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What we would hope is that women would use this information to make a much more informed decision about whether or not they want to start taking hrt or perhaps continue taking hrt. Well be talking to the co author of the report to find out exactly what those risks are and how you can weigh them up. And the decision to suspend Parliament Means some proposed new legislation may be dropped before it can become law. Well talk to campaigners about why theyre calling on the government to carry over those bills into the next session of parliament. Hello, welcome to the programme. Were live until 11 this morning. Later in the programme well be talking about being a mum and having a high profile career, after Ruth Davidson yesterday resigned as leader of the scottish conservatives citing, amongst other things, family reasons. She said that, following the birth of her baby finn, the threat of spending hundreds of hours away from my home and family now fills me with dread. Are you a mum ora dad whos decided to step back at work after having children . Or have you found a way to have it all . Do get in touch on all the stories were talking about use the hashtag victoria live. If youre emailing and are happy for us to contact you and maybe want to take part in the Programme Please include your phone number in your message. If you text, youll be charged at the Standard Network rate. First Annita Mcveigh has the news. Scotlands highest civil court will rule shortly on whether to grant an emergency injunction to prevent the suspension of parliament. We will bring you that life we will bring you that life when we get it. In the last few minutes the former Prime Minister sirjohn major has said hesjoined the campaigner, gina miller who is also mounting a separate challenge at the high court in london. A similar legal challenge is beginning in front of the lord chiefjustice of Northern Ireland. One of the leading conservative backbenchers trying to prevent a no deal brexit, sir oliver letwin, says he believes theres still enough time to achieve this despite the Prime Ministers decision to suspend parliament for five weeks. The government has attempted to reassure tory rebels by announcing that britain and the eu will now meet twice a week to try to find an agreement. Sir oliver says that threatening to leave the eu without a deal isnt an effective negotiating tactic and mps will begin taking measures next week to rule this out. I hope that parliament will take a series of actions in a proper orderly way, that by the end of the week mean that borisjohnson knows, that as Prime Minister, he has the backing of many, many of us to get a deal, but that if he doesnt get a deal he will have to seek an extension. Theres an irony here, i should just mention, which is if he does get a deal, as a matter of fact he will need an extension any way, because its impossible to take from the late october stage a deal which is sort of written down but not solemnised and implemented in just a very few days. A major report shows the increased risk of Breast Cancer from menopausal hormone therapy lasts more than a decade after treatment ends. A team at the university of oxford analysed results from more than 100,000 women from all around the world. Leaflets claiming that new Relationship Education lessons will encourage Primary School children to masturbate have been handed out in east london, this programme has learned. It comes after protests in birmingham against lgbt teaching made headlines. Other leaflets said parents will be questioned on the day ofjudgment if they do not challenge the lessons. The School Gate Campaign which distributed the leaflets has now removed the specific accusation but some parents have argued the damage had already been done. You can see an exclusive report about this story on the programme after this bulletin. A fire engulfed a0 lorry trailers at a factory near peterborough, sending a huge plume of smoke into the sky. The black smoke could be seen from miles around the hotpoint site as the trailers which contained parts for washing machines and fridges went up in flames. Eight fire crews from cambridgeshire tackled the fire overnight which has now been contained to a safe area. Police confirmed no one was injured. Theres been a sustained effort to hack iphones over at least two years, according to Security Experts at google. Malicious software was implanted to collect contacts, images and other data. Apple has issued a fix, but hasnt commented. And that is a summary in todays exclusive film, this programme has learned that leaflets telling parents that new Relationship Education lessons in infant school would encourage their children to masturbate, have been handed out in east london. Another told parents if they dont challenge relationships and Sex Education they would be questioned on the day ofjudgement. Protests against one particular programme of relationship teaching called no outsiders at Primary Schools in birmingham made National Headlines earlier this year. And there are now fears therell be more protests in other parts of the country as the new school year begins. Weve been speaking to the people trying to oppose them. Catrin nye reports. From next september, it will be compulsory to teach relationships education in Primary Schools in england, and relationships and Sex Education rse in secondary schools. The government wants teaching to include things like single parent families, adoption and same sex relationships. But it says it will be up to schools to decide when thats age appropriate. Now, since january, this issue has prompted leafleting campaigns and protests outside some Primary Schools, most notably in birmingham. They cant tell you when and how they should be taught. You have a say in the matter. In newham, east london, parents have been targeted at the school gates. So this is the leaflet that was handed out right here at this Primary School . Yeah, as you can see you know theres like a variety of untruths in this. You know, it says things like that inclusive rse is going to promote transgenderism. That its going to promote homosexual lifestyles, that its going to teach children in infant school about having sex and being encouraged to masturbate, you know . Of course, when parents see these kinds of untruths being peddled, theyre worried. So the moment we found out about it we brought it up in full council and we questioned you know, who exactly is this group and why are they spreading this kind of misinformation to parents . And what exactly is their agenda . Because its not about helping children. And its definitely not about helping parents. The group that distributed that leaflet is called the School Gate Campaign. They stand by most of the claims but have removed the specific accusation about children being encouraged to masturbate. The new flyers say that some Teaching Resources will introduce words like masturbation to juniors. This is written in draft teaching guidance for at least one local authority in england. Parents of this school, though, have already seen the exaggerated claims. And councillor Rohit Dasgupta argues the damage has been done. He