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Israel has sealed its borders with gaza imposing a total siege on the strip 12 days ago. The Rafah Crossing between egypt and gaza is the only way right now to allow vital supplies in. One big question is whether foreign Passport Holders and dual nationals at least 600 of whom are american according to the Us State Department will be allowed out. For more on this, i spoke to our reporter at the Rafah Crossing, rushdi abualouf. The palestinian employees who are supposed to coordinate, they were informed, to move to Rafah Crossing as quickly as possible to start, facilitate and run the process of taking the goods from the egyptian trucks into the palestinian trucks, and then they will start transferring them. I saw cars around, red cross cars around. Also some truck was carrying quite heavy machine to fix the road. We understand from the local source inside the crossing that the system, the computers and the systems are not working. And they need to be able to put a generator first and then start to run the system so they can process the issue. But this is a very significant, i think, sign, that things are moving. And the hope was started last night when hamas decided to release the two american hostages there. The hope was started and overnight there was a lot of work in these talks for days and days and days about opening this humanitarian corridor. The egyptians told me this morning that the delay was because egypt wants some sort of Sustainable A Corridor to allow food and medicine. This place for two weeks, nothing has entered gaza. And we understand that every day gaza received 500 trucks of different like goods and fuel. And if we say that they need thousands of trucks, we understand that they are 4,000 trucks worth of food, medicine, water, a Field Hospital and many essential equipment for the hospital, which are struggling to cope with the shortage of fuel, the shortage of medicine and the shortage of almost all the essential equipment and medicine. They need to treat the thousands of people injured in this conflict. Earlier i spoke earlier to the bbc middle east correspondent, tom bateman, on the desperate need foraid in gaza. The situation, why this aid, its absolutely critical that it gets in is because as weve been hearing increasingly over the last week, i mean, basically, water is running out. There is a complete israeli siege around gaza. Now, the only relief point was that Rafah Crossing to get anything in. So the israelis, the energy minister, had said that not a single power switch would be turned on to gaza, not a single water tap turned on until he said hostages were freed. So, you know, now the Rafah Crossing is open. What that means is some supplies getting in. But i mean, the desperation people are in has been illustrated by the United Nations this week. Theyve been talking about, for example, people being reduced to drinking sea water, people drinking dirty water from agricultural wells containing pesticides. Theyre really worried now about a spread of infectious disease, potentially of cholera. Thats what often happens when there is no proper water supply. Some medical clinics already reporting an increase in cases of diarrhoea in gaza. So the situation is absolutely critical. Those 20 trucks, its going to take a little while. We were hearing about the need to transfer the goods from the egyptian lorries to the palestinian ones. Weve seen in the last sort of half an hour or so, the egyptian lorries going in and some trucks coming back empty. Theyve moved off the containers, so theyre making progress. But as weve heard repeatedly, lots of aid agencies saying this is helpful, but its not going to be enough. And adding to the sort of desperate scenes amongst civilians that youre describing there. And of course, we had the us president in israel this week saying, remember israel, you have a right to defend yourself, but not all palestinians belong to hamas. There is a duty to take into consideration the plight of Palestinian Civilians. When we talk about fuel, fuel is used to desalinate water, isnt it . There are no sort of fresh Water Supplies inside the gaza strip, but israel is worried about fuel, doesnt want to let it in because its worried that hamas, which governs gaza, will use those Fuel Supplies to help its attacks, which are ongoing with rocket fire against israel. Yeah, its absolutely been the israeli position that they wont agree to, and this has all been american brokered, remember, they wont agree to any fuel going in. They cut off Fuel Supplies, importantly to the only Power Station in gaza. So that went out days ago. Theres been a blackout now for about nine or ten days. Yeah, thats the israeli concern, that fuel could be stolen, exploited by hamas, simply to power its operations, which theyre not going to allow to happen. But the problem with that is that fuel is desperately needed in the hospitals. Theyre all running on generators, those that are left still functioning. I was hearing yesterday examples of most parts of hospitals working, doctors working in the darkness and stop using elevators and things to preserve powerjust for the emergency wards. So its incredibly challenging. And as you say, they need water to operate the desalination. They need fuel, rather, to to function, to power the desalination plants. And often people in their own buildings at home might have Filtration Systems that, again, need to be powered. So they need the fuel for generators to get that clean water supply. I was speaking to tom bateman, the middle east and correspondence about those aid trucks that have started coming in to the gaza strip today in an initial convoy of 20 trucks. We have also been looking at the wider situation today with a Peace Conference convened in cairo and International Diplomacy effort to trudge across the region to try to contain the situation. Natasha house dorff is a barrister and International Law expert who also liaises with uk lawyers in israel. Shejoins me now from london. Thank you forjoining us. First of all, in this situation, this very tense situation, people are looking for glimmers of hope. 0ne tense situation, people are looking for glimmers of hope. One of those being the arrival of the first track surveyed, another the release of two of the hostages currently held inside gaza, a reminder we are two weeks on today from a massacre inside israel. Moo people killed, the number of hostages taken into gaza has been updated to 200 210, in addition to the two that were released overnight. I was wondering if i can ask you from a legal perspective, how do governments go about