palestinian prisoners. these are live pictures from the scene, where the temporary truce agreed between israel and hamas is continuing to hold. a qatari delegation has visited israel to discuss a possible extension. i'm lewis vaughanjones in london with the other main stories. ukraine says russia has targeted it with the biggest number of explosive drones launched in one bombardment since the start of the war. it said 74 of 75 drones were shot down. a former minneapolis police officer convicted of murdering george floyd has reportedly been stabbed in prison. you're watching bbc news, i am anna foster live in tel aviv. israeli officials have said that at least 13 israeli or dual israeli nationals held hostage in gaza are due to be released today on day two of this deal that was brokered by qatar. they are being freed in exchange for at least 39 palestinian prisoners is that temporary truce, a key pillar of this deal between israel and hamas continues to hold for a second day. the israeli military has also said another 200 trucks carrying humanitarian aid are heading into gaza from egypt. israel has also allowed in four tankers of fuel and four of cooking gas, the same we saw yesterday. it's interesting as well, some of the new lines we are hearing just in the last few minutes about this particular deal. there were always provisions put in place for it to last longer potentially than the four days that were agreed. it was supposed to include 50 israeli or dual israeli hostages being released from gaza in return for 150 palestinian prisoners being released from israeli jails on a three to one ratio. but the list of palestinian prisoners eligible for release because that has to be published legally in israel in case anybody wants to object to it, that list was 300 names long. so there was already provision in place potentially for more prisoners to be released in exchange for more hostages. israel said that for every additional ten hostages released over and above that 50, they would be prepared to accept a further 24—hour ceasefire, accept a further 24—hour ceasefire, a further pause in the fighting. so the bedrock was there. egypt said a little earlier this afternoon, because they are again another one of the groups around the table for the talks on this deal. egypt said there were positive signs of a potential extension. and a qatari delegation in israel at the moment is discussing again a possible extension to that truce agreement. this is what a diplomatic source has confirmed to the bbc in the last few minutes. this will be over and above that four days. potentially, there is enough room, enough movement for five days of extra releases to be in place. in this diplomatic source has talked about momentum to build on that current four day period. so of course, we will continue to keep you up—to—date with those discussions as they are happening, also the progress today of the release of at least 13 israeli hostages and at least 13 israeli hostages and at least 39 palestinian prisoners being held in israeli jails. and as i talk to you here in tel aviv, people are once again feeling the nerves and the anticipation of the same really as we saw yesterday on day one of that deal, where people are gathering here, they are looking at pictures and posters of the hostages, their names and faces that are now so well known here in israel. this is unimportant, crucial moment in this war, which began on the 7th of october come up with those brutal hamas attacks carried out in southern israel. let's bring ourselves up—to—date with the situation in gaza at the moment. our bbc arabic correspondent is in jerusalem and gave this update. the deal could have been scuppered if they did not send more trucks to the north of gaza. find if they did not send more trucks to the north of gaza.— the north of gaza. and the israeli arm said the north of gaza. and the israeli army said they — the north of gaza. and the israeli army said they will _ the north of gaza. and the israeli army said they will start - the north of gaza. and the israeli army said they will start to - the north of gaza. and the israeli army said they will start to send | army said they will start to send more than 50 trucks to the northern part of gaza. and this was very much welcomed by many people in that area, a particular area which was subject to very heavy bombing. as you mentioned a moment ago, egypt announced that it has received positive signs from all parties that the truce might be extended for a day or two. this news is very much welcomed in gaza. of course, people are, because of the humanitarian day situation they have been going through since the beginning of the war, hamas as well is likely to welcome such a move as well. find welcome such a move as well. and what have we _ welcome such a move as well. and what have we been hearing today about people who are trying to go back to their homes? we summon —— we saw some of that in the non—? we saw some of that in khan younis and people displaced from the north of the strip train to return to their houses, the