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with fighters from hamas. the israeli military says its troops have now completely encircled gaza city, in the north of the territory, almost four weeks since the start of this war. the us secretary of state, antony blinken, is back in tel aviv, as washington increases the pressure for a humanitarian pause. antony blinken talked about isreal�*s right to defend itself, but also the need for �*concrete steps' to minimise harm to civilians in gaza. meanwhile, the leader of hezbollah — like hamas, a proscribed terror organisation — has been speaking in lebanon. hassan nasrallah praised the hamas attacks and said, the possibility of �*total war is realistic�*. one other important line to update you on — more foreign nationals have been getting out of gaza at the rafah crossing point into egypt. 124 british nationals are on the list of people who are being allowed to leave. the hamas—run health ministry in gaza says more than 9,000 people have been killed in the strip since october the 7th, after hamas killed 1,400 people, in the attacks in southern isreal. in the attacks in southern israel. we'll be covering all the latest developments here with my colleague, the bbc�*s chief international correspondent lyse doucet who joins us from jerusalem. 0ver over to you. welcome back to jerusalem- — over to you. welcome back to jerusalem. we _ over to you. welcome back to jerusalem. we had _ over to you. welcome back to jerusalem. we had a - over to you. welcome back to jerusalem. we had a split - over to you. welcome back to i jerusalem. we had a split screen moment a few hours ago across the region. the us secretary of state antony blinken held talks with the israeli war cabinet — a closed—door gathering. you said would work with partners in the region to avoid an escalation. at the same time, hassan nasrallah made his first public speech since the war began in the 7th of october. he blamed israel for what he called the crimes of the gaza war, and warned of the possibility of an outright war. antony blinken met the israeli president isaac herzog. after those talks, he reaffirmed his solidarity with israel alongside hopes for a pause in the fighting. that was an important area of discussion today with israeli leaders — how, when and where these can be implemented. what work needs to happen and what understandings must be reached. now, we recognise this will take time to prepare and coordinate as well with international partners. a number of legitimate questions were raised in our discussions today, including how to use any period of pause to maximise the full humanitarian assistance. how to connect a pause to the release of hostages. how to ensure that hamas doesn't use these pauses or arrangements to its own advantage. these are issues that we need to tackle urgently and we believe they can be solved. we've agreed to have our teams continue to discuss practical solutions. i've instructed our special envoy for middle east humanitarian issues, david satterfield, who has been doing remarkable work here over the last couple of weeks, to continue these discussions. ultimately, we believe this can be a critical mechanism for protecting civilians while enabling israel to achieve its objectives of defeating hamas. antony blinken emphasising those issues of humanitarian aid, a possible pause. these are issues which matter to leaders across the region. now that his talks in israel have finished, the us secretary of state antony blinken is heading to jordan, where he will meet the jordanian foreign minister. jordan has already pulled its ambassador from israel. let's look at the other top speech this hour by the leader of the iranians backed lebanese group hezbollah. he has just finished his first public speech since the beginning of the israel—gaza war. there were fears that his address could be a catalyst to a wider conflict. sheikh hassan nasrallah, in his 90—minute speech, said the attack by hamas — which, like hezbollah, is a designated terror group by the uk and us governments — was right, wise, courageous, and at the right time. but he said the battle was "100% palestinian", "for the palestinian people" and did not relate to any regional issue. in effect, he was pushing back against accusations that iran, hezbollah�*s closest ally, was behind what happened in gaza. but he did warn the possibility of "total war was realistic". we did not broadcast that speech alive, but we can bring you an excerpt. let's take a listen. translation: this is the first - operation which has been a historic point and blessed point. this was a palestinian decision 100%, and supported by the palestinians 100%. hassan nasrallah. and across lebanon today, hundreds of screens were set “p today, hundreds of screens were set up for public viewing. many would have watched that speech there. joining me now from southern lebanon is our middle east correspondent, hugo bachega. i don't know if you had a chance to speak to people in lebanon, what they need at this widely anticipated speech by hassan nasrallah, and the general assessment seems to be that he didn't go as far as many feared he didn't go as far as many feared he would. , ~ ., �*, ., , he would. yes, i think that's lots of --eole he would. yes, i think that's lots of peeple are — he would. yes, i think that's lots of people are relieved _ he would. yes, i think that's lots of people are relieved here - he would. yes, i think that's lots of people are relieved here in . of people are relieved here in lebanon on tonight. here in beirut, one of the screenings that had been organised by hezbollah, a screening in the southern suburb of beirut, which is a stronghold of the group, and i think there had been these concerns that this violence along the lebanon, israel border could escalate, and lebanon could be dragged into this complex, so i think to give you some other lines of what hassan nasrallah had to say, he said that all options are on the table, and he also said the only way to prevent a regional conflict is to stop the war in gaza. again, we didn't have any kind of indication, any announcement that hezbollah is preparing a major escalation in this complex, which is perhaps positive news, given the recent fighting that has been happening along this border, but again, i think you left open the possibility that hezbollah could escalate its attacks against israel. he said that this would depend on the situation in gaza, and also, how israel responds to what hezbollah has been doing, but again, before this speech, there was a lot of concern here that hezbollah could be planning an escalation of those cross—border attacks that we have seen over the last few weeks, since this israel, how mass war started, but today, after this much anticipated speech, we haven't had any announcement that hezbollah is preparing to escalate the situation along the border. that preparing to escalate the situation along the border.— preparing to escalate the situation along the border. that must come as along the border. that must come as a hue along the border. that must come as a huge relief— along the border. that must come as a huge relief to _ along the border. that must come as a huge relief to be _ along the border. that must come as a huge relief to be people _ along the border. that must come as a huge relief to be people of - a huge relief to be people of lebanon, as we have been reporting now, almost since this war began, that they are mindful of how much they suffered in the last lebanon, israel war in 2006, so much even in beirut was destroyed, and hezbollah did suffer enormously to, even though hassan nasrallah mocked the united states and said, you are saying you are going to destroy hamas, but you said in 2006 you would destroy hezbollah and here we are. n , would destroy hezbollah and here we are. . . , . would destroy hezbollah and here we are. , . ., would destroy hezbollah and here we are. , ., ., .,, are. exactly, and over the last few weeks, are. exactly, and over the last few weeks. i've _ are. exactly, and over the last few weeks, i've spent _ are. exactly, and over the last few weeks, i've spent a _ are. exactly, and over the last few weeks, i've spent a lot _ are. exactly, and over the last few weeks, i've spent a lot of - are. exactly, and over the last few weeks, i've spent a lot of time - weeks, i've spent a lot of time travelling along the border and visiting some villagers, some of those villages that have been hit by those villages that have been hit by those israeli strikes, and the response to those hezbollah attacks, so lots of people will still remember the devastation wrought by the 2006 war, but i think i have to say that hezbollah is now a much stronger force than it was in 2006, and it is an estimated 150,000 rockets, including precision guided missiles that can strike deep inside israeli territory, and it also has tens of thousands of fighters, many of them who have fought in the civil war in syria, so it is considered by israel a much more formidable force then hamas, so that is why i think there has been these concerns from there has been these concerns from the israelis, from the americans, many others, the situation here could escalate and this could become another front in the conflict. i think what was also interesting in the speech by hassan nasrallah, was that he said the group wouldn't be intimidated by those warnings from the americans, from the israelis, and that the group would also not be intimidated by those fleets, those ships, those warships that have been sent by the americans to be region, so i think again, what hezbollah is trying to do is to say the situation can change, but today, we haven't had that announcement is the hezbollah is planning a major escalation of the situation here. hugo bachega, thank you very much forjoining us. hassan nasrallah, a lot of defined rhetoric against the united states, even using the phrase that has been used in iran since the iranian revolution of 1979, that united states is great satan. let's get some more analysis, and a short while ago, i spoke to our security correspondent frank gardner to get his sports on the statement by hezbollah, saying that the attacks carried out on october the 7th were 100% palestinian. they know, because it has been made very clear to them, both by israel and the united states, that if hezbollah gets involved, if it embarks on a full—scale war with israel, which would be hugely damaging for israel, it would be devastating for lebanon. hezbollah is notjust the most powerful military force in lebanon, it is notjust an iranian—allied and backed militia, it is a vital part of the lebanese political scene, and a lot of lebanese have been saying, "please don't do this." lebanon's economy is already in crisis, it's pretty much in crisis, it pretty much collapsed four