In a televised address the brazilian president pushed back, saying the fires shouldnt be an excuse for international sanctions. The fires are scattered widely across the amazon, most notably in the north of brazil. Theyre the most intense in the region for almost a decade, as camilla motah reports from the amazon. The flames in the amazon continue to rage, thousands of fires, almost impossible to control. This is the worlds biggest rainforest and carbon store, home to 20 million people. We travelled to one area on the fringe of the rainforest, where the flames have devoured huge areas. Firefighters in the state of rondonia, one of the most affected by the amazon fires, have been working here for the past two weeks, trying to put out the flames, but resources are an issue here, as its a vast area with few people on the ground, and low humidity and strong winds add to the challenge, as sometimes the fire can spread as fast as 30 or a0 km h. The fires here threaten many homes. One man told us his wife had fled while he tries to protect the land. Translation its a dangerous situation, we have lots of crops here, and everything is burning. The cashew trees, i had to move the animals so they dont burn too. Farmers and loggers are widely blamed for starting the fires, as the amazon is relentlessly cleared for cultivation. Brazils controversial right wing president , jair bolsonaro, has championed the exploitation of the rainforest. Now, though, brazil is facing International Pressure. European leaders are calling it a global emergency. Brazils president has accused them of a colonial mindset and charities working to save the rainforest of interference. Its the amazons Indigenous People who are suffering the most. Some have been attacked and killed as loggers and farmers try to push them off the land. Translation with each passing day, we see the destruction advance. Deforestation, invasion, logging. We are sad because the forest is dying at every moment. We feel the climate changing, and the world needs the forest, we need it, and our children need it. As the amazon burns, the world is now paying attention. Brazils president says he may send in the army to help tackle the flames. Camilla veras mota, bbc news, in the amazon. A couple of hours ago president bolsonaro, speaking on brazilian tv, blamed the fires on dry weather and above average temperatures. Translation all the countries have expressed solidarity with brazil. They have offered to help tackle the wildfires but have also offered to take brazils position to the g7 meeting. Wildfires can happen anywhere and they should not be used as a pretext for international sanctions. The trade war between the us and china has taken yet another twist within the last couple of hours, President Trump has further increased tariffs on chinese goods. Making the announcement on twitter, the us president said that the 25 tariffs hed announced before will increase to 30 from the first of october. Earlier, us markets tumbled with the dowjones closing down more than 600 points. The president s comments are part of an ongoing tussle with beijing. Our Business Correspondent Michelle Fleury is in new york with the latest. Donald trump vowed to respond to chinas tariffs and he made good on that threat. The president raised tariffs on 250 billion of goods to 30 and he also raised tariffs to 15 on another 300 billion worth of chinese goods. The announcement came one hour after the us markets closed after another rocky trading session. The dowjones finish down 623 points the s p 500 which tracks the 500 Biggest Public Companies in america ended 2. 6 lower. Us markets began the trading day lower after the news from beijing. Wall street bounced back after the comments from Jerome Powell raising the prospects of a rate cut. But the momentum shifted again and the markets slide accelerated after mr trump said that American Companies should immediately start looking for an alternative to china including, he said, bringing companies home. It should be said that the us president has no power to order us companies to do anything. Nonetheless his comments sent a chill through the markets. He also launched an extraordinary new attack on the federal chair asking who is the bigger enemy . The chinese leader orJerome Powell . Donald trump has been pressuring the federal bank to do more to stimulate the economy. The effect however was to rattle investors, worried about the deepening trade conflict with china and the damage it is doing to the global economy. Our washington correspondent Chris Buckler says that as well as increasing tariffs mr trump has told us firms to look at alternatives to trading with china. In a series of furious tweets he attacked china, appeared to heighten the trade war, and he ordered, and that is the word he used ordered American Companies with interests in china to look elsewhere to base their operations. And what sparked this is the plan of china to impose up to 10 tariffs on 75 billion worth of american goods. That is the latest strike in a bitter trade battle between the countries. The us had already announced plans to impose 10 tariffs on some 300 billion of chinese imports by the middle of december. And President Trump hasjust announced that in response to chinas decision he will increase that to 15 . All of these imports have a danger of threatening both countries economies. But it was notjust china in the firing line today, it was also the head of the federal bank, the central bank of america. President trump has been pushing for them to cut Interest Rates to fuel spending by american businesses and households but he did not get that pledge today from the chairman of the fed. In response, there was another extremely angry tweet. In it, President Trump said he had only one question, who was the bigger enemy of america Jerome Powell, the head of the central bank, or china president xijinping . It is no surprise that the economy is weighing on President Trumps mind as there is no bigger threat to a president seeking re election. Lets get some of the days other news. Prosecutors in paris have opened a preliminary investigation into jeffrey epstein. Police will look in to whether the disgraced financier committed sex crimes in france