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And tiny manuscript but a big price with Mental Health issues one of the first works or disabilities are by Charlotte Bronte is sold going back more than a0 years, that thesejewish settlements in this palestinian territories were a for half a Million Dollars. Disproportionately affected. Contravention of International Law. The us secretary of state, it is the third decision by the mike pompeo, has announced that Trump Administration that is seen to washington no longer considers israeli settlements built in the occupied west be pro israel. There was the live from our studios in singapore recognition of Jerusalem Bank to be illegal. And london, this is bbc world news its newsday. Shown on this map in dark purple, be pro israel. There was the recognition ofjerusalem is the capital of israel. Recognition of are more than 100 israeli settlements in the disputed territory israeli annexation of the golan around jerusalem, heights and now this and you can imagine why the palestinian are up which palestinians want to see as part of a future independent state. In arms about this. And given we good morning. The move breaks with four decades of us policy stemming its 8 00 in the morning have next year the president ial here in singapore, from a 1978 legal opinion midnight in london from the state department election, will this decision have and 8 am in hong kong, any impact on that . It is where activists remain under siege that the settlements were interesting because of that decision inside the Polytechnic University. Inconsistent with International Law. But around 100 protestors, heres part of mike by the Trump Administration, the including 50 minors, announcement of the recognition of have been led from the buildings the israeli sovereignty over the as part of a deal negotiated pompeos announcement. By a group of school headteachers. Golan heights came in apriljust theres been more violence calling the establishment as police try to keep before the polls opened at that of civilian settlements inconsistent the campaigners trapped inside. With International Law hasnt worked particular time. One of the inconclusive elections that have outside the University Protesters or advanced the cause of peace. Been held there. And there is the have tried to break the police lines the hard truth is there will never while police have responded be a judicial resolution to this suggestion that there is an attempt and arguments as a matter with rubber bullets and teargas. About who is right or wrong to help mr netanyahu again. Whether as a matter of International Law it will do so of course remains to our correspondent, Rupert Wingfield hayes, will not bring peace. Has the latest. This is a complex political problem that can only be solved be seen because he is locked in a by negotiations between very tight race with his main rival the israelis and palestinians. For a few minutes today, it looked like the siege of Hong Kong Polytechnic University israeli Prime Minister benjamin there. We will just might end peacefully. Netanyahu welcomed the news, very tight race with his main rival there. We willjust have to wait and the young protesters began and said the us review see but meanwhile i think the of the legality of west Bank Settlements recognizes the rights fallout from this could be perhaps streaming down the stairway, of the jewish people to settle in theirland. Considerable. The United States warning citizens in the region to be mindful of the possibility of but on sunday was set aflame to block the police storming the campus. Attacks against citizens or us translation people of israel, this interests in the region as a result but seconds later, riot police began firing tear gas grenades, sending the young protesters is an historic day and a great of this announcement today. That was scattering in confusion. Some did not escape. Achievement to our policy. The us david willis speaking with kasia madera a little earlier. Youre watching newsday on the bbc. Administration has now put an end to 00 02 38,738 4294966103 13 29,430 the life that settlement the clear message from the police still to come on the Programme Today if you surrender, an update on the hong you will be arrested. Kong situation well be looking at the chances for a resolution of the crisis. After his interview with the bbc, britains Prince Andrew is facing hundreds of protesters are still more pressure to speak to the american authorities. Also on the programme after his interview with the bbc, hold up inside the university, britains Prince Andrew is facing and some of them, still more pressure to speak to the american authorities. Preparing for a fight. This young mans brother is one of them. He is 22 years old, Benazir Bhutto has claimed victory he graduated last year. In pakistans general election he was, go to the school after work. And shes asked pakistans president to name her as Prime Minister. And we talked by whats up. We know he is safe now but he cannot come out because Police Forces jacksons been released on bail around the school are trying to, of 3 million after turning himself in he is trying to come out last night to police in santa barbara. But not successful. It was the biggest demonstration