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Greens will tackle the climate crisis, greens will remain and transform, greens will build a better britain. Borisjohnson and Jeremy Corbyn go head to head in the first tv debate of the Election Campaign tonight after the lib dems and snp failed in a legal bid to be included. And how will it all go down here in southampton . Its a key Battle Ground in the coming weeks. Were here on the latest of our visits around the uk to answer voters questions on the big topics, today were looking at education. And coming up,the renowned broadcaster Sir David Attenborough tells the bbc the world is beginning to tackle the threat of Plastic Waste. Its a bit of a litmus test to see whether, in fact, the population care about this sort of thing, and people do. And so i think its very encouraging. Good morning. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. Im joanna gosling. An alleged victim ofjeffrey epstein has appealed directly to Prince Andrew to come forward and give a statement to us investigators. The duke is facing renewed calls to tell the authorities about his friendship with epstein, a convicted sex offender. Heres our los angeles correspondent, sophie long. This is the lawyer in los angeles representing five of Jeffrey Epsteins alleged victims. With her, a young woman who told reporters crammed into the small room that epstein raped her when she was 15. We were not hidden. It is upsetting to me to think that anyone who was closely associated withjeffrey epstein might argue that they didnt suspect that he might have been sexually abusing children. Her attorney urged Prince Andrew to come to the United States and tell investigators everything he knows about the behaviour and activities of his former friend, jeffrey epstein. He described in his interview this weekend that Jeffrey Epsteins home was like a railway station. A lot of people coming in and out. He should have asked, why are these girls here . This is the interview ms allred was referring to. Prince andrew responded to the allegations about him with categoric denials of impropriety. You can say categorically that you dont recall meeting Virginia Roberts, dining with her, dancing with her at tramp, or going on to have sex with her in a bedroom in a house in belgravia. Yes, i can absolutely categorically tell you, it never happened. But there are further signs of the damage to Prince Andrews reputation. The accountants kpmg have announced they are withdrawing their sponsorship of one of his initiatives, a mentoring scheme for entrepreneurs. Sophie long, bbc news, los angeles. Rohan silva was an adviser to pm david cameron. Yesterday he wrote in the Evening Standard about two meetings with Prince Andrew at which he alleged that Prince Andrew had used racially offensive language. He spoke to the today programme on radio 4 earlier this moring. I raised the topic of the British Trade department and whether the prince thought it should be reformed, and he said to me, well, if you pardon the expression, that really is the n in the woodpile. And that expression i did know, and i was in truth really shocked by it. The meeting ended shortly afterwards and i remember walking out of Buckingham Palace and just feeling an incredible sense of regret that i hadnt said anything at the time, i hadnt taken him to task and challenged that. That was rohan silva. The palace has strenuously denied that the duke of york made these comments. We can hear now from actress and Metoo Movement campaigner rose mcgowan. Victoria derbyshire asked for her response to Prince Andrews interview in which he categorically denies having sex with a 17 year old and also that he knew anything about epsteins actions. Plenty of people have made jokes about what a pr disaster it was, they have joked about his remarks to do with sweating, the Pizza Express alibi and so on. Do you think people like Virginia Roberts and others will be disappointed that some of the conversation has been a bad Prince Andrews performance, a lot of it has been about his performance, rather than if he has actually got something serious to a nswer actually got something serious to answerfor . Actually got something serious to answer for . I think that is a com pletely answer for . I think that is a completely true statement. I definitely feel like they have been ignored in this process, and its easy to go for the pr angle, its easy to go for the pr angle, its easy to go for the Pizza Express and sweating and things like that. I do feel like i wish a lot more in the interview had been asked about the victims. We cannot forget that there is human tragedy behind this, its not just a is human tragedy behind this, its notjust a joke is human tragedy behind this, its not just a joke about two creepy older men. This has serious repercussions and ramifications. And serious pain that is involved in this story. What do you feel should happen now, legally . this story. What do you feel should happen now, legally . Ithink this story. What do you feel should happen now, legally . I think Prince Andrew needs to talk to the fbi, and the investigators. I think thats all he really can do at this point because i dont think there is anything left on the pr front for him to do. He should voluntarily go to the us and submit to questioning by the authorities . I think he should. I think it would be, as he said, the honourable thing to do. That was the actress and campaigner rose mcgowan talking to victoria. Around a hundred protesters remain barricaded inside a Hong Kong University surrounded by police, as a standoff there enters a third day. Protesters inside Polytechnic University are said to be running low on supplies. The territoritys chief executive carrie lam says she wants a peaceful solution but she cant rule out using force if a life threatening situation emerges. Rich preston has the latest. The morning after the night before. After days of violence, diminishing numbers of protesters and supplies. In a press conference earlier, the territorys chief executive carrie lam said around 600 people had already left the university, around 200 of them minors. She encouraged those under 18 still in the building to leave, saying they would not be arrested. Some have already had enough. Its just that i was quite desperate, because our only way is to surrender. But then we were really afraid of being charged. Ms lam insisted she has full control and doesnt need to call in china. I would assure you that we remain very confident that we are able to cope with the situation. For those who refuse to leave, a Police Cordon remains in place. And a promise that, sooner or later, they will be arrested. About 100 are reportedly still inside the university and they say they are prepared to sit it out. I have stored some, an amount of dried food, and some snacks. Those foods are sufficient for me to stay a week or two weeks. The surrender of these protesters, cold and hungry, will be a welcome sight to authorities both in hong kong and beijing. Despite many leaving and despite ms lams insistence that she has control, those inside are still a thorn in the side of hong kong authorities. This isnt over yet. Rich preston, bbc news. 0ur correspondent Rupert Wingfield hayes has been watching events unfold and brings us up to date. What you can see behind me here is the result of what happened here last night, which is that thousands of protesters came out onto the street here in kowloon, really, in support of the students who are besieged inside the campus of the hong kong Polytechnic University, which is about a kilometre down the street behind me here. And the object of those protests was really to cause as much chaos as possible and to divert the police, pull the police away, to allow the students inside that campus to escape. And this is the result. You can see all of this debris on either sides of the streets. These protesters were ripping up the sidewalks, ripping up the pavement. This street this morning was completely filled with debris, with roadblocks, there were cars burned, there were buses burned. It was, right across the southern end of kowloon, scenes of complete mayhem last night. Theres been a lot of cleaning up going on this morning. Now, at the campus, the siege is still going on, although it is much smaller than it was last night. We understand around about 100, we think, protesters remain inside there, the holdouts, either because they are hardliners or because they are just too scared to give themselves up to police. Since yesterday around 600 people have given themselves up. Of those, we understand a third, around 200, were minors under the age of 18. They have been allowed to go home after their details were taken by police. Thats one of the concessions carrie lam and the government has given to try and defuse the situation. Anybody under the age of 18 will be allowed to go home, but all the rest have been taken into police custody. And police this morning say they have taken more than 1100 people into custody over the last two days. The lawyer for the man accused of murdering british backpacker Grace Millane has told a new Zealand Court that she died as a result of consensual sex gone wrong. Grace, who was 21 and from wickford in essex, died last december in auckland while travelling in new zealand. A 27 year old man who cannot be named for legal reasons denies her murder. Prosecutors say he strangled her and then disposed of her body in a suitcase. He claims she died accidentally after being consensually choked during sex. Boris johnson will go head to head with Jeremy Corbyn tonight in the first of the general election live tv debates, their first major clash of the campaign. The liberal democrats and the snp had wanted to be included, but lost a legal challenge yesterday. Meanwhile this morning theres a string of policy announcements, so lets take a look at what the parties are saying. The green party of england and wales has launched its election manifesto, promising to spend £100 billion a year to help the uk reach net zero Carbon Emissions by 2030. The conservatives say adults who murder children will face life in prison without parole, if they are elected in december. And labour has promised to spend £45 million on combating fox hunting, hare coursing and other wildlife crimes, if they get into power. This has just this hasjust come this has just come through, another announcement from the tories. They are saying that anyone caught unlawfully with a knife will be immediately arrested, charged within 24 immediately arrested, charged within 2a hours and in court within a week, which is three times faster than the current average. Police will be empowered to target known knife carriers with a new court order making it easier for officers to stop and search those known in the past to have carried weapons. Violence reduction units, multi agency teams made up of police, social services and other agencies will be boosted by £35 million next year to champion preventative work and stop violence happening in the first place. 0ur assistant Political Editor, norman smith, is in westminsterfor us. That extra detail just that extra detailjust through that extra detail just through from the tories, so lets start with them, going strongly on law and order today. Yes, this has been a theme of the borisjohnson campaign. A massive amount of announcements we have had on law and order, everything from the 20,000 more police officers, to 10,000 more prison places. We have had tougher sentences proposed for violent and sexual offenders, they will no longer be eligible for parole after half their sentence. This morning we had the justice half their sentence. This morning we had thejustice secretary Robert Buckland with fresh proposals on law and order, that child killers would be eligible for no parole at all, and now this latest move on knife crime to make it easier for the police to stop people suspected of carrying a knife, with a so called knife court order. Also massively speeding up the whole process so those found to be unlawfully carrying a knife would be charged within 24 hour is and would appear in court within a week. That is a response to what has been an upsurge in knife crime, particularly in the capital. It comes as we are really reaching that point in the campaign where we get the manifesto moments, we get a whole string of manifestos today. We have the Green Party Ma nifesto, today. We have the Green Party Manifesto, tomorrow, the liberal democrats, theresee, labour, and possibly at the weekend, next week, the tories. Thursday, labour. This morning the green party kicked off their manifesto, not surprisingly, at the front of it is a commitment to hugely improve our response to Climate Change said they are suggesting by 2030, we would be Carbon Neutral. That would be achieved by a huge spending splurge to improve the installation of homes, to ensure better transport, and to pave in the introduction of renewable energy. This was sian berry, their co leader, unveiling the manifesto. 0ur manifesto is our vision for the future of this country. 