Mr trump promises to stay out of the Election Campaign but also denies the nhs will be on the table in future trade talks. Absolutely. I dont even know where that rumour started, we have absolutely nothing to do with it and we wouldnt want to. If you handed it to us on a silver platter, we want nothing to do with it. The president will attend a reception hosted by the queen later at Buckingham Palace, where protests are expected tomorrow he joins World Leaders to celebrate 70 years of nato. Well be live at Buckingham Palace with the latest from there amid growing tensions among nato leaders. Mr trump today denounced remarks about the alliance from the french president as dangerous, nasty and insulting. Also this hour five women who allege they were abused byJeffrey Epstein urge Prince Andrew to testify in their cases. The boy killed in a hit and run has been named. 12 year old Harley Watson was outside his essex school. Climate activist Greta Thunberg sails into lisbon where climate talks are taking place, as Scientists Say the last ten years look like the warmest decade on record. Its 5pm. Our top story President Trump is in london ahead of a gathering of 29 nato leaders in hertfordshire tomorrow. He said he wont be drawn on british politics during the Election Campaign but did insist the nhs would not be part of future trade talks between the United States and the uk after brexit. He told reporters he wouldnt touch the Health Service even if he were handed it on a silver platter. Asked if he could work withJeremy Corbyn, should the labour leader become Prime Minister, mr trump said he could work with anyone. Our Political Correspondent Jonathan Blake reports. Arriving during an Election Campaign is unusual for a president of the United States, but Donald Trumps visit was supposed to be strictly focused on the nato summit. No high profile meeting with the Prime Minister, officials acknowledging the president knows he should not get involved. After his motorcade rolled into london this morning and the president took questions from the press, it sounded at first like donald trump might stick to the script. I will stay out of the election. But. I think boris is capable and he will do a good job. After showing support for borisjohnson, he was asked aboutJeremy Corbyn becoming Prime Minister. I can work with anybody, im a very easy person to work with. Jeremy corbyn has written to the us president about his concerns the nhs could form part of a trade deal. And, while out campaigning, he had this this warning for donald trump. Obviously we want a Good Relationship with the usa but the trade talks undertaken by the government have been done in secret and we do not accept any idea of us companies coming in to run our national Health Service, or the idea of extending patents on medicine which would increase costs for the national Health Service. Earlier this year the president said everything would be on the table but now. I dont even know where the rumour started, we have absolutely nothing to do with it and we wouldnt want to, if you handed it to us on a silver platter, we want nothing to do with it. Boris johnson met military veterans in wiltshire today. How are you doing . Not too bad, thank you, bearing up. He again said the nhs wouldnt form part of trade talks and attacked Jeremy Corbyn s record on security and defence. There is a stark contrast between our approach, which sees the value of nato as the protector and guarantor of our security, and Jeremy Corbyn and the labour party, which wants to disband nato, seems to me a quite incredible position to take, that is the choice at this election in just nine days time. Labour says it will maintain the uks commitment to nato despite Boris Johnsons claim. Donald trumps comments on the nhs will ensure that subject remains a talking point with nine days to go until the election. Jonathan blake, bbc news, westminster. Lets get more now with our political lets get more now with our Political Correspondent helen catt. Mrtrump mr trump says he doesnt want to talk about the british general election, but the national Health Service of course is a big election issue. Absolutely. In this idea of what could or might happen to the nhs in any post brexit trade deal is one labour has raised time and time again over this campaign, right from the start. Again, with this letter thatJeremy Corbyn wrote to donald trump, asking him to guarantee the nhs would not be on the table in any trade deal is why it has specifically come up today. You obviously are donald trump they are saying even if handed to them on a silver platter that he would not be interested in the nhs. He also added that he didnt know how that rumour started. Of course, it was a few months ago that donald trump himself suggested that when youre dealing with trade, everything is on the table. So was this reassurance enough orJeremy Corbyn . He was speaking on the jeremy enough orJeremy Corbyn . He was speaking on thejeremy vine show later on in the day and said he believed there are reasons for a very serious concerns. He pointed back to document that labour released last week, the uncensored government document which report details of meetings between uk and us officials, as sort of forerunner to trade talks in which us officials said they would want to talk about drug pricing and they would want to have what they called total Market Access have what they called total market a ccess as have what they called total Market Access as a starting point. There is no suggestion that uk officials had agreed to that, however. And what have all the other parties been saying about this . Well, they have been very sceptical of Donald Trumps words. The lib dems pointed back to the statement he made earlier in the year about everything being on the table. Their spokesman chuka umunna said everything by donald trump and borisjohnson should be taken with a lorry load of salt. Nicola sturgeon said the future of the nhs should not be in the hands of what donald trump says. As for Boris Johnson, the hands of what donald trump says. As for borisjohnson, the conservatives have consistently denied throughout this campaign there is any suggestion the nhs would be up for sale. Today he said he could categorically rule out that any part of the nhs would be on the table in any trade negotiation, including pharmaceuticals. This is, he said, pure loch ness monster, Bermuda Triangle