Our Asia Business hub will bring us news of this latest blow for the regions pork industry. And. Carbon neutral beef. Balancing the desire for meat with environmental concerns. We will take you to brazil, where some farmers have a very innovative idea. Cancer can be one of the Biggest Challenges you or a loved one can face, but can an app really help . Well meet one man who says the answer is yes. And are bosses going too far in the quest for productivity . Its being reported that some companies are installing loos which tilt after five minutes, in order to become uncomfortable, to prompt us to get back to work. A step too far, or do we need encouragement to be more productive at work . Let us know. Just use the hashtag bbcworklife. Yes, we try and flush out the real issues from those that are not in terms of worklife stories. And we start in the tiny state of luxembourg today. A legal battle between privacy campaigners and tech giants, including facebook, reaches a critical moment today. The European Court ofjustice is going to get official advice from one of its top lawyers, and it could affect how the personal data of hundreds of millions of people in europe is handled. So that is you and me, basically. Its all about the rules allowing companies to send peoples data out of the European Union primarily, to the us, where most tech giants are based. The case is driven by austrian activist max schrems, behind me here, who first took on facebook over privacy as a young law student, eight years ago. In 2015, he successfully challenged the eus old system of safeguarding its citizens data when it was transferred to the us, arguing it wasnt good enough. Well, if the court agrees that the eus latest system isnt up to scratch, then thousands of companies from tech firms to banks to carmakers and charities would have to stop exporting eu citizens data. Under new general Data Protection regulations gdpr they could be fined up to 4 of global revenue if they dont. Well, professor suzanne rab, of serle court, is a barrister who specialises in eu law, and shejoins me now. Welcome. Tell is in your view has significant this cases. This case is significant. It is an issue which goes beyond the particular dispute and relates to the mechanisms that businesses in the eu used to tra nsfer businesses in the eu used to transfer data outside of the European Union. 50 transfer data outside of the European Union. So potentially, very wide ramifications. What do you think the attorney general will advise today . There is a lot to cover, 11 questions have been raised. I suspect it wont be a com plete raised. I suspect it wont be a complete bill of health. And some issues will be highlighted with the existing mechanisms. Just how far that goes remains to be seen. What could the practical implications, the changes that could come about as a result of this, be . Well, the mechanisms that are under dispute here are standard contractual clauses. So contract terms that allow eu data controllers to send data outside into the eu. The question is, are those adequate . If they are found to be deficient, controllers in the eu will have to use alternative measures and that may be challenging, given the existing framework. Alternative measures, that sort of speak for more work on the part of big tech in the us to make sure they are handling our data correctly, or facing huge fines in europe, what will that mean for the relationship between the eu and the us . Well, a lot focuses on the safeguards in the destination country. And whether that provides an adequate level of protection. And that goes to the ciux protection. And that goes to the crux of the concern in this case. In terms of alternatives for the grey transferring data, what is available . There is a mechanism called binding corporate rules, which can be used within multinational business. So if you are sending data to another group company, that might be available. But for smaller businesses, that can be very challenging. but for smaller businesses, that can be very challenging. I wasjust going to say for small companies, this is a minefield and they havent got the resources, the expertise of the money to really handle this, whereas you can imagine facebook, google is come google, amazon, have massive legal teams and huge pots of money to pay for those who can handle this for them. It is an issue which goes beyond their existing legal resource and which focuses on their corporate structure, so the option i mentioned is one which is available to a multinational company. But for small businesses, this is tough . It is, it isa businesses, this is tough . It is, it is a challenge, yes. Thank you very much for coming in. Thank you. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making the news. Britains biggest trade union, unite, is seeking guarantees about the future of car maker vauxhall after its owner, frances psa group, agreed to merge with fiat chrysler. The two auto giants confirmed a 50 billion merger deal on wednesday. Vauxhall has 3,000 staff in the uk. The bank of england is widely expected to leave Interest Rates on hold at 0. 75 at its last meeting of 2019 later today. More economists are now expecting it to join the us fed and the European Central bank in cutting borrowing costs next year. And one of the greatest sagas in cinema history reaches its climax today. Star wars fans around the world are awaiting the release of the rise of skywalker. The movie, starring daisy ridley and john boyega, concludes the saga started by george lucas more than a0 years ago. Im going. Iam im going. I am not. How are you going to get away with that . Nobody wants to see it in my household . Have you seen frozen two . I have, i even subjected my 16 year old son to it. He didnt mind it doesnt even feature in my house. Ok, lets move on. Indonesia has become the latest asian country to face an outbreak of african swine fever, a deadly pig virus devastating farmers across the region. The countrys Agriculture Ministry has said nearly 30,000 pigs have died from the disease in north sumatra. The virus is expected to wipe out more than half of chinas pig herd this year. Our business correspondent, tim mcdonald, is in singapore. This is very bad news, isnt it . Yes, of course, fortunately, it is harmless to humans but could kill pigs within a few days and the fertility rate is