Transcripts For BBCNEWS Verified 20240703

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Keep people out. Sure, believe that we have the right to keep people out. Sure, they believe that we have the right to| keep people out. Sure, they may believe that we have the right to keep people out. Sure, they may come up keep people out. Sure, they may come up with keep people out. Sure, they may come up with a keep people out. Sure, they may come up with a trit keep people out. Sure, they may come up with a bit of keep people out. Sure, they may come up with a bit of occasional keep people out. Sure, they may come up with a bit of occasional rhetoric up with a bit of occasional rhetoric about up with a bit of occasional rhetoric about controlling up with a bit of occasional rhetoric about controlling our up with a bit of occasional rhetoric about controlling our borders, up with a bit of occasional rhetoric about controlling our borders, buti about controlling our borders, but that is about controlling our borders, but that is hot about controlling our borders, but that is not what about controlling our borders, but that is not what the about controlling our borders, but that is not what the labour about controlling our borders, but that is not what the labour party. That is not what the labour party has ever that is not what the labour party has ever done that is not what the labour party has ever done in that is not what the labour party has ever done in government. I that is not what the labour party i has ever done in government. And that is not what the labour party has ever done in government. And it is hot has ever done in government. And it is hotiust has ever done in government. And it is notjust negligence has ever done in government. And it is notjust negligence or is notjust negligence or incompetence, is notjust negligence ori incompetence, although is notjust negligence or incompetence, although you can is notjust negligence or incompetence, although you can be guaranteed incompetence, although you can be guaranteed a incompetence, although you can be guaranteed a plenty incompetence, although you can be guaranteed a plenty of incompetence, although you can be guaranteed a plenty of that incompetence, although you can be guaranteed a plenty of that if guaranteed a plenty of that if labour guaranteed a plenty of that if labour winds. Guaranteed a plenty of that if labour winds. It guaranteed a plenty of that if labour winds. It is guaranteed a plenty of that if labour winds. It is a guaranteed a plenty of that if labour winds. It is a chilly. Labour winds. It is a chilly deliberate. Labour winds. It is a chilly deliberate. The labour winds. It is a chilly deliberate. The biggest. Labour winds. It is a chilly deliberate. The biggest reason why conservative deliberate. The biggest reason why Conservative Governments deliberate. The biggest reason why Conservative Governments have Conservative Governments have struggled Conservative Governments have struggled to Conservative Governments have struggled to get Conservative Governments have struggled to get illegal Conservative Governments have. Struggled to get illegal migration under struggled to get illegal migration under control struggled to get illegal migration under control is struggled to get illegal migration under control is because struggled to get illegal migration under control is because labouri under control is because labour governments under control is because labour governments passed under control is because labour governments passed laws under control is because labour governments passed laws that. Under control is because labour governments passed laws that inhibit effective governments passed laws that inhibit Effective Action governments passed laws that inhibit Effective Action governments passed laws that inhibit Effective Action actually Effective Action actually deliberate. Effective action actually deliberate. The Effective Action actually deliberate. The truth Effective Action actually deliberate. The truth is Effective Action actually deliberate. The truth is wei Effective Action actually deliberate. The truth is we struggle to remove deliberate. The truth is we struggle to remove foreign deliberate. The truth is we struggle to remove foreign criminals. Deliberate. The truth is we struggle to remove foreign criminals. We. To remove foreign criminals. We struggte to remove foreign criminals. We struggle to to remove foreign criminals. We struggle to get to remove foreign criminals. We struggle to get accurate to remove foreign criminals. We struggle to get accurate data to remove foreign criminals. We struggle to get accurate data on| to remove foreign criminals. We struggle to get accurate data on the aes struggle to get accurate data on the ages of struggle to get accurate data on the ages of the struggle to get accurate data on the ages of the asylum struggle to get accurate data on the ages of the asylum seekers. Struggle to get accurate data on the ages of the asylum seekers. We ages of the asylum seekers. We struggte ages of the asylum seekers. We struggte even ages of the asylum seekers. We struggle even to ages of the asylum seekers. We struggle even to confiscate ages of the asylum seekers. We i struggle even to confiscate their phones struggle even to confiscate their phones when struggle even to confiscate their phones when they arrive on our| phones when they arrive on our beaches phones when they arrive on our beaches let phones when they arrive on our beaches. Let me phones when they arrive on our beaches. Let me tell phones when they arrive on our beaches. Let me tell you, phones when they arrive on our beaches. Let me tell you, our. Beaches. Let me tell you, our country beaches. Let me tell you, Our Country Has beaches. Let me tell you, Our Country Has become beaches. Let me tell you, our. Country has become enmeshed beaches. Let me tell you, Our Country Has become enmeshed in a dentist country has become enmeshed in a dentist Net Country Has become enmeshed in a dentist net of country has become enmeshed in a dentist net of International Country has become enmeshed in a dentist net of International Rules i dentist net of International Rules that were dentist net of International Rules that were designed dentist net of International Rules that were designed for dentist net of International Rules that were designed for another. Dentist net of International Rules. That were designed for another era enmeshed that were designed for another era enmeshed in that were designed for another era enmeshed in a that were designed for another era enmeshed in a dense that were designed for another era enmeshed in a dense net. That were designed for another era i enmeshed in a dense net. Labour turbocharge enmeshed in a dense net. Labour turbo charge that enmeshed in a dense net. Labour turbo charge that impact enmeshed in a dense net. Labour turbo charge that impact by enmeshed in a dense net. Labour turbo charge that impact by Passingi Turbo charge that impact by Passing The Misnamed Turbo charge that impact by Passing The Misnamed Human Turbo charge that impact by Passing The Misnamed Human Rights turbo charge that impact by Passing The Misnamed Human Rights act. Ii turbo charge that impact by passing. The misnamed human rights act. I am surprised the misnamed human rights act. I am surprised thev the misnamed human rights act. I am surprised they didnt the misnamed human rights act. I am surprised they didnt call the misnamed human rights act. I am surprised they didnt call it the misnamed human rights act. I am surprised they didnt call it the surprised they didnt call it the criminat surprised they didnt call it the criminal rights surprised they didnt call it the criminal rights act. Because i tell you, every time i have because i tell you, every time i have gone because i tell you, every time i have gone to because i tell you, every time i have gone to parliament because i tell you, every time i have gone to parliament to because i tell you, every time i have gone to parliament to improve the taw have gone to parliament to improve the law on have gone to parliament to improve the law on immigration, have gone to parliament to improve the law on immigration, labour have gone to parliament to improve the law on immigration, labour has| the law on immigration, labour has tried to the law on immigration, labour has tried to block the law on immigration, labour has tried to block us. The law on immigration, labour has tried to block us. Always the law on immigration, labour has tried to block us. Always aided the law on immigration, labour has tried to block us. Always aided by. Tried to block us. Always aided by their tried to block us. Always aided by their allies tried to block us. Always aided by their allies in tried to block us. Always aided by their allies in the tried to block us. Always aided by their allies in the third tried to block us. Always aided by their allies in the third sector. Their allies in the third sector. Some their allies in the third sector. Some of their allies in the third sector. Some of whom their allies in the third sector. Some of whom openly their allies in the third sector. I some of whom openly declare their allies in the third sector. Some of whom openly declare that they oppose some of whom openly declare that they oppose national some of whom openly declare that they oppose National Borders some of whom openly declare that l they oppose National Borders merely on principle they oppose National Borders merely on principle. Att they oppose National Borders merely on principle. All of they oppose National Borders merely on principle. All of them they oppose National Borders merely on principle. All of them bleating on principle. All of them bleating the same on principle. All of them bleating the same incessant on principle. All of them bleating the same incessant accusation. L the same incessant accusation. Racist. The same incessant accusation. Racist. Racist, the same incessant accusation. Racist, racist, racist. The same incessant accusation. Racist, racist, racist. Theyve. Racist, racist, racist. Theyve atwavs racist, racist, racist. Theyve always used racist, racist, racist. Theyve always used that racist, racist, racist. Theyve always used that smear. Racist, racist, racist. Theyvel always used that smear. They racist, racist, racist. Theyve always used that smear. They tried it against always used that smear. They tried it against margaret always used that smear. They tried it against margaret thatcher, always used that smear. They tried it against margaret thatcher, it it against margaret thatcher, it didnt it against margaret thatcher, it didnt work it against margaret thatcher, it didnt work. They it against margaret thatcher, it didnt work. They tried it against margaret thatcher, it didnt work. They tried it it against margaret thatcher, iti didnt work. They tried it against david didnt work. They tried it against david cameron. Didnt work. They tried it against david cameron. It didnt work. They tried it against david cameron. It didnt didnt work. They tried it against david cameron. It didnt work. L didnt work. They tried it against david cameron. It didnt work. A coupte david cameron. It didnt work. A coupte of david cameron. It didnt work. A coupte of years david cameron. It didnt work. A couple of years ago, david cameron. It didnt work. A couple of years ago, they david cameron. It didnt work. A couple of years ago, they even i david cameron. It didnt work. A couple of years ago, they even tried it against couple of years ago, they even tried it against winston couple of years ago, they even tried it against winston churchill, couple of years ago, they even tried it against winston churchill, our it against winston churchill, our greatest it against winston churchill, our greatest ever it against winston churchill, our greatest ever leader. It against winston churchill, our greatest ever leader. And it against winston churchill, our greatest ever leader. And it it against winston churchill, our. Greatest ever leader. And it didnt even greatest ever leader. And it didnt even work greatest ever leader. And it didnt even work then. Greatest ever leader. And it didnt even work then. And greatest ever leader. And it didnt even work then. And i greatest ever leader. And it didnt even work then. And i can greatest ever leader. And it didntl even work then. And i can promise you it even work then. And i can promise you it wont even work then. And i can promise you it wont work even work then. And i can promise you it wont work against even work then. And i can promise you it wont work against rishi you it wont work against rishi sunak you it wont work against rishi sunak and you it wont work against rishi sunak and it you it wont work against rishi sunak and it wont you it wont work against rishi sunak and it wont work you it wont work against rishii sunak and it wont work against you it wont work against rishi sunak and it wont work against me. The truth is, every one of us in this the truth is, every one of us in this room the truth is, every one of us in this room should the truth is, every one of us in this room should be the truth is, every one of us in this room should be proud the truth is, every one of us in this room should be proud of. The truth is, every one of us in. This room should be proud of our routes this room should be proud of our routes and this room should be proud of our routes and proud this room should be proud of our routes and proud of this room should be proud of our routes and proud of our this room should be proud of our routes and proud of our conservative vatues~ routes and proud of our conservative values we routes and proud of our conservative values. We believe routes and proud of our conservative values. We believe that routes and proud of our conservative values. We believe that britain routes and proud of our conservative values. We believe that britain has l values. We believe that britain has the right values. We believe that britain has the right to values. We believe that britain has the right to secure values. We believe that britain has the right to Secure Borders. Values. We believe that britain has the right to Secure Borders. To the right to Secure Borders. To decide the right to Secure Borders. To decide who the right to Secure Borders. To decide who gets the right to Secure Borders. To decide who gets into the right to Secure Borders. To decide who gets into our the right to