shows me more of the material thats been circulated locally. So this is the kind of material thats been sent around in whatsapp groups . Yeah, so these are a lot of private whatsapp groups for parents. This post urges parents to come to a meeting about rse teaching and says therell be consequences if you dont. If we fail to attend them, the schools will continue teaching our children what they like and well be questioned on the day ofjudgment. We will be questioned on the day ofjudgment. That is a very scary thing to put on a leaflet like this, especially if youre a person of faith. There has been a lot of intimidation that a lot of councillors have faced over here in terms of from both Party Members as well as residents living in theirward who come and question them, why are you supporting this . You know, this is something thats going to affect my child. And i think its a lot of misinformation that is the main problem. Is it not totally legitimate for parents to express concerns about what their children are taught . I think its important that parents are consulted and i think it is important that parents are told exactly what their children are taught. But the teachers, the head teachers the curriculum educators all the experts over here. You know, this is not something that has come out of nowhere. You know, this is about making sure that we teach our children about equality, that we teach our children that it is ok to be different. That we teach our children that they dont grow up to become bigots. Birmingham has been the focus of the protests against relationship and Sex Education, particularly these two schools Parkfield Community school and anderton park primary. The protesters so far, while often opposing relationships and Sex Education broadly, have particularly objected to a set of books used to teach it in Primary School called no outsiders. The books include stories like a boy who wants to dress as a mermaid and a penguin with two daddies. Two penguins in the Penguin House were little bit different. One was named roy and the other was named silo. In birmingham, a group of locals are producing a video showing children and parents reading from the books. They want to make people less worried about whats in them. I know that from parkfield and from over at anderton park Primary School that theres some parents who are quite happy with the programme, but unfortunately im hearing stories that theyre being intimidated, harassed or threatened. Some of them have been accused of being not muslim enough. They feel somewhat isolated from the community at large because they have to fit into that community. Javed iqbal also lives in birmingham. Hes a member of the Alum Rock Community forum, a group covering the same area as parkfield school. His children went there, and now his grandchildren. In the early days of the protest, he spoke on behalf of the parents as part of the parkfield parents group. But he says the protests now have to stop. Theyre not helpful at all. Were grown up adults, were educated enough to sit around a table to resolve these issues aroundthe table instead of standing outside a school and shouting and screaming. Do you understand why people felt the need to protest . Depending who are you talking about. I mean, a lot of the parents had no choice but to protest, because obviously they werent being listened to. Javad, however, says people from outside the community have no business getting involved in the protests. Stay away from them schools, stay away from the children and stay away from the education. How much do you really care . Because you dont. Weve never seen you here. A lot of the people that have actually come to the area, what is in it for you . You know, yourejust here possibly for publicity, a stunt. Orjust get the media fame. How much of the protest do you think was genuine concern and how much was just straight up homophobia . A majority of it is a genuine concern. I mean, i dont believe. Ok, fine, there might be a few that might be homophobic. But i dont believe the whole community is homophobic. Javed was involved in mediation between parents and the school, which he says has not actually been very successful. Its still left in limbo, really,. A lot of parents have removed their children to look for alternative schools in the area. Bell rings. Yehudis fletcher is an orthodoxjew living in manchester. Can i come in . She has three Young Children who attend orthodox schools. Yehudis is very pro relationships and Sex Education, but says that many within the community are not, including some people running orthodox schools who dont want to teach it. What are your concerns if children, pupils dont get this kind of education . I think that the children who need sex and Relationship Education the most are the children whose parents or the schools that they go to are trying to deny it to them. Those are the children who are likely to be an environment where they cant speak up if theyre being abused. I cant really comment on other communities, but i know that within my community there are people who want children to remain largely ignorant about sex and relationships because they want them to carry on with the traditional way in which theyre married at a very early age, without much knowledge about what theyre getting into. Other people might argue that its simply people whose religion doesnt accept homosexuality, for example, not wanting their children taught things they dont believe at home. I dont think anybody doesnt believe that homosexuality exists. They might think that homosexual acts are forbidden, but that doesnt take away from the fact that they absolutely will have a certain percentage within them who are lgbtq. Thats not something anybody can deny. Yehudis has been outspoken in her support for rse but says many people dont have her confidence. Do you know specific examples where parents have wanted to say, im ok with the Relationship Education but feel like they cant . Yes, absolutely. Many of them have been in contact with me directly because ive written about it and spoken out about it. Theyve contacted me privately and said, you know, thank you for speaking out because i cant. Do you think the kind of protests weve seen in birmingham could come here . I think they will. Im really worried about that. The good thing is, in this borough, the council is very, very united in opposing any anti rse campaigns that come up. It will not be an easy ride. You know, when the government leaves it onto local authorities and leaves it onto teachers and headteachers. Its not going to be easy but i think we are going to be doing our best to make sure that the level of really vile protest that we saw in birmingham doesnt come over here in newham. The Scottish Court has rejected a request for an interim block on the uk Prime Minister borisjohnsons move to suspend parliament. This is a really complicated issue, and we will speak to scotland correspondent lord that gordon in the next few minutes and Clive Coleman about sir john majors interrejection into the brexit debate, so we will have more in the next few minutes but thaw is coming to us from the Scottish Court, it has rejected a request for an interim