0ur ten bills for this new parliament will make our vision a reality. Every single green mp you elect now will dedicate themselves to this agenda. The green mps, the more chance we have to save the future. Greens will tackle the climate crisis, greens will remain and transform, greens will build a better britain. This is the last election where we can take the first step down the right path and that is what we must do. Vote green, if not now, when . Elsewhere, on the green front, they are also suggesting in constitutional terms that they would do away with the house of lords, they would have another brexit referendum, they would introduce proportional representation, theyre talking about greening the landscapes are giving more powers to local communities to oppose development. They are talking about protecting the green belt, banning fracking. 0n animals, tougher rules on fox hunting, ending the badger cull and ending animal testing. So quite a big, radical package from the greens. The other parties, today we have the liberal democrats suggesting they would put 1p on tax to generate an extra £35 billion over the next few years to jim to generate an extra £35 billion over the next few years tojim go towards the nhs. Labour have come up with proposals to ensure there is more money to ensure more police to crackdown Animal Welfare crime. A lot going on in different areas in the election today. And of course the election today. And of course the tv debate later, borisjohnson, Jeremy Corbyn head to head. What is the pundits thinking around the potential pitfalls for each of them . I think all of the pundits are thinking, please, please let something happen there is a slight sense that the election is on tramlines at the moment, with boris enjoying going on and on about brexit, borisjohnson going on and on about brexit, and Jeremy Corbyn trying to move things on nhs and austerity. There is a slight sense that nothing dramatic or surprising or out of the ordinary has happened so far. Perhaps tonight will be that moment. The only thing which makes one slightly cautious is that in the past, by and large, when we have had the sort of debates, whether they are in general elections of the brexit referendum on the tory leadership, they havent really delivered. They have been rather shouted, scratchy occasions where perhaps the most remarkable thing are the bar stools of the contenders have to sit on. Lets see what happens tonight, maybe it will bea game what happens tonight, maybe it will be a game changer. The Vice President of facebook, Nicola Mendelsohn, has defended the social media platforms decision not to ban political adverts. Speaking to the Victoria Derbyshire show, Nicola Mendelsohn said private companies should not police politicians. Facebook has come under heavy scrutiny in recent months over its political ads policy that leaves political adverts unconstrained regarding how they could mislead or deceive. Ina in a democracy, we dont think its right that a private company should make the decisions as to what is and isnt the right thing for a politician to put out there. The point is about whether its accurate, or whether it is misleading. And the argument against you is, a politician or a Political Party ca n you is, a politician or a Political Party can Say Something inaccurate as long as they are paying for it. No, ithink as long as they are paying for it. No, i think its about the fact that i want to be very clear that there are i want to be very clear that there a re rules i want to be very clear that there are rules out there so if theres anything that would cause harm anything that would cause harm anything that would cause harm anything that may be jeopardised the election, that would come down. We think it is right that we allow our thatfrom, this is a hard conversation, its not an easy conversation, its not an easy conversation, we do think its right that we allow our platform to be a place so people can see what is out there. Especially on political advertising, we make sure what happens now is that if any Political Party is advertising with us, they have to register with us. It has to say when the ads come up who it is by. Staying with the Election Campaign lets go now to southampton, home to one of the key marginal seats being fought over by the the conservatives and lbour. Simon mccoys there. Throughout the campaign, bbc news will be looking closely at the places where the election could be won and lost. We will be visiting 10 parts of the uk where seats will be closely contested. Today, were in southampton on the south coast of england. The city is split into three constituencies. Two were held by the conservatives and one by labour in the last election. Where i am is itchen. In 2017, the conservatives were re elected but only just, by 31 votes. Its a battleground for the conservative and labour. Back in 2010 labour held the seat by 192. So a true swing seat. One of the election issues were looking at today is school funding. 0ur education editor Branwen Jeffreys has been looking at how classrooms are trying to raise standards and balance the books. You have chosen one number and youve made one number. Adding up is not always easy. For schools, cash in, wages out do not always match. Last year, this school went £200,000 over budget so everything is rationed, from glue to printing. Every now and then ill do something really special which i class as special that has to be in colour, but Everything Else just has to be in black and white because its too expensive. How do you manage when youre making your displays, youre doing things for the class, if you dont have enough money . I do it at home. I am spending a lot on coloured things that i need around. So the school is trying to raise standards while cutting costs. The cash going into englands schools has been going up, but the bills have been rising even faster, so the first bit of any money promised will have to go towards reversing those cuts. So the spending per child might just get back to where it was almost a decade ago. A third of the kids here get free school lunches. Some families are given foodbank vouchers, not so easy to ask parents to fundraise. The head says this year they will balance the budget. We have lost our speech and language person and our other librarian, and we do not want to lose them. Have you really found all the savings that you can . Weve looked at every single budget heading that we can look at, and our biggest expenditure is staffing and people, so that is what it comes down to. Thats just what you have to look at. We have lost maybe 20 posts over the last four years. School budgets in england have cast a long political shadow, now, all the parties are promising more. Head teachers worry it is still not enough. Branwen jeffrey, bbc news, southampton. I will be talking to bronwen throughout the afternoon. Joining me is emily hudson, the bbcs political reporter for Hampshire Isle of wight. Lets look at the background here. All of the Party Leaders will look particularly at this seat and say, we can get this, its 31 votes at the moment. Its very close, its only been conservative since 2015, they won it from john denham who had labour. The city council is run by the labour party, the neighbouring seat is a labour seat. The voters here are volatile, they will pick and choose depending on the issue of the day, it is not a conservative heartland like the hampshire villages north of here all the cities that you might expect in the north that are very labour. It is certainly winnable for them. Southampton has changed dramatically in the 18 years i have worked, its a very vibrant city, more and more students, growing student population, they can make a difference to the vote. There has been a lot of development as well but we have seen things like the loss of the shipyard, the loss of the ford transit factory. So there are some Old Fashioned dock workers as well, southampton is famous for its docks. It is a thriving business as well, you have got some arenas and other nice yachts not far away and other nice yachts not far away and within spitting distance you have some other sprawling council estates. Its two cities. Absolutely. In that time i have been working here, ive been seeing a change. There are more visibly Homeless People on the streets, we get more stories at bbc radio solent about inadequate housing, we hear of people who arent able to get things they need for their family. 20 of children in southampton are living in poverty. Thats quite a startling statistic on something the labour party here in the council are really trying to turn around. If you look at it as a seat, it really is so close. Last time they went to three recounts, last one called a bundle ruffle. Thats a good one. Lets talk about education, its all about money and some institutions here are really struggling. One story i did in february, teachers, staff and pupils are standing on the steps of the city council, on strike, saying we cannot run our school any more because you keep taking our teaching assista nts because you keep taking our teaching assistants away. That is where the cuts are coming, they are saying they cannot manage that these extra helpers, speech and language therapists, we have 149 languages spokenin therapists, we have 149 languages spoken in southampton schools. Thats a significant undertaking for teachers. 0ne thats a significant undertaking for teachers. One of the schemes they are bringing in the city is feed the future, ten of the most deprived schools, they are redistributing Supermarket Food so the children are not in school hungry. Thats one issue, and the student vote here, we are at the Southampton Solent University here. The student vote will be key. There are 40,000 stu d e nts will be key. There are 40,000 students in this city . And they are notoriously bad at registering to vote and voting. But i have been looking into this quite a lot, i have been to the university of southampton last week and spoken some of the students and the bar about whether or not they thought about whether or not they thought about where they would vote. Stu d e nts about where they would vote. Students are able to register into places, home and university accommodation, and they can decide where they vote. Many were telling me they came from very safe conservative seat in london, surrey, wiltshire, and they were picking to vote here in southampton because they thought they vote would count more and that was an anti brexit vote. I looked for the balance and it wasnt there, i found two stu d e nts it wasnt there, i found two students who wanted brexit to happen, the other 50 i spoke to were all saying they wanted to send a signal to the government, they do not want brexit. Thank you for joining us, emily. Got a sense of humour here, they are trying out a new sound system, they know we are here lets remind you that you can sendin here lets remind you that you can send in your questions. 0ur Political Editor will be joining us later, if you have any questions on education. All of the ways of contacting us are on the screen now. I will be putting those to burn when a little later on. For now, lets go back to joanna. We can talk to our Political Correspondent, nick eardley, who is in the north west of england. 