Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240704

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Community communication, to be part of the community or society, was difficult to be community or society, was difficult to be integrated with the people, even to be integrated with the people, even local people going to of it alone, even local people going to of it alone, they speak the local language so it was alone, they speak the local language so it was difficult. Obviously it is hold so it was difficult. Obviously it is hold that so it was difficult. Obviously it is hold that much but today i would say that after hold that much but today i would say that after all that i did come and study that after all that i did come and study at that after all that i did come and study at the university of palermo. Briefly study at the university of palermo. Briefly ahd study at the university of palermo. Briefly and finally, we hear a lot about safe routes but there does not seem necessary to be much political will to set up those safe routes so what is the short Term Solution to stop people drowning . Bate what is the short Term Solution to stop people drowning . What is the short Term Solution to stop people drowning . Safe ways are in the end of stop people drowning . Safe ways are in the end of the stop people drowning . Safe ways are in the end of the best stop people drowning . Safe ways are in the end of the best solution stop people drowning . Safe ways are in the end of the best solution but. In the end of the best solution but also that must be more effort in Search And Rescue in the sea to avoid tragedies like the one in these last days in Central Mediterranean but also injune increase and this year has been one of the deadliest in the mediterranean. So it is both safe pathways and also more effort in Search And Rescue. Bud pathways and also more effort in Search And Rescue. Pathways and also more effort in Search And Rescue. And you both very much for speaking Search And Rescue. And you both very much for speaking with Search And Rescue. And you both very much for speaking with us Search And Rescue. And you both very much for speaking with us this much for speaking with us this evening. Thank you both. Thats it for tonight. Kirsty is here tomorrow. We leave you with the work of the artist and graphic Designerjamie Reid who has died at the age of 76. His Iconic Collage Work was a central pillar of the 19705 punk aesthetic. Heres a reminder. Good night. Theres no point in asking, youll get no reply oh, just remember, i dont decide i got no reason, its all too much youll always find us out to lunch oh, were so pretty, oh, so pretty were vacant oh, were so pretty, oh, so pretty vacant oh, were so pretty, oh, so pretty and now and we dont care. Breaking news from around the world 2a hours a day, this is bbc news. Another said. This local councillor, who left the police two years ago, is familiar with the threat. Anyone who has an officers name in mind to target will want to know two things, where they live and where they work. This breach of their personal data has done half the job for them. During the conflict known as the troubles, more than 300 Police Officers were killed. Attacks are much more rare now. However, officers still face challenges which come with community divisions. Earlier this year, paramilitaries tried to murder a detective. John caldwell was shot by the new ira, a dissident Republican Organisation which is opposed to the peace process. Political leaders say the Security Situation makes the data breach all the more concerning. What we need to do now is get to the bottom of it, we need to find out how it happened and why it happened. What i want to see now is a robust response from the senior command of the psni to deal with this very serious security breach. What is known so far is that the problem came about after a routine request for data under freedom of information laws. But the police also released a huge excel spreadsheet by mistake, containing the personal details. This afternoon, the police said they were investigating another breach. It involves the theft of documents from a car, including the names of 200 workers. The chief constable, simon byrne, has cut short his holiday to try to deal with the crisis. Tomorrow, there will be an Emergency Meeting of the Northern Ireland policing board, where politicians hold Senior Officers to account. The data leak has caused worry, anger and fear and generated the most serious of questions about potential consequences. Chris page, bbc news, belfast. Around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. Bringing you different stories from across the uk. Lugging the weekly shop the long way round. No one will deliver here, so sarah rogers and the other residents of forge mews have to take this route every time they want to get from their cars to their homes. I do the shopping for my next door neighbour, whos disabled. If i didnt do his shopping, then, you know, he wouldnt have any stuff. For two years now, its been like this. The bridge was closed in 2021 because of concerns that it might collapse under its own weight. Some repairs meant it could be reopened to pedestrians 18 months ago, but Newport Council has no date for when things will be completely back to normal. All we get, whenever we try to contact them, is the fact that theyre monitoring the bridge. I mean, how long does it take to monitor a bridge . Newport council said work had proved complex and technically challenging. It said repairs were ongoing and thanked the residents for their patience. It said all the Emergency Services had been given the code to the gate. For more stories from across the uk, head to the bbc news website. Youre live with bbc news. Hundreds of firefighters have been tackling a series of wildfires in portugal. Although the country often suffers summer fires, these come amid a ferocious heatwave with temperatures reaching 46. 