idf told them not to and they said it was an active war zone. people still trying to do that today? people still trying to do that toda ? , , ,., ~ people still trying to do that toda ? , ., , ., today? yes, we spoke to several --eole today? yes, we spoke to several peeple inside — today? yes, we spoke to several people inside gaza _ today? yes, we spoke to several people inside gaza and - today? yes, we spoke to several people inside gaza and they - today? yes, we spoke to several people inside gaza and they are | people inside gaza and they are taking advantage of this truce to go and visit their homes, see what is left of it. and many are saying that they are aware of the dangers they are facing by going back to their homes up north, because the israeli army told them not to. also, we heard from the civil defence committee inside gaza, saying that they are in desperate need in northern gaza for equipment to dig out the bodies under the rubble, and also equipment to bury the dead, and they are mentioning a risk of a health crisis because of the bodies decomposing under the rubble in these areas. find decomposing under the rubble in these areas-— these areas. and let's 'ust talk a moment as h these areas. and let's 'ust talk a moment as well h these areas. and let's 'ust talk a moment as well about]— these areas. and let's just talk a moment as well about that - these areas. and let's just talk a - moment as well about that ceasefire, which appears to be holding, but it is a very delicate situation. we know israeli forces have remained inside gaza and they say they are still in defensive positions. what have we heard about the situation there, is everything holding is firmly as hopeful? so there, is everything holding is firmly as hopeful?— there, is everything holding is firmly as hopeful? so far, there are no sins firmly as hopeful? so far, there are no signs that _ firmly as hopeful? so far, there are no signs that the _ firmly as hopeful? so far, there are no signs that the truce _ firmly as hopeful? so far, there are no signs that the truce is _ firmly as hopeful? so far, there are no signs that the truce is not - no signs that the truce is not holding. but anything can happen. because israeli is a regular army is supposed to observe and follow instructions. but in gaza, there are several armed factions and they are not coordinating with each other. and also, you have some non—fighters as well who might be tempted to break the ceasefire. this is what the israelis are saying here in jerusalem and in tel aviv. but so far, things are holding quite well. but anything can happen obviously. this is a very, very volatile situation still.— this is a very, very volatile situation still. what about the border between _ situation still. what about the border between israel - situation still. what about the border between israel and - situation still. what about the - border between israel and lebanon? that has been extremely active in the last seven weeks as well. hezbollah in lebanon are not part of this agreement. does it look like things have quietened down there or is the exchange of fire continuing? yesterday sought the most intense rocket launching from inside the lebanese territory towards israel, towards the north of israel. so it seems that there is an escalation, but not a full—scale war like many would have veered at the beginning of this conflict. but there is an escalation and there is also an escalation and there is also an escalation in the war of words between the hezbollah and the israeli army —— would have veered. so far, we cannot say that there is a sign of another front similar to the one happening in gaza opening up in lebanon. let's get more on that aid that is making its way into gaza. juliette touma is director of communications for the united nations relief and works agency for palestine refugees. she has more detail on what's inside the aid trucks. basic medical supplies, food, medicines, drinking water, some cleaning material and hygiene kits. very, very important, as basic as this sounds, because when i visited one of our shelters, it was very overcrowded. you see, people were literally on top of each other and they lacked the basic hygiene supplies. some of them have not washed for days on end. some of them left with only their clothes on them that they have not changed for 45 days. so it's absolutely fundamental that these basic items, as basic as they might sound, get in and more gets in. the extra humanitarian aid moved into gaza over this four day deal was a key part of what was agreed between israel and hamas. there was the ceasefire, the increase in humanitarian aid covered the release of palestinian prisoners being held in israeli jails and the release of some of those israeli hostages being held by hamas inside gaza. professor hagai levine. he isa he is a medical director involved in treating some of those hostages released so far and he gave an update on their condition, but also explained more about some of the challenges they now face. we have been preparing for the worst when