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This Prime Minister, to talk about morals and morality is a disgrace that was earlier. Heres the scene live in the house of commons, and we are expecting it to philip shortly because the Prime Minister is due to give a statement within an hour. Philip shortly. Stay with us for the latest from westminster and the other stories on bbc news at five. The white house releases details of the phone call between donald trump and the ukrainian president , as democrats launch an impeachment inquiry. And the government announces it will run a shadow airline to repatriate more than 100,000 passengers stranded after the collapse of thomas cook. Its 5pm. Our main story is that parliament is back at work after the recent suspension was declared unlawful by the Supreme Court yesterday. The Prime Minister is due to address the house of commons very shortly to give his response to the ruling by the highest court in the land, and to face questions from mps on his latest plans. He will inevitably face more demands to resign, but ministers have been insisting that while they respect the justices of the Supreme Court, they disagree strongly with their ruling. The attorney general geoffrey cox has already faced a wave of criticism from mps over his role in the original decision to suspend parliament. 0ur Political Correspondent chris mason has the latest. Jet lagged courtesy of a night over the atlantic, winded courtesy of the Supreme Court. Are you going to apologise to the queen, Prime Minister . The Prime Ministers back in the country and mps are back in here too. Colleagues, welcome back to our place of work. And straight away, a question from one of the central protagonists in Getting Parliament going again. Urgent question, joanna cherry. To ask the attorney general if he will make a statement about his legal opinion on the advice given to her majesty the queen to Prorogue Parliament . The attorney general, the governments main Legal Adviser said. The government accepts the judgment and accepts that it lost the case and, at all times, the government acted in good faith and in the belief that. And in the belief that its approach was both lawful and constitutional. But, he added. This parliament is a dead parliament. It should no longer sit. It has no moral right to sit on these green benches. Why . Because. Theyre too cowardly cheering this parliament should have the courage to face the electorate. But it wont. It wont, because so many of them are really all about preventing us leaving the European Union at all. In response, take a look at this. No shame today, no shame at all. The fact that this government cynically manipulated the prorogation to shut down this house so that it couldnt work as a democratic assembly. He knows that that is the truth and, to come here with his barristers bluster, to obfuscate the truth, and, fora man like him, a party like this and a leader like this, this Prime Minister to talk about morals and morality is a disgrace the opposition parties are gathering to discuss tactics and demand the Prime Minister says sorry to the queen. I think he should apologise, both to her for the advice he gave her but, more importantly, apologise to the british people for what hes done in trying to shut down our democracy at a very crucial time when people are very, very worried about what will happen on the 31st october. Making sure there isnt a no deal brexit at the end of next month remains their priority and arguing. We have a Prime Minister who has abused our democracy, who has been found guilty of breaking the law, unlawfully proroguing parliament. Anna soubry. This place is feeling sparky and today is only just getting going. The Prime Minister will be here later. Chris mason, bbc news, at westminster. Lets cross over to the houses of parliament and our chief Political Correspondent vicki young. Vicki, lets talk about what is coming up, because we expect the Prime Minister to be addressing the house. When can we expected that . And what do you expect the message to be based on whats been so far . We are working away through these various statements. Theyre still going on now talking about no deal planning, and the nephi minister, so we think we are looking at about 6 30pm and then the Prime Minister. We note the speaker in the past, knowing mps have lots of things to ask if i minister, could let it go on for hours. If we can look at what geoffrey cox was saying earlier, the way he was going out fighting there, i think we are good have something similar. I cannot imagine borisjohnson have something similar. I cannot imagine Boris Johnson come have something similar. I cannot imagine borisjohnson come here and apologising for anything. Instead, it sounds of ministers are trained to goad the opposition into calling a general election. Belgian parties are not willing to the opposition parties. We could end up leaving without a deal at the end of 0ctober, so their priority is to get no deal off the table first, but the response from the government is to say, Jeremy Corbyn, you called for an election, now youre blocking it. You said you would honour the referendum result but your turn to block brexit as well. It is really about positioning because no one can see any way out of this. Incredibly difficult to see how we move on. We have come back, and peas are still saying the same thing they were saying the same thing they were saying three weeks ago and it hasnt been much progress. Unless Boris Johnson to get a deal. Just a thought bear, vicki, before bring in lord heseltine, just a thought on the kind of mood in the comments given what in the commons given the magnitude of what happened yesterday, how will he deal what will inevitably be a wave of demands for him to step down given what happened . It will be the same as given already, that they accept the judgement that at the time he acted to advise the queen, he had been told by his most senior government lawyer, geoffrey cox, that it was perfectly lawful. That will be their argument. The other thing it will try to do to move this on is maybe an ounce they will bring for the government a one line bill calling for a general election and set the date in law. They are hoping to wrong for the opposition and say that well give you the date and it will be before the end of october, therefore no problem with crashing out without a deal, again try to say that the opposition, they are cowards, as geoffrey cox put it earlier and they are just not willing to go to the people and let the people decide on all of this in a general election. We could well get that bill even possibly table tonight and voted on tomorrow. No one think its going to go through, but i think that is what the government will keep doing, keep pushing for all of that, and theres the small matter of the conservative Party Conference