1; degrees celsius this week. 1,500 residents and tourists have been evacuated from an area around odemira. Meanwhile, in hawaii, wildfires fanned by strong winds from Hurricane Dora have burned buildings on an island of maui. At least 13,000 people have been evacuated. Fire crews are tackling fires in multiple sites, but the winds have grounded firefighting helicopters. Lets talk now to a Resident Photographer in maui, daniel sullivan. Thank you so much forjoining us on the programme. Firstly can you just talk us through what you have witnessed . Talk us through what you have witnessed . ,. ,. , witnessed . Yet, thank you. It has been a really witnessed . Yet, thank you. It has been a really difficult witnessed . Yet, thank you. It has been a really difficult 48 witnessed . Yet, thank you. It has been a really difficult 48 hours. I witnessed . Yet, thank you. It has. Been a really difficult 48 hours. We have not got any sleep. The fires, we started with the winds from the hurricane, and all the trees were down up where i live on the volcano, and as night fell, down up where i live on the volcano, and as night felt, we started to see the fires pop up. We were not sure what started them. And they started kind of on the volcano, to the east of us, and blowing towards us and newf fires develops until we were completely surrounded at my house. We had a fire below us, a fire to the east and a fire really close up above us, and we could not escape because all the trees were down, so ijust because all the trees were down, so i just went up because all the trees were down, so ijust went up on my roof and i photographed what was going on around me throughout the Night Stop Ijust sat up around me throughout the night stop i just sat up and hoped around me throughout the Night Stop Ijust sat up and hoped that i just sat up and hoped that the fires would not burn our house. And so i have just fires would not burn our house. And so i havejust spent fires would not burn our house. And so i have just spent the last 24 hours photographing what has been going on. We have had so much devastation, we have lost front street in lahaina, historic front street, we have had fires all over the island and lots of people have been injured, so it has been devastating for us. Been injured, so it has been devastating for us. Been injured, so it has been devastatin for us. Devastating for us. Yeah, daniel, we are showing devastating for us. Yeah, daniel, we are showing some devastating for us. Yeah, daniel, we are showing some of devastating for us. Yeah, daniel, we are showing some of the devastating for us. Yeah, daniel, we are showing some of the pictures are showing some of the pictures that you have managed to take, and we are very glad that you are safe and youre able to speak to us. Have you witnessed anything like this before . I you witnessed anything like this before . ,. , before . I have never seen anything like this on before . I have never seen anything like this on maui. Before . I have never seen anything like this on maui. It before . I have never seen anything like this on maui. It was before . I have never seen anything like this on maui. It wasjust before . I have never seen anything like this on maui. It wasjust a like this on maui. It was just a perfect storm of the winds and the drought and the fires, but, no, i mean, front street is hundreds of years old. Those buildings have been there, they are historic, it is gone. I mean, it looks like a bomb went off down there. Yeah, we have never had anything like this happen. It wasjust never had anything like this happen. It was just unusually dry, and we dont know what caused it. The fires were all over the island, on every single part of the island. Evacuation shelters where people were staying were having to be evacuated, because the fires were coming where the shelters were. Yeah, it was crazy. Bud coming where the shelters were. Yeah, it was crazy. Coming where the shelters were. Yeah, it was crazy. And we all are seeinr yeah, it was crazy. And we all are seeing wildfires yeah, it was crazy. And we all are seeing wildfires quite yeah, it was crazy. And we all are seeing wildfires quite literally yeah, it was crazy. And we all are seeing wildfires quite literally all| seeing wildfires quite literally All Over The World and a lot of scientists warning this is because of climate change. Are you concerned that this could happen again . Yeah. That this could happen again . Yeah, definitel. That this could happen again . Yeah, definitely. The that this could happen again . Yeah, definitely. The conditions that this could happen again . Yeah, definitely. The conditions have definitely. The conditions have gotten so dry and now possibly with water shortages, gotten so dry and now possibly with watershortages, it gotten so dry and now possibly with water shortages, it is a really bad situation. We had brushfires over the years, but this fire was different because it was a forest fire, so when i was up on my roof last night, there were trees exploding, big old treesjust. And the sound was terrifying. And theyre just nowhere to go. The roads were just completely blocked off. But, yeah, ive never seen anything like this and, yeah, we are scared that this could happen again. Daniel, thank you so much for joining us on newsday today. Thank ou. Yemen, the poorest country in the arab world, has been brought to the brink of collapse by almost a decade of civil war. Back in 2014, houthi forces backed by iran seized the capital. A Saudi Led Coalition supported by britain and america intervened. But the houthis have not been dislodged and still Control Sanaa and the north, where most of the population live. Few places have suffered more than taiz, a city which, for more than 3,000 days, has been besieged by houthi forces. 