Affected by this senseless act. My heart goes out to those injured as well as to their families. My heart goes out to those who are witness to these events. My heart goes out to those who lost a loved one tonight. I want to thank those that sprang into action to provide help and comfort to those injured. I pray for those injured that they recover. I pray for those that lost a loved one. Thank you to the Police Departments and many others that helped the city of waukesha. Theres other departments, the county, the state, the federal government contacted me and their asked how they can help. I know the First Responders are deeply affected and i pray for them. Chief . Thank you. Todays tragic incident occurred november 21, 2021, at 4 39 p. M. At main street. The Waukesha Christmas parade was taken place when a red suv westbound heading down main street. Can you speak up please . Yes, i can. The vehicle struck more than 20 evenings. Some of the individuals were children and some fatalities. We will not be releasing the information on fatalities while we work to notify the Family Members of the deceased. An officer did discharge his weapon at the suspect vehicle to try to stop the vehicle. No bystanders were injured due to the weapon discharged. The officer involved is with the department 6 1 2 years. Victims were transported to the hospital and Police Officers and Family Members transferred victims from the scene to the hospital. Well no longer look for a suspect vehicle. We have a Person Of Interest in custody at the moment but this is still a very fluid investigation. As those that saw firsthand the Resilience Sy of the Community Coming together. I also want to thank you all Law Enforcement partners federal, state dci, state patrol, the sheriffs department, our own police department, fbiing atf and all other partners who responded to assist in this tragedy. Its unknown whether this is terrorism. To the families involved you are in the Police Departments thoughts and prayers. The community, the scene is safe and secure. Ill take a few questions at this time. Can you speak of the victims . Sorry. Thank you. I was just going to provide brief information regarding the patients transported. The city of waukesha was part of the parade and have an engine in the parade. When the calls came in we immediately responded from five stations. We activated the Mass Casualty Protocols and used the Mavis Box Alarm System and activated a box on the second alarm so we received assistance from the five Fire Stations and approximately 12 other fire departments. The city of waukesha and partners transported 11 adults and 12 pediatric patients to 6 area hospitals. We do not have any specifics on the injuries at this time. All the patients were transported. There are there were some fatalities. We do not have any detailed information at this time. Just real quick. Sorry, chief. A few questions for all three. Mayor, police chief or fire chief. How many people were killed . Out of respect for the Family Members, we still have to make notifications so that number and to be honest with you the case is fluid so i dont have an exact number at this time to give you. The marked van what school is that . The marching band. I couldnt tell you. The shelter in place issued. Can you elaborate . The reason why that shelter in place call came we were doing a canvas and ongoing crime scene so we didnt want members of the Community Coming into the crime scene so we wanted the members of the community to shelter in place and why that alert went out. Is that still in effect . No. It is not. Perhap struck by the officer . Thats still an ongoing investigation, how many are involved. Schools are closed tomorrow . Are schools in waukesha closed tomorrow . I dont know that. Can you confirm that . One more question. How long do you expect the streets to be closed . You said you were unaware of gunshots from the vehicle. Can you clarify that the Suspect Driving we dont believe there were shots fired from the vehicle. We believe that the officer discharged a shot to stop the vehicle. What did the person say when they were taken into custody . Unknown. Thats all the questions well take at this point. Press conference or further information. Thats all we can put out tonight at the time. Thank you. [ inaudible ] good evening. You just heard from officials there on the ground in waukesha, wisconsin. Police have confirmed one person is in custody after a red suv drove into a crowd attending a Holiday Parade. More than 20 is injured and 1 person is confirmed dead. Lets go to richard lui on top of the story from the beginning. Richard . Yeah. A lot of information coming out from the police chief in the short amount of time on air in this Press Briefing about six minutes long and confirmed the vehicle, that it went westbound. Based on the video to observe we also knew that and he did confirm fatalities. They are not providing details as to the number as they do as normal in protocol to notify the families first. Thats why they have the Family Reunification Center and may have been an indication potentially that we or they were watching the probability of fatalities. Something else that stood out for us listening to this is that he was saying that family as well as officers as well as the ambulances were bringing those wounded to hospitals and other places of care. That meant it was all hand on deck as family were doing that. Another point that i thought was very interesting that came through is reminding me of covering the incidents in towns of this size in the past where you just know that the officers know that the journalists you know that the families in the streets, you know that Everybody Knows everybody so that for many of the officers, many of the First Responders that work at the fire department, the fire chief there, as well, they might know many of those injured and who died today. Personally. Friends of family or Family Members. Thats the unfortunate as well as the