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Hello to you. Officials in the Us Defence Department have confirmed that the remains of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, leader of the extremist group, the so called Islamic State, have been disposed of. But theyve refused to confirm he was buried at sea. Our international correspondent, orla guerin, has been speaking to one syrian victim of Islamic State and sent this report from the turkish syrian border. Just a warning, it does contain testimony you may find upsetting. A scar on the landscape, scorched earth after the us raid. This is where the Islamic State leader met his end in a tunnel beneath the soil of syria, a country he terrorised. In chicago today, President Trump regaling Police Chiefs with his war stories. Hes dead. Hes dead as a doornail. Laughter they walked into my office, sir, we killed this leader level, this leader. I said, i never heard of him. I said, i want al baghdadi, thats only one i know now. I want al baghdadi. Get him and they got him. The us operation to capture or kill al baghdadi was codenamed kayla mueller, in honour of the american aid worker he enslaved and raped. But most victims of is were muslims in the middle east. Like Ibrahim Abdul qader, a young activist from raqqa who dared to oppose them, and was slaughtered in 2015. They tried to kill his brother ahmed, who had to go into exile. We reached today in paris, where hes still getting medical treatment. But some traumas may never heal. Translation i carried ibrahim. His head was separated from his body. And he had 160 stab wounds. I was shot three times, but i dont think theres a worse pain than the one i had when i carried ibrahim in my arms. How do you think ibrahim would feel if he was alive today, knowing that al baghdadi is gone . Translation he would have celebrated in the street and shouted, we are still here and you died. Your state collapsed he always used to say that we would survive and baghdadi will die. His death was quick. As us forces closed in, he detonated his suicide vest. Is will outlive al baghdadi. And some fear that under new leader it could re emerge from the ruins. Orla guerin, bbc news, on the turkey syria border. General David Petraeus, former director of the cia, gave us his reaction to the death of al baghdadi. He was speaking to the bbcs michelle fleury. Well, i think this is very significant. Its a huge achievement. Baghdadi was, after all, the leader who established achievements that had never been seen before by islamist extremists, not even by Osama Bin Laden. He established the first caliphate. Controlled an area that i think is roughly the size of great britain. Certainly the size of the state of indiana. A very large portion of Northern Iraq and North Eastern syria. And also took the whole effort on social media and the whole effort on social media and the internet to an entirely new level. So this. The finality of his death obviously literally puts a stake through the heart of many of the images that he tried to project, not the least of which again was this extraordinary achievement of the caliphate. All of that said, i think every observer has noted that history shows us that the death of a leader of an extremist organisation, even a hugely successful one like baghdadi or Osama Bin Laden or zarqawi or others, does not end the threat posed by the organisation. Given your background in intelligence, an operation like this, a raid like this, depends on having intel on the ground but with us troops withdrawing from syria, does that mean an operation like this wouldnt be possible in the future, or at least would be a lot harder . I think the reassuring news of recent days is that the United States is going to retain somewhere around 50 60 of that area that they controlled before, using, of course, the Syrian Democratic forces, largely Syrian Kurdish forces, largely Syrian Kurdish forces, on the ground in North Eastern syria. That is quite heartening. When i heard that we we re heartening. When i heard that we were withdrawing completely from North Eastern syria, i thought that that represented a new opportunity for the Islamic State, an opportunity for a resurgence, it gave a victory to iran and russia, not our friends, and gave a victory to iran and russia, not ourfriends, and indeed it called into question our credibility not just called into question our credibility notjust in called into question our credibility not just in syria called into question our credibility notjust in syria but around the world. General David Petraeus speaking earlier to michelle fleury. Up and down the state of california, wildfires are driving people from their homes. A new blaze close to la has forced many to leave their homes, including Arnold Schwarzenegger and lebron james. Firefighters are trying to protect the getty center, home to priceless works of art. The states governor has declared a state of emergency. The bbcs sophie long has the latest. You will probably be able to see the fire burning behind me. Were quite high up here. But you