or against french citizens. Epstein, who had a flat in paris, was found dead in his prison cell in new york earlier this month. Officials said they were acting on information from a number of sources, including the american authorities. Liberal us supreme Courtjustice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been treated for cancer. Health officials in the United States have reported the death of a patient who developed a severe respiratory illness after smoking e cigarettes. The cause of death is yet to be confirmed, but Officials Say it could be americas first recorded case of someone dying from vaping. The Authorities Say almost 200 cases of severe lung illness associated with vaping have been reported across 22 states so far. British Airways Pilots are to stage a series of strikes next month, in a dispute over pay. The British Airline Pilots Association said its members will walk out on the 9th, 10th and 27th of september. It comes after they rejected a pay increase worth ii. 5 over three years, which the airline said is fair and generous. More now on our top story, the fires in the amazon. Joining me from sao paulo is luiza lima, public politics officerfor greenpeace, brazil. Thank you for your time. First of all, what did you make of the brazilian president s televised address . Do you feel like he has change his tone somewhat . U nfortu nately change his tone somewhat . Unfortunately no. This evening, he made an announcement on national tv, but he didnt make any concrete, he didnt present any concrete measures to protect the rainforest in brazil. He has mentioned that he would send reparations to some states that would like it to be done, but this is not what we have expected from the president , especially at the end of this week, given the damage caused by his government has been so widely denounced. The brazilian president has said that he believes the reason behind the fires is above average temperatures and dry weather. Is he right . Well, since bowl bolsonaro took off as he has dismantled environmental regulations. He has encouraged harmful practice. The fires increased by ia5 this year when compared to the same period last year. So, it is hard for us to say that it year. So, it is hard for us to say thatitis year. So, it is hard for us to say that it is just caused by a dry season. It is definitely caused by his anti environmental policy. There has obviously been a big reaction internationally. We have heard from the eu, some eu countries not wanting to sign a free trade deal. The g7 will be talking about it. The president said there are fires everywhere and it shouldnt lead to international sanctions. Do you think the International Community should use some form of sanction . Well, fires that are in the amazon are also damaging much of brazil internationally. Even our business sectors already had a meeting that the anti Environmental Policies of bolsonaro could bring economic damage. We regret that he will suffer the most is the brazilian population. We are facing economic crisis very big here in brazil. We have huge unemployment happening, so, yeah, we are very sorry. Nevertheless, in a statement that says that these International Pressure can be colonialist imprint, oi pressure can be colonialist imprint, or this is the one that is causing damage in brazils image, it is only a possibility to blame those who are denouncing the environmental problems caused by his own administration. Just briefly, those fires are still burning in the amazon. What needs to happen immediately to put the fires out . Immediately he needs to present a plan and put it in action. He didnt do it so far. He isjust plan and put it in action. He didnt do it so far. He is just saying that he loves the amazon. That is not enough. All right, thank you so much for your time. Thank you. As weve heard, the amazon rainforest will be high on the agenda of World Leaders at the g7 meeting in france this weekend. Our Diplomatic Correspondent James Landale is in biarritz. President macron believes that these fires in the amazon are a good example of where the world can come together with common action against a common threat. He wants to use this summit here in france this weekend to make a stout defence of that sort of multilateral action. His challenge will be reaching agreement on this and several other issues where there are growing tensions within this group of seven nations, above all between the us and europe. That will present a challenge as well for borisjohnson. This is the first time that the Prime Minister has been on the International Stage in his new role and he wants to use it as an opportunity to try and reaffirm Britains International credentials saying it will not retreat from the world after brexit and it will stay at the heart of global alliances. But he will be torn between two sides. On one hand he wants to reach out to President Trump in the hope of encouraging a post brexit us uk trade deal. On the other hand, many of the key issues that will be discussed, the iran nuclear deal, climate change, global trade, britain is firmly in the european camp. So there is a tricky and narrow path for the Prime Minister to navigate here in france this weekend. And it is a path not without risk. Police forces across the country have held a minutes silence in memory of pc Andrew Harper, who was killed while investigating a burglary in berkshire last week. His mother said she was moved by the outpouring of love since her sons death. Our Home Affairs Correspondent Daniel Sandford reports. Pc Andrew Harpers family are still in the early days of coming to terms with his death. But today, just a week after he was killed, his mother, father and other close relatives came to the poignant ceremony organised by his force. We gather here one week from the tragic death of pc Andrew Harper, our dearly loved and respected colleague, friend and proud police officer, son, brother and husband. Were here to offer our respects and to acknowledge his passing. Pc harper, who got married just 28 days before he died, was killed responding to a burglary last thursday night. So in this moment, let us still our busy hearts and minds as we remember our colleague and friend andrew, in silence