0ut out and about with borisjohnson. Why is he there . Everywhere is picked to say very carefully through this Election Campaign. Isnt it just . Ijust wonder if this Election Campaign. Isnt it just . I just wonder if this this Election Campaign. Isnt it just . Ijust wonder if this is something to do with the symbolism ahead of that head to head debate with Jeremy Corbyn ahead of that head to head debate withJeremy Corbyn tonight. I expect we will see some shots of Boris Johnson boxing in that gym by me. More broadly, he is talking about law and order this morning, head of that debate, a big announcement on expanding such and such stop and search england and wales by police. Anyone caught unlawfully with a knife would be arrested within 24 hours and in court within a week, speeding up the system. Potentially putting some clear blue water between labour and the toys on this. In the past, diane abbott, the shadow home secretary, has raised concerns about the idea of expanding stop and search there will be interesting to see if that comes up tonight. Boris johnson is interesting to see if that comes up tonight. Borisjohnson is already cut trying to get on the front of it when it comes to the debate by sending a letter to jeremy when it comes to the debate by sending a letter toJeremy Corbyn, asking him for clarity on his brexit position. We know that brexit is going to be a big part of that head to head tonight and Boris Johnson clearly thinks that mr corbyn has a bit of a soft spot when it comes to explaining exactly what he wants to happen, whether the uk should leave or not, on things like freedom of movement. Mr corbyn will for his part to try and make it clear that he wants to get brexit done quickly as well, he has promised to have the referendum within six months if labour win power power. I think you will wa nt to power power. I think you will want to talk about other things. It isa want to talk about other things. It is a good hour tonight, we think about half of it will be about brexit. I suspect mr corbyn will enjoy the latter half more, Boris Johnson will want to concentrate on his plans for brexit. He is given the next few minutes i would not be surprised due here in the next few minutes and i would not be surprised if we see him in some boxing gloves in the next few hours. And with the election just over 3 weeks away you can go online and find out who you can vote for on december the 12th, check out the candidates who are standing in your area, at bbc. Co. Uk news or on the bbc news app. A former British Royal marine who was accused of the murder of a wounded Afghan Taliban fighter in 2011 has told the bbc he tried to kill himself after hitting rock bottom. Headcam footage showed sam deen, who was only known as marine e until now, offering to kill a taliban insurgent, who was then shot by fellow marine Alexander Blackman or marine a as he was known. Charges against mr deen were dropped earlier this year, and a military court has now lifted an anonymity order on him, leaving able to speak out for the first time. Clairejones reports. It was an afternoon on a battlefield in afghanistan that would go down in history. Gunfire but the stories of some of the men involved have not been told. Now, one of those men is speaking for the first time about the day that changed his life forever. In 2012, nine Royal Marines were arrested on suspicion of murder after an incident involving an insurgent in afghanistan. Five marines were charged and an anonymity order was granted to protect them. They became known as marine a, b, c, d and e. Marine es real name is sam dean. A military court has now lifted an anonymity order, so he can talk openly about that day in afghanistan. Anybody want to do first aid on this idiot . No . No. Put one in his head if you want. Not in his head cos thatll be. This video footage is from a helmet camera worn by one of the marines. I do remember exactly what i was saying. I was saying, yeah, letsjust put one in his head, letsjust do it. Ill shoot him. You were just saying that, just. The guy with dying. The guy was in pain. Itsjust like, hes going to die. Then it happened. Gunshot there you go, shuffle off this mortal coil, you. Al shot him. It was like, thats done, letsjust go. Ive broken the geneva convention. Sam was later arrested and charged with murder. I was like, how can you charge me . Youve just seen the video. Youve seen i didnt have any involvement over there saying what i said. Four months later, sam was acquitted of the murder charge, but the acquittal wasnt the end of the story. I was having panic attacks as well. Ijust like, i dont want to live like this any more. And ijust. Yeah, i tried to take an overdose and ijust. Yeah, it wasnt. It wasnt the best time. Marine as identity was revealed in 2013 as Alexander Blackman. He was given a life sentence for murder. His conviction was later reduced to manslaughter and he was released from prison in 2017. I had a Mental Health diagnosis, but mine was. Situations and location specific. You know, ive had colleagues ive worked with, whove unfortunately taken their lives recently, since theyve left service cos theyre struggling with Mental Health issues and theyve kept it all bottled up. Now sam is focusing on the future. Week by week, day by day, im changing. If you keep, you know, dreaming big, thats when you. It gets better, doesnt it . Now its time for a look at the weather with simon king. We have had a rather cold and frosty start to the day. Patchy fog around central south eastern areas. A lot of that fog has lifted and cleared. It is quite cloudy for many. This picture in hitchen in hertfordshire shows quite a bit of frost on the ground. For the west, shows quite a bit of frost on the ground. Forthe west, not shows quite a bit of frost on the ground. For the west, not as cold. More cloud and rain moving its way from Northern Ireland into paying butcher and coma. Pembrokeshire. The best of the clear skies across eastern scotland and england. That is where temperatures will be struggling. Further west, temperatures in double figures. Through tonight, not as much of this blue on the map. A widespread frost perhaps limited to the far north east of scotland. For most, temperatures above freezing. Mild across Northern Ireland and the south west of england and western wales. 0n south west of england and western wales. On wednesday, patchy rain in the west, otherwise, quite cloudy, bright and sunny spells at times. Hello, this is bbc newsroom live with joanna gosling. The headlines Prince Andrew is facing new calls to talk to us investigators about his friendship with sex offenderjeffrey epstein, from a woman who claims to be one of epsteins victims. In hong kong, around a hundred protesters are still thought to be barricaded inside the Polytechnic University, which has been under siege by the police since sunday. Some younger protesters have been allowed to leave without arrest. The green party of england and wales has launched its manifesto, pledging to make the whole country Carbon Neutral by 2030. The conservatives say that anyone caught unlawfully with a knife will be immediately arrested, charged within 24 hours and in court within a week, if they win the general election. Boris johnson and Jeremy Corbyn will go head to head in the first tv debate of the Election Campaign tonight, after the lib dems and the snp failed in a legal bid to be included. Sport now, and for a full round up, lets cross to the bbc sport centre. Good morning. Theres a huge night for wales coming up cardiff, as they try to make it to next years european championship. If they beat hungary they will qualify automatically, but theyve only made it to one major championship in the last 60 years that was euros three years ago when they made it to the semi finals. Weve got the euphoria of qualifying for the first european championships and are doing so well at the competition, that we want to do that again. And also weve got the negatives of how it feels to miss out on qualifying for the tournament like we did in the world cup. So yeah, we are going to use both of them to our advantage. The team in 2016, everyone, whether you were involved, a fan travelling to the games, watching on tv, it was amazing. If we can recreate that atmosphere, it is fantastic. We have put ourselves in a great position. That is all we are in at the moment. We have one game to go and a tough game and we need to win that, obviously. Well, if wales need inspiration, perhaps they can take it from the class of 1975. This is them getting ready for their trip to hungary in 1975. I think the training routines may have changed since then. But wales won the european qualifier 2 1. They will take that because that would see them through. Full commentary on bbc radio five live and radio wells. Ireland have more to do if theyre to make it to the euros. They needed to beat denmark last night to go through automatically, but could only manage a 1 1 draw in dublin. It means that denmark qualify, but ireland will have to go through the play offs. Staying with international football, and it looks like luis enrique could return as the spain manager. He stood down five months ago to care for his nine year old daughter, who died from cancer. Roberto morenos steered them through qualifying, but skipped his post match media committments last night, after their 5 0 win over romania, after reportedly being told that enrique was returning to the role. Were expecting confirmation of that shortly. The new wales head coach, wayne pivac, has named his first squad. Hes brought in new zealand born backs Johnny Mcnicholl and Willis Halaholo for the uncapped game against the barbarians in cardiff at the end of the month. Ironically, the babas will be coached by the former wales coach, warren gatland. Roger federer says he hopes for an emotional end to his tennis career when he finally retires. Hes currently in argentina for an exhibition match, because switzerland arent playing in the davis cup this week. Hes 38 now, an age he says he never epxected to still be playing at. But federer says he sees no reason to consider retirement at the moment. I see no reason to stop but of course with age everything gets a bit more difficult. But at the same time with experience also you can savour the moments more. So, i dont know how its going to end. I hope its just know how its going to end. I hope itsjust going to know how its going to end. I hope its just going to be somewhat emotional, i guess, and nice and, i dont know, lets hope its going to be good, the whole process and not too difficult. The British Racing driver, billy munger, has a new challenge. Hes the latest to join the extreme e championship. The 20 year old lost both his legs in a crash during a formula 4 race in 2017. He returned to racing earlier this year in a car with specially adapted hand controls. The extreme e championship is set to launch in 2021, is an environment focused series in which 12 teams race off road in fully electric vehicles in five remote locations around the world theyre to highlight the effects of Climate Change. It all starts in 2021. Thats all the sport for now. Ill have more for you in the next hour. We are live in southampton. We are at solent university. It is one of the key Battle Grounds in the election. This morning we are focusing on education. We have been asking you for questions. Here to a nswer asking you for questions. Here to answer then we have Branwen Jeffreys, our education editor, and emily hudson, our political reporter in the south. Good morning. 0ne about special needs from david topping in londonderry. What are the party is doing to ensure children with special needs are given the same chances as other pupils in schools to maximise potential . In some ways one of the real shockers of reading manifestos election after election is that special Needs Children barely get a mention. Yet there are around 15 of all children. We may not see many specific promises in this weeks ma nifesto. Specific promises in this weeks manifesto. The conservatives will probably point to a little bit of extra cash they have put in to help local councils meet those needs, but there is a massive shortfall. I am sure emily will tell us more about the local situation. The green party are saying they want inclusive schools. If you have a child with special needs you have got more of a real choice about whether they stay ina real choice about whether they stay in a Mainstream School or go to a special school. As for the others, we will have to see. They didnt mention special needs in 2017. No mention special needs in 2017. No mention in their manifesto as a specific set of children. So, lets see. The costs are really putting pressure on local councils, who have to pick up the pieces for the children with the most severe needs. Emily, you have looked at this recently . Yes, this has been an issue in schools in southampton. It issue in schools in southampton. It is notjust the children issue in schools in southampton. It is not just the children who end issue in schools in southampton. It is notjust the children who end up getting the educational or health plan. It is the children who need that extra bit of help and are struggling because of the lack of tas in the classroom. Recently i did a story about the rnid, the Royal National institute for the deaf and the Royal National institute for the blind, worried about hearing impaired and visually impaired children losing access to a special Teacher Advisory Service doing what branwen said, trying to keep them in Mainstream School. Some of those children were coming to gcse level and were concerned they were not getting visits from the chilled teachers they were used to to help with things like equipment. Next question from ken spencer in london. The tories claim more money has been put into education. As the amount per capita actually increased and if so, how much since 2010 . So, there is more cash. You will hear conservative politicians say there is more cash in English Schools than ever before. But the bills have been going up. Schools have to pay everything out of their own budgets. Pensions for the teachers, national insurance, which is increased in recent yea rs, insurance, which is increased in recent years, and other things we all have to pay, utility bills, gas and electricity. All of that means there has been an 8 reduction in real terms per pupil in england schools since 2010. Nowjust before the election the conservatives said they would put an extra £7. 