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Ticking. Dame Louise Ellman quits labour after 22 years as an mp, saying she can no longer advocate voting for the party whenJeremy Corbyn could become Prime Minister. President trump describes a meeting with the family of harry dunn as beautiful and sad. The parents refused to meet the woman involved in the crash that killed their son. We are still willing to meet her, but it needs to be on uk soil. And as Kurdish Forces fight to retain territory under turkish attack, President Trump says the conflict is no longer a matter for the us. William and kate in the mountains of the hindu kush to see for themselves the effects of Global Warming. And at 11 30pm, we will be taking an in depth look at the papers with our reviewers, john rentoul, chief political commentator at the independent, and journalist at the wall streetjournal anna isaac. Stay with us for that. Good evening. The frantic search for a last minute brexit deal has reached new levels today on the eve of the european summit in brussels. Officials are said to have agreed the basis of a new agreement, but hopes of finalising the work by midnight tonight are fading. The Prime Minister, borisjohnson, has been trying to get conservative brexit supporters and Northern Irelands dup to back his revised plan for the future of Northern Ireland after brexit. This report from our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg contains some flash photography. He is in a rush, a terrible rush. Keep working, he says. Eu leaders will be there in the afternoon. And the negotiators on both sides will have to give their verdict to their political masters. The big players in europe desperately want this all to come to a conclusion. Everyone understands english, but nobody understands england. Laughter. And these negotiations are taking part somewhere in this not very beautiful building. Can there be a new understanding, after so many confusions along the way . It matters most for the Prime Minister, who swept into office with a promise to fix this, his fate bound up with what happens next on brexit. And, just like theresa may, he has a party and parliament that is divided, brexiteers whose votes he needs. He must keep them all on board. Obviously, standing here, hoping to be able to vote for a deal which amounts to a brexit worth having. But as ive said elsewhere, you know, theres thousands of people counting on us to make sure this really is a brexit worth having. They have been in and out of number ten, just like earlier. The dup, johnsons Northern Irish allies. Well, were continuing the discussions, and no doubt well Say Something later on today. Who are nervous about what comes next, reluctant to give away too much in a compromise over customs, with worries about the union in the future. And, believe it or not, secrecy about the deal is so tight that even the cabinet dont really know what is next. Its all going marvellously. You know as much as i do. Im here rather than in brussels, but were hopeful. But either way, we will be ready to leave. Clearly there are very intensive discussions under way. But, you know, we cannot be certain what the outcome will be. We can be sure, whatever a deal looks like, the opposition wont be backing it. I will ask all labour mps to vote, along with the party, in opposing any deal which damages rights and protections in our society or drives us into the arms of donald trump. But, in the morning, it is the continents opinions that matter. France and germany would give any draft deal the same inspection. Can brexit happen soon, without too much disruption for them . I want to believe we are finalising it, the french president said. Well talk about it tomorrow. Angela merkel more convinced in recent days it can be done. But, to use the irritating but helpful old adage, nothing is agreed until everything is agreed. The two sides seem closer tonight to a deal than they have been for months and months, but sources in the dup believe there still are gaps there, and if one thing goes wrong, it could all go wrong, horribly and fast. Good sentiments tonight do not mean signatures on a page tomorrow. And, if borisjohnson manages to clinch it and play the hero, in parliament, swathes of mps are ready to stand and fight. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. So, as the talks between the uk and eu negotiators continue tonight, there has been a sharp focus on the future of Northern Ireland after brexit. At the moment, goods flow freely between ireland, Northern Ireland and the rest of the uk, because were all in the one Customs Union as part of the eu. Boris johnson believes Northern Ireland must leave the European Union Customs Union with the rest of the uk as part of brexit. But there is controversy about introducing any extra checks on either side of the land border between ireland and Northern Ireland, even if they are away from the border itself. Checks on either side of the irish sea between Northern Ireland and the rest of the uk are also contentious. There is also the issue of consent. Both sides agree there must be a role for the power sharing assembly at stormont, but it is still unclear how that might happen. Well, our europe editor katya adler gave this update to my colleague huw edwards in the last