due to start this weekend. It looks like mps will not allow that to happen, allow tory mps to go and attend that, but i think it will go along anyway. Vicki, many thanks once again. Vicki young in the central lobby of the houses of parliament. The fomer conservative deputy Prime Minister lord heseltine is with me. Thanks forjoining us. Where do we stand today given what happened yesterday . I think boriss strategy is to continue with the Election Campaign that he began when he became part minister, had down. I would be very surprised if yesterdays decision changed anything in that. I think the robust approach of the attorney in the commons to date indicates that, and i think the briefing from senior ministers strongly disagreeing with thejudicial ministers strongly disagreeing with the judicial opinion indicates that they have dug in, retrenched and will continue the electioneering charge, trying to mix up police, law and order, education, with brexit. Given your experience here and your knowledge of previous administrations and Prime Ministers going back many years, can you imagine that any other part minister being delivered the kind of ruling that was done yesterday in the Supreme Court and not considering their position . No. If the conservatives were in opposition, they would be waving the law and orderflag from the they would be waving the law and order flag from the top of big ben. So thats whats changed . A lot has changed in the political climate. That has changed but that has not changed anything. The fact is, brexit is still not done, there is no majority in the house of commons, there is. It is very difficult to see how an election would take place and if it does, this is the sophistication people cannot live with, that uncertainty represents the countrys view, there is no brexit certainty anywhere. There is division in every part of the country, every family, every company, and so parliament reflects that. There is no agreement. We keep being told the Prime Minister will attend the eu summit on the 17th of 0ctober attend the eu summit on the 17th of october and that he is working, he says, to get some kind of new deal. The noises from brussels are different, it has to be said. Do you think its credible and you think he really is working to get a deal . |j think really is working to get a deal . think that he is working above all else to get brexit off the agenda. He dont care much whether deal or no deal, although parliament has now closed down that option, because the real problem for him is the brexit party. And what he needs to do, if he is going to fight an election, is give them off the stage so that he can say to the brexit voters, i did it come back to me. Thats the strategy, and nothing else is allowed to get in the way of that. Sorry, if nothing else is allowed to get in the way of that, how does he achieve the exit on the 31st of 0ctober come what may do or die, as he said . What is his route to that . He can only see one route that he can pursue, because it is very unlikely theresa mays deal will be resurrected. Even if it was, there is no grounds for thinking you would get through, so boris is always, since he became Prime Minister, had his eye firmly on the electorate. Hes got to persuade them he did his best, come what may. He is making mistakes, because hes been driven by people who frankly dont have the sophistication to understand how that place works in number ten. Very dodgy characters there. Thats a very damning assessment. And given you just said that, im going to ask a direct question. Do you think the Prime Ministers situation is tenable given what happened yesterday . It must be hanging by a thread. All of us, you and i have these conversations all around here, and none of us could have plotted the way it was going to unfold. Within an hour, the Prime Minister will have made a new speech. Addiction is a very interest business in this game but in any precedents, i pray ministers lost control of the house prediction isa control of the house prediction is a very. My guess is there would be no overall control coming out of that election. We will see shortly what the Prime Minister says, but grateful to you once again for coming on. Lord heseltine with us, with his many years as deputy part minister, and our thanks for him. Deputy Prime Minister. So what are voters making of the latest developments at westminster . Were going to hear from two different places. First, glasgow, which voted firmly to remain in the European Union in 2016. 0ur scotland correspondent james shaw has been speaking to people in the city centre. It was a Scottish Court which first said the Prime Ministers suspension of parliament was unlawful, and Scottish Government ministers are now calling for him to go. But what do voters here in glasgow think . I keep my politics quite private, to be honest. I dont think having parliament down for five weeks when everythings happenings a good idea because it stymied the debate and it shortens the time that weve got to get a deal. I think it does make a difference because so many people are upset about the decision up here. So, i think people feel theyve been heard and thats the important part that it doesnt feel like politicians get to do whatever they want. Legally, i dont know, its probably correct, but ijust think its another setback to brexit. We have to leave and if it means leaving with a deal and actually starting to build things from that point of view, lets do it, because they are getting nowhere fast doing it this way. And the papers in scotland take a distinctive line, both the scotsman and the herald using that headline unlawful to describe the Prime Ministers behaviour and even the scottish edition of the sun has a different headline from the newspaper elsewhere in the country. Its a lot for lunchtime customers at this city centre cafe to chew on. Its a bit embarrassing, isnt it . Its a bit of a shambles, yeah. I dont think you can have a Prime Minister who has broken the law. But its pretty clear, at this point, the Prime Minister has no intention of standing down. The question which cant easily be answered is whether all this makes Scottish Independence more or less likely. James shaw, bbc news, glasgow. There you have a Cross Section of views in glasgow. Meanwhile, the people of stafford, who voted to leave the eu, have been talking to our correspondent robert hall. 150 miles from the clamour of westminster, easier listening for shoppers at stafford street market, but residents of this ancient county town are not in harmony when it comes to the brexit countdown and the events of the past 2a hours. So, what do you think should happen now . I think borisjohnson should take the bull by the horns and come out of europe. Thats what the people voted for, its taken them three years and its ridiculous. He should resign. Why do you