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Checks can be absolutely minimal and nonintrusive, and wont involve new infrastructure. Well bring you the latest on the governments proposed deal from the conservative Party Conference and reaction from brussels. Also tonight. The worst violence in hong kong so far as a protestor is left in a Critical Condition after being shot in the chest. Here come the riot police, here come the water cannon. They are about to start clearing this street. This is only one of at least six different protest that is taking place here. The violence coincides with a show of military might from china as it celebrates 70 years of communist rule. The duchess of sussex sues the mail on sunday. Prince harry says he wont see his wife victimised by the press as his mother was. Even the Emergency Services struggle as torrential rain sweeps across large parts of england and wales. Lewandowski finds the corner tottenham are humbled in europe tonight, conceding seven goals at home to Bayern Munich. And coming up on sportsday on bbc news, britains adam gemili just misses out on a medal as he finishes fourth in the 200 metres in doha. Good evening. After ten weeks in office, tomorrow borisjohnson will offer the eu his plan for brexit. Number 10 insists it is the governments final offer and that the uk will leave the eu at the end of the month, despite a law passed in parliament to prevent him doing so without a deal. A major Sticking Point so far has been resolving the issue of the border between ireland and Northern Ireland. The Prime Minister has told the bbc his plan will have to include some customs checks on the island of ireland after brexit. With more, heres our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg. Her report contains flashing images. When is a crisis an opportunity . Right now, Boris Johnson seems to believe. Prime minister, in the last few weeks you have lost major votes in the commons. Yes, yes. Youve chucked some mps out of your own party. The highest court in the land found you broke the law and gave the queen wrong advice. How do you think this is going . Well, i think it is going about as well as can be expected, if not slightly better. Really . Yes, because this was always going to be a really difficult time. What we have got, basically, is a situation in which the people voted for leaving the eu, and yes, there are many people in all sorts of positions who dont think that was the right way to go. And i am tasked with getting it over the line, getting brexit done by october 31. And i think we always knew that, as we came up to that deadline, things would get choppy. If only we could all come together, get brexit over the line, i think that fevers would cool, tempers would come down, and it would be a great thing. So that is what im hoping. Youre suggesting people ought to come together when transparently you have been trying to create this idea of them and us. The truth is, there is no way of getting brexit done without, as it were, displeasing people who dont want brexit to get done. Under the proposals youre about to take to brussels, there would be extra checks on the island of ireland. How and where . If the eu is going to insist on customs checks, as we come out, as it is, then we will have to accept that reality. And there will have to be a system for customs checks, away from the border. Now, we think that those checks can be absolutely minimal and nonintrusive and wont involve new infrastructure. Isnt this just you putting forward similar proposals to what had been suggested and turned down so many times before . Well, lets see where we get it. As you know, we have made some very constructive and far reaching proposals. If there is not a deal, whose fault will it be . I dont want to get into a blame game, but i think the uk has really moved a long, long way. You really believe that what youre about to put on the table could win round the eu . You believe that . I absolutely do, yes, and i would urge you, laura, to keep hope alive and not to. Prime minister, this is not about people feeling hopeful. This is about whether or not the government can come up with a deal with the European Union to protect the economy, to protect peoples jobs and livelihoods. Yes. This is not about telling people to cheer up. This could not be more serious. I know, but its also a question of getting brexit done by october 31, and doing it in a way that protects the unity and integrity of the united kingdom. And we are entitled to protect our Customs Union and we are entitled to exit as a sovereign state. So, with Great Respect to all those who are currently anxious about it, particularly in ireland, we do think that our proposals are good and creative, but i accept also, laura, that there may be hard yards ahead. There are nerves here in manchester about what might come next. Yet the Prime Minister largely has the tory crowd on side. Yesterday you denied that you touched a women inappropriately at a lunch. She said you did. Is she lying . Look, i dont want to minimise the importance of this issue or peoples concerns about this kind of thing, but in this case it is simply not true. So she is lying . Im not going to go into whatever. When people make these kinds of allegations, they must always be taken very seriously, but in this case it is not true. Do you worry about what female voters think of you . Yes, of course. Of course. And i think these are important issues. When i was running london, we had an administration that was very largely women lead, and i was very proud of that. Is the job harder than you thought it might be . It is a wonderfuljob. Yes, it is a hard job but i think that every day we are making progress. He cannot just bounce his way through this. The Prime Ministers behaviour and brexit plans are under pressure. I wish you all the very best. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news, manchester. Whatever the details are of the Prime Ministers proposed deal, a key issue will be the border between Northern Ireland and ireland. How that border is managed has long been the central challenge of the brexit negotiations. Our ireland correspondent emma vardy looks at some of the issues. How does the border work now . Well, thats easy. It doesnt look like a border at all, just a bump in the tarmac. And its an open border, because the rules on either side are the same. So, there are cars and lorries passing here all the time without the need to stop for any checks. But it wasnt always like this, though. During the 30 years of conflict here, the border had militarised checkpoints which often came under attack, and because a large part of the population believe that the island of ireland as a whole should be one country, ending the violence meant removing any physical sign of a border, at all. What might the border look like in the future . Thats the key question thats been holding up brexit and causing uncertainty for thousands of businesses here, north and south. Anything entering the eu has to meet its rules, so, after brexit, goods will have to be checked somewhere. But the idea of customs posts are hated by many people who want the border to continue to look and feel invisible, as it is today. The Prime Minister, though, believes technology can help, such as using gps to track goods, but the eu doesnt believe that technology is quite ready, yet. Are there any solutions . Heres one idea when it comes to farming and food. These cows in Northern Ireland well, they could all be treated as irish cows, following the same food standards and regulations across the island of ireland. That would mean no need for checks on beef products crossing the irish border, but this kind of idea doesnt work for all products. So, another option is moving that irish border into the irish sea, having the whole island of ireland following the same eu rules and regulations across all products. But this would be deeply unpopular with unionists, who dont want to see any differences between Northern Ireland and Great Britain when it comes to doing business. Emma vardy reporting. In a moment well speak to katya adler, but first lets go back to Laura Kuenssberg in manchester. Laura, tomorrow is set to be a big day for the Prime Minister as he submits his plans to the eu. It certainly is. We have had a lot of moment in this long running saga that i felt like they might be a game changer, or have felt like they are genuine milestones in what has been a long and tangled process. Tomorrow will be one of those. Because the relatively new Prime Minister will be putting on the table the deal that he hopes to achieve with the eu. And he will also make clear that, in his view, it is also make clear that, in his view, itisi also make clear that, in his view, it is i that this new deal or no deal. I expect that is a slogan from downing street that we will probably in these fraught few weeks ahead here again and again and again. There is no question this is a very different set of proposals to the ones theresa may agreed with the eu all that time ago now. As i understand it, what the government will put on the table in the morning is, as faras will put on the table in the morning is, as far as a senior sources in government believe, it is possible for them to go inside the political situation, the framework that they have set themselves. That does not mean for one second that it is going to work, but this is the path they intend to take and if it doesnt work, no deal is something absolutely that this Prime Minister contemplates. Katya, the eu have been saying since borisjohnson became Prime Minister they want to see concrete proposals. We now know theyre going to get them tomorrow. Whats the feeling there tonight . That is exactly why this is a big moment and i know we have heard this so moment and i know we have heard this so many times during the Brexit Process but look at it this way. The Prime Minister as long said he wants to have been the backstop and the eu has said, fine, come to us with cons greek legal operable solutions and they are now poised to receive them concrete they are now poised to receive them concrete legal solutions. They are now poised to receive them concrete legal solutions. The mood is not optimistic here, eu leaders worried this could be the calm before the storm because they said to the Prime Minister that any alternative to the backstop has to preserve the status quo on the island of ireland, to