block on borisjohnsons move to suspend parliament. Lets talk to Antonia Tully from the safe at school campaign. Its against the mandatory teaching of Relationship Education at Primary Schools. The campaign is part of the society for the protection of unborn children an anti abortion group. And andrew copson, humanists uk. They have been campaigning in favour of relationship and Sex Education. Thank you both for coming in to speak to us. Antonia, what is it you are opposed to within the teaching in schools, is it things like we saw in the report about same sex relationships or is it about the language that will be used . relationships or is it about the language that will be used . I think it is more fundamental than that, what we have seen with the new legislation is the government taking over from parents, legislation is the government taking overfrom parents, a role that is rightfully theirs, parents are the people, they are the children, the primary edge kay fors and they should be the ones talking to their children about the intimate details of sex, and about different relationships, when they feel their child is ready to hear these things, so child is ready to hear these things, so with this new legislation which comes into force in september 2020, the government has done three thing, it said parents are stupid, they are inadequate. They havent. Let me read you a statement. Let me read you a statement. We cant trust pa rents. You a statement. We cant trust parents. Let me read you a statement it says we want pupils growing up in the 21st century to understand the world and know what positive and safe relationships look like which is why we are making it coll pulsery. It stands with family and friend and recognising the difference between off line and on line relationships. I am hearing pa rents line relationships. I am hearing parents who are not seeing that, and you know, why cant parents teach theseissues you know, why cant parents teach these issues to their children . Why is the state taking over and making it mandatory . I am afraid the governments message is we dont trust parents to do that, we have to do itand trust parents to do that, we have to do it and there are many hundreds of pa rents, do it and there are many hundreds of parents, thousands even, who dont like that, who are worried, nervous about what their children are going to be taught. We are defending pa rents. To be taught. We are defending parents. Parents are going to be the primary care gives in their childrens lives but it is naive to think they will be only one, Wider Society and culture does that, and a lot the messages in Wider Society and culture can be negative, about sex and relationship, ones that are dangerous. That is one of the reasons why children who are human beings with right of their own need education in schools about sex and relationships to make up what might not be offered at home and the sort of education that is being introduced is very age appropriate, it is designed to lead to ill healthier it is designed to lead to ill healthier happier safer lives for children and i think it is justified and most parents, when they are asked in opinion polls do wa nt they are asked in opinion polls do want schools to provide that education. In the government consultation last year. 4296 of people combination of parents and grandparents disagreed strongly with the way in which the government wa nts to the way in which the government wants to teach children about different sorts of relationships and Sex Education. What would you be happy with seeing on the curriculum for students . Well, i am, not happy this law has been passed. What would you like. Should be any Sex Education this schools . Schools have a positive role in supporting pa rents a positive role in supporting parents in talking to their own children about these matters, pa rents a re children about these matters, parents are the experts, and i think this narrative which is trying to say that parents are inadequate tot thejob, we dont say that parents are inadequate tot the job, we dont trust them, therefore the government has to take over, we have to decide when your child learns about thing, what they learn and how they learn her, and thatis learn and how they learn her, and that is the the very worrying and we are encouraging parents to have a consultation with the school, ask the school what are you going to be teaching my chile and we really hope that schools will listen to parents. Can you understand there is a real concern among some parents that control is taking away. Yes, and it is imflamed by the materials your report was talking about. We accept that Education Institution in our society have a legitimate role to play in bringing expert knowledge, to bear on those issues, sex and relationships are no different and like i said, it is true that a minority. What are you. Are you worried it is sexual lose hissing children or they are being exposed to things you disagree with . |j children or they are being exposed to things you disagree with . I think there are a lot of parents out there who for example, and this is going back, a couple of decades, who have been disturbed by Sex Education programmes like living and growing, which is precisely showing, talking to Primary School age children about mast basing aches. It is showing. Mast basing. It is about that, that has been in school. Emy children are at Primary School and they arent spoken to about mast basing. You are lucky. So councils have been named in this. When they are talking about things like mast basing it is preparing in case a year five or year basing it is preparing in case a yearfive or year six basing it is preparing in case a year five or year six child brings that into the conversation, the Teachers Want to enable themselves to be able to talk about that without batting it away and talking about it in a sensitive and appropriate way. And the home is a sensitive and appropriate place for these discussions to take place and ijust think. What these discussions to take place and i just think. What happens these discussions to take place and ijust think. What happens if pa rents ijust think. What happens if parents feel uncomfortable about it. They dont necessarily want to be the people who have to take those on. Do you want to have that conversation with your kids . Yes, i do want to have that conversation andi do want to have that conversation and i know hundreds and thousands of pa rents, and i know hundreds and thousands of parents, they want to talk about those things to their children. This idea that somehow modern parents are not up to this job is a slap idea that somehow modern parents are not up to thisjob is a slap in idea that somehow modern parents are not up to this job is a slap in the face for pa rents not up to this job is a slap in the face for parents and i think it is sinister. If that is case children have an entitlement to a Broad Spectrum of ideas. So they have an entitlement to a broad range of knowledge, if they dont get it many children will continue in ignorance, there is a Mental Health that it is bliss, it is not. It is more unhappiness, less healthy, less safe children. We could