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World series title. Hello, welcome to the programme. The house of representatives has endorsed the impeachment inquiry into President Trump. The vote was almost entirely along party lines, with democrats supporting it, and republicans against. Its only the third time in modern history that the house has voted against a sitting president. Democrats are looking into whether President Trump betrayed his oath of office by trying to get a foreign power to investigate his political rival. As Laura Trevelyan now reports, its clear mr trump and House Speaker nancy pelosi are on a collison course. On this vote the yeas are 232, the nays are 196. A historic moment. A house of representatives votes to formalise an impeachment enquiry into the president. On the table. Did donald trump create a high crime and misdemeanour in trying to strong arm the ukrainian president into investigating joe biden . Thats the accusation. The house divided almost entirely on party lines. Only a couple of democrats voted with the republicans. Nancy pelosi, the House Speaker, was never an enthusiastic supporter of impeachment. Now she says the enquiry is essential. On this vote the yays are 232, the nays are 196. I dont know why the republicans are afraid of the truth. Every member should support allowing the American People to hear the facts for themselves. This. That is really what this vote is about. Its about the truth. And what is at stake . What is at stake in all of this is nothing less than our democracy. Republicans have focused more on the process in congress, rather than the accusation that the president abused his power in that phone call with ukraines leader, volodymyr zelensky. House republicans say this is an unjust attempted coup against their leader by democrats who fear losing to him in 2020. Not only did every single republican reject this soviet style impeachment process, but we were even joined by democrats who couldnt stand it anymore. If you look at where we are right now, were at an important point in history. Clearly there are people that we serve with that dont like the results of the 2016 election. The president s political ally in britain, nigel farage, had mr trump is a call in guest on his radio show today. The us leader says he did nothing wrong. Because its a hoax. And, you know, high crimes and misdemeanours . Well, whats a high crime and misdemeanour when you have a very appropriate conversation . Now, fortunately, we have the transcript. This vote allows the house to discuss the evidence against the president , with public hearings and a vote. If it passes, then us senators act as jurors in a trial. And if two thirds of senators find him guilty, donald trump will be removed from office, the first time that would have ever happened. But if the vote goes along party lines, which right now seems likely, the president will be safe. But nothing is certain and Public Opinion could shift during the hearings. One things for sure buckle up for the partisan fight to come. Laura trevelyan, bbc news, washington. Well, earlier democratic congressman Gregory Meeks explained the next steps. We, today, finalised the rules and voted on the rules for impeachment enquiry to continue, which we will follow throughout stop which i think was significant and important for the American People so that we can see and hear from those that ive heard from in private. The American People can then see for themselves the demeanour of the witnesses and the demeanour of the witnesses and the fact that they basically are cooperating the statements that were made by the whistleblower about the president s abuse of power. Youve got to remember that the president has been the one preventing witnesses from coming. Weve asked many of the individuals close to the president to come in and testify. Mr boulton, for example, is that he will not testify without a subpoena. We may well subpoena him to come and testify. This is a driverfor the truth. So we are not coming to say we wa nt truth. So we are not coming to say we want to hear a testimony that has been made up. We want to hear the truth. This is a driverfor the truth. This is a driverfor the truth so we can protect our democracy from abuse of power, from threatening our national security, and from having individuals that get involved in our domestic politics. Gregory meeks there. Lets cross live to washington and speak to the bbcs chris buckler. Lets pick through this. How damaging is it for the whole process that this initial vote has been split completely, almost, on party lines . I think, truthfully, completely, almost, on party lines . Ithink, truthfully, lewis, it was inevitable. Was it was going to be case that democrats and republicans would choose sides in this debate. And, really, what is going to be important in the next few weeks ahead isjust important in the next few weeks ahead is just how these proceedings are conducted in public, because up to now we have had these closed door sessions and even then we have had republicans at one stage invading one of the hearings and very much saying that they felt that there was no transparency in what was happening. Now we are going to see some of that taking place out in the open. I think what you are going to find in washington is if you felt it was divided up to this point prepare yourself, its going to get a lot worse to come. And the reality is this is going to be a Better Process on the way to a vote on whether or not to impeach president donald trump. And, ultimately, it is going to live democrats and republicans both saying very, very strong things they dont think theres any chance of the two sides coming together. Chris, regardless most of what the investigation finds, we should be clear that the actual chances of President Trump being impeached are very small. Incredibly small. And thats because although the Impeachment Vote will take place in the us house of representatives, where there is a democrat majority, ultimately it goes to