protect the Northern Ireland Peace Process as well at the single market. No customs checks, no customs post, no promises of the use of technologies that have not been tried and tested. Yet that is exactly the direction of travel that eu leaders fear that the Prime Minister is going in and if he is, then big political decisions lie ahead for all of the leaders, four borisjohnson despite ahead for all of the leaders, four Boris Johnson despite the ahead for all of the leaders, four borisjohnson despite the electric. Does he want a brexit deal enough to use these proposals as a starting point in negotiations rather than a ta ke point in negotiations rather than a take it or leave it . Do eu leaders wa nt take it or leave it . Do eu leaders want a brexit deal enough to compromise their principles . In brussels that is definitely not a ce nt brussels that is definitely not a cent at the moment. But of course first we need to see the proposals in black and white not the sense at the moment. Katya adler and Laura Kuenssberg, thank you both. Britain has called for restraint amid escalating violence in hong kong after a teenage protestor was shot in the chest by a Police Officer and left in a Critical Condition. The foreign secretary, dominic raab, condemned the use of live ammunition as disproportionate. Its the worst violence in the last four months of protests against china, which is today celebrating 70 years of communist rule. So, how did it all start . In 1997, hong kong, which had been governed by britain, was handed back to china, but on the condition that hong kong would retain some self government, independent courts and its own flag the so called one country two systems rule. But this year protests were sparked over a proposed law making it easier to extradite suspects from hong kong to china. Demonstrators fear that beijing is trying to re establish control over the peninsula and bring it under chinese authority. Today china has celebrated the 70th anniversary of communist rule with a huge display of military might. Well hear from John Sudworth in beijing in a moment but first to hong kong and Rupert Wingfield hayes. Rupert, quiet there now but theres no sign that the protestors have any intention of backing down. They certainly dont. Today was supposed to be all about the big celebration up there in beijing, chinas 70th birthday party, but many people here in hong kong were determined to come out to spoil beijings big party. They had been told by the government here not to go out on the streets, that all protests would be banned, but that did not stop them as they came out in their tens of thousands. Many of the more radical protesters were determined from the outset to take on the police. It has been a very violent day here in hong kong. Police say 180 people have been arrested here today, the largest number ofany arrested here today, the largest number of any one day in this four months of protests. They say they also used six live rounds in the protest, and for the first time one of those rounds was fired directly at one of the protesters. Viewers mightfind at one of the protesters. Viewers might find some of the images in my report disturbing. This was hong kongs birthday present to china. They had been told to stay home, that any protest today would be illegal. Any hope the protests would pass peacefully were quickly dashed. This was Central Hong Kong this afternoon. And this, the town of tsuen wan. Police and protesters fighting running street battles. In the middle of one such battle, this happened. As a young protester tries to strike a policeman with a metal bar, the officer shoots at almost point blank range. The 18 year old protester is expected to survive. But news of his shooting only increased the fury on the streets. We are not afraid. If they shoot we will get angrier. We are not afraid of them. Especially as we have to stay in the front line to protect our people, to save hong kong and the future of hong kong. As night fell, the streets of hong kong began to burn. The protesters began targeting Chinese State owned banks with molotov cocktails. But as Police Reinforcements arrived, the protesters decided it was time to retreat. So, this is the middle of causeway bay on hong kong island. You can see, here come the riot police, here come the water cannon, and they are about to start clearing this street. This is only one of at least six different protests that are taking place here. With the water cannon speeding after them and the riot police close behind, the protesters fled into the back streets. And so began a game of cat and mouse. On a Street Corner we found this group of angry local residents cursing the police. Up above they had a suspected protester cornered. As the police marched him away, the crowd screamed at them, gangsters, we curse your whole family. This is how deep the divisions have now become here. This is now the new normal. Rupert wingfield hayes, bbc news in hong kong. John sudworth it was a display of military might. And the very thing hong kongs protesters are railing against. Unchallenged political power. Chinas 70 Year Economic rise presented as a communist party victory, in communist party style. The president looking on as the