hour on the view from brussels. The lights are still on in the building behind me. The European Commission building, where these negotiations are taking place. For the eu, this really is so near and yet so far moment. After three years of the brexit process, there is enormous brexit fatigue here, and a big political will to get this deal done. That said, the eu is not under the same political pressure and time pressure as the Prime Minister to get things done. He is the one who says it needs to get done this week, because he does not want to ask for another brexit extension. The eu is insisting it is not going to sign up to anything until it is really co mforta ble to anything until it is really comfortable with the new deal. The Prime Minister meets eu leaders here in brussels tomorrow. It is a regular summit, but ive been told, ifa regular summit, but ive been told, if a new legal text, new brexit text, appears in the next few hours here, that will be the first topic of discussion amongst the eu leaders tomorrow. And, if they sign off on it, huw, they still wont be the big sigh of relief. And thats because theyve been here before stop remember, just about a year ago the eu signed off on another Brexit Agreement with theresa may that went on to defeated several times in the commons. What brussels is worried about is, if there is a second brexit deal and it meets the same fate in the commons, that could lead to the government pocketing any concessions the eu is making now and then come back and saying eu, if you really wa nt then come back and saying eu, if you really want to avoid a no deal brexit, you arejust really want to avoid a no deal brexit, you are just going to have to give us more. Our Political Correspondent nick eardley is at westminster. So we understand no deal tonight, but the crucial question, will they be one in time for the summit tomorrow . It is an excellent question, and i wish i could tell you the answer. There are a lot of people in westminster asking the exact same thing. The truth is, borisjohnson has a very difficult tightrope to walk. He knows that, if he moves to close to what the European Union are asking for when it comes to Northern Ireland, he risks alienating the dup. If he moves to close towards the eus position, he could do the same to the European Union. Now, the understanding from dup sources tonight is that there is still work tonight is that there is still work to be done to bridge the gap between number ten and the dup mps. Those talks are likely to continue early tomorrow morning, as are the talks in brussels. This is on a real knife edge tonight. It looks close, but not quite there, and we have been close and not quite got there before. There is no guarantee that mrjohnson will be able to do something that his predecessor, theresa may, failed to do, which is find a solution that locates both the European Union and his allies in the European Union and his allies in the dup. The little bits that we are gleaning though, nick, the level of detail that they are now at in terms of their discussions, things like the vat status of Northern Ireland, do we take that to suggest that they have actually made significant progress, and that a deal is within reach . I think thats a fair assessment. I think within reach is the best way of putting it tonight. We know that there have been extensive talks today about that idea of consent, how Northern Ireland assembly, if it gets back up and running at stormont, will be asked whether it wants to continue with some of the measures in place. Thats something the dup are absolutely adamant must happen. There brexit spokeswoman within the commons today saying that, without that consent mechanism, any deal would riskjeopardising the good friday agreement. So absolutely, i think that there has clearly been a deep dive into the issues at the heart of this. But as i say, it is not completely clear whether it is solvable, whether that gap can be bridged, and whether tomorrow morning we will see that white smoke. Nick, Something Else i want to ask you about. A blow for labour with the news that one of their vetera n with the news that one of their vete ra n m ps with the news that one of their veteran mps is quitting the party. What more do we know about that . An extraordinary Resignation Letter that dropped an hour ago, skating about the party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, saying that she could no longer argue for the party with mr corbyn as leader. She doesnt think he is fit to be Prime Minister, and attacking as she sees it the rise in anti semitism in the party while mr corbyn has been leader. She does leave open the idea that she could rejoin the party if mr corbyn departs the leadership, but no response from the labour party tonight. Im sure, excuse me, they will contest some of the accusations she makes. But i really skating resignation tonight. Thank you very much indeed a really scathing resignation. And we have had a statement from a labour party spokesperson, saying Jeremy Corbyn thanks Louise Ellman for her service to labour over many years. They say they are fully committed to the support, defence and celebration of the Jewish Community and support, defence and celebration of theJewish Community and continue to ta ke theJewish Community and