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Pentagon, including lots of generals and military experts. Meaning 18 sites of big problems. Everyone of them was backed by iran, in some cases, actually using iranian soldiers. They were given 150 billion, plus 1. 8 billion in cash, they used that money for some bad purposes. With that being said, i think iran is a country of tremendous potential. We are not looking for leadership change, not that kind of change, this country has been through that many times before. That doesnt work. We are looking for new nuclear weapons, new ballistic missiles, very simple. We can have it done in a very short period of time. No nuclear weapons, iio period of time. No nuclear weapons, no ballistic missiles. I believe iran can be a great nation, but they cant have nuclear weapons. If the circumstances were correct, i would agree to that. But in the meantime, they have to be good players, you understand what that means, and they cannot do what they we re means, and they cannot do what they were saying they were going to do. If they do that, they will be met with really very well for us, we have no choice. So i think they are going to be good, by the way, president mack brown to me every step he was making yesterday. He told me long before he came in, what was happening. President macron. Ididnt was happening. President macron. I didnt think yesterday was prepared to meet, too soon. Things had to be worked out, president mack brown told me exactly what was happening, he was coming, what time they were going to meet. After the meeting he told me exactly what happened Prime Minister shinzo abe ofjapan, a large purchaser of oil in iran was also very much involved. He knows everybody up there so he was a very positive force. I have to tell you, the president has done an excellentjob. Tell you, the president has done an excellent job. Maybe it tell you, the president has done an excellentjob. Maybe it works, it it doesnt. I say it all the time about everything, it it works, maybe it doesnt. But we made a ridiculous deal, we gave them 150 billion and we got nothing. By the way, that agreement was so we got nothing. By the way, that agreement was so short term that it expires in a very short period of time. What i can do, you dont make a deal that shot countries last for a deal that shot countries last for a long time. You dont do long term deals, especially when youre paying that type of money. So, i have good feelings about iran, i have good feelings about iran, i have good feeling that it will work. I know many iranians living in new york city, they are incredible people. So the last thing id like to see is a big problem, but we have to do what we have to do. President macron, did you seek president macron, did you seek President Trumps permission before you informed Foreign Ministers . 0r did you chew a form him they were coming . Thanks for the very precise question. To be clear, we are part of geoid, we decided to remain so. That is why we want the different parties to move to or the other side, as President Trump made it very clear over the summer, we side, as President Trump made it very clear over the summer, we never spoke on very clear over the summer, we never spoke on behalf of other countries, we just tried, tested some solutions, to see if we can find an agreement with different countries. So we took an initiative this summer to make a technical proposal, i got the reaction from iran. After the discussion we had at the g7 dinner 0h discussion we had at the g7 dinner on saturday evening, i felt that it was very on saturday evening, i felt that it was very clear about where we can go together. So the day after, i decided to invite, as friends, minister surrey heath. So i informed before making it, i informed President Trump it was my idea not to involve the United States, not to say that this is on behalf of of you, but to say, as france, i think it would be a good idea to ask him to go back and try to negotiate something. So i did it on my own, i informed before making it, President Trump was informed about these situation. The idea, for me, was in case of. Appropriate solutions between messiness there is, not at present,s level, between messiness there is, not at present, s level, between messiness there is, not at present,s level, between ministers. This is a french initiative, but made by the clear information of the us president before. Information, as well, of the three europeans. And each time, i inform trump to monitor the situation. I have to say, the gcc oh p situation. I have to say, the gcc oh p was situation. I have to say, the gcc oh pwasa situation. I have to say, the gcc oh p was a bad deal, should not have been entered into. A lot of things could happen that would have been much different. They are allowed to test the ballistic missiles, you are not allowed to go to bury sites to check. Some of those sites are the most obvious sites for the creation or the making of nuclear weapons. Those things and other things have to be changed. I will tell you i have very good feelings about it, i think that we are going to do something. It may not be immediately, but ultimately, we are going to do something. As i said, iran isa going to do something. As i said, iran is a much different country thanit iran is a much different country than it was two and a half years ago. We can get that back and i would encourage it. I actually had friends many use a go, they were in the real estate business, and they we re the real estate business, and they were in iran building housings, office buildings, apartment houses. They did very well, they made a lot of money. To this day, they made a lot of money and they love the people and they loved what was going on. Its a country with tremendous potential. I also say that, by the way, with respect to north korea. Kim jong way, with respect to north korea. Kimjong un, who i have way, with respect to north korea. Kim jong un, who i have gotten to know extremely well, the first lady has gotten to know him, i think she