It isa britain by boat. It is a riskyjourney. Also, it is coming up in the next half hour, a not just flying and warning that Hurricane Dorian will it is a riskyjourney. Also, it is notjust flying and eating meat, even changing your kitchen worktops strengthen into a very dangerous isa no even changing your kitchen worktops isano no storm as it heads towards the us even changing your kitchen worktops is a no no for the environment. Mainland. And the tail of the 89 year old grandmother who is visiting every one of americas 61 National Parks with her grandson. If british politicians want to stop a no deal brexit they need to move fast and move together and even then lets get more on our top story it is not clear there is much they the latest on brexit. Can do to prevent the Prime Minister borisjohnson suffered a political blow today when the head from suspending parliament. That of the Scottish Conservative Party announced shes stepping down. Legal courses and certain. A vote of Ruth Davidson cited personal no confidence not guaranteed to and political reasons. She has a young baby. Pass. Even though borisjohnson lost but ms davidson backed remain and her vocal a critical conservative party leader opposition to a no deal brexit made her position in the party today, his hardline tactics may increasingly tricky. Still be a win for his government. Ms davidson was responsible for the conservative party doing as well as it did in the last britains and written constitution leaves lots of room for different election, winning key seats. Under her leadership, interpretation and legal the conservatives now hold uncertainty. The leader of the 13 seats in scotland. 0pposition, jeremy corgan, does it if there is to be a general say he sees a route to overturning election, mrjohnson cant the suspension of parliament, and he afford to lose those mps. Will trigger an emergency debate as 0011 0ur scotland editor, will trigger an emergency debate as 50011 as will trigger an emergency debate as soon as parrott is back from summer recess next tuesday. Jeremy sarah smith, has this report. Corbyn. We believe we can do it. We anyone who had come to hear have had a constructive meeting with Ruth Davidson denounce borisjohnson and his brexit policy leaders of the opposition parties in was in the wrong place today. My office to go through these and we she admits they dont are working to do everything we can entirely agree. To ensure that parliament is available to assert itself on behalf of the british people to prevent but she believes he is trying to avoid a no deal exit. I stared him right in the eye, eight no deal exit from the eu. I asked him outright, i need to know, are you actually the leader of the house of commons, trying to get a deal or not . Jacob rees mogg, says the outrage at and he categorically the governments move is phony. Assured me that he was. I know that what would help there will be plenty of time to further would be for people who want to avoid a no deal to come debate brexit, you will have the days of debate on the queens out and say that if a deal speech, and if a deal is done, on is brought back to parliament, that they would back it, in the way that they have failed to do three times already. The 16th, speech, and if a deal is done, on the16th, 17th speech, and if a deal is done, on the 16th, 17th october, you will have to have legislation for that, let the eu know you will pass they will be plenty of time. A new deal, she urged like minded mps, while explaining the genuine iamjoined they will be plenty of time. I am joined now by an expert in personal reasons why as a new mum, constitutional law from middlesex university. Thank you forjoining she is stepping down. Us. University. Thank you forjoining i have to be honest, us. Cometh the hour, cometh the constitutional expert. We have got a where the idea of getting clear path we want to work through on the road to fight two elections here. On how those opposed to no in 20 months would once have fired me up, the threat of spending deal might be able to operate. Let hundreds of hours away from my home us deal might be able to operate. Let us start on these legal challenges. And family now fills me with dread. There is already one taking place in and that is no way to lead. Edinburgh. What prospect for legal Ruth Davidson played a large part in helping to elect 13 scottish tory challenge blocking effectively no mps at the last election, deal . It is important to start with up from just one, in keeping the conservatives in power. That legal facts. What is simply true. What is simply true as we have in the current political turmoil there is a chance the conservatives a date, 31st of october 2019, at might soon find themselves trying to defend newly won seats that point if there is no deal, no like berwickshire and selkirk without their greatest electoral asset at the helm. Alternative, but fundamentally if there is no legislation in parliament, it will be eight no deal they might even have to fight an election before theyve brexit. For anything to happen other chosen a new leader. Thana brexit. For anything to happen other she has given us a very than a no deal brexit there must be good platform, but i am legislation through parliament and not lacking in ambition for the Scottish Conservative Party, agreement from the european council, i believe there is more to do, depending on the issue. What we are more mps that we can elect to. Seeing here in prorogation is a his constituents say suspension of parliament for five they will miss her. I thought she did a lot weeks. It is a suspension of debate for the conservatives because they had nothing and fundamentally a suspension of here at all. Any legislative capacity in her motives for stepping down, still a topic of debate. Parliament. These cases, and i think i think that she was going to stand there were three at the last count, down anyway because of her commitment with the baby and so on. Are going to focus on some core questions, almost the beginning of i dont think she gets oui on with boris, i dont think questions, almost the beginning of our constitution. We have four she agrees with him, institutions. For fundamental but who does . Whether or not they get on, institutions. For fundamental institutions. Parliament, government, the queen, and the the Prime Minister will be wondering if he has lost an electoral asset