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and at its cruising speed of 25 knots, narrow wings called hydrofoils, provide huge amounts of lift. in the same way that aircraft wings can get a plane off the ground, these wings can raise the whole hull above the surface. i've started to notice more and more boats and even windsurfs and kite surfs having these foils underneath the board, so the entire thing can lift out of the water. and because hardly any of the boat is having to push through the water, it doesn't need as powerful a motor. and that means there's something else that's very special about this craft. it's electric. these small propellers are all that are needed to get the ferry up to speed and its onboard batteries give it a range of 50 nautical miles, all of which promises to make waterborne transport a whole lot cleaner and a whole lot greener. normal boats consume an awful lot of fuel and they are extremely inefficient, compared to land—based transport. and this is because the boat is trying to push its way through the water, there's a lot of resistance, isn't there? exactly. a lot of friction in the water. you can use batteries on ferries if they run very slowly. but whenever you want to go a bit faster, a bit longer distances, then it sort of, the whole thing collapse because you could of course put in more batteries, but at the end you put in so much batteries that the boat will sink. so you have sort of a physical limit here that you can't get around. gustav says that one hour of charging will allow this ferry to run for three hours, meaning it could service commuters during the morning rush on one charge and be ready for the afternoon peak after being recharged at lunchtime. there's another advantage to being almost entirely out of the water, too. it doesn't bounce about on the waves. and i got to say, it is pretty steady. i mean, i can't tell that i'm out of the water, but i can tell i'm not feeling all the waves that i can see around. and, actually, our camera boat is using the same hydrofoil technology, so you can see that it's also out of the water, which means he gets pretty much steady shots of us too. i mean, look at martin, he's having the time of his life out there. but whereas the c—8 speed boat is built for pleasure, leisure, and basically showing off, the p—12 ferry is being pitched as a way to make waterborne public transport competitive again, both in fuel costs and in environmental costs too — because as well as not feeling the waves, it doesn't make them either. and that's good for everything that lives here. traditional ferries creates big wakes, and when it drives in our sensitive archipelago, it's a really sensitive ecological system with marine life, and we have the birds and the fishes. it causes erosion from the shorelines. and that's a really big challenge for us. we need to reduce the wakes to be able to drive more in a sustainable way in our sensitive environment. the principle of hydrofoiling is not that new, but it's only recently become possible to do in this way. the first reason is that we now have materials that are up to the job. gustav: you need this very thin blades that should be super - strong but very thin to not create too much drag. and typically nowadays we use carbon fibre for that, which is a perfect material, and you can build them then in fairly small volumes. otherwise you would have to rely on steel, it becomes heavy, costly to manufacture and so forth. and the second reason is all the high—end computation that's going on below deck. 0k, here's the science bit. when you raise a boat almost entirely out of the water, it becomes unstable. and that's because you've got all the weight up here above the wings that it's balancing on in the water. it's a bit like trying to balance a pencil on your finger — in order to keep it upright, you'd have to do a lot of that. and that's what this boat is having to do. it's having to adjust its position hundreds of times a second to keep it perfectly balanced. you couldn't do that manually. so this thing is covered in sensors that monitor exactly what its orientation is. and then the computers are doing that compensation. and they do that by adjusting the angle of the wings in the water, again hundreds of times a second, to keep it perfectly balanced. it's the same reason why drones are able to stay stable in the air. and, in fact, on these early test flights, christian here is able to tweak and experiment with the boat's behaviour by changing the settings live on his laptop. we're turning. one of the things that you can do when you're precisely controlling the orientation of the boat at all times is you can artificially bank like this when you're turning, which is more comfortable for the passengers, because if the boat was to remain level, everyone would be pushed to one side. so this banking is artificial. there is a limit to the size of the swell this type of craft could cope with. but on inland waterways, this technology may very well soon be making waves by not making waves. although