would agree with me. He is a man with a country that has tremendous potential. You are in between china, russia and south korea. People want to get to south korea, they have got to get to south korea, they have got to get to south korea, they have got to get there somehow, and if they are going to do anything other than essentially, fly, they want to go through so railroads and everything else. So many things want to have been there. I think north korea has tremendous economic potential, and i think kim jong un sees that. I think he sees the tremendous potential that its got. With respect to iran, same thing. Incredible people, and incredible county, potentially. A location that is, a little rough neighbourhood, eventually, it will bea neighbourhood, eventually, it will be a beautiful neighbourhood. I think it will work out, and they will believe that those countries that went into the original deal, that went into the original deal, that more and more are agreeing with what i did. But i think those countries are going to be seen thank you some day, i hope they will be seen, including france, including the president , because i know we did have the right thing. If for no other reason, itsjust have the right thing. If for no other reason, its just too short, its almost expiring, if you think about it. Somebody said, make an extension. Now, no, they are great negotiators. Look at what it did to get the deal, look at what they did tojohn kerry get the deal, look at what they did to john kerry and get the deal, look at what they did tojohn kerry and president obama. Look what happened. When they are bring in big boeing 757 is loaded up with cash. What kind of a deal is that . I think a lot of good things will happen. I just that . I think a lot of good things will happen. Ijust want to say this because i have spoken out lot with the president these last two and a half days, we have never had a bit out with the relationship. We had a ledge that lasted for quite a while that many of you got to see. It was the two of us, no staff, no anything, he wasnt into trying to impress people, it would be just trying to impress each other. It was the best period of time that we have ever the best period of time that we have ever had, and we accomplished a lot. He isa ever had, and we accomplished a lot. He is a very capable man, he is doing a greatjob for france, he did an incredible job for the g7 matt andl an incredible job for the g7 matt and ijust an incredible job for the g7 matt and i just want an incredible job for the g7 matt and ijust want to thank you. You go ahead to your News Conference to stop this was a very special, very unified to add a head dies, and i wa nt unified to add a head dies, and i want to thank you for it. Thank you. Thank you. Applause. I wont leave the floor to President Trump, andi i wont leave the floor to President Trump, and i will wait for the end of youraim trump, and i will wait for the end of your aim press conference. I will leave the floor to President Trump. Translation President Trump, we saw your wife, the first lady, drink a glass of french wine yesterday. Perhaps you can give up on your friends to put sanctions on the french wine, as we understand correctly, you have arrived at an agreement on taxing digital firms. Can you confirm that has been an agreement between you and france . |j can agreement between you and france . can confirm that the first lady love the french wine. 0k . She loved the french wife a thank you very much. Thats fine. Thank you. I will wait for the end of this press conference. I will leave you the floor. Good job. She is worse than you are i cant believe it i have seen more hogs in the last five minutes, well, he was making up 0h five minutes, well, he was making up on himself. As far as news lines are concerned, we just heard the president talking about the situation with iran, and attacking the deal to which france and the uk have signed up. We will bring out the highlights of that press conference, but was returned to donald trump. A fair deal for the United States, otherwise, i will not make a deal. We have billions and billions coming in, and i think we will get there, i believe it more strongly now i would have a while ago. We will there, and we will have ago. We will there, and we will have afair ago. We will there, and we will have a fair deal. Remember this when you say fair, china has been taking out of this country 500 plus billion dollars a yearfor of this country 500 plus billion dollars a year for many years. It is time to stop. As a private person, i used to talk about it, is one of the reasons i am a president. We are in a great position, our country is doing well, our employment numbers are the best they have been in over 50 yea rs, are the best they have been in over 50 years, employment numbers for african american, asian, hispanic are the best they have ever been. We are the best they have ever been. We are ina are the best they have ever been. We are in a very strong position, our consumers are strong, warm and are in a very strong position, our consumers are strong, warm and Just Announced mind boggling numbers walmart Just Announced. So announced mind boggling numbers walmartJust Announced. So we are doing very well, i think were going to make a deal with china, probably, eventually, we will make deal with iran too. Why are you optimistic . I think they should make a deal. I think they should make a deal. I think if they did make a deal, it will be very bad for china. Very much appreciate the fact that the came at last night saying they want to make a deal, they wanted to be under calm circumstances. It was different kind of statement, i thought it was beautiful, i thought it indicated a lot. I have a question for you on that she hads g7 summit. Can i clarify something you said . You talked about polls with china, what specifically did you hear from china . You alluded today, dropping several hints, about miami, about hosting g7 on your property . What assurances can you give the america people youre not looking to profit