stuff. Thank you. Mr trump is currently making his way to Clarence House for tea with Prince Charles and the duchess of cornwall before joining the rest of the nato leaders at a reception hosted by the queen. We can cross to Carrie Gracie outside the american ambassadors residence where President Trump is staying, carrie. Quite a lot of controversy . Absolutely. In terms of security, it has been very busy. Im outside winfield house, the american ambassadors residence in regents park. It is there that President Trump has been holding several meetings. Earlier today, he addressed comments by the french president , Emmanuel Macron, who said a month ago that nato itself was strategically brain dead. For an organisation which is usually expected to pull together, lots of expressions of unity, lots of bland expressions of togetherness, there was a very strong comment. And President Trump, who is of course one for strong comments himself, earlier called those comments nasty and very insulting. At a joint press conference at the residence, Emmanuel Macron said there was a need to clarify the fundamental strategic aims of nato, but he did stand by his earlier brain dead comment. My statements created some reactions shake a little bit a lot of people i do stand by when you look at what nato is and should be it is prefectly true that the us over invested decades after decades and it is number one by far. I am strong supporter of a stronger european component in nato. Interesting to hear the more conciliatory tone in terms of natos role from mr trump. Before the us election, donald trump said that nato was obsolete and has been speculation about his private view that the us didnt need to commit so heavily to European Defence also his very strong objections to what he saw as an overburdening of the us economy in paying for the defence of europe, but today, in that meeting with Emmanuel Macron and another meetings he has been having, he also had a bilateral with justin meetings he has been having, he also had a bilateral withJustin Trudeau, the cane canadian Prime Minister, President Trump talking about nato coming on, taking credit for other people stepping up financially another country sensing that the us and france have done some good things together as partners, but some countries still not fulfilling their commitments to the alliance. Lets listen in. Nato is becoming different than it was, much bigger than it was, and much stronger than it was because people are now fulfilling their commitments here. Nato is becoming bigger and much stronger because people are now fulfiling their commitments those who arent, will be dealt with. Maybe from a trade standpoint, i will work something out where they will have to pay but we dont want to have people delinquent we dont want to have countries which arent paying their way. So, the president they are saying we dont want to have people who are delinquents. Im joined by lewis lukens former deputy head of mission at the us embassy in london, currently senior partner with signum global advisors. Thank you forjoining us. You have seen many of these nato summits. Is this a fuss about the money, responsibilities, brain dead or not, is it all storm in a teacup of a very Resilient Alliance . A little bit. Normally, these disputes are handled behind closed doors. These summits are happy gatherings with lots of handshakes and photographs and a sign communicate the end. What is different with President Trump as president is his willingness to put the disagreements out in the open, as he has done in the last couple of years, and as he is doing today. Do you think there are underlying things that have nothing to do with actually who holds the office of american president , they are Geopolitical Realities . A resurgent russia and a growing and increasingly powerful asia, particularly china, which is taken up particularly china, which is taken upa lot particularly china, which is taken up a lot of us attention. So this is what i think they were hoping to discuss this week and i think what they will discuss tomorrow at the summit. How to handle russia, how to handle china and there are vast expansion across the globe, including europe. And how to handle the alliance. The question is, is neat all the appropriate alliance to handle those issues are not . I think most people would hope that it is and it remained resilient in modern times. Donald trump sees it in Old Fashioned how much are you paying terms, as opposed to geopolitical importance. And what about the discussion of turkey, syria, other nato allies not consulted by the us . |j syria, other nato allies not consulted by the us . I think its a fair complaint. There are other nato allies in the region. For President Trump to make a decision without consulting others in the alliance is a bit ofa consulting others in the alliance is a bit of a slap consulting others in the alliance is a bit ofa slap in consulting others in the alliance is a bit of a slap in the face. In terms of the uk, we saw some of the delicate language by trams standards in terms of not interfering in the uk election. But we dont currently have a bilateral between a us president in the uk Prime Minister. Are you surprised . Its unusual, but im not surprised given the circumstances. I think borisjohnson would have given the circumstances. I think Boris Johnson would have talked to the president and said, you are my pal and the president and said, you are my palandl the president and said, you are my pal and i know you want me to win, the best thing for you to help me when it is for us not to be seen together too much in public. And yet for a thin skinned president who likes to think he backs winners and his touch is a blessing, do you think you will be able to stay quiet on this for the next 2a hours until the summit ends later tomorrow . Yeah, i dont think so. I think you will be back in front of the cameras tomorrow and i would be surprised if he can restrain himself from jumping into this. So what else do you predict . Of course, they are taking the nato meeting of the 29 out to the nato meeting of the 29 out to the countryside, grove house outside watford. Do you think in a way that will at least insulated from some of the possible protest pressures, some of the social media pressures that might otherwise come to bear . M will certainly insulated from process will certainly insulated from process