like a lot of modern life, the smooth ride will depend on the computers and sensors doing their jobs at all times, which is no mean feat. why has nobody made an electric hydrofoil flying ferry before? i think the main reason is that it's freaking hard. spencer laughs. over 70 countries have commitments to net zero targets. some are enshrined in law. others are goals laid out in policy. large companies have also made net zero pledges. but how do we know that they're being met? well, there's one company that might have the answer. satellites have been capturing images from space for decades. this is a radar one here. you've also got optical images like these. any cloud cover around and you won't see what's going on beneath. and you need daylight for most of these. but satellite vu has a different plan. for them, it's all about thermal imaging. engines at full power. and liftoff of transporter a. go falcon, go transporter. its first satellite, hotsat i, was launched injune on a spacex rocket flying out of california. it started sending back high resolution images to earth, its thermal sensors enabling it to trace hot and cold features down to 3.5m accuracy. under that circle, there's a lot more than 4km. yeah. it's the culmination of years of work. we have satellite vu, the world's thermometer. literally, these are the raw images. we think we can make them a lot better. but, here, the first image we ever took was of rome. and you can see that the hot areas are in the brighter colours and the blue areas are the cooler areas of the city. this one's taken at night. and so what you can see right here is the vatican, it is very, very hot. 0k. so that building, this summer, where you remember there were big heatwaves, absorbed a lot of energy, and at night it's radiating it. hotsat i's heat maps which are still images and short videos, could have wide application but are particularly useful in climate related matters. we think every city will want this. there's a new city managers called, uh, chief heat officers, and there's seven of them appointed around the world. and one is in athens, for example. and they are wanting this data so they can go and help keep the city cooler, to keep the stress on people less and save energy. but the bigger picture is to help monitor how companies are meeting their net zero commitments. you can look at oil storage, for example, and see how much fossil fuels are being burnt and how much are being pumped. so when people are declaring net zero or they're reducing the oil consumption, we can come and verify that that's actually occurring. 60 organisations are currently playing around with these early heat map images to see if they can be used to improve their existing climate models. hotsat i was assembled by surrey satellite technology in guildford. you get one shot at launching something like this. so how stressful is the process? yes, pretty stressful. i think it is a high—intensity business and especially - projects like this that. are very short—schedule. but it is very exciting when it does launch. | seven more satellites will be joining hotsati over the next few months. the aim is to increase the amount of data that's being collected, which is identifying temperature profiles of individual buildings, offices and factories. if we're striving to help the planet, if we're striving to get to net zero, you need this transparency of information, and we've done it. food wastage is a huge problem across the globe, 0pen ai co—founder is returning to the company days after he was ousted. his sacking astonished many and lead to staff threatening mass resignations until he was reinstated. the battle at the top of open aia began when the original board decided to remove him saying it had lost confidence and his leadership. finance chief executive has resigned after pleading guilty to money laundering violations. the worlds biggest crypto currency exchange help users bypass sanctions. the firm to pay $4.3 billion in penalties and forfeitures. he said he made mistakes in stepping down was the best move for the company. scientists in scotland are using robotic gliders to check a system of ocean current and signs for climate change. they are monitoring the conveyor belt which regulates global temperatures by carrying warm and cool air around the world. there is some concern that the system is weakening. it helps us go to places that we maybe couldn't get to in the winter and they can stand for months at a time, whereas on a ship, it is time—limited. food wastage is a huge problem across the globe, and in india this is compounded by the fact that cold storage facilities can be few and far between. but one of this year's earthshot prize winners is a startup working on a solution. nikhil inamdar went to find out more. here's a shocking statistic. more than a third of all fruit and vegetables grown in india end up in landfills like these. but across some 400 villages in the western part of the country, these solar—powered dryers, all operated by women, are now tackling the challenge head