talk about this for so much longer but thank you. We will be doing a special programme about Relationship Education in Primary Schools on monday where well be showing what exactly is taught in one of the no outsiders lessons. If youre a parent and have a question youd like answered about that or relationship teaching in schools in general get in touch and well try to include it. More now on that news that former Prime Minister sirjohn major says he isjoining the legal action being brought by campaigner gina miller over borisjohnsons decision to suspend parliament. A few minutes ago our Legal Correspondent Clydesdale Bank premier league coleman is here to explain more. John major promised if the Prime Minister was to Prorogue Parliament, in order, in sirjohn majors words to prevent members from opposing his plan, sirjohn major said he would seek a judicial review, what he saids this morning in view of the imminence of prorogation, it could happen as early as 9th september and to avoid duplication of effort, he says i intend to seek the courts permission to intervene in the claim initiated by gina miller rather than commence separate proceedings. Gina miller is the businesswoman who in 2016 won a victory over the government, the government want totted trigger the article 50 mechanism by which the uk leaves the uk, through prerogative powers of ministers, knots if with a vote in parliament. She force add vote in parliament. She force add vote in parliament. She force add vote in parliament. She is bringing an action, there were three separate legal actions to try and prevent this suspension of parliament. We have heard the one in scotland has failed at the first hurdle but that could be appealed. This is critical. This is sirjohn major, a former Prime Minister, seeking to intervene in that attempt to get an injunction to suspend, to prevent the suspension of parliament he says if granted permission, i intend to seek to assist the court, from the perspective of having served in government as a minister and Prime Minister, and also in parliament for many years a as member of the house of commons. You could scarcely have more heavyweight support in this legal challenge, to try and stop the suspension of parliament, and you know, this is, i really cant real, we are in recally cant recall, we are in unprecedented times. It seems unconceivable that the court wouldnt agree to sirjohn major joining that action. You mentioned that scotland case, we can bring in lorna gordon who is outside the court of session in edinburgh. She can tell us exactly what has happened. So bring us up to date with what this hearing was about and thejudgment. With what this hearing was about and the judgment. Four with what this hearing was about and thejudgment. Four hour with what this hearing was about and the judgment. Four hour hearing yesterday, where the petitioners we re yesterday, where the petitioners were seeking an interim interdetect, an injunction to suspend the suspension of parliament, the proroguing of parliament. Thejudge today said he will not decide whether the petitioners have a case, he wants to wait to the full hearing for that and in the meantime he said he will not grant that interim interdict. He said since the petition was lodged injuly, it has been overtaken by events but he wa nted been overtaken by events but he wanted to wait till the full hearing till he made decision and he said that substantive hearing will be held on tuesday, so he is pulling it up held on tuesday, so he is pulling it up from friday to tuesday of next week. Thank you very much for bringing us up to date with that. Lorna gordon speaking to still to come. A new warning over hrt for the menopause the increased risk of Breast Cancer lasts more than a decade after treatment stops, according to a major new report. If you take hrt or are thinking of starting wed love to hear from you. Get in touch in the usual ways. And what does the suspension of Parliament Mean for the new laws currently going through . 17 bills for proposed legislation could be dropped because of Boris Johnsons announcement. Well talk to campaigners who are pushing for the government to make sure those bills become law. The increased risk of Breast Cancer from hormone replacement therapy lasts more than a decade after treatment stops, according to a major report today. The findings suggest the risk of developing Breast Cancer is double what women are currently told. The team behind the research say current advice to use hrt for the shortest possible time is still valid. Joining us now, professor dame valerie beral, is a co lead author of the study and leads International Collaborative studies of breast, Julie Chandler was experiencing the side effects of the menopause until she went on hrt. I want to start speaking to you, many women will read this and be very concerned, what would you say is the central message. It is what you said it has been known for a long time while women were on hrt there was an increased risk of Breast Cancer, and this study which brought together the totality of the worldwide evidence has shown now for the first time it is notjust worldwide evidence has shown now for the first time it is not just while they are taking hrt but for the next 15, 1015 they are taking hrt but for the next 15, 10 15 years at least, we dont have data beyond that. There is a persistent increase in risk, it is not as great while women are taking it but it does persist, there is no evidence of it wearing off. It but it does persist, there is no evidence of it wearing offlj it but it does persist, there is no evidence of it wearing off. I wants to bring in julie, julie, evidence of it wearing off. I wants to bring injulie, julie, i know that you started experiencing the menopause was it round 39 . 40. What was it like for you and what made you decide to opt for hrt . Well, i went into surgical induced menopause. I am well, i went into surgical induced menopause. Lam high well, i went into surgical induced menopause. I am high risk for breast and ovarian cancer, as i carry a defective gene. As soon as i found that out, having just turned 40, i decided to have my ovaries and fallopian tubes removed as a preventative measure. Of course, that hit me very hard. From the point of view of the symptoms of menopause, it was not a gradual decline, one day i was normal and the next day i didnt have the hormones floating around my body. I tried all of the. You know, i tried all of the. You know, i tried to improve my diet, i tried over the counter remedies. The hot flushes and night in particular were so flushes and night in particular were so bad that ijust wasnt sleeping at all. My husband installed a fan above the bed for usjust at all. My husband installed a fan above the bed for us just to try to help me get some sleep because i felt on fire every night. The cumulative effect of the sleep deprivation meant that i was struggling at work, i had a managerial leveljob at the time, i felt unsafe driving sometimes because i was so tired. I really had to fight to get hrt because of being already a high risk individual. But knowing that i was intending to have a double mastectomy, which i had the following