now. Whistle. Moment of silence. Pc harpers mother said the familys lives had been torn apart. We are devastated and bereft, she wrote. But as andrew always lived with dignity, honour and calmness, we intend to grieve in this way. In his hometown of wallingford, shops have put up ribbons to represent the thin blue line role that police play, protecting society from crime. Releasing more photographs, the family said Andrew Harper had been a funny, brave, compassionate brother and a generous, caring, loving son. Daniel sandford, bbc news. The bbc understands the mp for sheffield hallam, brazils president has ordered the military to help fight devastating fires in the amazon, amid mounting International Pressure. President trump has ordered american firms to find alternatives to trading with china as the trade war escalates. Glasgow university is to raise and spend 20 Million Pounds to atone for the money it benefited from during the slave trade. Its thought to be the First Institution in the uk to put such a programme in place. The money will be used for a Research Centre which glasgow will manage in partnership with the university of the west indies, to raise awareness of the history of slavery. From glasgow, lorna gordon reports. The university of glasgow was the first Civic Institution in scotland to petition against slavery. In centuries past, the cloisters here echoed with the voices of prominent abolitionists and academics who challenged the trade in humans. But there is a less well known side to its history. We can see he donated £1000 to the university of glasgow. A search of the institutions archives revealed significant support from those who made their wealth off the back of slaves. We dont think the university of glasgow ever owned any slave people or estates. But what has come to light is the university profited or benefited significantly from the mortifications, benefited significantly from the mortifications, the bequests, the gifts from those associated with the slave economies. Those benefits now worth perhaps as much as £200 million. My ancestors, we waited over 200 years for this. In a ceremony about recognition and regret, a pledge to help raise millions to research the impact of slavery. Much of this work will be based in the caribbean. The concept of research and run has become the norm in british universities. This is an instance where a university has said, we have research, we are going to stand our ground and we are going participate in dealing with the consequences, adverse and negative, but we can get over them. And where Glasgow University goes, the city looks to follow. The reminders of glasgows links to the historic slave trade surround you here. The buildings, even the names of the streets. Now the city council is putting in place, its own plans to look at its slave economy past. But its the world of academia that has often been at the forefront of arguments over how we remember our history. And while other british universities are now starting to research their involvement with the slave trade, some think acting on that is a step too far. It suggests that people who are alive today either bare some historical responsibility for what their ancestors did in the past, i mean truly barbaric and criminal acts. But to suggest that people alive today are somehow responsible for the sins of their ancestors, i think is a step too far. From scotlands macca, there was a poem to mark todays occasion. Heres a redress thats long been owed. Heres a first step on the road. A first step away from gestures towards making amends. Lorna gordon, bbc news, glasgow. We just want to bring you some breaking news here on bbc news. We are hearing reports that simon chang, the british consulate worker from hong kong who was held in detention by chinese authorities, may have been released. We are hearing this because of a statement on his Facebook Page. That is the source, a statement on his Facebook Page. We have not verified it, but we are hearing that simon cheng the british consulate worker from hong kong who was detained by chinese authorities, he may have and release. And the statement on the Facebook Page goes on to say that he wishes to have some time to rest and recover and will not be talking to media for the moment. Now, of course, he was detained in china, in the context of these ongoing demonstrations in hong kong. Millions of people marching. We have seen some millions of people marching. We have seen some violent scenes, and we have seen some criticism of the uks comments of those protests from beijing. So we will keep monitoring data and we will bring you more as we continue to get it. Borisjohnson has issued a stark warning telling migrants not to cross the English Channel to get to the uk saying we will send you back. The Prime Ministers comments came after dozens of people took to small boats to try to make the crossing from france to the south east coast in one day. Jon hunt has this report. More people landing in dover today after being intercepted by the border force 2 miles east of kingsdown near deal, prompting this message from the Prime Minister to those thinking ofjoining them. We will send you back, and the uk should not be regarded as a place where you can automatically come and break the law by seeking to arrive illegally. But few migrants have been sent back so far. Just 65 since january, and the numbers attempting to cross is growing by the day. On wednesday, 21 people were intercepted in the English Channel having set off from france. Yesterday, a total of 64 people, mostly claiming to be iranian, arrived in six vessels. With 11 arriving today, it brings the total number of migrants arriving by small boat this week to 96, the busiest week since the bbc began tracking the crossings in november. What we need to see is 24 7 surveillance of the french coast. We need to see greater action by the french authorities to stop any boats leaving the french coast or, if they do leave, to make sure they are apprehended. French authorities are stopping some boats. An operation saw 2a migrants rescued near dunkirk this morning. There are fears that migrants are taking too great a risk, though. A woman who fell from a dinghy in the channel this month