can see the smoke coming up from the trees. There are flames down there. Weve been down here for the past hour or so and have watched as helicopters and planes have been fighting this fire from the air, dropping the red retardant. Just in the distance there, if you see the trees and the houses, and theres some thicker smoke. That is the 405 freeway behind there, and that is the only thing separating these flames from the mansions of bel air and the rest of the sprawling city of los angeles beyond. So people are very worried about the location of this fire. Its currently burning about 500 acres. Which is tiny in comparison to other fires that are burning at the moment, particularly that one in sonoma, the kincade fire, that is still burning, that started on wednesday, and firefighters are still fighting that around the clock. But here in los angeles the main priority at the moment to get people out of their homes. There has been an Evacuation Order in place since the early hours of this morning. Most people are heading that advice, but you listen to some people on the local radio who say, hey, im going to say. I think i can fight it. Well, one los angeles politician said, if youre watching this news briefing on television then youre an idiot, you need to get out, its not safe. And most people understand that. People are used to wildfires here. Theyve had terrible wildfires for the past two years. The worst in the States History last year that killed 86 people. So the priority here in los angeles is to get people out of their homes and to safety. On our way here we saw people evacuating horses from the topanga valley and getting their animals to safety. Meanwhile, in Sonoma County firefighters continue to fight that around the clock. The latest there is that its now burning 66,000 acres. So that is a huge fire. And still, theyre only at 5 containment. Sophie long there. Communications are difficult to the area, as you can imagine. We can now speak to david hagele, who is mayor of healdsburg, a town thats been evacuated due to the kincade fire burning nearby. He joins us from the city of napa, which is around an hour south of the fire. If we can hear each other all right, give us an idea of how it is . Healdsburg was actually spared from the fires. Everything really for us. The fires. Everything really for us. On tuesday evening we got notification to activate the emergency evacuation centre, which we did, and our staff tojump right to do that, opened around midnight. And then on wednesday. Im sorry, on saturday morning around 10am, we gave the evacuation notices to everybody in the county. Not eve ryo ne everybody in the county. Not everyone in the county but the affected zones. Theres an emergency Evacuation Order, so we we re emergency Evacuation Order, so we were able to evacuate healdsburg fairly smoothly, everyone was gone around apm. Power went out around 5pm or 6pm, then on sunday morning around 3am, thats when the winds really, really kicked up. We were pretty nervous in healdsburg. There we re pretty nervous in healdsburg. There were historic wins that really hit the area, but we had a massive show of force with the First Responders that were in town, and i cant stress this enough, because our Community Members listens to the direction to evacuate, our First Responders had the entire city to be able to stage and prepare and fight the fire without having to worry about evacuating people. I cant speak highly enough of our community. We were lucky none of these structures, none of the homes 01 these structures, none of the homes or businesses in healdsburg were affected by the fire. We still dont have power or gas, and we are still underan have power or gas, and we are still under an Evacuation Order and the fires a little bit south of us. David, you know the area, and you will probably know the answer to this it is fire season, of course, you expect Something Like this to happen but i hear the weather is making things much more difficult with the heat and low humidity but lots of people talking about these extreme winds, which people are saying were unexpected and making things a lot more dangerous. The winds are really the issue. Two yea rs winds are really the issue. Two years ago the winds. They were just enormous when we had the tux fire and then a spark created that started that fire. When these wins came we had the fire going already, which made it scary for the people here. But ill say in this, in this area, we are prepared for these kinds of things. We dont like to see this, but when you smell the smoke in the air, it does trigger memories, but at the same time, i cant say enough about whether its healdsburg, Sonoma County all the bay area, we are a very Resilient Community and when the fire is contained, we bounce back quickly. The message i want to get out to people is what you see on tv is horrible and we are there for all of our neighbours, but our businesses, they are suffering through this and they are suffering through this and they are suffering through this and they are closed, but when this fire is