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For click. This way, the perils of the gig economy. Checking for allergies. This way, the perils of the gig economy. Checking forallergies. In fa ke economy. Checking forallergies. In fake birds. And fake birds. It is kind of hard to remember a time when we didnt have taxi hailing apps. And when i say taxi hailing apps. And when i say taxi hailing apps, even though there are many more players out there, it is oh that comes to mind first. At its conception a decade ago, uber was really disruptive. The idea that you could have a taxi to you within minutes, it would know exactly where you are, you could see where it was and he didnt have to have any money on you. It was revolutionary. The company grew at a rapid pace, becoming the highest valued start up in the world. This without ever turning a profit. In fact in the last three months alone, uber lost an eye watering 5. 2 billion. Undeterred, uber continues to expand and has its name stamped onto many apps that provide different types of services, all part of the so called gig economy. It has faced a lot of backlash in many of the countries that it operates in front taxi drivers who have been losing out because of the platform was much aggressive pricing strategies and from city authorities who have raised concerns over workers right and passenger safety. Here in london, the transport authority says it too has concerns about passenger safety a nd it too has concerns about passenger safety and it will decide later this month whether to renew ubers license. In the meantime, carl miller has met up with an uber driver who has concerns as well, although this is about how controls his livelihood. Uber controls his livelihood. Uber controls his livelihood. It is monday morning and i am catching a ride in an uber. Like so many parts of the Digital World, the gig economy was supposed to bea world, the gig economy was supposed to be a liberation. Apps like uber was supposed to transform how you work, work where you want, when you want. But now many fear that whether it is either in the platforms and how they work on the date and how it is collected, they dontjust represent the liberation, but also something else. A potent new form of control as well. What i was told is that the closest driver gets the job, but i dont believe that to be right, because what happens is i have seen customers sitting in my car trying to book a ride and it is not bouncing to me, it is actually going to drivers far away, five, ten minutes. That was something i really couldnt believe, so we gave it a go. But although i was physically sitting next to him, thejob went go. But although i was physically sitting next to him, the job went to someone several sitting next to him, the job went to someone several minutes away. Uber has now introduced a system that aims to reduce the waiting time for everyone, not just a aims to reduce the waiting time for everyone, notjust a particular passenger. And this may lead to the counterintuitive situation where your driver can get to someone else quickly and another driver can pick you up soon as well. Confused . Well, we are. Although the app gives some information, we struggle to determine what factors determine which work is indicated. In five yea rs of which work is indicated. In five years of driving, work has become scarce. It is becoming even more important to understand the algorithm actually giving the work. Important but also unknown. You drive around all day thinking maybe thatis drive around all day thinking maybe that is the best way to beat this algorithm or to meet up with the algorithm or to meet up with the algorithm being set. I dont know what is going on. On average, i used to work six to eight hours, five to six days a week. The number of days have not changed but the hours have increased. It will still be ten to 12 hours, five to six days a week. After costs are factored in, he says he and many of his colleagues are often struggling to make even the minimum wage. I have seen drivers sleeping in their car parking and you see them basically they have gone to sleep because they have overworked. The only for him, but plenty of other drivers as well, the algorithm that lets him feed and clothe his family. It is cold hard maths, but with tremendously human consequences. Unfortunately, we all depend on the algorithm. We wanted to be fairand depend on the algorithm. We wanted to be fair and transparent, that is the most important thing. There was only one way to actually figure out what has been going on. Asking for his data. And when he got it back, it made things even more confusing. James established the Worker Info Exchange to help people across the gig economy to actually make sense of their data. He told us the information haddy received refers from everything to speed to battery level but doesnt reveal the things he really wants to know such as race of paid or actual time spent on the platform and how to optimise his chance of earning more money. Drivers want to understand they are getting a fair deal, that the value, the quality and quantity of work is distributed. Uber has always proposed to its workforce that the workforce, drivers are their own boss, they are free to make their own choices, they are effectively running their own business. But if thatis running their own business. But if that is true, then i must be able to access the endless amounts of data i am creating a0 every day. But could also be a matter of the complicated and hidden nature of the information algorithm is involved . The way in which, for instance, drivers and passengers are matched via a platform is a complex calculation and the gig Economy Todayis calculation and the gig Economy Today is considerably more complex and that means that the questions around how scores are calculated, how the data is utilised and how it can be taken into account by service providers, that question is more important than ever was. But a joint study between oxford researchers and uber itself found on average drivers and above london living wage and reported they were happier than the average worker across the city. The question whether the full costs of being an uber driver were factored in when those figures were arrived at. The same arguments now playing out in the streets of london have happened in the city after city across the world. In what might have been a globalfirst, the powerful taxi and Limousine Commission in new york didntjust taxi and Limousine Commission in new york didnt just ask taxi and Limousine Commission in new york didntjust ask uber for data, but demanded it, and until uber handed it over, they were banned from operating. What we found out was that conditions were worse than what was being described to us by drivers. 