so far this evening, a small group made of the fast growing another break for it, abseiling down ropes from one of the university footbridges to a roadway below. European anti nuclear movement. The South African government has announced that its opening the countrys and being taken away remaining whites only beaches on awaiting motorcycles. To people of all races. As night fell in kowloon, thousands of other protesters began coming onto the streets in support of those still besieged inside the university. This will lead to a black soon the streets of kowloon majority government in this country and the destruction of the white civilisation. Were once again ablaze. Part of the centuries old windsor castle, one of the queens residences, down the street behind me, has been consumed by fire for much of the day. About half a mile away 150 firemen have been battling the blaze, which has caused millions is the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, which is still under siege. Around it, in many, many of pounds worth of damage. Places donate as scenes like this of complete chaos, running street battles between protesters and riot police. This, where we are standing here, is next to many 5 star hotels. This is newsday on the bbc. This is the heart of hong kongs im Sharanjit Leyl in singapore. Tourist and shopping district. Im kasia madera in london. Trapped in their rooms, tourists our top stories gazed down on the scenes below. Late tonight, a handful of underage prominent figures in the hong kong protesters were allowed to leave government have entered the blockaded campus of a major the University Campus. University to persuade protesters to leave. But for everyone else, the police here are now taking an increasingly hardline. The Trump Administration has reversed decades of us Foreign Policy by announcing that washington no longer considers israeli settlements in the occupied west bank illegal. We are going to go into the campus right now to speak to a Democratic Party lawmaker, a legislator within lets return to our top story now the continuing urnest in hong kong. Hong kong. He is within polytechnic im joiend by vicky wong, the Political Editor of the coconuts news site in hong kong. University. Can you explain how many people are still within the campus welcome to the programme. You have building, within the grounds . been covering this for many months people are still within the campus building, within the grounds . I can hear you. I estimate that there are now, that the protests have gone on. This latest siege seems to show an even bigger escalation in the crisis. You have been speaking to still around 200 students still on campus right now. Many of them are protesters. Tell us, what is the mood right now amongst them . Well, ready to leave the campus now. Have the mood is somewhat incredibly all those who are under 18 been tense. You have to bear in mind that people really began to escalate on removed that you are aware . There friday morning. Last friday morning. Has been an arrangement made by the when a 22 Year Old University student died after falling from a police for those who are minors, who car park and no one knows exactly are under18, how that happened that it is police for those who are minors, who are under 18, they are allowed to believed he was trying to flee leave the campus, without any teargas during a Police Dispersal operation. So protesters believe he was responsible, that the police arrest. I can observe that the we re majority of the miners have already was responsible, that the police were responsible for his death and that has kind of, in some ways, left without being arrested. Soured the mood and led to increasing clashes. Prior to his death, protesters had been something minors. But those 18 or over, if ofa death, protesters had been something of a weekly affair. They have now turned into something that is happening almost every day so there they want to go, they will be are happening almost every day so there a re co nsta nt happening almost every day so there are constant disruptions on public arrested. Many have decided to go transport and just generally in hong and be arrested but quite a number kong at the moment. Now, we have of them are not accepting this been watching those dramatic images from the siege at the polytechnic arrangement. When it comes to the University Campus and we know that senior hong kong leaders have been minors, do you believe there are going in to try to mediate with the still some in the campus ground, protesters, including probating just to clarify that . Yes, there are figures like for instance. Is this minors still on campus who are improving the situation somewhat or escalating tensions even further . afraid and who do not trust the think it is in some ways a bit of Police Arrangement at all so they have decided to stay in the campus. Both. Carrie lam, hong kongs chief they are hiding. There is a executive, she still hasnt offered to meet with any of the protesters. Standstill. There are still a small number of minors still on campus and a large number of over 18 waiting to be arrested or attacked on the you have to know as well that jasper campus. What are the conditions on tsang even though he is probating, he is seen