Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240703

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Come. Fatalities lets ta ke lets take you to gaza city and i want you to bring the shot back into my country has suffered hundreds of fatalities. Us my country has suffered hundreds of fatalities. ,. ,. , fatalities. Us has thrown its su ort fatalities. Us has thrown its support behind fatalities. Us has thrown its support behind israel fatalities. Us has thrown its support behind israel listen| toa us focus. I dont know if you can see to a us talking after that that but look at that massive pillow interview. Of smoke. This is happening in the to a us talking after that interview. ,. ,. , last few minutes, another israeli interview. The situation is fluid and very dangerous. Defence for striking on the city. I interview. The situation is fluid and very dangerous. We interview. The situation is fluid and very dangerous. We are i interview. The situation is fluid and very dangerous. We are working have been hearing about the number hard as i know other countries in the region are hard to try and of dead in israel but also about the prevent this conflict from number of those who have died in the spreading. figs Palestinian Gaza city. We know now prevent this conflict from spreading prevent this conflict from spreading. Prevent this conflict from sreadina. A ,. , spreading. As you can see on the righthand spreading. As you can see on the righthand side spreading. As you can see on the righthand side of spreading. As you can see on the righthand side of the from the defence for children spreading. As you can see on the righthand side of the screen, i spreading. As you can see on the| righthand side of the screen, we right hand side of the screen, we have the lied shots of city. We are international palestine, a Nonprofit Organisation it said that 33 children have been killed in gaza keeping the camera on there. For since saturday morning. That on top now, lets return to the efforts at of 1100 diplomacy. That diplomacy at the un, since saturday morning. That on top of 400 palestinians who have lost their lives since the hamas militant we need to put into context. Ill attack on saturday morning and the retaliatory strikes by the israeli correspond and is there and sent defence force. 2. 2 Million People this report. The us� s briefed live in this territory. Its a tiny members behind closed door. He gave strip. Its not very big, 140 square them an update, the latest on the ground and also what miles very densely populated territory. You can imagine any the us is doing to support the Military Strike is going to have an humanitarian operations in gaza. He impact. Not only on that specific also, according to an official, target and israel are saying that it pleaded with countries who are able is targeting hamas targets but also to do so to exert diplomatic efforts the areas around it. This is the to do so to exert diplomatic efforts to try and restore calm in the situation in gaza right now. That is region. He said he has been in what is happening in gaza. I think contact with both parties and is we will leave that livestock because there has been some movement over urging maximum restraint. Council there has been some movement over the last minute or so but in the members didnt attempt to reach a meantime we can tell you what is statement on this unprecedented attack. According to one diplomat, happening in southern communities. There is a real sense that this was israel has said that it is regaining control of all of those southern a Game Changing moment. In fact, the communities in the israeli Italic Boot Territory attack. It is now ambassador came out and told reporters that the briefing had been sobering. And that there was a more than 48 hours since the mass concern about regional spill over, inflammation and that the concern at assault by hamas. Israels army said the moment, the priority is about it will secure breaches in the the moment, the priority is about the safety of civilians and also, barrier, you will remember it was the safety of civilians and also, the unconditional release of hostages. 0n the issue of resuming bulldoze through. Military officials peace talks, the two state solution, she said there was a real say that war planes, helicopters and artillery struck more than 500 understanding that that was needed to prevent further violence but that targets in gaza overnight. Hamas that point to resume talks hadnt militants remain inside israel and we heard earlier that there is some arrived quite yet. Before this fighting going on in various areas. Briefing or consultations, i should reserve us have been called up in say, got under way. We did hearfrom israel, around 100,000. These both the israel and palestinian pictures show the Israeli Military ambassadors to the un. The israeli ambassadors to the un. The israeli deploying tanks. They were shot by ambassador said that this was bbc news crew. Dozens of vehicles israels 911 and he showed Graphic Photos of civilians being dragged carrying troops were also seen in the area during the day. The off into gaza. He said that those palestinians are preparing themselves for a possible ground images would be steered in his mind. The Palestinian Ambassador said that invasion. He would be calling for an emergency 0ur correspondent, Jonathan Beale, is just a few kilometres meeting of the League Of Arab State from the border with gaza in the coming date days in cairo. And he sent this update. This is as close as we can get to gaza itself, about five kilometres in that direction. There is a lot of military he urged the council to try and activity, jets overhead. Israel has told its citizens address the root causes and to end living nearby to leave. Its not clear whether that could signal a Land Incursion the Israeli Occupation of by israel into gaza itself. But inevitably, this will end up Palestinian Territories. He said that would be the only way to ensure peace in the future. Being more bloody still. Meanwhile, iran said it had played that was Jonathan Beale theyre giving us the very latest. In the no part in the attack by hamas and that the palestinians had the capacity to defend the nations meantime, the International Community is mobilising. Without any help from iran. Its