year, for me, that was a necessary increased risk to have to enable me to live a normal life. What difference did it make for you . Ita what difference did it make for you . It a few days i felt back to normal. It a few days i felt back to normal. It was astonishing, really. Thats incredible. The thing here, professor, is that it is different for each person. The symptoms of the menopause and also how hrt works for you. I guess it is an individual decision. Absolutely. And we are not in the business of telling women what to do or even making recommendations. Our main purpose was to bring the worldwide evidence together and to make it available for women to know about, to make sure that they are properly informed. But it is not our business to start saying what to do and what not to do. What is the average age that women normally start the menopause and how long would they often menopause and how long would they ofte n ta ke menopause and how long would they often ta ke h rt menopause and how long would they often take hrt for . Well, 15 years ago, it. Well, it hasnt changed, the average age is 50. But most women have menopause between 40 and 59, that is the common thing. Its unusual to have 39, but it does happen, if you percent of women. So, the menopause, it will start any time between 40 and 59. There was a claim going around, i dont know the basis, that if you started the menopause early then there was not an increased risk. We have shown that really quite definitively with large numbers, that people that start in their 40s and 50s have the same risk. So that is a myth that is not true. She has had a bilateral mastectomy, so it is really com pletely mastectomy, so it is really completely different, a different concern for her. Julie, in having your double mastectomy, which you decided to go ahead with, how much did that play into your concerns and thoughts about hrt . You said already you had to really fight to get hold of it from the doctor because they we re of it from the doctor because they were so concerned about the level of risk for you. Yes, my level of risk was already there but i had three Breast Cancer scares in 18 months. So, believe me, that was enough to confirm my choice to have a double mastectomy and reconstruction. So, as farasl mastectomy and reconstruction. So, as far as i was concerned, the increased risk of the hrt for nine months to a year period of starting the hrt and having the double mastectomy was entirely justified. Without the help of the hrt, ijust felt i could end up in a car crash or something, literally, because i was so or something, literally, because i was so tired i could barely function. When you talk to friends, im always interested, we talk to women about these issues and how we are going through it, have you found your friends have had are going through it, have you found yourfriends have had different experiences of the menopause . Very much so, for some it is barely noticeable, for others like myself, mine wasa noticeable, for others like myself, mine was a sudden start into the menopause. But i think much like women have very different experiences of periods and how it can affect their mood, cramping and that sort of thing, i feel that the womens experiences of the menopause is also equally varied. For some people, they can cope, they can manage, depending on what they do for a job, whether they are working at all, how they function per day, theirdiet, at all, how they function per day, their diet, exercise, things like that. For others, it isjust not something they can manage themselves. I feel women need to know the facts. They certainly need to have a choice to make for themselves as to how bad their symptoms are, balanced against the risk of taking hrt and whether or not it is worth it for them. Thank you so much forward to for speaking to us. What does the suspension of Parliament Mean for the new laws currently going through . 17 bills for proposed legislation could be dropped because of Boris Johnsons announcement. Well talk to campaigners who are pushing for the government to make sure those bills become law. And the parenting of her son finn and her commitment to family life was put at the forefront of a decision by Ruth Davidson to resign as leader of the scottish conservatives. We will look at the challenges of balancing really high stress jobs and being a challenges of balancing really high stressjobs and being a mum. Or, of course, a dad. The focus of discussion after the Prime Minister earlier this week announced the suspension of parliament has been what that means for the possibility of a no deal brexit. But it also leaves a question mark over what happens to new laws that are currently going through parliament. There are currently 17 bills for proposed legislation which could be dropped as a result of Boris Johnsons announcement. In a moment we will talk to campaigners who have pushed to get those bills to their current stage and are now left wondering where all their hard work will end up. But first our reporterjohn owen is here to explain a little more about what might happen to these proposed laws. Take us through what are the laws that could potentially be dropped. Well, to begin with, the decision by borisjohnson to suspend, or to use the technical language to Prorogue Parliament just days after mps return from their summer break next week, has provoked fury amongst Opposition Mps. It has been widely interpreted as an attempt to avoid scrutiny on brexit and to reduce the Time Available to Opposition Mps to legislate against a no deal, which mrjohnson has said he will pursue if the uk and the eu cant reach a fresh deal by october the 31st. So, whilst the timing and duration of the particular suspension are questionable and has provoked a lot of anger, the process itself is quite routine. Parliament is usually prorogued, suspended, about once a year. It does very little before a general election. It signifies the end of one parliamentary session and the beginning of another. Until recently, its been the case that as that happens, all of the business before the house, all of the proposed legislation making its way through parliament is effectively killed off. Parliament begins afresh in its new session. But in more recent yea rs, in its new session. But in more recent years, it has been possible to carry over some bills from one session to another. And the point of thatis session to another. And the point of that is simply to save time. It ta kes a that is simply to save time. It takes a long time for a bill to make its way through parliament, on its way to becoming law. And so it makes sense to pick up where you left off ina sense to pick up where you left off in a previous session. So, what bills are going through and could be carried over . And how do they decide what is carried over and what isnt . Its only government bills that can potentially be carried over. Bills introduced by government ministers. Bills that have already undergone a lot of scrutiny tends to be favoured as candidates wanted to be carried over into the second session. There are currently 17 making their way through the house. 