Secure Borders. To. Decide who gets into our country the right to Secure Borders. To decide who gets into our country and who does decide who gets into our country and who does not decide who gets into our country and who does not. We decide who gets into our country and who does not. We are decide who gets into our country and who does not. We are the decide who gets into our country and who does not. We are the party decide who gets into our country and who does not. We are the party to i who does not. We are the party to confront who does not. We are the party to confront the who does not. We are the party to confront the challenge who does not. We are the party to confront the challenge of who does not. We are the party to confront the challenge of global. Confront the challenge of Global Migration confront the challenge of Global Migration in confront the challenge of Global Migration in the confront the challenge of Global Migration in the years confront the challenge of Global Migration in the years ahead. Confront the challenge of global. Migration in the years ahead. Not confront the challenge of Global Migration in the years ahead. Not a Labour Migration in the years ahead. Not a labour Party Migration in the years ahead. Not a labour party that migration in the years ahead. Not a labour party that will migration in the years ahead. Not a labour party that will open migration in the years ahead. Not a labour party that will open the labour party that will open the borders labour party that will open the borders and labour party that will open the borders and then labour party that will open the borders and then cry labour party that will open the borders and then cry racism i labour party that will open the borders and then cry Racism Toi Borders and then cry racism to Anyone Borders and then cry racism to anyone who borders and then cry racism to anyone who objects. Borders and then cry racism to anyone who objects. So borders and then cry racism to anyone who objects. So lets. Borders and then cry racism to| anyone who objects. So lets be clear. Anyone who objects. So lets be clear. The anyone who objects. So lets be clear, the choice anyone who objects. So lets be clear, the choice between clear, the choice between conservatives clear, the choice between conservatives and clear, the choice between conservatives and labour| clear, the choice between. Conservatives and labour is clear, the choice between conservatives and labour is the choice conservatives and labour is the choice between conservatives and labour is the choice between strong conservatives and labour is the choice between strong bordersi conservatives and labour is the. Choice between strong borders and conservatives and labour is the choice between strong borders and no borders now, the next election will also be fought now, the next election will also be fought on now, the next election will also be fought on taw now, the next election will also be fought on law and now, the next election will also be fought on Law And Order. Now, the next election will also be fought on Law And Order. Betweeni now, the next election will also bel fought on Law And Order. Between a conservative fought on Law And Order. Between a Conservative Government fought on Law And Order. Between a Conservative Government that fought on Law And Order. Between a Conservative Government that once| Conservative Government that once the police Conservative Government that once the potice to Conservative Government that once the police to focus Conservative Government that once the police to focus on Conservative Government that once the police to Focus On Criminal the police to Focus On Criminal Justice the police to Focus On Criminal Justice and the police to Focus On Criminal Justice and a the police to Focus On Criminal Justice and a labour the police to Focus On Criminal Justice and a labour party the police to Focus On Criminalj justice and a labour party that thinks justice and a labour party that thinks the justice and a labour party that thinks the Police Justice and a labour party that thinks the police should justice and a labour party that thinks the police should focus| justice and a labour party that. Thinks the police should focus on social thinks the police should focus on sociatjustice~ thinks the police should focus on socialjustice. Between thinks the police should focus on socialjustice. Between a socialjustice. Between a conservative socialjustice. Between a| Conservative Government socialjustice. Between a Conservative Government that socialjustice. Between a Conservative Government that stands up Conservative Government that stands up for Conservative Government that stands up for the Conservative Government that stands up for the police Conservative Government that stands up for the police and Conservative Government that stands up for the police and a Conservative Government that stands up for the police and a labour Conservative Government that stands up for the police and a labour party. Up for the police and a labour party that wants up for the police and a labour party that wants to up for the police and a labour party that wants to see up for the police and a labour party that wants to see them up for the police and a labour party that wants to see them take up for the police and a labour party that wants to see them take the that wants to see them take the knee that wants to see them take the knee. Between that wants to see them take the knee. Between a that wants to see them take the knee. Between a conservative l knee. Between a Conservative Government knee. Between a Conservative Government that knee. Between a Conservative Government that wants knee. Between a Conservative Government that wants to knee. Between a conservative| government that wants to help ordinary government that wants to help Ordinarv Peopte government that wants to help ordinary people go government that wants to help ordinary people go about government that wants to help ordinary people go about their| government that wants to help ordinary people go about their lives unimpeded ordinary people go about their lives unimpeded and ordinary people go about their lives unimpeded and a ordinary people go about their lives unimpeded and a labour ordinary people go about their lives unimpeded and a labour Party Ordinary people go about their lives unimpeded and a labour party that| unimpeded and a labour party that Svmpathises Unimpeded and a labour party that sympathises with unimpeded and a labour party that sympathises with the unimpeded and a labour party that sympathises with the e unimpeded and a labour party that sympathises with the e co idiots. Sympathises with the e co idiots that block sympathises with the e co idiots that block our sympathises with the e co idiots that block our roads sympathises with the e co idiots that block our roads and sympathises with the e co idiots that block our roads and stop that block our roads and stop mothers that block our roads and stop mothers from that block our roads and stop mothers from taking that block our roads and stop mothers from taking their. That block our roads and stop. Mothers from taking their kids that block our roads and stop mothers from taking their kids to school, mothers from taking their kids to school, stops mothers from taking their kids to school, stops workers mothers from taking their kids to school, stops workers getting mothers from taking their kids to i school, stops workers getting their obs school, stops workers getting their jobs and school, stops workers getting their jobs and ambulances school, stops workers getting their jobs and ambulances from school, stops workers getting their jobs and ambulances from getting i school, stops workers getting their i jobs and ambulances from getting to hospitals jobs and ambulances from getting to hospitals. Because jobs and ambulances from getting to hospitals. Because when jobs and ambulances from getting to hospitals. Because when it jobs and ambulances from getting to hospitals. Because when it comes i jobs and ambulances from getting to hospitals. Because when it comes toj hospitals. Because when it comes to just stop hospitals. Because when it comes to just stop 0it. Hospitals. Because when it comes to just stop oil, labours hospitals. Because when it comes to just stop oil, labours lawyers just stop oil, labours lawyers advise just stop oil, labours lawyers advise them just stop oil, labours lawyers advise them and just stop oil, labours lawyers advise them and labours just stop oil, labours lawyers. Advise them and labours donors just stop oil, labours lawyers advise them and labours donors fund them~ that is exactly why labour resisted the legislation that is exactly why labour resisted the legislation that that is exactly why labour resisted the legislation that we that is exactly why labour resisted the legislation that we passed that is exactly why labour resisted the legislation that we passed to l the legislation that we passed to crack the legislation that we passed to crack down the legislation that we passed to crack down on the legislation that we passed to crack down on this the legislation that we passed to crack down on this madness. The legislation that we passed to crack down on this madness. Because thanks crack down on this madness. Because thanks to crack down on this madness. Because thanks to our crack down on this madness. Because thanks to our new crack down on this madness. Because thanks to our new laws, crack down on this madness. Because thanks to our new laws, the crack down on this madness. Because thanks to our new laws, the Police Thanks to our new laws, the police can now thanks to our new laws, the police can now get thanks to our new laws, the police can now get these thanks to our new laws, the police can now get these clowns thanks to our new laws, the police can now get these clowns and thanks to our new laws, the police can now get these clowns and off. Thanks to our new laws, the police i can now get these clowns and off our streets can now get these clowns and off our streets and can now get these clowns and off our streets and get can now get these clowns and off our streets and get traffic can now get these clowns and off our streets and get Traffic Moving can now get these clowns and off our streets and get Traffic Moving in can now get these clowns and off our streets and get Traffic Moving in a i streets and get Traffic Moving in a Matter Streets and get Traffic Moving in a matter of streets and get Traffic Moving in a matter of minutes. Streets and get Traffic Moving in a matter of minutes. The streets and get Traffic Moving in a matter of minutes. The prime matter of minutes. The Prime Minister matter of minutes. The Prime Ministerand matter of minutes. The Prime Ministerand i matter of minutes. The Prime Minister and i are matter of minutes. The Prime Minister and i are firmly matter of minutes. The Prime Minister and i are firmly on i matter of minutes. The prime. Minister and i are firmly on the side minister and i are firmly on the side of minister and i are firmly on the side of the minister and i are firmly on the side of the Law Abiding Minister and i are firmly on the i side of the law abiding majority. Thats side of the law abiding majority. Thats why side of the law abiding majority. Thats why we side of the law abiding majority. Thats why we have side of the law abiding majority. Thats why we have backed side of the law abiding majority. Thats why we have backed our. Side of the law abiding majority. Thats why we have backed our Police Officers thats why we have backed our Police Officers with thats why we have backed our Police Officers with one thats why we have backed our Police Officers with one of thats why we have backed our Police Officers with one of the thats why we have backed our Police Officers with one of the largest officers with one of the largest ever officers with one of the largest ever rises officers with one of the largest ever rises in officers with one of the largest ever rises in Police Officers with one of the largest ever rises in police pay. Officers with one of the largest ever rises in police pay. It officers with one of the largest ever rises in police pay. It is l officers with one of the largest l ever rises in police pay. It is why we ensured ever rises in police pay. It is why we ensured we ever rises in police pay. It is why we ensured we hit ever rises in police pay. It is why we ensured we hit our ever rises in police pay. It is why we ensured we hit our target ever rises in police pay. It is why we ensured we hit our target ofi we ensured we hit our target of 20,000 we ensured we hit our target of 20,000 additional we ensured we hit our target of 20,000 Additional Police we ensured we hit our target of. 20,000 additional Police Officers, so we 20,000 additional Police Officers, so we now 20,000 additional Police Officers, so we now have 20,000 additional Police Officers, so we now have more 20,000 additional Police Officers, so we now have more officers 20,000 additional Police Officers, so we now have more officers in l so we now have more officers in engtand so we now have more officers in engtand and so we now have more officers in england and wales so we now have more officers in england and wales than so we now have more officers in england and wales than ever. So we now have more officers in england and wales than ever before. It is england and wales than ever before. It is why england and wales than ever before. It is why we england and wales than ever before. It is why we have england and wales than ever before. It is why we have backed england and wales than ever before. It is why we have backed the it is why we have backed the potices it is why we have backed the potices use it is why we have backed the polices use of it is why we have backed the polices use of stop it is why we have backed the polices use of stop and it is why we have backed the. Polices use of stop and search it is why we have backed the polices use of stop and search is an effective polices use of stop and search is an effective way polices use of stop and search is an effective way to polices use of stop and search is an effective way to get polices use of stop and search is an effective way to get knives. Polices use of stop and search is an effective way to get knives off our streets an effective way to get knives off our streets. It an effective way to get knives off our streets. It is an effective way to get knives off