continue to take robust action to root out anti semitism in the party and wider society. That statementjust reaching us, attributed to a labour party spokesperson. And we will find out how this story and many others are covered in tomorrows front pages after 11 30pm this evening in the papers. Our guestsjoining me tonight are anna isaac, reporter at the wall streetjournal, and john rentoul, chief political commentator at the independent. President trump has told reporters it was borisjohnsons idea to engineer a meeting between harry dunns parents and the American Woman accused of causing his death. The 19 year old died when his motorbike collided with a car in northamptonshire last august. The woman left the uk for the United States claiming diplomatic immunity. The teenagers parents said they were pleased to be invited to the white house, but said they felt ambushed when the president suggested Anne Sacoolasjoin them, as our correspondent Duncan Kennedy reports. From new york to washington, this was the moment harry dunns family found themselves heading to the white house. But, as soon as they went inside, donald trump revealed his surprise. He said the woman involved in harrys crash was in the room next door and wanted to meet them. It didnt seem right. They say they were stunned, and refused. He clearly wanted us to, you know, have that meeting, to try and bring some healing, i think, was how he put it. But, you know, we havent begun to grieve yet. Some have described the whole idea of bringing her into the oval office as a bit of a stunt by the president. All of a sudden, youre sat in front of the president of the United States, and hes trying to do something, and youve got your own things where we wanted to do things our own way. Its quite to try and steady yourself and think about what youre going to answer, its quite difficult. But lawyers for Anne Sacoolas said tonight she was disappointed the meeting in the white house did not go ahead. It was her car that hit harry dunn in august, after she drove on the wrong side of the road in northamptonshire. On American Television today, harrys parents again refused to demonise mrs sacoolas. They say they want justice, not revenge. President trump said today that borisjohnson had asked him to set up the meeting between the two families. But later, downing street clarified that, saying the Prime Minister had simply asked the white house to help. For harrys family, the only meeting they want is back in britain their home, their loss. Duncan kennedy, bbc news, new york. Inflation was held last month at its lowest level in three years. Falling fuel costs and second hand car prices were among the driving factors. The Consumer Price index was unchanged in september at i. 7 . Analysts had predicted that the rate would rise slightly. The headlines on bbc news hopes of finalising a brexit deal by midnight tonight fade, as officials continue to work on the Technical Details in brussels. Dame Louise Ellman quits labour after 22 years as an mp, saying she can no longer advocate voting for the party, whenJeremy Corbyn could become Prime Minister. As Kurdish Forces fight to retain territory under turkish attack, President Trump says the conflict is no longer a matterfor the us. The government has dropped a plan to use age verification checks in an effort to prevent children and younger teenagers watching pornography online. The measure would have forced pornography providers to prove the user was over 18. The government said the policy would not be going ahead after repeated delays, amid fears that it would not work. Its two years since the childrens commissioner warned of evidence that children were becoming desensitised to pornography, and that boys considered it to be a realistic depiction of relationships. More than 300 suspected paedophiles have been arrested, across 38 countries, in an International Operation led by British Police against a child sex abuse website. The National Crime agency uncovered the site which was operating on the dark web and being run from south korea. President trump has said the turkish assault on Kurdish Forces in Northern Syria has nothing to do with the United States. His abrupt decision to pull out us troops last week has led to russian and Syrian Government forces advancing into positions they once held. Mr trump has faced intense criticism at home and abroad, after turkey invaded to create what it claims is a safe zone on the syrian side of the border. Our international correspondent, orla guerin, reports from turkeys border with syria. Urban warfare in Northern Syria. Fighters backed by turkey still battling for control of the border town of ras al ain. They are facing fierce resistance from the kurds, women fighting alongside men. Its rare to get a glimpse of this side of the battle. But one week into turkeys invasion, president erdogan has taken a swathe of territory from the kurds and says he wont stop until he completes his so called safe zone. Translation operation peace spring will last until we reach a depth of 30 35 kilometres from manbij to the iraqi border. There is no doubt or hesitation about this. And here is an image that shows the new order in the strategic town of manbij. Flying the flag for president putin. His forces had a clear run here after americas