hoping for the best. it seemed like at least the hostages that were released yesterday are relatively in better shape than our worst expectations. obviously, especially the kids have an amazing ability to recover. and some of them have been with their family members, with their mothers, so that also can ease the situation. but, you know, it's a very long recovery process and we don't know yet exactly what are their medical and mental problems. and despite the excitement and thejoy, as you said, we will have to follow up and see what exactly they need. for some of the people, they don't have a home to return to. their home, their community were burned to the ground in the october 7th massacre, genocide. and they now will have to hear many bad news about their beloved, theirfamily members, theirfriends, that were murdered. that really shows you how many different things those released hostages have to deal with both physically and mentally even when they return here to israeli soil. let's take a little look at these live pictures of gaza, as seen from southern israel. because the ceasefire is a key part of this deal that led to the release of those hostages that we were talking about. the fact that for that four day period, fighting has stopped and you can see that quiet sky, even when it is dark, you see the flares being dropped to mark out targets for potential air strikes. the ceasefire seems to be holding well at the moment, a key pillar. lieutenant general sir tom beckett is the executive director of iiss—middle east. he told us more about what the idf and hamas are likely to be doing during this ceasefire. in simple terms, in campaigning planning, what the idf will be doing is thinking about is three things — what is, what if and what next? what is is, what is happening now? is the ceasefire holding, are the hostages continuing to be released? and if they are, they will maintain their defensive stance in northern gaza. but the what if is, if either of those two break down, the ceasefire breaks down or hostage releases stumble or if, indeed, they are told to resume the campaign, and that will be, what do they do with the rest of northern gaza? we already know that much of it is uninhabitable and there's probably only about 200,000 of the population left there. israel currently controls about less than half of northern gaza, so what does it intend to do there — and that's the, what if? and the what next piece is, what does it do when it is told to continue? and it seems clear now that hamas and the associated groups, the leadership have withdrawn into southern gaza and likely concentrated around khan younis. so israel have to consider how it deals with that, because if its stated goal continues to be to destroy hamas as a military entity, then it will have to take action in the south, and that is going to be very problematic. in the south, the numbers are swelled by the movement of displaced people from northern gaza, and hamas will continue to hide amongst them. so, it will be a difficult campaign plan for them. it will also be incredibly difficult to explain to this part of the world, the arab world, why the campaign has moved to the south, where that was supposed to be a refuge. from here in central tel aviv in israel, let's head to london and talk to our correspondent simon jones. what is happening where you are now, simon?— are now, simon? well, tens of thousands _ are now, simon? well, tens of thousands of _ are now, simon? well, tens of thousands of people _ are now, simon? well, tens of thousands of people have - are now, simon? well, tens of| thousands of people have taken are now, simon? well, tens of- thousands of people have taken to the streets here in central london. this is a pro—palestinian protest. now, there have been protests like this in previous weeks. but what is different, of course, it takes place this time against that backdrop of a temporary truce. i have been speaking to many of the protesters here draped in the palestinian flag, many of them chanting free palestine, and they fear that this temporary truce will not lead to anything longer term. that's why there is a great deal of emotion here. it has been a very noisy protest. we are currently at westminster. this is the end of a march that has been taking place through the streets of central london. there are speeches taking place behind me. there has been quite a large police presence along the route of the march. in fact, around 1,500 officers are on duty this weekend to oversee these protests. rather unusually, they have been handing out leaflets. i have been handing out leaflets. i have got one of them here, it says, keep on the right side of the law. and it is basically saying to anyone taking part in these demonstrations that police will not tolerate any form of words or images that are seen to be racist or to incite hatred against any form of a religious group. i have spoken to the organisers, who say they don't actually feel that these leaflets are necessary because they say they have claimed ultimately overall that they've said