17 government bills. I know you will be discussing some of the examples with your guests in a moment. Effectively what happens is that the government backer decides which bills it wants to carry through into the new session, and then it seeks to come to an informal arrangement with what politician sometimes called the usual channels, representatives of all main parties agreed to carry over the bills. Even if a bill isnt carried over, the government can a lwa ys carried over, the government can always reintroduce it in a new session. If a bill is dropped, is that it, we are back to square one . An effect. It has to go through the parliamentary hurdles again, it has to start the process again, it has to start the process again, it has to go through a reading, a second reading, report stage, third reading, report stage, third reading, Committee Stage these various processes that has to go through to become law. Effectively it starts again. Whereas bills that are chosen to be carried over, they can pick up where they left in the last session. Its worth remembering that a lot of these bills, they do originate with theresa mays era, so it may not necessarily be the case that it will fit with a new governments priorities. Its perfectly possible a lot of the bills will fall away in a new session. Thanks for speaking to us, john owen explaining that. Lets speak now to three people who have campaigned for proposed laws that could now be dropped. Emma gill is the director of family law firm, vardags. She thinks a bill which proposes a change in the law over whos at fault in a divorce would have a positive difference to families. David bowels is the head of Public Affairs for the rspca. He thinks sentences for animal abusers are too short, and says that the animal abuse sentencing bill will put this right. And Suzanne Jacob is the chief executive of the Domestic Abuse charity safe lives. She says a specific offence of Domestic Abuse is needed and suports the Domestic Abuse bill. Thank you all so much for speaking to us. I wanted to say hello to monty that is hiding around the back. Thats fair enough, we all get shy. I want to start by speaking to you, emma, about divorces. Currently, if you want to get divorced, what happens . M currently, if you want to get divorced, what happens . If you want to get divorced immediately, either somebody has to be cheating or there has to be unreasonable behaviour. That unreasonable behaviour is judged in an objective way by a judge, if your partner defends it. So, there was a much publicised case recently of a woman trapped in her marriage. She has to wait five years before she can separate from her husband, legally dissolve her marriage and sought to finances out, because her husband will not consent and thejudge because her husband will not consent and the judge said that the husbands behaviour was not unreasonable. That puts a real strain on the difficult relationship, if one of you has to say i have committed adultery, maybe you havent, just because you want to move on . Thats it, ive had clients who have said we both want to get divorced, nobody has cheated, cant we just say that . As an officer of the court, i cant encourage that. My client has to signa encourage that. My client has to sign a declaration of truth, it would be perjury. But couples up and down the country find themselves in this really difficult position, particularly when they have children, because in order to move forward they have got to look back and really scrap around in their marriage for little nuggets of misery to be able to move forward. This change, which is going through but could potentially not go through because of the suspension of parliament, it would mean what . A couple can just say we want to get rid of our marriage, we want to end our marriage now, no fault . Absolutely. There are two key, fundamental differences. The first is that there would effectively be one reason to get divorced. Thats the same as it is now, but you dont have to evidence it, you canjust say my marriage has irretrievably broken down. The second, really important point is that it creates the ability for a couple, together, to go to court and present a joint petition. If you have people separating in a dignified, comical way, as amicable as it can be when you are separating, they can actually forge their separate lives we may very child focused, positive way. I guess the argument is dont make it too easy to get divorced, or more people will . There is nobody i have come across that has ever found divorce easy. By the time so takes the step to issue proceedings, there is years and years that have gone by of soul searching, discussions with your partner, often counselling. The bill that has gone through at the moment does put in some minimal deadlines as well. The only minimum timescale at the moment is between the end bits, but there is time for reflection. Thank you. I want to speak to david from the rspca. What is the current law at the moment . Speak to david from the rspca. What is the current law at the moment7m is the current law at the moment7m is over 100 years old, and it is six months in prison, the top sentence. We are out of kilter with many countries, including Northern Ireland and scotland, moving towards tougher sentencing. The rspca has been calling for this for a number of years. Been calling for this for a number of yea rs. We been calling for this for a number of years. We finally got the go ahead last month to introduce this bill. It has gone through several stages in the house of commons, and we are afraid it is going to fall now, now that the redmond has happened. So, what do you think is a reasonable maximum sentence for people . Monty was rescued. Tell us about monty. He was rescued. Tell us about monty. He was rescued from a puppy farm, the rspca investigates quite a lot of commercial poppy farmers who make a lot of money from this. Some of them are making £2. 5 million a year. A huge amount of money. Some of those regard six months in prison as an occupational hazard. So, we wanted the increase in sentencing to go to five years, that is what other countries are doing. We think that would be a good deterrent. The government agrees. The irony is that it has cross party support. Every party believes in tougher sentencing. At the last minute we could have this snatched away from us. Its not your sentencing, we are trying to get the sentience bill into parliament. This is the bill to acknowledge animal feelings, and balance those against policy decisions. This is the only part of the eu treaty which is not coming across when we leave the eu, because we are going to run out of time. There are several very important, for the public, for animals obviously, and also for the rspca, several very important pieces of legislation that we could lose. Lets bring in suzanne, who is also here. Thank you for coming into talk about the Domestic Abuse bill. Talk about the Domestic Abuse bill. Talk about the key thing is the legislation would bring in. Crucially it would create a specific offence of Domestic Abuse. Slightly unbelievably, we dont have that in this country at the moment. We have a whole raft of different pieces of legislation that the police and others need to look at if they think