trying to negotiate the release of these hostages . What concessions could be offered, even though we have been told in this case, none were . How would it work . The negotiations and the International Diplomacy associated is a separate situation from a legal perspective. We have heard about International Efforts behind the developments but of course, they developments but of course, they development need to be seen in the context of this abduction, as you have been reporting, over 200 hostages and those Terrorist Organisations that have led to a humanitarian crisis. Also in israel, where the families of these hostages know that the orders of these terrorists were specifically to target women and children are kidnap and torture. The International Aspects of this are extremely important and miss about israel conduct have been playing a significant role in this crisis. Perhaps i can be clear that from an International Law perspective, israel did not only have the right to a robust response but under the Convention On The Prevention And Punishment of genocide, the crime of genocide, it also has an affirmative obligation to make sure that never again means never again. figs obligation to make sure that never again means never again. Obligation to make sure that never again means never again. As you say under international again means never again. As you say under International Law, again means never again. As you say under International Law, israel again means never again. As you say under International Law, israel has i under International Law, israel has the right to defend itself. As we have been saying, these attacks orchestrated by hamas inside israel two weeks ago were unprecedented. We are talking about a massacre as well as hostage being taken. Also under International Law, as well as the right to defend yourself as a party, there are also rules of war and engagement, so its not that you cant defend yourself, its how you defend yourself in a situation. In this case, how Israel Defines itself and there has been a lot of concentration, we have been talking about aids today. The plight of Palestinian Civilians on the ground, that siege that has been tightened on the gaza strip until today, no food, no water, no medical supplies, aerial bombardment day and night. Israel says it is aimed at hamas but the number of casualties amongst millions has been very high . In compliance with its obligation under International Law to minimise civilian casualties, israel is issuing warnings of where it will be striking, hamas infrastructure, its a practice used by or law and countries. Its telling them to leave in order to try to save their lives and there have been Mass Evacuation of israeli civilians. 0f evacuation of israeli civilians. Of course, there is another myth here that israel has an obligation to supply Hamas Terrorists with electricity and other goods and that is without basis of International Law. Israel is not required to fund or assist hamas war efforts and since hamas violently seized control in 2007, israel has continued to provide a part of gazas fuel, electricity, water and also medical care to Palestinian Civilians that Hamas Neglects and abuses. That is an viable in a Military Campaign where hamas exploits these transfers, Ceiling Supplies and penetrating humanitarian organisations to mask its Terror Operations and to launder funds. And hamas uses the Electricity Grid in gaza to continue to fire missiles onto israeli civilians, but firing has continued in the last hour and youre broadcast. Some of these rockets. , as we saw with the Al Ahli Hospital car park. A third of the rockets fired in the last exchange of, i must stress in your question, there is no requirement to provide resources. International law only requires that israel facilitate the passage of food and medicine by third parties if such goods can be reliably delivered without diversion to hamas and we know that is not the case because hamas controls gaza. And in fact the basic rules outlined by the Geneva Convention and thats siege is unlawful unless they are deliberately aimed at the local population. The idf has been repeatedly clear about its objectives, defeating hamas. If government and international organisations. Iii government and international organisations. Ii i government and international organisations. Organisations. If i could Ust Interruptfi organisations. If i could Ust Interrupt either, i organisations. If i could Ust Interrupt either, just i organisations. If i could Ust Interrupt either, just a h organisations. If i could just i interrupt either, just a moment. Youve made a number of points very clearly from your perspective. As you say, under International Law, and i am not an International Lawyer, israel in this case, it is allowed by partisan International Law to have a siege. But what is not allowed under International Law is something that is alleged by aid agencies and they say that the effect on Palestinian Civilians stuck inside gaza, they say, seems like collective punishment. Seems like collective punishment. Seems like collective punishment which is not allowed under International Law. Of course, all of these legal of course, all of these legal questions are hotly contested. Its questions are hotly contested. Its likel not questions are hotly contested. It� s likely not borne out by the facts on the ground and if these Aid Organisations are invested in the interest of gulls and civilians then they should devote their resources to facilitate helping cows and civilians. Delegations you have raised as reprehensible Moral Equivalence and it has been drawn, it is utterly morally repugnant and it is utterly morally repugnant and it attaches to the suggestion of proportionality in International Law that that is about comparing t figures and that is also not correct. Every strike that israel takes is weighed up, it is analysed to make sure that according to International Law, the intestate edge Collateral Damage and the harm to civilians as a strike that is militarily necessary and that targets terrorist architecture. You sa that targets terrorist architecture. You say that these targets terrorist architecture. You say that these allegations arent borne out by facts on the ground. It is objective body such as the International Criminal court, for example, who are brought up in times of conflict to examine situations and every single individual case about whether the rules of law or engagement were respected in individual particular cases but we thank you very much for your time this morning forjoining us. International lawyer, barrister he also advises uk lawyers inside israel. We