extremely high and it spreads very easily because the virus can survive the days without any kind of host, orfour virus can survive the days without any kind of host, or four months virus can survive the days without any kind of host, orfour months in frozen pork. There is increasing concern it willjust keep spreading. In indonesia, it is limited to the ireland of sumatra, but even the ocean isnt always enough of a barrier. We know of one case where an infected pig carcass from china washed up on a beach in taiwan so, sometimes, even the ocean isnt enough and that is a worry. The impact biggest in china where more than half of domestic stock has been lost and almost single handedly, this has pushed up inflation for china as a whole. Pork is most popular meat there. China has a Strategic Reserve and has released some additional pork, but interestingly, it has even affected other meat and has pushed the price of chicken and beef as well. Because people have switched over. Looking for a cheaper meat. And of course, in southeast asia, they will be quite worried about this as well. All right, thank you very much indeed, we will keep an eye on that story. In the Financial Markets today, in asia, while some of you may have been sleeping, pretty flat. If not a little bit and effective. Markets com pletely little bit and effective. Markets completely shrugging off the vote in the us house of representatives to impeach president donald trump, that did not worry investors at all. Also, dont forget, earlier this week, we saw record runs for most markets around the world so people pausing. They have no reason to go in any direction in a strong sense. European markets, we have mentioned above the bank of england is having the final meeting this year to decide on the cusp of borrowing, but no rate change expected today. Markets in europe up slightly. Sally, thank you. Time now for our daily look at some of the newspaper and website stories which have caught our eye. Joining me is riaz kanani, co founder of advertising and Marketing Firm radiate b2b. Incredible story on the front of the times. A secret audio feed giving information before it was out publicly. Yes, it is the ageold game of trying to get access to knowledge before everybody else. In the old days, it used to be ships. The quicker you got that knowledge, the quicker you can make a move on that market. We can see the front page of the times, the hedge funds eavesdropped on vital bank briefings. What are they here . What is happening is bloomberg broadcast video feed of these conferences. And there is a back up audio feed that happens when the video fails. And the thing about audio is, it can reach a destination much faster than video. And so they were tapping into that audio feed to basically find out exactly the same content, about five seconds faster. And there by giving the said, we have realised this has been going on, has been stopped and the bank of england said, we have realised. But this has been going on at the bank of england unbeknownst to them, and it happens in other areas like sport, for example. For all of us out in the world, if you are watching the football on your phone is today via the internet, the Club World Championship game, you would watch that and there is a delay of about 32nd and you get a notification about the goal before it has happened on your video feed. It is that basic principle they are taking advantage of. If you know a goal will be scored 30 seconds before, you can place a bet. We heard about amazon, apple and google forming an alliance for smart home devices because we are getting overcrowded in our market of being able to talk to our gadgets. What are they going to our gadgets. What are they going to do about it . This was a surprise, actually, but it is good to see and it is good for the consumer. We will see the major manufacturers coming together to build a standard that allows Smart Devices in the home to talk to the various smart assistance that we can buy. Lets get a word on business, tilted toilet. Standard toilet has designed a toil that sla nts toilet has designed a toil that slants at 30 degrees so it causes so much strain on your legs after a few minutes that you are in pain. Is this a good idea, what do you reckon . I think it is a great way of understanding a company before you join. Go to the toilet at the interview. It is a great way of quickly knowing what your boss is going to be like and the culture. So i get you are not for this . No, i think it is a bad idea. It is making your employees feel uncomfortable in the workplace. That can never be a good thing, surely . the workplace. That can never be a good thing, surely . Ijust wonder the workplace. That can never be a good thing, surely . I just wonder to what extent it is an issue, i would like a survey of chief executives, if you want to contact us to tell us if you want to contact us to tell us if you want to contact us to tell us if you have an issue with your staff remaining in the toilet facilities for too long. What are people doing in there . Yes, completely. They are texting, whatsapp. Watching youtube videos. They cost up watching youtube videos. They cost up to 650 each so you have to work out whether that productivity would be increased by that much compared to normal toilet. Well, the mind boggles. Well, the mind boggles. Well, we will return to that at the end of the programme because we have asked for your thoughts on whether thatis asked for your thoughts on whether that is a good idea. Riaz, thank you. I think it will come out in the wash, personally still to come. Facing cancer, in yourself or a loved one, can be a challenging experience, but can an app really help . Well find out after the break. Youre with worklife, from bbc news. British airways has been named the second Worst Airline in a new ranking. The results were revealed in which . Travels annual airline survey, which rates airlines, based on the experiences of 6,500 holidaymakers. Lets find out more from our travel expert, simon calder. We mention ba is number two, who is number one . In terms of the west, ryanair once again which is interesting because it is also by far the Safest Airline in the world. Safety wasnt one of the items considered a leaders of which . Magazine, who i would sort of suggest are slightly different as a species to the rest of