protesters will certainly insulated from process protesters and im sure thats why they chose that venue. But i dont think it will isolated from the tweeting. Im sure the president will be on his phone tomorrow morning and tomorrow afternoon, talking to press after the summit. The president is famously undisciplined. Earlier today, he was in a press conference talking about adam schiff and criticising him. He seems to be unable to separate the overseas us president politic stops at the shores from his domestic agenda. So i think we will see some of that tomorrow. Adam schiff is the democrat heavily involved in the impeachment proceedings in the United States. Lewis, thank you so much for bringing your experience to bear. You have done so much of this in the past. We have a lot more to come on the nato meeting and on the us president ial visit. All of those nato allies heading over to Buckingham Palace this evening for a reception hosted by the queen. And then they are going to downing street for a big round table with the Prime Minister. A busy evening ahead. Lots of coverage here on the news channel. Right now, back to you, ben. Carrie, thank you. We will talk about the reception and Buckingham Palace right now. Mr trump is to attend a reception at Buckingham House shortly hosted byte queen for all the nato leaders. We can speak to our royal correspondent Daniela Relph whos at Buckingham Palace. Donald trump was there injune, he talked about the queen being fantastic women and we had an automatic chemistry. Thats right. It was pretty obvious back engine for the state visit just it was pretty obvious back engine for the state visitjust how fond the american president was of the queen. He was thrilled to be at Buckingham Palace with much of his widerfamily back Buckingham Palace with much of his wider family back then. I Buckingham Palace with much of his widerfamily back then. I think Buckingham Palace with much of his wider family back then. I think you will be pleased to return there today. He is currently at Clarence House having a short meeting with the prince of wales and the duchess of cornwall before coming back to Buckingham Palace for the reception which is being held in the state rooms for nato leaders and their partners. We have been watching in the past five or ten minutes or so the past five or ten minutes or so the arrivals, theyre beginning to happen outside the palace. Police and vehicles going into the central gates. Amongst those attending will be the british Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who will be one of the guests at the nato reception this evening, as well as the leaders of various nato countries and their partners. But it is actually, interestingly, going to be a party that in many ways is going to be more about people who are not here, in terms of the royal family. There are some notable absentees. William, the duke of cambridge, is on an overseas tour in kuwait. Harry and meghan are not here, that you can is of sussex, they are currently on an extended break period away because of those interviews, we heard the pressures they felt in the spotlight, so theyre having an extended time away now. And of course Prince Andrew, the duke of york, who had very much have been pa rt york, who had very much have been part of this visit of the next couple of days will not be at the reception this evening because of her making that decision to step back from his royal duties because of the Jeffrey Epstein scandal. Back from his royal duties because of theJeffrey Epstein scandal. So he will not be here. Youre somebody who was very involved in the donald trump state visit back injune. He held a business breakfast. He was a vice admiral in the navy, was a global trade envoy, so he would have been a good fit for an occasion like this. But he will not be there this evening. Danielle, as we have been hearing earlier, this is the 70th birthday of nato and it is beset with squabbling and arguments, but for the 29 readers, this is something of a highlight and it sort of encapsulate britains role at the heart of the alliance . Thats right. Earlier, i was speaking to the norwegian Prime Minister who was being a tourist outside Buckingham Palace. She was saying it is really important, and this 70th anniversary of nato, to have the royal family involved. It gives it added status to have the queen hosting a reception like this tonight. Bringing everyone together, making sure that despite their differences, they are all on their best behaviour tonight in some ways. And she is able, she has the power and status to stress that importance of working together to keep peace. Daniela, thank you very much indeed. Our correspondentjon donnison is outside downing street. Tell us what has been going on in downing street where you are. This afternoon, the Prime Minister had bilateral meetings with the turkish leader, president erdogan, also with president macron of france and the german german chancellor, Angela Merkel. The 29 nato leaders are due back here in two hours for a roundtable meeting. But given the dirty laundry that has been aired in public today, there could be some tense moments. In particular, between the french president Emmanuel Macron and the turkish president. They have really been having a go at each other. President macron criticising turkish action in Northern Syria against the kurds, who he said had been a key ally and standing by the comments come as he was standing next to President Trump that nato was brain dead, something that nato was brain dead, something that earlier president had drunk President Trump id say it was nasty and dangerous. Thank you. Alexander vershbow was natos deputy secretary general from 2012 to 2016 and is now a distinguished fellow at the Scowcroft Center for strategy and security, a think tank in the field of international affairs. Hejoins me now. Thank you for being with us. We have heard some more mudslinging. President trump describing president macron of france is insulting and dangerous in his language. Emmanuel macron of course called me to brain Emmanuel Macron brain dead. There have been a lot of insults flying around within the alliance. Whats gone wrong . Well, it is a bit out of control. I am actually glad that some of these things are being aired before the summit begins. Because the alliance needs to come together. There is a paradoxical situation right now from militarily the