our streets. It is why an effective way to get knives off our streets. It is why we an effective way to get knives off our streets. It is why we have an effective way to get knives off our streets. It is why we have a i our streets. It is why we have a secured our streets. It is why we have a secured agreement our streets. It is why we have a secured agreement from our streets. It is why we have a secured agreement from the i our streets. It is why we have a secured agreement from the police to investigate secured agreement from the police to investigate all secured agreement from the police to investigate all burglaries secured agreement from the police to investigate all burglaries and investigate all burglaries and follow investigate all burglaries and follow all investigate all burglaries and follow all reasonable investigate all burglaries and follow all reasonable lines i investigate all burglaries and follow all reasonable lines ofj follow all reasonable lines of inguirv follow all reasonable lines of inquiry when follow all reasonable lines of inquiry when someone follow all reasonable lines of. Inquiry when someone reports a follow all reasonable lines of inquiry when someone reports a crime we inquiry when someone reports a crime we have inquiry when someone reports a crime we have secured inquiry when someone reports a crime we have secured. It inquiry when someone reports a crime we have secured. It is inquiry when someone reports a crime we have secured. It is why inquiry when someone reports a crime we have secured. It is why we we have secured. It is why we have we have secured. It is why we have reformed we have secured. It is why we have reformed high we have secured. It is why we have reformed high crime we have secured. It is why we have reformed High Crime Guidei we have secured. It is why we i have reformed High Crime Guide and so officers have reformed High Crime Guide and so officers are have reformed High Crime Guide and so officers are not have reformed High Crime Guide and so officers are not wasting have reformed High Crime Guide and so officers are not wasting hours so officers are not wasting hours investigating so officers are not wasting hours investigating squabbles so officers are not wasting hours investigating squabbles on so officers are not wasting hours. Investigating squabbles on twitter. It is investigating squabbles on twitter. It is why investigating squabbles on twitter. It is why we investigating squabbles on twitter. It is why we are investigating squabbles on twitter. It is why we are making investigating squabbles on twitter. It is why we are making sure investigating squabbles on twitter. It is why we are making sure the i it is why we are making sure the police it is why we are making sure the police are it is why we are making sure the police are not it is why we are making sure the police are not inadvertently it is why we are making sure the i police are not inadvertently helping mobs police are not inadvertently helping mobs to police are not inadvertently helping mobs to enforce police are not inadvertently helping mobs to enforce nonexistent mobs to enforce nonexistent Blasphemy Mobs to enforce nonexistent blasphemy laws. Mobs to enforce nonexistent blasphemy laws. And mobs to enforce nonexistent blasphemy laws. And it mobs to enforce nonexistent blasphemy laws. And it is. Mobs to enforce nonexistent. Blasphemy laws. And it is why mobs to enforce nonexistent blasphemy laws. And it is why we prioritise blasphemy laws. And it is why we prioritise tracking blasphemy laws. And it is why we prioritise Tracking Down blasphemy laws. And it is why we prioritise Tracking Down grooming an prioritise Tracking Down Grooming Gang Perpetrators prioritise Tracking Down Grooming Gang Perpetrators and prioritise Tracking Down Grooming Gang Perpetrators and getting Gang Perpetrators and getting justice Gang Perpetrators and getting justice for Gang Perpetrators and getting justice for their Gang Perpetrators and getting justice for their victims Gang Perpetrators and getting justice for their victims after i justice for their victims after authorities justice for their victims after authorities turned justice for their victims after authorities turned a justice for their victims after authorities turned a blind i justice for their victims after l authorities turned a blind eye. Justice for their victims after authorities turned a blind eye. It is why authorities turned a blind eye. It is why we authorities turned a blind eye. It is why we have authorities turned a blind eye. It is why we have made authorities turned a blind eye. It is why we have made sure authorities turned a blind eye. It is why we have made sure that i is why we have made sure that prevent, is why we have made sure that prevent, the is why we have made sure that prevent, the government is why we have made sure that prevent, the Government Programme that stops prevent, the Government Programme that stops people prevent, the Government Programme that stops people sliding prevent, the Government Programme that stops people sliding towards that stops people sliding towards terrorism. That stops people sliding towards terrorism. Is that stops people sliding towards terrorism, is focused that stops people sliding towards terrorism, is focused on that stops people sliding towards terrorism, is focused on the that stops people sliding towards| terrorism, is focused on the main security terrorism, is focused on the main Security Threat terrorism, is focused on the main Security Threat to terrorism, is focused on the main Security Threat to the terrorism, is focused on the main Security Threat to the british Security Threat to the british public, Security Threat to the british public, islamist Security Threat to the british public, islamist extremism. | and let me take a moment to recognise and let me take a moment to recognise that and let me take a moment to recognise that in and let me take a moment to recognise that in all and let me take a moment to recognise that in all of and let me take a moment to recognise that in all of this, l and let me take a moment to. Recognise that in all of this, we have recognise that in all of this, we have been recognise that in all of this, we have been assisted recognise that in all of this, we have been assisted by recognise that in all of this, we have been assisted by some i recognise that in all of this, we. Have been assisted by some truly excellent have been assisted by some truly Excellent Police have been assisted by some truly Excellent Police and have been assisted by some truly Excellent Police and crime Excellent Police and crime commissioners, Excellent Police and crime commissioners, who Excellent Police and crime| commissioners, who share Excellent Police and crime commissioners, who share our commitment commissioners, who share our commitment to commissioners, who share our commitment to common commissioners, who share our| commitment to common sense commissioners, who share our commitment to common sense and Law And Order there is so much more to do. And the public there is so much more to do. And the public knows there is so much more to do. And the public knows that. There is so much more to do. And the public knows that. But there is so much more to do. And the public knows that. But Labour Public knows that. But Labour Certainlv public knows that. But labour certainly wont public knows that. But labour certainly wont do public knows that. But labour certainly wont do it. Public knows that. But labour certainly wont do it. There i public knows that. But labour certainly wont do it. There is| public knows that. But labour certainly wont do it. There is more to do certainly wont do it. There is more to do to certainly wont do it. There is more to do to reform certainly wont do it. There is more to do to reform our certainly wont do it. There is more to do to reform our vagrancy certainly wont do it. There is more to do to reform our vagrancy laws, | to do to reform our vagrancy laws, because to do to reform our vagrancy laws, because we to do to reform our vagrancy laws, because we cannot to do to reform our vagrancy laws, because we cannot let to do to reform our vagrancy laws, because we cannot let british to do to reform our vagrancy laws, | because we cannot let british cities io because we cannot let british cities go the because we cannot let british cities go the way because we cannot let british cities go the way of because we cannot let british cities go the way of san because we cannot let british cities go the way of San Francisco because we cannot let british cities go the way of San Francisco or go the way of San Francisco or seattle go the way of San Francisco or seattle. There go the way of San Francisco or seattle. There is go the way of San Francisco or seattle. There is more go the way of San Francisco or seattle. There is more to go the way of San Francisco or seattle. There is more to do l go the way of San Francisco ori seattle. There is more to do to ensure seattle. There is more to do to ensure that seattle. There is more to do to ensure that foreign seattle. There is more to do to ensure that Foreign National. Ensure that Foreign National offenders ensure that Foreign National offenders are ensure that Foreign National offenders are not ensure that Foreign National offenders are not clogging i ensure that Foreign National. Offenders are not clogging up ensure that Foreign National offenders are not clogging up our prisons offenders are not clogging up our prisons for offenders are not clogging up our prisons for less offenders are not clogging up our prisons for less serious offenders are not clogging up our prisons for less serious crimes, l offenders are not clogging up our. Prisons for less serious crimes, but are booted prisons for less serious crimes, but are booted out prisons for less serious crimes, but are booted out of prisons for less serious crimes, but are booted out of britain prisons for less serious crimes, but are booted out of britain as prisons for less serious crimes, but are booted out of britain as soon i prisons for less serious crimes, but| are booted out of britain as soon as possible are booted out of britain as soon as possible there are booted out of britain as soon as possible. There is are booted out of britain as soon as possible. There is much are booted out of britain as soon as possible. There is much more are booted out of britain as soon as possible. There is much more to. Are booted out of britain as soon as possible. There is much more to doj possible. There is much more to do to end possible. There is much more to do to end the possible. There is much more to do to end the scandal possible. There is much more to do to end the scandal of possible. There is much more to do to end the scandal of rapists possible. There is much more to do to end the scandal of rapists and i to end the scandal of rapists and paedophiles to end the scandal of rapists and paedophiles changing to end the scandal of rapists and paedophiles changing their to end the scandal of rapists and. Paedophiles changing their names to end the scandal of rapists and paedophiles changing their names to evade paedophiles changing their names to evade sanctions paedophiles changing their names to evade sanctions and paedophiles changing their names to evade sanctions and criminal paedophiles changing their names to evade sanctions and criminal record i evade sanctions and criminal record checks~ evade sanctions and criminal record checks~ and evade sanctions and criminal record checks~ and so, evade sanctions and criminal record checks~ and so, we evade sanctions and criminal record checks. And so, we will evade sanctions and criminal record checks. And so, we will bring checks. And so, we will bring forward checks. And so, we will bring forward legislation checks. And so, we will bring forward legislation to checks. And so, we will bring| forward legislation to prevent registered forward legislation to prevent registered sex forward legislation to prevent registered Sex Offenders forward legislation to prevent| registered Sex Offenders from changing registered Sex Offenders from changing their registered Sex Offenders from changing their identities. Registered Sex Offenders from changing their identities. We i registered Sex Offenders from i changing their identities. We will work changing their identities. We will work to changing their identities. We will work to strengthen changing their identities. We will work to strengthen background l changing their identities. We will work to strengthen background checks so that work to strengthen background checks so that they work to strengthen background checks so that they can work to strengthen background checks so that they can catch work to strengthen background checks so that they can catch undisclosed so that they can catch undisclosed changes so that they can catch undisclosed changes of so that they can catch undisclosed changes of identity. And let me tell you something, i dont and let me tell you something, i dont care and let me tell you something, i dont care if and let me tell you something, i dont care if anyone and let me tell you something, i dont care if anyone thinks and let me tell you something, i dont care if anyone thinks this. And let me tell you something, ij dont care if anyone thinks this is interfering dont care if anyone thinks this is interfering with dont care if anyone thinks this is interfering with their dont care if anyone thinks this is interfering with their human dont care if anyone thinks this is. Interfering with their human rights. It is interfering with their human rights. It is time interfering with their human rights. It is time to interfering with their human rights. It is time to worry interfering with their human rights. It is time to worry less interfering with their human rights. It is time to worry less about interfering with their human rights. It is time to worry less about the i it is time to worry less about the rights it is time to worry less about the rights of it is time to worry less about the rights of sexual it is time to worry less about the rights of sexual predators it is time to worry less about the rights of sexual predators and i it is time to worry less about the i rights of sexual predators and more about rights of sexual predators and more about the rights of sexual predators and more about the rights rights of sexual predators and more about the rights of rights of sexual predators