courts. The courts are being asked a or got rid of a thorn in his side. Very difficult question. This is the first hurdle for all of these cases. Sarah smith, bbc news, melrose. Lets speak now to annie wells, which is, royal power, the power to a conservative member prorogue as a power of the queen, a of the scottish parliament. She joins us from glasgow. Royal power but it is done on the advice of the Prime Minister. The queen cannot be challenged by the thank you forjoining us. I courts. But the first question, this understand you were a bit rocked back on your heels hearing that ruth is so exciting, the first question, davidson was quitting, but that can the advice of the Prime Minister be challenged by the courts . Can it would be nothing, will it, compared to the effect that no deal is likely be challenged by the courts . Can it be judicially reviewed . Be challenged by the courts . Can it be judicially reviewed . What be challenged by the courts . Can it be judicially reviewed . What i have to the effect that no deal is likely to have for you and your colleagues. Seen as be judicially reviewed . What i have seen as an argument be judicially reviewed . What i have seen as an argument is, it can be a misuse of power. Certainly not clear yes, i was shocked when i heard the news today about this, but i respect her decision, and we need to and time will have a role to play in remember that, if we talk about that. Let us move to legislation in no deal brexit, it is hypothetically parliament, where time is very we are talking, and the other limited, again, to make sure that no parties who didnt vote for the deals, there was a deal on the deal option is off the table. Chance they are . First of all we are going party, on the table, they should have voted for to avoid this. She to have to seek emergency legislation, emergency debate, Standing Order 24 will be trending was quite diplomatic with regards to on twitter. We will see a consensus borisjohnson as the Prime Minister, exhorting him to get on and do a deal. Would you be as diplomatic . in parliament have to see a consensus in parliament to try and think we have back the prime move something other than minister. Weve met with the prime prorogation but it has to have minister. Weve met with the Prime Minister every week i looked him in the eyes and said, are you doing has to happen before parliament is suspended because of it has not gone everything you can to get a deal . Through the commons and lords it and i believe that. We have to work opens all sorts of possibilities of to get the deal and not allow other filibustering, almost, we could see parties to try and call a snap a situation where that attempt to general election. We want to get a prevent a no deal brexit, or even deal through, so lets work for prorogation, dies on the floor, just that, and we hope other parties will before suspension. Vote for it when it comes. If there is no deal and we leave europe on that legal challenge takes time, alternative legislation takes time. The 31st of october without a that leaves a vote of no confidence, negotiated settlement, what impact which could be called more quickly. Do you think it will have on the what are the chances of that being balance of power, political balance of power in scotland . This is all used . To what are the chances of that being used . To block what are the chances of that being used . To block prorogation and hypothetical talking, but i think, blocky no deal brexit . Used . To block prorogation and blocky Nodeal Brexit . We will see the likelihood of a motion of no if we leave without a deal. That confidence. That only involves a isa if we leave without a deal. That is a possibility we have to majority of the house of commons, consider, right . The Prime Minister does not require the house of lords. Says he is looking to get a deal, we will see the likelihood of that and if the other party had voted for happening increasing if that legislation does not move. What we the deal, we would not be in this know to be true is the first days position. We have to prepare for that parliament returns are key in eventualities for the eu to understand we are serious. But you answering a question. Thank you. Must know that the snp will use no deal against the scottish conservatives, that it could be that is the legal and technical side damaging to the conservative partys of things, let us look at the majority of just one damaging to the conservative partys majority ofjust one in westminster. Political side of things. They key thing now, what are the to be frank, the snp will do anything to push the cause of independence. If they had voted for numbers looking like for a vote of the deal before, we would not be in no confidence or bring over enough toadies to have some kind of this position. The snp wants to alternative legislation . Does the break up the uk, my party wants to opposition have the numbers . It keep it together and to trade with appears that a number of conservatives are willing to back our partners. Thank you forjoining us our partners. Thank you forjoining us from glasgow. Efforts to try and stop a no deal brexit. Whether it will be enough, Hurricane Dorian is expected to thatis brexit. Whether it will be enough, that is tough to say. I was looking strengthen into an extremely at the figures for what was that dangerous storm as it heads towards cooper bill, the last time that mps the american mainland. Dorian is currently a category one hurricane mandated theresa may to seek an extension, that pass in the commons but it could develop into a category by one vote. That numbers are pretty four. The storm is expected to hit tight. | somewhere between florida and by one vote. That numbers are pretty tight. I think what opposition southern georgia late on sunday. The parties will be hoping is that boris florida governor, ron desantis, has johnsons move to prorogue parliament, which of course downing already declared a state of street is seeing is a perfectly emergency forjoining us normal thing to do, it is mostly already declared a state of emergency for joining us from already declared a state of emergency forjoining us from tampa stretching over a planned recess in in florida is a meteorologist. Is it Party Conference season anyway, they premature to call a state of emergency already . Costa not at all. Will be hoping that has focused the minds of