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Ones unless more money is invested in the system. Tony blair launches a scathing attack on his partys performance of the election. Blaming jeremy corbyn. 50,000 nurses walked out in an unprecedented strike over pay in patient safety. Relatives of four british soldiers in the bombing when the civil case after his criminal trial collapsed in 2014. This is a truly historic day in washington. A historic vote on capitol hill they will decide on whether to impeach donald trump. The house of representatives is debating whether to impeach President Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction even as they uncover the facts of this scheme and impeachment inquiry and as we gather evidence, President Trump continued his efforts to seek foreign help the next election. I would think he would say from the white house on october three, that if they are being honest about it, they would start a Major Investigation into the biden family. It isa investigation into the biden family. It is a very simple answer, he said. And he made it clear, it is an open invitation to other nations as well, saying china should start an investigation into the biden family too. President trump sent his chief of staff to the white house podium and said that of course, they had linked aid to investigations and that we should just get over it. And even as these articles have made their way to this house floor, the president s personal attorney has continued pursuing these sham investigations on behalf of his client. The president. The president and his men plot on. The danger persists, the risks are real, our democracy is at peril. But we are not without a remedy, prescribed by the founders for just these circumstances. Impeachment. The only question is, will we use it . Or have we fallen prey to another evil that the founders forewarned 7 we fallen prey to another evil that the founders forewarned . The excess of faction, party over country. Many of faction, party over country. Many of my colleagues appear to have made their choice to protect the president , to enable him to be above the law, to empower this president to cheat again as long as it is in the service of their party and their power. They have made their choice, despite this president and the white house stonewalling every subpoena, every witness and testimony from this coequal, coequal branch of government. They have made their choice knowing that to allow this president to obstruct congress, will empower him and any other president that follows to be as corrupt, as negligent or as abusive of the power of the presidency as they choose. They have made their choice and i believe they will rue the day that they did. When donaldj trump was sworn in on january they did. When donaldj trump was sworn in onjanuary 20, 2017. They did. When donaldj trump was sworn in onjanuary 20,2017. He repeated these words. I do solemnly swear that i will faithfully execute the office of the president of the United States. And i will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States. Has he lived up of the United States. Has he lived up to that sacred obligation . Has he honoured his oath of office . Has he preserved, protected and defended the constitution of the United States. The uncontested evidence provides the simple yet tragic answer. He has not. In america, no one is above the law. Donaldj trump sacrificed our National Security in an effort to cheat in the next election and for that, and his continued efforts to seek foreign interference in our elections, he must be impeached. I reserve the balance. Madam chair, it is nice to see you here, next you or the whistle blower see you here, next you or the whistle blower present see you here, next you or the whistle blower present in either of the judicial or the oversight hearings. And i think we are continuing to neglect the four key facts of this, the transcript. Youre watching a historic moment in washington as the house of the Lower Chamber debates whether to impeach donald trump, hearing the Intelligence Committee adam schiff talking and then we heard a great many republicans and democrats. That is bring in gary from capitol hill. What is your assessment of what you have heard so far . It is worth noting that his speech marks the Halfway Point, the Halfway Point in this debate. Another three hours to go before they will take those two separate votes on two separate articles of impeachment. You have heard much of what you have heard before frankly today. Theres been a lot of hyperbole, a lot of grandstanding on both sites, a lot of talk about the republic, the constitution, the duties of the president , the duties of congress. No new arguments, just rehearsal. And a reinforcement that you are going to see this as a Straight Party split. When it comes to this vote. You are going to see very few dissenters, if any of the democratic side. Probably not at all the republican side and come the end of the day, this historic day in washington, youre going to see the 45t h washington, youre going to see the 45th president of the United States impeached, just the third president in the history of this country. Impeached, just the third president in the history of this countrylj impeached, just the third president in the history of this country. I am interested , in the history of this country. I am interested, if one vote went for impeachment and one vote went against, with the president to be impeached . Yes. You can be impeached on one article of impeachment and bearin on one article of impeachment and bear in mind, back to bill clinton in1998, bear in mind, back to bill clinton in 1998, actually four articles were put to the floor that came out of thejudiciary put to the floor that came out of the Judiciary Committee their put to the floor that came out of theJudiciary Committee their part toa theJudiciary Committee their part to a vote, only two past after lying to a vote, only two past after lying toa grandjury to a vote, only two past after lying to a grand jury and it was republican votes that helped throw out the other two articles that he was charged with. Abuse of power which is ironic given with donald trump is facing today. It can go before the senate and these are separate, if you like, crimes according to the democrats. They will be tried in the same trial but these are separate trials and either and either of them, one or the other 01 and either of them, one or the other or both, could lead to the removal of the president should the senate decide to do that, which we do not think it will stop by thank you very much indeed. If you want an insight into how donald trump is feeling about this, i will direct you towards his twitter feed. He has been tweeting a great deal in one of his tweets calling what he is hearing. Let us carry on listening to the debate. It is my pleasure to yield two minutes. Recognise for two minutes. Donald trump is using the presidency to