96 of drivers were making less tha n drivers. 96 of drivers were making less than the citys minimum wage, but without that information, you only have anecdotes, you have stories from drivers about low wages, but you have no way to really quantify that, and without quantifying it, you cant create a policy to bring those levels of wages up. Policy to bring those levels of wages up. In response, uber said another brilliant report from carl. If you could just sum up your thought about whether the gig economy really is eroding workers rights, not just pay economy really is eroding workers rights, notjust pay but workers rights, notjust pay but workers rights in general . In some sense, it really has to. These are old, old issues now raised in different ways. Used to be struggles of employees overwrite. Now it is a struggle of workers being recognised as employees at all. He is to be over struggle of control of the shop floor and now it is over data. These issues stretch back hundreds of yea rs. Issues stretch back hundreds of years. They are now being raised in all these strange new forms as the work increasingly transforms to these platforms. We fully to believe these platforms. We fully to believe the gig economy will be better than having traditionaljobs . It is that paradox, both deliberation and a new form of control both in same thing. We believed part of it and we were right to comment is bringing flexible new forms of work but also bringing these new hidden forms of control, which because they are working through the check and complex data quite hard for us to see or recognise is there in the first place. If we can move on in a few weeks time you are going to do what i think its quite a groundbreaking report for us. Here on click. On the week of the general election, carl is looking at the type of outrage and anger that flows across social media to and from members of parliament and candidates. Is that right . Thats right. This is a free for all election. I dont think were ever going to see a large gap between the influence of the Digital World on the of the vote and the influence of laws on the Digital World. It is a free for all. It has become individually important. And for eve ryo ne individually important. And for everyone to learn more about politics. At the same time the laws have kept up and havent extended to the Digital World. We are desperately trying to track the major social outcomes and consequences of what is happening which is simply that everyone is getting angrier with almost everyone else across society. It seems at the moment we are massively polarised and we are also very angry. Do you think the two go hand in hand and maybe in the future where we are not so maybe in the future where we are not so polarised we wont be so angry, or do you think everything and eve ryo ne or do you think everything and everyone is just getting or do you think everything and everyone isjust getting more hyperbolic, and we are online . That would lead to just more polarisation for ever. It is powerful yet intricate interplay between the Digital World and Everything Else happening in society. There are lots of things that dont have anything to do with technology with why we are angry. Platforms we live on, the way information flows around as part of that story as well. We are only seeing certain kinds of information, seeing certain kinds of information, seeing cherry picked facts from the other side, slotted into our own timelines and so on and all that is pa rt timelines and so on and all that is part of the story. The platform has visible rules of determine what you see and experience online, that is definitely leading us to anger rather than the opposite. Look at the glee in his face we look forward to it, carl. Good luck with your research. Thank you. Hello and welcome to the week intact. It was the week disney officially entered the week disney officially entered the streaming market. It didnt quite go to plan. Disney plus finally went live in the us, canada and the netherlands but customers reported technical issues with many unable to connect. Disney said demand exceeded its highest expectations. Maybe ralph really did make the internet after all. In the fastest backlit and you turn since. Well, sonic, the up dated and redesigned headshot has been officially revealed in a new trailer for the upcoming live action movie. The original trailer through a deluge of complaints in mockery over the original design of sonic himself forcing animators quite literally back to the drawing board. From spinning hedgehogs to back living robots. These footballing flipping robots. These footballing flipping robots from mit i recall the many cheetah. Its creators claim it is virtually indestructible and can write itself if it falls down. As well as some smooth soccer skills, it is capable of working over uneven terrain twice as fast as a human. Lets hope it cant climb trees. Finally, in other robot news, if you are one of those people that dont like speaking to shop assistants, you would rather direct your questions to one of these welcoming faces and said. This humanoid face can apparently show emotion and they claim they can make photorealistic loa ns claim they can make photorealistic loans like these unfortunate and Albert Einstein dolls. Greeted in store, will you be back . You decide. For those with serious food allergies, knowing exactly what you are eating can be a matter of life or death. When it comes to packaged food, the ingredients that normally are food, the ingredients that normally a re clearly food, the ingredients that normally are clearly on label i one if it may contain traces of nut or any other allergens. But when it comes to eating and someone elsehouse or ina to eating and someone elsehouse or in a restaurant, things