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Releases in the film review. Hello and welcome to our look ahead to what the papers will be bringing us tomorrow. With me are the Political Editor of the sunday mirror and sunday people, nigel nelson and the political commentator, jo phillips. Many of tomorrows front pages are already in. Lets have a sense of what you might find. The telegraph says ministers are discussing plans which could see borisjohnson veto the eus budget and send a eurosceptic commissioner to brussels if the Prime Minister is forced into a brexit delay. The sunday times says it has seen e mails which show borisjohnson recommended his friend the then 27 year old sunday times says the Prime Minister will bear the queen to sack him rather than delay brexit. The express carries a warning from the Prime Minister that he will take the uk out of the eu on october 31 u nless uk out of the eu on october 31 unless brussels agrees to a compromise deal. In the mail on sunday goes with the duchess of sussex s father, explaining why he made parts of a private letter from his daughter public. The star on sunday says storms and torrential downpours could better the uk for the next three months. 0n the sunday mirror has an interview with vinnie jones, his first since the death of his wife from cancer. A mix there on the front pages but there is a theme. Guess what . brexit sack me if you dare. This is an extraordinary story. An extraordinary story. An extraordinary headline. And Boris Johnson will dare the queen to sack him, as you rightly said, rather than resign as Prime Minister, to get brexit done by october 31. This is an unprecedented turn of voice and it reeks of absolute sheer aggression and bullying and not at all about negotiation. Presumably this is being fed by Dominic Cummings and various downing street aides, sources close to, et cetera. They say Boris Johnson is aides, sources close to, et cetera. They say borisjohnson is prepared to squat in downing street even if mps declare a vote of no confidence in him. And even more hard to believe is the idea that the speaker could become the caretaker Prime Minister. We have had many others mentioned. But this is extraordinary. If we thought it was the Supreme Court was a great beginning of a constitutional crisis. I would like to think that if the queen is reading her newspaper she would be thinking 0k, no problem you are fired. This it would not be the first time. The last time a monarch sack the Prime Minister was 183a when william iv dismissed the Prime Minister. On a serious note, is this even possible . I suppose it is possible but what were doing at moment is ripping apart our constitution. If the head of state decides that the Prime Minister has to go, the Prime Minister has to go, the Prime Minister goes. An interesting idea about what happens if the Prime Minister does not know. In one of the points the newspaper makes, they say that unless police turn up at the doors with a warrant for the arrest of the Prime Minister he will not leave. Well, it will not be the police, it will be the army. They are servants of the crown rather than the Civil Service so they work for the queen so the queen will dispatch them. It is mad he will have to ask her, ask her majesty this week to probe parliament again, possibly as early as tuesday, i think, for the queen s breach. It does not really bode well, does it . And you wonder what it would really like to be a fly on the wall. You mention the aggressive tone, joe and the sunday telegraph again, a different angle but it says the sunday telegraph again, a different angle but it sastohnson to sabotage the eu if forced to delay brexit brexit. To sabotage the eu if forced to delay brexit brexit. Another aggressive approach. This there is iio aggressive approach. This there is no sign of compromise here or of doing things gently. It is had writing everybody on site is what it feels like. And what the telegraph is saying is that the two things he would do if he was forced into an extension and written remained in europe donned october 31, he would sabotage the eu budget by vetoing it and he would also try and wreck the European Commission by appointing a commissioner like nigel farage, deliberately sent in to destroy the whole thing. This kind of talk is not helpful when what we are meant to be doing this week is embarking oii to be doing this week is embarking ona to be doing this week is embarking on a negotiation about the deal put forward. It puts his negotiators, whether they be Civil Servants or ministers, ina whether they be Civil Servants or ministers, in a difficult position. Civil servants who are working on this must tear their hair out in rage. Keir starmer, the shadow brexit secretary, he will try and force a vote in parliament this week force a vote in parliament this week for the government to publish its legal advice and the full text of it. Which, of course, the European Union is already asking for because it is all sketchy. We dont know what he has asked for or what he is offering. It is ridiculous. We have a vague framework of a deal but when it comes down to detail which is what the eu wants to know about, especially regarding how you deal with goods coming into ireland, all of that is vague. One thing he has been sure about and has been writing in the sunday express, the Prime Minister, he says we will be packing oui minister, he says we will be packing our bags and walking out on october 31. No more dealer nor delay. Except he is not packing his bags and moving out of downing street if we are to believe the sunday times. We get is this sense of, you know, as nigel said, in the sunday telegraph you get a hint of recognition that there might be a delay and he has a lwa ys there might be a delay and he has always said he would not countenance. Here he says to the sunday express readers dont worry, it will be over and done with by october 