have been talking this morning about. We have been talking throughout this morning about the eight tracks that have started arriving inside gaza from the Border Crossing from egypt aid trucks. An initial convoy of 20 trucks which was agreed between israel and egypt. Joining me now is rushdi abualouf, Gaza Correspondent at the Rafah Crossing. You have said you have counted 20 trucks in, that is that initial convoy . Trucks in, that is that initial convo . , trucks in, that is that initial convo . , convoy . Yes, the convoy is ust behind me. � convoy . Yes, the convoy is ust behind me, 20 i convoy . Yes, the convoy is ust behind me, 20 trucks � convoy . Yes, the Convoy Isjust behind me, 20 trucks loaded i convoy . Yes, the Convoy Isjust i behind me, 20 trucks loaded with medicine, food, but most important from the un official here that they are having operation that is needed in the hospital which is now the main hospital, serving two thirds of the gaza population. This is 0ma crossing, back to back egyptian Rafah Crossing. Food, medicine and we understand from senior officials that there are more coffins for dead bodies are among those trucks because the Health Ministry is saying that we have 1000 more coffins of the dead bodies among those trucks because bags that needed for bodies. Most important, this humanitarian corridor that gaza has been waiting for two weeks, those people down there in this area waiting for these trucks to get the order and to start moving to somewhere. Now i can see they will escort the 20 trucks to a warehouse and they will start to distribute them to the hospitals, to people who are evacuating. 20 trucks isnt enough but this isjust are evacuating. 20 trucks isnt enough but this is just the beginning, as we understand, from the egyptians and even from the senior official who said they are aware of this corridor, we are not going to involve distributing or observing or do anything. They have the right to come and they have said that rafah is between egypt and gaza. We are welcome any kind of aid or assistance to the people in gaza, hamas will not be part of this. We knew that behind this role, there is more than a500 trucks waiting. If the mechanism works, then we should be able to have more and more of what the people need. [30 be able to have more and more of what the people need. Be able to have more and more of what the people need. Do you have an news what the people need. Do you have any news of what the people need. Do you have any news of other what the people need. Do you have any news of other tracks what the people need. Do you have any news of other tracks that what the people need. Do you have any news of other tracks that may i what the people need. Do you have i any news of other tracks that may be allowed in, because the figures are huge, the number of injured, wounded, displaced and the fact there has been no fresh Water Supplies at all, no food on top of that. As you say, 20 trucks. The un has been describing it as a drop in the ocean. Are you hearing about others that may still cross today or tomorrow . Im others that may still cross today or tomorrow . �. , others that may still cross today or tomorrow . Tomorrow . Im not sure about that but this is the tomorrow . Im not sure about that but this is the hope. Tomorrow . Im not sure about that but this is the hope. This tomorrow . Im not sure about that but this is the hope. This is tomorrow . Im not sure about that but this is the hope. This is a but this is the hope. This is a window that is open and that had been closed for two weeks, it will give people a bit of hope and on the ground, we noticed less israeli strikes, less israeli activities and no hamas rockets for the last three hours. There is no sea sour announced. We are not aware of any ceasefire but we believe that this is the escalation going on to allow this mechanism to work. There is a huge pressure on everybody to allow this because people are really starving. I have been sitting in a hospital talking to people. People are begging for water, begging for food so they need it. Once these trucks are in, say the mechanism will be there so they knew that israel is happy with the arrangement, egypt is happy with the arrangement, egypt is happy with the arrangement and those who are in need of this are receiving aid, i think once everything is certain and everything is confident about this mechanism, the other tracks will be crossing. So the most important part now, according to all people involved in this, is to get those 20 trucks behind me down to the people that need it and most important, the Operation Room that most need it in the hospital. Operation room that most need it in the hospital the hospital. There is such a weight of responsibility the hospital. There is such a weight of responsibility on the hospital. There is such a weight of responsibility on the the hospital. There is such a weight of responsibility on the shoulders i of responsibility on the shoulders of the aid workers who will be observing and organising the handing out of this aid. First of all, their security has had to be guaranteed. Some aid workers have rarely died in the last couple of weeks. Israel is in stating that hamas will not divert any of the supplies and of course hamas governs gaza. How do aid workers decide, who gets this food, who gets this water and who gets the medical supplies . Titers; gets the medical supplies . Very Little Details gets the medical supplies . Very Little Details about gets the medical supplies . Very Little Details about the gets the medical supplies . Little details about the agreement what has been discussed over the past few days. What we understand from hamas, senior official, the highest level of hamas has just told bbc that they are not going to involved in any sort of distributing or monitoring or anything. In a crossing here, we understand that the un is escorting this convoy and they will be involved and every month since very long years are feeding around 900,000 families. They have the capacity, they have the warehouse, they have the stuff to deal with this and hamas always, even when hamas is in gaza the last 17 years, the un was always able to work independently. They have their own cases, they have their own contacts, they have some sort of understanding with the local authority and they know how to do it. The main issue is that once these trucks start to move, whether enough or not enough, definitely there is not enough. But this is a good test. If the mechanism works, then i think more is to come and everybody will be allowed to assemble aids. We know that the airport is operating so any country is ready to know, once the road is open, egypt tommy this morning that we want sustainable, humanitarian corridor to be open over time and we are this mechanism today and if it works, then humanitarian crisis in gaza should be at least eased, if not finished. Just gaza should be at least eased, if not finished. Not finished. Just briefly, israel has underlined not finished. Just briefly, israel has underlined again not finished. Just briefly, israel has underlined again today not finished. Just briefly, israelj has underlined again today that not finished. Just briefly, israel i has underlined again today that it will allow this aid into Southern Gaza only. It had already said, it had warned Civilians Inside Gaza but they should move into the centre or they should move into the centre or the self away from where israel said it was going to be targeting south, it attacks against hamas infrastructure. The un says around 1. 