and more about the rights of victims. I want to thank the Safeguarding Alliance i want to thank the Safeguarding Alliance for i want to thank the Safeguarding Alliance for their i want to thank the Safeguarding Alliance for their tireless alliance for their tireless Campaigning Alliance for their tireless campaigning on alliance for their tireless campaigning on this alliance for their tireless l campaigning on this issue. Alliance for their tireless campaigning on this issue. And let me go campaigning on this issue. And let me go on campaigning on this issue. And let me go on and campaigning on this issue. And let me go on and say campaigning on this issue. And let me go on and say this. Campaigning on this issue. And let me go on and say this. I campaigning on this issue. And let me go on and say this. I have campaigning on this issue. And let me go on and say this. I have a. Me go on and say this. I have a particular me go on and say this. I have a particular message me go on and say this. I have a particular message to me go on and say this. I have a particular message to Those Me Go On and say this. I have a i particular message to those brave police particular message to those brave Police Officers particular message to those brave Police Officers who particular message to those brave Police Officers who risk particular message to those brave Police Officers who risk their particular message to those brave Police Officers who risk their lives| Police Officers who risk their lives to protect Police Officers who risk their lives to protect the Police Officers who risk their lives to protect the rest Police Officers who risk their lives to protect the rest of Police Officers who risk their lives to protect the rest of us Police Officers who risk their lives to protect the rest of us by to protect the rest of us by carrying to protect the rest of us by carrying firearms to protect the rest of us by Carrying Firearms Into to protect the rest of us by Carrying Firearms Into situations where Carrying Firearms Into situations where they Carrying Firearms Into situations where they could Carrying Firearms Into situations where they could be Carrying Firearms Into situations where they could be harmed Carrying Firearms Into situations where they could be harmed or| Carrying Firearms Into situations where they could be harmed or even kiiied~ you are the thin blue line. You have our sopport you are the thin blue line. You have our sopport. We you are the thin blue line. You have our support. We are you are the thin blue line. You have our support. We are grateful you are the thin blue line. You have our support. We are grateful for you are the thin blue line. You have our support. We are grateful for thei our support. We are grateful for the vital work our support. We are grateful for the vital work that our support. We are grateful for the vital work that you our support. We are grateful for the vital work that you do our support. We are grateful for the vital work that you do day our support. We are grateful for the vital work that you do day in, our support. We are grateful for the vital work that you do day in, day i vital work that you do day in, day out vital work that you do day in, day out and vital work that you do day in, day out. And thats vital work that you do day in, day out. And thats why vital work that you do day in, day out. And thats why i vital work that you do day in, day out. And thats why i announcedi vital work that you do day in, day| out. And thats why i announced a review out. And thats why i announced a review to out. And thats why i announced a review to report out. And thats why i announced a review to report to out. And thats why i announced a review to report to me out. And thats why i announced a review to report to me by out. And thats why i announced a review to report to me by the out. And thats why i announced a review to report to me by the endi out. And thats why i announced a i review to report to me by the end of the year review to report to me by the end of the year to review to report to me by the end of the year to ensure review to report to me by the end of the year to ensure that review to report to me by the end of the year to ensure that the review to report to me by the end of the year to ensure that the legal the year to ensure that the legal and operational the year to ensure that the legal and operational framework the year to ensure that the legal and operational framework in i the year to ensure that the legal. And operational framework in which they operate and operational framework in which they operate is and operational framework in which they operate is robust and operational framework in which they operate is robust and and operational framework in which. They operate is robust and commands they operate is robust and commands the confidence they operate is robust and commands the confidence of they operate is robust and commands the confidence of both they operate is robust and commands the confidence of both officers they operate is robust and commands the confidence of both officers and i the confidence of both officers and the confidence of both officers and the public the confidence of both officers and the public and the confidence of both officers and the public. And to the confidence of both officers and the public. And to those the confidence of both officers and the public. And to those who the confidence of both officers and the public. And to those who ask. The public. And to those who ask whether the public. And to those Who Ask Whether Labour the public. And to those Who Ask Whether Labour can the public. And to those Who Ask Whether Labour can be the public. And to those Who Ask Whether Labour can be trusted. The public. And to those who ask| whether labour can be trusted to fiht whether labour can be trusted to fight crinre, whether labour can be trusted to fight crinre, I Whether Labour can be trusted to fight crime, i have whether labour can be trusted to fight crime, i have a whether labour can be trusted to fight crime, i have a two whether labour can be trusted to fight crime, i have a two word i fight crime, i have a two word answer fight crime, i have a two word answer~ sadiq fight crime, i have a two word answer. Sadiq khan. If there is anyjustice in this world, if there is anyjustice in this world, susan if there is anyjustice in this world, susan hall if there is anyjustice in this world, susan hall is if there is anyjustice in this world, susan hall is going i if there is anyjustice in thisl world, susan hall is going to if there is anyjustice in this world, susan hall is going to wipe the floor world, susan hall is going to wipe the floor with world, susan hall is going to wipe the floor with him world, susan hall is going to wipe the floor with him in world, susan hall is going to wipe the floor with him in may. World, susan hall is going to wipe the floor with him in may. They. World, susan hall is going to wipe. The floor with him in may. They have already the floor with him in may. They have already started the floor with him in may. They have already started the the floor with him in may. They have already started the character already started the Character Assassination already started the Character Assassination against already started the Character Assassination against her. I already started the character. Assassination against her. The distortions, assassination against her. The distortions, the assassination against her. The distortions, the insults, assassination against her. The distortions, the insults, the I Assassination against her. The. Distortions, the insults, the lies. Because distortions, the insults, the lies. Because that distortions, the insults, the lies. Because that is distortions, the insults, the lies. Because that is what distortions, the insults, the lies. Because that is what the distortions, the insults, the lies. Because that is what the labour| because that is what the labour party because that is what the labour party atways because that is what the labour party always does. Because that is what the labour party always does. It because that is what the labour party always does. It prefers. Because that is what the labour party always does. It prefers smears to debate party always does. It prefers smears to debate now. Party always does. It prefers smears to debate. Now, personally, party always does. It prefers smears to debate. Now, personally, i party always does. It prefers smears to debate. Now, personally, i take l to debate. Now, personally, Itake Theirabuse to debate. Now, personally, Itake Theirabuse as to debate. Now, personally, itake their abuse as a to debate. Now, personally, itake their abuse as a compliment. To debate. Now, personally, itake their abuse as a compliment. I to debate. Now, personally, i take i their abuse as a compliment. I know theyve their abuse as a compliment. I know theyve tried their abuse as a compliment. I know theyve tried to their abuse as a compliment. I know theyve tried to make their abuse as a compliment. I know theyve tried to make me their abuse as a compliment. I know theyve tried to make me into their abuse as a compliment. I know theyve tried to make me into a their abuse as a compliment. I knowi theyve tried to make me into a hate figure theyve tried to make me into a hate figure because theyve tried to make me into a hate figure because i theyve tried to make me into a hate figure because i tell theyve tried to make me into a hate figure because i tell the theyve tried to make me into a hate figure because i tell the truth. Theyve tried to make me into a hate figure because i tell the truth. The l figure because i tell the truth. The btunt. Figure because i tell the truth. The blunt, unvarnished figure because i tell the truth. The blunt, unvarnished truth figure because i tell the truth. The blunt, unvarnished truth about figure because i tell the truth. The. Blunt, unvarnished truth about what is happening blunt, unvarnished truth about what is happening in blunt, unvarnished truth about what is happening in our blunt, unvarnished truth about what is happening in our country. Blunt, unvarnished truth about what is happening in our country. And blunt, unvarnished truth about what is happening in our country. And i. Is happening in our country. And i know, is happening in our country. And i know. I is happening in our country. And i know. I know is happening in our country. And i know, i know there is happening in our country. And i know, i know there are is happening in our country. And i know, i know there are some is happening in our country. And ii know, i know there are some who think know, i know there are some who think that know, i know there are some who think that emphasising know, i know there are some who think that emphasising the think that emphasising the importance think that emphasising the importance of think that emphasising the importance of law think that emphasising the importance of law and think that emphasising the i importance of Law And Order think that emphasising the importance of Law And Order or secure importance of Law And Order or Secure Borders importance of Law And Order or Secure Borders is importance of Law And Order or Secure Borders is unedifying. L importance of Law And Order or. Secure borders is unedifying. They looked Secure Borders is unedifying. They looked down Secure Borders is unedifying. They looked down on Secure Borders is unedifying. They looked down on those Secure Borders is unedifying. They looked down on those of Secure Borders is unedifying. They looked down on those of us Secure Borders is unedifying. They looked down on those of us who. Secure borders is unedifying. They. Looked down on those of us who care about looked down on those of us who care about such looked down on those of us who care about such things. Looked down on those of us who care about such things. Of looked down on those of us who care about such things. Of course, looked down on those of us who care about such things. Of course, they. About such things. Of course, they are entitled about such things. Of course, they are entitled to about such things. Of course, they are entitled to their about such things. Of course, they are entitled to their beliefs. About such things. Of course, they are entitled to their beliefs. But i are entitled to their beliefs. But lets be are entitled to their beliefs. But lets be honest, are entitled to their beliefs. But lets be honest, these are entitled to their beliefs. But lets be honest, these are are entitled to their beliefs. Buti lets be honest, these are luxury betiefs~ lets be honest, these are luxury betiefs~ what lets be honest, these are luxury beliefs. What i lets be honest, these are luxury beliefs. What i mean lets be honest, these are luxury beliefs. What i mean by lets be honest, these are luxury beliefs. What i mean by that lets be honest, these are luxury beliefs. What i mean by that is l lets be honest, these are luxury. Beliefs. What i mean by that is our politically beliefs. What i mean by that is our politically correct beliefs. What i mean by that is our politically correct critics beliefs. What i mean by that is our politically correct critics have politically correct critics have money politically correct critics have money. They politically correct critics have money. They have politically correct critics have money. They have status, i politically correct critics have. Money. They have status, they politically correct critics have money. They have status, they have loud money. They have status, they have toud voices money. They have status, they have loud voices. They money. They have status, they have loud voices. They have money. They have status, they have loud voices. They have the money. They have status, they have loud voices. They have the luxury i money. They have status, they have loud voices. They have the luxury of| loud voices. They have the luxury of promoting loud voices. They have the luxury of promoting seductive, loud voices. They have the luxury of promoting seductive, but promoting seductive, but irresponsible promoting seductive, but irresponsible ideas, promoting seductive, but irresponsible ideas, safe| promoting seductive, but. Irresponsible ideas, safe in promoting seductive, but irresponsible ideas, safe in the knowtedge irresponsible ideas, safe in the knowledge that irresponsible ideas, safe in the knowledge that their irresponsible ideas, safe in the knowledge that their privilege