Nato Alliance has been getting stronger and stronger, particularly since 2014 when the russians attacked ukraine. A lot of this is thanks to the us leadership. At the same time, there are clearly political divisions. What is important is that between now and the end of the meeting tomorrow, allies find ways to unite. I saw some of that at the press co nfe re nce to unite. I saw some of that at the press conference that donald trump and Emmanuel Macron have this afternoon, where trump was taking the high road, talking about how much stronger nato has become in the last three years, how allies are coming around when it comes to defence spending, with a few exceptions, such as germany. But he and Emmanuel Macron seem to be trying to overcome some of the worst rhetoric of the proceeding days and maybe that will carry through to tomorrow. On that point about spending. Mrtrump wants tomorrow. On that point about spending. Mr trump wants them all to spending. Mr trump wants them all to spend 2 of gdp on defence. Countries like germany only spent 1. 296. Countries like germany only spent 1. 2 . Mrtrump says countries like germany only spent 1. 2 . Mr trump says they are delinquents of the dont spend as much as he wants. He does, and he is not entirely wrong, even if the language is a little. But he also is beginning to declare victory to some extent in the sense that the majority of are now spending more. Nine have reached the 2 goal and others are on track to reach that goal by the designated year, which is 2024. Even germany are spending a lot more on defence each year, they just have a giant gdp, so its hard to draw it as a percentage as quickly as they should. But they are getting there. So donald trump seems to need to be declaring victory. Tomorrow could be a different story. More broadly, what is the role now of nato . Does it have a role . A lot of nato . Does it have a role . A lot of people say when the iron curtain collapsed in 1989, that really effectively was as job done . |j certainly disagree with that because nato i think are son over the years that its very good at adapting to changing security challenges. Changing environments. Thats what it did in the 1990s. It adapted to become a crisis manager and put out fires in the former yugoslavia. It opened its doors to new members, but also created partnerships with dozens also created partnerships with d oze ns of also created partnerships with dozens of other countries around the world to build a more cooperative security structure for the world. It developed in partnership with russia which still exists, although it has not fulfilled its promise, but it could be stronger down the road. So today need to us to look at what are the threats of tomorrow . A rising china, emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence which could change the whole nature of warfare, and figure out where nato can contribute to solving these problems. And some of it could entail rebuilding the partnership with russia, although russia needs to be prepared to change its behaviour in ukraine before that becomes possible. But you have 29 nations, its got bigger and bigger, in some ways more desperate, does the central nato policy of one state being attacked that all come to defend it, does that still apply when you have a country like turkey which is kind of acting unilaterally like a loose cannon when it goes into Northern Syria and carries out a military campaign there . No, that all four one, one for all principle is the backbone of nato and it needs to be preserved and nurtured. We must overcome genuine crises within the alliance, as we are now having the alliance, as we are now having the turkey. What i think the alliance did a lot after the russian moves against you cream to basically relearn and rebuild collective defence, which means that principle of all for one and one for all into practice, of sharing responsibilities, multinational trips, showing everyone is involved. And generally improving natos ability to respond to any crisis in europe beyond europe. Nato is too effective and too important to allow it to erode and i think this hopefully will advance the overall cause but also bring turkey back into the fold. One of the reasons may be that president macron of france is at the heart of so many of these arguments is that he wants a kind of greater european United Military role. Would that be a rival ina military role. Would that be a rival in a sense for nato . Could the two exist side well, i think it would be difficult, plus i think what he sometimes talked which is a lot more autonomy for European Defence, is difficult to achieve in practice because europe has such weak capabilities. We will be weaker when the uk departs from the eu. So if europe is going to take more responsibility, which is a good thing, it has to do it within the framework of the alliance. There might be situations where the eu is in charge of our mission in mali or the Central African republic or it can carry out military Training Missions in somalia, it doesnt have to do everything, but there needs to be some kind of rational division of labour, recognising the real defence of europe against the big aggression, which could be mounted by russia, can only be done in a transatlantic way, the eu cannot do this by itself. Finally, nato has been around for 70 years. Will be around for another 70 years . Im not sure for another 70 years, but it has several more decades on end, i think, if it continues to soar the capacity to adapt to new situations and new threats. I think will be more likely to last another 20 or 30 yea rs if more likely to last another 20 or 30 years if it is a more balanced sharing of responsibility. In that sense, trump is the right questions. Why arent europeans taking more burden for their own defence after all these years . If macron can be channelled in the direction of a stronger european pillar of nato rather than a separate European Defence, then we will all be winners. Very good to talk to you. Many thanks indeed for being with us. This let me bring you a line of breaking news coming to us about the attack at london bridge. The family have said they are saddened and shocked by the tragedy. Usman khans family saying they totally condemn his actions. So, usman khan who had beenjailed for terrorist offences and was released from prison on licence, sparking quite a political debate really about