the United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting behind reported that iran helped organise closed doors to discuss the crisis. There was no attempt to agree the assault. Earlier the president a common statement iran publicly backed the hamas but the uns middle east envoy called on all countries with diplomatic links to the region militants and called for others to to work to restore calm. Lets hear now from both palestinian and israeli diplomats starting with the palestinian support the fight. Earlier we spoke about the conflicting claims are permanent observer to the un surrounding hamas. The israel keeps saying the blockade and 00 04 42,572 2147483051 39 06,559 repeated assaults on gaza are to 2147483051 39 06,559 00 00 00,734 destroy hamas military capabilities about the conflicting claims are surrounding hamas. About the conflicting claims are surrounding hamas. The fact that iran has helped surrounding hamas. The fact that iran has helped hamas surrounding hamas. The fact that iran has helped hamas for surrounding hamas. The fact that iran has helped hamas for years | iran has helped hamas for years materially including is not in doubt. In fact, the iranian government has always boasted about the fact that they do help palestinian groups including hamas, islamichhad and others to fight back against israels observation. The question right now is whether they were operationally involved in this particular attack. And following that Wall Streetjournal report that you referenced. It seems that at least the irani and diplomatic arm in the United Nations has come out with a statement denying that they were at all involved. Saying the decision was entirely autonomous by the palestinians. But in the next sentence saying and repeating the official policy of tehran, and that is they support the palestinian struggle. So it seems that they are taking a step back and trying to say, yes, we support them, no, we were not involved in this operation at all. Say, yes, we support them, no, we were not involved in this operation at all. There is a new site that is close to some of the iranians officials which came out with the statement from their contact in lebanon saying there was no such meeting held in lebanon on the monday referenced in the Wall Streetjournal. So they clearly are pushing back on the idea that they had their hand all over this and are saying, yes, we do help them but we dont get involved in the operation, and palestinians make their own decisions on how to conduct their struggle. Why the backtracking, do you think . Because i think a part of it is the consequences of taking direct responsibility could be something that worries tehran and also worries washington, as we heard Secretary Blinken on sunday saying we have seen no evidence that iran was involved in this particular operation. So both sides do not want this to widen and turn into a regional conflict. But they are very much clearly boasting. What is striking, though, inside iran they held these celebrations and the images showed government supporters in maybe 50s or hundreds gathering and the majority of the public ignoring them. In fact there were images coming out of a Football Team where they brought the palestinian flag to the field and the spectators and the Football Fans started yelling that we dont want to be involved with the palestinian israeli conflict. That is part of the major grievances by the iranian public extremely dissatisfied with their government dragging them into this conflict and wasting resources and isolating iran. So that also has a Big Domestic Angle to it because the iranian public is very unhappy with the way that they are always paying the price for the government of iran getting involved outside, especially in the region. Thats really interesting, isnt it . Thats really interesting, isnt it . That is the bbc persian reporter talking to us a little bit earlier about iran and its role in terms of hamas. We have a couple of new lines to bring to you. The first one is coming to us from the arab league. They have said that they reject violence from both sides in israel and in gaza delete. Thatsjust come out from the arab league. We also have the Defence Minister coming out and saying that he is ordering a siege on gaza. This basically is a continuation and was has been happening. 0ur reporter on the ground has been telling us that the city and now lacking 80 of its electricity, many areas dont have internet access. More importantly, medical supplies and other supplies and not getting into gaza city in the way that they normally would. The latest line we are getting is that israel looks like it is escalating its measures against the gobs of strip. Its going the gaza strip. He described this as part of a battle against beastly people. What were seeing about this area, we are seeing the sea next to the gaza strip. He says, for many years now the un and human Rights Groups have asked israel to stop its blockade of the land sea and air on gaza which has been going ongoing. The Israeli Government said it is done this because it wants to defend israel from hamas militants. Thats what it says, it wants to control gazas borders because its necessary to protect Israeli Citizens from hamas but the impact of that control is devastating on those who are living inside gaza. We also know that there are many hostages who have been taken into gaza from israel. About 100 civilians and soldiers have been taken into gaza. We dont know what has happened to them, we spoke earlier on to the door to law Daughter In Law of one israeli who has been taken hostagejust inside the border, the Hostage Situation is very difficult indeed. Just to reiterate that line coming to us from the Israeli Government. It looks like the Israeli Government wants to escalate its control against hamas and bring in a total blockade of food and fuel to the gaza strip. We would like to talk about that later here on bbc news. Hamas says its fired a further barrage of missiles, targeting Ben Gurion Airport near tel aviv and ashkelon. Several airlines have suspended services to tel aviv including three us carriers, air france, lufthansa and emirates, but some evacuation flights have left the airport. Hungary and poland have transported 300 of their nationals on board three aircraft. The