on. these are built by s4s technologies, a startup that won the prestigious earthshot prize for climate impact this year. so this isn't exactly a high—tech device at all, with any complex technology, electronics or chips. but these dryers expand the life cycle of basic perishables, like onions, for instance, or tomatoes that would have otherwise rotted. it's a frugal, low—cost, climate—friendly solution to preserving second—grade produce that normally doesn't find a market. they're also a cheap alternative to expensive cold storage facilities, which are few and far between in these rural areas. solar drying is known since ages, the open sun drying... shital somani is one of the co—founders of the startup that makes these dryers. so can you explain how exactly this works? so in the solar dryer, basically, we use the solar energy to convert in the heat form and give that heat to the product. so when we say about the heat, the heat is from this surface, which is a food—grade insulated black metallic surface. it is giving the heat from the bottom to the product. at the same time, when the air enters from this aspect, we close the dryer, that air also carries the moisture away from the product. and third is the solar radiation, which are falling from this top surface on the product. and all these three modes of heat transfer helps to remove the moisture from the product. keeping the tech simple and low—cost has allowed s4s to onboard thousands of women entrepreneurs to do this job. it's also been a gamechanger for the local farmers. at the crack of dawn, shivaji pawar is sorting his onion harvest to be sent to the drying facility. translation: onion prices are very volatile. _ when the cost of transport is more than the cost of production, i used tojust throw away the crop. many times, the lower—grade crop wouldn't get sold. nearly half of what i had grown would rot. but now all of it gets picked up at the farm gate, and my income has gone up substantially. 0nce dried, the produce comes to this factory, which processes it further into packaged food that's sold to big companies and restaurants. the farm—to—factory chain gives growers an assured market and helps cut middlemen. can you talk a little bit about the various levels at which you're creating impact? we are creating impact at the three main levels. first is the food wastage, where we are reducing the food wastage by converting this b or c—grade material into the value—added products, that is the first level. second, we are giving these dryers, like most of the dryers, 100% of the dryers, are used by the women entrepreneurs, the women farmers. and the third is the carbon emission. as this technology is a solar—based technology, so we are reducing on the carbon emission part. right now, we are at 2,000 women farmers. but we can see, like, in three years' time, we can reach to 10,000 women farmers. and the farmers network that we are building, which is the direct or the indirect farmers network, we can see clearly one million farmers' lives we can impact. india is vast and diverse. identifying the right produce in the right geography and creating a market for it is a challenge. but solutions like these, if scaled up, can help millions of india's poorest farmers reduce waste and grow their incomes. in the race to reduce emissions, plans to build wind farms are skyrocketing. but while the electricity that they generate is clean, the green industry has a waste problem. and now the race is on to try and solve that, as adrienne murray has been finding out. these towering machines are getting ever more powerful. nowhere is that more on show than at this test centre in northern denmark. it is the latest and biggest turbines that they have, the prototypes. this is like seeing and testing the future right here. the largest, a staggering 280m high, has broken world records for the most power. and experts say they're only getting bigger. this race towards bigger and bigger turbines will continue for a while more. we are looking into the possibility of creating a new test centre in denmark, and the design turbine we are designing for is 450m from ground to highest tip. by 2030, wind power could supply a fifth of the world's electricity. we need clean energy, but this green industry has a growing headache when it comes to waste. turbines are built to withstand the forces of nature. they're flexible, light and...super strong. but that's also where the problem lies. when they reach the end of life, they're really ha rd to recycle. while the steel in the towers can be reused, the massive blades are almost indestructible. and as older models are replaced, many get dumped in landfill. by 2050, there could be 43 million tonnes of redundant blades globally that need to be dealt with. it is problematic, because we want the renewable energy to be truly sustainable, and if you have a waste material that goes to landfill, it's not truly sustainable. it's a problem players have been scrambling to figure out. and we might now have some answers. there have been creative ways of reusing wind—turbine blades, like this bike shed. they've even been repurposed for playgrounds, bridges and building cladding. but this won't really tackle the growing volumes. 