i irresponsible ideas, safe in the i knowledge that their Privilege Will insutates knowledge that their Privilege Will insulates them knowledge that their Privilege Will insulates them from knowledge that their Privilege Will insulates them from any knowledge that their Privilege Will| insulates them from any Collateral Damage insulates them from any Collateral Damage the insulates them from any Collateral Damage. The luxury insulates them from any Collateral Damage. The luxury beliefs insulates them from any collaterall damage. The luxury beliefs brigade sit in their damage. The luxury beliefs brigade sit in their ivory damage. The luxury beliefs brigade sit in their ivory towers damage. The luxury beliefs brigade sit in their ivory towers telling sit in their ivory towers telling ordinary sit in their ivory towers telling ordinary peopte sit in their ivory towers telling ordinary people that sit in their ivory towers telling ordinary people that they sit in their ivory towers telling ordinary people that they are i ordinary people that they are morally ordinary people that they are morally deficient ordinary people that they are morally deficient because ordinary people that they are i morally deficient because they ordinary people that they are morally deficient because they dare to get morally deficient because they dare to get upset morally deficient because they dare to get upset about morally deficient because they dare to get upset about the morally deficient because they dare to get upset about the impact morally deficient because they dare to get upset about the impact of. To get upset about the impact of illegal to get upset about the impact of illegal migration, to get upset about the impact of illegal migration, net to get upset about the impact of illegal migration, net zero to get upset about the impact of illegal migration, net zero or illegal migration, net zero or habituat illegal migration, net zero or habitual criminals. Illegal migration, net zero or habitual criminals. And illegal migration, net zero or habitual criminals. And you i illegal migration, net zero or. Habitual criminals. And you can illegal migration, net zero or habitual criminals. And you can be sure of habitual criminals. And you can be sure of one habitual criminals. And you can be sure of one thing. Habitual criminals. And you can be sure of one thing. People habitual criminals. And you can be sure of one thing. People with sure of one thing. People with luxury sure of one thing. People with luxury beliefs sure of one thing. People with luxury beliefs will sure of one thing. People with luxury beliefs will flock sure of one thing. People with luxury beliefs will flock to sure of one thing. People with i luxury beliefs will flock to labour at the luxury beliefs will flock to labour at the next luxury beliefs will flock to labour at the next general luxury beliefs will flock to labour at the next general election luxury beliefs will flock to labour. At the next general election because that is at the next general election because that is the at the next general election because that is the wait at the next general election because that is the wait to at the next general election because that is the wait to get at the next general election because that is the wait to get the at the next general election because that is the wait to get the kind at the next general election because that is the wait to get the kind of that is the wait to get the kind of society that is the wait to get the kind of society they that is the wait to get the kind of society they want. That is the wait to get the kind of society they want. That is the wait to get the kind of society they want. That that is the wait to get the kind of society they want. That is that is the wait to get the kind of society they want. That is the | society they want. That is the way society they want. That is the way what society they want. That is the way. What is society they want. That is the way. What is that . Society they want. That is the way. What is that . They society they want. That is the way. What is that . They want i society they want. That is the i way. What is that . They want and they like way. What is that . They want and they like open way. What is that . They want and they like open borders. Way. What is that . They want and they like open borders. The way. What is that . They want and i they like open borders. The migrants come they like open borders. The migrants come again they like open borders. The migrants come again wont they like open borders. The migrants come again wont be they like open borders. The migrants come again wont be taking they like open borders. The migrants come again wont be taking their come again wont be taking their jobs come again wont be taking their jobs in come again wont be taking their jobs in fact, come again wont be taking their jobs. In fact, they come again wont be taking their jobs. In fact, they are come again wont be taking their jobs. In fact, they are more come again wont be taking their| jobs. In fact, they are more likely to have jobs. In fact, they are more likely to have them jobs. In fact, they are more likely to have them mowing jobs. In fact, they are more likely to have them mowing their jobs. In fact, they are more likely to have them mowing their lawns| jobs. In fact, they are more likely. To have them mowing their lawns or cleaning to have them mowing their lawns or cleaning their to have them mowing their lawns or cleaning their homes. To have them mowing their lawns or cleaning their homes. Just to have them mowing their lawns or cleaning their homes. Just the cleaning their homes. Just the migrants cleaning their homes. Just the migrants coming cleaning their homes. Just the migrants coming in. Cleaning their homes. Just the migrants coming in. They cleaning their homes. Just the migrants coming in. They love cleaning their homes. Just the migrants coming in. They love soft sentences migrants coming in. They love soft sentences because migrants coming in. They love soft sentences because the migrants coming in. They love soft sentences because the criminals. Migrants coming in. They love soft. Sentences because the criminals that benefit sentences because the criminals that benefit from sentences because the criminals that benefit from such sentences because the criminals that benefit from such ostentation benefit from such Ostentation Compassion benefit from such Ostentation Compassion will benefit from such Ostentation Compassion will not benefit from such Ostentation Compassion will not be benefit from such Ostentation Compassion will not be terrorising their Streets Compassion will not be terrorising their streets or compassion will not be terrorising their streets or grooming compassion will not be terrorising their streets or grooming their their streets or grooming their children their streets or grooming their children. They their streets or grooming their children. They are their streets or grooming their children. They are desperate l their streets or grooming their| children. They are desperate to reverse children. They are desperate to reverse brexit. Children. They are desperate to reverse brexit. They children. They are desperate to reverse brexit. They think reverse brexit. They think patriotism reverse brexit. They think patriotism is reverse brexit. They thinki patriotism is embarrassing reverse brexit. They think patriotism is embarrassing and reverse brexit. They think patriotism is embarrassing and have no use patriotism is embarrassing and have no use for patriotism is embarrassing and have no use for their patriotism is embarrassing and have no use for their british patriotism is embarrassing and have no use for their british passport no use for their british passport unless no use for their british passport unless it no use for their british passport unless it is no use for their british passport unless it is taking no use for their british passport unless it is taking them no use for their british passport unless it is taking them to no use for their british passport unless it is taking them to their| unless it is taking them to their second unless it is taking them to their second homes unless it is taking them to their second homes in unless it is taking them to their second homes in tuscany unless it is taking them to their second homes in tuscany or unless it is taking them to their| second homes in tuscany or the Dordogne Second Homes in tuscany or the dordogne year~ second homes in tuscany or the dordogne year. For second homes in tuscany or the dordogne year. For these second homes in tuscany or the l dordogne year. For these people, second homes in tuscany or the i dordogne year. Forthese people, i have a dordogne year. Forthese people, i have a Simple Dordogne year. Forthese people, i have a simple message. Dordogne year. Forthese people, i have a simple message. You dordogne year. Forthese people, i have a simple message. You are i have a simple message. You are entitled have a simple message. You are entitled to have a simple message. You are entitled to your have a simple message. You are entitled to your luxury have a simple message. You are entitled to your luxury beliefs, l have a simple message. You are l entitled to your luxury beliefs, but the british entitled to your luxury beliefs, but the british people entitled to your luxury beliefs, but the british people will entitled to your luxury beliefs, but the british people will no entitled to your luxury beliefs, but the british people will no longer. The british people will no longer pay for the british people will no longer pay for them thats another reason i think we will win thats another reason i think we will win the thats another reason i think we will win the next thats another reason i think we will win the next election. Thats another reason i think we will win the next election. You l thats another reason i think we. Will win the next election. You see, we have will win the next election. You see, we have a will win the next election. You see, we have a secret will win the next election. You see, we have a Secret Weapon. Will win the next election. You see, we have a Secret Weapon. Well, will win the next election. You see, | we have a Secret Weapon. Well, not that secret~ we have a Secret Weapon. Well, not that secret. Everyone we have a Secret Weapon. Well, not that secret. Everyone in we have a Secret Weapon. Well, not that secret. Everyone in this we have a Secret Weapon. Well, not that secret. Everyone in this wholei that secret. Everyone in this whole knows that secret. Everyone in this whole knows it that secret. Everyone in this whole knows it i that secret. Everyone in this whole knows it. I think that secret. Everyone in this whole knows it. I think everyone that secret. Everyone in this whole knows it. I think everyone at that secret. Everyone in this whole knows it. I think everyone at the l knows it. I think everyone at the labour knows it. I think everyone at the Labour Conference knows it. I think everyone at the Labour Conference knows knows it. I think everyone at the Labour Conference knows it, knows it. I think everyone at the | Labour Conference knows it, too. Knows it. I think everyone at the Labour Conference knows it, too. And our friends Labour Conference knows it, too. And our friends in Labour Conference knows it, too. And our friends in the Labour Conference knows it, too. And our friends in the media Labour Conference knows it, too. And our friends in the media definitely our friends in the media definitely know our friends in the media definitely know it our friends in the media definitely know it our our friends in the media definitely know it. Our secret our friends in the media definitely know it. Our Secret Weapon our friends in the media definitely know it. Our Secret Weapon is our friends in the media definitely know it. Our Secret Weapon is siri know it. Our Secret Weapon is sir keir starmer~ know it. Our Secret Weapon is sir keir starmer. You know it. Our Secret Weapon is sir keir starmer. You see, know it. Our Secret Weapon is sir keir starmer. You see, the know it. Our Secret Weapon is siri keir starmer. You see, the british people keir starmer. You see, the british people have keir starmer. You see, the british people have new keir starmer. You see, the british people have new keir starmer. You see, the british people have new have keir starmer. You see, the british people have new have no people have new have no enthusiasm people have new have no enthusiasm for people have new have no enthusiasm for sir people have new have no enthusiasm for sir keir people have new have no enthusiasm for sir keir starmer, they enthusiasm for sir keir starmer, they know enthusiasm for sir keir starmer, they know he enthusiasm for sir keir starmer, they know he believes enthusiasm for sir keir starmer, they know he believes in enthusiasm for sir keir starmer, i they know he believes in nothing, they know he believes in nothing, they know they know he believes in nothing, they know he they know he believes in nothing, they know he will they know he believes in nothing, they know he will say they know he believes in nothing, they know he will say anything. They know he believes in nothing, they know he will say anything to| they know he will say anything to anyone they know he will say anything to anyone and they know he will say anything to anyone and then they know he will say anything to anyone and then change they know he will say anything to anyone and then change his they know he will say anything to| anyone and then change his mind they know he will say anything to i anyone and then change his mind at the first anyone and then change his mind at the first sign anyone and then change his mind at the first sign of anyone and then change his mind at the first sign of trouble. Anyone and then change his mind at the first sign of trouble. Keir the first sign of trouble. Keir starmer the first sign of trouble. Keir starmer lacks the first sign of trouble. Keir starmer lacks the the first sign of trouble. Keir| starmer lacks the personality the first sign of trouble. Keir. Starmer lacks the personality to lead this starmer lacks the personality to lead this country starmer lacks the personality to lead this country effectively. Lead this country effectively. Imagine. Lead this country effectively. Imagine, imagine lead this country effectively. Imagine, imagine what lead this country effectively. L imagine, imagine what would