beauty of the situation is that theyre caring for their own. The Mass Casualty Protocol the fire chief brought up, he gave us an indication of the breakdown which is probably hit you the same way it hit me when he said the kids and the adults. That they moved to the hospitals and he said 11 adults and 12 kids. And that says a lot. And it really this is a parade. Right . And now we are getting the der details that none of us want to talk about. More than half of what they brought to the hospital and data on were children. Potentially seeing the picture and the video showing folks throughout the evening of that car rushing by and see the Young Children sitting by the side and therefore tells us that the car, that suv, was mowing through people, potentially sitting by the side. Those on the parade route. We dont know. We are going through the video as you know right now. Some of which the Standards Department is showing its okay to show and been able to take a look at that and might tell us once we put that on air why or how this all happened but that number at the bottom of the screen 12 pediatric patients to the hospital makes us think twice. While i have you because i want folks to see an interview you did earlier with an eyewitness but i want to double check to make sure i heard and you heard the same thing. From the police chief asked about the fatalities he said he doesnt have the exact number. Right. He also said that a Person Of Interest is in custody. And that unknown if theres a nexus with terrorism. Right. In custodies is different than the last briefing or the little bit of information and didnt want to admit if they had that Person Of Interest in custody or not. The explanation about shelter in place might be that part of the answer. They were open to others involved or were involved in this. You are alluding to a conversation i had earlier with one of those folks standing by did you recollect this parade. This was our conversation from earlier. Resident of waukesha. What did you see and what are you hearing now . Thank you for having me. Im a resident of waukesha. Been here the majority of my life. We were enjoying the holiday spirit and had a great day with family and looking forward to just seeing what we can enjoy. We go to the parade every year and excited to see it this year because it was canceled last year. We were sitting at whats known as the five points which is the center of the downtown. Five different streets converge upon one, and we were sitting there watching the parade. Everything was going great. But i noticed and heard a couple Police Vehicles behind us. Going through an intersection probably two blocks behind us and just wasnt sure what was going on and took notice because it was very loud over the parade. And a few minutes after that, a red suv which im sure you have seen by now, came barreling Down The Street very, very high rate of speed and hit a pedestrian that was directly across the street from us. I dont know the condition of that person at this time. But with many people rushed to that persons aid as soon as it happened. The vehicle continued going through the parade route. It smashed into the back of a float that had just passed our location. You are saying after getting on to the pathway of this parade, that the suv then proceeded to go down if you will kind of like a Bowling Alley straight down that street . Correct. Yes. From what i understand, yeah. Basically got on to it is our main street and just had a wide, open shot, and so, went as high rate of speed as it could hitting everything and anything in its path. I believe some of the band members that were at the other end of the parade coming down the parade route, they were hit, injured. I think everyone is okay from the school. The director is good friend of ours and thankfully she and the students are okay from what we understand. But as soon as it happened we gathered up my son and cousin and her children and made the way back to the car. As police and fire vehicles and every Emergency Vehicle you could imagine were flying into downtown. Did you hear, greg, any reports of shots . Did you hear any loud noises . My wife said she thought she heard some possible shots. I heard something. I couldnt tell you exactly that it was a gunshot. It was loud bangs. Not a high rate or anything but definitely some loud possible gunshot sounds. Did your wife tell you how many shots . Do you remember . 20 . 30 . Four or five . No, no. Maybe one or two. It was a very small number. Were you sitting at the five points area . Is that where the parade begins or ends . Thats kind of middle of the parade route. It starts i would say four blocks north of the location we were at, and so, it was kind of a the parade was just continuing through. I would say it was nearing the end but but still full end to end if you will . Still full end to end as far as participants and spectators. So as this suv entered did it basically plow through half of the parade route in essence . It was from what i understand just from seeing local reports i believe it traveled almost the entire parade route. Is it about a mile long . Yeah. I would say about a mile long parade route. You know, i know it was really tough for you. Trying to get your son and wife and friends and family out of the space. How many people were part of your group . We had about eight people in our party. Are all of you okay . Yeah. Thankfully everyone with us directly and the people around us were okay. The vehicle came down the opposite side of the street from where we were sitting. Still very, very close. How close would you say . I would say probably 30 feet. If you think of the distance across a street if you stand on a corner. The vehicle came in the opposite lane. This is main street . The name of it . Yeah. It is main street. The parade route goes down main street and turns back on to whats known as Wisconsin Avenue and kind of backtracks along that route before it finishes. Did you see any