years ago, it is not in a good state. israel has made it clear that if there is a full—scale war, at the moment, there is a kind of low—grade skirmishing taking place on that northern border between lebanon and israel, there are casualties on both sides, there are exchanges of fire, but it is limited, it is calibrated, it has been carefully calibrated by hezbollah to show their support for hamas but not to provoke israel so much that they get a devastating response in return. but reading into that speech, i think the big subtext, the word that was missing, that i didn't see, maybe you did — iran. they are at great pains to say that this hamas attack on october the seventh, which they praised, which has been condemned by much of the world, certainly in most of the western world but also by leaders such as in the uae. they've made it clear that was a palestinian operation — in other words, iran wasn't behind it. there was a big suspicion in some places that iran had somehow given its blessing and backing. iran has said "no, we approve of it, but we didn't do it." yes, very interesting, using this phrase that the hamas attacks of october the 7th, which of course, in his vocabulary, describing them as glorious, a seismic earthquake, as he put it, was 100% palestinian, but also, frank, notjust saying that this wasn't the doing of iran, but saying that groups like hezbollah, like the militias in iraq, syria, yemen, also had their own leadership, that this was simply not the doings of iran. to say, "don't make it look as though we are the puppets "of iran," which of course, has been part of the dialogue surrounding this war. this concern that iran will in effect turn the tap on with its so—called arc of resistance. yes, i don't think many people will buy that, the disassociation of iran from this. because iran has been very involved in spreading, partly through its quds force, which is part of the iranian revolutionary guards corps, it's the external operation arm of the revolutionary guards. it has been very effective in spreading its military influence right across the middle east. in iraq, it has what is called the popular, and when arabs use the word popular, the actual arabic word is "sha'bi", which means "people's", rather than popular as in beloved. so the popular mobilization forces is an iranian—allied militia in iraq. there is them, there is hezbollah in lebanon, and there are other groups in syria. and then, of course, there is the houthis in yemen, who have recently been firing missiles towards israel, which have been all been shot down either by israeli or us war—ships. but there is — this is when people talk about regional escalation — there is the fear that various fires could be lit, perhaps fanned trace their hand in it directly, that are surrounding israel. the big fear here is that if hezbollah — and this is why this speech today was so important — i'm not seeing anything it saying we are about to go to go to war, so i think there is a bit of relief there, but if hezbollah was to fully join in a war together with hamas, israel would find itself fighting a war on two fronts. and quite possibly, when the us says to israel, we have your back, that would mean the involvement of us warships offshore on the mediterranean, probably using some of their firepower to hit hezbollah. analysis of that first hassan nasrallah speech by our security correspondent. around the world and across the united kingdom, you are watching bbc news. well, let's take a look at a couple of other stories making the headlines here today. the un says more than 25,000 people have been displaced across myanmar, by a week—long conflict between the military leaders and ethnic insurgents in the north—eastern shan state. reports suggest dozens of military outposts have fallen. the three rebel groups say their goal is to overthrow the military dictatorship. at least one person has died in flooding in northern italy. the tuscany region was badly hit by storm ciaran which swept through western europe on thursday. the storm brought strong winds and driving rain, forcing the closure of schools, airports, rail and ferry services. colombia is to cull some of the more than 160 hippos descended from a herd owned by drug lord pablo escobar in the 1980s. experts have for years tried to control the hippo numbers. escobar imported the animals for his private zoo, but they were left to roam after he was killed in a shoot—out with police in 1993. welcome back to jerusalem, welcome back tojerusalem, and our continuing coverage of the israel, gaza war. day 28. today, the us secretary of state, antony blinken, has been in tel aviv for talks with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he also met his war cabinet. he also had talks with the israeli president isaac herzog about sending two messages that the united states was fully behind israel in this war but at pains to say that they were working with israel, there closest of allies, to try to ease the suffering of palestinians. let's cross to washington now to speak to barbara plett usher, who has been followed all of the american move since this war, this crisis erupted in october the 7th. correct like you has been following. the seem to be an intensification of this message that has been sounded, it seems, in public and private by the americans for many days now that israel had to do more on the humanitarian front. yes, i have been watching the