us. And indeed, ryanair would say, well, we came last with one star, but against the airline came first with five stars, but we carry almost as many passengers in one day as they carry ina year. Passengers in one day as they carry in a year. And by the way, we make a profit of about £6 per passenger and they make a lowest a loss of approaching £20 per passenger. Why is British Airways in the second place, second west, what has gone on, what our customers sane . M place, second west, what has gone on, what our customers sane . It has slumped from top to almost worse. Several things have gone on, in 2017, they introduced catering charges in economy on short haul flights. People dont really like things being taken away that previously they got for free, even if the fares come down a bit. And last year, they introduce basic economy, saying if you want to check ina bag economy, saying if you want to check in a bag uncle flights, that will cost you more than the cheapest fare a bag on long haulflights. And they had a pretty horrible august with another it failure. And in september, well, the pilots went on strike, hundreds of thousands of passengers had their flights disrupted and a lot of them were very unhappy about the way British Airways handled the dispute. And guess what . The survey was conducted in september. So i dont think at British Airways headquarters near Heathrow Airport or reynet near dublin airport, they will shut up shop anytime soon, they will be counting the profits, which remained very, very strong. Or at ryanair near dublin airport. We could talk more about this. Thank you for your time, simon calder, ourtravel expert, also does travel programming at bbc world news. Look at bbc online, more on that story we mentioned about the bank of england. Youre watching worklife. A reminder of our top story a major privacy case reaches a key stage in the eus top court. Campaigners want tougher rules in the eu over the transfer of peoples data to tech giants. The European Court ofjustice gets crucial advice from its top lawyer. When we know what it is, we will pass it on. Coping with a cancer diagnosis can be daunting and distressing. On top of this, youre having to process a lot of confusing information about the condition and treatments. Our next guest has developed a digital platform called careology that he says aims to support people with cancer by helping them keep track of their health, wellbeing and medication intake. Paul landau is chief executive and founder of ca reology, and hejoins us now. Tell us your story, why did you start this company . I had worked on Health Tech Space for about 15 years and in 2015, my wife was diagnosed with hodgkins lymphoma, which is a blood cancer and it was so obvious to me there we re and it was so obvious to me there were real opportunities to Leverage Technology to better support somebody going through a cancer pathway, but also to connect them to their Immediate Network around them to help make sure the individual being treated feel safe and in control as they go through treatment. Also to make sure the people around them know how they are. Explain how this works. You have your smartphone and this device you hold that measures your temperature, took us through how it works. There are two types of technology we are using. We are using devices and sensors to track your physiology in real time. For example, this device is a temperature patch, which i wear under my arm and it is bluetooth enabled so constantly streaming my temperature. From an apple watch, i can check my heart rate and activity levels, making sure you can get. If you are susceptible to an infection, and chemotherapy depletes your immune system so infection can become very seriously very quickly and the first sign is a rising temperature. With ca reology, and the first sign is a rising temperature. With careology, you can connect to temperature patch and you have visibility if something is booing early. The idea is everyone has an early alert system and you are not sitting at home with an infection that could become serious if it could have been jumped infection that could become serious if it could have beenjumped on far earlier. What was it about what lucy your wife is going through that taught you what you needed to combine this information which is collated by the app . There were so many things you had to keep on top of going to a cancerjourney. Some of going to a cancerjourney. Some of the things i have talked about, so for her, risk infection was very high on the list. But keeping track of your medications is really important. There are so many medications you need to take going through cancer treatment. You often get what is called chemo brain. You are having so much treatment can make your memory becomes foggy. You forget what you have done ten or 15 seconds ago. Another key feature is Medication Management module, so you get a notification 50 minutes before your next dose of medication. So it isa your next dose of medication. So it is a toolkit that allows you to manage your physiology, check your symptoms, keep an eye on your medication, keep your treatment journal. It is really a toolkit that allows you to stay on top of everything. But there is also a separate interface for commissions so instead of the onus being put on you at home to make those judgment calls as to when you should pick up the phone to your nurse or your doctor or consultant, they can receive those in real time as well. This has been in development for five months, is that right . Or are available, should i say, in that time period. Like you, i have been on thisjourney time period. Like you, i have been on this journey with my husband and looking at your app today, that would have been extremely useful to us would have been extremely useful to us at the time, but my worry is within the nhs, the world we were in at the time, the priority is not this in terms of the money they are spending, it is on the treatment and that kind of thing and nhs nurses, they are not going to invest in this, are they . Ithink they are not going to invest in this, are they . I think they will, in time. There is certainly huge amount of emphasis over the last year or two into embracing Digital Technologies within the nhs, so the formation of nhs digital, nhs. It is not a quick process. If it is not taken on board by the