conservative mps who are all of the spaghetti plant models worried about a potential no deal from the National Hurricane centre, brexit. We have had some breaking just about all of them are saying news, a statement, a joint this will make landfall in florida statement, from opposition parties, somewhere between West Palm Beach and jacksonville, so its never too saying they condemn the undemocratic actions of Boris Johnson, saying they condemn the undemocratic actions of borisjohnson, as early to put people on notice. Do saying they condemn the undemocratic actions of Boris Johnson, as they describe it, no mandate for a you get a sense, from what youve damaging no deal from the public been following, that it is going to and they say that Prime Minister is continue to pick up strength . Shutting down parliament with the sole aim of avoiding a no deal absolutely. Yesterday on bbc world brexit. I am sure the Prime Minister news, laura asked me where i thought would dispute that. It is our view that there is a majority in the the storm would be, and it would house of commons that does not support this prorogation, and we strengthen in intensity, and i said demand the Prime Minister reverses category three, possibly category this decision immediately, or allows four, and now that is what the folks mps to vote on whether there should in miami are saying. One consume be one. It seems unlikely at the moment that Boris Johnson be one. It seems unlikely at the moment that borisjohnson is necessarily going to listen to that demand that they will have to wait using confusing thing about dorian is it is hard to track where and see. That is clear, isnt it . It its going to go. With storms last may be focusing opposition minds. Year, certain areas of florida the governments mind seems very prepared for storms and then they we re prepared for storms and then they were not hit and it hit somebody well focus at this point. What is else somewhere else on the the chat about the next steps . They peninsula, and those areas were not as well prepared. At what do you have managed to do and found the quys as well prepared. At what do you guys need to know where the storm is opposition to this point. Is it talk going to hit, so that the right about endless filibustering, time wasting . Is that what they now people can be prepared . Id say within 24 hours of landfall, we expect . That is one of the things could have a fairly certain being talked about. You mentioned projections on where the storm is filibustering. See that mps in the going to go, is it going to go up house of commons are successful in the east coast, is it going to track getting legislation through the straight across the state . I am in commons in the next week and a bit, the city of tampa in florida right and that legislation then goes to the house of lords, it is aimed at now, on the western side, near the gulf of mexico, so for this storm we stopping a audio brexit, could are ina gulf of mexico, so for this storm we are in a relatively good position, members ofa stopping a audio brexit, could members of a house of lords but if it hits daytona and goes filibuster, talk about that bill by straight across the state, the tampa making a long, long speeches. I was bay will certainly get a category or speaking to a member of the house of one hurricane. We want to tell the lords earlier, he was confident from whole state to be ready for this, no their inane side of things that they have the numbers on the domain side matter where you are, and certainly in orderto have the numbers on the domain side in order to stop that happening. It some of this mississippi states, isa in order to stop that happening. It is a bit ofa in order to stop that happening. It is a bit of a game of wait and see. Like louisiana, sippy, alabama, because once this exits into the from the re main stage. Strategies, counter strategies. We gulf of mexico, very warm water, so will need to wait and see how this this will become another storm for plays out next week in parliament. Those folks. It was you guys in the one thing we can be sure is that there could be quite a showdown. City of tampa that was in that that is certain. Thank you very much for that. Position, because everybody thought that ernie would hit miami, and it it was interesting, it was said a ended up hitting tampa. By the grace of god, it made a little u turn moment ago, the constitutional law right around the tampa bay area and expert was saying, it is meant to be its state pretty much a centre of boring. It raises the issue about the state, which doesnt have a lot what is our constitution . Yes. Of population. Orlando is very people call it an unwritten populated with the amusement parks, but it skirted around the tampa bay constitution. That is not technically right. It is a an area and spared a lot of very civilised and populated areas. Stay codified constitution, it is written down in official documents, but safe, rich fields get ready. There are not many countries in the world who have none codified constitution is. New zealand is one. Israel is one. Canada is one. And the other one is saudi arabia. Those are the countries that have an you only have to look to the wildfires in brazil to realise Climate Change is an intensely politicised topic. The same goes here codified constitution. Perhaps given in the United States. The mess that we are having at the just today, the environmental moment and trying to understand Protection Agency announced plans to roll back limits on gas and oil industry emissions of methane, this, maybe having a written a powerful Greenhouse Gas constitution might relieve us of linked to Climate Change. The proposed changes will roll some of this. There is one way to back standards enacted under president 0bama, get a written constitution it seems, in a bid to save Energy Companies money by loosening thatis regulatory burdens. As is often the case, get a written constitution it seems, that is called revolution first, i the Trump Administration am not sure we want to go that far. Will have a fight on its hands. Environmental groups have already july the 4th. Pledged court action to try to block the move. Joining us now is our north america the democratic race to defeat correspondent, aleem maqbool. Donald trump in the 2020 election just got a bit tighter. As of wednesday, there were still a staggering 21 0ne candidates left in the race. One wonders as to the sort of scale of what is being rowed back on here, overnight new york senator kirsten in terms of emissions. This big deal . Its a big deal because, on the face of it, its about one rule gillibrand announced she is dropping out. In a video posted on twitter for oil and Gas Companies, which is that they now no longer need to use she said technology to monitor leaks in gillibrand is not the only one methane from wells or pipelines or who wont be on stage in houston storage facilities. But its the other part of these proposed rules for septembers democratic debate. 