american message evolve since the very beginning, of this crisis, in which they initially came out firmly, almost exclusively supporting israel and its right to defend itself, but then, as he spoke to our partners and the crisis in gaza started to unfold, they became more and more insistence that civilians in gaza must be protected, that the way that israel carried out its offensive was important, that you military and aid must get through, and that is very much at the core of what antony blinken is now talking about in israel. he has specifically brought up this idea have humanitarian pauses so the american support the israeli refusal to have a ceasefire, and they say it would just allow hamas to regroup and would benefit hamas, but they talk about humanitarian pauses, so when undefined really short term stop hostilities so that aids can come in, so that hostages, so that they can be progress in hostages and so on. —— short term stop to hostilities. what we heard from benjamin that you, he said there was no chance of a humanitarian pause if the hostages will not be released. antony blinken tone that down a bit and say he had heard legitimate questions about how you would link a humanitarian pause to be hostages how you would link it to concerns about hamas benefiting from something like this, how you maximise the delivery of aid during the sort of crises. but he said this wouldn't happen anytime soon and it wouldn't happen anytime soon and it would take time and negotiations with all the partners. i was also listening to you when this morning in which the top official for humanitarian affairs basically said that life—sustaining functions in gaza are basically no longer working. you said, we are not keeping up with what he called the progress of desolation, and that although he was grateful for the age coming through and the intense and difficult negotiations that led to them —— he said, he said this is not enough unless we have a humanitarian pause. he said several times that we are not keeping up, we will not keep up. so antony blinken is doing what you plan to try to get there, but it seems there is still more to do. briefly, barbara, iwonder seems there is still more to do. briefly, barbara, i wonder if you clarify for as the issue of fuel which is urgent issue. we had to report that antony blinken spoke of a mechanism to allow fuel in at least to the south of gaza, but then we had a denial by the israeli prime minister again, seeing no fuel to gaza. it is your understanding? i gaza. it is your understanding? 1 don't really have a much gaza. it is your understanding? i don't really have a much clearer understanding than that. certainly, mr blink and said publicly that their daughter's agreement or they talked about a mechanism of getting fuel to hospitals in the cell. —— antony blinken said. and other areas that needed fuel. he said there were objections from the israelis to move fuel to the north, because they were afraid hamas would take advantage of that, and they have been saying all along that hamas has fuel stores anyway, that it should be sharing with hospitals, but instead, the israeli say it is using that fuel to fire rockets. it is a very contentious issue on the one hand, on the other, as you know, and as humanitarians have been saying, without fuel, we just can't do what we really need to do. the hospital is needed, you need to pump water, you need to put all kinds of things. you need it to get sewage, to deal with sewage issues, if you stop the fuel, eventually it will start running in the street and so on. it is clear that it is a very crucial issue, and they've tried to do a bit, but it is not clear what antony blinken was referring to in terms of the mechanism for the self. —— to do with it. the mechanism for the self. -- to do with it. 1, ., , the mechanism for the self. -- to do with it. 1, . , ., ~ with it. barbara plett usher, thank ou for with it. barbara plett usher, thank you forjoining _ with it. barbara plett usher, thank you forjoining us _ with it. barbara plett usher, thank you forjoining us from _ with it. barbara plett usher, thankl you forjoining us from washington. we are now getting reports that antony blinken is on his way to the jordanian capital of amman, where he will continue his discussions on the israel gaza war, and the risks that it could spell across the border. all the while, israel's military attacks on gaza continue. we are getting information out of gaza, but it is difficult. our reporter rushdie abualouf is in southern gaza for us with the latest there. day and night, they are looking under the rubble of this. this is the recent air strike in khan younis. this is the area where israel is telling people to go, because it's safe. about 15 people were killed in this building and many other were missing. the palestinian civil defence are working hard and quickly, trying to find any survivor under the rubble. people were looking, searching, digging with their bare hands. they said five kids were missing under the rubble of this building. this is the latest air strike in khan younis, where about 15 people were killed, about 50 people were injured and many others were missing. the air strike happened in the area that israel asked people to go. this is khan younis, southern gaza, where about two thirds of the population now are displaced from their houses in gaza city and the north. i was talking to families here, the