over, like i said, its a Resilient Community, the businesses are back up and running. If youve got plans to come visit, you dont need to cancel them down the road. Clearly we want to make sure the fire is taken care of those, but it is something. Along with having this type of thing happen regularly, its made the residents in our community. They are quick to leave when told and they are quick to bounce back when its over. David hagele, mayor of healdsburg, thanks for talking to us and im sure everyone will wish you and eve ryo ne sure everyone will wish you and everyone around you all the best. Thank you. The us house of representatives will vote for the first time this thursday on procedures for the impeachment inquiry into President Trump. In a letter to democrats, speaker of the house nancy pelosi says it will lay the groundwork for public hearings and the next phase of the inquiry. Live now to our north america correspondent, david willis. David, how significant is this news . I well, i think it follows pressure, doesnt it, mike, from donald trump and Senior Republicans who have argued consistently the impeachment inquiry is illegitimate all the time it is not backed by a full vote of the house of representatives. Indeed, even though there is no obligation in the Us Constitution for such a vote to take place, but whitehouse has used that as justification for withholding documents, discouraging witnesses and basically disregarding subpoenas. It wont have the opportunity to do so. Or as much excuse to do so, anyway, once a vote ta kes pla ce excuse to do so, anyway, once a vote takes place on thursday because that will be a vote in the house of representatives, where the democrats have the majority, and its almost certain to be approved. What all this indicates is we could be heading slowly but surely towards the next phase of this impeachment inquiry. The public phase. Weve had all the testimony in private up to now as part of what senior democrats are calling the fact finding part of the impeachment investigation, but fairly soon, we could be entering the public phase, and that will mean that up to now private testimony. Or transcripts of private testimony are released to the public. The chairman of the house intelligence committee, adam schiff, has said he wants to move ahead with this impeachment inquiry, as he put it, expeditiously bows quote, so theres momentum building and we could see proceedings in public ina and we could see proceedings in public in a matter of weeks. Expeditiously ,. Stay with us on bbc news, still to come challenging our ideas about time and space. The new super telescope that might give us more clues about dark energy. Indira gandhi, ruler of the Worlds Largest democracy, died today. Only yesterday shed spoken of dying in the service of her country and said, i would be proud of it, every drop of my blood would contribute to the growth of this nation. After 46 years of unhappiness, these two countries have concluded a chapter of history. No more suspicion, no more fear, no more uncertainty of what each day might bring. Booster ignition and lift off of discovery, with a crew of six astronaut heroes and one american legend. Well, enjoying the show is right. This is beautiful. A milestone in human history. Born today, this girl in india is the 7 billionth person on the planet. This is bbc news. The latest headlines the remains of the is leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi have been disposed of, but american officials wont say where. Wildfires in california move closer to los angeles thousands of homes and businesses are evacuated. The british Prime Minister is to make another attempt on tuesday to call an election, before christmas. Parliament rejected his third attempt on monday. And against his wishes, European Union ambassadors agreed to extend the brexit deadline by three months, until the end of january. Our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg has the story. Throw your hands up if you like. Very short and efficient and constructive meeting, and i am happy that the decision has been taken. Short and efficient . Not how anyone could describe the brexit process. Reporter is this extension too long . Full of missteps and stumbles. Be careful, be careful. Take care. But the meeting in brussels to give the uk another three month delay was exactly that. Despite borisjohnsons rush, hes broken his brexit deadline and his promise to leave by halloween. Instead, this afternoon, trying to push mps to the ballot box. There is a widespread view that this parliament has run its course, and that is because i simply do not believe that this house is capable of delivering on the priorities of the people, whether that means brexit or anything else. Technically, this sessions only been going a couple of weeks, but the current cast have been in place since 2017. Theres nothing comfortable about this for labour, but they wont agree a contest yet. He will avoid his responsibilities, break his promises to dodge scrutiny. And, today, he wants an election and his bill well, not