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Everyone to be nice to each other. If people see other people being kind they will be kind as well. And when we covered the story of rose brown earlier this year, who was given the gift of her own bespoke digital voice that she chose to match her personality, she told us shed always wanted to be on eastenders. So we took her on a tour of the iconic set. Absolutely fabulous, and i think rose has had a fabulous time. What a lovely christmas present. It was like a dream come true. Hello, welcome to the programme. Were live until 11 this morning. Were asking this morning for you to share your best news of 2019. Forget brexit and the snap general election whats been big in your life . Share your happy stories and well read some of them out and maybe even get some of you on air. Laura on twitter. Finishing therapy after 3. 5 years of severe Mental Illness and hospitalization and working on my psychology masters to help others to recover. Gemma on twitter. Graduating with a first class honours degree in chemistry, and the amazing support from my husband and children. Denise on email. My grandson isaias who is five has learned my phone number. I havent been very well recently and he now calls me every day to check im ok. Terrific . Thank you for those and keep them coming in. Use the hashtag victoria live. Email victoria bbc. Co. Uk or tweet me bbcjoannag. Do include your phone number if youre happy for us to call you. Or text 61124 itll cost the Standard Network rate. The debate on the brexit withdrawal bill has got under way in the commons in the last half an hour and Jeremy Corbyn is speaking. Commons in the last half an hour and Jeremy Corbyn is speakingli commons in the last half an hour and Jeremy Corbyn is speaking. I see the governments removal of the protection of this bill for unaccompanied children seeking asylu m unaccompanied children seeking asylum is nothing short of an absolute disgrace and a piece of dishonesty towards those people who at the moment are clearly very concerned. Throughout the last parliament and for his whole life, i was talking to last night, my good friend lord dubs has worked tirelessly to make sure children affected by the worst aspects of global injustice can be given sanctuary in this country. This government, in its first week in office, has ripped up those very hard won commitments. It is a move that the director of the Charity Safe Passage has described as truly shocking. Saying it could have, potentially tragic consequences. I simply say this, mr speaker. Coming up simply say this, mr speaker. Coming up to christmas, shame on this government for abandoning children in this way. Mr speaker, on the environment and food safety standards, this deal points to a com plete standards, this deal points to a complete realignment towards the far wea ker complete realignment towards the far weaker protections and standards that operate in the United States. If this government is set on pursuing a trade deal with the United States with President Trump with precious few bargaining chips to hand, the brutal reality is that britain will have to lower its standards. That is the brutal reality of it. The European Union has made it clear that a future trade deal with the European Union will depend on maintaining a level Playing Field on standards and protections. So the choice we now face is between keeping the highest environmental and food standards in order to get a future trade deal with the eu, or slashing food standards to match those of the United States where there are a so called acceptable levels of rat heads in paprika, maggots and orange juice. If members think this is a piece of imagination on my part, when i was first told this, i also thought that cannot be the case. I checked out and it absolutely is a. We are about to strike a new race to the bottom in a deal with the United States and i think everyone should be aware and warned of that. Mr speaker, turning to the arrangements with Northern Ireland, the Prime Minister has emphatically claimed, andi minister has emphatically claimed, and i quote his own words, there will be no checks between Northern Ireland and gb and we have a deal that keeps the whole of the uk together as we come out of the eu. These claims are simply not true. We know from the analysis carried out by his own treasury that under his deal there will in fact be an abundance of checks and Customs Declarations in the irish sea. Not only will this have a huge impact on Northern Ireland businesses and society, it will also have implications for the rest of britains economy and Manufacturing Industry point of the treasurys own analysis spelt it out. The more the government diverges from the eu trading regulations in the future, the more checks and disruptions will be put in place between britain and oui be put in place between britain and our biggest trading partner. More checks, more disruption is deeply damaging to our trade and for our manufacturing sector, threatened taking a wrecking ball to our vital supply chains and the hundreds of thousands of jobs supply chains and the hundreds of thousands ofjobs that rely on them. Come chemical industry, all those who rely onjust in time come chemical industry, all those who rely on just in time supply chains will feel a devastating impact from this. This makes it even more incredible that since agreeing its deal, the government is yet to produce one single bit of evidence oi produce one single bit of evidence or analysis to show it will have a positive impact on the economy or oui positive impact on the economy or our communities in any way. I say to all members, new and old, that it is oui all members, new and old, that it is ourjob in all members, new and old, that it is our job in parliament all members, new and old, that it is ourjob in parliament to question, to scrutinise, and to hold the government to account day to. If we believe the government is taking the wrong approach, we should never be afraid to oppose. When it comes to oui afraid to oppose. When it comes to our future relationship with the European Union and the rest of the world, we cannot let this Government Act in an undemocratic and secretive way. Trade deals with the eu and United States or anybody else for that matter must be done transparently. This country is about to embark on a major change of direction. As we leave a a0 Year Economic partnership for an unknown future under the terms of the withdrawal deal, we need an approach that puts jobs and Living Standards first and builds the strongest cooperation with our european neighbours, based on openness, solidarity and internationalism. That, mr speaker, is the approach that will bring an end to the brexit crisis and bring our country together. Doctor liam fox. Thank you, mr speaker. This