feel so strongly about that . Because hes inept. Its an embarrassment to the uk. He may say that he respects the decision thats been made by the judges, but he clearly doesnt because he is still defending his actions. Hes not fighting against the people that voted to remain, hes fighting against the politicians who actually didnt want it as well. How realistic is it he said he would rather die in a ditch than not leave on the 31st october . Well, if i find him in a ditch, ill bury him its such a mess at the moment, isnt it, everything . Do you think its realistic we will leave the eu as we are due to do on the 31st october . I personally dont feel that. No, idont, no. Ijust dont feel that. I mean, i hope there is a turnaround and a resolution to everything, but i dont feel that there will be. As a country, we need to go one way or the other. Yes, id like it to and then we can get out of europe and stand on our own two feet. Theres wishing and believing it will happen, what do you think . I dont think we will. 56 of voters here opted to leave the eu. Three years on, frustration and uncertainty are all too apparent. Robert hall, bbc news, stafford. Robert there chatting to some people in stafford today, and earlier we heard from people with different views in glasgow. The Shadow Cabinet Office minister, laboursjon trickett, is with me. Thanks forjoining us. Where do we stand today . The house is back. I felt there was no appearance of shame or regret, no humility, from the minister speaking, and you would have thought, they might come and say its a fair cop, we got it wrong, but instead they have doubled down and basically i think its shameful they have gone on like this. Its very disturbing and parliament should be sitting because there were serious questions to answer. If they double down, as usa they appear to be doing, what can you do about it as you say they appeared to be doing . The public and the nation need to be asking. A no deal, we college upping off a why are they talking to the trip about possibly policing the streets . What is going to happen with food prices which look like theyre going to go up . These are, none of these are my words. They are all words from the government. That is our first step. We will be moving into an action exley. In addition to that, 150,000 people abroad with thomas cook, we need to find out what is going on there. The house needs to be sitting. We need the government to answer questions. You are back at work and this questions cannot start to be answered, and as you say, Parliament Three business is back in action those questions can now start to be answered. The government, bringing forward a simple one line bill calling for a general election. What is labours view . We want a general election, as soon as possible, but we dont want a Prime Minister. We want to see this nailed down properly. 0ur objective is to get you an election but make sure in the meantime we dont civilly crash out with all the awful consequences which might follow, and we will have an election. I imagine it will be fairly soon, but lets just do this ina clear, fairly soon, but lets just do this in a clear, clever, if you like, order. In order to help viewers, do you foresee in election before the sist you foresee in election before the 31st october or not . Lets see what happens in the house. My view is not to make decisions like a bull in the china shop, like borisjohnson at the moment. He is like a bull in the nation shall, just crashing around. We wa nts nation shall, just crashing around. We wants an election. It needs to be quick. Iam not we wants an election. It needs to be quick. I am not going to set a date at the moment. But would your preference be. What is your hunch is an experienced politician . What would your preference be . After the sist, would your preference be . After the 31st, before the new year . would your preference be . After the 31st, before the new year . I think it probably will not take place before the 3rd of two 31st of october, would be my guess. They can run but they cannot hide. Lets have this out and lets go into the election. Is it inevitable they will have to be an extension to the article 50 process when that eu summit happens on the 17th of october . If it comes forward with a deal that works, which i very doubt it will, we can look at that. I dont think that is going to happen because it looks for me as though he is not negotiating seriously, but lets just see exactly where we get they are what if questions come up in very difficult to know. With. A delay or extension to article 50 come if that was the only option available . Iama that was the only option available . I am a pragmatist. 0n the whole, i wa nt to i am a pragmatist. 0n the whole, i want to except the referendum, what the people said but lets see exactly what comes before us before you make a final decision. In the end, i think it has to go back to the people, so what i wouldve to see is a really good, positive, progressive brexit alongside remain, and that the people have the final word. It can happen very quickly. Lets ta ke word. It can happen very quickly. Lets take a look at downing street. If we just have the pictures of, the car is there. The Prime Minister, if we stay on these pictures for a moment, what i would like to ask you is, what is the message hes going to face from labour when he comes to the house in a short while . There are questions needed to be asked. The first question is, why are you still in dentistry . Dont you feel ashamed . Should you not be putting your resignation in . And lets get a sensible government out of this. Going to downing street, in number ten. Ive worked in there. All the time, youve got to be thinking, how do we rebuild the unity of the country, not dividing it as this lot seem to be doing. I dont want to be too prejudiced. I can imagine a few saying, what is he saying . What is he talking about . We will see what he says and we will see what labours response will be, but it is very nice to speak to you. Thank you very nice to speak to you. Thank you very much. Thats jon very nice to speak to you. Thank you very much. Thatsjon trickett, the Shadow Office cabinet minister for labour. Lets move on. I would like to turn to some other news stories. I think the Prime Ministers still not appearing in downing street. He not appearing in downing street. He not leaving at. When that happens, we will just not leaving at. When that happens, we willjust come to it when he emerges from the door. I will imagine it will be in the next few minutes or so, so while we wait for the prior minister to leave for the commons to deliver that statement, let me turn to some other stories of the day today. The white house has released details of a phone call between President Trump and his ukrainian counterpart that has triggered a us impeachment inquiry. It shows donald trump asked Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate the democratic candidatejoe biden, whose son worked for a ukrainian gas firm. That is the link here. Mr trump has denied any wrongdoing and called the inquiry a witchhunt. 