as a voice of reason. His the campus . Is there access to presence at a university at this Running Water . Do they have food . Time is quite significant but it is also quite telling that no actual the condition on campus is very officials under carrie lams chaotic. I believe more than half government havent gone to make any offerings of peace. We will continue to monitor the situation there at the students have already left. The campus. Thank you so much for there are Still Limited supplies joining us. Like water and food but i do not britains Prince Andrew is facing more pressure to speak to the us think these supplies can last for authorities, following his interview with the bbc when he was questioned about his friendship another day so it is a difficult with the convicted sex offender jeffrey epstein, who died earlier this year. The prince has consistently denied situation for those who decide to allegations about his own conduct. Our royal correspondent Nicholas Witchells report contains flashing images. Stay, although they are having a discussion or actually they are very, very tired and some are having a discussion about whether they in los angeles tonight, a lawyer should just leave the campus or even for some of Jeffrey Epsteins be arrested. It is a very difficult alleged victims and a young woman who says she was raped by epstein at the age of 15. Situation. A member of the and, in no uncertain terms, Prince Andrew was urged to step forward and tell the fbi everything he knows about the behaviour Legislative Council bringing us 00 08 00,718 2147483051 40 45,868 up to date. Thank you. A number of 2147483051 40 45,868 00 00 16,389 minors still within the group of and activities of his former friend, jeffrey epstein. He described in his interview this weekend thatJeffrey Epsteins home was like a railway station. Well, a lot of the people in his homes that were coming in and out were minors, underage girls. Its not something that anyone should close their eyes to. These are somebodys children. These are kids. It would help the victims, ms allred said, if Prince Andrew would take the initiative and submit himself to being questioned. Its the honourable and right thing to do. But will he . Theres no absolute commitment so far that Prince Andrew will agree to be questioned by the us authorities. The palace line at the moment is that, if a request is received, it will be considered. Two nights ago, Prince Andrew did his best to answer the central allegations with categoric denials of impropriety. Do you remember meeting her at all . No. You can say categorically that you dont recall meeting virginia roberts, dining with her, dancing with her at tramp, or going on to have sex with her in a bedroom in a house in belgravia . I can absolutely, categorically tell you it never happened. But today, a further sign of the damage this is doing to the princes reputation. One of his initiatives is called pitch at the palace its a scheme to help entrepreneurs. Tonight, the accountants kpmg announced they were withdrawing their sponsorship for the scheme. The decision was taken before the newsnight interview, but its understood the ongoing controversy around Prince Andrew is one of the reasons for it. But, for all of the criticisms, Andrews Officials say hes determined to carry on. There is no question of him stepping back in any way from his royal duties. Nicholas witchell, bbc news, buckingham palace. If youre looking for a more ethical and Sustainable Way to consume meat, you might want consider kangaroo. Thats the conclusion of a growing number of conservation experts in australia who say choosing marsupial meat is better for the environment and kinder than eating farmed livestock such as beef and lamb. Heres one of those experts, euan ritchie. I think the main thing is that kangaroo has obviously evolved on the australian continent so it is very well suited to our conditions here at as many would know, australia is very dry, it has very poor soil so it is a very old continent that there are not many nutrients and kangaroos are very well suited to these conditions as opposed to say sheep and cattle. And it is described as kangaroo harvesting, isnt it . Harvesting itself sounds like an old word because you are really hunting them which of course brings up lots of concerns by Animal Welfare groups that somehow this is cruel. Well, that somehow this is cruel. Well, thatis that somehow this is cruel. Well, that is correct. They are not farm. These animals are killed in the wild and it is a scientific based harvest so there is approximately a0 million of the harvestable species in australia and they calculate how many animals are in this area which is where they are harvested annually as they take a proportion, 15 is a maximum. And bear in mind, usually not even a quarter of that is taken so not even a quarter of that is taken so it is a very sustainable and science based harvest. Too many people watching, it might seem really, really odd to eat kangaroo meat. Have you come across lots of people who seem really put off by it . It is interesting to stop i have certainly been to the supermarket where i have been quizzed by people about why i am eating kangaroo but people dont think twice about eating lamb or beef