0ne immediate solution is to chop up and finely shred them. it's burned as fuel and used as an ingredient for cement production. this us plant has already handled more than 3,500 unwanted blades. now turbine—maker siemens gamesa has had a breakthrough of its own. it manufactures some of the world's biggest blades at its site here in aalborg. and while this one looks like any other, it can be recycled. it all comes down to a resin called epoxy, which acts like a really strong super glue, binding together the fibreglass. usually, this is incredibly tough to break down, but not here. we changed something in the backbone of the chemistry. this blade has actually gone through our recycling process. and we just turned it around. here you can see all the different glass layers that were placed during the production of the blade and how they are separating from the blade. to do that, it needs to be soaked in a big bath of mild acetic acid. after a few hours and 80 degrees celsius, then you get the result that you see here. so it's just like vinegar in a supermarket? exactly. exactly like you would make pickles or descale your coffee pot. i can actually smell that. there is a scent of vinegar coming from the blade. this won't tackle today's waste, but when these blades retire, the materials could go into making other things. it could be furniture, suitcases, you could use it for surfboard manufacturing. 0k, yeah! so in general, consumer goods. but not. . . new turbines. not as it is right now, but i'm never going to say never. so far, only a small number have been installed, but they'll soon be used for bigger offshore projects here in europe. at this research lab at aarhus university, scientists are taking a different approach. this was part of a wind turbine blade that was decommissioned. basically, we put the chip in there and then we add a catalyst. they've discovered a chemical process that gently breaks apart the components. precise details are still under wraps, but it turns out it's relatively simple. these are the glass fibres which come apart a little. yes, i can see those. they're not bound together any more. so you can see it's very clearly separated into its different components. yes. that means the fibres and even that tough epoxy resin could be recovered and potentially reused. this has been quite remarkable. we thought that these materials were extremely strong and indestructible. now we've found a chemical process that can actually chew its way right through the epoxy. and in theory, it could work on all kinds of turbine blades already out there. what we find exciting is we're sort of the first to be able to do that. there are potentials in recycling such very tough materials, not only confined to the wind turbine industry. there's the aeronautic industry, space industry, cars. this technology still needs to make the leap from a test tube to the real world, but with new solutions on the table, perhaps this growing waste problem could be headed off before it gets too big. and that's it for our round—up of some of the latest sustainability stories. hope you've enjoyed them. from sweden and from me and my electric ferry, thanks for watching and, uh... ..i wonder what this does. hey, this is the catch—up. tonight, 0scar pistorius set to be released. reading and leeds festival reveal all and a rare rhino birth. first, the red cross says 24 people who were held hostage by hamas in gaza have been released and fighting has been paused. they've arrested in israel for hospital checkups before being reunited with their families in exchange for the release of the israeli hostages. 39 palestinian detainees are freed. huge crowds have turned out in the west bank to welcome the women and children. some other stories now. former paralympic champion 0scar pistorius is going to be freed from jail on parole, that's nearly 11 years after he murdered his girlfriend reeva steenkamp. he shot her multiple times through a bathroom door in 2013, later saying that he mistook her for a burglar. he is set to be released in january. and you may have noticed the streets were extra chaotic today, because of black friday deals. this tradition started in the us but now the uk participate in the yearly event time again, time for christmas shopping then. and it's a big week for reading and leeds festival fans as they've announced fred again, lana del ray and catfish & the bottlemen as headliners for next year's festival. it's the only time lana and fred again will play festivals in 2024 in the uk. and now for ten seconds of rhino cuteness at chester zoo, as they celebrate the birth of the eastern black rhino. this is one of the world's rarest mammals. this is so adorable! i cannot cope! please, where can i get a pet baby rhino? you are all caught up now. see you later. hello again. many of you will have had a dry day of weather on friday with