0ur correspondent Richard Lister reports. Calls to impeach the president began within months of his taking office, but until now, democrats have been wary of getting bogged down in a process which could help donald trump galvanise his political base. The Tipping Point was the revelation of a phone call he made injuly, after blocking military aid to ukraine. The call to president zelensky was just weeks after the white house had blocked military aid to ukraine. Mr trump wanted him to reopen an investigation into hunter biden, son of the front runner to the presidency. Biden was involved in the ukrainian gas company. Later exonerated. The democrats say mr trump was asking for interference from. The actions of the Trump Presidency revealed the dishonourable fact of the president s betrayal of his oath of office, betrayal of our National Security and betrayal of the integrity of our elections. Therefore, today, im announcing the house of representatives are moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry. This was, said the president , nonsense, another witchhunt. When you see the readout of the call, which i assume youll see at some point, youll understand. That call was perfect, it couldnt have been nicer and even the Ukrainian Government put out a statement that that was a perfect call, there was no pressure put on them whatsoever. The white house later released on a transcript but a memorandum penetrated by staff listen to the call. In it, President Trump says. President zelensky reply to. There is another issue. The us attorney general acknowledged an urgent and credible whistle blower complaint about mrtrump, making credible whistle blower complaint about mr trump, making a so far unspecified promise a foreign leader, the white house has blocked its release to congress, so could this add up to impeachment . To be removed from office, Congress Must convict the president of high crimes and misdemeanors. There have been only two previous impeachments, of andrewjohnson in 1868 and bill clinton in 1998, but both kept theirjobs after being acquitted in the senate. President nixon resigned before impeachment got fully under way. Donald trumps alleged target is all too aware this is a gamble which could backfire on the democrats, but hes backing it all the same. I can take the political attacks. Theyll come and theyll go and, in time, soon be forgotten. But if we allow a president to get away with shredding the United States constitution, that will last forever. The murky business of washington politics has just accelerated to a new level of intensity. Richard lister, bbc news. In the past few minutes, the us house intelligence chairman of very powerfulfigure in this process, adam schiff, has been making a statement. He says the transcript of donald trump oz may call with ukrainian president was far more damning than he and others had expected. A president of United States, who ideally after the ukraine president expresses a need for further weapons, tells them that he is hasa has a favour to ask. He intimates to his ukrainian kind of art that unites aces done a lot for ukraine, weve done an awful lot for ukraine, more than the europeans or any one else has done for ukraine but theres not much reciprocity here. This is how a mafia boss talks. What have you done for us . Weve done so much for you, but theres not much reciprocity, i have a favour i want to ask you and what is that favour . The favour is, to investigate his political rival. To investigate the bidens. And its clear that the ukraine president understands exactly what is expected of him, and is making every effort to mollify the president. What adds another layer of depravity to this conversation is the fact the president of United States then invokes the attorney general of the United States, as well as his personal lawyer, as emissaries in the case of the attorney general as an official head of the department ofjustice, that she he says will be pa rt ofjustice, that she he says will be part and parcel of this. I know the attorney general is denying involvement in this. But nonetheless, you can see why the permit department ofjustice would not wa nt to department ofjustice would not want to see this trance could see the light of day. You can see why they have worked so hard to deprive our committee of the whistle blower complaint. Strongly worded statement by adam schiff, the Intelligence Committee chairman. Joining me now from washington is our correspondent gary odonoghue. Lets talk about how this is now growing and what kind of threat it poses, do you think, to the presidency of donald trump . How do you read is . In some ways, the memorandum, the transcript, whatever you want to call it, confirms what the president told us that he did as the ukrainians to look intojoe biden. We knowjoe Biden Committee front runnerfor the biden. We knowjoe Biden Committee front runner for the democratic nomination next year, we know. In some ways, we already knew the president was looking for help from a foreign power that may influence how his electoral changes stand out. In some ways, that confirms what we already knew. I think what youve got here is kind of a repeated going back to that issue during the call, and thats something i think the democrats will leap on. The president has tweeted in the last few minutes, called a total smear job id democrats, so the leg which is getting ratcheted up here as well. We heard adam schiff there describing it effectively is a mafia shakedown. Well get those sort of competing narratives playing out. Later in the week, we will get the detailed of the whistle blowers complains. That was a thing that sparked this whole thing in the first place. But bear in mind, the risks of impeachment, of being removed from office for impeachment, a pretty low for donald trump that would lead to 20 republicans switching sites in the senate. What democrats are hoping as this will damage him, due him on normas damage him, due him on normas damage in the coming weeks and months, and the president already at 4296 months, and the president already at 42 approval rating, pretty historically low levels, will get damaged even more and not be viable going into the next election. Gary, once again from an acute very much. Gary odonoghue on capitol hill with the latest on the impeachment attempt against President Trump. Lets ta ke lets take deposit westminster. Back after the break and the weather, because we were we talking a little more about what is coming up here with the Prime Ministerial statement, after that crushing fit for borisjohnson statement, after that crushing