3 Million People have been displaced inside gaza but some people remain in the north and centre. What do you know of the situation there . Situation there . Given the very difficult circumstances situation there . Given the very difficult circumstances on situation there . Given the very difficult circumstances on the l difficult circumstances on the ground, ithink difficult circumstances on the ground, i think they will start allowing food and medicine to be in the south first and then they will discuss how to deal with the north. So now its very complicated, we are just in the start and they are testing the mechanism. They are testing the mechanism. They are testing how they will deal with it but this is a good signal that they are moving. But this is a good signal that they are moving but this is a good signal that they are moving. But this is a good signal that they are movinu. , ~ , �. ,. , are moving. Thank you, im afraid we have to leave are moving. Thank you, im afraid we have to leave it are moving. Thank you, im afraid we have to leave it there. Are moving. Thank you, im afraid we have to leave it there. Stay are moving. Thank you, im afraid we have to leave it there. Stay with are moving. Thank you, im afraid we have to leave it there. Stay with us i have to leave it there. Stay with us with bbc news. Hello there. Storm babet has brought widespread disruption up and down the country, but especially across the midlands, wales, Northern England and across scotland. Now, many of the warnings have been dropped for england and wales today, but we have a renewed red warning for parts of Eastern Scotland, for further heavy and persistent rain here which could exacerbate flooding issues. The area of most concern is this amber area that stretches from aberdeenshire down towards perthshire and within it, the red warning, parts of angus and south east aberdeenshire. We also have an Amber Warning for the north highlands. The rain relentless through the afternoon here. Strong Gale Force Winds battering north sea coasts. Further south, much of South Of Scotland into northern and england and wales conditions will be improving, sunshine will develop across Western Areas and slowly push eastwards. But well see a line of showers moving in to the South East Of England. Strong, fairly gusty winds through the channel there and into the south east. Very strong winds across the north of the uk and it will be quite chilly as well. Temperatures in Single Digits in the far north of scotland. Up to around 15 or 16 in the south east. As we move through tonight, though, the showers clear away from the South East Of England and finally the rain pulls away from the north and east of scotland. So conditions turning drier here, clearskies, lighter winds and clear spells. So it will turn quite chilly, temperatures in Single Digits for most. With lighter winds, we could see a bit of mist and fog too. Part two of the weekend, were in between weather systems. A much quieter, much more settled day to come. Well see storm babet, the low pressure system, move northwards, away from the north of scotland. So a vastly, much better day across the north and east of scotland, with some sunshine. Plenty of sunshine for northern ireland, england and wales. Just the chance of a few showers developing out west through the afternoon. Most places will stay dry. Winds will be lighter but after that chilly start, it will be a slightly cooler day. Temperatures of 10 15 degrees. It doesnt last, though. As we head into next week, well see further low Pressure Systems hurtling in off the atlantic to bring us further spells wet weather but the difference is, with these low Pressure Systems, they should move through faster, so unlike storm babet that remain almost in situ, bringing relentless rain. So an unsettled outlook for much of next week, with low pressure nearby, but there will be some sunshine at times as well. See you later. This is bbc news. The headlines. These are live pictures of the Rafah Crossing, which has partially opened, allowing aid trucks to enter gaza from egypt. The us embassy in israel said the opening may also enable foreign citizens stuck in gaza to leave. Aid trucks have begun to enter gaza after a partial opening of the Rafah Crossing with egypt. Bringing much needed aid supplies, food, water and medical supplies. Those foreign citizens may be allowed to leave although that has not yet been confirmed. Un Secretary General Antonio Guterres joins arab and european leaders at a Summit In Cairo to discuss the gaza crisis. Egypt wants a roadmap to revive the path to peace. Relatives of the two hostages released by hamas Express Theirjoy and relief. Judith and Natalie Raanan are the first to be freed after this months deadly attack on israel. At least 210 people are still being held. Storm babet continues to sweep across the uk, with three � risk to life Flood Warnings in derbyshire and a second red Weather Warning in Eastern Scotland. At least three people have died since the storm took hold. The first trucks have been crossing in to gaza after the Rafah Crossing opened this morning. The footage shows the first trucks loaded with food, water and medicines, desperately needed by Civilians Inside Gaza, Crossing Into Gaza from egypt. Its unclear how long it will remain open. Israel has agreed to let the first 20 trucks through. Israel has sealed its borders with gaza. The Rafah Crossing between egypt and gaza is the only way right now to allow vital supplies in. One big question is whether foreign Passport Holders and dual nationals at least 600 of whom are american according to the Us State Department may be allowed out. As we are reporting, aid has begun to enter gaza through the Rafah Crossing promised under a deal us President Joe Biden struck with egypt and israel. 