prison sanctions, the way terrorists are held in prison and the duration of time that the spend in prison, its been debated ever since those attacks on friday afternoon, but usman khan, who stabbed to death those two young people, his family are saying they are saddened and shocked by the atrocity and totally condemn his actions. More on that as it comes into us. A man has been arrested by police in essex investigating the death of 12 year old Harley Watson who was killed when a car hit a group of people outside a school in essex yesterday. The 51 year old is being held on suspicion of murder and the attempted murder of five other people injured in the crash. Charlotte rose reports. Flowers of remembrance for a School Community in mourning. Students arriving at Debden Park High School laid flowers to their fellow pupil, named locally as Harley Watson, who died in what is described as a hit and run just metres from the school gates. The sense of shock here is palpable. The tears of a relieved mother just grateful her son, who was one of those injured, got to come home last night. You know, he just has tissue damage and concussion, but he is lucky. You know, yeah, very lucky. Parents today accompanying their children to school to make sure they get there safely. Children should be safe. I know this is slightly different, but. Itsjust too much pain. Theyve taken our babies out of the community, havent they . For those parents, iwouldnt even know what to say to them if we saw them, you just wouldnt know what to say. Earlier, the schools head teacher pay tribute to him. This young man has made his mark on the school and was liked and loved by staff and students. We will consult with his family and our community to decide how best to commemorate his life. The pile of flowers here continues to grow as students, parents, and staff show their grief at the loss of one of their own. 0ne message reads, i will miss you so much, harley, be forever in our hearts. Police say theyre not looking for anyone else in connection with this incident following the arrest of a 51 year old last night, but they have urged anyone with information to contact them on the 101 number. Now its time for a look at the weather. Good evening. High pressure is starting to lose its grip on our weather as we end the week. It is set to be milder but windier. This weather front is pushing set to be milder but windier. This weatherfront is pushing into northern and Western Areas so obtaining breezy through the night and the rain arriving as well. In the south east are called night with some frost and pockets of fog. Quite a contrast in weather conditions, cloudy and wet to start the day further north. Some fog in the south east. This weather front moving into parts of england and wales and behind that sunshine and blustery showers. Turning wendy on thursday and friday with double figure values across the board. Very wet across scotland on thursday and u nsettled wet across scotland on thursday and unsettled for everyone on friday. This is bbc news. The headlines. President trump says he wont get involved in the election but insists the us isnt interested in the nhs when it comes to possible uk us trade talks. As World Leaders meet to mark the 70th aninversary of nato, President Trump accuses president macron of france of being nasty about the organisation, but mr macron says he stands by his words. Five women who allege they were abused byJeffrey Epstein urge Prince Andrew to testify in their cases. The 12 year boy, killed yesterday when a car hit a group of children near a school in essex, has been named as Harley Watson. Also coming up the works of art competing to win the prestigious turner prize with the winner due to be announced tonight. Sport now and a full round up from the bbc sport centre. With the recent spate of sackings in the premier league recently, you could understand if Manchester United manager 0le gunnar soljkaer was worried about his job, however, he insists he is not concerned. United are ninth in the table follwoing their worst start to a campaign in 31 years. Arsenal, watford and tottenham have all sacked their managers, so there has been mounting pressure on solkjaer. He admits theyve had too many draws that should have been wins, but he played down talk of him being next. It doesnt make me more concerned, im just focusing on myjob, and that is just doing as well as i can and looking forward to the next game, but also, look long term, plan things with the board. But its that time of year, its never nice to see your colleagues lose theirjobs. Liverpool managerjurgen klopp says he believes Virgil Van Dijk would have been a worthy winner of the ballon dor, but that he understands why it went to lionel messi. Its the sixth time the argentian has lifted the honour. Thats despite the dutch captain playing such a major role for liverpool as they won the Champions League last season, beating messis barcelona in the semi final and pushing Manchester City close in the premier league title race. The last season was, if you really go for only that season i cannot remember a more impressive season of a defender ever, honestly. So it would have been right as well but i heard it was pretty close. Its also the time of year that talk turns to the january transfer window but when questioned about possible purchases, Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola was very quick to say he had no plans to buy anyone. Looking ahead to january, do you think. Nope. So you definitely wont spend any money . I dont want any players in january. Is that because it kind of disrupts the team at mid season . I dont want any players. We cannot do it in summer, we cannot do injanuary. Now to cricket and the worst dropped catch youre likely to see. This was the second test against new Zealand England battling not to end it with another defeat. In the end they settled for a draw but it will probably be remembered for this. Joe denly had the chance to remove kane williamson. Straight forward, youd have thought. Bowlerjoffra archer could only laugh. England failed to take a single wicket on the final day, with williamson and ross taylor both on unbeaten centuries when rain brought an early end to the match which means new zealand won it 1 nil. Its the first time this century that englands cricketers have gone through the year without winning a single test series. Anthonyjoshua said he has