debate is the beginning of a promise fulfilled, not simply a promise fulfilled, not simply a promise fulfilled by this party although it is certainly that, it is a promise fulfilled by this parliament to the people of this country. When we embarked on the brexit process, we offered parliament a decision to the british people, we said we cannot or will not make a decision about our future relationship with the European Union and the people of this country will take that decision and parliament will respect that decision. We have had three years of the betrayal of that pact made with the betrayal of that pact made with the british people. In a Previous Parliament that simply would not honour the manifesto commitment on which 80 of the last parliament had been elected. Those who wilfully signed up to a manifesto saying it would honour the referendum result and then came to this house and betrayed that did not enjoy their first democratic contact with their photos. And im proud that so many of my new colleagues are taking the place of those who did not want to with their voters. It is also an opportunity, an historic opportunity for you, opportunity, an historic opportunity foryou, mr opportunity, an historic opportunity for you, mr speaker, to opportunity, an historic opportunity foryou, mr speaker, to repair some of the damage done to the reputation to the chair of this house by some of the decisions made by your predecessor and we wish you well in that great historic task. Can i say to my right honourable friend the Prime Minister, he is absolutely right not to enter onto a period of consta nt right not to enter onto a period of constant extension to our implementation period with the European Union. There would be nothing that would give the eu less incentive to come to a final agreement with the uk than embarking oii agreement with the uk than embarking on such a agreement with the uk than embarking on such a process agreement with the uk than embarking on such a process and having had the torture of the last few years work we saw endless increases in the timeframe, we need to not go through that again. Does my right honourable friend agree that given australia a negotiated trade deals with japan, south korea and china all within 18 months, there is no reason we cannot negotiate a good trade deal with the eu by the end of next year given we have had a7 years of integration, as long as there is goodwill on their side . My honourable friend puts his finger on the most important point. It is not a technical issue we will face, it is a political issue we will face. Indeed, the political declaration it sets out that we will have no tariffs, no fees and no quotas in the economic relationship ahead. That is what normally takes the time in trading agreements so it is entirely possible that it can be done but the debate is that we will be embarking on is not one of tariffs and fees and quotas put about regulatory alignment. That will be the central debate in the negotiations we have with the European Union and we need to see this ina European Union and we need to see this in a wider global context. At the wto meeting in buenos aires it became clear that in the Global Trading system there are two ways forward. One is the concept of harmonisation, a highly legalistic regulatory means of doing business that says this is the way we do it today and therefore this is the way we will do it in the future. Against that there is the wider concept of outcome based equivalents which says yes, we know what standards we need to meet but we want to find our own ways, oui to meet but we want to find our own ways, our own to meet but we want to find our own ways, our own rules, our to meet but we want to find our own ways, oui owfi rules, oui owfi efficiencies in achieving that particular outcome. And the eu is iiow particular outcome. And the eu is now ina particular outcome. And the eu is now in a real minority, it is virtually only the eu that takes the root of harmonisation. And there are those in the forthcoming negotiations who will say that for access to the single market, britain must accept dynamic alignment. In other words, we must automatically change our rules in line with the eu. Cani change our rules in line with the eu. Can i say to the Prime Minister, he will have 100 support from the conservative party by ruling out any concept dynamic alignment which would lead leave britain in a worse place in terms of taking back control than we actually have a memberof the control than we actually have a member of the European Union. Mr speaker, this debate that we are embarking upon is a clear choice. There was never at any point in the european debate the option of maintaining the status quo. Because we either had to embark on our own course, controlling our own borders, oui course, controlling our own borders, our own course, controlling our own borders, our own future, we would tie to an economic and political model of the European Union that utterly depends oii European Union that utterly depends on ever closer union. I never have believed that ever closer union was in Britains National interests and if the bus has the wrong destination oii if the bus has the wrong destination on the front, the best thing to do is get off the bus which is what the british people decided to do. Liam fox, that debate will continue in the comments until about 2 30pm in the house of commons. We can chat now to maddy thimontjack, Senior Researcher on the institute for governments brexit team, who can explain everything thats going on this morning. Thank you forjoining us. They have not got long to debate that and were actually have any impact on what the government wants to do . What they are debating is the legislation that will implement the Withdrawal Agreement into domestic law and once that bill has become law, the government can ratify the agreement and the uk can leave the eu. We have seen from that debate, a lot has been about the future relationship with the eu that is what are discussing right now. And thatis what are discussing right now. And that is still to come, that negotiation, but in terms of the debate this morning and the vote today, now borisjohnson has his majority in parliament, we can assume it will pass and the bill will go through and mps will then vote on the timetable for the rest of the legislative passage of the legislation and expect that to go through again. There are no obstacles through again. There are no o bsta cles in through again. There are no obstacles in the governments way in terms of taking the uk out of the eu. How much has changed in the bill Going Forward now compared with the one that came forward in october . Its quite interesting, there have been some changes. There are three key changes a lot of people have focused on put the first is that previously