1 billion on top of what has been spent now by 2023. I fully expect that in the Party Manifestos they will say they are going to roll back the cuts of the past few years. Here is the rub. Head teachers are worried that will make parents think the issue has gone away. At the end of this, whoever ends up in government, they could just end up with a similar amount of money in real terms as they had almost a decade ago. Emily, this is certainly something in this area because they have been huge issues . There have. We are not raising money any more for a Nice Playground equipment, we are raising money for paper, paint and low stakes. The school my children go to stop hot school meals recently because they couldnt afford to run the kitchen with the kitchen staff. That has been reinstated. Actually funding has been a real issue, per pupil funding has been cut in a numberof pupil funding has been cut in a number of city schools, particularly here. The teachers are saying they just cannot keep the same level of staffing and that is impacting on children in the classroom. And in the playground. Another question. Ambrose, 15 years old, says, what are all the main parties saying about private schools and labour intention to abolish all private schools . This has become a hot topic because, as ambrose says, the Labour Party Conference voted to integrate all private schools into the state system, basically to get rid of their independent status. However, seniorfigures in the party have somewhat rolled back on that. John mcdonnell, who supported the motion, was much more temperate in what he said in interviews subsequently. The same with angela rayner, the shadow education secretary. However, it is likely that labour will come as it has in the past, commit to removing the charitable status of private schools. And this morning the greens, in their manifesto, have taken away the charitable status of Primary Schools private schools. They say that is what they would do if they had a say in government. Also they would like to see vat charged on top of private school fees. 0k. Fees. Ok. I fees. 0k. Iwant fees. Ok. I want to bring this in. Tom from birkenhead says, tuition fees for Health Care Courses are fully subsidised in wales, why cant this be the same in england . Well, really thats one for the politicians in england. Education is one of those areas where its completely down to each different part of the uk how they do it. So in 2017, the subsidies that have been there before, if you wanted to train as a nurse, which now involves a university degree, were removed and they have to take out loans like eve ryo ne they have to take out loans like everyone else. The Royal College of nursing has been saying it is really worried by the drop off and applications. And there has particularly been a drop off in women over the age of 25. That is very important, because quite a of women will go to train as a nurse, once they have had their own children or when they are thinking about getting back into education, and that is up by 40 . It will be an issue for whoever is in government. There is a long term problem particularly with nurses in the nhs. Emily, further Education Funding are something you have looked at. It looks great. But there are issues . There are. Higher education like this is well funded, except for students having to pay for themselves to come to university. Further education between 16 and 18 year olds, people going to college, is really struggling. Southampton city college is looking to merge with some of its neighbours because it cannot afford to keep running. The amount students are getting is less than in schools. If you are 19, you get less than you do if you are 16 to 18. It was students from Brockenhurst College down the road who took a petition calling for fairfunding and started road who took a petition calling for fair funding and started that whole failure funding for further education establishments campaign that went around the country last year. Further education colleges are giving opportunities to youngsters who perhaps are not necessarily going to go down the a level root, wa nt going to go down the a level root, want to do apprenticeships, be a mechanic, be someone who works in a formula pit, those are the people who feel like they need some extra funding. I wasjust going to add, all the parties do not have a great record historically. If you look to how much we put into schools, three tuition fees in england, it is f e colleges where, lets face it, almost half of young people will go to do their vocational and Technical Training that have been starved of cash increases in real term increases over decades. 20 or 30 yea rs. Increases over decades. 20 or 30 years. The parties are all trying to offer something in that space. The conservatives are saying they are putting more money in because of the new t levels, equivalent to a levels. A bit of a change in the raid promised. We are seeing promises from labour and the lib dems on Adult Education more generally, which again isjust nosedived in terms of numbers. They are promising an account people can dip into to fund their learning in a lifelong way. Education a key issue in this election. Thank you both very much for taking peoples questions. Fascinating. Thank you. Plenty more to come from here throughout the day. For now, thats us. Sir David Attenborough has said the world is starting to tackle the threat of Plastic Waste, because people have become much more aware of the dangers it poses to marine life. He was speaking as the bbcs Natural History unit won an International Prize for highlighting the issue. Heres our science editor, david shukman. Depressing images of plastic weightlifting in the water. Waste. The damage being done to marine life by our throwaway culture. Other forms of pollution are only too familiar. Presented by Sir David Attenborough, the programmes were shown around the world, catching the public imagination and forcing government to grant companies to take action. This london supermarket, for example, is turning its back on plastic packaging. It is part of a movement that is gathering pace in many Different Countries. So when i meet sir david at kew gardens in london, he says the dangers of Plastic Waste are now so clearly understood, there are reasons to be optimistic. It is the beginning. People in all parts of society are aware of what is happening and it is vile, it is horrid. It is something that we are inflicting on the Natural World. It is having a dreadful effect. In a way it is a bit of a litmus test to see whether in fact the population care about this sort of thing. And people do. Soi this sort of thing. And people do. So i think its very encouraging. Sir david says he found these scenes of albatrosses the most moving will stop feeding their chicks with plastic. They think its stop feeding their chicks with plastic. They think its food. The chicks later died. And he says there is still a very long way to go to tackle the problem. The rivers of asia keep adding more Plastic Waste to the oceans. But sir david believes the world is making a start. The headlines on bbc news Prince Andrew faces new calls to talk to us investigators about his friendship with sex offenderjeffrey epstein, from a woman who claims to be one of epsteins victims. In hong kong, up to 200 Anti Government protesters are still thought to be barricaded inside a university, which has been under siege by police. The green party of england and wales launches its manifesto, pledging to make the whole country Carbon Neutral by 2030. Lets go back to southampton and our business presenter. Hi,joanna. We business presenter. Hi, joanna. We have come to the university of southampton today and its a start up incubator for aspiring entrepreneurs. Southampton is one of the top ten venues for a start ors in all of the uk. Where better to come and get a sense of what it is entrepreneurs going through and what they want to hear from the various Party Leaders . Lets first talk to josh, who has a fascinating business in the world of prosthetics. Tell us more about it . Iam the prosthetics. Tell us more about it . I am the founder of a Company Called radio devices working in the prosthetics industry. We are aiming to get prosthetic limbs like this fit better for people who have had an amputation. We use intelligent softwa re an amputation. We use Intelligent Software and it helps us to predict how well this will fit before it has been manufactured. how well this will fit before it has been manufactured. I know that next year you were hoping to reach the stage where you actually employ other people in this business. What do you hope to see from the next government . Coming from a research background, whats really important to us is seeing the continued access to us is seeing the continued access to eu funding. We also want to be able to attract the best talent from across the world and ultimately make sure we can create global, scalable business and you dont have trade barriers. Thank you very much, josh. Really lots of inspirational stories from here. They helped around 100 different start ups get off their feet last year. 30 of them went on to attract a total of £6 million in funding. It really does demonstrate the benefits of having accelerators like this. Emily is another one of the entrepreneurs trying to get her business off the ground. What is it all about . Switch is a mobile app to match and swap. You can write the things you like. When two people match, you match and swap. Clearly very environmentally friendly. Does that give us a clue about what you we re that give us a clue about what you were hoping forfrom that give us a clue about what you were hoping for from the next government . I want a government that puts sustainability at the heart of business because that aligns with my values. What kind of things do you wa nt to values. What kind of things do you want to see from them . For instance, there was the 1p tax on fast fashion. That didnt get put through in government. It would be awesome to see that put through to help tackle these huge mountain of clothing waste. Emily, thank you very much. Best of luck. This is all made possible by the university of southampton and the director of this facility, ben, is standing by to talk to us. You are in touch with lots of aspiring entrepreneurs, talking to them about what they need. Are you concerned that in an Election Campaign, which is obviously dominated by brexit, that their needs have been getting the attention they deserve . Absolutely, yeah. In this kind of campaign all of the focus is on the big issues and a lot of fear mongering about what could happen. You have got these young, incredibly talented start up founders that are doing some incredible things and often they are completely overlooked. The hope is. They will have a long Shopping List of requests, demands, thinks they would like to see from the next government. What do you think for you would be the top of that Shopping List to help them get going . Its a good question. Its easy to say more money for this, more money for that. I think there are tax incentives that encourage people to invest in start ups. I would like to see those extended. They can be seen as just tax breaks for the wealthy. But i see how that encourages the flow of capital and investment into these high risk early stage ventures. I would like to see that extended. We have a dragons den event here on campus where we see more than half £1 million invested in these new entrepreneurs. It is helped by these new incentives. Four of them have come new incentives. Four of them have come gone to silicon valley. It forces those great start ups to flip to being a us company. I would love to being a us company. I would love to see the government to tackle that problem. Thank you ben. He touches on an interesting issue, the fact that so many of the big tech disrupters that have come to define the age we live in, or in in silicon valley, making up a disproportionate amount of big names in tech. I guess incubators like this and initiatives like ben was talking about, designed to counterbalance that. Joanna. Thank you very much. It is three weeks until the election now. You can find out Information Online about who is standing in your constituency. Also plenty of information on the bbc news app. We are expecting to see borisjohnson out and about on the campaign trail shortly. In a moment, the weather. Right now youre on bbc news, we say goodbye to viewers on bbc two. And we catch with simon king. Yes, a cold and frosty start. It has been the coldest start so far this autumn. Temperatures down to minus nine celsius in aberdeenshire. At the moment we have still got some frost. With this cloud moving its way in from the west, its not quite as cloud across Northern Ireland, west wales, the south west of england. All of that is linked into an area of low pressure towards the west. The rain will continue into pembrokeshire and into cornwall. Elsewhere, there are varying amounts of cloud. Some bright skies, especially towards eastern england. And the east of scotland. That is where it will feel quite chilly. Temperatures three to five celsius. Further west, temperatures in double figures. Through tonight, well see some mild air move east. The blues start to disappear. Nowhere near as cold as it was last night. In fact, for most of us a frost free night. Limited to North Eastern england, eastern scotland. Northern ireland into Western Areas of england and wales, those temperatures staying in double figures. Throughout wednesday it will stay quite cloudy in the west. Patchy rain again throughout the day. Elsewhere, more cloud through the morning. Some