trial, essentially, in the us senate and there they need a two thirds majority of senators who act essentially as the jury and all of this. And, frankly, if you take a look at the vote that have taken place already and where people stand, it is highly, highly unlikely that that will happen. So President Trump may well feel that he is a secure in hisjob at trump may well feel that he is a secure in his job at this stage. But, ultimately, we dont know what evidence is going to come out. And certainly we have had very senior people inside the administration already make very serious allegations against President Trump, that he was trying to use his position to force ukraine into a position to force ukraine into a position where they would investigate his political rival any potential president ial candidate for the democrats, joe biden. And that is something democrats say need to be looked into. Remember, this is not a criminal trial. Its a question of a political trial. This idea of high crimes and misdemeanours, what it actually means is that there is a suggestion that President Trump abused and misused his power as president and thatis misused his power as president and that is going to be something that divides in washington and potentially devise the country. 0k, chris, thank you very much. Chris buckler in washington. Firefighters in california are facing a new crisis as strong winds triggered more wildfires in the south of the state. Fires over the past week have led to Mass Evacuations and power cuts and a state wide emergency has been declared. However, firefighters in Northern California believe they have turned a corner in battling the kincade fire. A un expert has told the bbc that google, apple and instagram are enabling an illegal online slave market. Thats after an investigation by bbc arabic discovered Domestic Workers being sold via apps and hashtags all easily available on your smartphone. One app user even offered to sell our Undercover Team a 16 year old child. Jess kelly reports. We have heard of Domestic Workers being sold in kuwait using apps available on google play and the apple app store. We went undercover to try to expose this illegal trade. We found hundreds of women being advertised on facebook owned instagram using dedicated hashtags. Most women had no idea they were being advertised for sale online. We arranged to meet a seller who was advertising a Domestic Worker on the kuwaiti app asale. Her price us 2,300. He told us he was a policeman and boasted about how he controlled her everyday life. Permits for Domestic Workers are attached to their employer but the apps have created a black market where the permit and the person can effectively be resold. We arranged to meet another seller, advertising a Domestic Worker from africa for us 3,800. She is trying to sell a child for Domestic Work, which is illegal. This is the quintessential example of modern slavery. If google, apple, facebook or any other company is promoting apps like these, hosting apps like these, they are promoting an online slave market. Following our investigation, asale has removed its Domestic Work ad section and said. Facebook, which owns instagram, told us. But the bbc has found hundreds of women still being advertised on instagram using other hashtags. Both google and apple told the bbc that this type of behaviour has no place on the application stores. Kuwaits government deported the 16 Year Old Girl but has taken no action against the woman who tried to sell her, or the policeman. Jess kelly, bbc news. Lets get some of the days other news. The so called Islamic State has confirmed the death of its leader, abu bakr al baghdadi, for the first time. Is named his successor as Abu Ibrahim Al hashemi alqurashi but didnt release a photo of him. This comes a day after the us released footage of the raid in syrias Idlib Province that killed al baghdadi. A day after north korea is reported to have tested two short range missiles, pyongyang says it has also successfully conducted a test of super large multiple rocket launchers. The Korean News Agency said the rocket launchers were able to totally destroy a group target. The tests come as talks between north korea and the us have ground to a halt. The World Organisation for Animal Health is warning a global outbreak of african swine fever could kill a quarter of the worlds pig population. They say its the biggest threat to commercial livestock in a generation with Food Shortages and rising meat prices likely. Imogen foulkes has more. Swine fever originated in africa, but for months now it has been raging across asia. Its not harmful to humans, but its catastrophic to pigs spreading rapidly, almost always fatal. There is no treatment, vaccines are at a very early test phase. Right now the only way to stop the spread is containment and the culling of infected animals. In china, the worlds leading pork producer, over a million pigs have been culled. Many millions more are believed to have died of the fever itself. Translation i think that in the short term we are not heading towards an improvement. We will continue to have more outbreaks in the infected countries. Neighbouring countries are at high risk and for some the question is more of when they will be infected. Swine fever has spread to vietnam, south korea, the philippines. Eastern europe has had cases too and now western europe is preparing. But this is a virus that can survive in infected frozen meat and in vehicles that have transported infected livestock. Meat shortages and price rises are already happening. And the virus just keeps on spreading. 