fit for Boris Johnson and statement, after that crushing fit for borisjohnson and the government in the Supreme Court yesterday. This is going to be the first chance for the Prime Minister to stand up in the Prime Minister to stand up in the commons and tackle that head on him and to face what will be dozens of questions from across the house. Thats coming up. Now its time for a look at the weather with stav danaos. Thanks very much. Good evening to you. A quieter day today, because we we re you. A quieter day today, because we were in between weather systems. We did see some sunshine, winds also trained later as well. This is yesterdays low pressure system. This is the gap we had between. Another round of wet and windy weather this evening and overnight some heavy bursts of rain across the western hills, some heavy bursts of rain across the western h ills, eventually some heavy bursts of rain across the western hills, eventually ending up across the eastern side of the country. A bit drierfollowing him behind, and you notice the temperatures again pretty mild. It sta rts temperatures again pretty mild. It starts off pretty wet and windy across the far south and east of the country. That band of wind and rain tend to move out quite quickly, becoming located across the northeast of scotland. And then its sunshine and showers, showers across the west that will be heavy and frequent, and a windy day. In the sunshine, we could make 20 degrees across the east and southeast. Low pressure across the east and southeast. Low pressure stays with us for friday and into the start of the weekend. Quite windy, too, turning cooler across the north. This is bbc news. Live from westminster. Lets go straight to downing street. I think the Prime Minister is leaving. Making his way for what everyone expects will be a rather challenging session for him in the house of commons. When he will make a statement under what has happened yesterday in the Supreme Court, where his actions were declared unlawful and decided to suspend parliament. For five weeks unlawful and decided to suspend parliament. Forfive weeks in unlawful and decided to suspend parliament. For five weeks in the run up to the brexit deadline. The Supreme Court was pretty damning in his criticism of that. The Prime Minister is not on his way from downing street to westminster where he will appear. Probably in the next half hour or so. But it is a bit of a guess. A lot of the timings have been way off this afternoon. For example, the attorney general, the session with him earlier lasted nearly a few hours because they were so many questions on the role that he played in that decision to suspend parliament. Weve had that reflected in quite a few of the sessions. At the moment, on a statement by the foreign secretary dominic rob, which is live in the house right now, he is talking about the crisis around iran, and especially the crisis in relation to the us and iran. And the british role in trying to resolve that. Borisjohnson will be in the house shortly wassup and after this statement has ended in the questions to be for secretary have ended, we will then have the Prime Minister statement. That is the kind of timetable for you. Wish i could be a bit more precise, but at least we know the order of events. After this statement, i can guarantee the house will be farfuller statement, i can guarantee the house will be far fuller than that. And the Prime Minister will come in to face the music and somebody said. At a time when the house for the Prime Minister should not be sitting but the Supreme Court has decided it should. That is why here today. All of that coming up. Lets catch up with the sport at this point. Let say hello to ali. Ali ali foster. Hello. We saw a surprise result at the rugby world cup, the biggest so far as uruguay beat fiji in thriller which finished 30 27. It took place in kamaishi a town devasted by the earthquake and tsunami disaster in 2011. Uruguay came from behind to lead at the break. The south americans only scored three tries to the fijians five but the boot of fly half Filipe Berchesi made the difference. The quarterfinals now look very unlikely for fiji, wales and australia in control of pool d they play each other on saturday. Australian winger reece hodge is banned for their remaining three pool matches though. He was cited for a dangerously high tackle on the fijiian peceli yato in their opening match, it went unpunished at the time. The standard of officiating has been criticised by world rugby. The funeral of former rangers player Fernando Ricksen took place in glasgow today today. Current and former rangers players attended and thousands of supporters lined the streets outside the Ibrox Stadium to pay tribute to the Dutch International who died last week of Motor Neurone Disease at the age of a3. He won seven major honours at the club in a six year spell inclduing two league titles. Just a true legend. He played with his heart. Heart honestly. A total gentleman. When of our heroes. One of the last heart of man that we had. Very, very sad. Perfect player. Just glad to be here. We will miss him. To me, he was one of the best. In warthe him. To me, he was one of the best. In war the rangers colours. A very sad day. Went to the very best to where the ranger colours. Rohan dennis has successfully defended his time trial world title at the World Championships in yorkshire. The australian completed the course from northallerton to harrogate in a time of one hourfive minutes and five seconds to win by over a minute. Alex dowsett, the six time British National time trial champion, finished two minutes and one second off dennis time forfifth. His top ten finish will earn team gb a second time trail place in next years olympic games. Nicola adams is preparing for the first defence of her world flyweight title on friday at the royal albert hall. She became World Champion injuly without having to fight when the previous holder was forced to give up the title. The olympic champion will be the first female boxer to fight at the venue. Absolutely amazing, unbelievable. I feel like every time i step in the ring, i am creating history. Muhammad ali boxed there, lennox lewis, so many other stars, singers have performed there. It will be surreal for me, being able to. I was going to say win my world title, but i already have it. It will be like winning my world title for the first time then, and creating history. Busy political times, probably best to go to the bbc sport website for an update on everything going on including eight more at lee cut ties, premier league teams involved tonight. Man united and liverpool and action. Lets head back to westminster. Thank you. See you a little later on. What are we looking forward to . Looking forward to what we think will be quite a lively session, probably a very challenging one for the Prime