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Had to say. Just moments ago on the house floor, we passed by overwhelming numbers the ability to keep government open for the next six weeks. Youve got to understand why we are here. The senate has produced not one Appropriation Bill through the floor. The house . More than 70 . Discretionary spending has now passed. I do not believe our troops need to be punished for us not getting the work done. So i ask congress will stay in session the next two weeks, continue to work to get this done. Lets take a closer look at whats in the stopgap measure. The bill keeps the governments funding at 2023 levels, but only for now. It also freezes the us� s aid to ukraine. Democrats had originally tried to plug this gap with a 6 billion aid package, but that measure was removed from the resolution in order to secure the votes needed to pass it. All of this only lasts for 45 days, so the us could be back at the same cliff edge in just over six weeks� time. A shutdown would leave hundreds of thousands of workers furloughed and without pay. Various federal services and programs would also be impacted. This includes the federal workforce of 2. 2 million either working without pay or not working and not being paid at all. A small number would still be paid. The 1. 3 million active Duty Service Members who would continue to work but would not get a paycheck. Access to food would also be at risk for over 41 Million People through the snap Food Assistance program. And more than 420 National Parks across the country will be off limits to the public starting monday. Well, republican congressman matt gaetz of florida told reporters his goal was to keep those programmes and agencies funded. We built a i think we built a lot of momentum by passing single subject Appropriations Bills to fund our troops, to fund the border, to fund our Department Of State and forjobs, and to fund our veterans. I think we should keep going on that path. And i am concerned, based on what i heard in there, that that were going in reverse, not in the right direction. Earlier i spoke to max cohen, congressional reporter at the political news website punchbowl. We are looking at the senate right now and it seems like there is some sort of hold up to patting the ability came over from the house. To patting the ability came overfrom the house. Can to patting the ability came over from the house. Can you tell us what is happening . That is correct tell us what is happening . That is correct. Right tell us what is happening . That is correct. Right now is correct. Right now democratic senator Michael Bennett of colorado has a hold on this bill. He wants a leadership in the senate to commit to bring up and a bill for ukraine in the coming weeks. That is the main concern from democrats right now because as you mentioned, there is no ukraine funding in this bill for that we do not expect this to be a major logjam. We still expect a shutdown to be averted and the senate to vote tonight. Averted and the senate to vote toniaht. ,. , tonight. Can you give us an idea . Is tonight. Can you give us an idea . Is there tonight. Can you give us an idea . Is there enough tonight. Can you give us anj idea . Is there enough time tonight. Can you give us an idea . Is there enough time for all of this to happen to have the senators go and get the bill over to the president . I bill overto the president . I think it will be. Even if it does stretch into the early hours of sunday, you effects of the shutdown would be felt unless it stretches until monday when the federal workforce returns to work. No matter what the scenario is in terms of hours and minutes tonight, were not going to see any majorfacts. That tonight, were not going to see any major facts. That is a really big change from where we were at the beginning of the week and that is all due to Kevin Mccarthy changing his tune this morning on what you would put on the house floor. It is a big change from what we were hearing this morning even. Take us to how it went from being a likely shutdown to Kevin Mccarthy pivoting to work with democrats. With democrats. Exactly. It is something with democrats. Exactly. It is something kevin with democrats. Exactly. It is something Kevin Mccarthy i with democrats. Exactly. It is. Something Kevin Mccarthy was forward about when speaking after the bill passed in the house today. He said a number of members in my own republican conference that i cannot work with. Yesterday the House Republicans voted down a very conservative continuing resolution for a Stopgap Running included strict measures not to secure the southern border. A number of House Republicans voted this down because they said they do not want a stopgap no matter what. Mccarthy saw the boat, major frustrations with it, extreme Hardline Member of his conference and said im going to put up a Cleaning Solution that keeps finding consistent at 2023 levels with no border funding. He said im going to get democrats to pass because he really believes the down a shutdown would harm republicans and harm their political chance and harm their political chance and 2024 and he did not want to see that happen. See that happen. Whatever his own chances . See that happen. Whatever his own chances . Republicans see that happen. Whatever his l own chances . Republicans have said that if you work with democrats, we make sure we remove you from your seat. Is Kevin Mccarthy worried about his own fate right now . He said to us today. His own fate right now . He said to us today, bring his own fate right now . He said to us