i know this is not what you want to see. We have all unfortunately heard stories or been part of stories like this. Did you see folks that were injured . Did you see the pedestrian that was hit . Yes. The pedestrian was hit just kind of kitty corner across the street from where we were. As soon as the vehicle hit them and continued on people other spectators were immediately running to their aid and but i couldnt tell you the condition or anything. Because as soon as we could we got out of that location just trying to keep the family safe. No doubt. Kind of torn at the same time. Run towards or away to take care of the family. Right. When you saw the red suv, there have been some eyewitness accounts of all of a sudden they heard the Engine Rev Up or flooring, flooring the gas pedal as soon as it got into the main part of the thoroughfare of the parade. Did you hear anything like that . I didnt hear the engine revving. I just knew it was going extremely fast. I know it is not like you carry around the ability to know how fast a vehicle is moving. Any guess how fast . Sure. I would say at least 50 to 60 miles per hour. Wow. Its pushing highway speeds coming Down The Street. And so, this vehicle came Down The Street, greg, and All Of A Sudden Turned and got on to at the five points intersection . No. It was actually coming straight down main street. It didnt turn. It was coming down the main street. It was traveling straightforward direction. Yeah. Was there anything about this parade that might make it different this year . Theres headlines that youre probably very aware of being close to kenosha. But was there any headlines or any themes of this years parade that were different that might be relevant to anything thats been going around as of late . No. I believe the theme was comfort and joy. Its the 125th anniversary this year of the city of waukesha. And so, we were excited to be part of it again, especially after not being able to see it last year. Greg, boy. Anything i missed in terms of something that you and your wife or your family talked about walking back home . Just trying to keep our kids safe. Thats the biggest thing. We have our three young kids with us. They saw everything. So we were just trying to keep them safe and got them home and got some Hot Chocolate just to warm us up. It was pretty windy out there and trying to keep them as safe as possible and help them find the joy and know that our First Responders were there to help and helping everyone in this situation. How many First Responder vehicles did you see if you had to guess . Just in the moment we started walking back i would say dozens. Gosh, i would say 40, pushing 50 Emergency Vehicles. Not only city police but also county sheriff. Sure. Vehicles. Any and every how fast . Emergency vehicle. I would say 40, 50 miles per hour. Im sorry. Ten minutes after the incident . Oh no. Immediately. Immediately. As soon as we started walking back the all the vehicles, every Emergency Vehicle. Within five minutes . I would say within five minutes that were flying into the Downtown Area because it was an active situation and they were still trying to figure out the location of the suv through the parade route. That was Scott Gregory there. Lifelong resident of waukesha. Difficult situation. Starting the discussion with how tight knit the community is, maybe 16 marked police cars in the entire city. About 100 officers in total. Going back to the theme of all very closely knit and probably know the 11 adults and the 12 children reported so far that are in the hospitals and the big question, what was happening with that red suv . Was it trying to take out people or was it fleeing away from something . Which you were talking about with Jim Kavanaugh and investigations department. We may have more on those maybe some ideas about how to answer that question but still trying to dig that up. All right why msnbcs richard lui, thank you. Well take a short break. Break. Because the way we care is anything but ordinary. Welcome to allstate. Where you can pay a little less and enjoy the ride a little more. Now, get new lower auto rates with allstate. Because better protection costs a whole lot less. Youre in good hands with allstate. Click or call for a lower auto rate today. Are you tired of clean clothes that just dont smell clean . Downy unstopables inwash scent with allstate. Boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh way longer than detergent alone. If you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have Downy Unstopables inwash scent boosters. tiger this is the dimension of imagination. what a pain in the. Alice . If its lets wrap this up season, its walgreens season. Bogeys on your six, limu. If its they need customizedp season, Car Insurance from Liberty Mutual so they only pay for what they need. Woooooooooooooo. We are not getting you a helicopter. 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The important things, jonathan, that one person is in custody. We are not getting the number of fatalities. I think we have some people in dire straits if not already killed. Lets hope they can pull through and only one fatality. But the chief couldnt get into that. I think thats not good for the news. But i do think that we have been talking about and analyzing the information and the witnesses that have come forward, richard lui spoke with. Our possible major lead category here that this vehicle might have been fleeing some ore criminal activity. What could that be . A gang gun fight. Could be they murdered someone across town. Could have been a serious robbery and someone murdered and the police dont know thats occurred but yet might have in the vehicle an evidence of that or just being chased by other criminals 0er the police but the police havent said that. They drove through a Barricade Set Up for the Parade Roourt and looked like the Patrol Officer there may have fired to try to stop them. About four shots. But you know, one thing you