they have made it clear they've said they have made it clear they are against all forms of any form of racism. now, in terms of the numbers here, protesters say they are expecting around 100,000 to 300,000, it is difficult to get an idea in a static position, but it certainly has been a very large march. a sign that tensions are very high over this issue. the met police say they have arrested one person who was holding a placard with nazi symbols. generally, from what we have seen, it has been a noisy protest, a lot of emotion and it has been largely good—natured. and the police will certainly be hoping it remains that way. it is not the only protest in london during this weekend. tomorrow, there is going to be a big march against anti—semitism. be a big march against anti-semitism. ,, ., ., ~ be a big march against anti-semitism. . ., . ~' , ., anti-semitism. simon, thank you. our reorter anti-semitism. simon, thank you. our reporter simon — anti-semitism. simon, thank you. our reporter simon jones _ anti-semitism. simon, thank you. our reporter simon jones in _ anti-semitism. simon, thank you. our reporter simon jones in central - reporter simon jones in central london. reporter simonjones in central london. so here in israel, people are watching for day two of this deal. we have seen more aid pass into gaza from egypt. the next stage again which happens around about this time yesterday evening was the release of a group of hostages, we're told at least 13 israeli hostages being held in gaza will be handed we expect again by hamas to the red cross to be transferred back to israel. and in return, at least 39 palestinian detainees in israeli jails will be returned through the beitunia checkpoint, you can see preparations in place for the movement of those palestinian detainees back from israeli jails. is that story continues to develop through the day, we will bring you the latest on bbc news. back to london now and lewis has the rest of the day's stories. studio: thank you for that, we will catch up with anna in a moment. the news now. in ukraine, the capital kyiv has been hit by what authority say is the largest russian drone attacks since the war started last year. ukraine's military said 7a out of 75 drones were shot down by deschanel ukraine correspondent james waterhouse reports. the illumination of kyiv�*s air defences, trying to keep out wave after wave of russian drone attacks. it's a desperate six—hour game of search and destroy. an assault designed to exhaust and overwhelm. even when they're intercepted, the debris can still be a threat. ukraine has resisted russian attempts to target infrastructure before, but they still take a toll. translation: the blast was very powerful. - it even blew out the entrance metallic door. we would have been buried by the doors because the strength of the blast was immense. in the north—east luhansk region, there are still hard—fought gains and losses. it's the story of the 700—mile front line. today, president zelenskyy was at a remembrance service in kyiv to commemorate where millions of ukrainians were starved to death under the soviet union in the 1930s. "evil was not stopped," he said, "was not atoned for, and now we are stopping it." his country still faces a threat from moscow today, and he's still urging the world to unite against it. james waterhouse, bbc news, kyiv. i spoke to james. cities like kyiv away from the front line have enjoyed a relative reprieve when it came to missile strikes and it was that quietness which fuelled the fear that russia was stockpiling missiles. and this morning in the early hours, those fears were realised in quite a dramatic way. there was the constant sound, the rumbling, air defences you could hear. and in some parts of the city, you could hear the familiar wining of the engine of a shaheed drone in the mediterranean made model which russia has been using of late in its nationwide attacks on ukraine, they are seen as a cheaper alternative, with its own ballistic missile supplies dwindling. —— the iranian made. kyiv�*s air defences was at work really for six hours repelling wave after wave of russian drone attacks. we're told 75 were launched in total. the majority, according to the authorities, were shot down. but as ever when you see these kind of attacks, it is the falling debris which can also cause so much damage. that has been the case once more. in the kyiv region overall, thousands of homes were cut off from power. and there were other worries russian would continue targeting ukraine infrastructure now winter has arrived. so it really has been quite arrived. so it really has been quite a dramatic start to the day and people are sadly expecting that to continue. thanks to james for that. next india, the attempt to rescue 41 construction workers from a collapsed tunnel has hit another delay. officials say the machine used to drill through the rubble which broke down on friday can't be repaired. our correspondent is outside the tunnel.