brighter skies. Sunshine developing into wednesday afternoon. Temperatures rising slightly. Six to 8 degrees in eastern areas. Double figures in the west. Low pressure towards Western Areas is going to stick around in the next few days. A big area of High Pressure towards continental europe. There will be some progression, a bit of rain moving its way eastwards through thursday. That patchy rain will spread in towards the midlands, central and southern areas of england. Further north and east it will remain largely dry. A bit of cloud. Some sunny spells. Temperatures between seven to 10 degrees. At the end of the week low pressure is still there. Keeping an eye on this area of low pressure moving its way into iberia because that could come to get things for the weekend. But in general temperatures will start to rise through the end of the week. You will notice these yellows. Some slightly milder air. Temperatures foremost will be into double figures. Some uncertainty as we go into the weekend as to how much rainfall there will be. I would suggest saying tuned to the forecast for the time being. Bye bye. Youre watching bbc newsroom live, its midday and these are the main stories this morning. Prince andrew faces new calls to talk to us investigators about his friendship with sex offenderjeffrey epstein from a woman who claims to be one of epsteins victims. It is upsetting to me to think that anyone who was closely associated withjeffrey epstein might argue that they didnt suspect that he might have been sexually abusing children. In hong kong, up to two hundred Anti Government protesters are still thought to be barricaded inside a university, which has been under siege by police. Some younger protesters have been allowed to leave without arrest. The green party of england and wales launches its manifesto pledging to make the whole country Carbon Neutral by 2030. Greens will tackle the climate crisis, greens will remain and transform, greens will build a better britain. Borisjohnson and Jeremy Corbyn go head to head in the first tv debate of the Election Campaign tonight after the lib dems and snp failed in a legal bid to be included. How will it all go down here in southampton . Its a key Battle Ground in the coming weeks. Were here on the latest of our visits around the uk to answer voters questions on the big topics, today were looking at education. And coming up, Sir David Attenborough tells the bbc the world is beginning to tackle the threat of Plastic Waste. Its a bit of a litmus test to see whether, in fact, the population care about this sort of thing, and people do. And so i think its very encouraging. Good afternoon. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. Im joanna gosling. An alleged victim ofjeffrey epstein has appealed directly to Prince Andrew to come forward and give a statement to us investigators. The duke is facing renewed calls to tell the authorities about his friendship with epstein, a convicted sex offender. Heres our los angeles correspondent, sophie long. This is the lawyer in los angeles representing five of Jeffrey Epsteins alleged victims. With her, a young woman who told reporters crammed into the small room that epstein raped her when she was 15. We were not hidden. It is upsetting to me to think that anyone who was closely associated withjeffrey epstein might argue that they didnt suspect that he might have been sexually abusing children. Her attorney urged Prince Andrew to come to the United States and tell investigators everything he knows about the behaviour and activities of his former friend, jeffrey epstein. He described in his interview this weekend that Jeffrey Epsteins home was like a railway station. A lot of people coming in and out. He should have asked, why are these girls here . This is the interview ms allred was referring to. Prince andrew responded to the allegations about him with categoric denials of impropriety. You can say categorically that you dont recall meeting Virginia Roberts, dining with her, dancing with her at tramp, or going on to have sex with her in a bedroom in a house in belgravia. Yes, i can absolutely categorically tell you, it never happened. But there are further signs of the damage to Prince Andrews reputation. The accountants kpmg have announced they are withdrawing their sponsorship of one of his initiatives, a mentoring scheme for entrepreneurs. Sophie long, bbc news, los angeles. It was allegations made by the hollywood actor and campaigner rose mcgowan that kick started the Metoo Movement. She spoke to my colleague Victoria Derbyshire, and gave her response to Prince Andrews interview in which he categorically denies having sex with a 17 year old and also that he knew anything about the sexual abuse carried out by epstein. Plenty of people have made jokes about what a pr disaster it was, they have joked about his remarks to do with sweating, the Pizza Express alibi and so on. Do you think people like Virginia Roberts and others will be disappointed that some of the conversation has been about Prince Andrews performance, a lot of it has been about his performance, rather than if he has actually got something serious to answer for . I think that is a completely true statement. I definitely feel like they have been ignored in this process, and its easy to go for the pr angle, its easy to go for the Pizza Express and sweating and things like that. I do wish a lot more in the interview had been asked about the victims. We cannot forget that there is human tragedy behind this, its not just a joke about two creepy older men. This has serious repercussions and ramifications. And serious pain that is involved in this story. What do you feel should happen now, legally . I think Prince Andrew needs to talk to the fbi, and the investigators. I think thats all he really can do at this point because i dont think there is anything left on the pr front for him to do. He should voluntarily go to the us and submit to questioning by the authorities . I think he should. I think it would be, as he said, the honourable thing to do. Meanwhile, rohan silva was an adviser to Prime Minister david cameron. Yesterday he wrote in the Evening Standard newspaper about two meetings with Prince Andrew at which he alleged that Prince Andrew had used racially offensive language. He spoke to the today programme on bbc radio 4 earlier this morning. I raised the topic of the British Trade department and whether the prince thought it should be reformed, and he said to me, well, if you pardon the expression, that really is the n in the woodpile. And that expression i did know, and i was in truth really shocked by it. The meeting ended shortly afterwards and i remember walking out of Buckingham Palace and just feeling an incredible sense of regret that i hadnt said anything at the time, i hadnt taken him to task and challenged that. That was rohan silva. The palace has strenuously denied that the duke of york made these comments. Around a hundred protesters remain barricaded inside a Hong Kong University surrounded by police, as a standoff there enters a third day. Protesters inside Polytechnic University are said to be running low on supplies. The territoritys chief executive carrie lam says she wants a peaceful solution but she cant rule out using force if a life threatening situation emerges. Rich preston has the latest. The morning after the night before. After days of violence, diminishing numbers of protesters and supplies. In a press conference earlier, the territorys chief executive carrie lam said around 600 people had already left the university, around 200 of them minors. She encouraged those under 18 still in the building to leave, saying they would not be arrested. Some have already had enough. Its just that i was quite desperate, because our only way is to surrender. But then we were really afraid of being charged. Ms lam insisted she has full control and doesnt need to call in china. I would assure you that we remain very confident that we are able to cope with the situation. For those who refuse to leave, a Police Cordon remains in place. And a promise that, sooner or later, they will be arrested. About 100 are reportedly still inside the university and they say they are prepared to sit it out. I have stored some, an amount of dried food, and some snacks. Those foods are sufficient for me to stay a week or two weeks. The surrender of these protesters, cold and hungry, will be a welcome sight to authorities both in hong kong and beijing. Despite many leaving and despite ms lams insistence that she has control, those inside are still a thorn in the side of hong kong authorities. This isnt over yet. Rich preston, bbc news. 0ur correspondent Rupert Wingfield hayes has been watching events unfold and brings us up to date. Borisjohnson will go head to head withJeremy Corbyn tonight in the first of the general election live tv debates, theirfirst major clash of the campaign. The liberal democrats and the snp had wanted to be included, but lost a legal challenge yesterday. Meanwhile theres been a string of policy announcements, so lets take a look at what the parties are saying. In an interview with the Evening Standard, borisjohnson has promised that new measures to combat knife crime will be included in the conservative manifesto. The green party of england and wales has launched its election manifesto, promising to spend £100 billion a year to help the uk reach net zero Carbon Emissions by 2030. And labour has promised to spend £4. 5 Million Pounds on combating fox hunting, hare coursing and other wildlife crimes, if they get into power. We can talk to our Political Correspondent, nick eardley, who is in the north west of england. He is waiting for borisjohnson, is he there yet . He is here, im not sure, theres a number of boxes behind me. He is in the melee somewhere. You behind me. He is in the melee somewhere. You can behind me. He is in the melee somewhere. You can probably spot the symbolism of coming to a boxing club on the morning of that head to head debate. Borisjohnson was in the ring a few minutes ago, we can see some pictures now. Blue gloves against the red gloves, pretty obvious what he was trying to say. He said he was excited about tonight, that chance he believes to get across his message of getting brexit delivered and then moving on to domestic priorities. Im sure we will hearJeremy Corbyn trying to talk about domestic priorities later this evening as well. In terms of concrete policies, from the Prime Minister, he is here talking about law and order this morning. Two m essa g es law and order this morning. Two messages from the policy announcements this morning, one is about whole life sentencing for adults who murder children, the idea is that you have a life sentence without any chance of parole as standard. The second one which has just been announced by borisjohnson in the last hour or so it is about cutting down on knife crime. Hes chosen this place as a deliberate venue to talk about trying to come as he put it, put an arm around kids who have been involved in crime, but also talking about cracking down on knife crime by increasing the powers that police in england and wales have when it comes to stop and search, making sure anyone who is caught illegally with the knife is arrested straightaway, charged in 24 hours and in court within a week. The idea is to firstly crackdown on knife crime, speed up the system for dealing with knife crime but Boris Johnson wants to put some more money into the system and stop it happening again. Potentially it could come up in the debate tonight, we think half of it will be brexit and half of it will be domestic issues. Stop and search is one of those areas where they could be clear water between conservatives and labour. Conservatives announcing this morning that they want to extend it and give police more power, thats something the labour party have raised concerns about in the past so it will be interesting to seeJeremy Corbyn and his reaction on that one stop light on knife crime, its something that borisjohnson often refers to. His record as mayor of london and how he said he tackled knife crime then and was successful over it . Absolutely, and im sure that is a message he will continue with over the next couple of weeks when he talks law and order is one of the campaign issues. One of the questions that will be asked is about resource and, how are you going to charge people within 24 hours when we know there is a widespread expectation now that there needs to be more police to deal with some of the big issues in the country. Borisjohnson himself we the country. Borisjohnson himself we admitting we need 20,000 more police over the cuts of the last decade. The court system is pretty stretched as well, how will you manage to ensure that anybody who is arrested goes through, appears in court, i beg your pardon, within a week of being found illegally with a knife . The policy sounds good, im sure there will be a lot of searching in the next few days to see whether or not this can work. Sounds good but will it be deliverable . Just saw the pictures you are referring to, borisjohnson with his blue boxing