there was a reference to workers rights, saying the government would make a statement and they might be changing workers rights in the future and that was really a concession to try to get some labour mps on board to support the bill but they have removed that provision. Its worth saying that what they had was not that strong but it shows they dont need to worry about those labour mps because of their majority. The second is they have said they definitely will not be extending the transition period put up when we leave the eu, there is a period where we basically follow eu rules and nothing changes while the government negotiate and that will end in december 2020 and the government has now committed in law to say they will not be extending that period. Its worth saying that you can still change that with a majority government, you could change the law but its clearly another political signal of intent to both domestic audience in the uk and also the eu. And how can these changes be happening to the Withdrawal Agreement here when it is an agreement that was drawn up in conjunction with the eu Member States . Conjunction with the eu Member States . It is not changing the Withdrawal Agreement, just how we are implementing it. In terms of that commitment i mentioned about not extending the transition period, the Withdrawal Agreement still says you can do it but the government have now set in their own law that they will not do it. It is the tension really of what the legislation does which implements the deal in domestic law, does not change the actual treaty agreed with the eu. At the final thing to say is the eu. At the final thing to say is the other key difference with this bill, and this is the most important, is that previously there was a role for parliament in the next phase, they would vote on the negotiating objectives but also on the final treaty and the government has completely removed that. Next Year Parliament will not have much ofa Year Parliament will not have much of a say at all so we are looking at a very different year to this one where a lot of the drama has been in parliament and it has had a significant role in terms of looking for extension to article 50 and rejecting the deal whereas next year there will not be the opportunity for parliament to do that. We are getting to grips with changing political times compared with what was going on over the past few yea rs. Was going on over the past few years. In terms of what happens next, the departure date is the 31st of january and this needs to get through the various stages. What will happen on the 31st ofjanuary . Will there be anything palpable in terms of a change . Not really. We will be going into a transition period where essentially. The uk will no longer be an eu member state and that is a difference, and no longer in eu institutions. In terms of real change for people, you will not see anything under the bigger change will likely come if the government successfully negotiate a future relationship over the next year and that will be at the end of next december so the 1st of january 2021 we are more likely to see real change. Thank you very much. That debate continues in the commons and there will be further covered later. Some breaking news about love island, off the Caroline Flack step down, that if the new presenter, laura whitmore. That has just been confirmed in the past few moments as the new host of love island putter she said, to say im excited host love island of the biggest show on television, is an understatement. I wa nt to television, is an understatement. I want to thank eye to trusting me at the helm of this huge chope and i wish it was in pepper circumstances, caroline was appealing host and a friend. We have spoken a lot in the last few days since she stepped down and she has been very kind and strongly push me for the role. I have watched her host every series and though i have big boots to fill. I will try and do itjustice. A bubble and a massive fan of the show, ive never been to a love island pillar and i cant wait to go in and meet all the new island just put the team is the best in the business including the voice and heart of the show, ian, who thought heart of the show, ian, who thought he was getting a holiday away from me but not a chance he is of course her husband. She will be hosting the next series of love island. Coming up later in the programme. We will be talking to max lewis who set up his own food bank. And when we covered the story of rose brown earlier this year who was given the gift of her own bespoke digital voice that she chose to match her personality and we want to fill the programme with positive stories maryjane on email i got engaged 3 days ago my boyfriend and i have been together for 5 1 2 years and it was the most wonderful christmas surprise and exciting way to end the year. Redhorn on twitter. Having fantastic treatment for my super rare appendix cancer at basingstoke hospital. I would like to thank all the doctors, nurses and support staff for their outstanding care. Thank god for the nhs. Charlotte on email. In may i had a beautiful baby boy, he has changed my world i love him so much. Use the hashtag victorialive. If you re emailing and are happy for us to contact you, please include your phone number in your message. If you text, you ll be charged at the Standard Network rate. I will be talking to some of you getting in touch later on in the programme. Its one of the busiest travel days of the year with thousands of people trying to get away for christmas but heavy rain and flooding is causing chaos on the roads and the trains. Nearly two inches of rain fell injust 36 hours in parts of southern and Eastern England. These pictures are from burstow in surrey. Highways england says there is a lot of water on the m23, after a nearby watercourse burst its banks. And are saying it may take some time to clear. Our reporter tolu adeoye is at londons victoria station. Obviously terrible time on top of Everything Else for this to be happening but what is the latest . The main cancellation here is to brighten and there have been issues on that behind whistling to. That isa on that behind whistling to. That is a nightmare for anybody trying to get away for the christmas break. There are also issues on the thames link, southern and south Eastern Services and the dreaded replacement buses have been mentioned to help people try to make their way on some of those services. We know this issue between gatwick and brighton issue between gatwick and brighton is because of flooding in west sussex. There has also been a landslip which was taken by a passenger travelling near guildford and we passenger travelling near guildford and we have passenger travelling near guildford and we have some passenger travelling near guildford and we have some