— repaired. our correspondent is outside the tunnel. what officials are sa in: outside the tunnel. what officials are saying now — outside the tunnel. what officials are saying now is _ outside the tunnel. what officials are saying now is that _ outside the tunnel. what officials are saying now is that the - outside the tunnel. what officials are saying now is that the drilling machine that they were using behind me to drill a hole to try to reach the workers that are trapped, that is now broken down completely. and in order to pull it out committed actually needs to pull it out in pieces. so they have to summon another piece of machinery from another piece of machinery from another city in india, and that is due to arrive late tonight. and that machine will then cut the drilling machine will then cut the drilling machine into pieces, so then it can be pulled out. once they are able to pull that out, what they are going to do then go in manually and start taking out the debris in order to reach those rescued workers. find reach those rescued workers. and 'ust reach those rescued workers. and just reminders. — reach those rescued workers. and just reminders, i know lots of people will have been following this story from the beginning, but for those who haven't, remind us what happened here. you those who haven't, remind us what happened here-— those who haven't, remind us what happened here. you can see that 'ust behind me is — happened here. you can see that 'ust behind me is the fi happened here. you can see that 'ust behind me is the mouth i happened here. you can see that 'ust behind me is the mouth of i happened here. you can see that 'ust behind me is the mouth of a i happened here. you can see thatjust behind me is the mouth of a tunnel. l behind me is the mouth of a tunnel. and you might be able to see the silhouette of the mountain behind me. they were constructing a roadway through this mountain when almost two weeks ago, a nearby landslide crushed the partially built tunnel, trapping 41 men inside. what is making this rescue effort car complicated is because the tunnel was under construction, mixed in with the rubble and debris is actually pieces of metal. and that's why the drill continues to get caught and ultimately why it broke down, resulting in officials here having to try and figure out a new plan to try and get those men out. a fire in a multi—storey shopping centre in the pakistani city of karachi has killed at least ten people and injured many more. officials said it appeared the fire started after a generator short circuit. our correspondent caroline davies has more on this. this fire started in the early hours of this morning and what we've heard from a fire official is there is a call centre inside this building, which is why we've now heard that there have been ten killed. all of there have been ten killed. all of the people that have died were from that call centre, but we understand that call centre, but we understand that several people who worked in the call centre who were working overnight did die in the fire. we know that some died from suffocation, others died from burns. and that there were also 22 people injured. some of those were injured injured. some of those were injured in the process of the evacuation, we understand that some of them fell down the stairwell as they were trying to get out of the building. and in total as you say, we have heard from the city's mayor that ten people died. others are still in a critical condition in hospital. now, karachi has had serious fire incidents before and in fact, it was onlyjust a few incidents before and in fact, it was only just a few days incidents before and in fact, it was onlyjust a few days ago that there was a conference in the city where city planners and engineers, people you had fire safety expertise, there was an estimate that 90% of the buildings in karachi don't have the correct fire prevention and firefighting systems. it is difficult to know whether that number is accurate or not, but this is certainly an issue that has been brought up at that —— about fire safety here in pakistan. back to our live cameras and positions across the region of gaza and israel. let's start by taking you to this checkpoint, which is not far from ofeh you to this checkpoint, which is not farfrom ofeh prison. the reason we are keeping an eye on this live shot in this next live shot of the prison is because we are expecting palestinians to be released today, saturday, as well as israeli hostages to be released from gaza. we are keeping across all these live pictures to await any updates. stay with us. i'm lewis vaughanjones, this is bbc news. hello. it's a chilly and crisp day out there. the skies are generally clear, too, and that means that this evening, it's going to turn cold. and once again, we've got quite a widespread frost on the way. let's have a look at the satellite picture. and from the motion of the clouds, you can guess where the air has been coming from — from the north. but temporarily, we will see something a little bit milder coming out of the west, ahead of this weather front here. and that's also going to bring a