get a little bit more complicated. So, if you wa nt to bit more complicated. So, if you want to add an extra level of checking what those ingredients are, well, i have been putting some technology to the test that might be able to help. This test for gluten and another that tests for peanuts. The idea is that tests for peanuts. The idea is that you put in a small sample of the food you are eating, small as ap, into one of these capsules and that goes inside the device with such things up to your site phone and you can find out whether the ingredient you cant eat is in it or not. I will put both of them to the test which this cookie, which should contain gluten but shouldnt contain nuts. The device uses antibody based chemistry born out of Mit Technology to detect proteins or allergens. The Company Public algorithms then translate in complex science into a smiley go ahead undated face or not. This is a pricey occupation, though. Each one time use capsule currently setting you back 5. And the company does advise that this is an extra level of checking on top of your normal Due Diligence and of course carrying any medication. 0k, ok, ican ok, i can confirm that the device got is correct. This is a contains gluten and you can see how on the phone, 12 30pm today glidden has been found. Tap on that, it gives me the option of notjust making a note for myself so i remember, but also sharing the data to the nima database. And sharing the data to the nima data base. And of sharing the data to the nima database. And of course if more people use these devices, then the data will come more valuable gluten has been found. Lets test the peanuts. You can do this with liquids or solids. And we have a result in the form of a smiley face. During my limited experience, the results were accurate. But i have only tested a small piece of each bit of food. So im working on the basis that the ingredients are consistent throughout. While they are an entirely different entity, food intolerances can have a huge impact on peoples lives, too. Ive tested this at prototype stage, but now i have the finished version on food mark to customer care. You breathe into this little hole here, and it will track how much hydrogen there is in your breath. The idea behind this is if youve eaten something you havent managed to do just properly then a small amount of hydrogen is released into the bloodstream. That makes its way into your lungs and from your lungs into your lungs and from your lungs into your breath. So, you can figure out which foods might be affecting you negatively. Once you have a reading, you can think that up with any sleep data or how stressed you are feeling, to see if there is any correlation. You can manually make a note of symptoms, too, and you can log all of the ingredients you have eaten in a meal. So how much use of these readings, ta ken eaten in a meal. So how much use of these readings, taken at any given time . I think the danger of that kind of result or variability might be that it may end up with you not knowing where you are and restricting your diet in all sorts of ways. You could compensate so you didnt lose weight, for example and become obviously malnourished. But some deficiencies of micronutrients that are important. But there is a secondary use the device hopes to build, and that should be able to really isolate the issue. To fulfil. Food intolerance testing. It could require some fasting and using different modes within the up app, but you can test for sorbitol and fructose for intolerance. App, but you can test for sorbitol and fructose for intolerancem seems these machines we use to test the hydrogen in a clinical hospital, my problem with it is being practical there are many people who are primarily producing methane. What if you got something really badly wrong and you wanted to test it . And you are putting down all of these symptoms you need to look out for, and you diagnose it as an intolerance of food rather than Crohns Disease or coeliac disease. Or if you think you are too busy to go to the doctors with the symptoms, and yet you are sitting on a cancer somewhere . So because these devices dont eradicate the need for a doctors diagnosis or checking what is in yourfood. But doctors diagnosis or checking what is in your food. But for some, doctors diagnosis or checking what is in yourfood. But for some, maybe they could provide an extra layer of reassurance. That was lara. Now, i wonder whether youve seen this sort of thing going on recently. This is my phase on Donald Trumps body. It was made using deepfakes, an ai algorithm which is capable of taking algorithm which is capable of taking a face from one video and animating it onto another person because mike headin it onto another person because mike head in another video. Its very easy to get hold of the software but it requires technical know how. Recently researchers in israel have published a paper that says a swapping be done without all of the complicated training and processing. Faceswapping. Complicated training and processing. Faceswapping. We can now apply to a vast number of human faces. Such that it a vast number of human faces. Such thatitis a vast number of human faces. Such that it is notjust to a particular person, but can be adjusted to any human face. One of the main dangers of this kind of technology is that if it progresses much more, and it will, those interested in undermining the Publics Trust will be able to undermine a new domain. As the technique behind fake videos gets more sophisticated, faked speech is also becoming scarily realistic. Now this can be animated to match words and the words can be faked to. Most of the deepfake videos are done by cutting together genuine audio recordings of the subject or by using an impressionist, as this amazing video illustrates. Better to wind up into dust than and up and impressionist. Watching an impressionist. Weve also seen software which can listen to your voice, analyst and make you say things you havent. Even birds arent safe from this fakery. In one art installation, at least. Weve gone to Somerset House to meet an artist who is deepfaking birdsong in artist who is deepfaking birdsong in a darkened room. So in this room we have real birds in one area, and fa ke have real birds in one area, and