0nly these 10 candidates which is really more important, which is really more important, which is really more important, which is the suggestion that the made the cut. Federal government here doesnt have it is still one of the most crowded reason to monitor, or dont have the and diverse fields in memory with former Vice President joe biden leading the polls. Im joined now by eliza collins, politics reporter for right to monitor methane emissions the wall streetjournal. At all from oil and Gas Companies macro man made her campaign about and, if it is enacted, it will make it very difficult for future womens issues. Kirsten administrations to be able to rein gillibrand made her campaign. Why do this in, and remember, methane, when some issues catch fire and some do we talk about Climate Change, everybody talks about carbon not, is its profile, money, their dioxide, but methane has got message does not resonate . Properties which make it more than not, is its profile, money, their message does not resonate7m not, is its profile, money, their message does not resonate . It can do with all of these things. Kirsten eight times more able to trap heat, gillibrand made her campaign about so its very important as a climate women and womens rights, so many others in the fields were standing change contributing gas, and so this by the same positions. While she new rule could have massive ramifications down the road. zeroed in on that in her campaign she was not unique. Kirsten new rule could have massive ramifications down the road. I was struck that even the likes of exxon, gillibrand is a us senator. It is interesting that she was not able to shell, bp, they intimated or made it catch fire but it was a massive clear they dont want this change. Field, there were more than two dozen people, a handful have dropped custom code thats right, and have out but as you said there are still to remember, this isjust one of 21 people still try to be president. Dozens to remember, this isjust one of d oze ns of to remember, this isjust one of dozens of rules that have been it is difficult to be the one that stands out. Next month, the third overturned, environmental regulations this administration has overturned. Already, early on, it round of democratic debates, survey said that oil and Gas Companies after survey shows there is a top didnt have to say what their four ofjoe biden, bernie sanders, methane emissions were. It removed elizabeth warren, senator harris. Is limits from methane emissions, for it unlikely at this stage that example, on federal land. But there someone it unlikely at this stage that someone other than those for people are example, on federal land. But there a re lots of example, on federal land. But there ends up being a democratic are lots of other regulations, Something Like 89, that this challenger to donald trump . Administration has look to overturn. Ends up being a democratic challenger to donald trump7m ends up being a democratic challenger to donald trump . It is it has already overturned 41, but not likely but not impossible. I was there are things like mercury speaking to a democratic strategist who said we still have time, voters emissions from coal fired power stations and things like that. You are willing to move, especially are finally having people in the between candidates where a lot of industry, because ultimately, them have similar positions. He said President Trump is saying, this is vote rs have them have similar positions. He said voters have been flirting with to re m ove President Trump is saying, this is to remove economic barriers and candidates, the fall is when they obstacles for the industry, but even start to date, the spring is when the industry is saying, hang on, they get married. There are clear maybe this is going too far, so you are right, some companies have said top four. It will probably be one of this. The administration say they those. Someone else has to have a are insistent on an energy first moment which will bring in lots of track, but they say that ultimately it will be the industry itself that money because many sustained campaigns. If they are not getting self regulates, because you can make that money right now they will money from methane, so perhaps these eventually have to drop out. Those companies will track the methane and four have no problem pulling in use it. Plan here is President Trump money. Does the strategist you were talking to really would like over bargaining presumably that number 20 odd use it. Plan here is President Trump over bargaining President Trump is overturning something president candidates whittled down as quickly as possible so that the real focus 0bama enacted, but to combat Climate Change you need it a long term on attention and thinking and strategy, and to do it in ping pong way with executive orders doesnt do process is restricted so people can understand more clearly what the that. Thats right, except, in a Democratic Path might be . Sense, what the Trump Administration is trying to do is to enact rules democrats dont want to be fighting which make it much harder to be able theirown, democrats dont want to be fighting their own, they want to be fighting to do that the other way round in a their own, they want to be fighting the president. Primary is to fight your own. That is when all sorts of way which perhaps some would say, ugly. Environmentalists would say, barack your own. That is when all sorts of dirty your own. That is when all sorts of ugly, dirty laundry comes out that can be brought up again in a general 0bama didnt do in a smart enough way. With these particular rules election. It is in the best interest that are being suggested today, we of the Democratic Party to stop are talking about a fundamental fighting each other and start shift