put his own personal gain above our National Interests. He is using our taxpayer dollars and foreign interference to cheat the next election and itjeopardises our National Security and integrity of the ballot box. And not a single fa ct the ballot box. And not a single fact in this case is seriously in dispute. I asked fact in this case is seriously in dispute. Iasked my fact in this case is seriously in dispute. I asked my colleagues, who sent his personal lawyer to the ukraine to investigate his political rival . Who fired an ambassador who stood in his way . Who conditioned a white house meeting on investigations that only personally benefited him and not the National Interest . Who cut off military aid to an ally that desperately needed it . Who pressured president of ukraine to conduct those investigations . Who stood on the white house lawn and asked not only ukraine to investigate his rival, but also china . Who has buried evidence and blocked witnesses from testifying . And who is still today, sending his personal lawyer to the ukraine to dig up dirt and rig an election . The answer to all of these questions is president donald trump. This is a crime spree in progress, but we know how to stop it. Courage. Yes, this investigation has shown us how corrupt President Trump is, but it is also shown us the courage of some of our fellow patriotic civil serva nts some of our fellow patriotic Civil Servants who have used their courage to not only stand up around the world to extinguish corruption, but also to extinguish it at the white house. How . My colleagues argue that no harm no foul, ukraine got the aid. Wrong. Donald trump cheated, patriots caught him and then the ukraine got the aid. Standing up turns out, works. Now is the time to summon turns out, works. Now is the time to summon the courage of those patriots and summon the courage that they showed against donald trump. If they can risk their careers, even their lives to do the right thing, can my collea g u es lives to do the right thing, can my colleagues also do the same . After all, more is on the language is military aid to an ally, our National Security is at stake, stand up National Security is at stake, stand upfor National Security is at stake, stand up for that, our electoral integrity is at stake. The gentleman has one hour and 18 minutes remaining. With that, i yield one and a half minutes. Madame speaker, this is a sad day for america. This partisan impeachment sham seeks to disenfranchise 63 million american voters. So i will use my time to call on this chamber for members to rise and observe a moment of silent reflection to give every member here the chance to pause for a moment, every member of the voices of the 63 million american voters, the democrats today, are wanting to silence. Madame speaker, disenfranchising 63 million voters gives me 63 million reasons to vote no. And i urge my collea g u es reasons to vote no. And i urge my colleagues to do the same. Gentleman from california. Recognise for two minutes. Madame speaker, it is with a heavy heart that a profound sense of gravity for this moment that i rested a in support of the impeachment of president donaldj trump. To be clear, i did not run for congress to impeach a president. Icame to for congress to impeach a president. I came to work every day on behalf of the hard working people of alabama seventh congressional district. But the fact are uncontested facts and i have been left with no other choice. As member of the Intelligence Committee, i sat in shock, and all as witness after witness came forward, their stories petting a clear picture of the presents abuse of power and they testified that the president had direct orders to withhold vital military aid for the ukraine and a white house visit in exchange for investigation into the biden family. Today, all the military aid has not been released and they are still there still is been a white house meeting. The bottom line is clear. President trump endangered our National Security and the essence of out National Security and the essence of our democracy for his own personal political gain. Then, President Trump sought to cover it up by subverting the Oversight Authority of congress. If president ial abuse of congress. If president ial abuse of power is left unchecked, we all become accomplices when he does it again. This cannot become the new normal. Not on our watch. While President Trumps and defensible actions set in motion this event, my vote for impeachment today is not about the president , it is about my oath to defend and protect the constitution of america. And to make sure that i support and honour the sacred trust that my constituents gave me. President trump has betrayed his oath of office. Let us not betray ours. I yield back the balance of my time. Gentleman from north dakota. I have also noticed some changes around here since we left, a new manager that is a came back and, notice he gave me an eloquent defence of his side of the story that we are telling. I just wish we couldve had that same eloquent defence before the defence could been added to make asked questions before discussing one side. Madame speaker this will be a stand on our republic. These impeachment proceedings are not based upon facts, evidence, reason orany based upon facts, evidence, reason or any inappropriate or impeachable actions by our president. Instead, the actions being taken by those favouring impeachment or a product of their disdain for President Trump, his America First agenda and particularly to stand by the other party for the 63 million americans that elected him as president. Again, these articles of impeachment are not based on any facts, but rather on hearsay, presumptions, innuendo and feelings. Feelings by democrats and career bureaucrats that wanted President Trump removed from office since the day he was elected. In defence of the constitution, i urge all members to oppose both articles of impeachment. It is unclear who willjudge those voting for impeachment today more harshly, history or voters. Voting for impeachment today more harshly, history orvoters. So, i wa nt harshly, history orvoters. So, i want democrats voting for impeachment today to know that i will be praying for them. From the gospel of luke. The 23rd chapter verse 3a and jesus said, father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Thank you and i yield back. Gentleman from california. Madame speaker, my colleagues have referred to patriotic americans who testified before the Intelligence Committee as career before the Intelligence Committee as career bureaucrats, what are my people just to those career bureaucrats are. The people like ambassador bill taylor who has served this country for decades, graduated top of his class at west point, served during vietnam in combat, earned a bronze star, serving in iraq, earned a purple heart, people like ambassador maria, served in dangerous places all of the world and one of the most respected of all of our Foreign Service officers. These are the people that my colleagues would label as career bureaucrats and why . Because they have the courage to do their lawful duty to answer a subpoena to come and testify and for this, they are called career bureaucrats. Well we should have more career bureaucrats. Well we should have more career bureaucrats of that calibre. I more career bureaucrats of that calibre. Lam pleased more career bureaucrats of that calibre. I am pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman of california. I rise with a heavy heart, the two most difficult quotes any member of congress has cast to vote to go to war are to impeach. Today, i will vote for the articles of impeachment. 