fake birds generated by ai in this area. That is a fake bird. Birds chirping listen closely, and you can hear several species like grated, robins and others grey tits. The system is often used to make new video from existing video footage called deepfakes. Its existing video footage called deepfa kes. Its not existing video footage called deepfakes. Its not the first time she is used to to make the impossible exist. There is a digitally revived rhino, a computerised mars landscape, as you do, and even the scent of a long extinct flower. By creating deepfaked birdsong extinct flower. By creating deepfa ked birdsong is extinct flower. By creating deepfaked birdsong is a challenge for the artist technically and ethically. This is what we used to train the chorus. Deepfakes are worrying in some applications, deeply worrying. You may have watched the Mark Zuckerberg false testimony videos. The words look at their coming from his mouth and they arent words that he said. The system is being trained to mimic him. And in the same way in this project we are using the same technology, essentially, to mimic natural birds. Its like trying to dropa natural birds. Its like trying to drop a pencil on its tip and expecting it to stand up on the end ofa expecting it to stand up on the end of a pencil. That is how hard it is to train one of these networks. So, how hard is it to make a deepfake bread . Start with thousands of real sound recordings, a job in itself. At this point that isnt going to sound very good. Next, play all of these snippets into the gam programme which argues with itself about what sounds most like a robin. We now have something that sounds like this. I did generous amounts of computing time and you will get something that sounds a bit like a bird. Eventually. And then by ten our chorus is much better. Its an ethical issue with this project as well. We have advanced the technology of deepfake by working with them. You end up with something thatis with them. You end up with something that is very lifelike but not real, and that is an uncomfortable thing to listen to. Now reasonably keen areas can spot the real songbirds from the imposters ears. And while it is technically impressive it sounds a little strange. And as deepfakes continue to improve, our best defence is to educate ourselves about what is fake and real. Whether it is birds, or people. That was lj, tweeting furiously from Somerset House. And it is all we have time for this week, but if you wa nt to have time for this week, but if you want to get hold of us any time of the week, dont forget we live on social media, on facebook, youtube, instagram and twitter. Thanks for watching and we will see you soon. Hello. There is a bit more rain in the forecast for this weekend, but hopefully not as much as we had through the week or indeed, as much as we have had through the autumn so far. It looks like some places may well break records, so far this autumn sheffield have recorded over a00 millimetres of rain, just shy of the previous autumn record. Provisional figures suggest that nottingham, with sas millimetres of rain mayjust have beaten the previous autumn record rainfall. There is more of autumn to come of course and some showery rain in the forecast for this weekend, but also some spells of sunshine. Its quite a complex weather pattern. Low pressure over the near continent, a frontal system putting in from the west, the two staging something of a pincer movement, bringing areas of cloud and patchy rain in towards our shores. Now, in between theres a zone of clear skies for scotland and Northern Ireland, thats where we are starting the day with a frost. And some fog patches across northern scotland, some of which will be quite stubborn through the day ahead. Generally, i think we will see a bit more cloud spreading into scotland and Northern Ireland as the day wears on. Eastern and southern scotland seeing some splashes of rain and those grey and damp conditions extend across northern england, down into parts of the midlands. The odd sharp shower for south west of wales down into cornwall, but for the south east of england, well, here a decent chance of seeing some dry weather and even a little bit of sunshine. Another chilly day, but not quite such a windy one as weve been used to lately. Now through saturday night into sunday, still these areas of cloud and showery rain around, it will turn a bit cloudier for a good part of scotland and Northern Ireland. Where you do keep clear skies, and some places will, it will turn into a bit of a chilly night. So on sunday, really were just chasing these areas of cloud and showery rain around the map. It looks like two parts of northern england, wales, the south west, people will see cloud and some showers at times. To the south east of that, a fighting chance of seeing at least some dry weather. And for Northern Ireland and scotland, it should turn increasingly break through the day. Its still chilly, single digit temperatures for most of us. Now, into the start of the new working week, this little ridge of High Pressure is going to try to work its way across the british isles. And that should give a drier and brighter day on monday. This is the day where we do get to dry out. There will be a few showers brought into north sea coastal areas on a brisk, northerly wind, but otherwise its fine. There is some sunshine. It stays pretty chilly, 6 10 degrees at best. But as we head deeper into the week, it does turn more unsettled again. We will see further outbreaks of rain, heaviest in the west. It will be windy, but it will turn a bit milder. Welcome to bbc news. I am james reynolds. Our top stories Prince Andrew breaks his silence on thejeffrey epstein scandal in an exclusive bbc interview. He was convicted of question of staying at the home at the convicted sex offender. Buckingham palace denies all allegations of inappropriate behaviour. The former American Ambassador to ukraine tells the impeachment inquiry President Trump was manipulated by corrupt foreign interests. Evo morales, the deposed president of bolivia, says he might stand again if there is a re run of last months divisive election. And fibre alleged spies let go. Three countries join a cold war style spy

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