today, bring it his own fate right now . He said to us today, bring it on. His own fate right now . He said to us today, bring it on. If to us today, bring it on. If im going to be tried to remove and because im young adult in the room, bring it. And yes, even though the loud voices within his own conference are going to be angry, i think mccarthy realises and i agree that they do not have enough votes to take out. Many democrats might vote with to Save Mccarthy and also, i still think this remains true, you can rewrite back to january. There is no alternative at the moment within the House Republicans conference they can get the votes required mccarthy put a lot of these members do not like mccarthy but right now there is no alternative. The s eaker there is no alternative. The speaker of there is no alternative. The speaker of the house there is no alternative. The speaker of the house pivoting to work with democrats, several republicans voting against the steel. What does it tell us about where the republicans of the house are at right now . fix, the house are at right now . Large number of republicans of the house that dont want to govern by continuing resolution, there is a lot of anger about how mccarthy has handled this. What they want to do in the next 45 days until the next deadline is trying to pass all of the Appropriations Bills in washington, all the funding bills. That would be a big lift. But now that has four. They need a more eight more. People want funding cut and mccarthy as a tough job ahead. Calls him to be removed and even if he does stay in power as speaker, there will be a lot of tugboats pose a moderate members in coming weeks. � , moderate members in coming weeks. � ,. ,. Weeks. Lets come back to what weeks. Lets come back to what we were discussing weeks. Lets come back to what we were discussing earlier we were discussing earlier about aid for ukraine. This has been issued for so Many Democrats and some republicans as well the house. In the senate right now for the white house for president biden. What is the outlook for prospective forgetting some sort of aid for ukraine on the floor in a bill . It is a confusing pat forward at the moment. A lot of this depends on what Kevin Mccarthy himself wants. If there was a bill passed in the house that could be amended in the senate to have a possible legislative vehicle for increasing eight ukraine but right now there is no guarantee whether mccarthy wants to move on zac foot that there are also submitted a request from the white house that was said that a number of months ago that has not increase aid for ukraine. That does not seem to be an option at the moment. What the white house has said is in the next 45 days, ukraine is going to need more funding from the United States for that with this bill hoping to be passed on the couple hours, it is not in there. The white house is sounding a very dire alarm over this. I think the supporters of ukraine, this was a lofted a pusher and there is no guarantee congress can get together and passive bill that does fund that. What a lot of republicans are saying is they support eight ukraine and they dont think it is as dire as the white house makes it seem, they think they return return to this issue of funding in november where they will have a whole another showdown of a shutdown and chided get passed then. ~ i. Shutdown and chided get passed then. ~. , then. Thank you so much for shafinu then. Thank you so much for sharing your then. Thank you so much for sharing your insights then. Thank you so much for sharing your insights then. L sharing your insights then. Thank you. Sharing your insights then. Thank vom sharing your insights then. Thank yon sharing your insights then. Thank ou. �. ,. ,. , thank you. Were going to to life pictures thank you. Were going to to life pictures from thank you. Were going to to life pictures from the thank you. Were going to to life pictures from the Senate J Life Pictures from the senate floor. We have this update as we see Chuck Schumer and Senate Minority leader Mitch Mcconnell speaking right now and confirming there has been an agreement on passing the Stopgap Funding Bill that went through the house a little earlier today. Senate leaders confirming they can have an agreement as well. Lets listen to what Mitch Mcconnell was saying. Ah. To what Mitch Mcconnell was sa inc. � , saying. A step in the right direction. Saying. A step in the right direction. All saying. A step in the right direction. All right. Saying. A step in the right direction. All right. As saying. A step in the right direction. All right. As we j direction. All right. As we heard, direction. All right. As we heard. He direction. All right. As we heard, he said direction. All right. As we heard, he said this direction. All right. As we heard, he said this is direction. All right. As we | heard, he said this is going direction. All right. As we heard, he said this is going on the right direction. We got that little clip of what he was saying. These are live pictures from the senate floor. We saw the Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer, democrats say an agreement was reached on the Stopgap Funding Bill. And Mitch Mcconnelljust Stopgap Funding Bill. And Mitch Mcconnell just confirmed Stopgap Funding Bill. And Mitch Mcconnelljust confirmed that this right now is around 8pm and there has confirmed a little bit earlier in the afternoon they had reached a deal was that he was expected to go very quickly over to the senate for passing if possible and then to the president � s desk for signing because, remember, a shutdown