Minister cuts because he will be in the commons very soon. To make a statement and to answer questions following the ruling of the Supreme Court unanimous ruling on the 11 justices yesterday. That his decision to suspend parliament five weeks was unlawful. That was a shattering ruling for the government. But the attorney general earlier today was saying that while they respect the report, they did not agree with the ruling. That seems to be the governments tech care, which is to try and force his way through this and that kind of way. We will see whether they Prime Minister does the same. He was sent to get that yesterday when he was in new york. Lets bring in kirstie blackman for the s and pay. Snp. Ami blackman for the s and pay. Snp. Am i presuming too much . Do you expect the government response to be along those lines . What should happen is the Prime Minister should stand up and say i acted unlawfully, the Supreme Court has said i acted unlawfully and i am tendering my regulation. The worst Prime Minister that weve had in my lifetime certainly. Lost six folks trying to drive us off this brexit cliff edge, acting unlawfully and prorogue in parliament. He should stand up and say he will go. He should apologise. I dont think any of that will be likely. That is what he should do but. If this response mirrors the attorney general, which is to say all of the respectful things about the Supreme Court and the judiciary, while also saying that he thinks they got it wrong, and that the Scottish Court of sessions got it wrong, what then will the snp be saying. It is a bizarre place to be in. Join a chair in the other mps brought this and have been an amazing power taking this to the judicial process in scotland and through the process here in the Supreme Court. To win that case what the 11 neil is unbelievable to be honest. It shows that the Prime Minister is unquestionably acting unlawfully in his advice he gave to the queen. We will be calling for his resignation. And we will be seeing what we can do working cross party with other mps to bring about a vote of no confidence that will ensure we get rid of him once and for all. That is one option. A lot of talk today about the government bring forward a one line bill, with a specific date in that bill for a general election. What will the snp response to that be . The thing about thatis response to that be . The thing about that is that it doesnt need two thirds majority, thanks Parliament Act does need. The apartment estate may be fixed and think he can get it through but he cant get the two thirds majority felt that we really wa nt thirds majority felt that we really want a general election. We are pulling well and is scotland. The most pulling well and is scotland. The m ost rece nt pulling well and is scotland. The most recent polls give us 55 96. That would be great to get rid of the tories in scotland to the best of our abilities. But the reality is we cannot allow borisjohnson to be in control of that process. He should not be allowed to control this process and choose when he wa nts this process and choose when he wants the general election to be if it means he can create that clip edge. If we are certain that no deal brexit can possibly happen if that extension has been requested, then is the time to have the general election but anything that comes forward we will look at carefully and we will very, very closely with other parties. Impossible to overstate how the other parties have been working together. This has never happened, this level of collaboration with the opposition party. To try and avoid a no deal. We will keep doing that and working together on that basis. When asked the same question to somebody earlier, he said he thought it would be unlikely that we will see election before the 31st of october. But after that, quite soon after that, he thought one was a more likely. Is that your rough kind of hunch as well . The rumours are going around westminster, that seems a fairly simple assessment. I wouldnt like the collet at this moment in time. Given that the unexpected keeps happening, given johnson time. Given that the unexpected keeps happening, givenjohnson being comforted by Dominic Cummings keeps doing all of these things. Thats should being prompted by. What doing all of these things. Thats should being prompted by. What i can promise is that we will do everything we can to protect our constituents and protect the interests of the people of scotland. The unexpected keeps happening. A pretty appropriate phrase. Thank you for joining pretty appropriate phrase. Thank you forjoining us. Here westminster. Lets go straight into the house of parliament and talk to the labour mp and chairof parliament and talk to the labour mp and chair of the comments read the committee, hilary benn. Thank you for joining committee, hilary benn. Thank you forjoining us. What you think we stand today . We are waiting with interest to see the Prime Ministers appearance at the despatch box. He is making a terrible mess at being the Prime Minister. He loses all of the important votes. He doesnt have a plan, he didnt have a mandate, he didnt have any credibility, he asked on the way all of his majority. He has been found by the Supreme Court to have acted unlawfully. He has gone away all of his majority. I suspect the members on all sites will have quite a few things to say to him and i think it is very regrettable that instead of just think it is very regrettable that instead ofjust saying what he said in response to the judgement, which was what we thought it was lawful but the Supreme Court has ruled that it is in and i thejudgement, he is trying to argue about it and say i profoundly disagree and im afraid rather than fill us with confidence about his respect for the rule of law and that is clearly very releva nt for law and that is clearly very relevant for the legal obligation that parliament have now put upon him come if he does not get a deal from the eu. To apply for a further extension as you just discuss come on saturday, the 19th of october, no election, before the 31st of to break because we have to ensure that we have not only made the Prime Minister write that letter that we have got the extension agreed by the European Union. The question i suppose today is, you have outlined several options which viewers will have listen to with interest. The question today is if the government approach is as was outlined to the identity a general earlier, just reflected by you, the Prime Minister has more of that, surely there is very little labour or the other opposition parties can do about it . Attorney general outline. He has no intention of resigning as you say. What do you go from there . No intention of resigning as you say. What do you go from there . M is more in place of work in the Prime Minister go from here. He has lost control of