in what the government says it focusing on donald trump. The problem with that is for someone to is even authorised to do, that it is a marriage they have to be victorious out of a huge group. It not even authorised to look at is this catch 22 where they want to methane emissions, which will be much more difficult to overturn by a have someone who is the strongest to future administration. Thank you. Be president , they will have to beat the other candidates, but they do not want to take down the person who later today President Trump will take one step closer will ultimately be on stage against to forming his space force. The president. I know that kirsten that new force would require congressional approval so first he is launching a Space Command which draws resources from other gillibrand does not move the dial Armed Services and establishes but she said she would support we have the nominee is, i do not know clearer reporting to the pentagon. If that is helpful or not helpful. The Administration Says its have the nominee is, i do not know if that is helpful or not helpfullj think necessary to combat emerging threats if that is helpful or not helpful. think it is probably helpful because from china and russia. Democrats want to be united. Kirsten for more we are joined gillibrand was more progressive than from berlin by frank rose, some in the field but she was not the most progressive. I think that who formerly served as Deputy Assistant secretary of state for space and is her support could go to anyone in now at the brookings institution. The field. What is interesting is someone thank you forjoining us. The the field. What is interesting is someone like bernie sanders, a government has a point, the chinese fellow senator, he is very progressive. He has also said he and russians have already expressed and russians have already expressed would support whoever was on. His an interest in this on an ongoing support may not be as helpful for basis. Last month, the french also someone support may not be as helpful for someone who is a little bit more expressed an interest in this. It is moderate but democrats ultimately right, isnt it, that the us should wa nt moderate but democrats ultimately want everyone to get behind the keep up . Absolutely. Thanks for nominee and see we are bringing in having me. Bottom line is russia and all factions to allow the candidate to be competitive against the china have been developing a range of anti satellite weapons, because president. Thank you for coming in. I think they know how much and how dependent american politics are simple at the moment compared to british politics. They know how much and how dependent there are 20 odd democrats in the the un its the United States and race but computer what we are going its allies are on Space Systems to through as a way of trying to conduct military operations. This is explain things. A bipartisan issue in the united the american race car driver, states. 0bama and trump and tv personality, jessi combs has been killed in a crash, administrations believe its while attempting to set a new land speed record. Important for the us, working with combs family confirmed its allies, to respond to this that she died in a jet powered car in south east 0regon. Anti satellite threat. In a statement they said that she would be remembered for her bright smile and positivity. Its allies, to respond to this antisatellite threat. Initially, the president wanted a space force. This is a Space Command. Whats the the 39 year old had been dubbed the fastest woman on four wheels. Difference . The difference is that the former fbi director, james comey, has been criticised in a department ofjustice report space difference . The difference is that s pa ce force difference . The difference is that space force would be responsible for for improperly leaking a white house memo about his dealings with president training and equipping military space forces, similar to the army, trump to the media. Navy and air force. Space command an internal watchdog said mr comey had failed to live up space forces, similar to the army, navy and airforce. Space command is to his duty to safeguard different. Space command is sensitive information. Essentially a headquarters it also found that comey broke fbi responsible for commanding and rules by giving a memo to a controlling us military forces. The friend who shared its United States currently has ten what contents with a reporter. We call combatant commands that do the italian president has asked everything from control our nuclear Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte weapons to command forces in the to form a new government region. Us Space Command would be with the populist five the 11th combatant command strip Star Movement and the opposition Democratic Party. Mr conte has taken power nine days after his previous indeed, we did have a us space cabinet collapsed, because the right wing party, the league abandoned its Coalition Command from 1985 to 2002, but it with the anti establishment five Star Movement. Was an established after 2011. Command from 1985 to 2002, but it was an established after 2011m mr conte will now try to agree a the us ahead of the game or behind team of ministers from the five star the us ahead of the game or behind the curve on this . The United States movement and their traditional rivals, the centre left Democratic Party. Researchers have discovered an almost complete skull has the most effective space based of an ape in ethopia which is believed to be 3. 