0ver today, i will vote for the articles of impeachment. Over the past few months i have listened carefully to my constituents. I have weighed all the available information to determine whether or not the president committed any wrongdoing. There are disturbing facts from this administration that have informed my decision, including the president s own words. The ambassador to the European Union testified there was a quid pro quo for investigation of former Vice President biden. And eve ryo ne former Vice President biden. And everyone was in the loop. Is own National Security adviser said he wa nted National Security adviser said he wanted nothing to do with this drug deal as he called it. Then the president openly acknowledged that china and ukraine should investigate mr bryden. There is so much more evidence to the president violating his oath, i must support my oath of office because i believe the president has failed to uphold his oath of office. The weight of history and my belief in the constitution of the United States and our own National Security interests have led me to this vote andi interests have led me to this vote and i yield back the balance of my time. I appreciate anyone who would give testimony but it is interesting to see the same term of the just spoke eloquently about those who testified will have to dismiss almost anything by mr morrison but again, iwill almost anything by mr morrison but again, i will say, almost anything by mr morrison but again, iwill say, at almost anything by mr morrison but again, i will say, at least they have the ability and the willingness to come and testify, unlike the chairman who wrote a report, send to judiciary and did not. Yield a minute and a half. Recognise for a minute and a half. Recognise for a minute and a half. Recognise for a minute and a half. Madame speaker, the articles of impeachment that have been brought before the house of representatives today. For the past three years, democrats have been unable to accept the voters choice to elect President Trump. They have used any and all undemocratic and unfair means necessary to try and remove him from office. My vote today is not only against illegitimate impeachment of our president , which began not with fa cts our president , which began not with facts but with a foregone conclusion, as it gets House Democrats making a mockery of due process and the rule of law. This will not go anywhere in the senate, so all democrats have accomplished is postponing the important work of the American People, sent their elected officials to washington to do, this in this crusade of democrats to remove the president of the United States is put partisan politics above the issues that americans face today. It is time democrats stopped playing partisan games that hurt hard working taxpayers and it is time for the American People to be Congress Priority again and i urge my collea g u es priority again and i urge my colleagues tojoin me in priority again and i urge my colleagues to join me in voting priority again and i urge my colleagues tojoin me in voting no andi colleagues tojoin me in voting no and i yield back the balance of my time. Thank you, madame speaker. I am more than delighted to refer to the testimony of the ambassador, the ambassador that acknowledge that in retrospect, he should have recognised that when theyre calling for investigations, it really meant the biden family and to ask a foreign leader to investigate a political rival was wrong. Happy to refer to his testimony, as well as mr morrison, who went to the National Security council lawyer immediately after you listen to that telephone call and also testified that he was informed by the ambassador that the president wanted him ina ambassador that the president wanted him in a public box, that he wanted him in a public box, that he wanted him to be forced to go to the microphone and asked to make talk about these investigations and recognise the gentlewoman from california for two minutes to represent. My father fled nazi germany for america because he saw what happened when a desperate became untethered. He fled because he believed in democracy and the rule of law at the right to vote. Before he died, he asked to be buried in the simple pine box with an american flag, to symbolise his love of this country. We are called to do our duty out of love of country. The president stands accused, we mustjudge him as we judge any of our fellow citizens, on the facts and on the law. The facts show that the president s northstar is russia, not the constitution. There is no question that President Trump delayed military aid to ukraine, our ally, as they were under attack by russia, our adversary. There is no question that the president withheld meetings with the president withheld meetings with the ukrainian president , giving rush of the upper hand at peace negotiations with ukraine. There is no question that he promoted the hoax that ukraine attacked our election in 2016, that has been proven to be a lie of russia. The only question is his motive. The fa ct only question is his motive. The fact is, his conduct and crimes are reprehensible and unquestionably impeachable. When i vote today, my fathers legacy is deep, very deep within me. My father loved america andi within me. My father loved america and i love america and that is why i will vote to impeach the president of the United States. I yield back. Gentleman from georges. Of the United States. I yield back. Gentleman from georgeslj of the United States. I yield back. Gentleman from georges. I see how this is playing out, instead of testifying for seven or eight hours, we will do it in hot but again, lets talk. He never testified that anyone wanted to investigate Vice President biden, this was left out, they would, if ukrainian is doing bad things, place hunter biden to avoid anything in that needed to be investigated and found out. Again, he had plenty of time to do this in an actual hearing, not here. This is what they want, this is what they have been wanting, they have been playing the full time, we will play this out as long as they want to, will be better if they had a case to have made it in the proper setting instead of not coming in testifying. For that, i yield