people, and they said that many of those who were killed or missing in this strike were displaced from their houses in gaza city and the north. rushdi abu alouf at the scene of an israeli air strike in the southern city of khan younis. as you said, that's part of the gaza strip, israel has described as safe zone, causing some millions of gazans to head there from the north. what has been described as the second front of the war today. israel has warned of "unimaginable" consequences if hezbollah joins the israel—gaza war. that was very much the focus of the first public speech by hassan nasrallah, the hezbollah leader. i've been speaking with our correspondent on the israel—lebanon border, jon donnison. he told me what the atmosphere was like along that border this evening. there is undoubtedly a lot of fear and concern here, and people here are very much on edge. the border is less than ten kilometres from where we are now. many of the towns and villages closer to the border have been evacuated. there has been a very heavy israeli troop build up. i should say that in the last few hours, we have heard the sound of what sounded like outgoing artillery fire from israel into lebanon, but _ throughout that speech, and since it, we haven't seen any fire being returned from the lebanese side. since the war in gaza began, hezbollah's response has been relatively moderate. that said, the violence we have had on this border in the last few weeks has probably been the most significant we have seen since the 2006 israel—lebanon war. and some of those incidents like the one you described last night, in the past, might have been enough to start another war. but hezbollah is a much more powerful force than hamas. it has some 150,000 missiles, some of which are capable of reaching all parts of israel. its fighters are much better trained than hamas, with many of them fighting in the war in syria. this afternoon, benjamin netanyahu said that if hezbollah were to escalate this war, it would be a mistake beyond what they could imagine. certainly, people living in areas like where i am now, nahariya, will be hoping that hezbollah would not take that risk. we are getting reports now that france has announced it will be holding an international humanitarian conference to raise aid forcibly and is in gaza. that conference is said to take place this month. —— raise aid for civilians in gaza. stay with us here on bbc news. hello there. good afternoon. it's a much quieter looking day of weather today across the uk following storm ciaran. still some heavy showers developing, including once more for the south coast. but that deep area of low pressure from the storm is now out in the north sea. we've seen associated fronts create problems across europe, flooding in northern italy, damaging winds for france and spain. the next low is approaching now from the southwest. it will be with us through this evening and overnight. still blustery for eastern scotland as we head through the rest of this afternoon. some rain for many northern and central areas of scotland. a lighter northwesterly wind blowing down some showers across parts of northern ireland, the western side and western wales, the south west of england into central southern england. but there will also be some sunny spells. top temperatures — once more about the average — ten to 1a degrees celsius. now, this evening and overnight, the rain clears from central scotland and the winds will light in here. some mist and fog developing here and across northern ireland into tomorrow morning. meanwhile, that deep flow approaches from the southwest, heavy and persistent rain here. temperatures will dip to mid single figures for a time rising in the south with that milder air associated with our deep area of low pressure. and here it is. you can see the squeeze on the isobars, strong, gusty winds. once again for the channel islands. we could see some gales here tomorrow morning. strong, gusty winds to a0 to 50 miles an hour for channel coasts. perhaps that heavy rain moves its way further northwards across to the midlands and northern wales by the time we get into the afternoon. but it's weakening as it goes. heavy thundery showers following on in its wake. but for northern england, northern ireland, for much of scotland away from the east, it should stay largely dry tomorrow. temperatures again at ten to 15 degrees celsius. those heavy thundery showers continue towards the south, particularly the south coast and eastern areas as we head through saturday evening. now, once again, same sort of pattern. that deep low pushes away into the north sea. and we're now drawing in more of a northwesterly wind. so the focus of the showers on sunday likely to change out towards the northwest. so for north western areas of scotland, the western isles, northern areas of northern ireland, perhaps, and through western parts of wales and the south west of england. further east, it's a drier picture and we're likely to see quite a lot of cloud, perhaps a few brighter spells at times. of course, bonfire night celebrations going on over the weekend. sunday — probably the best night for most. the fifth, of course. seggy ground, but clear spells with showers in the west. bye— bye. this is bbc news. the headlines: antony blinken urges a humanitarian pause in the war but israel's prime minister says there will be

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