pictures passenger travelling near guildford and we have some pictures of passenger travelling near guildford and we have some pictures of that. Passenger travelling near guildford and we have some pictures of that. A lot of disruption for people who are trying to get away for the christmas brea ks trying to get away for the christmas breaks or making their way to and from work. Have you been able to talk to any passengers who have been left frustrated by this . The passengers here luckily are still able to get to gatwick that i have spoken to, and you can still do so from London Bridge but some trying to get to brighton are very frustrated that cant happen. We know the train operators have said that there will be disruption for some time on that line and theyre telling people they should not travel today on that line. Thank you. Its notjust the south east that has been affected by heavy rain. Around 50 homes and shops in the town of hayle in cornwall was hit with flash flooding yesterday and the main road through the county was closed. Lets speak to our reporter Naomi Kennedy who is in hayle where the clear up operation is under way. What is it like . It is incredible this morning because it is like nothing is happening to put out the pictures yesterday were incredible, there was this rain that came all of a sudden animated incredibly difficult for costa cu rta a sudden animated incredibly difficult for costacurta and i was almost a parting of the race when traffic went the main street of hayle and that meant it was a real nightmare. People here like charlotte, how bad it get . M nightmare. People here like charlotte, how bad it get . It was really bad. Initially we thought weve had it. It for them to hold down says of the salon. Customers it we re down says of the salon. Customers it were in and queueing up the stairs and we were blocked in. It went right over your shoes and its a long shop to the back and it went right to the back. Make people that i dont you were lifting up customers in order to have their hairdone customers in order to have their hair done yes, we have got to finish them off and that was a main priority. All the electrical power, certain parts of the hair can be done but everybody was very understanding and really good about it. And we have cleaned up now. Understanding and really good about it. And we have cleaned up nowm is the busiest time of the year. The busiest week of my year. Were to open . We had to open, everybody wants to get their head in and look nice for christmas. And thats what they did, they worked tirelessly to open up. Wonderful stories people here, in people giving donations so people could mop up and stop it getting any worse and most of the businesses in hayle are back open today. Thank you very much, im sorry it was a little bit hard to hear some of that with all the business of the hair salon going on in the background. You may remember in the summer we met rose brown as she was given the gift of her own voice. She was involved in a hit and run aged 12 and was left unable to walk and lost her ability to speak. We followed her as she was given her own bespoke digital voice, and she picked a cockney accent as shes always wanted to be on eastenders. Well, we wanted to give her a special christmas present, and thanks to eastenders, we could make her dream a reality by taking her on a tour of the iconic set of albert square. Claire jones has this special report. Its been the site of some of the most iconic moments in tv history. From hidden family secrets. You cant tell me what to do, you aint my mother yes, iam . To unexpected attempted murders. Gunshot. Where characters can even come back from the dead. Hello, princess. And the stage of some of this countrys biggest and most recognizable stars which now includes our very own rose brown. We met rose brown in the summer, when she was given the gift of her own voice. She was involved in a hit and run aged 12, and rose was left unable to walk and lost her ability to speak. Rose didnt like the voice she had been given, so we followed herjourney as she received her own bespoke digital voice. She asked for a cockney accent, as shes always wanted to be on eastenders. How do you feel about your current voice . Computerised voice the voice sounds quite old and i would like a voice that sounds like a 21 year old. You were able to choose your voice. Why did you go for a cockney accent . Because it sounds like me before, and i would like to be on eastenders as i want to be an actress. Then rose heard her new voice for the very first time, donated by an actress. Computerised cockney accent imagination is more important than knowledge. Is that what you wanted . Its got such a good cockney accent, as well. Done a really good job. Amazing. Have to get you on eastenders next. Yeah, yeah well, roses dream is about to become a reality. Behind me is the set of eastenders, and rose is literally due any minute. So now, if there was ever a time to hear this iconic sound, i think its now. Eastenders duff duffs. Hello, everybody. So nice to see you again. Hello, rose. Are you excited . So this is elstree centre, bbc studios. And this is where eastenders is filmed. So what does it mean to rose to be here today . Shes wanted to do this so, so much. What is it that rose likes so much about eastenders . Probably the young men that are in it whats happening inside is top secret, so we need to leave our cameras outside. But were going to head in now, were going to have a little look around at the set, and were hopefully going to even meet some of the residents of albert square. We were lucky enough to be able to take some behind the scenes photographs as rose and i looked around the set. Rose has since programmed into her machine what it felt like to be there. Cockney accent i was so excited. We had a wander round the square. We passed many of the characters houses, such as the mitchells, patricks, the taylors and ian beales. We then saw the queen vic pub, which was amazing. I also saw the cafe, the minute mart, the police station. All in all, i had a fantastic day and had so much fun Walking Around the set of my favourite tv show. Absolutely fabulous, and i think rose has had a fabulous time. What a lovely christmas present. It was like a dream come true. So many of you are getting in touch to tell us your best things that have happened in 2019 ashley says, my good news firstly i met the love of my life, beautiful, intelligent, funny person i never thought was out there. She is absolutely perfect and we have made the most wonderful life together. Second, after never believing i could do so in the economic and Political Climate as i grew into adulthood, against the odds i managed to get on the housing ladder and bought my first apartment in 2019. Neville says, hello, probably the best thing and