off the american presidency . I think i have spent. A combination of lost opportunity, probably it will cost me anywhere from three to be president. The only thing i care about is this country. Otherwise, i wouldnt have done it. People have asked me what i think it cost. Are you sick at a lot of money to make speeches. Now i give speeches all the time, and i get nothing, and thats good. And the deals i am making are great deals for the country, that is much more important. My is a wonderful place, its a very successful area florida. It is only five minutes from the airport, the Big International airport, the Big International airport, one of the biggest in the world. All of the people coming, with all the big entourages come stop by the way, my people looked at 12 sites, all good but some were too high for the four hours from an airport. Some didnt allow this, some didnt allow that. With my place, we have a series of bungalows, each holed from 50 70 very luxurious rooms, with magnificent views. We have incredible Conference Rooms and incredible Conference Rooms and incredible restaurants. We wouldnt even have to do the work that they have done here, and they had done a beautifuljob. Have done here, and they had done a beautiful job. What we have done here, and they had done a beautifuljob. What we also have is my army. We have many hundreds of acres my army. We have many hundreds of acres miami. The ballrooms are among the biggest and the best in florida, its brand new. My people wa nted florida, its brand new. My people wanted it. From my standpoint, im not going to make any money. I dont wa nt to not going to make any money. I dont want to make money, i dont care about making money. I thought i wa nted about making money. I thought i wanted to make money, i wouldnt worry about three to 5 billion. At some point, i will detail that. Worry about three to 5 billion. At some point, iwill detail that. I just think is a great place to be, i think having it in my army is really fantastic. Having it at that particular place because of the way it is set up. Each country can have their own villa or bungalow. They have a lot of units in at them. I think itjust worked out have a lot of units in at them. I think it just worked out well. Have a lot of units in at them. I think itjust worked out well. When my people came back, they went to different places, they will give a presentation fairly soon, to places all over the country. And they come back and said this is what we want to be. We had military people, secret service people, people who really understand what it is about. It is not about me, its about getting the right location. President macron said she would like to see talks between you and president rouhani within weeks, does that sound realistic to you . I dont know the gentlemen. I knew him a little bit just by know the gentlemen. I knew him a little bitjust by watching. Are you one thing, he is a great negotiator. I think it is going to want to meet, i think it is going to want to meet, ithink iran i think it is going to want to meet, i think iran wants to get the situation stretching out. Now, is that based on fact or got . That is based on gut. But they want to get the situation straight now, they are hurting badly. Their inflation is through the roof, their economy has entirely tanked, the sanctions are absolutely hurting them horribly. I dont want to see that, they are great people. But we cant let them have a nuclear weapon, cant let it happen. So i think there is a very good chance. The prison of france said there might be a need for composition to a van, which is due, given all. The president of france said there might be need for composition to be given to iran, do you agree . What he is talking about tens of compensation is that they are out of money, and they may need are out of money, and they may need a sort term letter of credit, or learning. We are not paying, we do not pay, but they made some money to get them over a very rough patch. If they did in money, it would be secured by oil, which is Great Security to me. We are really talking about a letter of credit type facility. From the us . And unlike it would be from numerous countries. It would be paid back very quickly. I am with a japanese newspaper. Just lift your Prime Minister, good man, great man. Ok. The us and japan have an agreement in principle, eyes to the industry deal for the us. Are you still imposing tariffs on japans older exports to the United States on National Security grounds . Not at this moment, no. It is something i could do at a later date if i wanted to but were not looking at that. We just want to be treated fairly. Japan has had a tremendous trade surplus with the us for many years. We are transforming our country, we are taking these horrible one sided, foolish, very dumb, stupid if you like to use word, we are taking these bad trade deals and we are making good, solid deals out of them. That is transforming our country. That will be transformative, country. That will be tra nsformative, and very country. That will be transformative, and very exciting for our country. Not sure, the women behind. Dont say i dont give you access. Why do you think its appropriate to invite russia to the g7, given that they have made it on the 2016 election. And if they do come, are you worried it might hurt you politically because itll be a couple of months before the 2020 election . because itll be a couple of months before the 2020 election . I dont care, politically. I ran one election, and i won, it happen to be for president. Im going to run another election, i think im winning based on polls i have seen. Whether i win or not, i have to do the right thing. Is it good . Probably not. A lot of people say that having russia inside the room is better than having them outside the room. There were numerous people during the g7 who felt that way. We did discuss it. My inclination is to say yes, they should be in. Really, it was president obama, im not blaming him, but a it was president obama, im not blaming him, buta bad things