lead this country effectively. Imagine, imagine what would happen if he became imagine, imagine what would happen if he became prime imagine, imagine what would happen if he became Prime Minister. Imagine, imagine what would happen if he became Prime Minister. Luxuryi if he became Prime Minister. Luxury beliefs if he became Prime Minister. Luxury beliefs would if he became Prime Minister. Luxury beliefs would reign if he became Prime Minister. Luxury beliefs would reign supreme. If he became Prime Minister. Luxuryi beliefs would reign supreme. Britain would beliefs would reign supreme. Britain would go beliefs would reign supreme. Britain would go probably beliefs would reign supreme. Britain would go probably woke. Beliefs would reign supreme. Britain would go probably woke. Things beliefs would reign supreme. Britain would go probably woke. Things are| would go probably woke. Things are bad enough would go probably woke. Things are bad enough already. Would go probably woke. Things are bad enough already. We would go probably woke. Things are bad enough already. We see would go probably woke. Things are bad enough already. We see it would go probably woke. Things are bad enough already. We see it in i bad enough already. We see it in parts bad enough already. We see it in parts of bad enough already. We see it in parts of whitehall, bad enough already. We see it in parts of whitehall, in bad enough already. We see it in parts of whitehall, in museums, | parts of whitehall, in museums, galleries. Parts of whitehall, in museums, galleries. The parts of whitehall, in museums, galleries, the police parts of whitehall, in museums, galleries, the police and parts of whitehall, in museums, galleries, the police and even. Parts of whitehall, in museums, galleries, the police and even in| galleries, the police and even in leading galleries, the police and even in leading companies galleries, the police and even in leading companies in galleries, the police and even in leading companies in the galleries, the police and even in leading companies in the city. Galleries, the police and even in leading companies in the city. Under the ban leading companies in the city. Under the ban of leading companies in the city. Under the ban of diversity, leading companies in the city. Under the ban of diversity, equity leading companies in the city. Under the ban of diversity, equity and the ban of diversity, equity and inclusion the ban of diversity, equity and inclusion. Official the ban of diversity, equity and inclusion. Official policies the ban of diversity, equity and inclusion. Official policies have| inclusion. Official policies have been inclusion. Official policies have been embedded inclusion. Official policies have been embedded that inclusion. Official policies have been embedded that distort i inclusion. Official policies have| been embedded that distort the inclusion. Official policies have been embedded that distort the whole purpose been embedded that distort the whole purpose of been embedded that distort the whole purpose of these been embedded that distort the whole purpose of these institutions. Purpose of these institutions. Highly purpose of these institutions. Highly controversial purpose of these institutions. Highly controversial ideas purpose of these institutions. Highly controversial ideas are i highly controversial ideas are presented highly controversial ideas are presented to highly controversial ideas are presented to the highly controversial ideas are presented to the workforce. Highly controversial ideas are i presented to the workforce and highly controversial ideas are presented to the workforce and to the public presented to the workforce and to the public is presented to the workforce and to the public is if presented to the workforce and to the public is if they presented to the workforce and to the public is if they are presented to the workforce and to i the public is if they are motherhood and apple the public is if they are motherhood and apple pie, the public is if they are motherhood and apple pie, gender the public is if they are motherhood and apple pie, gender ideology, and apple pie, gender ideology, white and apple pie, gender ideology, white privilege, and apple pie, gender ideology, white privilege, anti british white privilege, anti british history~ white privilege, anti british history. And white privilege, anti british history. And the white privilege, anti british history. And the evidence. History. And the evidence demonstrates history. And the evidence demonstrates that history. And the evidence demonstrates that if history. And the evidence demonstrates that if you i history. And the evidence demonstrates that if you dont challenge demonstrates that if you dont challenge this demonstrates that if you dont challenge this poison, demonstrates that if you dont challenge this poison, things. Demonstrates that if you dont i challenge this poison, thingsjust et challenge this poison, thingsjust get worse challenge this poison, thingsjust get worse. Whole challenge this poison, thingsjust get worse. Whole institutions challenge this poison, thingsjust get worse. Whole institutions become captured get worse. Whole institutions become captured and get worse. Whole institutions become captured and of get worse. Whole institutions become captured. And of course, get worse. Whole institutions become captured. And of course, as get worse. Whole institutions become captured. And of course, as always i captured. And of course, as always happens captured. And of course, as always happens when captured. And of course, as always happens when the captured. And of course, as always happens when the left captured. And of course, as always happens when the left gets captured. And of course, as always happens when the left gets the captured. And of course, as always. Happens when the left gets the upper hand, happens when the left gets the upper hand. Those happens when the left gets the upper hand. Those who happens when the left gets the upper hand, those who fail happens when the left gets the upper hand, those who fail to happens when the left gets the upper hand, those who fail to conform happens when the left gets the upper hand, those who fail to conform are i hand, those who fail to conform are persecuted hand, those who fail to conform are persecuted. Chased hand, those who fail to conform are persecuted. Chased out hand, those who fail to conform are persecuted. Chased out of hand, those who fail to conform are persecuted. Chased out of their persecuted. Chased out of their jobs persecuted. Chased out of their jobs that persecuted. Chased out of their jobs that a persecuted. Chased out of their jobs. That a man persecuted. Chased out of their jobs. That a man cant persecuted. Chased out of their jobs. That a man cant be persecuted. Chased out of their jobs. That a man cant be a persecuted. Chased out of their jobs. That a man cant be a woman. Scolded jobs. That a man cant be a woman. Scolded for jobs. That a man cant be a woman. Scolded for rejecting jobs. That a man cant be a woman. Scolded for rejecting that jobs. That a man cant be a woman. Scolded for rejecting that their scolded for rejecting that their beneficiaries scolded for rejecting that their beneficiaries scolded for rejecting that their beneficiaries that scolded for rejecting that their beneficiaries that they scolded for rejecting that their beneficiaries that they are i beneficiaries that they are beneficiaries beneficiaries that they are beneficiaries of beneficiaries that they are beneficiaries of institutional. Beneficiaries of institutional racism~ beneficiaries of institutional racism. Disciplined beneficiaries of institutional racism. Disciplined for beneficiaries of institutional| racism. Disciplined for using beneficiaries of institutional racism. Disciplined for using the wrong racism. Disciplined for using the wrong words~ racism. Disciplined for using the wrong words. This racism. Disciplined for using the wrong words. This conservative | wrong words. This Conservative Government wrong words. This Conservative Government has wrong words. This Conservative Government has begun wrong words. This Conservative Government has begun the wrong words. This conservative j government has begun the task wrong words. This conservative i government has begun the task of clearing government has begun the task of clearing out government has begun the task of clearing out this government has begun the task of clearing out this pernicious clearing out this pernicious nonsense~ the british people will get to decide the british people will get to decide if the british people will get to decide if they the british people will get to decide if they want the british people will get to decide if they want to the british people will get to decide if they want to curb. The british people will get to. Decide if they want to curb woke with rishi decide if they want to curb woke with rishi sunak decide if they want to curb woke with rishi sunak or decide if they want to curb woke with rishi sunak or let decide if they want to curb woke with rishi sunak or let it decide if they want to curb woke with rishi sunak or let it run decide if they want to curb woke j with rishi sunak or let it run riot with with rishi sunak or let it run riot with keir with rishi sunak or let it run riot with keirtake with rishi sunak or let it run riot with keir take the with rishi sunak or let it run riot with keir take the knee with rishi sunak or let it run riot| with keir take the knee starmer. Labour with keir take the knee starmer. Labour is with keir take the knee starmer. Labour is the with keir take the knee starmer. Labour is the party with keir take the knee starmer. Labour is the party of with keir take the knee starmer. Labour is the party of zealots with keir take the knee starmer. | labour is the party of zealots and trade labour is the party of zealots and trade union labour is the party of zealots and trade union activists. Labour is the party of zealots and trade union activists. The trade union activists. The conservative trade union activists. The conservative Party Trade Union activists. The conservative party is trade union activists. Thej conservative party is also trade union activists. The L Conservative Party is also a trade union activists. The conservative party is also a kind of trade conservative party is also a kind of trade Union Conservative Party is also a kind of trade union. Because conservative party is also a kind of trade union. Because we conservative party is also a kind of trade union. Because we are conservative party is also a kind of trade union. Because we are the l trade union. Because we are the trade trade union. Because we are the trade union trade union. Because we are the trade union of trade union. Because we are the trade union of the trade union. Because we are the trade union of the British Trade union. Because we are the l trade union of the british people. And i trade union of the british people. And i think trade union of the british people. And i think we trade union of the british people. And i think we should trade union of the british people. And i think we should adopt trade union of the british people. And i think we should adopt as i trade union of the british people. I and i think we should adopt as our motto and i think we should adopt as our motto these and i think we should adopt as our motto these lines and i think we should adopt as our motto these lines from and i think we should adopt as our motto these lines from the and i think we should adopt as our motto these lines from the poet. Motto these lines from the poet shelley motto these lines from the poet shelley which motto these lines from the poet shelley which i motto these lines from the poet shelley which i am motto these lines from the poet shelley which i am shamelessly| shelley which i am shamelessly taking shelley which i am shamelessly taking back shelley which i am shamelessly taking back from shelley which i am shamelessly taking back from labour. Shelley which i am shamelessly taking back from labour. Rise l shelley which i am shamelessly. Taking back from labour. Rise like lions taking back from labour. Rise like lions after taking back from labour. Rise like lions after slumber taking back from labour. Rise like lions after slumber in taking back from labour. Rise like lions after slumber in and taking back from labour. Rise like. Lions after slumber in and vanquish a bulk lions after slumber in and vanquish a bulk number~ lions after slumber in and vanquish a bulk number. Shake lions after slumber in and vanquish a bulk number. Shake your lions after slumber in and vanquish a bulk number. Shake your chains. Lions after slumber in and vanquishl a bulk number. Shake your chains to earth a bulk number. Shake your chains to earth which a bulk number. Shake your chains to earth which in a bulk number. Shake your chains to earth which in sleep a bulk number. Shake your chains to earth which in sleep had a bulk number. Shake your chains to earth which in sleep had fallen a bulk number. Shake your chains to earth which in sleep had fallen on. Earth which in sleep had fallen on you earth which in sleep had fallen on you you earth which in sleep had fallen on you you are earth which in sleep had fallen on you. You are many, earth which in sleep had fallen on you. You are many, they earth which in sleep had fallen on you. You are many, they are earth which in sleep had fallen on you. You are many, they are few. Earth which in sleep had fallen on you. You are many, they are few. We stand you. You are many, they are few. We stand with you. You are many, they are few. We stand with the you. You are many, they are few. We stand with the many. You. You are many, they are few. We stand with the many. The stand with the many. The law abiding, stand with the many. The. Law abiding, hard working, common sense law abiding, hard working, common sense majority. Law abiding, hard working, common sense majority. Against the view common sense majority. Against the view the common sense majority. Against the view. The privileged, common sense majority. Against the view. The privileged, work common sense majority. Against the view. The privileged, work minority. View. The privileged, work minority with their view. The privileged, work minority with their luxury view. The privileged, work minority with their luxury beliefs, view. The privileged, work minority with their luxury beliefs, who view. The