hasty retreat, moscow eagerly filling the power vacuum. The russians, who back president assad, are patrolling between the syrians and the turks, keeping them apart and offering to mediate. As president erdogan fights on, the fallout is spreading and American Foreign policy in the middle east is certainly a casualty. Well, Turkish Forces are continuing to pound targets across the border in syria, and the battlefield there has changed rapidly. American forces have surrendered much of their leverage. The russians have increased theirs. For president assad, its a win, and for those opposing him in syrias long war, its a bitter pill to swallow. And heres another one, us forces pulling out of Northern Syria today, most now gone from the region. The kurds see this as a massive betrayal. For donald trump, they already sound like history. Our soldiers are not in harms way, as they shouldnt be, as two countries fight over land that has nothing to do with us. And the kurds are much safer right now, but the kurds know how to fight, and as i said theyre not angels, theyre not angels. Those staunch us allies dismissed so casually were burying more dead today. Here, two fighters and a local journalist. But there are reports that around 70 civilians have been killed since the invasion began. Turkeys safe zone is becoming a burial ground. Orla guerin, bbc news, on the turkey syria border. Staying with syria, leading democrats in the usa have accused President Donald Trump of having a quote meltdown during a private meeting at the white house. Us house leader nancy pelosi was meeting with the president to discuss the situation in syria. It came after the house of representatives voted overwhelmingly to condemn President Trumps decision to remove us troops from the region. 127 republicans joined their democrat counterparts in order to pass the resolution. Heres what nancy pelosi had to say after her meeting with the president. What we witness on the part of the president was a meltdown, sad to say. I think that vote, of more than two to one of republicans, voted to oppose what the president did and probably got to the president because he was shaken up by it and thatis because he was shaken up by it and that is why we could not continue in the meeting because he was not facing the reality of it. There were chaotic scenes as the Hong Kong Parliament re opened today, forcing its leader, carrie lam, to abandon her annual policy address. The city has been rocked by protests sincejune, initially sparked by a proposal to allow extradition of criminal suspects to china. Injuly, demonstrators stormed the parliament, forcing it to shut down early. By september, the bill had been withdrawn, but the protests, now focused on wider concerns that freedom was being eroded under chinese rule, have been growing increasingly violent. When she did speak by video link, carrie lam used her opening address to call for peace, but made no mention of the democratic reform protestors are calling for. Our china correspondent john sudworths report contains flashing images from the start. Chanting she had planned to draw a line under months of protest and division the streets. And division on the streets. Instead, carrie lam was met with more of it in hong kongs parliament. With opposition mps, some Wearing Masks of the chinese president xijinping, calling for her to step down, she gave up on her speech. It was delivered instead in a video recording. And the main message a promise to help more hong kongers get on the property ladder. Hong kongs parliament hasnt met since it was stormed by protesters injuly. Months of violent demonstrations have followed over fears that hong kongs freedoms are being eroded under chinese rule. How can you hope to heal the divisions in this society if your policy address contains nothing to address the central issue driving the protests . This single policy address could not address or resolve the problems in society, especially those reflected in the social unrest. Of course, i do not agree or submit to the view that hong kongs rights and liberties and freedoms have been eroded in whatsoever way. With no political solution in sight, the violence has been intensifying, and the threat of Chinese Military intervention remains always in the background. This is a politician in a bind, caught between the Unstoppable Force of the protest movement and the immovable object of beijing. It is a political crisis with no easy solution in sight. More than the violence, the real challenge may be this the peaceful thousands who have lost faith in a system seemingly unwilling to reform itself. John sudworth, bbc news, hong kong. The duke and duchess of cambridge have visited a melting glacier, as part of their tour of pakistan, travelling to the mountains of the hindu kush, to see for themselves the effect of Global Warming. Prince william called for the uk and pakistan to Work Together on tackling what he called the impending global catastrophe. Our royal correspondent, jonny dymond, is travelling with them and sent this report. Even for the royals, it is a rocky road up the hindu kush. William and catherine came here to see firsthand the impact of a warming planet. The retreat of the glaciers that, across these mountains, serving nearly a quarter of humanity. When the glaciers