with our endorsement. Theres a message to the people of scotland. The snp and the lib dems, though, werent ready to back the Prime Minister tonight, but tomorrow, when hell need only to win by one, might be a different story. We will not vote with the government tonight, but make no mistake the Scottish National party are ready to give people back their say. The way forward now is to have an election, but to do so responsibly not letting the Prime Minister force through his bad brexit deal. Division clear the lobby ultimately, the Prime Minister was miles off what he needed. The ayes to the right, 299. The noes to the left, 70. But, just when one vote has gone, along comes another round here. Number ten will ask mps again tomorrow to back an election on december the 12th, but theyll vow this time to ditch any effort to get their brexit deal through parliament. With that gone, the opposition parties may be more enthusiastic, but suspicions of borisjohnsons motives are all around tonight. Laura kuenssberg there. A lorry driver has appeared in court in britain, over the deaths of the 39 people who were found in a refrigerated lorry not far from london. Maurice robinson, whos 23, has been charged with manslaughter and several other offences. Some 14,000km away in vietnam, families are waiting to find out if their loved ones are among the dead. Jonathan head reports from the village of yen than in the north of the country. In a vietnamese front room, a family endures an agonising wait. Its 10 days since they last heard from 26 year old win chuk tai. A month ago i heard him talking of a business idea with a friend, says his father. But he never asked for money, so i didnt think he was going overseas. He called us several times after arriving in germany, explained his uncle. But not in the past 10 days. They began to hear news that something had gone terribly wrong. Then the police came, asking for samples of fingernails and hair. The awful possibility that he was inside the container is beginning to hit home for this family. His mother pleads for the british authorities to be quick. Please help us, and find my son, she says. Most of the victims are thought to come from this part of vietnam. There are many other families here caught in the same misery of not knowing for sure. Its been said that its poverty driving young people to leave here and go overseas, but thats not quite true. Much of vietnam is poor, but here theyve seen just how well you can do after only a few years living in britain. Theyve seen the new houses and the shiny cars, and its that thats inducing the bright and ambitious young people to make that journey west. Its a journey this man made more than ten years ago. Cutting open the tarpaulin of a fruit and vegetable lorry, he says, to smuggle himself into britain. His stay was not a success. Recruited to work on a farm growing marijuana, he was arrested, spent seven months in prison, and then deported. Yet even now, he says he longs to go back with his family. There is an unexpected bond between britain and this quiet part of rural vietnam. One forged by dreams of better lives, and now, by tragedy. Jonathan head, bbc news, yen thanh, vietnam. Dark energy is defined by scientists as the force which causes the universe to expand at an ever increasing rate and it makes up most of the cosmos. We know very little about it. How it functions is shrouded in mystery but one of the worlds most powerful telescopes in arizona is to start measuring the movements of 35 million galaxies. Its hoped that the results will give researchers a much deeper understanding of dark energy. Our science correspondent pallab ghosh has more details. This telescope in arizona is about to begin the most detailed observation of the universe ever carried out of an invisible force that dominates our universe. What we see here on earth and in the stars and galaxies are made of atoms that accounts for just 5 of the universe. The rest is mostly dark energy. It is just embarrassing to live in a universe where we only understand 5 of it, wouldnt you agree . I mean, how could we live in a universe knowing only 5 and not knowing about the other 95 . This is human curiosity. The nature of that dark energy, what is it, may well lead to a whole revolution in physics, in the whole of physics. In order to understand what this force is, weve to go back all the way back to the beginning of the universe. After the big bang, according to the current theory, the expansion of the universe ought to be slowing down and eventually collapsing back in on itself, under the pressure of gravity. But instead, the galaxies are flying apart faster than ever. Scientists call the force behind this expansion dark energy, but they havent got a clue what it is. This telescope will track the position and acceleration of 35 million galaxies. Inside are 5,000 optical fibres. Each one is a mini telescope trained on a galaxy. Theyre able to swivel round to focus on another set of targets. By measuring the exact rate of expansion, astronomers will be able to tell which theory of