a minute and a half. Is very interesting to hear that these social left democrats have a new found appreciation for the constitution and our founders principles. This same socialist, for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the unborn babies. They tell us of the first three impeachments in this country, crimes are involved. Johnson violated the law that congress had passed over his veto, nixon was involved in a cover up, clinton lied to a grand jury cover up, clinton lied to a grand jury to falsify an affidavit. Crimes, all instances of crimes. Now comes this, extensively reading the president s mind, knowing was intent wasnt dictating to us and the witnesses that were in the hearings, what his mind set was in quite frankly, that he did not have the right to be in charge of Foreign Policy. We heard ambassadors, and yes, we heard career bureaucrats, diplomats, whatever you want to call them, they get to ride the bus, but never drive the bus. The president is in charge of Foreign Policy. They said the president had the audacity to use hisjudgement said the president had the audacity to use his judgement on Foreign Policy instead of theirs, opinions. 0pinions. Policy instead of theirs, opinions. Opinions. The very swamp he is draining, is objecting. Who knew . Today, during the earlier debate comes the manager of the other side, citing not facts, not witnesses, but newspaper articles, usa opinions, editorials, unbelievable americans are watching. They are delusional. Just remind my colleagues that he said that the attack on joe biden was meritless and try to persuade that there was no factual support, we probably recognise the gentleman from georgia, for two minutes. Madame speaker. I want to thank the gentleman for yielding. Madame speaker, i rise with a heavy heart. To support this resolution. We came to washington in 1961 to go on the freedom ride, we chose that day when we came here on 1963 for the march on washington. We met with a young president , president kennedy. We came here on august six, 1965 for the signing of the Voting Rights act, we were excited, hopeful that we met with president johnson because on this day, we did not ask for this. This is a sad day. It is not a day ofjoy. 0ur for this. This is a sad day. It is not a day ofjoy. Our nation is founded on the principle that we do not have kings, we have president s. And the constitution is our compass. When you see something that is not right, notjust, when you see something that is not right, not just, not fair, when you see something that is not right, notjust, not fair, you have a moral obligation to say something, to do something. 0ur a moral obligation to say something, to do something. Our children and grandchildren will ask us what did you do . Son, this vote may be hard. But we have a mission and mandate to be on the right side of history. I yield back. Thank you, madame speaker. I like to be polite i do appreciate confirming what i said just a moment ago. Thank you, madame speaker. Since 2016 america has seen a pattern of failed and disproven attacks and allegations against President Trump. Today is the fourth impeachment related vote since President Trump took office. It is another attempt to reach the predetermined conclusion of impeachment on a conclusion built on political bias, accusations and innuendo. Repetitive and false allegations reveal a political obsession disguised as some kind of righteous oversight. When they did not win at the ballot box, they pursued a russian collusion narrative, he had to waste time and taxpayer dollars to prove false. When the russian collusion malicious deception did not work, democrats sought a new path forward to impeach President Trump, they made hearings with witness auditions held in the basement of the capital. Despite all their efforts, the charges the house considers today like evidence to support them. It was not one witness that said a crime or impeachable offence was committed. Madame speaker, i remind my colleagues, no crime, no impeachable offence, that isa crime, no impeachable offence, that is a pretty good defence if you ask me. I will work diligently to further reveal the truths and further reveal the truths and further reveal the abuses of power, madame speaker, the democrats have paid for and enacted during the past three years. Abuses of power from the other side of the aisle within this body, and within our fbi. Americans deserve the truth. All in all, history will remember today is the political impeachment that set the political impeachment that set the precedent for president s to be impeached every time there is a divided government. I oppose the articles before us today and i yield back to the other side and their superior imaginations. Im proud to recognise the german from illinois for two minutes. We met a gentleman is recognised for two minutes. You may thank you, madam speaker. Indeed, we are here today, because the president of the United States abused his power and betrayed his oath of office. He laid siege to the foundation of our democracy, the electoral process. These actions posed a direct threat to the freedom and fairness of the upcoming 2020 election. The very day after Robert Muller testified that russia had systematically and relentlessly attacked the 2016 election, the president picked up the phone, and made his now infamous july 25 call to ukrainian president zelensky. Asking the president zelensky, on that call, to quote do usa zelensky, on that call, to quote do us a favour though, and announce investigations into his political right rival, joe biden. We have since learned from numerous National Security council and state Department Officials that the president did not even expect ukraine to open these investigations, rather, hejust wa nted investigations, rather, hejust wanted them announced, so he could smear his rival. Rather than trusting the orders to decide who should hold the white house, he again sought the aid of the foreign country to tip the scales in favour again. After russias unprecedented interference, a dark cloud hung over the 2016 election, and instead of leading the American People out from under the cloud, the president instead emboldened by a perceived lack of consequence, attempted to pressure zelensky lack of consequence, attempted to pressure zele ns ky to lack of consequence, attempted to pressure zelensky to interfere in the 2020 election. After a courageous whistle blower came forward and warned congress and the public about the president s scheme, the president stood on the white house lawn in front of tv cameras, broadcasting around the world calling for china to interfere as well. Some of my colleagues have asked, why not wait . Why are we proceeding . Thats very simple. Because nothing could be more urgent. We are on the precipice of the 2020 election, and congress has an ultimate responsibly to protect a sacred equaliser, our right to vote. To defend the integrity of our elections and to fulfil our duty of the constitution. I will be voting in favour of impeachment today, and i yelled back. The gentleman from georgia. You might thank you met him speaker at this point i yelled one minute. The gentleman is recognised for one minute. Mr speaker, madame speaker, and when watching this impeachment signifying nothing should look out for three misrepresentation the democrats are making. 