gloves on in the ring, the picture that they want ahead of the tv debate tonight. Thank you very much. Shadow chancellorjohn mcdonnell said labour believes a new Business Model is needed. Speaking in westminster this morning, he said a government led byJeremy Corbyn would offer employees more of a say and make businesses a partnership with those involved. So, we believe are a new Business Model is needed. At the heart is our belief that every business should be a partnership, between employees and customers, management and shareholders, for the long term success of the enterprise. Many European Countries have been developing more robust systems of partnership for securing long term Decision Making in the uk and it is to those examples we have looked. So in government, labour will rewrite the companies act, so that directors have a duty to promote the long term interests of employees, customers, the environment, and the wider public. As well as shareholders. There has been a flurry of policy announcements today and earlier today the green party launched their ma nifesto. We can talk to our Political Correspondent helen catt, whos at the Green Party Election manifesto launch. The figure of £100 billion per year of spending was announced previously by the green party, tell us more about the detail this morning about what they would spend that on exactly . The centrepiece is this manifested at the scale outstrips Everything Else, they are talking about spending 100 billion each year on Climate Change tackling, 90 billion would come from more borrowing. Also additional borrowing from putting up Corporation Tax which is what Companies Pay on their profits to 2496. Companies pay on their profits to 24 . If you compare that to what we have heard from others, the liberal democrats said they would spend 100 billion overfive years. Democrats said they would spend 100 billion over five years. The democrats said they would spend 100 billion overfive years. The biggest band from the greens is because they wa nt to band from the greens is because they want to accelerate vastly how quickly action on Climate Change is being taken. They want to get the uk to net zero Carbon Emissions, only emitting as much carbon as we can ta ke emitting as much carbon as we can take out of the system, by 2030. That is two decades earlier than the current government target of 2015, 2050, but that 2050 date current government target of 2015, 2050, but that 2050 date is the one that the independent Advisory Committee on Climate Change was the earliest credible want to be reached. Earlier sian berry said that we just cannot wait. 0ur manifesto is our vision for the future of this country. 0ur ten bills for this new parliament will make our vision a reality. Every single green mp you elect now will dedicate themselves to this agenda. The green mps, the more chance we have to save the future. Greens will tackle the climate crisis, greens will remain and transform, greens will build a better britain. This is the last election where we can take the first step down the right path and that is what we must do. Vote green, if not now, when . 0ther pledges in the manifesto included a new referendum on the eu, scrapping tuition fees and student debt, and also a key pledge to introduce a universal basic income of £89 per week which would be paid to everybody in the uk as part of driving up living standards. That is the package the greens are set out today and they say their mps would be committed to introducing these measures within the first two years of the next parliament. Staying with the Election Campaign, lets go now to southampton, home to one of the key marginal seats being fought over by the the conservatives and lbour. Simon mccoys there. Throughout the campaign, bbc news will be looking closely at the places where the election could be won and lost. We will be visiting 10 parts of the uk where seats will be closely contested. Today, were in southampton on the south coast of england. The city is split into three constituencies. Two were held by the conservatives and one by labour in the last election. Where i am is itchen. In 2017, the conservatives were re elected but only just, by 31 votes. Its a battleground for the conservative and labour. Back in 2010 labour held the seat by 192. So a true swing seat. One of the election issues were looking at today is school funding. 0ur education editor Branwen Jeffreys has been looking at how classrooms are trying to raise standards and balance the books. You have chosen one number and youve made one number. Adding up is not always easy. For schools, cash in, wages out do not always match. Last year, this school went £200,000 over budget so everything is rationed, from glue to printing. Every now and then ill do something really special which i class as special that has to be in colour, but Everything Else just has to be in black and white because its too expensive. How do you manage when youre making your displays, youre doing things for the class, if you dont have enough money . I do it at home. I am spending a lot on coloured things that i need around. So the school is trying to raise standards while cutting costs. The cash going into englands schools has been going up, but the bills have been rising even faster, so the first bit of any money promised will have to go towards reversing those cuts. So the spending per child might just get back to where it was almost a decade ago. A third of the kids here get free school lunches. Some families are given foodbank vouchers, not so easy to ask parents to fundraise. The head says this year they will balance the budget. We have lost our speech and language person and our other librarian, both of those posts are very valuable and i would not make them redundant if i didnt have to. Anyone managing a budget has to make ha rd anyone managing a budget has to make hard decisions. Have you really found all the savings that you can . Weve looked at every single budget heading that we can look at, and our biggest expenditure is staffing and people, so that is what it comes down to. Thats just what you have to look at. We have lost maybe 20 posts over the last four years. School budgets in england have cast a long political shadow, now, all the parties are promising more. Head teachers worry it is still not enough. Branwen jeffrey, bbc news, southampton. Joining me is liz lee, principal of Richard Taunton sixth form college. Lets talk about the funding, because it is at the heart of everything, is it . Absolutely, it means everything to us. Actually in real terms we have had to put up with a 12 drop in our overall funding over the last eight or nine yea rs. Funding over the last eight or nine years. Thats what the politicians are saying. Im sure theyre not, but we have been stuck at £4000 per student. The government in september has offered us an extra £188 per student in 2021 which still leaves us student in 2021 which still leaves us 8 behind in real terms. The six Form Association who helps to find our case has said that we need an extra £760 to protect our curriculum, so the minority subjects such as languages are able to continue. To enable us to offer the kind of services that are more in demand and a number of our students are requiring additional support, we have all heard about Mental Health in young people, that doesnt come free. We have to pay for those. Thats something which is very important to us, we want to keep young people in education but we need the finances to do it. You have 100 students. Im wondering what that means to the principle of a college. When you went into your profession, you are like a chief executive, you are running anything. We have 1000 students. Sorry they are the future, they will be going into the workforce, but then we have 150 staff as well. It is a medium sized organisation and it matters that we get the funding to support that. We have had a number of cuts over the last eight or nine yea rs, every of cuts over the last eight or nine years, every college notjust as has become leaner in the way their Management Structure works. We have had to. We want to protect the front line, we dont want to cut back on teaching staff, they are the best resource. What are you cutting as a results . All of the other things, the things that give us the ability to have a more rounded education for youngsters. The enrichment, the tutorial sessions, we have preserved where other people have cut back because we think its so important that those people get expert guidance and can go on and be successful in comes a wonderful places like this and university as well. Interesting on breakfast this morning, some of the students said they did not feel had enough knowledge in this election and they open up social media and its all very negative, they dont want to do. What are you doing to get them around that . We want to make sure our students are well prepared. Getting them to register to vote is one thing, we have been running an internal campaign to make sure they do that. Are they keen to . They do when they understand it and i think they need to know more about it. When the referendum on the previous election was on, we ran 0 a sessions with local politicians. We will do the same next week with some politicians coming in so that stu d e nts politicians coming in so that students can ask questions, then we will be running a mock election ourselves. We are really keen that those students that can vote and those students that can vote and those who cannot but can in the future, can get a full range of opinions as possible so they can make an informed choice when it comes to their vote. Are they as engaged as you would expect them to be . They are, you think people arent interested in politics but when you actually engage them, they are. They care deeply about the brexit question and whats going to happen, they know their education requires funding. And they can see the evidence of that funding being cut back and how different it is. They certainly know about things Like University fees. They are clued up. Its our job Like University fees. They are clued up. Its ourjob to give them a bit more information. Great to talk to you, thank you for coming on. Principle of their Richard Taunton sixth form college. We will have 20 more sixth form college. We will have 20 more plenty more later, back to you. The Vice President of facebook, Nicola Mendelsohn, has defended the social media platforms decision not to ban political adverts. Speaking to the Victoria Derbyshire show, Nicola Mendelsohn said private companies should not police politicians. Facebook has come under heavy scrutiny in recent months over its political ads policy that leaves political adverts unconstrained regarding how they could mislead or deceive. In a democracy, we dont think its right that a private company should make the decisions as to what is and isnt the right thing for a politician to put out there. The point is about whether its accurate, or whether it is misleading. And the argument against you is, a politician or a Political Party can Say Something inaccurate as long as they are paying for it. No, i think its about the fact that i want to be very clear that there are rules out there so if theres anything that would cause harm or anything that maybe jeopardised the election, that would come down. We think it is right that we allow our platform, this is a hard conversation, its not an easy conversation, we do think its right that we allow our platform to be a place so people can see what is out there. Especially on political advertising, we make sure what happens now is that if any Political Party is advertising with us, they have to register with us. It has to say when the ads come up who it is by. And you can find out who you can vote for on december the 12th by checking out the candidates who are standing in yourarea. The lawyer for the man accused of murdering british backpacker Grace Millane has told a new Zealand Court that she died as a result of consensual sex gone wrong. Grace, who was 21 and from wickford in essex, died last december in auckland while travelling in new zealand. A 27 year old man who cannot be named for legal reasons denies her murder. Prosecutors say he strangled her and then disposed of her body in a suitcase. He claims she died accidentally after being consensually choked during sex. A chip shop owner accused of killing his wife by throwing boiling oil over her has been cleared of her murder. 