still hasnt been found. It is only a matter of time before we see bodies washing up on the kent coast and thats something that none of us want to see. Im sure none of the viewers watching this want to see that. The government has to find a way to enable these people to make this journey safely. The european nations as a whole must all share the issues of providing a safe haven for those refugees who are looking a place of safety. They are human beings, just like us, trying to survive in a very difficult world. The home office says it has three cutters patrolling the channel with a joint action plan with the french authorities, and is monitoring the situation. The Great British bake offjudge, prue leith, has been brought in as an adviser on a major government review into the quality of hospitalfood in england. Six people died earlier this year after an outbreak of listeria linked to pre packaged sandwiches and salads. The review will set new quality standards for the 140 million meals served every year in hospitals. Our Health Correspondent Dominic Hughes reports. In england alone, the nhs produces around 140 million meals per year. So getting catering in hospitals right is clearly a challenge. For yea rs, right is clearly a challenge. For years, campaigners have argued the quality of hospital meals needs to be improved. I think it is. Now the bake off judge, be improved. I think it is. Now the bake offjudge, restaurants and chef, prue leaf, is being hired to conduct a root and branch review of hospital catering. It seems to be obvious that if you are in hospital you need to be that healthily. Food is medicine. But it is notjust about health. It is about pleasure. Why not take the opportunity of lunch or supper to give patients who are not having a joyous time in hospital, no one is there voluntarily, a bit of leisure and our lives . Other famous chefs have been down this road before. 25 years ago albert roux was asked to do much the same thing. He was followed by Lloyd Grossman and more recently, james martin was given a similar task. Yet in 2013, report found that more than £50 million had wasted not on poor food but more than £50 million had wasted not on poorfood but on more than £50 million had wasted not on poor food but on failed schemes to improve quality. I am a bit cynical. We have seen different reviews over the last ten or 15 yea rs reviews over the last ten or 15 years that have looked into improving hospital food and years that have looked into improving hospitalfood and nothing has really happened. We hearfrom patients every day, providing pictures of fairly disgusting food. The deaths of six nhs patients linked to a listeria outbreak connected to prepackaged sandwiches and salads supplied to a number of hospitals gives this review added weight. The quality of the meals is to variable. And so what we want to do is drive up standards across the board, and so we are having a review by philip shelley, he is going to be assisted from a culinary point of view by prue leith. Putting more catering and house, using fresh and seasonal ingredients, and sourcing produce locally all sounds good. But is likely to mean costs go up, and thatis is likely to mean costs go up, and that is the point where previous effo rts that is the point where previous efforts to improve hospital food have come unstuck. Hello there. On friday, the temperature reached 28 celsius in hull but it could be a record breaking bank holiday weekend. Weve got a lot of heat and sunshine to come this weekend but there is the risk still of one or two showers because not only are we drawing in the heat from the near continent around that area of high pressure, we are also increasing the humidity. And weve still got low pressure sitting towards the north west of the uk and this weather front is hanging around too. For a while, itll be quite breezy in the north west corner of the uk but away from here, it looks like well have clearer skies and those temperatures will dip away to 11 14 degrees. Now, weve still got more cloud for the north west of scotland and Northern Ireland on saturday and maybe a few showers to come for the highlands and islands, as well as fermanagh and tyrone but away from here, lots of sunshine across other parts of scotland and across england and wales and that heat will build very quickly in the light winds and strong sunshine so warming up across the eastern parts of Northern Ireland, the central belt of scotland, highest temperatures for england and wales widely the high 20s, peaking at 30 or so in the south east of england. Very warm for the ashes day three at headingley. 27 degrees or so in the afternoon in the blue skies and light winds, and itll be lovely end to the day for many parts of the country. A fine evening to come. The showers in the north west and across Northern Ireland, probably tending to fade away overnight. Some of the cloud will drift its way into western parts of england and wales, mind you. Probably not producing any showers and temperatures again, 11 14. There is the risk of one or two showers popping off from this cloud, for west wales and south west of england and Northern Ireland but its a lower risk and you can see elsewhere there should be a lot of sunshine again, light winds, that heat building further north into scotland with the sunshine in the north west as well but again, the higher temperatures probably in the midlands, eastern england, 30 or 31 around the london area. On monday, while weve got the risk of a shower, that too is reduced. Still, a lot of uncertainty about monday. There could be one or two showers around but on the whole it looks like its going to be dry and sunny. Not quite as warm perhaps across western scotland and Northern Ireland, western fringes of england and wales, but the heat is still there towards the east and south east and again, we could be close to 30 degrees. Some uncertainty then through monday and into the beginning of next week. The threat of showers coming up from the south reduced. This weather front is going to bring rain into scotland and Northern Ireland slowly but surely, but still largely dry 00 29 27,107 4294966103 13 29,430 and warm in the south east

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