would have to be abraded before midnight. We did here as we heard from max cohen in the interview we did earlier that there was some hold up because one of the senators, a democrat from colorado Michael Bennett had said he wanted to ukraine funding would stay on the floor, that there would be some commitment a ukraine bill would be brought to the floor in the coming days. It appears they have reached an agreement, we dont know what that agreement is just yet but all signs at this point are pointing towards the fact the senate will pass this bill and head to the president � s desk as it appears in time to about a shutdown at midnight. These are the life pictures were looking at and were going to come back to these life pictures a little bit later to see if there is an update but were going to move on now to see what the shutdown has done. Could still happen in 45 days. If it does, it would mark the 22nd time in the past 50 years federal agencies have experienced a funding gap. This is certainly something all sides are watching out for at this moment. Were going to come back to these life pictures a moment and in the meantime were going to move other news. Almost the entire population of Nagorno Karabakh has fled the region since azerbaijan reclaimed the territory last week thats more than 100,000 Ethnic Armenians who have navigated the winding, mountainous road to armenia. Azerbaijan has said it wants to reintegrate the area and treat its residents as equals but an armenian spokesman said this wasjust a lie. The Un Refugee Agency has said that many of those fleeing are hungry, exhausted and need immediate assistance. The mass exodus has prompted the United Nations to send its First Mission to the territory in about 30 years to assess the humanitarian situation. Nagorno karabakh had been controlled by armenian separatists for three decades but is internationally recognised as part of azerbaijan. Bbc� s South Caucasus and central asia correspondent Rayhan Demytrie has more. Outside the humanitarian Registration Centre here which has been working 24 7 since the influx from Nagorno Karabakh began last sunday, there is still a lot of people in need of help with more than 100,000 people being registered. Now theres hardly anyone left inside the Nagorno Karabakh enclave which came under azerbaijani control. Bakus so called anti terror operation against the separatist Ethnic Armenian authorities inside Nagorno Karabakh lasted just 24 hours. Karabakh armenians had surrendered and have now largely been disarmed. Their former leaders are being arrested one by one by azerbaijan, which accused them of terrorism. Their republic, which existed for 32 years but was never recognised by the international community, ceased to exist. In other news zimbabwes state media is reporting that six people have died and another 15 are trapped after a mine collapsed. The bay horse gold mine is around 100km, or 62 miles, west of the capital harare. Zbc television is reporting that 13 miners have escaped and efforts to reach those trapped underground are ongoing. Student loan repayments restart in the us sunday. More than 28 million borrowers are on the hook again after a three year pandemic era break. The biden administrations plan to cancel student debt was blocked by the Supreme Court injune. Now, the white house says its planning to provide some relief with an income based Payment Program and temporary leniency for students who miss payments over the next year. The Department Ofjustice has charged an irs consultant over leaking tax returns for thousands of the countrys wealthiest people to news organisations. According to the doj, 38 year old Charles Littlejohn allegedly stole information while working as a contractor at the irs. Several Media Organisations are reporting that the data included Tax Information on former president donald trump. Its one year since russias illegal annexation of four ukrainian territories a decision that sparked almost universal condemnation. Today, President Putin defended the move and claimed that russia had become stronger for it. From moscow, Our Russia Editor Steve Rosenberg reports. A year ago, hed proclaimed the annexation of four ukrainian regions. Today, Vladimir Putin said russia had become stronger as a result. Together, we can meet any challenge. Together, they streamed towards red square, a highly organised show of support for the annexation that only two countries have recognised syria and north korea. It all belongs to us now, yelina says. We restored part of our historic motherland. But its ukrainian territory, i say. Its russia. 0nly russia. Flags distributed, cue the patriotic concert. In the absence of victory, this was all about creating the impression of victory. A dizzying sense of achievement. So that russians believe that the last 19 months of pain havent been in vain. So, the kremlin tells them that their country has got bigger, stronger, when in reality, the invasion of ukraine has gone badly wrong for russia. One recent example the Ukrainian Missile attack on russias Black Sea Fleet headquarters in occupied crimea. It showed how moscows struggling to defend strategically important targets. But theres no change of plan. In ukraine, russia fights on. The army says its recruited an extra 300,000 volunteers. President putin is pushing on with the war and confrontation with the west. How far is putin prepared to go now to achieve the victory . To the end. To whatever that end is. Hes not going to give up. Hes not going to waver. Hes not going to blink. Hes not going to make concessions. So, putins waiting for the west