melt, they sent walter tumbling down, flooding the region and then, once they are gone, there is nothing left for the rivers, the rivers that irrigate this hot, hard lan and it is by the prince because Global Warming and impending catastrophe. He came to learn but also to sound the alarm. A billion people rely on this water behind us. An enormous amount of people. It is very ha rd to an enormous amount of people. It is very hard to understand living in an urban environment where the water comes from and how precious the source of it is. Blending in with the locals . Not quite but a nice try. William and catherine went to a remote village to learn about life outside the big cities. And they we re outside the big cities. And they were sent back with dancing and smiles and music ringing in the ears. And well be taking an in depth look at the papers with our reviewers thats coming up after the headlines at 11 30. Now its time for the weather with helen. Hello there and welcome to a look at the weather for the week ahead. Which at the moment for the first half is at least staying unsettled for some parts of the uk now, we have got up to 25 days where we have seen rain. The ground is saturated and the rivers are not emptying as quickly. We were left with several flood warnings through the day on wednesday even though the rain cleared through quite quickly. It did return to south eastern areas but this is what we are looking at into the atlantic for now to dominate our weather for the next three or four days, that low pressure. So, strong winds during the day on thursday initially on friday. That low pressure sits there into the weekend as well. So, it is going to throw showers and longer spells of rain across the uk and we could see more significant rain and there is a likelihood of further flood issues. But it is very difficult to pin down the detail. Any mist and fog through the rush hour clears away and the day is dominated by showers on thursday. Brisk wind moving those showers through quite quickly but they will still potentially be torrential with some hail and some thunder and lightning in there as well. It will feel cooler, we will not see as much sunshine around. Those showers just keep coming as we go into thursday night from friday. Very little respite really. Not raining all the time but as i say there will be clusters of really quite intense rain. Not as chilly i dont think as we go through into friday morning just because we have got all those showers established. And that low pressure is there with us on friday. You can see that there are various bands of showers rotating around our area of low pressure so it is very difficult to get the detail and very few places look set to escape those showers. So really intense downpours. As i say, quite wet into the west of wales as we head into the afternoon perhaps across scotland as well. Either way, it does look as if it will be quite unsettled. And getting cooler as well, look at the temperatures dipping away across scotland and Northern Ireland. Thats because the low pressure is just drifting southwards allowing this cooler arctic air to come in, a north easterly breeze. So that will bring a subtle change. It could enhance the showers as well across the north as we go into friday but again they are just meandering around this area of low pressure and they could bring 10 15 mm in the space of an hour in these showers, so intense they will be. Would not like to guarantee anywhere a dry day on saturday. And indeed those showers then continue through saturday evening and overnight. There is our area of low pressure just starting to move out to the north sea which might shift the focus of showers more for central and eastern areas and perhaps fewer further west but again, this distance very difficult to get that detail right. So if you do have plans, please stay tuned, keep watching. Now, after that there isjust the hint that we might see High Pressure and a window of drier weather perhaps for a day or two to allow things to just settle down a little bit but those weather fronts are never too far away. And of course under High Pressure this time of year with the long nights, we potentially have the frosty start, quite a widespread frost and some mist and fog as well. Temperatures recover, they will be a little bit above also below average throughout the day on monday and tuesday potentially also could be a decent day across the south. But all the time that High Pressure is being eroded by this low pressure towards the north. The north i think will see the wettest and the windiest weather at this stage but gradually as pressure lowers further south, it will become less settled. So, for next week at the moment, it is looking as if it starts relatively quiet with some early frost and fog issues but then that went and windy weather will return particularly to the north it looks at the moment drier in the south but stay tuned. Hello, this is bbc news. We will be taking a look at tomorrow mornings papers in a moment. First the headlines hopes of finalising a brexit deal by midnight tonight fade, as officials continue to work on the Technical Details in brussels. The uk and eu had been hoping to reach an agreement in time for tomorrows eu summit

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