50 countries are now affected. Some Animal Health experts suggest a quarter of the worlds pigs, hundreds of millions, could die. Imogen foulkes, bbc news, geneva. Stay with us on bbc news. Still to come 77 years after it was lost during the Second World War, a british submarine is found off the coast of malta. Indira gandhi, ruler of the Worlds Largest democracy, died today. Only yesterday shed spoken of dying in the service of her country and said, i would be proud of it. Every drop of my blood would contribute to the growth of this nation. After 46 years of unhappiness, these two countries have concluded a chapter of history. No more suspicion, no more fear, no more uncertainty of what each day might bring. Mission control booster ignition and lift off of discovery, with a crew of six astronaut heroes and one american legend. Well, enjoying the show is right. This is beautiful. A milestone in human history. Born today, this girl in india is the 7 billionth person on the planet. This is bbc news. Our main headline the us house of representatives has decided to move its impeachment investigation into President Trump into a public phase. Future hearings will be televised. President trump has been weighing in on british politics as the country gears up for decembers general election. Dialling in to a radio show hosted by nigel farage, one of the leading forces behind brexit, mr trump said he thought Prime Minister borisjohnson had brought a lot of energy to the brexit negotiations, and he criticised mrjohnsons chief rival, jeremy corbyn. The us president and nigel farage are close. We madejune the 23rd our independence day, when we smashed the establishment. The Brexit Party Leader has spoken at trump rallies. Mr nigel farage. And the us president returned the favour and appeared on mr farages radio show. And he waded into the british general election with alacrity, in breach of all normal tradition. His first target was the opposition leader, jeremy corbyn. And corbyn would be so bad for your country. Hed be so bad, hed take you in such a bad way. Mr corbyn tweeted this in response. In the interview, the president also seemed to advocate a Johnson Farage marriage. I have great relationships with many of the leaders, including boris. Hes a fantastic man and i think hes the exact right guy for the times, i know that you and him will end up doing something that could be terrific, if you and he get together as, you know, an unstoppable force. 3. 5 years ago, brexiteers were incensed when barack obama came to london at David Camerons request to argue why britain should vote to remain in the European Union. Ourfocus is in negotiating with a big bloc of the European Union to get a trade agreement done. And uk is going to be in the back of the queue. But that sparked a backlash, and may well have been counter productive. For all the proclaimed closeness between the president and Prime Minister, the real test of us uk relations will come with the negotiation of a post brexit trade deal. And here, the president had another little grenade to toss. He warned that the Withdrawal Agreement negotiated by mrjohnson and eu leaders might under certain circumstances make a trade deal with america impossible. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. This is a president who takes the view that norms are there to view that norms are there this is a president who takes the view that norms are there to be shattered, and unmistakably this is a direct intervention in the uk election. Unmista kably, it a direct intervention in the uk election. Unmistakably, it is a breach of normal protocol. What donald trump hopes to achieve by this is clear, but ask barack obama from 3. 5 years ago who he wanted to help. Sometimes interventions have unintended consequences. More than 70 people have been killed after fire swept through a train in pakistan. Officials said it started when a gas cylinder exploded. map the train was travelling from karachi to rawalpindi. You may find some of farhat javeds report distressing. The flames ripped through three crowded carriages, trapping dozens of passengers who were on their way to a religious gathering. Many of the injured were brought to this hospital in bahawalpur. Some on the train were sleeping when it caught fire. Rubinas husband pushed her out of the window to save her life, but she is critically injured. Translation smoke filled up everywhere, and it was hard to breathe. I pushed my wife out of the train and then tried to jump, but people fell on me. Dozens have suffered burn injuries, and dozens were killed. These are some of the passengers whojumped off the burning train when it was on fire. They are traumatised for horrific scenes they have witnessed, but they are more worried about their loved ones who are still missing. Train accidents are common in pakistan, but this one is said to be one of the worst in the last two decades. The cause of the fire is unclear. Officials blamed a group of passengers who were cooking breakfast on a gas cylinder when it exploded. But some who were there dispute this and blame an electrical fault. Prime minister imran khan has ordered an immediate inquiry, but few here believe anyone will be held to account. Farhat javed, bbc news, south punjab. The wreckage of a british submarine that vanished during the Second World War has been found in the sea off malta. Hms urge disappeared after setting sail in april 1942. There were more than a0 people on board, and its fate had remained unkown. The bbcs tim allman has the story. Deep beneath the waves of the mediterranean, a mystery nearly 80 yea rs old mediterranean, a mystery nearly 80 years old is finally solved. Schools of fish move through the rusting, corroded wreck of what is believed to be hms urge. Still on deck, its giant gun, silent for so many years, standing guard over a metal grave. The wreck is an absolutely fantastic condition. It is sitting upright on the seabed, very proud, in the direction that it was ordered to ta ke direction that it was ordered to take on its way to alexandria. British submarine makes her way in. Coming home to mother, as they call it. Malta was a strategically important base for british submarines, targeting german and italian shipping in the mediterranean. Hms urge was part of the 10th submarine flotilla, known as the fighting 10th, a vital part of the allied war effort. On 27 april 1942, left malta, of the allied war effort. On 27 april1942, left