nepalese government is expected to meet to discuss how best to evacuate its nationals, at least ten of whom were killed in saturdays attack. Other countries are making similar preparations. Lets get more reaction to the events of the past few days. I spoke earlier to sir Ephriim Mirvis the uks chief rabbi. This is a dramatic and horrific time. You know we havejust concluded a two day festival, its called Simchat Torah its intended to be one of the happiest times on thejewish calendar for us. This year it was a time of mourning, of deep grief and of enormous worry. And emerging from the festival last night ive been inundated with messages of support and solidarity from right across the uk. And i know that every civilised Person Cannot but be moved and deeply shocked by the images of what has been seen in israel. I know there are many people showing their full solidarity with ourjewish community and people in israel right now. When we make calls now to other jewish people in the uk the first question everybody is asking is, how are you . How is yourfamily . Is everybody all right . Because theres hardly a jewish family in the uk not affected one way or another by what has happened. Chief rabbi, what support are you offering to those who have been impacted by this in the uk . These are early days now. People are rallying together enormous support, first of all through prayer. Already some special services have taken place. This evening in North West London there will be a Major Service of prayer hosted by the united synagogue, there will be a vigil in Central London today, many other services of prayer, people are giving charity, people are getting in touch and providing support and help to all who need it. Looking at the number of people impacted by this from other nations, there were nepalis, people from thailand, cambodia, two ukrainians, one French National believed to have lost their life as well. This is something that has hit so many countries around the world. Absolutely. As i said before no civilised Person Cannot but be moved by what has happened with terrorists literally going in some places from door to door yanking people out, taking sometimes whole families, the elderly and also the young, using them as hostages, parading them through the streets to the cheers of others, over 130 known incidents so far. And then there was the Music Festivaljust outside kibbutz reim, its kind of israels equivalent of glastonbury. 260 people so far, the numbers are rising, 260 innocent teenagers having good fun mowed down by murderous terrorists. This is absolutely awful. Chief rabbi, how worried are you about the future and what this now means for the region and what is going on within israel . We are extremely concerned and extremely worried. And we also reach out with sympathy to the families of innocent civilians who have been killed, regardless of where they might be. The loss of any innocent life is a tragedy. Israel is fighting a war, it has to, it has the responsibility to protect citizens and guarantee their safety and security, and notjust now, but to ensure the long term safety and security. That is the chief rabbi of the uk talking to be earlier. As we have been hearing, 1000 people have been killed following the massive coordinated assault by hamas which began in the early hours of sunday morning. 0ur Analysis Editor ros atkins explains some background to the conflict. Lets start with the Islamist Militant Group that carried out this attack. Who are hamas . Well, its name is an arabic acronym for Islamic Resistance movement, its sworn to israels destruction, and its base is gaza. Its been in control there since 2007 though, as its not held an election since, its hard to gauge what support it has. And this weekend President Biden called Hamas A Terrorist Organisation in fact, the eu, the uk and the us all categorise it this way. In the region, iran is hamas primary backer. Indeed, hamas has told the bbc iran gave direct backing for this weekends attack. Hamas also has close relations with the militant Group Hezbollah in lebanon which shares a border with israel. And israel knows all of this and more about hamas, which leads us to the next question why didnt Israeli Intelligence know about the attack . The analyst colin clarke describes how israel has world class intelligence collection and analysis capabilities that includes using informers in gaza and Surveillance Drones above it. In the words of one form of us Counter Terrorism specialist, in the words of one former us Counter Terrorism specialist, its almost inconceivable how they missed this. But they did. And working out why is now a matter of urgency. Our next question is whether this is different to previous escalations. Serious violent escalations between israel and the palestinians are not uncommon, but the scale of this hamas attack makes it different. Israeli territory was infiltrated, hundreds of israelis have died, as many as 100 hostages were taken. Saturday was one of the deadliest days in israels history. The uns middle east peace envoy says this is a dangerous precipice, and i appeal to all to pull back from the brink. This is different. And the scale of the attack leads us to, how is israel responding . Well, already Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu talks of a long and difficult war. There are israeli air strikes in gaza, hundreds of palestinians have died, military vehicles are heading to the gaza border, and Tens Of Thousands of israeli reservists are being called up. As well as that, the us defense secretary lloyd austin has announced that additional equipment and resources including munitions will be sent. Israels allies are offering solidarity and help. And while right now the focus is on the immediate threat from hamas, israel and its allies will also know that, in the long term, this attack will reshape how they seek to maintain israels security. That was our Analysis Editor bringing you a little bit of background. I think every now and then its important to pause and think why things are happening and what the background is to them. Let me take you briefly now to gaza. I want to show the live pictures coming into us from gaza city. A few minutes ago we saw and heard some explosions as the Israeli Military continue their Missile