cant totally accept that s they know its up for a parade. Criminals live in their world and if they did something awful and they come upon a Police Barricade with a Policeman Standing there and a wooden barricade and it could be more than one actor in the car they may say go. Run through it. Go through it. Go through it. Theyre all excited because of what they have done or involved in or who they are and once they bust through they flee. The officer fired at them and then fleeing along the parade route and the vehicle comes to the band and comes to the left and almost slows down as if, you know, the Human Thought i wont plow these people over. You can almost hear it, go, go, go hurry, run, go. All excited and worked up and plows over the people. Its a possibility that this is a criminal or criminals fleeing something and the motive is escape. I dont think we can rule out terror or pain and revenge at this point. We dont have that. The police have a pretty Good Intention with one in custody. Right. I wrote down in the notes from that Press Conference that the police chief Daniel Thompson said right now it is unknown if theres a nexus with terrorism. Frank, you said something speaking in the last hour i noted came up in the Press Conference with the police earlier this hour and that was why they put in a shelter in place order and the police said because it was a crime scene and you previewed in that conversation. Talk to me about what more authorities will be doing at this time in terms of investigating that crime scene and also with that Person Of Interest in custody. We had significant questions answered in the Press Conference. The suspects or the Person Of Interest in custody and we learned what that shelter in place order was about. It was a crime scene that we are trying to process and may have a very broad area that they need to work and canvas. Thats not when i hear that its not a continuing threat. To me that also means that the likelihood of terrorism is lessened because they have the suspect or Person Of Interest in custody. They have the car. If there were any indications that theres a Terrorist Motive i think we would have seen a different stance and the order would have been we dont know how many people are involved. Combined with the sharp comments and observations from jim and clint watts and myself. Look. This vehicle acted ambiguously. What do i mean . There are times in the video appearing theres deliberateness and times there is not. As jim said dont be surprised if this is a fleeing suspect from Something Else and they were surprised to find themselves in a parade. And they then took other actions. So what did the police do . Where did this guy come from . Was an officer chasing the person . Is he wanted for another crime by another department . Thats going on here. The investigation is going back do see if police interacted with this person. What were they fleeing from earlier . Jim, wisconsin governor put out a statement that he wrote on facebook. Quote, cathy and i are raying for waukesha tonight and the kids, families and Community Members affected by this senseless act. Im grateful for the First Responders and folks that acted quickly to help and we are in contact with local partners awaiting more information. How shaken will this community be as this event . I think they are shaken and the news could get worse. It is a heart breaking incident to hear the children that have been injured. Marching in the parade. It is really heart breaking. Devastating. You know, i agree with what frank said. I think the analysis is right. Terrorism is not ruled out but diminished by the actions of Law Enforcement and the information we have analyzed. I think that criminal activity is always afoot. We tend to think its not always happening around us but it is. Look at the atlanta airport. A shot fired and everybody runs. Is it terrorism . No. A convicted felon is trying to get a gun on an aircraft. Maybe he forgot it was in there and once its discovered he doesnt want to be caught with it. He grabs and shoots and runs away. What we have is not a Terrorist Attack at the airport. Not someone trying to shoot someone we a convicted felon in the ongoing illegal possession of a firearm and once it is discovered he wants to flee immediately. This is a normal reaction from criminals. Something is afoot as a major lead that this car and the occupant or occupants and it could be that car could have been full of people or two. We dont know. And may have been fleeing something and even something that Law Enforcement is not yet aware of. You know . I had arrested guys before that on suspicious cars and just did a murder. Sometimes you dont know whats happening and they may be trying to discover what they were running from. Jim, frank, thank you both very much. We will have more breaking coverage after a short break. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty naj at fisher investments, our clients know we have their backs. other Money Manager how do your clients know that . naj because as a fiduciary, its our responsibility to always put clients first. other Money Manager so you do it because you have to . naj no, we do it because its the right thing to do. We help clients enjoy a comfortable retirement. other Money Manager sounds like a big responsibility. naj one that we dont take lightly. Its why our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. 