events. In where can department us to go. He has discarded his majority. He cannot win any imported vote in the house of commons. What exactly is this government for a course make the other thing we want to ask kim this afternoon is tell us about these negotiations that are taking place with the European Union. He has not deigned to share with members of parliament or the public or businesses, where it is what he is trying to do to replace the Northern Ireland backstop. Everybody knows how complex that issue is. We know from the prompt of the table that we have received via the media about these non paper is, what an exciting era phrase, not papers the government has put to the eu negotiators. None the wiser as to what it is he is trying to achieve. We have been questioning michael gove about the report that was published by the government because ofa published by the government because of a vote in the house of commons. That talks about real difficulties in Northern Ireland because the government position in the event of a nil deal brexit couldnt be sustained and there is no way of mitigating those effects. That is why parliament was absolutely right to stand with the people of the united kingdom, including Northern Ireland and businesses and others in saying that whatever happens, there cannot be a no deal brexit. I think at the Prime Minister fails to conclude an agreement, or can i get into the house of commons, then frankly the moment will come more mps will have to decide how we will bring brexit to indian and as you know, i favour bring brexit to indian and as you know, ifavour going back to bring brexit to indian and as you know, i favour going back to the british people and putting the one deal that has been negotiated. Theresa mays plan, again her mane, thatis theresa mays plan, again her mane, that is not the policy of the labour party. That is a way which we can finally resolve this. And bring brexit to and end. Something that is to parliament for doing anything else and preventing the country from will be gone. Thats preventing parliament from. What is the prospect of that happening within months realistically . Assessment talked about for three years. And indeed, the first talk of another referendum as we discussed was dismissed out of court so to speak straightaway. Now it seems, part of labour approximate policies as a very serious option, at what point do you think it becomes inevitable that kind of reference to the people needs to be realised . It is the moment that will come if Boris Johnson cannot conclude a deal with the eu at the european council. 0r if he bring Something Back that he cannot get to the house of commons. That would be the fourth time a deal had been rejected. In those circumstances, where the people voted leap over me we cannot carry on kicking the can down the road. Bolted to me. How do we resolve this . I have come to the conclusion some months ago because parliament is deadlocked, the only people who can sort this out are the british people. And we should do that by putting the jig human choices to them, no deal is not what was argue. Genuine choices. Michael gove for earlier this year that the british people did a vote to leave without a deal. There is one deal that has been negotiated. Which is theresa may may deal. The theresa may deal. Two years ago, some of my collea g u es deal. Two years ago, some of my colleagues said to theresa may they would compromise. They went allowed to go through if they put it to the people. And that i think is the middle ground position in british politics because over here, Boris Johnson is saying he is prepared to push us out of the eu without a deal at all. That is disastrous. 0ver here you have the liberal democrats saying that if they want election, they would cancel the referendum result locked up i dont think either of those are defensible positions. And the complementary referendum is now at the heart of the Centre Ground of british politics. Confirmatory referendum. Everybody will not be happy with the outcome. At the great virtue of it, huw, is it is a means of finally ending this because sadly, parliament has shown itself incapable of reaching an agreement on anything. Thank you forjoining us. The labour mp the labourmp hilary the labour mp hilary benn. With me are three of fleet streets finest, katy balls, deputy Political Editor of the spectator, the guardians Political Correspondent, kate proctor, and the times columnist and former conservative mp, matthew parris. Where we stand today . Lets start here. Not that much has happened yet. A big build up to what the Rebel Alliance of mps who have the majority in parliament really planned Boris Johnson. Majority in parliament really planned borisjohnson. We know Boris Johnson wants an early election. Talk today from his attorney general, they will try again to get that, a motion. But it still doesnt seem the numbers at their front of you have the Rebel Alliance this afternoon, and still a sense of what the majority of them are able to hold out to wait for an early election until labour leave no deal taken off the deal or at least be taken off the deal or at least be taken at the table for a few months. Is that your reading . A lot of reading going on today. Lib dem this morning gave their view. But i spoke to the snp this afternoon. They gave me an impression they would back a one aligned bill for a general election. They want to amend it and wa nt election. They want to amend it and want to admit that so they can also get it in this extension to article 50 so they can try and nail the two things together. The snp are definitely working on an idea and labour are working in the liberal democrats put out their plan this morning was that which is to try and make sure they can delay brexit and bring that date up. They want to bring that date up. They want to bring it to october 19. I lot of techy Little Things going on in meetings. On a brighter point. The Prime Minister making his first appearance in the comments since the cursing ruling yesterday. A lot of call for him to resign. He made it clear he will tough it out. And he respects the judiciary. Clear he will tough it out. And he respects thejudiciary. But clear he will tough it out. And he respects the judiciary. But doesnt agree with them. How is that lying to going to go down on his own side . How is that line. To going to go down on his own side . How is that line. The new feature of today is we are looking at the personal disintegration of the Prime Ministers leadership. We are looking at the disintegration of his dignity, of a stature, and of his command. He has made a series of wrong judgements, some very serious wrong judgements, some very serious wrong judgements, some very serious wrong judgements, even those who wa nt wrong judgements, even those who want to see him as a hero, a man to