0ne, trump endangered National Security. No the 55 day delay did not stop the ukrainians from defending themselves. Trump actually gave them lethal aid, which 0bama never did. During 0bamas negligence, democrat said nothing. Two, trump is not above the law, no one is, but why dont the democrats tell us what law they broke, they cant, because they didnt break any. Democrats have resorted to just make vague and subjective articles of abuse of power and obstruction of justice. And three, the evidence is not in dispute. No, the evidence is very much in dispute. In fact, for every statement, democrats cherry picked to indict trump, many more state m e nts picked to indict trump, many more statements back up the president. In reality, this is nothing but a partisan ploy by democrats to overturn an election. But this charade will fail, and the senate will exonerate trump emma and eve ryo ne will exonerate trump emma and everyone knows that. The gentleman yields back. The gentleman from california. Madame speaker, im proud to recognise the gentleman from texas, mr castro, for two minutes. Limit the gentleman is recognised for two minute. Thank you. As my colleagues have said, the evidence of the president s abuse of power and obstruction of congress is u nco ntested. Power and obstruction of congress is uncontested. But lets outline a few key events involving the nearly 400 million in military aid that was held up by President Trump and for President Trump, despite congressional mandate. The summer of 2019 was a summer of shame at the white house. On july 2019 was a summer of shame at the white house. 0njuly three, the white house. 0njuly three, the white house. 0njuly three, the white house first blocks Security Assistance money for ukraine with no explanation. 0n assistance money for ukraine with no explanation. On july ten, assistance money for ukraine with no explanation. 0njuly ten, Gordon States during a white house meeting with ukrainian officials that they will get a white house meeting, only after announcing an investigation into President Trumps political rival. 0njuly 18, investigation into President Trumps political rival. 0njuly18, white house staffer announces the freeze on ukrainian aid, per direct president ial order. And just one day after Robert Mullers testimony before congress, President Trump makes the now infamous phone call with a zelensky, asking him to investigate the bidens. Then, things start to fall apart. See, the white house learns that a whistle blower has reported President Trumps phone call with president zelensky in a complaint. 0n call with president zelensky in a complaint. On september nine, Congress Starts to investigate president s actions. Then the jig is up. On september 11, president s actions. Then the jig is up. On september11, the president s actions. Then the jig is up. On september 11, the is suddenly released without explanation over two months later. When you read the call transcript and follow the timeline ive laid out, guilty is guilty. Nothing changed during that time, regarding the president s suppose it concerns over corruption. So lets be clear. The military aid was released because the president got caught. But getting caught doesnt get you off the hook. And i asked my colleagues, is attempted murder a crime . Is attempted robbery of crime . Is attempted extortion and bribery by a president a crime . Yes. It is. The only question now is whether we will find the moral courage to stand up for our country and impeach the president of the United States. I yields back. Gentleman from georgia. Thank you, madame speaker. At this time, i yelled a minute and a half to the gentleman from alabama, mr palmer. The judgement is recognised for a minute and half. I rise in opposition of the president. Mac United States house of representatives, a day i never dreamed id see. Today, my democratic colleagues seek to overturn an election by forcing a boat that will forever be a stain on this congress. They are notjust voting to impeach President Trump, my colleagues are voting to impeach thejudgement of every my colleagues are voting to impeach the judgement of every person who voted for him in a process by which we elect a president and by which we will govern our nation. My democrat collea g u es will govern our nation. My democrat colleagues claimant the russians influence the outcome of the 2016 election, but based on their corrupt impeachment proceedings, it appears my colleagues have been influenced by how russian conducts political trials. No real evidence, no real crime it, no due process, and no justice. The democrats have failed to show any legitimate justification for the impeachment of President Trump. When they could not find real evidence, they made it up, called it a parody. They conducted most of the hearings in secret. He instructed witnesses not to answer republican members questions and they denied republicans their right to call witnesses, making absolutely clear their objective was from the beginning, pathetically political. We all understand that elections have consequences. To all my colleagues, democrats and republicans alike, this update will surely have consequences as well. As we descend into more disrespect, distrust, and even contempt that will eventually be destructive of this chamber and i fear, will eventually be destructive of this chamber and ifear, eventually, our republic. I urge all members to vote no on impeachment. Yields back. Sherman from california. Vote no on impeachment. Yields back. Sherman from californialj vote no on impeachment. Yields back. Sherman from california. I think the speaker. Very quickly, my colleagues have made repeated reference to some secret proceedings and secret stark chamber. This is a family what they called depositions. I remind my collea g u es called depositions. I remind my colleagues that when they were in the majority, they conducted depositions, but they were different in this respect, in the depositions we conducted in the Intelligence Committee, over 100 members were able to participate. Thats how secret they were. We revealed all of the transcripts of those depositions, the repetition of this falsehood does not make it true. It only makes the falsehood that much more deliberate. With that, im pleased to recognise them gentleman from michigan for two minutes. Thank you, madame speaker. I rise today in support of these articles of impeachment. I come to this floor him and not as a democrat, not as a republican, but as an american. I ca re republican, but as an american. I care deeply about the constitution, the