something has happened. Theyre most likely offence that somebody is prosecuted for at the moment would be criminal damage. That is a very low level events. It often doesnt carry a custodial sentence of any kind. Therefore, it means if you are a survivor of Domestic Abuse, if you manage to get to the stage, which is really ha rd, manage to get to the stage, which is really hard, going through a criminal justice really hard, going through a criminaljustice process, you are very unlikely to get a satisfying outcome from that. This would be Simple Flying all of our existing legislation, creating that really important, specific, symbolic offence, and also bringing in new offences such as economic abuse for the first time, which, as many campaigners are talking about, many survivors are talking about, is a fundamental part of what goes on in many abusive situations. Di Domestic Abuse bill was due to get it second reading in parliament. That is quite a long way down the line towards this becoming law. So, how much work is put in to get it this far . John explained before that this could potentially all be gone, all of that ha rd potentially all be gone, all of that hard work. Thousands and thousands of hours in behalf of charities like ours, Many Charities in the Domestic Abuse sector, the children sector, pushing very hard for this, really supporting this. More importantly than any of that, its the expectations of survivors and current victims of Domestic Abuse who are out there, watching the programme right now, listening to what is going on, who hope that this piece of legislation meant that people care, that they are listening, that they take it seriously and they are going to do something about it. Two those expectations would be deeply damaging. Two dash those expectations. It is important that people watching get the message that the government cares about Domestic Abuse and is going to stop it. Thank you for coming in and explaining that. Last summer three young british holiday makers in magaluf fell to their deaths from balconies or walkways. Now one woman who works there as a shot girl is trying to warn bar goers about the dangers. Sarah corker went to meet her. Magaluf is famous for its nightlife. Thousands of british holiday makers travel to the resort every summer. I work in mambos. Georgia works in the town and spends a lot of time talking to people about the dangers of balconies. Hi, im georgia hague and i work in a bar out here and i run the dont leave a friend behind campaign. Leaning on the edges and stuff, it wouldnt cross your mind that obviously people can lose their balance and fall. My mum told me before we came out. Its been on the news someone. I stay well away from it. Last year, georgias friend Natalie Cormack died after falling 50 feet from a walkway. She was actually leaving the apartment block that morning to go home. So when she did try and climb around the barrier to gain access it was a seven storey drop. Across the Balearic Islands of ibiza, majorca and menorca, there have been a number of balcony accidents in recent years. In 2016, there were 12. In 2017 there were nine. And last year there were 24, including seven deaths. The Authorities Say two thirds of these happened when people were on their own. These people are going to die in vain. Its ridiculous how stupid people are drinking and stuff like that. You see it every night on the strip people on their own. This is my first season and even before i came out both parents were like, any time you finish work or if you decide to go on a night out, stay with your friends. And then i climb right over. You climbed from one balcony to another . Do you not see that as quite dangerous . No. Our hotel has a little thing about balcony safety. What does it say . Itjust says be careful, otherwise youre going to get kicked out. Biggest holiday killer is jumping off your balcony. Every night, georgia encourages party goers to look after each other. I think what drives me is i think theres nothing worse than that feeling that when i wake up in the morning and i see a news article that another young life has been lost, i cannot explain to you how gutting it makes me feel knowing their family back home have to fly out here and get their baby. Their lives have been ruined and they will always remember that day. Some hotels in magaluf have started putting tourists on the ground floor for their safety. You do do a lot of things abroad you wouldnt do back home. You dont really hear of of people in london been locked out of their apartments so theyre going to scale the buildings. It doesnt happen back home. In holiday destinations youve got your holiday mindset on. Its different. Obviously youre drinking a lot more on holiday, more than you would back home as well. I know that you know the alcohol is cheaper, youre here for a good time. Magaluf council are fining people up to 600 if theyre caught misbehaving on balconies. The number one message is, take out some travel insurance in the first place because obviously we do have cases sometimes where people havent and that can be a huge cost to them and to their families. You know if they need to be repatriated, either medically or if theyve actually died for their body to be taken home as well, that can be a huge cost. Make sure that you look at the policies because some do exclude incidents involving alcohol, or actually ive seen policies that exclude incidents relating to balconies. Yesterday Ruth Davidson leader of the scottish conservative party, announced her resignation. While shes been a vocal critic of Boris Johnsons approach to brexit, she said the main reason she was quitting is because her personal priorities had changed. And they largely changed with the arrival of her son, finn. The idea of getting on the road to fight to eu elections in 20 months, it would once have fired me up, the threat of spending hundreds of hours away from my home and family now fills me with dread. That is no way to lead. Additionally, ifear that having tried to be a good leader over the years, ive proved a poor daughter, sister, partner and friend. The arrival of my son means i now make a different choice. Lets talk to vicky lets talk to vicky psarius, shes the author of mum boss she says she now has a good Work Life Balance with herjob as the blogger, honest mum, and her children 6 year old alexander and oliver whos nine. But it wasnt always that way. And liv conlon is a Company Director who says she has reaped the benefits of introducing Family Friendly policies when it comes to hiring staff. Thank you both forjoining us. Vicki, i want to start by talking to you. You were saying before your previousjob you. You were saying before your previous job was as a director, and it was not conducive to having your lovely boys . Oliver was a baby, and i was lovely boys . Oliver was a baby, and iwasa lovely boys . Oliver was a baby, and iwas a tv lovely boys . Oliver was a baby, and i was a tv director and film maker. I had worked very hard. There are very few female directors, still only 7 . I returned back to work and i found it completely non conducive to having a young family. I was away for young nick long periods, working 12 hour