0ur Senior International correspondent orla guerin spent several days in the citys main hospital. Every second counts, and war has taught them to be quick. It has honed their skills. At al zour hospital, doctors patch up some of the latest broken bodies. This time, its Government Troops hit by a houthi drone. 0ne soldier, called omar, could not be saved. Another is rushed away for treatment elsewhere. Anyone can be a target here, notjust men in uniform. Nearby, we meet hanadi. Every painful step reminds her of the war. Her father struggles to pay for her treatment. She was shot in the back by a sniper, he tells us. That was in 2016 and the bullet is still lodged inside her. Are you very worried about the future for hanadi . Yes, he says. I am worried for her because shes a girl. I wish it happened to me and not her. I wish the sniper had shot me and not her. This is the biggest hospital in a city that has been a battleground for years. These days in taiz and in yemen, its not all out war, but its not peace either. The guns are quieter, but this hospital is still receiving plenty of patients wounded by the conflict. Like mohammed, who is seven. And crying for his mother. His dressing needs to be changed. Its hard for his father to watch. Mohammed lost Three Fingers when he picked up an explosive device. He was playing on the roof of his home. Translation hes scared because his hand is gone. L hes very scared. He cant do anything. He cant even hold a pen. In the hospitals busy prosthetics clinic, they try to replace what war has taken away. But these artificial limbs are basic, and its traumatic, even for the doctors. It must be very, very hard for you to see the children like this. Its so bad. Translation its very upsetting. Our hearts ache when we see Young Children who are still looking forward to living and enjoying life needing amputations. Next door, a regular Physiotherapy Session for shaima al ahmed, who has been walking this path for years. A landmine took her leg and killed herfriend. Shaima is determined to be a lawyer, and at 12 years old, she is the voice of a generation in yemen. That report by 0 rla orla guerin. 11 people have died after a fire broke out at a French Holiday Lodging where a group of young people with Learning Disabilities were staying. The fire started early on wednesday at the facility in wintzenheim, in the Eastern Alsace region. Of course, a lot more on all those stories that we brought you on newsday on our website, so do check that out as well. I will be back with Business News shortly, but for now, thank you so much for watching newsday. Hello there. Heatwave conditions across the globe have been dominating Weather Headlines in recent weeks. And this week, we saw a return to heat across iberia. And wednesday afternoon in southern spain, we saw a high of 44 degrees, 111 fahrenheit. We are tapping into some of that warmth across the uk not as extreme. It was a pleasant day on wednesday. Thursday, it will be warmer still, with temperatures perhaps peaking at 27, possibly 28 degrees. Thats 82 fahrenheit. But widespread warmth is expected generally across the country, and thats because weve got High Pressure with us for another day. However, this frontal system is going to start to push in late on thursday. A beautiful start, lots of blue sky, lots of sunshine coming through. Little bit of cloud and mist and murk down to the south west may linger first thing, a little more cloud into Northern Ireland and southern scotland as we go through the day. But on the whole, with light winds and a warm, muggy start, those temperatures will respond widely into the mid 205, possibly, as i say, as high as 27 or 28 degrees. But that cold front is expected to arrive during thursday evening, pushing into Northern Ireland, and then it will really start to pep up as it moves its way across scotland. Itll be quite light and patchy through central and south eastern england. A band of cloud through the night, but the rain, the brighter colours denoting the intensity, will be sitting in Scotland First thing on friday morning. With the cloud, the wind and the rain and still that southerly breeze, its going to be a muggy, sticky start, really, to friday. Some of that rain will take its time to clear as well in scotland, clinging onto the Northern Isles with a stronger breeze here. But elsewhere, with a light south westerly wind starting to pick up through the day, its a case of sunny spells and blustery showers, the showers few and far between. Most of us will continue to see sunshine and, again, some warmth, temperatures widely into the mid 20s. Now, as we move out of friday into the start of the weekend, we see a return to low pressure once again. Closest to the low, thats where were likely to see the wettest of the weather and the strongest of the winds. Once again, its not going to be quite as severe as the weekends just past. And in fact, parts of england and wales should stay largely fine and dry, but a noticeable drop in the feel of the weather, with the risk of some showers the further north and west you are. Take care. This is bbc news. Well have the headlines and all the main news stories for you at the top of the hour, as newsday continues straight after hardtalk. Welcome to hardtalk, im stephen sackur. The struggle between the Chinese State and hong kongs pro democracy activists makes davids Fight With Goliath Look like an even match. Despite its one country, two systems pledge, beijing has found ways to stamp out dissent in the territory, and now, china is actively seeking to apprehend activists in overseas exile. My guest today is one of them, nathan law, the hong kong Student Leader who fled his home in 2020 and advocates for democratic reform from the uk. Has china proved it knows how to make repression work

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