rule of law, and the rights of the rule of law, and the rights of the people. Under our system of government, impeachment is not about policy disagreements or ineffective governance. Nor is it about the criminality based on statutes that did not exist at the time our constitution was written. Impeachment is about maintaining the integrity of the office of the presidency. And ensuring that executive power is directed toward proper ends in accordance with the law. The constitution grants the house of the sole power of impeachment, and the senate, the sole power to try all impeachments. We in the house are empowered to charge impeachable conduct. The constitution describes such conduct as high crimes and misdemeanors, but because it pertains to high office and relates to the misuse of that office, we need not rely on any other branch or body to endorse our determinations. We have the sole power of impeachment. In federalist number 65, Alexander Hamilton wrote, that high crimes and misdemeanors are those offences which proceed for the misconduct of public men or in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trusts. They are of the nature of which made, with particular propriety, be denominated political as they relate chiefly to injuries done medially to the society itself. President donaldj the society itself. President Donald J Trump has the society itself. President donaldj trump has abused and violated the public trust. By using his high office to solicit the aid ofa his high office to solicit the aid of a foreign power, not for the benefit of the United States of america, but instead for his personal and political gain, his actions reflect precisely the type of conduct the framers of the constitution intended to remedy through the power of impeachment, and it is our duty to impeach him. I yields back. Gentleman from georgia. Thank you, madame speaker. Undoubtedly, the resolution 660 doesnt matter to the majority, the inspector generally transcript has not been released, there has not been documents, there was supposed to be transferred to the white house, and we are still not sure we got everything we were supposed to get injudiciary got everything we were supposed to get in Judiciary Committee. Got everything we were supposed to get inJudiciary Committee. I guess, when you want to be transparent and open, you hold it in a skiff into everyone. With that, i yield two minutes to mr stu beast. Thank you, madame speaker. This impeachment sure he did not start with that whistle blower complaint. A campaign to impeach a duly elected president and overturn the will of 63 million americans started 19 minutes after the president took the oath of office. 19 minutes after the inauguration, the Washington Post published a story headlined, the campaign to impeach President Trump has begun. The first day of this congress on day one, democratic member of my class called for the impeachment of the president long before the call to the ukraine. It was a russia collusion host, then bribery, then quid pro quo, none of which are included in these articles before us today. The first article of impeachment crafted as a fiction is not an enumerated basis in the constitution for impeachment. The democratic majority would have you believe that abuse of power is a high crime or misdemeanor, its not. Its an opinion. Its not even a crime that can be charged in the court of law, unlike president s clinton and nixon who were tried for actual crimes, this president is being impeached on vague phrases that appear nowhere in our constitution. The second article obstruction of congress, again, does not exist in the constitution as a basis for impeachments, and is attempting to impeach a duly elected president for asserting constitutionally based privileges that have been asserted on a bipartisan basis by administrations of both Political Parties throughout our nations history. Is also a is impeaching the president over a phone call to a world leader. A few lines in a phone transcript that have been misrepresented by the majority. The process that ensued was anything but open, transparent, bipartisan, or equitable. Abandoning all past historical do process and the president s, the democrats ran a partisan investigation, refusing the rights of the minority, refusing the ability for the president s council to call witnesses, refusing to allow the president s council to cross examine fact witnesses, and refusing a minority hearing dayjust to namea refusing a minority hearing dayjust to name a few. The majority waves around a report drafted, that the democratic staff concocted as a matter of fact. When they needed back up for their approach they paraded out liberal professors with animosity against the president , who gave them licence to impeach the president for any reason they wish. House democrats are making themselves kings in a mannerfar worse and more obvious than what they are accusing the president of dipping. The only abuse of power here is the democratic led congress. I yields back. Gentleman from california. Madame speaker, im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from california. We met the gentleman is recognised for one minute. Thank you, madame speaker. And i was 18 years old, a joined the navy and took the oath to support and defend the constitution for the first time. I took that oath again earlier this year as a member of congress. Every day, i work hard to live by that oath and give the 39th district the representation it deserves. I have always maintained that impeachment is a serious undertaking, and must be done with incredible care. When the unprecedented allegations against the president and his actions with ukraine were first reported, i thought it was congress his duty to investigate and find out the truth. Now the facts are before congress, and the American People. The president betrayed his oath to support and defend the constitution by attempting to undermine the integrity of our election for his own personal benefit. He asked a Foreign Government to investigate a political rival and endangered our National Security by withholding military aid to an ally. For me, its not about personal politics or party affiliation. Its about upholding my oath to put our country and our constitution first and protect our National Security. This is why it will vote to move forward with the impeachment of the president. I hope all my colleagues willjoin me in recognising this grave threat, and stand up to this administration in defence of our country and our constitution. With that, i yelled back. Thank you, madame speaker, i yield a minute and half to the gentleman from tennessee. Madame speaker, going back almost three years to when the president was sworn into office, we have seen some members on the other side of the aisle pledging and promising to impeach President Trump. Prior to the start of this inquiry, Speaker Pelosi claimed that the impeachment must be compelling, overwhelming