reinvented himself since losing his three world heavyweight titles to andy ruinunior in the summer. The pair meet again in saudi arabia on saturday night a warning, theres some flash photography coming up. The word from joshuas camp is that his sparring in recent days has been some of the most impressive of his career. Rumours circulated about his condition after his shock defeat by ruiz at Madison Square garden and joshua says he feels different and more like his old self. It was an unknown test, i give the man his credit, he was victorious, well done to him for that. Now its my turn to kind of right my wrongs. He thinks he is probably going to do the same thing and get the same result, but i have had to check myself, reinvent myself to a certain degree. Not physically, i have always been dedicated to the gym. Mentally, understanding exactly what im doing as soon as i step into that boxing ring. Ronnie 0sullivan is a step closer to successfully defending his uk championship title. He beat thailands Noppon Saengkham 6 2 in the third round at the york barbican. As well as defending the title, victory in the championship would see 0sullivan win the trophy for an eighth time. 0sullivan will face chinas number one ding junhui next who survived a scare against ali carter. Junhui led 4 0 and 5 2 before carter fought back to make it 5 4. But a break of 116 sanunhui win the next frame and move into the fourth round. Thats all the sport for now. You can find more on all those stories on the bbc sport website. Well have more for you in sportsday at half past six. Five women who accused the convicted sex offender, Jeffrey Epstein, of abusing them, are calling on Prince Andrew to testify in their cases. Their lawyer told the bbcs Panorama Programme that he plans to try to compel the duke legally to give evidence. The programme centred on an interview with the woman who says she was forced to have sex with the prince when she was 17. Prince andrew denies any such relationship. 0ur royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell reports. The pressure on andrew shows no sign of easing. His rejection of the allegations against him remains absolute. But in her first British Television interview, Virginia Giuffre Virginia Roberts, as she was repeated her story of being trafficked by the sex offenderJeffrey Epstein. One of those she was told to sleep with, she told the bbcs Panorama Programme, was Prince Andrew. She said the instruction came from epsteins friend, Ghislaine Maxwell, after a visit to a london nightclub. So, andrew drives in the other car. Hes not with us, hes with his security guards. And in the car, ghislaine tells me that. I have to do for andrew what i do forjeffrey. And that made me sick. I just didnt expect it from royalty. In court documents, Ghislaine Maxwell has said all Virginia Giuffres claims are lies. Andrew, too, has been emphatic in his denials. It never happened. Do you recall any kind of sexual contact with Virginia Roberts then, or any other time . None whatsoever. And yet, virginia guiffres challenge to andrew is a direct one. He knows what happened. I know what happened. And theres only one of us telling the truth. Now, us lawyers are intensifying their demands for andrew to step forward and be questioned under oath as a potential witness to what occurred in Jeffrey Epsteins homes. Prince andrew, every day the clock is ticking, while he delays, and, as ive said, he should provide his testimony without condition, without delay. Without saying yes, or seek the advice of his lawyers or as required, required by whom . Its required for the truth, its required forjustice. Andrew has said he will cooperate, if required, with us Law Enforcement agencies, but he has not said whether hes prepared to be questioned by lawyers for epsteins victims. Nicholas witchell, bbc news. Lets get the latest from the general election now, and with just over a week to go, all of the Political Parties are still on the campaign trail. 0ur Political Correspondent, nick eardley, is travelling with the liberal democrats in east england. What has been happening on the campaign trail this afternoon . We are unaware back from chelmsford andjo we are unaware back from chelmsford and jo swinson has been talking about a potential trade deal with the United States after brexit. You had President Trump talking earlier about how he did not have much interest in the nhs and did not think that would be on the table. The lib dems are talking about something different, the potential impact that a trade deal with the us could have on farming and on Food Production. The kind of third coming into the country after a trade deal and in particular warning about things like chlorinated chicken and the kind of beef that would be filled with testosterone. Now the us have said in the past they think the uk needs to be more open to those kinds of farming methods so this is potentially something that could be on the table if there is a trade deal. Jo swinson was speaking earlier. There are obviously huge uncertainties in a trade deal, we note that standards are different in america and they would be pressured to wea ke n america and they would be pressured to weaken good quality standards for the better is not something that would be good for farmers or people going to buy food in the supermarkets and having confidence that the what they put on the plate is of the highest standard. We should be proud here of the standards that we have within agriculture and Food Production and we should not be watering that down in any way but that is what lies ahead if we end up vulnerable and begging donald trump for a trade deal. The us argument has always been that food is safe there but concerns have been raised by others including farmers here that it is not necessarily the chlorinated chicken or hormone fields beef but the food standards further down the production chain that could be an issue. Of course the lib dem argument is if you stop brexit you can keep the standards that we have just now and potentially also protect british farmers through subsidies that we get at the moment and access to the European Market more broadly. But i think the issue ofa more broadly. But i think the issue of a potential trade deal with the us has dominated today and i suspect President Trump come up with him here tomorrow as well we could hear more in the coming days. More on the election now and