most memorable event was when you read out my boris pinocchiojohnson e mail on the show i did have a memorable holiday but for an e mail to generate over 50,000 tweets and get featured on have i got news for you is amazing. Ruth says, i was bullied at work and my was that swept under the carpet, i got a new job at a Different Department and its totally different. Welcoming and inclusive and respectful and collaborative project what a difference a team leader can make. Ryan says, running a marathon in underfour hours. Ryan says, running a marathon in under four hours. Mike watts best news was when i under four hours. Mike watts best news was when i was under four hours. Mike watts best news was when i was told i would be a grandma to twin goals in 2020 as i have four sons and four grandsons, i couldnt believe there would be girls joining couldnt believe there would be girlsjoining the couldnt believe there would be girls joining the family product lily says, my son born in august, arriving for his arrival for over a decade product we went through ivf and fortunately for all of us it just happened naturally after that. Thank you so much for those with low to getting in touch and a bit later im going to be talking to some of you and what is really notable, with the comments coming through, is often for you the great thing has been the culmination of a really difficult time so it is really good to hear what you have been experiencing in a positive way. Treatment for cancer is a painful and often private battle usually only seen by a patient and their loved ones. You might remember victorias own video diaries which she made to document her treatment after she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer four years ago, because she wanted to help other people going through the same thing. Well, now lj rich a bbc clickjournalist has decided to film her chemotherapy journey for a very personal reason. Well be talking to lj about that in a moment, but first, this is her chemo story. Ive got tea. Ipad. Colouring pencils. Charger cable. Keyboard. Two kinds of drink. Headband. Think thats most things. This is my eighth chemo treatment out of ten. Im ready to rock now. Everything starts with tablets. Lorazepam is to help with dealing with the pain of the cap because its very, very, very, very, very cold. Bottoms up my lunch menu. Today, im going to have what i always have. This is where my port has been implanted. Its a fast track tube under my skin that connects directly to my heart, allowing nurses to administer drugs really easily. Like plugging in a phone charger. As a piano player, i really didnt want to have any catheters in my hands or my arms. The chemo treatments quite toxic, so when i found out that you could get a port fitted and everything just goes in here, i dont have to hunt around for a vein. Its massive relief. I didnt feel a thing. So now this is in, thats it everything goes in and out of the port. I mean, its good. Im hoping to sort of demystify the process because before i started chemo, i was really scared. And i was also. Uninformed about the actual practicalities of it the ins and outs of it, what to expect, how it feels. Like wearing a cold cap. Chemo kills any rapidly dividing cells, including hair, so lowering blood circulation to my scalp can help keep my hair on. Imagine eating the coldest ice cream in the world for about an hour and a half, and that gives you a good idea. All right. So off comes the wig. There we go. Au naturel albeit with quite a lot of make up. Some patients keep more than others. Ive been quite lucky. Do your thing tepid water is applied, and this is to help the conductivity of the cold cap. If you have even one treatment without the cap on, you cant do it then your hair will come out. It has to fit very snugly. I always had a theory that wearing a cold cap would make my brain really fast like superconducting. But its completely the opposite. I am unable to do much concentrating. Ooh bring on the winter this is the painful bit. If i can get through this, then were all good. So i have various things to keep me busy. Things ive found that really enjoyable are watching mindless tv, and doing Flight Simulator practice. Ive always wanted to learn to fly a plane. Why not do it now . Slowly bring the nose up. There we go. This is really taxing with the hat on, but i can do this with no problem when im not wearing it. I cant actually land the plane whilst im having the treatment done ive crashed every time im getting colder so im slightly impaired at this point. But colouring in clouds that i can do. Ive been using apps like this one, procreate masterclass, and the x plane sim during the treatment, but ive also been recording my data to show oncologists what my body has been up to. I record what the datas track here, like blood pressure, and also collect data myself, like my resting heart rate and body temperature. Three days after treatment, i go up a few degrees. Its really useful. I can then go to the doctor and show them physical evidence of what my body has been doing. Its completely frozen solid now. Sometimes theres ice in there. I cant remember anything any more. After a few hours of iv and a cold head, im nearly done for another week. Thank you so much. So thats it. Thats chemo treatment in a nutshell. Lots of different iv drugs, cool cap port, and now hospital lunch. Lj rich there, the bbc click presenter and mum of one whos battling Breast Cancer, and shejoins us now. Its great to have you here. Its an honour to be here. I said you had a really personal reason for wanting to be open about what you are going through. Thats because your own mum had cancer when you were very young, and it wasnt really discussed at that time. It was spoken in code. People would say things like the c word and i was left to the city gather what was going on. I was only five or six and 11 when she died and ididnt five or six and 11 when she died and i didnt feel i could talk about it with anyone. Now i have a son, i thought about what is the best thing to do for him. I spoke to various Cancer Charities and the Breast Cancer care Cancer Charities and the Breast Cancer ca re nurse Cancer Charities and the Breast Cancer care nurse and they said being honest was good. I wrote a script, a bit like when i do a show, andi script, a bit like when i do a show, and i read it to him, isaid mummy has a and i read it to him, isaid mummy hasa lump and i read it to him, isaid mummy has a lump that shouldnt be here, the doctors will take it out, i will get medicine and feel better and none of it is your fault and you cant catch it. Now i can talk about it in front of him. Its like i can heal, and i wonder whether thats pa rt heal, and i wonder whether thats part of the driving force behind me wanting to share something is deeply strange as a chemotherapy