31. This ridiculous story about challenging the queen to sack him. So all you have is that it will be fine, it will be fine even though i have no plan. And this is only the beginning. This is only getting out of europe. This is not about negotiating trade deals, that will go on for years. And on the way, the idea that the new approach is a game of chicken with brussels and that i will be such a pain you cannot wait to get rid of me. Some people may call it shortsighted given that he will have to deal with them no matter what. What comes after this isa matter what. What comes after this is a free trade deal. That will be a negotiation. And that is the only way of doing it. What the sunday express makes a point of here is that borisjohnson will express makes a point of here is that Boris Johnson will have the support of mps that Boris Johnson will have the support of mp5 for this deal should it ever get back to parliament. And i think that is right. You did the maths and you think he has done it. There are enough mps now basically is fed up as the rest of the country and they want the whole thing over with. You were making the point that nobody quite knows what the messages. The independent has been looking at what the general public think and apparently according to the headline, they have lost faith injohnson. The headline, they have lost faith in johnson. They did this survey and it says only one in five leave the Prime Minister can get a deal. There are more people who are dissatisfied with his performance. 54 now, compared to 45 in september and a1 in august. So his dissatisfaction rating is going up, that sounds bizarre. But the core support is around 35 . Further inside the paper it does talk about the fact that remain asa it does talk about the fact that remain as a much more likely to believe he cannot get a deal so you dont know how much of that is wishful thinking. It is interesting to wonder if maybe it is just people digging in their heels. There is some of that and that is why you need to be careful with these polls. The feel you get, when the question is simply asked about staying or going, it does not seem to be much different to what it was back in 2016. But at the moment, the polls about satisfaction ratings for politicians are going all over the lease because we are fairly dissatisfied, most of the time. We have all had enough. And given that, lets move away from brexit to the observer who have a main story totally different. Harry claims the tadlock tabloids hid evidence of illegal activity. He isjoining a case against the sun in the mirror. This is not a story that you would be able to comment on in your role. Prince harry has issued Legal Proceedings against my Newspaper Group. I think it is much better if we throw the floor open to joe. This is not an observer story. They have taken all of this from something called by line investigate, a website that i believe is an agency that looks into core proceedings so the byline. And therefore the observer have a lot more information a p pa re ntly observer have a lot more information apparently about the claims that prince harry is going to lodge against the Newspaper Group it will be an awfully long time before any hearing takes place. They are talking here about next october. It is also interesting that it is very historic. It goes back to 1994, to 2011. We shall be keeping an eye on it. The sunday telegraph, nigel. One in five murders are committed by prisoners on parole. That does not make for pretty reading. No, it does not. And they are looking at the latest figures, the year ending march 2017. 613 homicides, 112 of which were committed by people who we re which were committed by people who were on parole. So on Something Like this we really do need to have a closer look at the parole system because clearly people who are not safe to be on the street are being let out. It does also raise an issue about rehabilitation and people being released who have not been helped. Traditionally, probation officers were there to provide support for people who had been in prison who were coming out either on license or on parole to help them through the adjustment into, back into ordinary life. Now we know that the Probation Service is under pressure and in many cases some services have gone into the hands of privatised companies. There have been problems with that across the judicial system and i am sure that probation officers looking at this story will say well, that is not surprising. The real problem is that at the end of it and what a spokeswoman says is that women and their children are particularly at risk and much of this is about the victims who are at risk again from somebody who either should not be out or should be supported. Well do the last saw in just a moment but it puts me in the mind of elections. The idea of a general election nigel . It seems to be slipping at the moment but both labour and the tories did not want an election in the middle of winter and they are finding different ways to push it back into next spring. At the moment it feels like we will not have an election until the clocks go forward. Interesting. But Jeremy Corbyn is trending in the polls and there is no guarantee we will end up with anything apart from a hung parliament. Lets send now on an uplifting thought. A leap into the final. This is a british long jumper at the world athletics tampion ship. A stunning photograph. She is an extremely beautiful young woman. And compared to the nonsense that is coming out of downing street and whitehall and westminster, this, and i think all the athletes who have been competing in qatar, what a great role model for young girls to aspire to. I think it is absolutely fabulous. How she looks that good after competing, i will never know. I used to do long jump andi never know. I used to do long jump and i never look that good. |j

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