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But a fleeing vehicle from a previous crime incident, perhaps a Stabbing Scene and the motorist turned into that parade and it did result in the more than 20 people being hit by that vehicle and asser hearing numerous injuries and potentially a fatality. The fbi confirmed it is assists in this investigation but local authorities are in the lead and suggest this is criminal in nature and not at this point anything related to terror. So thats the very latest we have. We believe one person from the vehicle is being questioned. A man in his 30s. We have a tentative i. D. On him and wont release that until we have Measure Information about who he is and whether he was the one fleeing from a previous crime scene. Jonathan, there are reports from Law Enforcement officials you have been talking about this. A possibility of fleeing from another crime at the time and also that the there is a Person Of Interest in custody and questioned and one or two others might have been in the car. Do we know anything else about that Person Of Interest in the car that they have in custody . This is very preliminary and what happens is the local police brief the state. The state briefs the feds so they are the briefings and bulletins are shared across multiple agencies and the preliminary information is shared and then things do change. But the preliminary reporting that was shared with numerous agencies was that this vehicle and this driver were fleeing a Stabbing Scene. We are awaiting confirmation of that but that is the preliminary information thats been shared with multiple Law Enforcement agencies so that they could assess and respond accordingly. Remember if it was a Terror Incident it would be imperative upon the local authorities to quickly share information with other agencies so that they can prepare in case the threat was broader than an isolated case. Since it is not terror and you have heard the chief say this is contained, the leading theory at this time is it appears to be a criminal act. Resulting from again the fleeing from that previous incident which again the preliminary information is that it was a stabbing incident. Jonathan, we are expecting another Press Conference from local officials at the top of the how shall. Any indication of what more well learn . Are you expecting them to fill in the details that you have been reporting in this conversation we are having right now . May be some. This is really fast moving and the investigators never want to go out and share publicly frgs until they have it 100 nailed down so that they provide thorough and accurate information. I would expect the police chief to remain cautious. I would expect him to update Casualty Figures as best he knows them. This is a terrible incidents of teenagers run over and the next of kin are notified about the condition of loved ones at this time and has priority so thats understandable why police are going to take the time and let the families know the information first before sheaing wit the public. That is ongoing. Look for an update on Casualty Figures. I doubt theyll release the name or identity or driver in custody as they continue to question him to try to get information. I expect an official release of the name not to come for several more hours as they continue to see if he is a lone actor or if as some reports have been shared around the Law Enforcement community that there may have been one or two others in that car. May is the operative word. Again the investigation ongoing and look for him to perhaps nail a previous Criminal Incident. I would listen for that and what he can tell us about the driver and whether he was actinging alone or if theres others in that car and if theres a description to help with or is everything contained . Thank you for being with us this evening. Well be right back after this. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, Liberty Nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, on sunday night and every night. Nyquil severe. The nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. tiger this is the dimension of imagination. Bogeys on your six, limu. They need customized Car Insurance from Liberty Mutual so they only pay for what they need. Woooooooooooooo. We are not getting you a helicopter. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Why give your family just ordinary eggs when they can enjoy the best . Egglands best. 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That means unlimited peace of mind. Mercedesbenz certified preowned. Translation the mercedes of your dreams is closer than you think. As someone who resembles someone else, i appreciate that Liberty Mutual knows everyones unique. Thats why they customize your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Oh, yeah. Thats the spot. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty were learning more by the hour about a car that drove into a crowd at a Holiday Parade in wisconsin. Officials are expected to hold another Press Conference. Joining me is fed rick alexander. Thank you for coming back. What do you expect to hear from police at the next Press Conference . I believe theyll give us an update to the information they have gotten over the last hour particularly around the multiple deaths that appear to have resulted from this tragic event. I think anything of value to the public knowing how long it doesnt impede their investigation. Like i said earlier this is a constantly evolving, tragic event why. We are going to learn more about what took place there as time goes on. What are the Unanswered Questions you might have that you might be looking to have answered at this next Press Conference . Certainly one of the most important questions i think every american wants to know is what was the motive behind a group of children, kids, in a parade to be so dastardly attacked . The tragedy that created, what is the motive behind this. I think thats what people want to know in that community, across the country . Those responsible need to be brought to justice. Thats a first thing i think most of us want to be aware of. What was the motive . We want to know as much as we can because thats troubling to that community, traumatic to that community and certainly just compounds the trauma that the country is going through when the types of events occur in any city, usa. How crucial are the first few hours for this investigation . Very critical. When Something Like this occurs around it did earlier this evening, a lot