8 assets in the world, so we are ahead million years old. Of the russians and chinese. Where using computerised scans, scientists now think there are many more contenders to lay claim we are behind them is the fact that to being the ancestors of the first russia and china have been humans to have walked the earth. Developing weapons that can target our space based satellites and other consume less, conserve more and start now. Space based capabilities. So we are thats the key to kind of behind in our ability to saving our planet and meeting global emission targets according to the uks defend those assets from the chief environmental scientist, russians and chinese. As i mentioned who steps down from his role today. Before, the chinese know that space professor ian boyds parting plea capabilities are critical to how the United States and its allies fight, is that we all eat less red and they have been devoting meat, buy fewer clothes and cut down on flying. The bbcs Roger Harrabin has more. Significant resources to trying to as the climate heats, fires across brazil clear land prevent us from using space based for cattle or soya to feed cattle. Capabilities, everything from jammers to lasers as weapons. Thank meanwhile, round the world, mining firms dig for minerals that you forjoining us. Make the goods we buy. And factories pollute this is beyond 100 days. As they fuel the economy. Still to come. Sir ian boyd says this level of consumption wont bring a stable climate. The us has 61 National Parks, and our next guest has been to 29, but hes been with his grandmother, who a lot of the kinds of things is 89. More on that coming up. We like to buy, whether its anything from clothes through to luxury food to luxury items like vehicles and these sorts of things, we are not really going to be able the number of migrants trying to to have a lot of them just reach the uk across the channel by on demand in future. Weve got to reduce demand. Boat is growing fast. More than 200 have been intercepted in the last that will also mean making week alone. The home secretary, flying more expensive, especially for the wealthy minority priti patel, has held talks with her who clock up by far french counterpart in paris to the most journeys. Discuss what is clearly a growing and theres more. Crisis. 0ur europe correspondent, gavin lee, sent this report from if we cook steak from cattle that gravelines in northern france. Have been fed on soya, we are indirectly contributing to deforestation in the amazon where the soya is grown. Welcome to gravelines a pictu re postca rd french coastal town by day, and suppose i decide to change my its harbour is now a magnet work surface because this one for migrants at night. Is no longer fashionable. Jean pierre shows me where his £7,000 motorboat was moored. All thats left is a severed rope. Imagine the Carbon Emissions he says his boat was stolen involved in ripping out a slab of granite like that, and discovered in british waters polishing it and with eight migrants on board. Shipping it to the uk. Sir ian says we all simply the vessel is still in have to consume less. The hands of uk authorities. New technologies like electric cars will solve Climate Change, a Community Night patrol has been the Prime Minister says. Set up by the boat owners, who say they live in fear of the migrants, who are searching but will that be enough . The area each night. The vessels are all now chained in place. Electric cars are a big some are alarmed. Part of the solution, alarm goes off. Butjust electrifying all the cars this man offers to show me what its like attempting on the road isnt going to get us to cross the channel. To where we need to be. It needs to be paired with a lot here in the middle of the channel, of effort going into reducing overall travel demand. You already get a sense of how strong the current is so improving walking opportunities and cycling opportunities and its relatively calm today. And public transport. And you can see why this is called business agrees the government one of the busiest shipping lanes needs tougher policies. In the world with the freight traffic going across, the thing im really struck the ferries from dover to calais. By when i travel around the country now, the migrants are taking smaller boats than this to make the journey and talk to businesses is how and the boat owners here say that passionate they are about the move its far too dangerous and lives to a net zero economy and how much are massively at risk. They want to get behind some of these newer technologies its lorries, though, that will help us to thats still the favourite option make that transition. For those trying to stow away without money. I think if we get the right Government Policies in place, outside a disused gym in dunkirk, we will see business and households more than 1,000 people bide their time between attempts. Get behind it. But how will consumers react to the scientists message some here tell us theyve paid smugglers around £3,000 that they cant have more to organise a boat crossing. Of everything and keep a stable climate . Ayearago, migrants politicians may not illegally crossing by boat risk finding out. Roger harrabin, bbc news. Seemed a rare occurrence. Now its happening here every week. I had ihada i had a conversation with an environmentalist who said there is a debate amongst conservationists there are 61 National Parks about what is the best method to get in the United States, and our next guest has visisted people to change their habits, 29 of them. What makes that special is that hes carrot or stick . Go around telling made those trips in the Company People you have to do this, of his 89 year old grandma. Sackcloth and ashes, people will not until four years ago joy ryan necessarily change their behaviour, had never seen the sea, or even a mountain. A more effective way is to see you could have a better lifestyle, and but now shes on a mission stress the lifestyle benefits of the with her grandson brad to visit changes that people need to do. All of americas National Parks. Heres a clip ofjoy hiking otherwise, unless they are faced in maine earlier this month. With warmth on their doorstep people will not change habits, people do change voluntarily but because the good job, grandma joy almost there. Timescale is so long people are not likely to change in the kind of way and the scale that they need to. Where are we going to go and see . that was interesting. I thought that was interesting. This is one of the first reports i have heard for a while that that point is being hope a moose clarke we are joined pushed home. Not before time that you cannot wait until tomorrow. From washington. What an amazing thing for you to be doing. appreciate that. Weve been having yes. The time of our lives. She is 89, and some of the places you are going out west are pretty stiff climbs. How is she managing . What i try to the fires that have burned part of the rainforest that is crucial for maintaining a stable climate. Showcase on my instagram is there is the brazilian president has faced so much you can see just from criticism within his country and driving around our us national around the world. Parks. Some are more elderly friendly than others but, for the most part, i think you can do a lot and the latest criticism. With someone in their 80s as you are travelling round. You dont necessarily have to climb the highest mountain. At the risk of even from prison, he is an getting too personal, you and your influential force in brazilian grandmother became estranged for a politics. Held in solitary while after your parents divorced. Confinement for 22 hours per day, Little Wonder he craves human whats it been like for you, at your age, with her at 89, to be contact. He spoke excessively to the bbc. As travelling on these trips . How are you getting along . We always did get we spoke, while faris continued to along. That was the tragedy, that we rage in the amazon, consuming thousands of hectares of forest. Had this idyllic, i had an idyllic childhood, and she was a great grandmother to me, and then in my he now fears the president is destroying his environmental legacy. 