0ur reporter meghan 0wen has been looking at developmentd and the significance of this crucial crossing. These latest images show a flurry of activity at the Rafah Crossing, with Aid Vehicles Rolling Into Gaza at around 11am on saturday morning, local time. Lets just remind ourselves of why this crossing is just so vital. On this map here, we can see the Erez Crossing in the north of gaza and kerem shalom, which is a commercial goods crossing in the south. Now these are both currently closed and they both border israel, which leaves the Rafah Crossing. Now, this is the only one that doesnt border israel. In fact, it borders egypt, and the only current potential route to get humanitarian aid into the gaza strip. Now, lets have a look at that in a little more detail on this Satellite Map here. 0n the right, we can see gaza, on the left, we have egypt. Here is customs. Here we can see the Access Road Running through and here is the borderfence. Now, the Rafah Crossing has been closed since the conflict began. This is cctv footage of an explosion at the border, which has been verified by the bbc. But its reopening will come as welcome news to the thousands of civilians who have been waiting desperately at the border to get across to egypt. And on the egyptian side, weve seen hundreds of aid lorries waiting to deliver those supplies to people in gaza. At the moment, its a potentially dangerous place to cross. The us embassy in israel has warned that there could be chaos and disorder on both sides of the fence. At the moment, we dont know for how long it will be open and there is hope that foreign nationals could soon also be able to cross. The bbc� s meghan 0wen, talking about the age trucks arriving in gaza. We can now speak to james denselow, from the conflict and humanitarian Advocacy Team at save the children. We spoke yesterday about how many young people are amongst the civilian population in the gaza strip, where 50 of the population is under the age of 18, so they are suffering as well from the siege and bombardment. Yes, over1 million children, of whom 1500 are reported to have lost their lives. find to have lost their lives. And thousands to have lost their lives. And thousands are to have lost their lives. And thousands are injured. To have lost their lives. fific thousands are injured. This first set of trucks is a glimmer of hope as your correspondence described, but for it to make a difference for a far larger number of children in needin a far larger number of children in need in gaza it needs to be transformed into a humanitarian beacon. We are Hearing Reports already there wont be any more trucks until monday. Bear in mind 1a days without any form of aid accesses a backlog of some 7000 trucks, if you add them all up, so without water, electricity and fuel ifear without water, electricity and fuel i fear the trucks are still only the tip of an iceberg even if you get up to a hundred a day and a 5 arejust carrying coffins, it shows how desperate things are. Just carrying coffins, it shows how desperate things are. Carrying coffins, it shows how desperate things are. Just to have a look and get desperate things are. Just to have a look and get a desperate things are. Just to have a look and get a feel desperate things are. Just to have a look and get a feel for desperate things are. Just to have a look and get a feel for the desperate things are. Just to have a look and get a feel for the actual i look and get a feel for the actual practicalities, if we are talking about all of this time without access to fresh water and the wounded inside hospitals and hospitals unable to function properly, what a nightmare for those distributing the age to decide in this initial convoy who gets the water or food and which medical centre gets the supplies. How would that be coordinated or decided . Goad that be coordinated or decided . Good aid delivery is that be coordinated or decided . emf. Aid delivery is based on good Need Assessment and doing Needs Assessment and doing Needs Assessment after a singular event like an earthquake is different prospect on a rolling basis is difficult when bombs are going on a minute by minute and we are Hearing Reports with doctors turning off life support for one child to save another and those are the kinds of decisions you make when you dont have enough resources to deal with the children coming in. It is awful and of course there is the very high Profile Nature of children killed, and the more insidious children and dying of dehydration. We dont know if those are making it into the public figures yet, and it could affect a number of children very quickly and suddenly the whole ratio of the casualties in gaza can change substantially. find of the casualties in gaza can change substantially substantially. And the living conditions, substantially. And the living conditions, even substantially. And the living conditions, even for substantially. And the living conditions, even for those l substantially. And the living i conditions, even for those who havent been injured, we have been reporting how israel had asked Gaza Civilians to get out of the north in the centre of gaza and gather in the south so it can concentrate its aerial bombardment on what they say is hamas infrastructure and people who are part of hamas, the instruction by israel has been questioned by aid agencies and described as collective punishment which is something israel denies, the result of which is 1. 3 Million People being displaced, so what does it look like in the south . Its a it look like in the south . Its a complete it look like in the south . Its a complete disaster it look like in the south . Its a complete Disaster Zone it look like in the south . Its a complete Disaster Zone and i it look like in the south . Its a| complete Disaster Zone and we it look like in the south . It� s. Complete Disaster Zone and we use the language to describe how bad it is and there is an elephant in the room that we are testing this mechanism for 20 trucks but it comes in the backdrop of a potential Ground Offensive that could completely change the dynamics on the ground again, so will this mechanism be able to sustain itself currently . Can it survive a Ground Offensive and what will happen to the population in lieu of a Ground Offensive . It is harderfor aid agencies to programme when dealing with the effects of conflict but also large scale population displacement because the knowledge of where people are and how they are moving and how they are requiring aid and where they will be to get it is different