nhs anytime soon, is it helpful to uk patients given that all our data, the oncologist we are dealing with, etc, they are all within the nhs . That is why anybody can download and start using mcreddie today, it is available on the app store. But if it is not engaged with your team come will it help you, do you see what i mean . Definitely, your caregiver also has exorcist to your data so even this Close Community being used as a family has access to your data. So at home, i get an alert, so i can make sure my loved one is taking care of themselves in doing the things they are meant to do. I think the nhs will adopt this type of technology, it has to. Do. I think the nhs will adopt this type of technology, it has tom do. I think the nhs will adopt this type of technology, it has to. It is early. Tell us about your plans to go forward from here, you have received funding and what about the plans to go global with this . We definitely see this as a global opportunity. The nhs in the uk is our home market and a key market for us our home market and a key market for us and where we are putting our emphasis right now, but looking at 2020 and beyond, we see the us as a key market, australia. So we certainly see this as global. And the good news is lucy is really well . Yes, she has done really well, thank you. Which is fantastic. It has been grateful to have you with us. Thank you very much. Thank you, paul landau. Ina in a moment, we will ask you what do you think about tilting toilets. Quite a lot, actually environmental campaigners have long had a beef with the meat industry. The un panel on Climate Change says cattle farming does a lot of damage to the planet. Brazil is one of the worlds Top Producers and exporters, and researchers are developing what they say is now, onto our toilet story. Tilted to i lets. An adaptation to the Office Facilities thats designed to stop people spending too much time on their smartphones. Lots of you have got in touch. Viewers have responded Yaroslav Matveev says what if i am not using my phone, but still need time . What if i am disabled . I think they are not going to tilt disabled toilets. Captain ca ralhos mandolin says if my employer did this, i would leave. Why not ban smoke breaks . Same impact on productivity, if not better. Using the loo is a human need, not a productivity target. Jane marshall says i would make toilets phone free zones by blocking wi fi and phone providers. Toilets and phones do not belong in the same room. Richard ashton says i m sure that the cost would not be worthwhile, considered the possible gains. Anyone with back or leg problems might have justification to sue, if their condition worsened. Furnipur says everything that s wrong with the modern world. Do businesses not get enough out of their workers already . Muhammed munshi says those who do timewaste on loos who do timewaste on loos will still do it, regardless. In the end, theyll stand up and go on their smartphones. I think you have a point there thank you very much for getting in touch, clearly a very controversial subject. You can carry on the chat today, keep it going. We will see you soon. Thanks forjoining us. Hello once again. It is not easy to find something complementary to say about our weather just at the moment. If you feel you have seen a lot of cloud, wind and rain, well, look away now because there is more of the same. The one thing that could be said is it is milder both by day and by night at the moment. But another quite wet night for the southern half of britain. And in the morning, we will have seen the rain pushing its way further north. Eventually through the eastern side of scotla nd eventually through the eastern side of scotland into the north sea. Then a lull in proceedings and it is only that because you can see for yourself again, another new pulse of rain working its way across the greater part of england again by the middle part of the afternoon. But not quite all doom and gloom because there is sunshine across scotland for a time. Showers towards the west. One or two into Northern Ireland as well. You will see the more persistent rain returning later in the afternoon and through the evening and overnight. But that is the rain, some of it quite heavy across a part of Northern England through wales and into the south west at this stage of proceedings. And there is a little bit of a concern about that because there is a lot of surface water around already. Run and the evening commute can be quite tricky across parts of the midlands, south wales, southern england and the risk of transferring ever further towards the north as we get on into the early pa rt the north as we get on into the early part of the evening. Overnight, the rain completing its journey to scotland and Northern Ireland. Then another lull in proceedings and we bring more cloud and rain back into the southern and eastern part of england, particularly. Both by day and by night, it is not overly cold at the moment. But the morning commute again on friday could be really quite tricky to be the midlands and eastern parts of england. Some rain really quite heavy, a lot of standing water and spray around. Once the rain is a way, friday shaping up to be half decent day for central and western scotland, Northern Ireland, the greater part of england and wales will end up with a little bit of brightness around and at least some dry weather to be had. What about the weekend . You see other weather fronts working away from the atlantic and at this stage in proceedings, we think they will be a bother for a time across southern counties of england and way is, but for the most part, the weekend a mixture of sunny spells and showers. Youre watching bbc news at nine with me, annita mcveigh. The headlines. Donald trump becomes the third us president in history to be impeached, setting up a trial next month that will decide whether he remains in office. A political suicide march for the democrat party. The queen will set out the government agenda for the year ahead in the official state opening of parliament today. Boris johnson pledges more cash for hospitals and road and rail outside of london in an effort to hold on to former labour voters in the north. Nicola sturgeon will set out the case for a new vote on Scottish Independence saying the

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