command bipartisan. The impeachment inquiry was announced less than three months ago, and what we know is that the process has been fast, faulty, and flawed. What we have witnessed since september 24 when the inquiry was announced is that the inquiry was announced is that the evidence we have seen is not compelling, its not overwhelming, and the processes are undoubtedly and the processes are undoubtedly and unquestionably not bipartisan. Im viewing this through the lens of a former United States attorney. As we ta ke a former United States attorney. As we take this vote, here is the bottom line for the American People. There was no bribery. There was no extortion. There was no quid pro quo. So we are listening to a historic debate and house of representatives, the Lower Chamber of the two in washington, as the representatives debate whether to impeach donald trump. Hes facing two articles of impeachment, and there will be two boats on either of those. Now, with that to trigger a trial in the us senate, the upper chamber, well, at least one of those articles of impeachment will have to be supported by 51 of the representatives. That is very very likely, because the democrats have a majority in the house of representatives to look at representatives. And as we have been hearing over the last hour, they are not deviating from their decision to support impeachment. So unless something very strange happens, we will see a trial in the senate that will see a trial in the senate that will be triggered. Now, we think that will be in january, will be triggered. Now, we think that will be injanuary, one of the key figures, if that does happen, is the republican senator, lindsey graham, lets listen to what hes been saying. I think this exercise in the house is beginning to weapon eyes impeachment. The Intel Committee conducted the fact finding elements of it, which is unusual. The processed they used i think its dangerous to the presidency as an institution. When it gets here, my goal is to have a short of a trial as possible. Lindsey graham is a senior republican, Mitch Mcconnell is the most senior republican in the senate. Hes been talking as well. Im notan senate. Hes been talking as well. Im not an impartialjury, this is a political process, theres not anything judicial about an impeachment. Its a political decision. The house and in partisan political decision to impeach, i would anticipate we will have largely partisan outcome in the senate. Im not impartial about this at all. This graphic from politico shows us what the chances are of donald trump being removed from office is very unlikely. This is the makeup of the senate. As you can see, republicans have a slight majority for the president to be removed from office, two thirds of the senators would have to support that idea, given that almost every republican appears to be holding the line with their president , that would seem unlikely. Lets also talk about a breakdown of how the senate is shaping up. 35 democrats are said to be definitely supporting it. Ten are probably supporting it. But as you can see, lots of republicans over here are either definitely set against it, or probably is set against it, or probably is set against it. That means two thirds looks a long way away. Now, Susan Collins is one republican who seems to be reserving judgement. She says my primary role as a senator in an impeachment trial would be as judge and jury. Well, before we even get into the evidence, there is also a political battle over the way this trial will work. The democrats want four former and Current Trump officials to appearas and Current Trump officials to appear as witnesses, they say this is necessary to answer questions raised by a testimony thats already been heard by the house of representatives. Lets hear from the democratic senator, Chuck Schumer on this issue. Impeachment trials, like most trials can have witnesses. To have none would be an aberration. I havent seen a single good argument about why these witnesses shouldnt testify. 0r these documents be produced. Unless the president has something to hide. And his supporters want that information hidden. The catch is for the democrats, they dont get to decide this of the rules is in the hands of Mitch Mcconnell. Here is more of what hes been saying. The senate is. Judge and jury, to hear a trial, not to rerun the entire investigation, because angry partisans rushed sloppily through it. So, now, the Senate Democratic leader would apparently like our chamber to leader would apparently like our chamberto do leader would apparently like our chamber to do House Democrats homework for them. Who wants to bond to the senates time and energy . 0n homework for them. Who wants to bond to the senates time and energy . On a fishing expedition to see whether his own ideas could make chairman shifts sloppy work more persuasive. 0ne shifts sloppy work more persuasive. One person we know democrats would like to question as a witness is the secretary of state, mike pompeo. Heres what hes been saying today. As for my participation, my participation will continue to be precisely that which the log requires, and im happy to do document productions come im happy to testify, if thats appropriate and required by law. State department has done the same thing all the way through. We will continue to do so. Thats an intriguing thought. Lets bring in laura who is at the white house. Wouldnt mr pompeo need donald trump cosmic support for testifying, something the president has not given in other cases . Well, yes, and of course, the president has said he would like to see a trial with live witnesses in the senate, but the live witnesses that he has in mind are hunter biden, joe biden, and others. I dont think he is thinking about officials from his own white house. The president , by the way, isjust own white house. The president , by the way, is just about to leave the white house for michigan, where he is going to be campaigning tonight as the house most likely votes to impeach him. Just think of the split screen imagery there, and the Trump Campaign are relishing that. They say that thats going to sum up really the term presidency, that hes the man of action, while his opponents are trying to bring him down. So, a fascinating few hours optics lies ahead of us here will stop and in terms of the republican party, i assume the president will be relieved or pleased that so far, almost all republicans remained directly behind him. They do. Of course, the white house has been working very hard to keep in touch with those Vulnerable Senate republicans who are they are concerned about, like Susan Collins of maine, who is facing a tough reelection battle, also the senators in colorado, and the man who is key to the whole thing, who is so far hasnt really suggested hes going to do anything other than be quiescent is mitt romney. From utah, of course running for the presidency against barack 0bama he is a russia hawk, he was very