71 year old geoffrey bran, who ran the chipoteria in hermon, carmarthenshire, had told police his wife mavis slipped and pulled a deep fat fryer over herself. The 69 year old died in hospital six days after receiving burns to 46 of her body. Geoffrey bran was also found not guilty of manslaughter. Now its time for a look at the weather. Thank you very much, good afternoon. Its certainly cold out there at the moment, coldest morning of the season and coldest of the week, temperatures will rise over the next few days. Chilly out there at the moment, there will be some sunshine, a lot more cloud in parts of wales, causing a bit of rain. Still some sub zero temperatures in some sheltered valleys, double figures in the west. Some of the rain will be coming in later and affecting devon, southern and central wales. Knowing near as cold as last night, frost will be nowhere near as cold as last night, frost will be hit and miss. A few isolated showers tomorrow morning on the north sea coast, a greater chance of rain in the far west but that will be confined in Northern Ireland and, later on. Most will be dry but temperatures on the rise compared to today. Hello, this is bbc newsroom live with joanna gosling. The headlines Prince Andrew is facing new calls to talk to us investigators about his friendship with sex offenderjeffrey epstein from a woman who claims to be one of epsteins victims. In hong kong, dozens of protesters are still thought to be barricaded inside the Polytechnic University, which has been under siege by the police since sunday. Some younger protesters have been allowed to leave without arrest. The green party of england and wales has launched its manifesto, pledging to make the whole country Carbon Neutral by 2030. Boris johnson and Jeremy Corbyn will go head to head in the first tv debate of the Election Campaign tonight, after the lib dems and the snp failed in a legal bid to be included. Mrjohnson said it was a, great chance to explain why we need to have this election. And the renowned broadcaster Sir David Attenborough has told the bbc that the response to plastic pollution has been encouraging Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn will go head to head in theirfirst general election tv debate tonight. The liberal democrats and snp wont be taking part in the show on itv, after they lost a last minute legal bid to be included. 0ur correspondent tim muffett has been on the set of tonights debate in salford. So this is it, then, the set ofjohnson versus corbyn, the itv debate taking place tonight at 8pm. Lots have been drawn to decide who will speak first and who will stand where. Jeremy corbyns name was drawn out first, and hes chosen to stand at this podium and to kick off proceedings. The Prime Minister, borisjohnson, hell be standing here and will be closing proceedings. There will be a one minute Opening Statement and then questions from the audience will be taken. Lets have a quick spin round, because this is where the audience will be, around 200 of them, and this is where the adjudicator will be keeping a firm eye on proceedings. In a previous debates, people have spoken about the tendency for some candidates to walk around the stage and to address the audience directly, thats not going to be the case tonight, theyre going to be stood behind their podiums. And at 10pm, leaders interviews, featuring leaders of the other main Political Parties, will be broadcast as well. Its going to be fascinating to see how this head to head debate pans out. Its the first time just two representatives of the main Political Parties have taken part in a uk tv election debate. What will the chemistry be like . Willthey look each other in the eye, will they ignore each other other and address the audience or the viewers at home . Were going to have to wait and see. What topics will come up . Will there be a standout moment . Again, tonight at 8pm, all will become clear. Staying with the Election Campaign, lets return now to southampton, home to one of the key marginal seats being fought over by the the conservatives and labour. Simon mccoys there. Welcome back to southampton. Throughout the general Election Campaign, weve been asking what questions you would like answered. This week, were expecting each Political Party to release their manifestos. The green party was the first to launch theirs this morning. 0ur correspondent Chi Chi Izundu went to meet one viewer, who wanted to know why manifesto pledges arent legally binding if a party wins a general election and doesnt fulfil those promises. The manifesto. The document that sets out what each Political Party would do if it got into government. Daniel craig, a taxi driver who lives in hampshire, has a question about them. Why cant we make election manifestos legally binding . To answer his question is peter. His job is to analyse politics, including elections. It would be really hard to make manifestos legally binding. The Prime Minister and the cabinet obviously lead the government, but if they want to make any changes, they have to get mps and members of the house of lords to agree, and thats not always possible even when a party has a majority. This is anna. She is a criminal lawyer. Here is what she thinks about getting courts mixed up in politics. The problem is that its a bad idea. If the election manifesto becomes legally binding, then firstly, you have the risk that it will tie the hands of parliament and, secondly, when it comes to enforcement, against whom would you enforce it . Would it be against the Prime Minister . The entire government . Who enforces it . Is it a public enforcement action only, or could you bring a private prosecution . We spoke to ellen, an academic in sweden Whose Research compared manifesto pledges in Different Countries to see who honoured them when they got into government. In the uk, we find that parties mostly keep their promises. And the uk system, being a system where the winner takes it all, is apparently a system that is more efficient at fulfilling pledges than some of the other countries we investigate. But is it worth it . Breaking a pledge will lead to punishment from the voters. Fulfilling a pledge is something you are expected to do, so you dont get a lot of credit for that. Dan is not the only one to have asked this question. The system is complicated, but, right now, the only way to hold the government to account is at the ballot box. The general issue is trust in politics. If they cant trust their government and they cannot trust them to follow through on election pledges, then i suppose people feel disenfranchised by that and left out. And chi chi is with me now. There are those two words, pledge and promise, and they are different things. Certain to that is what they set out as what they want to do. The interesting thing about a manifesto is that its notjust for the people. Sometimes it is to try and make parties to come together and decide what they want to do once they get into power. There is also already a convention in the constitution where the house of lords will not veto any kind of pledge that has appeared in a Party Political manifesto during an election. So there is that Tiny Convention at. But effectively, in the uk, largely, most Political Parties do actually honour a lot of the time, what they put in their ma nifestos. The time, what they put in their manifestos. But trust is such an issue, particularly in this election, so what is the record on pledges . There is quite a high record, but there are memorable times in history when these pledges havent been kept. Even in the 2017 election, there was an issue around the pledge and confusion on whether it was a promise or not i promise around social care with the conservative party manifesto. That can seem conservative party manifesto. That can seem problematic to the electorates, and that is what dan was trying to say. Was trying to say, basically, what you say to us in your manifesto is as important and we do pay attention. The distinction we should make is that a lot of the time, some electorates will seejeremy lot of the time, some electorates will see Jeremy Corbyn lot of the time, some electorates will seeJeremy Corbyn on the tv talking about various things that theyd like to do, and they think thatis theyd like to do, and they think that is something that would appear ina that is something that would appear in a manifesto, when it isnt. Theyre just talking, and therefore they cannot testing much that is a different thing and they get confused. Dan said that needs to be a stronger distinction about what is just chatter what is at the ma nifesto. Just chatter what is at the manifesto. So the manifesto has some weight in parliament . It does. The electorate want to know, we have had thousands of submissions, wanting to know quite technical stuff about parliamentary process, about how elections work, about how parliament uses what they say to us in public. It is important for people, because it is not something that is discussed daily. And during this election period, they want to know, so we are election period, they want to know, so we are trying to help them out. Thank you very much. The Prime Minister borisjohnson has been on a visit to a boxing gym near manchester, said the televised debate on tuesday i think you have to come down harder on knife crime and we have to see a serious reduction of violence. If you have been convicted of carrying a knife in the past, then you will have, as it were, a personalised section 60 order over your heads, which means the police can stop and search it, just like that, because of your previous record. And we think that will deter young people who have been convicted of carrying a knife of getting back involved in that kind of life again. So what projects like this are about and supporting diversions from knife crime are all about is trying to find the kids have got on the wrong track and getting them onto the right track. Its notjust track and getting them onto the right track. Its not just about policing or stop and search, though thatis policing or stop and search, though that is fantastically important, its also about wrapping your arms around the kids and putting them on the right track in their lives. We have another presenter here, our business presenter, at the university of southampton tonight. How isite going . Fantastically, simon. We have come here because south antrim is one of the top cities in the country for start up businesses and we are come here in general because it has one of the closest swing constituencies in the country, with a majority ofjust 31 for the conservatives at the last election. So a lot of the parties will be focusing their energies on that seat. Given that we love the magic of numbers, weve assembled a group of entrepreneurs under the age of 31 to talk to us about what they wa nt of 31 to talk to us about what they want and what will help get their start up businesses get out of the ground. 0ne start up businesses get out of the ground. One of them is to learn, thank you for talking to us. Tell us a bit about what your business idea is . We have resources for retailers that allow shoppers to find products themselves. We asked a set of questions and make recommendations based on the best products from the catalogue. So so what could the next Government Firm do to help you get your business further along the road to . What is important is to have some certainty. It is important that when the new government comes in we will have certainty. Thank you for talking to us. We are at this section part of the university of southampton, a Business Incubator that helps entrepreneurs get their Business Ideas get out of the ground. We have fantastic successes here, out of the businesses they held last year, some of them managed to raise funds in the public sector, raising 6 million last year alone. Amber is not based here but has come to talk to us. You are someone who lives at the brunt of your company . I live and breathe my brands, got a badger tattoo, may have taken that so badger tattoo, may have taken that so far i have a Creative Marketing consultant, delivering copywriting and social Media Support to businesses who want to level up their Online Presence and general brand awareness. Ive been full time for five months, so still quite new. Left myjob at a charity and havent looked back since. You clearly felt confident enough to step out on your own at a time when we are living in an era of economic uncertainty. What was it that made you do it and whats driving you . Was it that made you do it and whats driving you . To be honest, i just had the sudden realisation that life is too short to. If i do i could go for it now, there will always be a reason why not. I would love to have a fully serviced agency in the future where we deliver everything from pr to print marketing as well, so thats the big fish in. So what could the next up do to help you . For me personally, i would really like to see some of the co working hubs, not just would really like to see some of the co working hubs, notjust a shared space, but more involvement from government, funding opportunities grants, training opportunities, perhaps links to education so we can get some more apprenticeship involvements, that would be a great way for me to start moving my business forward. Because while this facility exists for entrepreneurs at the university of southampton, you dont benefit from that . the university of southampton, you dont benefit from that . I went to cardiff university, and way back when there were hubs like this and opportunity, but i dont have access to that now. And it was a Labour Government when i was there. And we could i can finish in southampton without talking about something that has its eyes on the sea. Conrad has a visual metaphor for his enterprise. I