plenty of sunshine around. blue skies like these pretty commonplace across the country. however, it certainly was quite chilly, wasn't it? temperatures on thursday reached 15 degrees, well above average, but compared with that for some, temperatures were seven degrees lower on friday and actually quite a bit below average for the time of year. now, what followed from that sunny day is these clear skies which took us into the first part of the night. temperatures have been dropping like a stone and already are well below freezing in many areas underneath these clear skies. the exception to that really cold theme is across northern and eastern scotland on the eastern side of england, where there's a bit of a breeze around and that mightjust keep the frost at bay. however i think in the very coldest areas in the countryside, we could see temperatures as low as minus six. that's potentially even the case across our very coldest areas of southern england. so a freezing cold start to the day on saturday, but your weekend getting off to a sunny start as well. and for most, that's the way the weather's going to stay all day. just blue skies and sunshine overhead with barely a cloud in the sky. the exceptions again, northern and eastern scotland down the eastern side of england, there'll just be a few showers, which occasionally could graze some of our coastal areas, but otherwise it's dry and it's cold with temperatures typically between about five and seven degrees celsius. we are going to see some changes in the weather picture as we head though into the second part of the weekend as this area of low pressure moves in off the atlantic. a cold and frosty start to the day. and as this cloud comes over the top of that really cold air nearthe surface, it's going to be one of those days where temperatures are very slow to rise, and actually most of the day it will stay really, really cold. for scotland and a good part of eastern england, should stay dry with sunshine for most of the day, but out west you'll see some thicker cloud working in. a bit of damp weather for northern ireland, wales and western england, and eventually you might see temperatures climb to about 9—11 degrees, but really late in the day. the area of low pressure then pushes eastwards sunday night, bringing some rain. that clears off into the continent, as it does so, it will shove back our way some cold air that originates from europe and scandinavia. so next week it stays very cold. into that cold air, occasionally there'll be some weather systems, probably mostly bringing outbreaks of rain, but i can't completely rule out a few flakes of snow as well. live from washington, this is bbc news. 24 hostages released by hamas have now returned to israel — they include four children and an 85—year—old woman. meanwhile, more aid is making its way into gaza, with 137 trucks entering with medical supplies, fuel and food. 0scar pistorius is to be released from prison injanuary on parole — 11 years after he murdered his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. hello i'm caitriona perry, you're very welcome. it's a significant moment in the nearly two—month—long israel—gaza war, as a temporary four—day humanitarian ceasefire to release hostages has begun. eight of the 24 hostages have arrived at israel's schneider children's medical centre. they are expected to be reunited with their families after they undergo a medical and emotional assessment. earlier, israel said the hostages released by hamas in gaza are all in good health following initial checks at an israeli airbase. let's recap some of what's happened in the last 24 hours. in exchange for the hostages' freedom, 39 palestinian prisoners have also been released. the detainees, 24 women and 15 teenage boys, were freed from israeli jails into the west bank. ten thai hostages and one filipino have also been released from gaza in a separate agreement mediated by qatar and egypt — they're being taken to a medical centre south of tel aviv. the un says 137 trucks of goods entered gaza on friday

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World , Thanks , Climate , Impact , Temperature , Thermometer , Actions , Thing , Stockholm , Parts , Water Transport , Capital , 1a , City Of Islands , Sweden , 1 , Ferry , Prototype , Candela P 12 , Injuly 202a , 12 , 202 , Way , Wings , Ground , Plane , Hydrofoils , Lift , Cruising Speed , Aircraft , Amounts , 25 , Boats , Surface , Board , Surfs , Hull , Kite , Foils , Water , Boat , Doesn T , Something Else , Motor , Batteries , Wall , Craft , Propellers , Waterborne Transport , It S Electric , Orange , 50 , Lot , Fuel , Transport , Cleaner , Ferries , Resistance , Isn T , Friction , Bit , Limit , Gustav , Course , Distances , The End , One , Waves , Commuters , Advantage , Charging , Charge , It Doesn T , Morning Rush , Lunchtime , Afternoon Peak , Three , Technology , Camera Boat , Hydrofoil , Life , Martin , Us , Waterborne , Speed Boat , Shots , Pleasure , Leisure , Public Transport Competitive Again , 8 , Fuel Costs , Costs , Everything , Archipelago , Big Wakes , System , Fishes , Shorelines , Birds , Challenge , Wakes , Materials , Reason , Principle , Hydrofoiling , Environment , Blades , Job , Carbon Fibre , Material , Volumes , Drag , 0k , Computation , Science , Deck , Balancing , Order , Pencil , Weight , Sensors , Position Hundreds Of Times A Second , Hair , Computers , Orientation , Compensation , Angle , Stable , Drones , Again Hundreds Of Times A Second , Things , Fact , Christian , Experiment , Laptop , Test Flights , Settings , Behaviour , Times , Level , Side , Banking , Everyone , Passengers , Size , Type , Waterways , Making Waves , Smooth Ride , Feat , Jobs , Nobody , Electric Hydrofoil , Countries , Spencer , 70 , Some , Targets , Law , Zero , Companies , Goals , Policy , Pledges , Others , Company , Most , Images , Satellites , These , Space , Answer , Cloud Cover , What S Going On , Satellite Vu , Injune On A Spacex , Power , Thermal Imaging , Plan , Liftoff , Go Transporter , Engines , Satellite , Transporter A Go Falcon , Hotsat I , Features , Accuracy , Earth , California , 3 5m , Work , Circle , Culmination , 4 , Areas , City , Image , Cooler Areas , Colours , Rome , Building , Summer , Vatican , 0k , Chief Heat Officers , Energy , It , Heat Maps , Seven , Big Heatwaves , Videos , Matters , Application , Hotsat , Uh , Help , Example , Data , Cooler , Athens , People , Picture , Commitments , Fossil Fuels , Stress , Save , Oil Storage , Oil Consumption , Organisations , 60 , Climate Models , Surrey Satellite Technology , Heat Map , Something , Process , Projects , Shot , Business , Hotsati , Yes , In Guildford , Amount , Factories , Buildings , Aim , Offices , Temperature Profiles , Food Wastage , Problem , Globe , Transparency , Planet , Information , Net Zero , Co Founder , Many , Sacking , 0pen Ai , 0 , Top , Resignations , Battle , Leadership , Confidence , Finance Chief Executive , Open Aia , Currency Exchange , Money Laundering Violations , Sanctions , Users , Crypto , Penalties , Forfeitures , Firm , 3 Billion , 4 3 Billion , Scientists , Eastern Scotland , Move , Mistakes , Gliders , Signs , Ocean Current , Climate Change , Temperatures , Conveyor Belt , Weakening , Concern , Winter , Ship , This , Cold Storage Facilities , Startup Working On A Solution , Nikhil Inamdar , Earthshot Prize Winners , More , Third , Statistic , Fruit , Vegetables , Landfills , India , Dryers , Startup , Women , Country , Part , Earthshot , S4s Technologies , Villages , Head On , 400 , Tomatoes , Electronics , Onions , Chips , Device , Life Cycle , Perishables , Instance , Produce , Market , Solution , Alternative , Drying , Wages , Open Sun Drying , Co Founders , Solar Dryer , Shital Somani , Heat , Product , Solar Energy , Form , Bottom , Moisture , Solar Radiation , Modes , Dryer , Aspect , Farmers , Shivaji Pawar , Heat Transfer , Drying Facility , Women Entrepreneurs , S4s , Thousands , Onion Harvest , Gamechanger , Crack Of Dawn , Cost , Production , Crop , Translation , Onion Prices , Tojust , 0nce , Wouldn T Get , Factory , Grown , Income , The Farm Gate , Food , Levels , Chain , Growers , The Farm , Restaurants , Cut Middlemen , First , Products , Tb , Second , 100 , Women Farmers , Carbon Emission , Carbon Emission Part , 2000 , Farmers Network , Lives , One Million , 10000 , Race , Solutions , Waste , Cup , Incomes , Geography , Millions , Wind Farms , Emissions , Waste Problem , Electricity , Green Industry , Skyrocketing , Test Centre , Machines , Show , Nowhere , Adrienne Murray , Northern Denmark , Finding Out , Turbines , Experts , Prototypes , Largest , Thigh , World Records , 280m , Design Turbine , Possibility , Tip , Denmark , 450m , Industry , Headache , Fifth , Wind Power , 2030 , End , Nature , Forces , Light And Super Strong , Steel , Models , Towers , To Recycle , Landfill , 43 Million , 2050 , Waste Material , Answers , Players , Scrambling , Playgrounds , Bike Shed , Building Cladding , Ways , 0ne Immediate Solution , Cement Production , Plant , Won T , Ingredient , 3500 , Siemens Gamesa , Breakthrough , Site , Aalborg , Epoxy , Resin , Looks , Blade , Fibreglass , Recycling Process , Chemistry , Binding , Super Glue , Backbone , Glass , Separating , Vinegar , Result , Bath , Celsius , Supermarket , Acetic Acid , 80 , Furniture , Surfboard , Scent , Coffee Pot , Suitcases , General , Pickles , Won T Tackle Today , Consumer Goods , Europe , Number , Research Lab , Aarhus University , Wind Turbine Blade , Approach , Chip , Chemical Process , Components , Details , Catalyst , Wraps , Fibres , Little , Epoxy Resin , Indestructible , Theory , Turbine Blades , Potentials , Kinds , Aeronautic Industry , Wind Turbine Industry , Recycling , Cars , Test Tube , Table , Space Industry , Leap , Sustainability Stories , Round Up , Me And My Electric Ferry , Birth , Hostage , Catch Up , Rhino , Reading And Leeds Festival , 0scar Pistorius Set , Red Cross , 24 , Families , Exchange , In Gaza , Israel , Hospital Checkups , Fighting , Release , Hamas , 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