critical of the molar reports, and he was very critical of what the president did on ukraine. But hes kept very quiet, because republicans control the senate 53 47, if we just take a few of them to break ranks for the rules to change, but so far, theres no sign of that happening. Just a quick word about today, laura, we are past the halfway mark, but its are past the halfway mark, but its a long affair. At what point will the house of representatives actually take up a position . About 7 30pm tonight, and by the way, the presence helicopters taking off behind me. I can hear it. So he is on his way to battle creek michigan, state that he won byjust 11,000 state that he won byjust11,000 votes, crucial to his reelection, but, yes, we are expecting the boat around 7 30pm eastern time tonight, so that in about two and a half hours from now. And at that point, it looks like democrats have the boat, and donald j it looks like democrats have the boat, and donaldj trump will become only the third american president in history to be impeached. But then, of course, as you have been saying, he goes to the senate for a trial, and as republicans control the senate, it seems almost absolutely certain that he would be acquitted. But nonetheless, this is not something the president wants on his legacy. He is not pleased about it. You saw that without long angry six page letter yesterday the house speaker, nancy pelosi. So, this is in something he wanted, but he also says he doesnt bear any responsibility for it. His phone call with ukraine he says was perfect. Laura, thank you very much, thats laura live with us from the white house. You can hear marine one in the background as the president heads towards michigan. All the polling around this impeachment process suggests that people approach it as they do the parties. Republicans are largely opposed to its, democrats are largely supporting its. When the house of representatives votes, you will get the very latest on bbc world news and the bbc news channel. Bye bye. Hello there. Parts of southern england have already had a wet start to december so far. With more rain and a forecaster for the next few days, and with the rain falling increasingly unsaturated ground, we bring the risk of some localised flooding, as these pulses of heavy rain work northwards, the main driving area of low pressure stays to the west of the uk over the next few days. Now, weather wise on thursday, probably going to be a damp start to the day across england and wales, the rain easing off, later on, we see another pulse of heavier rain pushing back into wales, southern england and the midlands, whereas, further north, northern scotland probably staying dry and bright, and just a few charts for Northern Ireland from time to time. A mild start to the day and a mild day throughout, really, with temperatures barely budging from what we have in the first part of the morning. Highs of around 10 13d with the risks stuff southerly wind. Through thursday and come ourfirst pulse southerly wind. Through thursday and come our first pulse of rain pushes northwards, but then there is more wet weather working in across england and wales during of the night as well. Yes, its going to be a mild night, but the rain is increasingly cause for concern. Areas that are perhaps giving us the most concern at the moment across parts of southern england, the midlands, and into wales as well, the prospect of some localised flooding building and on account of the fairly persistent bursts of heavy rain and the ground being com pletely heavy rain and the ground being completely saturated. So we can see some localised disruption on the roads, and perhaps locally on the ra i lwa ys roads, and perhaps locally on the railways as well. For friday, more rain around, that rain will be pushing its way northwards, we will probably start to see it spreading into scotland, particularly eastern areas, but it could push a little bit further west in scotland, as the day goes by. Temperature is beginning to drop closer to normal across many of these western areas, but it is still relatively mild for east anglia and south east england. Now, for the weekend, areas of low pressure will tend to get steered close to southern england, but there is uncertainty about whether the rain really gets in across southern england or it stays mainly across the english channel, certainly a small difference, really. But the key thing is, if we do see some more rain coming into southern england, well, that again will bring the risk of some further flooding issues. 0therwise, of some further flooding issues. Otherwise, its a day of sunshine and showers. Temperature was, looking at highs of 6 7 for the northern half of the uk, but around 911dc northern half of the uk, but around 9 11dc for much of england and wales. Now, heading into the second half of the weekend, we could see another low pressure system running through toward southern areas of england. There may well be more rain as well pushing into the northwest of scotland, but this is less likely to cause significant impacts. Temperatures, as you wear, really. Perhaps starting to get a bit cooler across parts of england and wales. That trend continues into monday. You will notice more in the way of sunshine, i think on monday, but there could also be some mist and fog patches to start the day. Showers, mainly affecting the northwest of the country. Temperatures here still around six 7 degrees celsius. Further south come around 9 10d celsius. Looking at the weather charts be on that, we will look at the jet stream. There will be changes into next week, which of course its christmas week, initially, the jet stream starts to move northwards, so low pressure system should start to get steered more towards the northwest of the uk, but later on, we will get this rich pattern building in. We should build an area of High Pressure close to the british isles. What does all that mean . Welcome the next week, rain or showers continue for a time, temperatures generally close to normal in the northern areas, but a little bit above in the south. But it looks like the weather could turn dryerup at it looks like the weather could turn dryer up at school boxing day. After weather. Thats your weather. This is bbc news. The headlines. A historic vote on Capitol Hill Congress will tonight decide on whether to impeach donald trump a debate that deeply divides the house. Well be live in washington, with katty kay and the team to bring you the latest action, and analysis, from the impeachment debate. Britains dementia crisis millions of people may be forced to become carers for loved ones unless more money is invested in the system. Former Prime Minister tony blair launches a scathing attack on his partys performance at the election laying the blame onjeremy corbyn. More than 15,000 nurses in Northern Ireland walk out in an unprecedented strike over pay and patient safety

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