days, essentially the mother of the project and the vision. I struggled to be the mum that i wa nted struggled to be the mum that i wanted to be. By the time alexander was born, luckily my blog had become a business and i was able to work flexibly. Where the film and tv industry had failed me, as it were, the internet and the boom of online work had allowed me to be there and be at school, be there for nursery and not miss out on being a mum. Wightman cup which is so important to 70 people. Tell me about the Family Friendly policies you have introduced that have really helped mums with young families. Yes, basically, i actually run my own business. Sol basically, i actually run my own business. So i get to work with my mum every day. At first we employed people full time that were available at all hours of the day. Now we employ women who have young families, i need to spend a lot of time at home, i need to have the flexible schedule. I am working with women like that and it has been incredible for us, i get to support and empower these women to support their family, but also have a career and ajob their family, but also have a career and a job that they love to go to that works around their schedule. Vicky, do you think we as women have to a cce pt vicky, do you think we as women have to accept that there are certain jobs that are not going to be flexible . Its not the fault of anybody, its just not going to work when you have a young family and you wa nt to when you have a young family and you want to be around. I dont want to accept that, i think Companies Need to do more. I think women are economically fragile now, because we have this workplace that has no equality, essentially. Why cant we drop share more . Why cant we have flexible hours . The stats are there to prove that Flexible Working is a very successful way to work. For the economy, and also so that we deserve to have a full life. Why should it be picking between motherhood and a career . There is a lot of work that needs to be done to support us. Ive spoken to people that say they wa nted spoken to people that say they wanted to return back to work and didnt want to work full time, and had no choice in that. We really need to. There needs to be lots of changes in the government need to start putting things into action to support us. Let me bring you some m essa g es support us. Let me bring you some messages that are coming in. Mark on twitter says as a single father, raising my daughter, and in full time employment, it was the toughest moment i faced. At some points it almost broke me. I had to reduce my hours and requested my employer to give me Flexible Working hours. Liz says unless you work and live next door to where your child has childcare or schooling, or a live in nanny or nonworking partner, or mutually convenient part time work, forget a quality family life or your children. John says i stopped driving for promotion to ensure i spent more time focusing on my daughter in her younger life. I am now looking to go for a promotion and she is going to secondary education. I think it has benefited our relationship and benefited us. In light of hearing that, ijust wonder, vicky was saying that businesses do more, and clearly you are doing a lot. Has it been tricky for your business to make those changes so that it is more Family Friendly . Is it cost you more, has it been inconvenient or relatively easy . To be honest, its been a different perspective with our business. We can make our own schedule and try and help others, and make it work within them. My mum was and make it work within them. My mum was in full time employment when i was was in full time employment when i was growing up, sol was in full time employment when i was growing up, so i know how hard that was. But she worked away and we lost out on a lot of quality time. When i started this business at 16, i thought that i want to help support other women, be able to be there with their kids, but also do something they love, and interior design. But in terms of time to schedule that, its not been too challenging for us, but it has been a lot more rewarding to work with people who have the same values and we are very aligned. Can you understand why Ruth Davidson made this decision . I completely understood that. I think she is clearly passionate about politics. But has found that being away from the family as a compromise too much, andi the family as a compromise too much, and i understand that. I love directing. I equally love blogging. A lot of women dont want to leave their jobs, a lot of women dont want to leave theirjobs, why should they have to . You touched on the Childcare Costs and that is a big problem. There are lots of nuts to crack to support women who want to get into the job force. Why are we haemorrhaging these talented mums who would like to and need to work to support their families. Is notjust the cost, sometimes it is getting childcare until 9pm. Is it good having mum around . It is quite fun. Quite fun thank you for coming in. Thank you for your company today and all of the messages you have sent in to us. Bbc newsroom live is coming up next. Thank you for your company today. Make sure you have a lovely weekend. We will be back at ten oclock on monday morning. Good morning. It is a day of contrast for the southern half of the uk breezy, but mostly fine and dry. For the northern half of the uk, a different story. A band of rain stretching through Northern Ireland and up into western scotland. That rain is turning more persistent across the country is the day goes on. It brightens up for the far north of scotland as the day goes on, but the best of the fine, dry weather, the further south and east. That is where we will see the best of the temperatures. Into this evening, the rain is relentless through Northern Ireland and into western scotland. Heavy pulses of rain overnight. It starts to our ground into the far south west of england by dawn. Simply spells the further south and east you come. A male star to saturday morning for all of us. Then a band of rain on the move, gradually working its way south and eastwards, fragmenting and becoming a narrow band of rain by the time it reaches the far south and east. It is there that we will hang on some warmth. Pressure conditions follow on behind. One aa heavy, thundery are possible. One or two. Youre watching bbc newsroom live, its11am and these are the main stories this morning. A scottish judge rejects a temporary halt to borisjohnsons plan to suspend the uk parliament, but says a full hearing should be held early next week. Thejudge has declined to grant interim orders, that is like an emergency order. But he hasnt made any ruling on the merits of our argument that prorogation should be stopped. He wants to hear further and full arguments on tuesday morning, here at the court of session. Former Prime Minister sirjohn major says hes joining campaigner gina millers legal bid to stop the suspension. The increased risk of Breast Cancer from menopausal hormone therapy lasts more than a decade after treatment stops, a major report says. Prominent pro democracy campaigners arrested

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