throughout the campaign we have been focusing on parts of the uk where seats are expected to be closely contested. Today, weve been in enniskillen, in the Northern Irish constituency of fermanagh and south tyrone. This area has been held by sinn fein who do not take their seats in westminster since 2017, when took it from the ulster unionist party. Three of the four neighbouring constituencies are also held by sinn fein the other is held by the dup. Fermanagh and south tyrone is one of the tightest battlegrounds in Northern Ireland and sinn fein have a majority ofjust 875. Since the seat was created in 1950 it has been represented by six separate nationalist mps and five unionist mps. The constituency is on the border with the Irish Republic . Which has been a huge issue in the brexit process. Annita mcveigh was in enniskillen. Weve been sounding out opinion today about the election and it is likely to be a very tight contest here between unionism and nationalism as it is in many other constituencies here. Much of that has got to do with brexit and in a number of areas there are unity candidates trying to maximise the remaining or leave vote depending on the candidates political persuasion. Here in this constituency the Democratic Unionist Party has stood aside to allow the ulster unionist candidate a run against sinn fein, trying to overturn the nationalist sinn fein candidate and their 875 vote majority from the last general election. Chris page has been out and about talking to people about what matters to them. If you thought the Election Campaign was an unpredictable, adrenaline pumping race, try this. Garryjennings passion, dedication and skill have won him International Rally driving prizes. His life is fast paced in other ways too. Like many businesspeople in this area, he pays his way by having a few different interests, from fuel sales to farming. But the man who loves to keep moving is frustrated by political paralysis, both at stormont and in the brexit process. Its just uncertainty. We need to know whats happening and we need to know soon, because theres nobody investing in here. Theres nobody making positive decisions in anything. And i think that is the real problem. If we just decide what is happening and we can decide how it is going to happen, and itll survive, but we need to know. Just down the road, you get to pettigo, a place which shows why that uncertainty is so unsettling. The border is this river, which runs right through the village. A derelict customs post remains as a relic from different times. Two soldiers. This bbc film from 35 years ago captured the unique local challenges. This is a smuggler, shes on a return trip from britain into ireland with quantities of butter, bread and tinned food, all of which are cheaper in ulster. 79, 79. Pensioners here remember well the days of disruption, amidst the troubles. It was an awful handicap to have the roads blowing up all around you, that you couldnt travel. Some of the time, they were filled in, but then the army came and reopened them. Then, the customs, they were there. When you come over the border, they then searched you. So that was the way it was. The future of the frontier is very much playing into the big numbers game of how people will vote. Well, its often been said in the last few years that this border is pretty much invisible, although brexit means its loomed large in the political debates in the uk. However, for generations in Northern Ireland, elections have, in a sense, tended to be about this frontier in particular, the question of whether it should exist at all. The contest between unionists and nationalists is always tight in this constituency. This campaigner thinks that kind of politics doesnt really work. Its about identity and its about a sense of belonging, and when that feels questioned or chastised or pointed at then people, i think, end up falling back into those camps. However, i think there is an increasing desire for day to day politics. At the edge of the united kingdom, the issues are unlike anywhere else. But that means the election matters all the more here. Chris page, bbc news, pettigo. At the risk of stating. A few technical problems in that report, we apologise. The family of 12 year old holly watson who died when he was hit by a car in essex on monday has said that he was a good, kind and helpful and lovely boy. Saying they are devastated. That is the family of the 12 year old boy holly watson who died after being hit by a car in saint he was a good, kind, helpful and lovely boy. Scientists say they are almost certain the past decade will prove to have been the hottest on record with this year likely to be one of the warmest. The World Meteorological 0ffice report presented at the un climate talks in madrid says the record temperatures are driven by Greenhouse Gas emissions. Our environment analyst Roger Harrabin reports. As climate talks start in spain, the teenage activist Greta Thunberg has recrossed the atlantic on her way to a conference where governments are debating what to do to stop the planet overheating. As she arrives, wildfires are raging in australia, choking their cities with smoke. The Australian Government says they are not linked to human made climate change. Scientists disagree. The australian population is used to fire, but not like this. This was unprecedentedly early. We have onlyjust gone into summer and these fires started in september. They started in spring. Thats never happened before, and the scale is huge. Record heat in the uk brought transport chaos, and todays World Climate report confirms that the french summer heatwave broke the previous record by 1. 