session with people. Its an amazingly powerful thing that you said to him. You obviously have some support and guidance with what to say. He is only three but kids are so perceptive and articulate from a surprisingly young age. Does he ask difficult questions or are you able to. Because we have been so open about it, and i talk about money feeling tired. He will say, mummy is sleepy. It is different for everybody. You have to do the best you can with what youve got. Going through treatment for a chronic disease, no matter what it is, will be challenging. Even being a parent, if you choose that route, thats challenging on its own. I think having to deal with a disease like cancer is just one part of my life. Im also dealing with lots of the routine things, maintaining a house, keeping food in the fridge. Theres lots of different areas and this is just one extra thing. If you can get through five minutes then the next five and the next five and the next day. I will be at the end of my treatment before i know it. Where are you with that . I have one chemotherapy session next week, then surgery next year, and then three weekly infusions until probably around the end of next year. And then hopefully i will be free. You have had chemotherapy this week on a wednesday. You are now here talking on the television. You seem like you are completely well. What will happen over the weekend . Are completely well. What will happen over the weekend . |j are completely well. What will happen over the weekend . I will crash completely tomorrow. I will be asleep. Sunday i am useless and on monday i start to feel more human again. Tuesday i start to feel normal, but that is when you take the pre meds and on wednesday you go back into the treatment. It affects eve ryo ne back into the treatment. It affects everyone differently. I started to study a lot about mental resilience, people in extreme situations, how do they handle difficult situations. I learned some breathing techniques and read books by former navy seals and read books by former navy seals and everything. I threw myself in mentally at being better at this. I wa nted mentally at being better at this. I wanted to inspire may be one or two people and give them a bit of an insight into what chemotherapy is actually like, instead of it being a big, surreal, i dont know what it is. Thats what i wanted to do. And we can see you playing piano. Music is really important to you. Thats the piano at the hospital where i have been treated. I am just checking how my brain is working there with a bit of gershwin. Look at the state of me with that amazing hat. So were you thinking, can i still remember this . Im practice an impossible piece by show plan at the moment. Trying to work out what it is. Moment. Trying to work out what it is. By chopin. Ion the show i have gone around the world and Done Technology with music and explaining it. But with therapy, you put toxic drugs in your system. Sometimes my brain is up like today, but other times i forget things, like did i put the cup under the cattle for the water to come out. Other strange things, putting stuff in the fridge that shouldnt go there. We all do that. We do, and its like a sense check, music has been such a part of my life for so long. Its a really therapeutic aspect. You can forget about the cancer so anyone going through this or seeing someone go through this or seeing someone go through this, its part of the property of your existence, you have to ta ke property of your existence, you have to take the tablets, or my partner has to do this. There are lots of complex issues around dealing with the disease that people dont think about. For me, finding an anchor and finding how to learn now i can push myself up when im having down days, and everybody does have them, how cani and everybody does have them, how can i make things better, notjust for me but for people around me. We have to talk about these fabulous wigs. They are stunning and you look beautiful in them. Thank you. This is someone having lost their hair before with chemo, so picking wigs, why did you decide to do that . Are used to be in covers bands playing songs from the 60s onwards. We used to wear different wigs so i thought, if im going to lose my hair i might experiment with different looks so i can have some fun. I think, who will ibe can have some fun. I think, who will i be today, will i be incognito and just go to the shops. Will i play the piano for somebody and go for a Little Mermaid . Or will i go for a gothic look . They are fun and you have to treat them like pets and struck them with a synthetic brush in the evening. Some of them are easier to get around than others. Some of them move around like they have a life of their own. I went to my local hairdressers and got them to cut the fringes so they look more realistic. A lot of hairdressers will do them like that if you ask. There are so many Silver Lining is that i have found. I didnt ask to get the disease and i didnt ask for this to happen. Although i am physically weaker at the moment, i have become mentally stronger. Lots of people on social media this morning have got in contact to say how they feel i have almost, by showing this, without all the drama and the scary word of chemotherapy, this is just what happens. It makes me feel like i made the right decision to share. I think you absolutely did and its amazing to hear you talk. Thanks for coming in and happy christmas. Thank you for having me. Loads of you getting in touch with your best moments from the year. Some of them are incredibly uplifting. Stuart on twitter, after being ill through this year, reaching the 2ath anniversary of my transplant two weeks ago has been a reminder that no matter how tough life gets there are people willing to give you the gift of life and there are always better days ahead. Zoe has learned to walk again after a major head injury in 2016. Dawn says that her granddaughter ivy came at 28 weeks weighing less than two lb, she hasjust had herfirst sleepover at her grandparents. Its really humbling to read all of these. Later i will speak to some of you who have got in touch. In the run up to christmas, many seven year olds are thinking about what they might want to ask for from father christmas and getting excited about the big day. But not max lewis. Hes set up his own food bank in the hope it will inspire others to donate to those in need this christmas and its got really big, with him collecting donations from all over his hometown of bridgend. I spoke to max and his mum claire earlier. How did you have this idea, what made you decide you want people to come and give you food . I thought of it like, if people bring food to me, i can donate it to the church. Its really lovely of you to think of doing that. What made you think of it . I just thought