and we are Hearing Stories now of people sheltering with other families in warehouses, Sharing One Toilet for 1000 people, things that can result in Health Issues and Public Health crises in addition to all the other thing is laid upon it, so its for all of these reasons we need an effective humanitarian ceasefire, what the un Secretary General has called for today and to make sure this humanitarian process is the wedge in which we can probably get it. Yes. Which we can probably get it. Yes, james, which we can probably get it. Yes, james. Our which we can probably get it. Yes, james, our correspondent which we can probably get it. Yes, james, our correspondent on the ground, he told us even though no humanitarian ceasefire has been agreed as the aide was coming into gaza, he said the rocket fire from inside gaza aimed at israel and the aerial bombardment seem to quieten down but with no guarantees for the coming hours or days. James, thank you very much for your time. With all the tensions in gaza to the south of israel there is a lot of disquiet about the north of israel, the border with lebanon. There have been regular exchanges of gunfire between hezbollah in Southern Lebanon and Israeli Military forces which means civilians on both sides of the border have been leaving their homes and like hamas, hezbollah is designated a Terrorist Organisation by the uk, us and many western governments. It is backed by iran and supported by iran, like hamas, and the Israeli Military is concerned, it says, about the well being of civilians and as i say it it has been evacuating towns in the area. The Largest Community was moved out as concerns grow in the region and the flames of the Israel Gaza Conflict could spread further. A threat so close, you can see it. This hezbollah Observation Post is metres from an israeli town. And thats why even more of this border is now emptying out. Today, kiryat shemona, a community of 20,000. But leaving isnt easy. In the shelter, this lady waits with a husband and three children. She has cancer, but since the war began all her medical appointments have been cancelled. Translation theyre evacuating today and i asked them to take i the sick people first. I know they evacuated others, but no one has reached out to me. The feeling is very scary, thats why i want them to evacuate my family as soon as possible. Even underground, this lady doesnt feel her twins are safe. She says the law bans locking the door of these public shelters and she fears another massacre, like the one in the south. This is israels defence. Thousands of soldiers digging in as the people move out. This is whats been happening all the way along the border. Fields turned into Forward Operating bases, Artillery Shells are being prepared, armoured vehicles are being readied. Israel has been doing as much as it can to strengthen and fortify this border. These Reserve Forces know that everything is different now. Not my first war and i have never have seen such massive amounts of units all across israel. Trained on scales we have never seen before. At least not in my lifetime. These are some of israels darkest moments. And here they hope there arent even harder days to come. Anna foster, bbc news, on the israel lebanon border. As for taking the time to hear speak to us. Weve been hearing from our correspondent about concern that israel could be fighting on two fronts. We have a peace Summit In Cairo aimed at stopping the spread of the conflict through the wider region, so how do you judge where we are in that right now . I so how do you judge where we are in that right now . That right now . I think to first talk about that right now . I think to first talk about the that right now . I think to first talk about the peace that right now . I think to first i talk about the Peace Conference, i think its important in terms of its symbolism, the first time that the arab world has tried to come together with a single voice to first of all voice their opposition to the scale of israels military actions in the gaza strip, but importantly to demonstrate to their own people that they have agency and are trying to do something, so i think the symbolism of this is important, but in terms of the practical outcomes, i think its right to say they will be limited, as most people have pointed out, the fact that the israelis are not there and the us isnt there in terms of high level representation and of course the iranians are not there, who are seen as orchestrating influence with hamas behind the scenes, the fact that these key players are not there leads one to question how effective this summit will actually be. But i think its more important in terms of the outcomes that the jordanians and more important in terms of the outcomes that thejordanians and the options egyptians are seeking. Certainly from the egyptian perspective, they dont want to be following a mass israeli incursion which many people predict will be a matter of hours if not days away. They do not want to see a Mass Flow Of Refugees Crossing Rafah and being permanently ensconced there because it poses all sorts of questions for egypt itself. It poses all sorts of questions for egypt itself egypt itself. You mentioned that e t as egypt itself. You mentioned that egypt as well egypt itself. You mentioned that egypt as well as egypt itself. You mentioned that egypt as well as jordan egypt itself. You mentioned that egypt as well as Jordan Have I Egypt itself. You mentioned that| egypt as well as jordan have said egypt as Well Asjordan Have said they wont be taking in refugees from gaza. They have cited practical and political reasons for that, dating a long way back into the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Dating a long way back into the israelipalestinian conflict. Thats absolutely correct. Israelipalestinian conflict. Thats absolutely correct. We israelipalestinian conflict. Thats absolutely correct. We shouldnt. Absolutely correct. We shouldnt forget most of the palestinians are refugees, all the descendants of refugees, all the descendants of refugees from the first arab israeli war of 19a8. The egyptians are very, very clear that they do not want to be the repository, if you like, of another massive refugee flow. I think for several reasons, the first, of course, is egypt itself is still fighting, although its very much at a level now, but its fighting its own insurgency in the Sinai Peninsula and there are elements or groups affiliated to the islamic state, and they are worried that a mass crossing of refugees into the northern Sinai Peninsula might fan the flames and embers of that conflict again. I think secondly, as