9 degrees. Normally records are only broken by a fraction of a degree. Then theres antarctica. Its frozen interior is shielded from the warming sea by a barrier of ice, but as the climate warms, that barrier is shrinking and some glaciers are slipping into the sea. So in part of west antarctica we are seeing the ice sheet shrinking in a way that accelerates the outflow of ice, so its become self propelling and what we would call it is past the Tipping Point and the retreat may now be irreversible. Ultimately it could give us three metres of sea level rise, which, for scientists like myself, is deeply concerning. Meanwhile the gases that are overheating the planet are still on the rise. The uk is a leader in climate policy, but even here there are contradictions. More and more people, for instance, are buying big Sport Utility vehicles like this, which are high on emissions, and even if they are battery powered, they still take a lot of resources. In madrid, International Protesters are demanding more action from their politicians. The worlds extreme weather is sending them all a very clear message. Roger harrabin, bbc news. Now they might be tempting on a cold day but those festive lattes and hot chocolates being sold by some high street coffee chains can contain a staggering 23 spoonfuls of sugar per cup. An action on sugar study says those looking for an alternative to cows milk are unknowingly consuming excessive sugar due to a lack of labelling and the perception that vegan options are healthier. Theo leggett reports. All the major coffee chains make them sweet winter warmers, loaded with things like caramel and cream. Indulgent, certainly, but Health Activists say it is not ok, because people are consuming too much sugar and a lack of labelling means they may not realise. A warming drink for a cold winters day, a signature caramel hot chocolate with whipped cream on top. Lovely. But would people be anxious to buy one if they knew it contains this much sugar . 23 teaspoonfuls. Is it a luxury or something people should avoid . Were you aware it has 14 teaspoons of sugar in it . I wasnt, but i had a little idea it was very sugary and unhealthy. Youre happy anyway . Its not for me. This has 11 teaspoons of sugar. As a christmas luxury, thats ok . We had that conversation at work the other day and, yes, its not every day. I think its fine for a luxury, a one off. We can celebrate christmas and down the sugar . Yes. And regret it injanuary. This is 11 teaspoonsful. Wow, 0k, lots more than i would have expected. Will you head off and buy one . I dont think so, no. Five or six. Five or six, eight or nine . Oh, good lord 0h. 23. Oh, my goodness but its fine, its christmas . Its christmas, lets all get fat i try to keep away from drinks like that. I weigh 19 stone, so i definitely dont need this sort of luxury, even at christmas. Christmas or not, and even though these drinks are widely available, we found very few people buying them. High calorie confections are all very well, but it seems many people are not that sweet toothed after all. Theo leggett, bbc news. Back to Buckingham Palace where nato leaders are gathering this evening for a reception. The queen is of course hosting theres nato leaders. Lets just show you the scene as the various cars have been arriving. No one arriving right now but in the last few minutes were seen president macron of france and Angela Merkel of germany, Justin Trudeau the canadian Prime Minister. President i do one of turkey and borisjohnson. We have not seen donald trump arriving yet but it starts in five minutes time and that is the latest on the nato gathering. Now its time for a look at the weather. High pressure is going to lose its grip on the weather as we head on into the week and it will be more u nsettled into the week and it will be more unsettled with low pressure taking over and wet and windy conditions. High pressure is with us overnight bringing fine and dry weather. A weather front pushing into the west of scotla nd weather front pushing into the west of scotland and Northern Ireland. So not quite as cold here. Further south and east there is frost outside of the towns and cities and perhaps some fog around. This weather front slowly moving the south east and pushing into the area of High Pressure. The rain then beginning to ease. A cool start across much of the country, dry and bright with some sunshine. The weather front sinking into bright with some sunshine. The weatherfront sinking into parts bright with some sunshine. The weather front sinking into parts of england and wales and behind that sky is brightening up into the afternoon. 10 degrees in stornoway but another chilly day for the rest of the country. Then on thursday low pressure bringing strong winds, a blustery date right up and down the country, very windy in the north. After gale force across the north and west of scotland. And the rain heavy and persistent. A gusty day for everyone but especially in the north. The best of the sunshine across southern and eastern parts of england. Anotherfairly across southern and eastern parts of england. Another fairly cool day in the south east, much milder in the north and west. The orange colours creeping into the south east during thursday night, a very mild start across the country on friday, ten, 11 degrees to start the day. But a blustery day windy but not quite as windy as thursday. Some outbreaks of rain tending to clear away allowing sunshine and showers to follow behind. Temperatures up to 13 degrees for england and wales, slightly cooler up in scotland and Northern Ireland. For saturday a brief ridge of High Pressure settling things down so cool start but dry and bright with some sunshine. But feeling cool again across the northern half of the country at 607 degrees. This is sunday, another spell of wet and windy weather coming in followed by showers. Fine and dry on saturday but sunday looking wetter and windier. Fairly mild in the south but it will be chilly again across the north and heading into the following week it looks like it is really going to turn quite wintry and a chance of severe overnight frost and even some snow showers. Good night. In the election. But the questions keeping coming does he want the nhs included in any trade talks after brexit . No, not at all. I have nothing to do with it. Never even thought about it. We wouldnt want to if you handed it to us on a silver platter wed want nothing to do it. Tonight, the prime minster and President Trump are at Buckingham Palace, part of events to mark natos 70th anniversary. Well be looking at why nato isnt quite as united as it once was. Also tonight the boy killed in a hit and run has been named 12 year old Harley Watson was outside his essex school. Greta thunberg sails back to europe for a Climate Summit Scientists Say the last decade looks set to be the hottest on record. British pupils rise up an International League table for education, but teenagers here arent nearly as happy as those elsewhere. And coming up on bbc news, its been described as possibly the worst ever drop in test cricket joe denlys mistake,

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