privileged, work minority with their luxury beliefs, who wieldj with their luxury beliefs, who wield influence with their luxury beliefs, who wield influence out with their luxury beliefs, who wield influence out of with their luxury beliefs, who wield influence out of proportion with their luxury beliefs, who wield influence out of proportion to with their luxury beliefs, who wield influence out of proportion to their| influence out of proportion to their numbers influence out of proportion to their numbers influence out of proportion to their numbers. Against influence out of proportion to their numbers. Against the influence out of proportion to their numbers. Against the few. Influence out of proportion to their numbers. Against the few. Our| numbers. Against the few. Our message numbers. Against the few. Our message to numbers. Against the few. Our message to the numbers. Against the few. Our message to the people numbers. Against the few. Our message to the people is numbers. Against the few. Our message to the people is clear. Numbers. Against the few. Ouri message to the people is clear. We are raising message to the people is clear. We are raising our message to the people is clear. We are raising our game. Message to the people is clear. We are raising our game. We message to the people is clear. We are raising our game. We are are raising our game. We are fighting are raising our game. We are fighting for are raising our game. We are fighting for a are raising our game. We are fighting for a britain are raising our game. We are fighting for a britain that are raising our game. We are| fighting for a britain that puts are raising our game. We are fighting for a britain that puts you first fighting for a britain that puts you first we fighting for a britain that puts you first we are fighting for a britain that puts you first. We are on fighting for a britain that puts you first. We are on your fighting for a britain that puts you first. We are on your side, fighting for a britain that puts you first. We are on your side, thanki first. We are on your side, thank you and that is the home secretary Suella Braverman concluding her speech to the conservative conference in manchester. And the home secretary, her speech was focused on the expected british general election next year. She talks about the party raising its game. She said that was the change that britain needs. Watching the speech and the speech before that of the justice secretary alex chalke as our Political Correspondent. What did you make of both speeches . Melt. Did you make of both speeches . Well, look, i think did you make of both speeches . Well, look, i think the did you make of both speeches . Well, look, i think the home did you make of both speeches . It look, i think the home secretarys speech was classic Suella Braverman actually, it was designed to be deeply political, it was designed to appeal to the right wing of the conservative party. Miss braverman is widely seen as someone who fancies a tilt at the leadership in the future and i think you got a sense of her sort of pitch, pretty, what some would describe as populist, talking about that hurricane migration she thinks is coming to the country warning of millions of people coming to the uk. Im sure those figures will be studied and fact checked quite a lot over the next few hours. What i also find quite interesting was that she said the uk had failed to notice the scale of problems with migration over the last 30 years or so. Which is a suggestion, not for the first time from miss braverman i should say, that she thinks conservatives in the past have been far too liberal when it comes to the migration issue. But if you stand back from what acro was saying, it was absolutely designed to be a message to the tory grassroots who she wants that she wants to be the candidate of the right, possibly at a leadership election the future. A lot ofjockeying for position i think this week, with the possibility of the conservatives losing a general election and then needing a new leader afterwards. You might have noticed someone towards the end was thrown out. It seems for heckling the home secretary. A couple of my colleagues who have beenin couple of my colleagues who have been in the room had been texting me saying this person apparently shouted, there was no such thing as gender ideology when miss braverman was making some of her comments about trans issues. We will try and get you more information on that when we can. But the room was packed, a lot of people that have been watching the Conference Coverage might have noticed that is often not the case. There have been a few speeches where they have not been many people there. Well, miss braverman had it packed, a lot of people outside watching as well. So she is clearly very popular with the tory grassroots. I want to bring in an mp, alessia cairns from, the select Committee Chair of course in parliament. I know you are not in for the entire thing and you are not watching it, but how do you feel about the rhetoric of miss braverman, do you think there is a hurricane migration coming to the uk . ,. ,. ,. , uk . There is no question illegal miaration uk . There is no question illegal migration is uk . There is no question illegal migration is a uk . There is no question illegal migration is a significant uk . There is no question illegal. Migration is a significant problem and because organised crime groups are making and because organised crime groups are making vast profits and i saw it myself are making vast profits and i saw it myself in are making vast profits and i saw it myself in greece, i saw the fake life jackets and the lives lost. What life jackets and the lives lost. What about the language, is it a hurricane migration . I what about the language, is it a hurricane migration . Hurricane migration . I think its im ortant hurricane migration . I think its important as hurricane migration . I think its important as politicians, hurricane migration . I think its important as politicians, we hurricane migration . I think its important as politicians, we arej important as politicians, we are mindful important as politicians, we are mindful of important as politicians, we are mindful of our words, we are there to form mindful of our words, we are there to form policy and guide the country and i to form policy and guide the country and i think to form policy and guide the country and i think we have to be very careful and i think we have to be very careful we dont create a situation where careful we dont create a situation where we careful we dont create a situation where we are demonising minorities or those where we are demonising minorities or those who are vulnerable. So is where we are demonising minorities or those who are vulnerable. Or those who are vulnerable. So is a bit like a no. Or those who are vulnerable. So is a bit like a no, shes or those who are vulnerable. So is a bit like a no, shes not or those who are vulnerable. So is a bit like a no, shes not using or those who are vulnerable. So is a bit like a no, shes not using the bit like a no, shes not using the right phrase when she uses hurricane. I right phrase when she uses hurricane right phrase when she uses hurricane. ,. ,. , hurricane. I am one nation tory, we come from hurricane. I am one nation tory, we come from wings. Hurricane. I am one nation tory, we come from wings. L hurricane. I am one nation tory, we come from wings, i recognise hurricane. I am one nation tory, we come from wings, i recognise that l come from wings, i recognise that our legitimate concerns and i think legal our legitimate concerns and i think legal migration is at risk of being mixed legal migration is at risk of being mixed up legal migration is at risk of being mixed up with what we have seen a conference mixed up with what we have seen a conference of the last few days. Do ou conference of the last few days. You think it is conference of the last few days. Dr . You think it is realistic to suggest millions of people could come to the uk . There are significant crises and conflicts around the world, but we are not seeing millions. Small boat crossings are down 20 and that is a good thing, but we also have legal migration concerns. We have gaps in our migration rate needs including ai our migration rate needs including aland we our migration rate needs including ai and we have our migration rate needs including aland we have to be cautious in our discussions. Its ai and we have to be cautious in our discussions discussions. Its interesting you fla. Ed discussions. Its interesting you flagged pp discussions. Its interesting you flagged pp this discussions. Its interesting you flagged up this one discussions. Its interesting you flagged up this one nation discussions. Its interesting you i flagged up this one nation caucus, the biggest caucus. But flagged up this one nation caucus, the biggest caucus. The biggest caucus. But what is interesting the biggest caucus. But what is interesting is the biggest caucus. But what is interesting is a the biggest caucus. But what is interesting is a lot the biggest caucus. But what is interesting is a lot of the biggest caucus. But what is interesting is a lot of attention | the biggest caucus. But what is l interesting is a lot of attention at conferences like this go to people like Suella Braverman on the right of the party, do you get the impression the right are starting to jockey for position for a future leadership contest . So jockey for position for a future leadership contest . Jockey for position for a future leadership contest . So the reality is the one nation, leadership contest . So the reality is the one nation, we leadership contest . So the reality is the one nation, we have leadership contest . So the reality is the one nation, we have alwaysj is the one nation, we have always been is the one nation, we have always been known is the one nation, we have always been known as the more quiet group, we get been known as the more quiet group, we get things done behind the scenes. We get things done behind the scenes, we believe in one nation values scenes, we believe in one nation values and scenes, we believe in one nation values and we are trying to get things values and we are trying to get things done with policy. We are seeing things done with policy. We are seeing a things done with policy. We are seeing a real splintering critically on the seeing a real splintering critically on the right side of the party, we know on the right side of the party, we know divided parties dont win elections know divided parties dont win elections so i want to see less of this. Elections so i want to see less of this. Look. Elections so i want to see less of this, look, it is conference, the point this, look, it is conference, the point is this, look, it is conference, the point is to this, look, it is conference, the point is to debate ideas and it is a manifesto point is to debate ideas and it is a manifesto year, we need to debate these manifesto year, we need to debate these topics and many of support growth. These topics and many of support growth, lower taxes, things conservative one conservatives want. Conservative one conservatives want. But conservative one conservatives want. But i conservative one conservatives want, but i dont want to see splintering and Self Indulgence and theatre splintering and Self Indulgence and theatre at splintering and Self Indulgence and theatre at the cost of meaningful policy theatre at the cost of meaningful policy making. I theatre at the cost of meaningful policy making theatre at the cost of meaningful policy making. I have heard a lot of eole on policy making. I have heard a lot of people on the policy making. I have heard a lot of people on the news policy making. I have heard a lot of people on the news channel policy making. I have heard a lot of people on the news channel over l policy making. I have heard a lot of. People on the news channel over the past day also saying they are four more taxes. But one person saying do it now was liz truss yesterday. Were you happy to see her back . The it now was liz truss yesterday. Were you happy to see her back . You happy to see her back . The one thin i you happy to see her back . The one thing i would you happy to see her back . The one thing i would say you happy to see her back . The one thing i would say is you happy to see her back . The one thing i would say is last you happy to see her back . The one thing i would say is last year you happy to see her back . The one thing i would say is last year when l thing i would say is last year when she won thing i would say is last year when she won the leadership contest, rishi she won the leadership contest, rishi sunak gave her the space it her Party Rishi Sunak gave her the space it her Party Conference and had the decency her Party Conference and had the decency to say he would let her set out her decency to say he would let her set out her vision. Its important have humility out her vision. Its important have humility and out her vision. Its important have humility and decency to give people the space humility and decency to give people the space to do so. It is theatre, thats the space to do so. It is theatre, thats why the space to do so. It is theatre, thats why the majority people went along. Thats why the majority people went along. I thats why the majority people went along, i think she has some legitimate arguments around growth, but do legitimate arguments around growth, but do i legitimate arguments around growth, but do i think she is the right person but do i think she is the right person to but do i think she is the right person to be baking them . No, i dont. Person to be baking them . No, i dont she person to be baking them . No, i dont. She should person to be baking them . No, i dont. She should doubly person to be baking them . Tip, i dont. She should doubly keep person to be baking them . Ii . i dont. She should doubly keep quiet for a while because a look at theresa may, an example of someone who didnt do an interview for five years after she was Prime Minister and she recognised when she intervened, she does with the weight of having been a former Prime Minister and when she speaks in the chamber, you hear silence, people respect her and they want to hear her view and she challenges from a place of real consideration. Hs2 has been a theme over the last few days, we still havent got clarity, so i am not going to ask if it is going ahead or