well, egypt has its own massive economic problems on the thought of a huge flow of refugees crossing the border would put it enormous strain on an economy already struggling. And i think as well the view of cairo has always been that since the june 1967 well the view of cairo has always been that since Thejune 1967 War when israel talk and occupied the gaza strip, it remains an israeli problem and an israeli issue. I think for thejordanians they problem and an israeli issue. I think for the jordanians they are concerned if there is a wider regional conflagration, would they phase out palestinians trying to flee the west bank intojordan itself . So for all of these reasons, thejordanians and the egyptians in particular are using this summit to try to rally, pan arab, but equal International Opinion about the needs to deal with the likelihood of a Refugee Issue that they simply cannot cope with. That immediate issue, the wider cannot cope with. That immediate issue, the wider issue cannot cope with. That immediate issue, the wider issue of cannot cope with. That immediate issue, the wider issue of the i cannot cope with. That immediate l issue, the wider issue of the region and the future question of whether peace can be brought to the region, which we keep hearing, needs to be solved in order that this situation would never repeat itself again. That is certainly what is being said. Professor clivejones, middle said. Professor clive jones, middle east said. Professor clivejones, middle east expert from durham university, thank you forjoining us for now. We were touching on this peace Summit In Cairo in the egyptian capital. We have leaders across the middle east as we heard, but very much absent, iran, israeland any as we heard, but very much absent, iran, israel and any high ranking representation from the us as well, seen as so key in this area. The egyptian president has said the humanitarian suffering needs to end, and there do needs to be thoughts of peace in this region and how practically it can be sorted out. Lets go to bbc arabic reporter abdel bassir hassan in cairo, whos at the Peace Conference. We saw mahmoud a bass, the palestinian president , speaking earlier, and when we are looking at who is there and who is not, he doesnt speak of course for gaza itself, which is being governed by hamas, and when the International Community looks at the future of gaza, he, Mahmoud Abbas faces criticism from his own people, from many palestinians. Many palestinians. Yes, Mahmoud Abbas has asserted many palestinians. Yes, Mahmoud Abbas has asserted during many palestinians. Yes, Mahmoud Abbas has asserted during his i many palestinians. Yes, Mahmoud I Abbas has asserted during his speech at the summit, which is still ongoing until now that the displacement or dislocation will not be a solution and he asked for an immediate ceasefire and described what is happening in both gaza and the west bank as against International Law. He spoke also of the fact that there should be an eternal solution, a permanent solution for the palestinian cause, Notjust Solution for the palestinian cause, not just a solution for the palestinian cause, Notjust A Conflict Solution for the palestinian cause, not just a conflict at present and he asked the International Community, the Security Council to try and apply on the ground the international lows and resolution related to the palestinian issue. The palestinians, sorry, the civilians from both sides, the civilians from both sides, the civilians from both sides should be protected and also the hostages should be released as soon as possible. He, of course, uploaded the message of some tracks from the crossing today, but some trucks. But the United Nations, and all those who have spoken until now, there is a call for a wider, increased and an expansion of the process of supplying gaza with food, water, fuel and other necessary items. This is the main and common call from all of those who spoke so far plus, of course, the immediate need for a ceasefire and trying to discuss the roots of the issue here. These are the main topics so far raised, and still the summit is still on and just to add, the us is prudent represented by the charged affairs in egypt, the lowest level in the summit, and the lowest level in the summit, and the lowest level being offered by the centre for information in egypt while some others, the crown prince of saudi arabia, is not present, some Heads Of State and some leaders from the region plus the spanish and italian Prime Ministers who havejust region plus the spanish and italian Prime Ministers who have just spoken and asked for immediate ceasefire, and asked for immediate ceasefire, and other demands that are common between those who are here. Thank ou, and between those who are here. Thank you. And of between those who are here. Thank you, and of course between those who are here. Thank you, and of course big between those who are here. Thank you, and of course Big Questions i you, and of course Big Questions about what this Summit In Cairo can achieve considering big names, big countries are not represented there today. Thats it from me. Thats it from me for the time being injerusalem. A day that the First Kong Fright Use have started arriving in gaza. 0ver have started arriving in gaza. Over to you richard in the studio. Three � risk to life Flood Warnings have been issued around the River Derwent in derbyshire. These are the latest pictures coming to us from our reporter out in derby. Theyre in addition to the red danger to life Weather Warning in force in Eastern Parts of scotland. Storm babet has already claimed at least three lives, and more torrential rain and high winds are forecast across much of the uk. Hundreds of flood alerts are in place, and travel is expected to be badly disrupted. For more on this we can speak to Louisa Pilbeam in the newsroom what is the picture across the uk as we come up to lunchtime . I do what is the picture across the uk as we come up to lunchtime . What is the picture across the uk as we come up to lunchtime . I do feel a little uuil we come up to lunchtime . I do feel a little guilty reporting we come up to lunchtime . I do feel a little guilty reporting from little guilty reporting from the warm here, but it is really scotland thatis warm here, but it is really scotland that is bearing the brunt of storm babet, and a second red Weather Warning has been issued, the second in two days and that means there is a real risk to life and there are other severe warnings for the north of england as well. In total, 360 Flood Warnings have been issued across the uk, so this is notjust affecting