20s, we didnt speak. That was a time of my life when i moved to africa and studied wildlife and translation wrote they are defrosting as if people of brazil Kruger National park, and i couldnt did not like for us. The people are share it with her, so the open road seeing the same thing as people who isa share it with her, so the open road is a chance not only to close but to set fire years ago, the think fill in the details of the long lost time, also to repair the wounds that tackling Global Warming is foolish. Stupidity at a high level. Occurred when my parents split up. Its occurred when my parents split up. Its been a healing time. Its been everything i hoped it would be. Its brazils standing in the world has been tainted by its leadership, he a very uplifting story. It seems to me shes missed her calling, doesnt argues. She . She is a born adventurer is i think the brazilian president is doing great harm to the brazilian that something that has grown over people, partly through evil and the 20 or so parks you visited, or partly through ignorance. You can see he does not know what he is was it fairfrom the 20 or so parks you visited, or was it fair from the the 20 or so parks you visited, or was it fairfrom the moment the 20 or so parks you visited, or was it fair from the moment she started . Talking about. In a relationship was it fair from the moment she started . I think its been here between countries you cannot use forever. When i was a little bored, insults. It must be through dialogue. Brazil needs friends like little forever. When i was a little bored, little boy, she would take me to our local pub and go in with me and the uk, france, italy, the us, help me catch critters, and when she china, and they need as also. Told me in my 30s that she hadnt seen as much of the great outdoors, what do you make of the president s that she always hoped she would say, relationships with those same countries . Is this a mac i felt that she had the adventure spirit, the right attitude, and it was a matter of having the willpower to get out and live it up, as she translation there is no says. And weve done that. Relationship because the president to get out and live it up, as she says. And weve done that. It seems like she is superwoman, to an is ideal logically guided by people extent. My mum is 89 and she is very who believe the world is flat. Active. I think there was a point at brazil was one of the fastest which shed go, you know what, ive emerging economies in the world, had enough. How far can you take her todayit emerging economies in the world, today it is in deep economic trouble on these trips . Does she walk miles . Again. His critics blame him for does she walk a few yards . We started this adventure a few years funding politics. Ago when she was 85 and at that he reserves most of his anger for point she climbed a mountain with me the investigating judge in his case who is now justice for the first time, and i think that the investigating judge in his case who is nowjustice minister. New we just for the first time, and i think that wejust got for the first time, and i think that we just got that in the nick of time, because she doesnt do that revelations suggest there was anymore, so i try and stress that. Coordination. For years the most popular politician in brazil, he it isnt that she is a wonder woman, knows the new evidence could see him really soon, but he may need to wait but physical capability, shes just until the president leaves office. Got the right spirit and attitude. But as he was taken to his cell he your favourite parks so far . My says he remains an optimist amid the favourite is joshua uncertainty, both for himself and your favourite parks so far . My favourite isjoshua tree and the future of brazil. South east california. To me, it is like a doctors use very tiled type of world, and we had the park to ourselves, and we lift it up with an and the brazilian president in the umbrella. Thank you forjoining us, last few minutes as fact president and thank you for taking your trump for his support in the g7 grandmother on such a lovely trip. Regarding the situation in the amazon. Talk about great adventures. I think now to a cautionary tale. Youve got some news for us, havent you . I am going on a big adventure, a student from kansas by the name of trenton matched with two girls he liked on the dating app tinder yes. Clarke i heard a voice there. And so decided to send both of them a chat up line you might have heard it, too. That that was exactly the same, word for word. Was christian, wasnt it . You might have heard it, too. That was christian, wasnt it . Hello, katty, from deepest france. Time saving move, perhaps trenton thought. Christian here saying goodbye to you but things got a little ona christian here saying goodbye to you on a cell feet stick. Sorry i am not confusing when he received there to do it in person tonight. Two identical responses from the girls in question. Was he tripping . Wishing you all the best and pretty gutted you will not be with me in the opposite box over the next to a well known meme. Couple of months. Cant we prorogue this cynical trip until there is some this cynical trip until there is some sort of Brexit Agreement . They were roommates. They were roommates. They were roommates. This cynical trip. Our alternative arrangement over the next couple of months will be me, i am getting used he then posted he was looking for to the