adoring crowds carried his portrait. No force can stop the chinese people, he said. But while chinas economic boom has been extraordinary, communist rule has also brought chaos, famine. Huge fences all around it, look. And recently, the mass incarceration of muslims in camps that china calls schools. All of these issues are heavily censored. Translation if the Party Controls everything, society is screwed up. The best way of celebration would be to review history and learn from it. Even beijings parade was for invited guests only with the public kept at a distance. Hong kongs chief executive, carrie lam, was there, celebrating chinas transition from impoverished neighbour to dominant power. Its an extraordinary high octane tribute to this countrys rise to prosperity. But its a narrative still under tight political control. Im having to report on the parade from outside the cordon, one of a number ofjournalists denied access, it seems, because of official complaints about our reporting. In stark contrast to the chaos in hong kong, beijing partied into the night. The gulf between the two cities and the two systems as wide as ever. This is now a city returning to normal. The roadblocks have been lifted and the tanks and missiles gone, but there can be little doubt the authorities would have viewed the authorities would have viewed the parade is a huge success. Few nations have experienced as tumultuous a period in history as this one has over the past seven decades. And for many people, the feeling of National Pride will have been entirely genuine. And yet, as in all authoritarian societies, the appearance of strength can mask underlying insecurities. The parade took place along the road behind me, along the north side of tiananmen square, where 13 years ago, hundreds of pro democracy student demonstrators were gunned down. Today china is a country facing another crisis of legitimacy with another crisis of legitimacy with another young generation in hong kong. The big question is, whether this time once again, as it escalates, this will be a country that fails to find a political solution or any kind of resolution. John sudworth in beijing, thank you. The duchess of sussex has begun legal action against the mail on sunday over a claim it unlawfully published one of her private letters. In a statement prince harry referred to what he called relentless propaganda against his wife, and said he wasnt prepared to see her victimised by the press as his mother was. The duke and duchess are on the last leg of their tour of southern africa. Our royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell is injohannesburg. This is a very strongly worded statement by prince harry. It is remarkably outspoken. It is nothing less than a stinging attack on the british tabloid media. At the centre of this legal case is a letter written by the duchess to her estranged father thomas at his home in mexico, portions of which were quoted in the mail on sunday earlier this year. In his statement the duke says his wife has become one of the latest victims of the british tabloid media, and he refers to a Ruthless Campaign that has escalated over the last year. He talks about the double standards of this specific press pack, which has vilified her almost daily for the past nine months. He says this amounts to bullying. And then he says this. My greatest fear is of history repeating itself. I understand both the queen and prince of wales have been informed of this legal action. Both the duke and duchess clearly feel very strongly about this. They feel they have no option now but to take one of the countrys most powerful Newspaper Groups to court. In a statement a short time ago the mail on sunday has said it stands by its story and it will be defending this case vigorously. Nicholas witchell injohannesburg, case vigorously. Nicholas witchell in johannesburg, thank you. There has been a dramatic increase in deaths of Homeless People across england and wales. Last year there were 726 deaths according to the office for national statistics. Thats an increase of 22 on the previous year. Its thought the main cause of the rise in fatalities is drug use, with two in five of the deaths due to drug poisoning. Torrential rain has swept across large parts of england and wales today, causing floods, closing roads and forcing people to leave their homes. Landslides blocked the railway line between carlisle and newcastle. A Major Incident was declared on the isle of man, from where dan johnson sent this report. All the cars behind it are going, as well. Theyre used to bearing the brunt of the weather here. But in laxey, this well, this was something else. Oh, some sandbags, there. Thats actually the Civil Defence van that is supposed to be laying sandbags. Talk about optimism in the face of adversity. Even rescue teams struggled as the river raged after hours of rain, so a coast guard helicopter came to the rescue, as schools were closed and people were warned to get out or head upstairs. After the deluge, the damage was clear. You can see from the debris in the riverjust how forceful the water was and you can see the destruction it caused. Cars have been ruined, homes, as well, and if you look on the wall you can