of it. Because you obviously care. About other people. Yeah. So you ask people to bring food to your house, do you . Yes. What sort of things are they bringing . Tins of beans and sweetcorn and stuff. And are lots of people bringing stuff . Yeah. And your big sister has got involved as well, hasnt she . Yeah. Shes got a special request for what she wants people to bring, whats that . A dogs trust one. So she wants people to bring dog food . Yeah. And our people bringing lots of dog food as well . Yeah. I imagine you are a bit of a hero where you live. Do lots of people know you for doing this . Yes. And what do they say to you . Well done. I bet. And i bet you must be really proud. Immensely proud, yes. How did this all start . I think three years ago there was a reverse Advent Calendar. It started with the reverse Advent Calendar two christmases ago, where we put one item each day into a little box and i donated it on christmas eve. And this year, we were intending to do the same, and we live 40 minutes away from my parents, maxs grandparents, so he asked me to put the front door of his little box, that little one there, on facebook to show his nan. But it wasntjust nan who has seen it, the whole of bridgend has seen and shared it. They messaged me, please can we help max, we want to drop items off. It hasjust grown from there, really. Its amazing how everyone is so kind in the community. Teachers, friends, the police, the pcsos, everybody isjust so generous and so kind. Its obviously flowing from max wanting to do this. Has he always been a thoughtful boy . Always been thoughtful every year, since i was two. Since you were two . What were you doing when you were two . I cant remember. But you know youve always been thinking about other people, is that what it is . Yeah. And its notjust christmas. Obviously its important at this time of year, but its important right the way through the year. And when we do our shopping in the supermarket, we get extras, dont we, and put them in the food bank trolleys. Where does it come from . Does he surprise you when he comes out with this . No, my mum has worked for a charity for years. I have grown up with it. My children have grown up with it. So some of the things he says it surprises me, and i think it was last week, tell the lady what you said to me when weve had to put a box on the drive way for people to drop off. When we came home, the box was full, so what did you say . Thank you. And what did you say about people being kind . If people see other people being kind, they will be kind as well. And itsjust spread. Thats whats happened. Theres people who have given ten max from their own to max from their own collections as well. Is that what you want to see more of . Yeah. Its a lovely thought, for you to be thinking of spreading that, other people hopefully wanting to do nice things as well. We were talking a moment ago about what you want for christmas. What do you want for christmas . A canvas. To do a painting . Yeah. Again, thats. Do you not want. Lots of kids want lots of technology and other things. Youre not interested in that, im assuming . You like arts and crafts, dont you . Yeah. He was colouring on the train all the way. Thats good. What do you want to do when you grow up, do you know . Be an artist, definitely. Are you very good . Yeah. And how will it work when you take all the boxes to the church, and do you get involved in passing the thing is from the boxes the things from the boxes on to those who need it . No. They will get separated into three day parcels and the church will then distribute to the community. Our community rely on food banks more so lately than in previous years. So its very important we continue to donate, really, notjust at christmas. Whats your Christmas Wish, max . Hmm. Its a difficult question. Your Christmas Wish sort of came true already. Do you want to tell the lady . For our puppy to be better. What was wrong with your puppy . She had lots of lumps on her back. Did she have to have an operation . No. But shes all better now . Nearly. Thats good, thats great. We wish you a really happy christmas. Thank you for coming in and good luck with the food bank. Are you going to do it every year, do you think . Yeah. He has asked if he can continue throughout the year, so luckily his school are so supportive that they are going to put a donation drop off point in the school now. Well done, its a good achievement. Thank you very much and happy christmas. Thank you. Its the last Victoria Derbyshire programme of the year today and we wanted to carry on with our positive theme and bring you some happy stories of things that have happened to people this christmas. Lorette fussell is a 90 year old great grandmother. She has cancer and is bed bound. All she wanted for christmas was to go shopping with her daughters. Thanks to a charity it finally happened. Lets talk to Lorette Fussell and her daughter helen. And saul gaunt from the Charity Ambulance wish foundation. Welcome to all of you and thank you for joining welcome to all of you and thank you forjoining us. Tell us why you wa nted forjoining us. Tell us why you wanted to go shopping so much. Id a lwa ys wanted to go shopping so much. Id always been used to going out. Ive a lwa ys always been used to going out. Ive always enjoyed it. I doze gone out of the till about a year ago. Helen, you managed to go shopping with your mum thanks to getting her wish granted. What was it like and how important was it to you and the family . It was absolutely amazing. We just wanted to do it. She has always loved shopping. Weve gone to marks and spence rs always loved shopping. Weve gone to marks and spencers for years and years. It wasjust marks and spencers for years and years. It was just something marks and spencers for years and years. It wasjust something mum wanted to do. She would go with me or my other sisters. To do it with the charity was an amazing day and i cant express how wonderful it was for all of us, especially mum. Let spring in seoulfrom for all of us, especially mum. Let spring in seoul from the charity. What difference does granting these wishes make . We have done quite a few wishes with the foundation. Everybody says its an unbelievable experience for the family as well, seeing their loved one having their wish granted is a real lift for them in some difficult times. Thank you to you all forjoining us. We wish you were very happy christmas. Thank you were very happy christmas. Thank you very much. And lots of you have got in touch to tell us some of the briliant things that have happened to you this year. Penny says after 35 years of searching for her birth father she found him at the age of 70. She has found him at the age of 70. She has found a new family that have welcomed her into the family with open arms. On twitter, the