not. Ahead or not. And i am a backbencher. Ahead or not. And i am a backbencher. Everybodyl ahead or not. And i am a l backbencher. Everybody is ahead or not. And i am a backbencher. Everybody is waiting for the prime backbencher. Everybody is waiting for the Prime Minister backbencher. Everybody is waiting for the Prime Minister to backbencher. Everybody is waiting for the Prime Minister to tell backbencher. Everybody is waiting for the Prime Minister to tell us. | for the Prime Minister to tell us. If that is widely expected and does not go ahead to the birmingham to manchester leg, what should happen to the money . The manchester leg, what should happen to the money . To the money . The money should go into what should to the money . The money should go into what should be to the money . The money should go into what should be levelling to the money . The money should go into what should be levelling up. To the money . The money should go into what should be levelling up. I. Into what should be levelling up. I can see into what should be levelling up. I can see it into what should be levelling up. I can see it from both sides, there are concerns about the message it sends are concerns about the message it sends to are concerns about the message it sends to International Investors if we dont sends to International Investors if we dont go ahead, but i am frustrated hsz started from the south frustrated hsz started from the south rather than the north and this old idea south rather than the north and this old idea of south rather than the north and this old idea of levelling up the city to city connections, that should go into town city connections, that should go into town is correct rejuvenating local into town is correct rejuvenating local communities, Community Ownership fund that we have been good Ownership Fund that we have been good at Ownership Fund that we have been good at leading nationally. Lots of projects good at leading nationally. Lots of projects need that money, but i dont projects need that money, but i dont know where that comes from, there dont know where that comes from, there is dont know where that comes from, there is not dont know where that comes from, there is not a pot of money sat waiting there is not a pot of money sat waiting for there is not a pot of money sat waiting for us to take the money away waiting for us to take the money away is waiting for us to take the money awa. , , waiting for us to take the money awa , , ,. , waiting for us to take the money awa. , ,. , waiting for us to take the money awa. Away. Is it sensible at this stage to no, away. Is it sensible at this stage to go. Look. Away. Is it sensible at this stage to go, look, birmingham away. Is it sensible at this stage to go, look, birmingham to to go, look, birmingham to manchesterjust is not worth the money any more and it is time to pull the plug . I money any more and it is time to pull the plug . Pull the plug . I can see it from both sides pull the plug . I can see it from both sides. The pull the plug . I can see it from both sides. The way pull the plug . I can see it from both sides. The way in pull the plug . I can see it from both sides. The way in which i pull the plug . I can see it from both sides. The way in which it | both sides. The way in which it keeps both sides. The way in which it keeps running out of money, the money keeps running out of money, the money keeps getting bigger and bigger. Money keeps getting bigger and bigger, there are questions of the management company. But that message to International Investors after the net zero to International Investors after the net zero petrol decision all the way through net zero petrol decision all the way through to net zero petrol decision all the way through to this, we have to make sure through to this, we have to make sure International Investors know when sure International Investors know when we sure International Investors know when we make a commitment, we will be resolved when we make a commitment, we will be resolved to it and many of my colleagues are affected by it and feel strongly about hsz. Colleagues are affected by it and feel strongly about h52. Colleagues are affected by it and feel strongly about h52. Some around here have suggested feel strongly about h52. Some around here have suggested rishi feel strongly about h52. Some around here have suggested rishi sunaks here have suggested rishi sunaks big not relaunch, but his stage two of this is the real rishi and this is what he is promising the country, it hasnt quite taken. Just chatting to someone in government said, we have been a bit unfair, his big speeches tomorrow, that is the moment you will see the big ideas, what other big ideas you want to hear from what other big ideas you want to hearfrom rishi sunak tomorrow . I hear from rishi sunak tomorrow . I want to see someone who recognises growth want to see someone who recognises growth comes from National Security. This is growth comes from National Security. This is what growth comes from National Security. This is what i growth comes from National Security. This is what i would say is chair of the foreign this is what i would say is chair of the Foreign Affairs committee. Across the Foreign Affairs committee. Across the world, we are getting to a more across the world, we are getting to a more unstable place, you have to have a more unstable place, you have to have National Security first dive economic have National Security first dive economic security. What i do think rishi economic security. What i do think rishi did economic security. What i do think rishi did well was he came in. We said that rishi did well was he came in. We said that you need three or four months said that you need three or four months of said that you need three or four months of calm governors, statesman like and balancing the hooks statesman like and balancing the hooks. |t statesmanlike and balancing the books. , statesmanlike and balancing the books. ,. , statesmanlike and balancing the books. , ,. ,. ,. , statesmanlike and balancing the books. ,. ,. , i books. It has been a year now. I wanted to books. It has been a year now. I wanted to see books. It has been a year now. I wanted to see that books. It has been a year now. I wanted to see that vision books. It has been a year now. I wanted to see that vision and i books. It has been a year now. I l wanted to see that vision and with the hui wanted to see that vision and with the hui ka wanted to see that vision and with the hui ka yan, we got a glimpse that rishi the hui ka yan, we got a glimpse that rishi can get us out and move us in that rishi can get us out and move us in the that rishi can get us out and move us in the right movers in the right us in the right movers in the right direction the Windsor Framework. Right direction the Windsor Framework right direction the Windsor Framework. ,. , framework. But are you comfortable with some of framework. But are you comfortable with some of the framework. But are you comfortable with some of the commitments framework. But are you comfortable with some of the commitments on. Framework. But are you comfortable i with some of the commitments on net zero had been moved back . On oil boilers, that she really affects my constituents and there is almost unanimous support for that decision pushed back, on petrol cars, i wasnt convinced by that decision on the basis that you still would have been able to buy a second hand car for another 30 or a0 years, pedal cars, it wasnt from the moment that you hit 2030, you couldnt. But some industries are you hit 2030, you couldnt. But some industries are saying you hit 2030, you couldnt. But some industries are saying that you hit 2030, you couldnt. But some industries are saying that was you hit 2030, you couldnt. But some industries are saying that was a industries are saying that was a shame industries are saying that was a shame because we wanted that commitment to support it. And we have commitment to support it. And we have other commitment to support it. And we have other industry saying we couldnt have other industry saying we couldnt hit 2030. So it is a bit difficult, couldnt hit 2030. So it is a bit difficult, but ultimately, it is about difficult, but ultimately, it is about the resolve towards it. We will still about the resolve towards it. We will still hit 2050 and 2035 brings us~~~ will still hit 2050 and 2035 brings us~~~ we will still hit 2050 and 2035 brings us. We cannot slip, we held that we are us. We cannot slip, we held that we are decarbonising faster than any other we are decarbonising faster than any other g7 we are decarbonising faster than any other g7 country and i dont want to see that other g7 country and i dont want to see that slip, that matters to me. There see that slip, that matters to me. There are see that slip, that matters to me. There are a see that slip, that matters to me. There are a lot of conservatives who think rishi sunak has concluded his best chance of winning a general election is to attack to the right and go for what some have argued are more populist arguments on things like net zero and immigration and other issues like the politics of the cart we have heard a lot about over the past 2a hours. As a centrist, someone on a more liberal wing of the conservative party and that one nation group, are you worried Prime Minister might be flitting too much to the right . Flitting too much to the right . Olitics of flitting too much to the right . Politics of the car. I hope that is not the politics of the car. I hope that is not the case, we want to be on the side of not the case, we want to be on the side of people. The big question for me is side of people. The big question for me is the side of people. The big question for me is the labour party, 13 years in opposition, me is the labour party, 13 years in opposition, they dont know what they stand for voters know that, so we have they stand for voters know that, so we have to they stand for voters know that, so we have to know what we stand for and that we have to know what we stand for and that is we have to know what we stand for and that is about being on their side and that is about being on their side for and that is about being on their side for me and what we are seeing from side for me and what we are seeing from rishi. Side for me and what we are seeing from rishi. I side for me and what we are seeing from rishi, iam side for me and what we are seeing from rishi, i am willing to have a tough from rishi, i am willing to have a tough and from rishi, i am willing to have a tough and honest conversation with you, tough and honest conversation with you. I tough and honest conversation with you. I am tough and honest conversation with you, iam notjust tough and honest conversation with you, i am notjust going to throw money you, i am notjust going to throw money at you, i am notjust going to throw money at the situation and pretend everything is easy. That is responsible, but i do want to see recognised responsible, but i do want to see recognised we should not be shifting to the recognised we should not be shifting to the right and we should focus on the centrists and bring them with us to the centrists and bring them with us to see the centrists and bring them with us to see us the centrists and bring them with us to see us recognise. The farright to see us recognise. The farright is to see us recognise. The far right is spoken for and we need to win far right is spoken for and we need to win the far right is spoken for and we need to win the centre. Farright is spoken for and we need to win the centre. To win the centre. Chair of the foreian to win the centre. Chair of the Foreign Affairs to win the centre. Chair of the Foreign Affairs select to win the centre. Chair of the i Foreign Affairs select committee alicia kearns, thank you so much. When someone like the home secretary Suella Braverman speaks, you get that rhetoric and sense of what is popular with a lot of tory activists, but a reminder that some of the language about hurricane is a migration and warning about millions of people makes a lot of conservatives a bit uncomfortable as well. , conservatives a bit uncomfortable as well. ,. , well. That is our Political Correspondent well. That is our Political Correspondent nick well. That is our political i correspondent nick eardley well. That is our Political Correspondent nick eardley with well. That is our Political Correspondent nick eardley with an update from the manchester conference, the conservative Party Conference. Nick will be here throughout the rest of the day on bbc news and tomorrow, when the Prime Minister will be making his speech to the Party Conference. Youre watching bbc news. And we have live coverage from the conservative Party Conference in manchester. Live from london, this is bbc news. Donald trump continues railing against new York Attorney general as he returned to court in new york for the second day of a fraud trial for allegedly inflating the value of his property empire. This case should be dismissed. This is not a case. And she should probably be dismissed also because shes terrible and grossly incompetent, as ive said. Rishi sunakfaces pressure to spell out the future of the high speed rail link to the north of england, as businesses and politicians demand answers. All i can say is im not going to be forced all i can say is im not going to be forced into all i can say is im not going to be forced into premature decision. Kenyon is to lead an interNational Security force to tackle high teas criminal gangs which control of the country. Hello, im matthew amroliwala, welcome to verified live, three hours of breaking stories, and checking out the truth behind them. We start in new york and the civil fraud case that could threaten Donald Trumps business empire. These pictures are from last hour, as the us president made way into court, where proceedings are about to resume for day two. It follows yesterdays drama, with the former president attacking both the judge and the prosecutor, calling the case a sham and a horror show. Donald trump, his two sons, and the Trump Organization are accused of fraud, falsification of business records, issuing false Financial Statements and conspiracy. These are the live pictures from outside the courtroom. Donald trump denies all the charges, saying his accounts were phenomenal. Donald trump denies all the charges, saying his accounts

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