the north of england and scotland. Its even as far down as the south east that there are Flood Warnings and the Environment Agency are saying that you must follow the advice of the Emergency Services on the authorities, so if you have any Evacuation Order for where you are, you must follow that advice because they are saying lives are in danger and as weve been hearing, three people have lost their lives so far in this storm. And there are a couple of important bits of information, logistically, to bring you. Leeds bradford airport, that was expected to reopen at ten oclock and then at 11 oclock and that has been pushed back to two oclock this afternoon and people are being advised, do not go to the terminal until at least two oclock. We saw the pictures on friday of the Aeroplane Skidding off the runway, so the problem still going on there. And as i say, the Environment Agency wants you to know that these are very serious warnings, and it will cause disruption to travel and to peoples homes. They are saying that if you receive a flood warning, you need to take action right now because there is an immediate risk and you need to keep yourself safe, your family safe and also your possessions as well because there are practical elements to this as well. ,. , ~ are practical elements to this as well. ,. , ~ ,. Well. Louisa, thank you very much for now. There well. Louisa, thank you very much for now. There is well. Louisa, thank you very much for now. There is of well. Louisa, thank you very much for now. There is of course well. Louisa, thank you very much for now. There is of course a i well. Louisa, thank you very much for now. There is of course a live i for now. There is of course a live page on the bbc news website which you can check out to keep you up to date with all the latest on storm babet, as louisa said, various Storm Warnings are still in place and the met office have said that the red Weather Warning in North East Scotland will now be lifted at 6pm. Meanwhile, the three risk to life flood Warnings Issued in derbyshire. The Energy Network Association Says meanwhile 100,000 customers have been affected by power cuts due to storm babet across the uk but say that as of saturday morning 96 have been reconnected. That is according to the Energy Network association, so that doesnt mean a000 people still without power. The Insurance Companies have commented as well, the association of british insurers, who have said people should contact their Insurance Companies as soon as they are able to. As i said, do check out the bbc website with the latest on this, and just a reminder our top story this hour is that the Rafah Crossing has opened between israel, i beg your pardon, between israel and gaza, in the last few hours allowing these trucks of aid to start to make their way into gaza. That is the Breaking News we are bringing you this morning. Much more on the bbc news website and of course on the bbc news app. Stick with us on bbc news. Hello there. Storm babet has brought widespread disruption up and down the country, but especially across the midlands, wales, Northern England and across scotland. Now, many of the warnings have been dropped for england and wales today, but we have a renewed red warning for parts of Eastern Scotland, for further heavy and persistent rain here which could exacerbate flooding issues. The area of most concern is this amber area that stretches from aberdeenshire down towards perthshire and within it, the red warning, parts of angus and south east aberdeenshire. We also have an Amber Warning for the north highlands. The rain relentless through the afternoon here. Strong Gale Force Winds battering north sea coasts. Further south, much of South Of Scotland into northern and england and wales conditions will be improving, sunshine will develop across Western Areas and slowly push eastwards. But well see a line of showers moving in to the South East Of England. Strong, fairly gusty winds through the channel there and into the south east. Very strong winds across the north of the uk and it will be quite chilly as well. Temperatures in Single Digits in the far north of scotland. Up to around 15 or 16 in the south east. As we move through tonight, though, the showers clear away from the South East Of England and finally the rain pulls away from the north and east of scotland. So conditions turning drier here, clearskies, lighter winds and clear spells. So it will turn quite chilly, temperatures in Single Digits for most. With lighter winds, we could see a bit of mist and fog too. Part two of the weekend, were in between weather systems. A much quieter, much more settled day to come. Well see storm babet, the low pressure system, move northwards, away from the north of scotland. So a vastly, much better day across the north and east of scotland, with some sunshine. Plenty of sunshine for northern ireland, england and wales. Just the chance of a few showers developing out west through the afternoon. Most places will stay dry. Winds will be lighter but after that chilly start, it will be a slightly cooler day. Temperatures of 10 15 degrees. It doesnt last, though. As we head into next week, well see further low Pressure Systems hurtling in off the atlantic to bring us further spells wet weather but the difference is, with these low Pressure Systems, they should move through faster, so unlike storm babet that remain almost in situ, bringing relentless rain. So an unsettled outlook for much of next week, with low pressure nearby, but there will be some sunshine at times as well. See you later. This is bbc news. These are live pictures of the Rafah Crossing, which has partially opened, allowing aid trucks to enter gaza from egypt. The us embassy in israel said the opening may also enable foreign citizens stuck in gaza to leave. Un Secretary General Antonio Guterres joins arab and european leaders at a Summit In Cairo to discuss the gaza crisis. Egypt wants a road map to end the humanitarian disaster. President biden says hes overjoyed at the release of an American Mother and daughter, who were among the 210 people hamas abducted from southern israel. Storm babet continues to sweep across the uk with three risk to life Flood Warnings in derbyshire and widespread travel disruption. A red Weather Warning for northern Eastern Scotland will be lifted this evening. We begin with our Breaking News the first aid trucks have been Crossing Into Gaza after the Rafah Crossing partially opened this morning. These live pictures show the first trucks entering, loaded with food, water and medicine, which are desperately

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