between president putin and president obama. One of the things was what happened within a very big and important area in the middle east where the red line was drawn, and then president obama decided he was not going to do anything about it. You cannot draw red lines in the sand, you just cant do it. The other was in ukraine, having to do a certain section of ukraine that you knew very well, when it was taking away from president obama. Not President Trump, taken away from President Trump, taken away from president from president obama. President from president obama. President obama was not happy at this happened because it was very embarrassing to him, right . He wa nted embarrassing to him, right . He wanted rush out of the g8 russia. That was his determination, he was outsmarted by president putin. I can understand how president obama whitfield, he wasnt happy. Now, im only thinking about the world and this country, in terms of the g7, whether it is g7 or g8. I think it would be better to have russia inside the tent than outside the tent. Do we live either way . Yes. Is it politically popular for me to say that . Possibly not, i think many people agree with me but possibly not. I do nothing for politics, i know a lot of you will smile at that, do what is right and people like what i do. If i wanted to go strictly by politics, i would probably pull that and i would popularly say, i dont want to russia in. Buti popularly say, i dont want to russia in. But i really think it is good for the security of the world, the economics of the world,. Remember, they are building a big pipeline in europe. And i said to angler merkel, you pay russia billions of dollars, and then we defend you from russia. Why do you keep using the leading statement that russia outsmarted prison in alabama . That russia outsmarted prison in alabama . When other countries feel that the reason that russia was kicked out was because the annexed crimea. It was annexed during present obamas term. If it was my turn, i would say, sorry, present obamas term. If it was my turn, iwould say, sorry, i made a mistake. President obama was helping ukraine. Crimea was annexed during his term. It is a very big and important area, russia has the submarine work there, were they docked large and powerful summaries. But not as large and powerful as errors. but not as large and powerful as errors. President obama was pure and simply outsmarted, they took crimea during his term, that was not a good thing, it could have been stopped with the right or whatever. It could have been stopped. But president obama was unable to stop it, and is too bad. As the g7 host next year. I didnt know that he would accept, those are tough circumstances. Would you consider inviting Vladimir Putin . Those are tough circumstances, he was part of gs, tough circumstances, he was part of g8, then all of a sudden he is not any. So i think that is actually a pretty tough thing for him, he is a proud person. Iwould pretty tough thing for him, he is a proud person. I would certainly invite him. Whether or not he could come, psychologically, ithink thats a tough thing for him to do. You have a g8, now its a g8, then you like the person threw out by president obama, really because he got outsmarted, pure and simple. Dont forget, it wasnt just crimea, it was the red line in the sand. President obama said never violate the red line in the sand, then they went ahead and killed many children with gas, it was terrible, he did nothing about it. I did. I was there yea rs nothing about it. I did. I was there years later, i did something about it. Can you help us understand the timeline on the china calls . Were you referring to the statement by the vice president. We have had many calls. Notjust one, this isnt one, these are high level calls. They want to a deal. By the way, i think a deal is going to be made, but they want to make a deal. The chinese were saying. The chinese are not saying that. The vice chairman of china, do you get how that that other than prison it g . The vice chairman, made the statement that he wants to make a deal, that he wants to see it all happen. Thats is it there. You folks were reporting before that we cant find any phone calls, he released a statement, i didnt, he released a statement, i didnt, he released a statement, i didnt, he released a statement. But there were phone calls . Numerous calls . If so. And not only with steve, there were calls with other people too. China wa nts to calls with other people too. China wants to make a deal. Whether or not we will make a deal. I tell this to president xijinping, who i have a Great Respect for, and i like to, he isa Great Respect for, and i like to, he is a tough guy, but i have a lot of feeling for president xi jinping. Totem very strongly, you are starting up here, and youre making 500 billion a year, and stealing our intellectual property. We are down on the floor, lower than the floor, you cant make a 50 50 deal. This has to be a deal that is better for us, and if it is not better, lets not do business together. Forget about tariffs for a second, i dont wa nt to about tariffs for a second, i dont want to do business. When i raise, and he raises, and i raise, and he raises, we can never catch up. We have to balance our trading relationship, at least, to an extent, and they were unwilling to do that. But they have to have a deal. As far as phone calls are concerned, secretary of the treasury, and other people, have been back and forth many calls. China wants to make a deal, and if we can, we will make a deal. Ifi if i could ask you about your china strategy. President macron talked about instability and the worries around the globe about instability. One of the things that comes from. You are talking about Global Economic instability cosmic one of the things it comes from is the back and forth and changing statements from yourself, so that. Sorry, its that way i negotiate. My question is, is it a strategy, to call presidency and enemy one day, and

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