dark energy is correct. So one of them is this idea that we are not the only universe, that there is a multiverse out there of many different universes with different properties. And dark energy may be something that is leaking from these other universes into ours, through the different dimensions, and driving this expansion of galaxies in our universe. These are pictures of real galaxies, hurtling apart. Images from the new instrument will be much sharper, and transform our understanding of how the universe works. Pallab ghosh, bbc news. And now to something we do know a bit more about. The black leatherjacket and pants worn by Olivia Newton john in the movie grease yes, that outfit will go up for auction this week. The iconic outfit was worn during the youre the one that i want duet withjohn travolta and is expected to fetch up to 200,000. The singer, who recalls having to be stiched into the trousers because of a broken zipper and is raising money for her Cancer Treatment centre in australia. And yes, in case youre wondering, the pants do still have the broken zip there is much more on all the news for you on the bbc website. And you can get in touch with me and most of the team on twitter. Im bbcmikeembley. Thank you for watching. Hello there. Well, it was a cold but glorious start to the new working week. In fact, parts of lancashire had over nine hours of sunshine on that monday. And it doesnt get much better than that, really, at this time of year. Now the next few days will stay dry and sunny but we still keep that cold theme. So, High Pressure hanging on in there, but the winds are going to change to more of an easterly direction and that could have a consequence for one or two of us. And at the same time, into the south west weve still got that nuisance weather front which willjust enhance a little more in the way of cloud and outbreaks of rain. But its going to be a chilly start tuesday, as you can see quite widely, low single figures for many with that cloud and light rain into the south west keeping those temperatures up here. So, it could be a disappointing start to tuesday, then, across the isles of scilly the channel isles and into parts of cornwall. But elsewhere, despite that chilly start, despite that frosty start, lovely spells of sunshine once again. But with an easterly breeze we could see a few showers later on in the day coming up through the thames estuary, cant rule out one or two generally across that east coast. Now, as we go through the evening, on tuesday we still keep those clear skies for many. But that rain just edges that little bit further inland and so that means temperatures are going to hold up at around 7 10 Degrees South of the m4 corridor, further north of that, again its another cold start. So the High Pressure is still with the bulk of the country but it is starting to shift its way a little bit further east, and these weather fronts threaten a little bit further as we go into wednesday. So yet again a bit of a north south divide, some decent spells of sunshine after a good start for scotland, Northern Ireland and northern england. Clouding over from south wales and into the midlands, an well see some outbreaks of rain into the south west, predominantly. Here, temperatures 11 13 degrees, further north we are looking at 8 10 celsius as a high. Now as we move out of wednesday into thursday, that frontal system is going to start to push in from the atlantic, the High Pressure drifts east off into the near continent. So things are going to start to change. Now, in some respects that might please some of you because it is going to get milder, the mild air pushing in from the west, pushing that cold air off into the near continent. But, it also is going to get wetter yet again. So theres going to be some rain around for the end of the working week, thursday into friday. But were likely to see those temperatures returning back into the mid teens for many. So, if you havent already got the message, as we close out the week it looks as though it is going to be rain at times but milder. Take care. This is bbc news. The headlines us Officials Say the remains of the is leader, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, have been disposed of, but they havent said how or where. Media reports suggest they were buried at sea. Al baghdadi was killed on saturday in a Us Special Forces operation in northern syria. Firefighters in california are battling a wildfire blazing near the wealthy suburbs of los angeles. About 10,000 homes and businesses are under threat inside an evacuation zone. The california Utilities Authority has said it would investigate cutting power to prevent more fires starting, as has already been done in the north of the state. The british Prime Minister, borisjohnson, has failed to get the two thirds majority in parliament that he needed for a snap election on december the 12th. He is now going to resubmit his proposals in a different form on tuesday. Opposition parties are divided on how to respond. Its about

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