see the tide mark, that is how high the water got. This was the front room. Some homes were under three, four or even five feet. The next thing the door came in and so i was trying to push the door. The kids were upstairs screaming, i managed to get the dog and cats upstairs, as well. It was just horrendous. It was literally happening within five minutes. There was nothing you could do. At one stage there were 50 flood warnings across england, and although the storm surge wasnt as bad as feared, in cumbria, landslides blocked Railway Lines and, after a month of record rain, carlisle was one of many places where roads were tricky. In leicestershire, rivers swelled, leaving cars submerged. Back on the island theres much more clearing up to do, and there is disbelief here at the speed, intensity and destruction of this devastating flash flood. Dan johnson, bbc news, in laxey on the isle of man. Sir mo farahs former coach Alberto Salazar has said he will appeal against a four year ban from athletics for doping. There are no allegations against sir mo. Mr salazar has been under investigation by the Us Anti Doping Agency since bbc panorama first revealed the allegations in 2015. Mark daly made that programme and has this report. Hes the man who helped turn sir mo farah into britains greatest ever track athlete. Alberto salazar, just days ago here at the World Championships in doha, has been found guilty of breaking anti doping rules, including trafficking in the bannedd steroid testosterone and tampering with evidence. Banned forfour years, once considered the most influential coach in running, salazar is disgraced. Very disappointing that one of, ithink, a renowned, recognised coach like salazar, who has been coaching for years, has chosen to fall foul of the rules. Farah started working with salazar in 2011 at his prestigious nike oregon project with the full blessing of the sports governing body, uk athletics. Within a year, farah was unbeatable. But in 2015, i revealed in a bbc panorama a series of allegations over salazars use of banned steroids and other unethical practices. There were no claims against farah. Farah stayed with salazar for another two years despite the doping claims but today he said he was. Salazar said he was shocked by the decision and would be appealing. World athletics president lord coe has previously defended his friend and former nike stablemate salazar over the allegations. He gave us his reaction from doha. The charges laid by usada are really serious and were now in business mode. The aiu, the athletics integrity unit, has already been in contact with those athletes. Theyre going to be asked to sever their relationships and thats exactly where we are at the moment. There is no suggestion farah cheated. Now we know his coach did, it leaves farahs legacy firmly under the spotlight. Mark daly, bbc news. British sprinter adam gemili has narrowly missed out on a medal in the final of the mens 200 metres in doha. The 25 year old led coming into the home straight but finished fourth in 20. 03 seconds only five hundredths of a second off third place. Us sprinter noah lyles took gold. Afterwards gemili said that the medal had slipped out of his hands. Football now, and the Champions League continued this evening with english sides Tottenham Hotspur and Manchester City in action against Bayern Munich and Dinamo Zagreb respectively. While city won their game, spurs suffered a record defeat at home to the german champions losing 7 2. Joe wilson was watching. Empty. That was tottenham at full time. Against a club with five european cups, they had just conceded seven goals. Seven. Strange thing is, spurs actually took the lead and it looked good for them, after 11 minutes. Sadly, the lead barely lasted three minutes. Could kimmich score from there . Well, yes. If you allow players to shoot, they will score, especially if they are one of the outstanding finishers. Perfect from robert lewandowski. Now look who led the game, now look who fell apart. The second half began with Bayern Munich scoring almost at will. Three quickly became four. Tottenhams manager looked at the floor. What was left in the game . Well, a harry kane penalty. 4 2, if you had lost count. Spurs were, remember, Champions League finalists. What are they now . Serge gnabry, former arsenal player, completed his hat trick. Lewandowski helped himself to another. By now it was just torture. Tottenhams ambitions and status shattered by a single scoreline. 72. Manchester city, in contrast, were serene. 2 0 winners against Dinamo Zagreb, even if the referee decided to book their manager. Cheer up, pep. Have you heard the score from spurs . Joe wilson, bbc news. The american opera singerjessye norman, one of the most renowned Opera Singers of the 20th century, has died at the age of 7a. Norman was one of the few black singers to gain fame in the opera world, winning four grammy awards. She sang at the president ial inaugurations of Ronald Reagan and bill clinton, and at the queens 60th birthday celebrations. The opera singerjessye norman, who has died at the age of 7a. Thats it. Now on bbc one, time for the news where you are. Have a very good night

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