Assault on the city. We have had a few lines in the city. We have had a few lines in the last few minutes, specifically from the Israeli Government. We have heard from the israeli Prime Ministers office said that the Security Council has approved multiple steps to destroy the military capabilities of hamas for years to come. Were hearing that the Defence Minister in israel has said that he is looking to completely blockade the gaza strip. A total blockade, that they are calling it, including a ban on food and fuel. We heard from our reporter on the ground a little earlier but already, 80 of the electricity provided to gaza has been removed. More importantly, perhaps, there is a blockade on very important medicines and food that normally are a lifeline to those people in gaza. We have also had a line from the German Development spokesperson in the last few minutes saying that aid the last few minutes saying that aid the Palestinian Territories are being halted temporarily while under review. Just to reiterate, what is happening in gaza is that there are just over 2 Million People in a very small amount of space being bombarded by the Israeli Military and now they are potentially looking at having no food or medicine or supplies entering the city in the next few days, at least. You can hearin next few days, at least. You can hear in the background the explosion there. In the meantime, we are also hearing from the Israeli Military thatjust hearing from the Israeli Military that just outside hearing from the Israeli Military thatjust outside of gaza, the fighting that was going on in southern israel, that has now resulted in the control of communities near the Barrier Being Re Gained by israel. We had there that there was worry that in the southern israeli area there was still militants on the loose. If you want more information on what you have been watching her on bbc news, if you are stepping away from the television, you are more than welcome to go to the bbc live page. It is brilliant. It is updated minute by minute by correspondence on the ground and journalist in london. For now, do stay with me on bbc news. I am back at the top of the hour. Stay with us. Hello. Over the weekend we had a real contrast with the weather north to south, in scotland we had torrential rain which led to some disruption and flooding. Whereas as we pushed across england, wales and Northern Ireland this area of High Pressure was very much in charge so it was settled and warm for the time of year. As it will be today. We do have a weak Weather Front draped across northern england, Northern Ireland and also parts of southern scotland. It has been producing some patchy light rain that will continue to fade and we have a lot of low cloud, mist and murk close to the irish sea coastlines. You can see here a lot of dry weather, a fair bit of sunshine, warm across the far south east, and it will feel fresher as we push further north but feeling much better in scotland today than it did over the weekend. Through this evening and overnight, the low cloud, mist and murk in the irish sea will push a bit further inland and drift across the English Channel coast as well. We will also have some more rain coming in across western scotland, the met office has a yellow Weather Warning out for this because the Rain Is Falling on already saturated ground and it will be with us tomorrow courtesy of this Weather Front which is very slowly pushing southwards. Tomorrow as you can tell from the isobars it will be breezy wherever you are, windy in the north. And the low cloud, mist and murk is pushed inland overnight and it will start to retreat back towards coasts. But what you will find is some of it will linger. Temperatures tomorrow widely19 24 degrees. 0n the other side of the Weather Front in the north it will start to turn that bit fresher. A Weather Front makes it down into england and wales during the course of wednesday. Behind it, brighterskies, still noticeably breezy. With a few showers peppering the north and west. You can see the fresher conditions, 9 18 degrees behind the Weather Front. But ahead of it, were still in the much warmer air, still for london 23 degrees. As we look beyond that, a Weather Front which has come south looks very much like on thursday it will push northwards again and we have another one slipping south. We could well see these two merge during the course of friday, still a bit of uncertainty about it. But what it does mean is that in the outlook period it does turn more unsettled with more of us seeing some rain. But behind the Weather Front in Southern England as it moves north it will get warmer. Live from london, this is bbc news. Israels Defence Minister orders a total blockade on the hamas controlled gaza strip. Cutting off water, food and power, he says israel is fighting a beastly people. More than 700 israelis are feared dead 260 killed at a Music Festival attacked by hamas. Israeli officials describe saturdays assault as their 9 11. Hamas militants reportedly take 100 israelis hostage and move them to gaza. Dont hurt little children, dont hurt women. It dont hurt little children, dont hurt women dont hurt little children, dont hurt women. ,. ,. , hurt women. If you want me instead, i am willing hurt women. If you want me instead, i am willing to hurt women. If you want me instead, i am willing to come. This is the scene live in gaza where air strikes have killed nearly 500 palestinians. Israels Prime Minister warns of a long war ahead. Showing its support the us says its moving warships closer to israel. Hello, a very warm welcome to bbc news. In the past few minutes, israels Defence Minister has said he has ordered a total blockade of gaza which includes a ban on admitting food, water and fuel. Yoav gallant said this was part of a battle against what he described as beastly people. Israel also says its forces have regained control of all southern communities attacked by Palestinian Hamas militants, though isolated pockets of fighters could still remain. Its now more than 48 hours since the mass assault by hamas. The Israeli Army Says it will secure breaches in the Gaza Separation Barrier that militants may still be using. The death toll since hamas launched its attacks on saturday has

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