to blink first . Absolutely. Hes waiting it out. The kremlin leader apparently believing that time is on russias side. Steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. Moving to pakistan, investigations are under way into two deadly explosions on friday which killed more than 60 people. The first explosion was near a mosque in the south Western Province of balochistan as people celebrated the birth of the prophet muhammad. Police say at least 59 people were killed there with another 50 injured. Police suspect it was a Suicide Attack targeting the religious gathering in mastung city. Balochistan, pakistans largest province, has suffered multiple attacks from groups, including the Pakistani Taliban and Islamic State group. And in a separate explosion, at least five people are reported to have died at a blast at a mosque near the city of peshawar. Saher baloch has this report from mastung in balochistan. Family members are showing up at the blast site in mastung to look for the remains of their loved ones. This man named habibullah came here looking for his cousin. Translation hes my cousin. His name is fidel hussein. I was at home yesterday. He told me he was leaving for work but he didnt go and came to this congregation with his friends instead. His number is switched off since then and i cant connect with him. Whereas haji ran towards the site when he heard the blast. Translation up to this time, there have been no results from the number of fact finding inquiries into the blasts. At least the findings should tell us who is responsible. Nobody claims responsibility for these blasts. This man here is a former city administrator. He told me he lost four members of his family in fridays explosion. Translation i called my nephew 45 times, but he did not pick up his phone. I called his brother and then, his father. I knew they went to the annual celebrations of prophets birth anniversary every year and realised they were all dead. There should be an investigation on the role of those deployed for our security. The Police Officers that i spoke with over here, they are not taking any names any more because since the time they named Pakistani Taliban and they backed off from it and they said that they have nothing to do with this incident at all, the police has not said anything at all about who could be responsible for this. So, for the time being, the people over here still have a lot of questions that need answering. To the maldives now. A pro china candidate, Mohamed Muizzu, has won the second round of the president ial election in the maldives. The incumbent, mohamed solih, conceded defeat in a post on x, formerly known as twitter. The vote was seen as a referendum on whether the maldives should rebuild relations with india or seek closer ties with china. Heres our David Waddell on whats at stake for voters in the maldives. Its a tiny nation with 500,000 people spread across 187 inhabited islands. There are a further 1,000 uninhabited. But the number of tourists who arrive every year dwarfs the number of people who live there. Theyre attracted by the fantastic climate for several months of the year and these beautiful locales that they come to enjoy. 50 years ago, the maldives was one of the worlds poorest countries. But thats all changed as the country recognises the need to build resources to secure a future for its people. For now, the country enjoys a strategically important position in the middle of the indian ocean, in one of the worlds busiest east west shipping lanes. Both india, a traditional benefactor of the country, and china are seeking to wield influence there and this election is largely about the question of which regional superpower should be able to take precedence. The outgoing president , Ibrahim Mohamed solih has turned his country to face india in recent years after a period of borrowing heavily from china. He will stay in office until a successor is inaugurated in november. For his part, Mohamed Muizzu is likely to lean back to china. Its no surprise that neither policy is universally popular. India and china are locked in an ongoing geostrategic struggle. The maldives occupies a place of interest but its a country with little clout, so elections are always a time for its people to face big choices. David weddell reporting and we will go back to our top story now gusts the us Congress Appearing to be very likely now to avert a Government Shutdown and the senate has now confirmed that it has come to an agreement to pass the bill that made it through the house a little bit earlier and the dority leader Chuck Schumer was speaking and said this. I have very good news for the country. Democrats and republicans have come to an agreement and the government will remain open. We will have avoided a shutdown. Bipartisanship, which has been the trademark of the senate, has prevailed. And the American People can breathe a sigh of relief. But this is the rich cr and leader mcconnell and i have agreed to continue fighting for more economic and security aid for ukraine. We support ukraines efforts to defend its sovereignty against putins aggression. So, thank you. Thank you to my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for their excellent work, the bipartisanship here in the senate set the tone for todays result and i hope it sets the tone for the future. Were going to live pictures from the senate floor. You can see the senators voting and we have a vote count of 45 senators saying yes, we understand, two voting no. They are right now voting on the houses Stopgap Funding Bill that came through earlier in the day