or in fact even worse, potentially veal pulled up i put the question back to people about why we accept the fact that animals that are not grown in a suitable impact environment. We know environmentally speaking they produce a lot of methane which is contributing to the environmental problems so really, in terms of sustainability and ethics, kangaroo isa sustainability and ethics, kangaroo is a great choice. A tiny piece of Literary History has sold for more than half a Million Dollars in paris. Its a miniature magazine by the author, Charlotte Bronte. Lucy williamson has the story. Inside this tiny book Charlotte Bronte covered the world. Stories of heroes and adventurers, feuds and love affairs in far flung corners of the globe. The manuscript called the young mens magazine was written for her brothers toy soldiers. Today it sold for three quarters of a Million Euros to the Bronte Parsonage Museum in howarth. It already has the other four surviving little books. We are absolutely delighted. I could almost hear the whoops of delight all the way from howarth. Its the second time theyve tried to buy this manuscript. The first time they tried and failed in 2011 when it was bought by the collection that is being dismembered here. To finally bring it home for them now is a great moment. Packed into these a000 tiny words are early clues about Charlotte Brontes literary ideas. In one story she describes a man in a burning bed, a scene that is revisited in her most famous workjane eyre. Thats all for now stay with bbc world news. Hello there. The largely dry and sunny conditions will be welcomed across much of the country particularly for england and wales which has seen so much rainfall over the past few weeks. This morning we are starting off on a cold, frosty note with some fog around. Summer vest will quite dense. Some of it. Original High Pressure bringing these fine, settled conditions. This means that temperatures will be starting in such a cold notice they will further north and east. 10 degrees in one or two spots in scotla nd degrees in one or two spots in scotland and around 5a 6a Northern England so i bitterly cold start of the day with a hard frost across the country. Dense fog patches through the midlands into southern england and of course some issues through the morning. They will tend to lift and perhaps drift northwards into parts of lincolnshire and yorkshire, spoiling the sunshine a little bit here. For most it will be cold and sunny. This weather front bringing outbreaks of rain and into the south west of england where they will be less cold here. It will be another chilly day for all. On into tuesday night, another picking up more of breeze so although it starts of cold, by the end of the night, it looks like the frost will be limited more towards scotland and the north east of england. Still actually start for a wednesday. Variable amounts of cloud with spells of sunshine two. This weather front across the west will be producing spells of rain for Northern Ireland and western wales and in towards the south west of england. Most places will still be dry. Temperatures reaching 10 degrees but still single values elsewhere. Now into thursday, subtle changes to the weather front as it wiggles a bit further east. It could introduce outbreaks of rain through thursday for western parts of england, wales, Northern England and perhaps south west scotland was top one 01 perhaps south west scotland was top one or two perhaps south west scotland was top one 01 two showers perhaps south west scotland was top one or two showers moving up the east coast affecting the north east of scotland. These will be wintry into the high ground. A breezy day with the wind blowing up from the south east. Again temperatures reaching double figures, maybe 11 or 12 in plymouth. Single figures elsewhere, will remain fairly chilly. And dry and bright with sunshine. As we head into the latter past of the week and has met part the weekend, low pressure skirts by and heads into the Central Mediterranean but another low pressure system will push into western parts of the country through the weekend, perhaps into the start of next week, bringing mild air to oui of next week, bringing mild air to our shores but also could push some rainfall across more central and eastern parts of the country as well so turning a bit more unsettled into the weekend. Im kasia madera with bbc world news. Our top story hundreds of activists in hong kong remain under siege inside Polytechnic University. Several prominent figures in hong kong have entered the Polytechnic University and persuaded a number of Anti Government protesters under the age of 18 to leave. The us secretary state, mike pompeo, has announced that washington no longer considers israeli settlements in the occupied west bank illegal, reversing four decades of american Foreign Policy. And this story is still getting a lot of attention on bbc. Com Prince Andrew is reported to be standing by his decision to be interviewed by the bbc, about his links to the convicted sex offender, jeffrey epstein. The interview has been widely criticised, including by lawyers representing epsteins victims. Thats all. Stay with bbc world news

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