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Derbyshire tonight to see the devastation the flooding has brought there. And the worst may not yet be over. Officials said that the River Derwent in derby reached its highest ever level earlier today and the waters are due to peak before midnight. Our correspondent phil mackie sent this report. Theyve never seen anything like this. Its the highest recorded level for the River Derwent in derby. The floodwaters have begun to inundate parts of the city centre. The derwent still hasnt peaked, but already parts of Derby City Centre are now the river level, and that means as it pours out over its banks, its pouring into streets like this. Around the corner, Council Workers are warning local businesses to prepare for the worst. The river levels have risen substantially overnight and during the course of the day, so our absolute priority is safety of our citizens and the people in the city centre. Next to the river in flats which are about to flood, residents are getting ready to leave. It looks like i need to build the ark, basically. Ive had to move my animals two by two, you know . And the rivers been flooding. Ive been here four years and its the first time its really broke its banks. The city centres been at a standstill, and floods have caused chaos on the roads all round it. Getting home has been the priority, no matter how difficult. Phil mackie, bbc news, derby. Now on bbc news, part of our 100 women series how to build a city for women. Cities are supposed to be built for all of us. Men, women and children to we live, we move, work, play. Well to share this space together. But they are not built by all of us. Because most cities, if not all of them, are designed and built by men. So half the population is deciding how all of us should live. What would a city look like if it were designed by women . We have come to barcelona to find out about a bold feminist experiment. Can female centric Design Change the way we experience a city . Barcelona has a long history of reinventing itself with brave and adventurous urban design. Over 6000 yea rs, adventurous urban design. Over 6000 years, generation after generation of men have their mark on this city. But now it is in the midst of a feminist takeover. Four years ago, the city elected its first female mouth. She has embarked on a profoundly feminist agenda. And she is not someone who could ever be accused of being conventional. Before she was elected, she was in a diverse tooth fought against the spate of evictions in spain during the economic crisis. She is not the only one working to put women at the centre. Barcelonas feminist revolution involves eve ryo ne feminist revolution involves everyone from writers to urban planners, architects, sociologists and all of those make up the fact that make fabric of this evolving city. To think about how a city might be different, if it were created by women, barcelona has been examining how men and women use the city differently. And that is something these women have been obsessing about for over a decade. Their collective has done deep research into how gender affects our experience of the city. And one thing they are particularly obsessed with is toilets. Research says that women spend three times as long, on average, in the toilet. And most of the time and can stand up. So when the same space you can fit more mens toilets. In theory, womens bathrooms should be at least three times the size. This is only one of hundreds of ways that men and women experience a city differently. Sitting at a bus stop waiting to get to work or get home from work and then this happens. And one of the most profound of those differences is how safe we feel, especially at night. This woman works as a cleaner at a hospital on the outskirts of the city. In this area of high rise apartments, the streets are deathly quiet. It is a 30 minute walk, 20 minutes if she is scared enough. She worked with the collective for months as part of a big project documenting the journeys of nightshift workers. They found that women were walking to work in the night because transport started slowly late. When they presented this to the authorities, they convince them to start the bus schedule one hour earlier. That helped her for a schedule one hour earlier. That helped herfor a while. And then schedule one hour earlier. That helped her for a while. And then the cleaning Company Changed her hours. But it is notjust people who have to work that have the right to feel safe in the city at night. For over 100 years, the festival has been bringing citizens of barcelona of all ages together. But for women, partying into the night has always come with a certain risk. Now barcelona is saying no. The town hall has launched a Virulent Campaign against Sexual Harassment and violence will an important part of that is the anti magister. The app launched in april and the idea is to create a map of where sexual assaults are happening so the city can stop them. Years before the hashtag me to movement, barcelona was reclaiming the night for everyone. But making a city feminist is about a lot more than making women feel safe. It is also about making women feel seen. Because if you think about it, like how history books, our cities are filled with images that celebrate the achievements of men. A study of seven of the worlds big cities and found only 27. 5 of street names we re found only 27. 5 of street names were named after women. Barcelona has been trying to fix that. The last government named half of the new streets after women. This mare is pushing even further, to 60 . That change is also being driven by the people of barcelona themselves. These women are rewriting local history, celebrating the work of great ordinary citizens, their mothers and grandmothers. They have put up this clerk to marketplace where generations of women came to wash clothes to and representation is something that barcelonas mayor is passionate about as well. What does that mean, to have this parity . Do you think women do politics differently to men . At the core of her feminist philosophy is participation. But she has been criticised for sitting on the fence when it comes to Catalonian Independence and for forming a coalition with the far right party in her second term. And the sincerity of her feminism has also been questioned, especially by groups that represent low paid workers, often women of colour and immigrants. This is a city that entertained 8. 