of information is going to be acquired. But when Something Like that occurs it impacts so many different organizations and institutions that have to be involved in this type of investigation. It is traumatic to the community at large, a community thats innocent. A small, wokking Class Community in this country to be to be victimized in such a horrific way so as we continue to go into the evening, here again i think that as time goes on and learn more it is not a comfort to anyone but it gives us a sense of reason why Something Like this could occur and then what can we potentially do to try to prevent Something Like this . Whatever precautions that may come out 0 of this to take. I can tell you that Law Enforcement in that community at this very moment as they would in any Community Across this country working with local, state and federal are going to be doing everything that they can to determine who was involved in this event and what was the motive behind it. Because this is troubling to any community and even though its there in that small town in wisconsin, that is a part of this United States and it can happen anywhere and the sooner we know something the better, particularly what the motive may have been. The residents are told to shelter in place because its a large crime scene and dont want people in there and mess with the crime scene. How long do you expect that to continue . Thats going to be a question thats going to be very hard to answer. We dont know how widespread this crime scene they be. We can speculate based on the footage that we received but we dont know what the Topography Looks like there in that city so it could be a lot larger than we expect at this moment but asking citizens to shelter in place, stay home and keep the eyes and ears open is one of the most important things that that community can do at this time. What are the biggest priorities for police over the next few hours . The biggest priority is to follow every lead they have. To talk to as many witnesses as they can. To gather as much Video Footage they can from footage of cameras throughout the city and Cell Phone Video that citizens have could be of some value. Talking to witnesses, talking to victims. Being able to gather as much information as they can. Hopefully to get someone in custody as quick as we can. And not just the person or persons who may have perhap traded this Violent Crime but for anyone who knew about it and part out plot and to carry it out. Everyone needs to be brought to justice in this case. Waukesha, wisconsin, is a closeknit community which we have been hearing about all night. How hard is it for local Law Enforcement to investigate a horrific situation where the friends and neighbors could be among the victims . Certainly. In any Community Large or small they are part of the communities. They work and live in those communities. They have Family Members in the communities and thats what policing is. Youre part of that community. In some way directly or indirectly theyre by the nature of the work they do. Not only traumatizing to that community but the officers that have to look at the carnage and do the investigation and see young, small lives lost. Children innocently marching in a band. Who could be so conniving and so corrupt and horrible to perpetrate this type of crime . As a community im quite sure theyll stand together and certainly as a country well stand with them and go through this with them at this period because this is tough and tragic for all of us across the country and that community. Cedrick alexander, thank you. I want to thank you for sticking with us through this breaking news. Now ill stand off to richard lui who will continue the rolling coverage. Good evening. A suv in wisconsin plowing into crowds at a parade there. The situation unfolding in waukesha, wisconsin. A city 25 minutes west of milwaukee. An hour northwest of kenosha, wisconsin. There are fatalities. More than 20 injured. Also saying that 12 of them children after a Suv Drivering through barricades on main street this afternoon. We are expecting another update from police momentarily and will bring it to you as soon as it begins. At this hour we know the incident happened around 4 40 Central Standard time. 12 adults and 11 children brought to the hospital. An officer fired the gun to try to stop the suv from continuing down the parade route. There is a perhap of interest in existdy. It is unclear if theres trichlt connection. The fbi confirmed it is assisting think the invest. Joining us is two guests. Malcolm, your network and the sources are wide. Are you hearing any information on this case that we have not covered yet . I think its important for us to really focus on official information because theres a lot of rumors out there. Theres widespread Misinformation Campaign happening. This vehicle plowed through the crowd. Multiple casualties. The Law Enforcement is determines the motivation of the driver. Why did he come through . And what did he mean by the by driving and killing or injuring many people . Could it be a fleeing criminal . We officially dont know that yet. There are many different angles that this could take and once we get the Press Conference well probably have a pretty good idea of what really did happen here today. All right. We are awaiting that News Conference and when it does happen well go straight to it. This is video we just cleared the standards. You will see that red vehicle we have been talking about and we have frozen the video here to show you what we have been talking about. Right before it then plows through th it has now made it through our standard apartment, weve looked at it very carefully. As you understand that is important to do, as Malcolm Nance was alluding to. And jim, ross were getting this, and i want to get our reporting here from our investigative unit, both at w and b c. Our affiliate here in new york, as well as nbc

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