fair amount of cloud and some rain for some of us on sunday. so here are the temperatures — saturday, mid—to—late afternoon, around about 3 to 6 degrees celsius. tonight, the skies are clear. so once again, a sharp frost will form across scotland, england as well, but starting to turn a little less cold through the night out towards the west. so belfast, 3 degrees. i think the western fringes of wales milder too, and plymouth, around seven celsius. but elsewhere, temperatures around freezing, or even below. now, this area of low pressure will be moving across the country during the course of sunday and that means very different weather tomorrow for many of us. so we've got the crisp sunshine through today we'll all have had. tomorrow, it's a case of thicker cloud out towards the west. some outbreaks of rain moving through northern ireland, perhaps around the irish sea, wales, the south—west, the south, slightly higher temperatures — ten in belfast, 13 in plymouth, whereas in aberdeen and newcastle, it's more like four or five. and then through sunday night into monday, that low moves right across the centre of the british isles, and that also leaves a legacy of cloud for monday and some outbreaks of rain. so, not a pretty picture. back to work early in the morning on monday with outbreaks of rain. and notice, the winds are coming from the north once again. so on the backside of this low, as it pulls away, that colder air returns, so back to single figures across most of the uk. now, is this colder weather going to hang around? so we're looking for these blues to stick around and, yes, they do through most of the week. weather fronts try to come in and bring some slightly milder air, but i think it's going to stay on the chilly side. so temperatures into single figures in the outlook for the week ahead, but it's not necessarily going to be sunny. in fact, farfrom it. at times, some rain, a bit of sleet, maybe mountain snow. this is bbc news. some of the hostages released yesterday are starting to be reunited with their families. this is the scene live right now looking into gaza. diplomatic sources have revealed to the bbc that a delegation from qatar has visited israel to discuss a possible extension to the truce. a major attack by russian drones on kyiv — ukraine's military say more than 70 were launched overnight. the former minneapolis police officer convicted of murdering george floyd has reportedly been stabbed in prison. iam i am live in tel aviv, in hostages square as this is now known, where a rally is getting under way in support of those hostages who are still being

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Officials , Majority , Total , Boys , Detention , West Bank , 2a Women , 2 , 15 , Communities , Freedom , Red , Crowds , Celebrations , Black And White , 00v , Flag , Flags , Sarah Al Suwaisa , Palestine , 00 , Feelings , Prisoners , Prisoner Swap Deal , Myjoy , Food , President , Suppressed , Beaten , Living , Graveyard , Eight , Aid , Trucks , Water , Everything , Parts , Increase , Supplies , Egypt , 200 , Fuel , Us , Tankers , Making Gas , Person , Gas , Queues Forfuel , Khan Younis , Five , Pause , Fighting , Things , Gazans , Most , Supply , Homes , Cases , Cooking , Israeli Military , Crossing , Pa Rt , Vehicle , Tracks , Into Gaza , Markets , Rafah , 100 , Reuters , Food Supplies , Oman , Price , Goods , Vegetables , Yolande Knell , Report , Middle East , Soldiers , Guns , Toll , Time , Bombardment , Essential , Canisters , Meal , To Cook , Influx , Fun , Expansion , Operation , Notjust , Women , Truce Deal , Scale , Volume , International Committee Of The Red Cross , Last Night , Jails , Hostage , Surprise Attack , Home , Scenes , Theirfamilies , Anguish , Wife , Girls , Jov , Course , Yes , Public , Relief , Course , Shots , Issue , Hospital , Process , It Something , Kind , Government , Protocol , Complex , It , Amount , Burden , Health Service , Attention , Interview , Remix Cube , Picture , Rubik Cubes , 11100 , Portrait , Nation , Centre Of Attention , Breathing , Media Exposure , Director , Professor , Everybody , Conditions , Point , Love , Focus , Uncle , Cousin , Problems , Wounds , Peach , 49 , Reality , Bed , Hope , Desperation , Deep Desperation , Players , Unprocessed , Friends , Terms , Best , Emotions , Insight , Spotlight , Hostage Release , Saying , Split , Fact , Prison Pictures , Hospital Pictures , Something , Story , Inside Israel , Centres , Idea , Talking , Sense , Pictures Of Ohad Being , Place , Call Centres , Physical Care , Psychosocial Care , Prison , Prisoner , Events , Series , Pattern , Element , Stop , Bbc News , Norwegian Refugee Council , Greek , Addition , 137 , Housing , 2 3 Million , 1 7 Million , 60 , Medicine , Shelter , Mattresses , Bedding , Tents , Life , Trickle , Nprecedented , Isjust , Ceasefire , Order , Infrastructure , Response , Gaza Cannot , Loss , Table , Voice , Fly , Negotiations , Material Aid , Partners , Community , Agencies , Reach Northern Gaza , Delegation , Source , Northern Gaza , People In Need , Southern Gaza , Step , Central , Extension , Momentum , Truce Agreement , Israeljust , No , Mean , Organisations , Extensions , Lot , Counts , Applications , Evenjust , Hostilities , Sources , Line , Forjoining Us , Similarfrom Egypt , Detainees , Stay , Skies , Look , Satellite Picture , Frost , Rain , North , Cloud , Hair , Motion , West , Clouds , Weather Front , Temperatures , Well , On Sunday , Scotland , England , 3 , 6 , Pressure , Area , Wales , Elsewhere , Plymouth , Cold , So Belfast , Seven Celsius , Western Fringes , Weather , Many , Case , Country , Sunshine , Thicker Cloud Out , Outbreaks , South , South West , In Belfast , Northern Ireland , Aberdeen , Irish Sea , Newcastle , Ten , Legacy , Moves , Sunday Night Into Monday , British Isles , Figures , Blues , Backside , Air Returns , Notice , Winds , Low , Uk , Weather Fronts , Side , Outlook , Farfrom , Mountain Snow , Bit , Sleet , 2a Hostages , 24 , Palestinian Prisoners , Number , In London , Ukraine , Stories , Start , Lewis Vaughanjones , 74 , 75 , Police Officer , Minneapolis , George Floyd , Anna Foster , Nationals , Pillar , Cooking Gas , Lines , We Saw Yesterday , Provisions , 50 , List , Ratio , 150 , 300 , Bedrock , Signs , Groups , Little , Talks , Releases , Movement , Room , Discussions , Progress Today , Anticipation , Day One , Nerves , Attacks , Correspondent , Update , Arabic , Jerusalem , Israeli Army , Army , Gaza , Bombing , Arm , Parties , Move , Beginning , Find , Train , Toda , Idf , Advantage , Houses , War Zone , Eole , Peeple , Dangers , Rubble , Bodies , Equipment , The Civil Defence Committee Inside Gaza , Need , Areas , Health Crisis , Dead , Risk , Positions , Dust , Talk A Moment , Forces , Holding , Well H , Anything , Everything Holding , Sins , Each Other , Factions , Instructions , Border , Lebanon , Hezbollah , Of Fire Continuing , Rocket Launching , Agreement , Escalation , Conflict , Territory , Sign , Words , Similar , Happening , Juliette Touma , Aid Trucks , Director Of Communications , Medical Supplies , Drinking Water , Medicines , Detail , Sounds , Hygiene Kits , Cleaning Material , United Nations Relief And Works Agency For Palestine Refugees , Hygiene Supplies , Shelters , Top , Items , Clothes , 45 , More , Hagai Levine , He Isa , Worst , Expectations , Ability , Kids , Recovery Process , Ground , Excitement , Thejoy , Genocide , October 7th Massacre , October 7th , Theirfriends , Beloved , Theirfamily Members , Israeli Soil , Sky , Targets , Led , Flares , Tom Beckett , Executive Director , Iiss , Campaigning Planning , Ceasefire Holding , Doing , Stance , Rest , Hostage Releases , Much , Campaign , Either , Break Down , Population , Half , 200000 , Piece , Leadership , Numbers , Goal , Action , Military Entity , Arab World , Campaign Plan , Simon Jones , Refuge , Head , Central Tel Aviv , Let , Protest , Central London , Tens Of Thousands , Protests , Streets , Protesters , Backdrop , Emotion , End , Term , Westminster , Police , Officers , Weekend , Presence , Duty , Speeches , Route Of The March , 1500 , Form , Leaflets , Law , Anyone , Images , Demonstrations , Organisers , Hatred , Eforms , Racism , Tensions , Static Position , 300000 , 100000 , Placard , Symbols , Natured , Reporter , Anti Semitism , Be A Big March Against Anti Semitism , Reorter Anti Semitism , Big March Against Anti Semitism , Simon Anti Semitism , Stage , Reporter Simonjones , Simon Jones In Central , Return , Red Cross , Preparations , Beitunia Checkpoint , Studio , Drone Attacks , Capital Kyiv , What Authority Say , Wave , Air Defences , Kyiv , James Waterhouse , Illumination , Game , Deschanel , Debris , Attempts , Threat , Assault , Search And Destroy , Blast , Metallic Door , Strength , Doors , Translation , Losses , Gains , Luhansk Region , Front Line , Millions , Remembrance Service , Ukrainians , Death , Zelenskyy , 700 , Evil , Soviet Union , 1930 , Unite , Cities , Fears , Reprieve , Missile Strikes , Missiles , Quietness , Fear , City , Drone , Engine , Rumbling , Wining , Ballistic Missile , Alternative , Mediterranean , Iranian , Authorities , Region , Thousands , Power , Worries , Attempt , Thanks , India , Machine , Construction Workers , Collapsed Tunnel , Delay , 41 , Drilling Machine , Tunnel , Workers , The Tunnel , Whole , Pieces , Machinery , Reminders , Reach , Lots , Mouth , Mountain , Kfi , Who Haven T , Thatjust , Ai , Silhouette , The Beginning , Men , Landslide , Trapping , Broadway , Rescue Effort , Drill , Construction , Car , Metal , Down , Fire , Figure , Plan , Shopping Centre , City Of Karachi , Pakistani , Call Centre , Building , Caroline Davies , Official , Generator Short Circuit , The Call Centre , Others , Suffocation , Evacuation , Stairwell , Burns , 22 , Incidents , In The City , Mayor , Firefighting , Buildings , Engineers , Fire Safety Expertise , Systems , Estimate , Fire Prevention , Karachi Don T , City Planners , 90 , Cameras , Fire Safety , Checkpoint , Farfrom Ofeh Prison , Shot , Reason , Ofeh , Eye , Updates , Saturday , Rally , Support , Iam ,

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