9 million tourists last year. And there is an invisible army of women who keep the Hospitality Industry going. Cleaners,. This woman came to barcelona from peru 27 years ago. She wants hotels to carry a Quality Assurance stamp to show they treat clea ners assurance stamp to show they treat cleaners unfairly. But she says the mayor has not been supportive. Redefining a city along a feminist philosophy, where everybodys needs are considered equally, is about more thanjust are considered equally, is about more than just security and services. It is about thinking how each of us is using space differently. Because weather we realise it or not, from a very early age, the spaces we use are segregated. Even playgrounds. Equalled surrey as a group of three urban designers who wanted to make a playground for all children of equal access to space, so they asked eve ryo ne access to space, so they asked everyone what they wanted. How important was it that you spoke to the community . How important was that part of the process, speaking to parents and children . And the city is notjust thinking about kids, but also the people who look after them. Carers. Like all cities, barcelona can only build upon the history that it has. The history built by men. But in pushing for a new vision for the city, its new leaders might be taking inspiration from one of the regions most unique traditions. The castell. Janet sounds is barcelonas council of urbanism, and she wants to invert another traditional power structure. She is overseeing one of the citys most ambitious projects. Its called the suprea, or super block. In almost every city, cars ta ke block. In almost every city, cars take up more space than any other road user. The idea of the super blocks is to reclaim the streets for pedestrians over cyclists, or even just for hanging out. The plan takes nine blocks and forms one big super blocks, which are closed off from through traffic. Only cars that need access through traffic. Only cars that need a ccess a re through traffic. Only cars that need access are allowed in, and the speed limit is reduced to ten kilometres per hour. Parked cars have to go underground. So instead of busy junctions, you have parks, picnic benches, and play areas. So far, barcelona has built six of these, but the plan is to extend it to over 500. The super blocks were designed by salvador river, but they have been implemented with gusto by this administration, who put their feminist philosophy of participation at the heart of it. Seeing what a city like barcelona would look like if it was designed and built by women is stilljust a fa ntasy. And built by women is stilljust a fantasy. We can never undo thousands of years of male centric design. What do you think that you have achieved in five years, to make the experience of men and women more equal . But what is happening here in barcelona is a small window into what it could be like if the world was designed by feminists stop by people who believe everyone has the right to have a seat at the table. For more stories on what a future designed by women will look like, go to bbc. Com 100women. Hello. The recent slow moving heavy rain that we saw across much of Northern England has now eased away, but we are left with the legacy of some very high river levels, quite a lot of flooding, too. So still several flood warnings and even severe flood warnings in force, particularly across parts of Northern England. River levels will slowly come down through the course of the weekend. Theres a bit more rain on the way for saturday but it will be heaviest in the places that are not affected by the flooding. A dry day likely by the time we get to sunday. But its a cold weekend. First thing saturday morning, temperatures widely subzero. About 2, 3 in towns and cities, colder in the countryside. A touch of frost, certainly. Also fog or freezing fog patches to start off your day as well. We can see this weather front making its way in from the west. That will bring a mix of rain. Also some sleet and some snow over the highest ground, only across parts of wales through the day on saturday, but certainly down at low levels it will be falling as rain. Parts of Northern Ireland, south west scotland, wales, western england, seeing the arrival of that rain. Eastern england and northern and eastern scotland staying dry through the day, after the morning mist clears away. Should be some sunshine around, but it will feel pretty chilly wherever you are. Were mainly going to be stuck in single figures, maybe just squeezing 10 celsius towards plymouth, but for most, about 6 9. That area of rain, with a little bit of sleetiness and snow over the high ground, starts to ease away towards the south as we move through saturday night and overnight into sunday morning. With all the cloud around in the south it wont be such a cold night. Certainly not compared to first thing on saturday. Temperatures mostly above freezing. Still a cold night to come for Northern England, Northern Ireland and scotland as well. Sunday, remembrance sunday, were looking at some decent conditions. Lots of dry and fairly sunny weather. There will be some rain working in from the west later on in the day, but much of remembrance sunday is looking fine and dry, with light winds, temperatures somewhere between 6 10, for most of us on sunday. Then we start to see this frontal system heading in from west to east, through sunday night and into monday. You can see a bit of light. Some sleet and snow over the highest ground, parts of Northern England and scotland as well. That main band of rain should clear away gradually on monday, perhaps lingering longest towards the south east. Then were back into sunny spells, scattered showers, some of them a little bit wintry over the highest ground. In the sunshine, though, top temperatures around 6 11. Bye bye. Welcome to bbc news im nuala mcgovern. 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