malta, ordered of the allied war effort. On 27 april 1942, left malta, ordered to set sailfor the april 1942, left malta, ordered to set sail for the egyptian april 1942, left malta, ordered to set sailfor the egyptian port april 1942, left malta, ordered to set sail for the egyptian port of alexandria. But, just after leaving valletta, it is believed to have struck a mine. The submarine and its crew went down. All lives were lost. The ceremony is expected to take place next year, where this will be declared an official war grave. The heroes of hms urge honoured at last. For the first time in nearly a century, the us capital is celebrating a baseball world series champion. The nationals beat the Houston Astros in texas. They were the underdogs throughout, but overcame long odds to lift the trophy, as mat morrison reports. Euphoria and more than a little beer filled the night air here in washington, dc as the nationals clinched the world series title here on wednesday night. The must win game seven was played in houston, so nationals fans flocked to the local stadium to watch, and of course, to celebrate. Ive been waiting for this my entire life. We finally did it with victory secured, tributes came pouring in from both church the National Cathedral lit up its facade in nationals colours and state President Trump praised the team for a great season and an incredible world series. This is the First Time Since 1984 that a washington Baseball Team are world champions. Back then, they were called the senators. Hawaii and alaska werent states yet. And as for that beer, well, prohibition was in full swing, so good luck with that. This years version of the team brought some 21st century personality to the game. There was the dancing, there was the camaraderie. And there was the song oh, that song. Baby shark became the teams unofficial and slightly unusual anthem this season. Try getting that out of your head. As the post season stretched into october, fans and players took up the slogan finish the fight. After nearly a century long drought, they finally did. Mat morrison, bbc news, washington. Before we go, and we warn you this is not for those of a queasy disposition, a taster of one of the worlds biggest burgers. It is from thailand, weighs around 6 kg, and contains 10,000 calories. If you can eat it inside nine minutes, you will win a 300 prize. It has got four days worth of calories, so maybe dont do that. You can reach me calories, so maybe dont do that. You can reach me on calories, so maybe dont do that. You can reach me on twitter. This is bbc world news. Hello. The first few days of november look set to bring some wet and blustery and potentially some Stormy Weather across some parts of the uk. Certainly an unsettled outlook, thanks to an area of low pressure. This is fridays weather chart. You can see the low drifting in from the west. Bands of rain, these frontal systems, spiralling around the low. But with that low, were going to develop a south westerly flow across the uk, so at least for that time, it will feel milder. A mild start to the day on friday and with that, outbreaks of rain drifting into eastern england, starting to push northwards across scotland. And then a slice of dry and potentially bright weather before another band of rain pushes into northern ireland, wales and the south west through the afternoon. It will be breezy but not especially windy just yet. Top temperature of 9 16 degrees. Now, during friday evening, the bands of rain will continue to drift north eastwards. Some dry interludes, but the winds will become an increasing feature across the north and also down towards the south and the south west. Those winds turning really strong and gusty as we get into the first pa rt of saturday morning. Now, our area of low pressure as we reach saturday will be deepening. Uncertainty about its exact shape and exact position, but it looks like there will be a swathe of strong wind potentially on the southern flank of the low, where you see those white lines, all of those isobars squashing together. It is likely we will see strong wind blowing across the southern half of england and parts of wales, also a slice of windy weather across northern scotland, and well see bands of wet weather spiralling around. There will equally be some drier and brighter interludes, and in the centre of our area of low pressure, some light wind. Around the edges to the north and particularly the south, gusty conditions and we could see wind gusts reaching 70 mph or more close to the south coast of england. So some very stormy conditions are possible. Worth bearing in mind if you do have plans for saturday. Temperatures between ten and 12 degrees. Now, as we move out of saturday into sunday, the low pressure is still with us. But not quite as many white lines, not as many isobars by this stage, so the wind will be a little lighter. It will still be breezy and there will still be some outbreaks of rain. But i think for the second half of the weekend, at least a better chance of seeing dry weather and some spells of sunshine, and those highs of 11 13 degrees. This is bbc news. The headlines the us house of representatives has decided to make future hearings of its impeachment investigation into President Trump televised. Leading republicans have denounced the proceedings, which are inquiring into allegations that mr trump tried to get the government in ukraine to investigate his political opponents. An investigation by bbc news has discovered Domestic Workers being sold on the black market in kuwait, using apps available on google and apple online stores. The investigation found hundreds of women, including a 16 year old, being traded by their Employers Without their knowledge or consent. The World Organisation for Animal Health is warning that around a quarter of the worlds pigs are expected to die from a global outbreak of african swine fever. It says the result could be Food Shortages and higherfood prices

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