have a model boat built by a Primary School student who built it to one of the workshops are used to inspire and engage kids to take up engineering, to close that skills gap we have. Just to prove that it floats. And goes quickly as well you are travelling the country talking to younger people, getting them interested in careers in engineering upon what is it that you want from the next government that would help you continue to develop your business . would like clarity, there is a lot of stuff going around online and at the news, sojust a bit of clarity so we can the news, sojust a bit of clarity so we can stop preparing for the future. Thank you very much. Interesting that conrad finishes on the point of clarity, we heard that from dell and is well. Yesterday, i was at the cbi conference talking to big Business Leaders too, and they are craving that after three years of uncertainty since the brexit referendum. All the main Political Party leaders are promising it, of course, delivering it something else. The headlines on bbc news Prince Andrew faces new calls to talk to us investigators about his friendship with sex offenderjeffrey epstein from a woman who claims to be one of epsteins victims. In hong kong, dozens of Anti Government protesters are still thought to be barricaded inside a university, which has been under siege by police. The green party of england and wales launches its manifesto, pledging to make the whole country Carbon Neutral by 2030. A former British Royal marine who was accused of the murder of a wounded Afghan Taliban fighter in 2011 has told the bbc he tried to kill himself after hitting rock bottom. Headcam footage showed sam deen who was only known as marine e until now offering to kill a taliban insurgent, who was then shot by fellow marine Alexander Blackman, or marine a, as he was known. Charges against mr deen were dropped earlier this year and a military court has now lifted an anonymity order on him, leaving able to speak out for the first time. Clairejones reports. It was an afternoon on a battlefield in afghanistan that would go down in history. But the stories of some of the men involved have not been told. Now, one of those men is speaking for the first time about the day that changed his life for ever. In 2012, nine Royal Marines were arrested on suspicion of murder after an incident involving an insurgent in afghanistan. Five marines were charged and an anonymity order was granted to protect them. They became known as marine a, b, c, d and e. Marine es real name is sam deen. A military court has now lifted an anonymity order, so he can now talk openly about that day in afghanistan. This video footage is from a helmet camera worn by one of the marines. I do remember exactly what i was saying, i was saying, yeah, lets just put one in his head, letsjust do it. And youre just saying that because the guy was dying and was in pain. He was going to die. And then it happened. I just thought, right, thats done, lets go. Sam was later arrested and charged with murder. I was like, how can you charge me . Youve just seen the video, youve seen i didnt have any involvement other than saying what i said. Four months later, sam was acquitted of the murder charge, but the acquittal wasnt the end of the story. I was having panic attacks as well, i just didnt want to live like this any more. I tried to take an overdose. It wasnt the best time. Marine as identity was revealed in 2013 as Alexander Blackman. He was given a life sentence for murder. His conviction was later reduced to manslaughter and he was released from prison in 2017. I had a Mental Health diagnosis, but mine was situation or location specific. Ive had colleagues ive worked with whove, unfortunately, taken their life recently, since they left the service, because theyve struggled with Mental Health issues and kept it all bottled up. Now, sam is focusing on the future. Week by week, day by day, im changing. If you keep dreaming big, it gets better, doesnt it . Palestinians have expressed outrage after the United States said it no longer believes thatjewish settlements in the Israeli Occupied territories are illegal. The announcement by the secretary of state mike pompeo reverses a 40 year old us policy and puts washington at odds with virtually all countries, as well as Un Security Council resolutions. David willis reports. Four decades of us Foreign Policy overturned in a single sentence. The establishment of israeli civilian settlements in the west bank is not, per se, inconsistent with international law. Americas secretary of state said previous policy had been an obstacle to peace in the region. We have recognised the reality on the ground. We have now declared that settlements are not per se illegal under international law, and we have provided the very space that your question suggests, the very space for israel and the palestinians to come together to find a political solution to this very, very vexing problem. 600,000 jews are currently thought to live in settlements built since israels occupation of the west bank and eastjerusalem. The palestinians want the settlements removed, claiming their presence on land earmarked for a future palestinian state, makes such a prospect impossible. This constitutes a major threat to International Peace and security, and this is turning the International Community from the rules of international law, the rules of solving a contract conflict by peaceful means, into the rules of the jungle. This latest move is part of a pattern on the part of the trump administration. In december 2017, the president recognised jerusalem as israels capital, despite the fact that the palestinians claim territory there. And in april this year, his government recognised israeli sovereignty over the golan heights, all the while cutting us aid to the palestinians. But the move is music to the ears of the israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. Translation people of israel, this is a historic day and another great achievement to our policy. The Us Administration has now put an end to the lie that settlements are illegal. I thank President Trump and i thank secretary of state pompeo. Americas new policy on the israeli settlements leaves it at odds with both the European Union and the united nations, not to mention its allies in the middle east. It would also seem to signal an end to any prospect of a two state solution in the region. The eu in response is urging israel to end its settlement activity, which it says is undermining hopes of a lasting peace. Sir David Attenborough has said the world is starting to tackle the threat of Plastic Waste because people have become much more aware of the dangers it poses to marine life. He was speaking as the bbcs Natural History unit won an International Prize for highlighting the issue. Heres our science editor, david shukman. Depressing images of Plastic Waste, drifting in the water. Sights captured by blue planet ii, the bbc documentary series. Filming that revealed the damage being done to marine life by our throwaway culture. Other forms of pollution are only too familiar. Presented by Sir David Attenborough, the programmes were shown around the world, capturing the public and imagination forcing governments and companies to take action. This london supermarket, for example, is turning its back on plastic packaging, part of a movement thats gathering pace in many Different Countries. So when i meet sir david at kew gardens in london, he says that the dangers of Plastic Waste are now so clearly understood that there are reasons to be optimistic. Its the beginning. And people in all parts of society are aware of whats happening. And its vile, its horrid, its something that we are clearly seeing inflicted on the Natural World and having a dreadful effect. And theres something that they can do about it. So in a way, its a bit of a litmus test to see whether in fact the population care about this sort of thing, and people do. So i think its very encouraging. Sir david said he found these scenes of albatrosses the most moving, feeding their chicks with plastic. They think its food, and the chicks later die. And he says theres still a very long way to go to tackle the problem. The rivers of asia keep adding more Plastic Waste to the oceans. But sir david believes that the world is making a stance. What lengths would you go to to guard your property . Dogs and alarms are common enough, but what about a lion . Thats how one homeowner in nigeria chose to protect their house. Damilola 0duolowu reports. Residents in this part of lagos have been feeling panicky after noticing the presence of a lion in the house. The lagos State Government has, since friday, swung into action after receiving petitions from residents. 0peratives of the lagos state special 0ffences unit have surrounded this residence, housing a lion. The wild animal is being tranquilized right now and the Task Force Team will transfer it to a zoo. The owner of this animal has only been identified as an indian and he will likely face prosecution for bringing a carnivore to this state. The head of the Task Force Team told the bbc that he had the instruction of the commissioner for environment, commissioner of police and the minister of agriculture to tranquilize the cub and transfer it to the zoo. Whether the man likes it or not, we must get him. He should come and tell us what he knows about the lion, how the lion got here. So, if he does not come, what are you going to do . Of course, we know how to treat foreign nationals. We follow the procedures and rules and regulations to get him arrested. The lion was confirmed to have been moved into the building two months ago. The reason for this still remains unknown. The national zoo in washington is saying goodbye to one of its star attractions, a giant panda cub called bei bei. The bear, who is now 4 years old, has to return to china, under an agreement linked to chinas Panda Breeding program. A farewell ceremony is taking place at the zoo. Bei bei was born in the us and will make the journey east today on a specially chartered fedex plane. He will get to snack on 66lb of bamboo during the flight dubbed the panda express. The one 0clock news is next, with reeta chalra barti. First, its time for the weather with simon king. This morning, widespread frost had to start the day, and what will be the coldest part of the day. Temperatures as low as 10 in parts of aberdeenshire, but 20 degrees warmer in cornwall, and the warmer colours on the charts here. The warmerair in the colours on the charts here. The warmer air in the east, but some scottish highland staying below freezing. Double temperatures about more widely this afternoon in wales and the south west. Not much sunshine around, grey skies in cornwall today, and for one or two across the west, some rain. And the isles of scilly, cornwall, the west of wales. Brightening later. The wind is lighter, the strengthening breeze further west, picking up through the night. Rain at times in Western Areas, could get into some parts of western england and scotland. Central and eastern areas staying dry. Variable cloud, more of a breeze, not a cold tonight at last night, though a bit of frost around in eastern parts of england, Northern England and into central and eastern parts of scotland. Sunny spells coming and going throughout the day tomorrow, myspace are staying dry and the rain retreating westwards once again. So that there are some splashes on the west to begin with, the likes of cornwall and Northern Ireland likely to see rain at times mount areas here out to the west, but temperatures creeping up on what we have seen. Low pressure to the southwest of us, the wind is more southeasterly into thursday. Into thursday, heavier bursts of rain southwest, wales, perhaps Northern Ireland, the rest of the country predominantly dry, but isolated showers close to the north sea coast. A blustery day across the board, some use of all in northern and western parts of scotland. Into friday, rain drifts northwards through the nights, light and patchy, some lingering in northern scotland to begin with. Rain at times and to the west, but predominantly dry again. Good news for the flood affected areas and temperatures getting up to around 10 degrees. Into saturday, this low pressure will push to the mediterranean, but could push up some cloud and rain to england and wales. Protesters in hong kong remain barricaded inside a university campus, as the standoff with Police Continues for a third day. Protesters still inside are said to be running low on supplies hong kongs leader urged them to come out peacefully. They have to stop violence, give up their weapons and come out peacefully and take the instructions from the police. Well bring you more on one of the biggest flare ups hong kong has seen since protests broke out in june. Also this lunchtime; after the bbc interview about his links with sex offenderjeffrey epstein, Prince Andrew faces calls to talk to us investigators from a woman who says epstein assaulted her. The green Party Launches its manifesto, pledging to make

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