idea of leaving this for the internet fame. Ivys to the idea of leaving this for the joys of westminster green, and the lovely michelle fleury, who will with me from new york in the next couple of months, and well try and keep the show on the road, but who knows, when you are back, perhaps we could do an election together, may be two . Who knows . Missing you coming up, the hurricane that missed already. He just be two . Who knows . Missing you already. Hejust doesnt be two . Who knows . Missing you already. He just doesnt look terribly sad, does he . He will by puerto rico is now heading to florida. Next week so i am off to senegal. I President Trump could be a step closer to forming a combat ready am taking booked leave and working ona am taking booked leave and working space force. On a new book. Our daughter will go toa on a new book. Our daughter will go to a local school in french and my husband will be working on his nonprofit in africa. Its just three months and i will be back well in through the rest of this month the time for the election. David, thank south eastern parts of the uk should you for the last three weeks. Its be dry and quite warm. Towards the north west, a different story. All been so much fun. This cloud coming in from the atla ntic this cloud coming in from the atlantic is going to bring more organised rain through friday and into the start of the weekend. For the rest of ahead of its we have had some this month, south eastern parts of the uk should be dry and warm. In showers particularly in scotland. The uk should be dry and warm. In the north west, a different story. Also a good day to catch some this cloud is coming in from the amazing rainbows. Dry weather atlantic, bringing more rain for earlier on in wales. Best of the friday and at the start of the sunshine in east anglia and the weekend. We had some showers, especially in scotland, but a good south east. For most of england and we are zut will remain dry into the day catch some amazing rainbows. A night. Across Northern Ireland and lot of dry weather earlier across scotland, more rain to come. England and wales, and the best of the sunshine and warmth across east anglia and the south east. For most south westerly breeze, it will be of england and wales, it remains dry warmer than last night. Temperatures into the night but, across northern should remain in double figures. Ireland and scotland, more rain to tomorrow we have got rain on and off come, and returning especially wet in western parts of scotland later. Across Northern Ireland. Rain across much of scotland. It will turn weve got a south westerly breeze, so warmer than last night, and heavier in western parts of scotland. Some rain into the north temperatures should remain in double west of england threatening north figures. Tomorrow, rain on and off wales. The rest of england and wales across Northern Ireland. Some rain likely to be dry and warm in the at times across much of scotland. It will turn heavier in south western sunshine, temperatures perhaps 25 and western parts. Some rain in celsius. Further north west that is cooler and wetter. We have got that north west england and threatening north west england and threatening north wales. The rest of england and weather front, that is focusing the wales likely to be dry and warm in rain, that will still be there overnight and into saturday. The the sunshine in those south westerly winds. Temperatures perhaps 25 or rain continuing to add up particularly in the hills of 26. Further north and west, it is Northern Ireland winger could be a couple of inches of rain over high cooler and wetter, with that weather front on the scene focusing the ground. There may be localised rain. It will still be there on saturday. The rain continuing to flooding in parts of scotland. Rain clears away from Northern Ireland on happen in the hills of northern saturday morning, then we get ireland, where there could be a sunshine and showers. The rain couple of inches or more over high ground in central and western scotland. Some localised flooding. Lingers on in scotland. Ahead of it, the rain clears away from northern east midlands, east anglia, south east of england, likely to be ireland on saturday morning, and dry. Still warm. Quite a contrast then we get sunshine and showers. The rain lingers longer in scotland with the rest of the uk. The contrast is either side of that and the rain band pushes into weather front. England and wales. Ahead of it, the east midlands, east anglia, south east england likely to be dry. Then we are all open to this North Western winter. That will still warm, mid 20s, but a contrast bring cooler fresher air. North western winter. That will either side of that weather front. Bring coolerfresher air. For North Western winter. That will bring cooler fresher air. For the there will not be much rain on that first day of september, the first as it pushes into eastern areas on day of meteorological autumn, it will feel more like autumn, but with saturday evening. Then we are all lots of showers across the Northern Open to this north westerly wind, half of the uk, some heavy and bringing down cooler and fresher sundry, if you showers getting further south the temperatures make 00 28 34,086 4294966103 13 29,430 it up to 19 celsius. Maritime air, so for the first day of september, meteorological autumn, it will feel like autumn, with showers in the northern half of the uk, some heavy and country, and a future showers for the further south, but the mid teens will be a typical temperature. This is bbc news. The headlines at eight p m. Anger grows of the government decision to suspend parliament for five weeks as rebel tories at Opposition Mps accelerate their attem pts Opposition Mps accelerate their atte m pts to Opposition Mps accelerate their attempts to block a new deal brexit. What we are going to do is try to politically stop him on tuesday with a parliamentary process. One former minister warns that mps are running out of time. For them it does have responsibility to this and it may well be that next week is the only opportunity for us to do so. A court in edinburgh here is the first of a series of legal challenges to the suspension of parliament. We do not live in a totalitarian state, we live in a totalitarian state, we live in a state which is limited by the rule of

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