most important thing to happen to me this year has been surviving a double mastectomy for my Breast Cancer and still being able to tell it thanks to my wonderful support and the nhs. Mike says he is 51 and found it difficult to accept when his kids grew up. He misses them, but now they seem to have their own commitments and are busy. But in october i got the chance to do it all over when my baby boy was born. Its amazing to be a dad from the start and i am loving every second of the sleepless nights. Thank you very much for them. We can talk to some of you who have got in touch and wanted to tell us what has been great in their lives this year. Mark webb is in kensworth in bedfordshire. And Mark Nicholson is in west cumbria. Mark, you have advanced ms and completed a tough mother this year. It must have been quite a challenge. It must have been quite a challenge. It was, the concept is you do strange and challenging things and get very muddy. It tends to involve a bit of fitness and strength and Everything Else and i have none of that. I am in a wheelchair and my legs dont work. I have one roughly strong arm and one fairly useless one, so strong arm and one fairly useless one, so i had to totally trust my ten colleagues from work and from the charity i work for to get to me and up. It was scary but brilliant. How has it left you feeling . Elated. I play wheelchair rugby, ijump out of planes, i do seated skiing, but this, partly because of the teamwork and having to put my trust in people not to drop me from a height. That tops it. Mark, congratulations and happy christmas. Mark nicholson, tell us what your situation has been. I know you needed a kidney transplant and ended up getting it from someone very special this year. This is for my wife kerry. She is a hero without a cape. She was fantastic, so brave and selfless. What has it been like going through what you have had to go through to get you to this point . |j what you have had to go through to get you to this point . I lost my independence. I was no longer a father or husband. I was on dialysis for two years. It takes away your life. However, the staff there were fantastic. Kerry has brought my life back. We are planning for the future, we are planning holidays with the family. It has been fantastic. Its a new lease of life. The fact you have got your wifes kidney now, its an incredibly special and rare thing. Its amazing. She loves being part of us, thats one thing i can tell you. Where are you both now in terms of look into the future and what you both want . We are just looking ahead, looking forward to christmas. Looking forward to spending time with the family stop its a new lease of life, like i say. Its fantastic, wonderful, amazing. I cant say anything more. Just fantastic. What will you do this christmas . Just spend it with the family. There about 13 of us. I will be cooking christmas dinner. We will just have a good time. My wife is working on christmas day, she works for the nhs. We will have dinner and then she will go to work. When she comes back we willjust have a few drinks, i think. Quickly comes back we willjust have a few drinks, ithink. Quickly back comes back we willjust have a few drinks, i think. Quickly back to mark webber, if you are still there. What are your Christmas Plans . Resting. I wont be doing anything silly this time for the next few days. Maybe a bit of tequila, but very traditional stop planning for next year and i just want to raise more money for the ms charity i work for. Thank you to both of you. So many of you getting in touch with your best moments of 2019. On e mail, my proudest moment of 2019 was when i got to the summit of Mount Snowdon for Cancer Research just over a month ago. I lost my mum to cancer when i was 18 and it was lovely to give something to another family. I cant wait to do my next mountain. Christine, brian and i are celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary today. So happy he is still here in his 80th year. Now we have our first grandchild as well. Merry christmas. Its notable that so many of the Amazing Things that have happened to you this year have been the result of going through difficult times along the way. And how life has changed for you as a result of some really special things that have happened over the course of this last year. We are thrilled that you were able to share that with us. Thank you for all those comments. As this programme breaks for christmas. Its a good time to say thank you to you for watching and engaging with us over the last year. The Christmas Holidays can be a welcome break, a time for getting together, having to work when you wish you could be off, missing loved ones who aren t around. Whatever you are experiencing this christmas, we send you a heartfelt message of love and peace and hope you can take it easy and take some time for self care. Well be back on the 6th of january. So have yourself a merry Little Christmas now. We have had quite a bit of heavy rain already out there, which has caused problems with flooding, travel disruption on some roads and rail networks, particularly across parts of southern england. We still have quite a bit of rain to come in the next few hours across southern, central and Eastern England and south wales as well. The bulk of the ring will shift eastwards, lingering longest across norfolk, lincolnshire, east yorkshire and northumberland. Further north and west, a bit more sunshine developing through the afternoon with scattered showers. It smiled again today. Through this evening and tonight, the first batch of rain clearing to the first batch of rain clearing to the east and then we have further showers rattling in overnight. There could be mist and fog patches and just a touch of frost for the most prone spots in the north. Most of us are frost free to start the weekend. Saturday brings sunshine and showers, shower is moving through fairly quickly but there will be more rain moving into southern and south western parts of england later. Some dry and bright weather ahead of that and highs of 5 11. This is bbc news. Im annita mcveigh. The headlines at eleven the Prime Ministers brexit plan will go to a commons vote later, paving the way for the uk to leave the eu onjanuary 31st. It ensures that we depart from the eu on the 31st of january it ensures that we depart from the eu on the 31st ofjanuary and at that point brexit will be done. It will be over. We need, mr speaker, an approach that puts jobs and we need, mr speaker, an approach that putsjobs and Living Standards first and build the strongest cooperation with our european neighbours. Well bring you the latest reaction from westminster as mps continue to debate the governments brexit deal. And im carrie gracie. The other headlines this hour

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