from the House Of Representatives and we heard there from Chuck Schumer, he says this is an important step forward and Mitch Mcconnell the Senate Minority leader will bear welcoming the bipartisan agreement. This is coming down to the wire as we said to avert a Shutdown Stop Congress has to pass a bill that has the President S Desk and designed before midnight tonight and earlier this morning, just as soon as 10am on the east coast here in the us, it looks like a shutdown was very, very likely but now, i have worked very quickly, there has been a flurry of activity in the House Of Representatives and now as it appears also in the senate as the vote continues and we will keep watching the vote count for you and bring the latest update in a few moments but as we sat at the moment, the senate has reached an agreement among senators to pass this bill so were going to keep an eye on that and update you on the vote count just a few moments. For now, moving other votes. For now, moving on to other news. Voting has ended in slovakias parliamentary election with initial exit polls suggesting liberals leading in results. Voters chose between pro russia former Prime Minister robert fico and the pro west Progressive Slovakia Party. Fico is a populist who has promised to stop all military aid to kyiv. Fico was forced to step down as Prime Minister following the murder of investigative journalist jan kuciak in 2018. The Progressive Slovakia Party would likely continue to support ukraine, the eu, green policies, and lgbtq rights. However, a Coalition Government may still be needed. Going right back to the senate floor to get a few more images of the senate and i am getting our notice that the vote count is at 50 yeas to two nays. They had, according to the Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer come to an agreement that would allow the to pass the Stopgap Funding Bill but remember it wasjust earlier in funding bill but remember it was just earlier in the day that we saw the house of republicans, 335 91, pass the bill with democrats voting together with some House Republicans. Many of those House Republicans who are on the far right of the party did not vote for the bill but democrats worked together with more moderate republicans and the speaker of the house to push this through and here we are on the senate floor, that is what we are now looking out and the vote count is that 52 3 so we will continue to watch this for you, stay with us on bbc news. We will be right back at the top of the hour with another update. Thank you for watching. Hello. Its going to stay quite warm for the foreseeable future. The weather, though, a bit of a mixed bag. We had plenty of damp weather on saturday and were also forecasting rain, at least for a time, on sunday but bright weather, i think, for the majority of us. Now, heres the satellite picture. A Conveyor Belt of clouds stretching from the south west, spreading across the uk. Thats the weather front. To the south of it, weve got that warm and quite Humid Airstreaming in. That means a lot of mist and murk around some south western and western coasts through the early hours. And you can see where the rain is around parts of wales, into North Western england and across parts of northern england, too. But a lot of dry weather as well, though quite overcast. Temperatures at 7 00 in the morning, 17 in the south, about 15 there in newcastle, so a really mild start to the day. Now, heres the forecast for the morning. You can see where its raining from wales through northern england. A lot of sunshine for scotland and northern ireland. A beautiful morning and afternoon with highs possibly even up to 20 degrees around the Scottish Borders and also newcastle, 23 or 24 degrees across east anglia and the south east, so temperatures are going to be more like august, really. Now into monday, the weather front� s still here. Its trailing way out into the atlantic. It keeps spreading over us. So, again, a chance of some rain, i think in the form of quite heavy showers and even a crack of thunder is possible. Therell be a few showers around western parts of scotland but i think a little bit fresher here with these atlantic winds. 15 in glasgow, still 22, 23, maybe 24 degrees celsius in london and the south east. Now, heres tuesdays weather map and you can see quite a few isobars there. That means a feral breeze blowing off the atlantic. Its going to be more or less a westerly. But High Pressure is fairly close by. That High Pressure will be building across the uk. So, heres tuesday, then. A few showers across many western and northern areas. I think itll feel a little bit fresher around these western coasts 16, 17 celsius. We may nudge to about 20 or so in london, but i think its the teens for most of us on tuesday. And heres a snapshot of the week and you can see that the best of the weather across the south of the country but overall, actually, not too bad with a few showers here and there. V0|ce 0ver this is bbc news. Well have the headlines and all the main news stories for you at the top of the hour, straight after this programme. This is the end of the tour, so it is the last day. Its been a really insane, intense run. Im sure when i go on stage itll be fine, but, like, wow, ifeel really, really anxious. Like, my hearts just racing. Usually, i have one of those gel packs that athletes, you know, take, the sugar packs, before i go on and then in, like, ten minutes time itll kick in and itll be. Itll be good. Venues, please take note. And put tampons in your toilets

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