change, trying to enact the will of the people, theyre going to wonder whether that heroism is there. What are his colleagues going to think was colleagues college that agree with them, the brexit people who put him where he is. Are they feeling today that this is the right man to advance the brexit banner . I think that as well as the big thing that is change today. Does that change the strategy of presenting himself as the man who was on the peoples side, so to speak, against the establishment, which includes the Supreme Court, and other colleagues in parliament . No. It doesnt take that strategy at all. That is certainly the only strategy available to him. We will hear it over and over available to him. We will hear it overand overagain. It available to him. We will hear it over and over again. It is the people versus the establishment, brexit, eu, the judges, people versus the establishment, brexit, eu, thejudges, the London Metropolitan elite. The strategy doesnt change. But i think the strategy becomes more difficult while led by a Prime Minister who isnt so personal trouble. While led by a Prime Minister who isnt so personaltrouble. Do while led by a Prime Minister who isnt so personal trouble. Do you detect any change in the temperature on the tory benches among those who we re very on the tory benches among those who were very fervent and enthusiastic, borisjohnson were very fervent and enthusiastic, Boris Johnson supporters a were very fervent and enthusiastic, borisjohnson supporters a few weeks ago, are you detecting any change and certainly after yesterday . think the ruling did, they shock to some conservative mps but broadly speaking, there is a sense they didnt have any other option. I think they are so far down and brexit by any means necessary track that Dominic Cummings and Boris Johnson app at the party on that there is not really many options available to them. I also think a government now, i dont think by any means there is a plan going to place. 0bviously means there is a plan going to place. Obviously it has gone wrong. A miscalculation, the appetite for early election. But i still think they believe they can play it and pitch it in a general election asked the people versus the parliament. And they think the polling coming back to the party is quite positive on that message. Interesting. Wondering what you think labour possible strategy will be facing that. We know labour has its own polling challenges. And Jeremy Corbyn has his own challenges to put it mildly. How do you read the labour response to the difficulties the Prime Minister is in . Most important thing for jeremy the Prime Minister is in . Most important thing forJeremy Corbyn to do now is to really genuinely work across party in the house and work with the snp in the lib dems if he can and back a general election because if he continues to have this idea floating around that he is a chicken, ijust idea floating around that he is a chicken, i just like idea floating around that he is a chicken, ijust like that campaign run against him but the idea he when igo run against him but the idea he when i go back to the come he has to get on and do that now. I am probably the only person who thinks that jeremy plans idea being neutral and staying out of a person elite actually does work because his party is so divided, you have the mps you have the membership who are pro romaine and you want to win an election and try and win in those labour heartlands that but it leave, i thinkJeremy Corbyn in this neutral idea people might call it is a fairly effective strategy but the most important thing now is to talk about a general election and media. I noticed among broadcasters and a wariness about the story of the lady with the pole dancing paul in her flat. And the attitude to which you occupy, you have to be wary but down at the alta i occupy, fleet street, the printed papers, this story has legs. This you think it is that potential . Yes i do. This could damage them. In the Rebel Alliance majority against Boris Johnson but that they might use the tools at their disposal. A brighter point again. I asked their disposal. A brighter point again. Iasked lloyd heseltine earlier if he could imagine previous Prime Ministers in a position where they were have found to act unlawfully and given the queen awful advice, could you imagine any of them still being in office the next day and his answer was no. What would your response to that be . dont entirely agree with that. Somebody should resign may be jacob rees mogg, or the attorney general but the fact is the law was unclear. The English High Court had given a judgement that appeared to get the green light to what the government of the law has now been decided in the government must obey it but i dont think of them as having as aware acted illegally when nobody knew what the law was. Now they do and they must because the question was asked. Its a position tenable. Do you say because of that, because of the clarification of the law, thatis of the clarification of the law, that is not quite the simple answer . This compounds is problems. But i think because more to the question hisjudgement. Think because more to the question his judgement. And his think because more to the question hisjudgement. And his demeanour and hisjudgement. And his demeanour and his behaviour than it does to whether the government acted in bad faith. I dont think it did. Get to see you all. Thank you. That is it for westminister now. Now its time for a look at the weather with stav danaos thank you. Good evening to you. A fine day for many of us. Between weather a bit of cloud and a few showers but nowhere near as wet as wet as it was yesterday. A brief rest bite, the next weather system push again. Bringing some pretty heavy rain, two west of scotland, westi n heavy rain, two west of scotland, westin england and parts of wales. And moving to east their side of the country by tonight. Dry behind a few showers around and temperature is nowhere colder. Heading into tomorrow, we start off wet and windy, that will clear off into the north sea come a bit of a hang back. Much of the country will see some sunshine. Lee of sunshine across eastern areas and most of the showers further west, some heavy. A windy day for most of us that we could see 20 degrees. Friday, it looks unsubtle and some low pressure and further sunshine turning a bit cooler across the north of the country. This parliament is a dead parliament. It should no longer sit. It has no moral right to sit on these green benches. A party like this, and a leader like this, this Prime Minister, to talk about morals and morality is a disgrace well bring you the latest from the house of commons and look at whats likely to happen next. Also tonight one of the uks main busmakers goes into administration

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