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Where a 15 year old schoolgirl from london went missing more than a week ago. Wales have a shot at becoming the worlds number1 ranked team if they beat england this afternoon as the sides kick off their world cup preparations at twickenham. And following the death of the Nobel Prize Winning author toni morrison, we have a special edition of talking books coming up at 2. 30. The government has announced a package of new measures in a crackdown on law and order. The Prime Minister has promised to create an extra 10,000 prison places after an increase in Violent Crime. This will involve the building of new prisons and the expansion of existing ones at a cost of around £2. 5 billion. Stop and search powers will also be extended to all Police Forces in England Wales which will allow police to stop someone in an area where they think a crime may be committed. Borisjohnson also called for tougher sentencing and an end to the Early Release of prisoners convicted of violent or sexual offences. Labour said austerity measures taken by conservative governments had left the entire criminal Justice System broken. Daniella relph reports. Expanding powers to stop and search, part of a package of law and order announcements from the Prime Minister with a pledge to get tough on crime. A pilot scheme allowing greater powers to stop and search will now be extended to 43 Police Forces across england and wales. The home secretary dismissed criticism that the approach unfairly targets certain communities. She said her own experience talking to victims of violence strengthened her view that stop and search works. Theyre from those communities that want to see more policing, theyre from those communities that want to see more stop and search and they themselves from within those communities that have suffered such trauma and pain are saying they want to see our Police Officers empowered to do theirjob and use stop and search. 0n prisons, the government says there will be 10,000 new places, created from the building of newjails and the expansion and refurbishment of existing ones. It will cost £2. 5 billion but as yet theres no detail where the money will come from. The most recent figures show there are currently 83,000 men and women in prison. That number is close to the current capacity ofjust over 85,000. Todays announcement is a substantial rise in places, increasing prison capacity by around 12 . In addition, the Prime Minister also wants an end to prisoners being released early, having served just half their sentence. All this as well as a previous announcement on the recruitment of 20,000 more Police Officers. But from labour there was caution and criticism. Unless youre taking it in that holistic way and looking at prevention in the first place, and Early Intervention to tackle the causes of crime, then theres absolutely no way borisjohnson can hope to bear down on the huge rise in Violent Crime we have seen over the last six years that has been a result of tory austerity. Borisjohnson says his wave of law and order announcements is about ensuring that criminals and not the public are afraid, but it will also inevitably lead to speculation that downing street is preparing for a general election in the autumn. Daniela relph, bbc news. With me is our political correspondent, mark lobel. You have to ask the question, why is all this happening now . Boris johnson and priti patel want to look tough and sound tough on crime. There is a cynical opposition who have come forward and said this is about elections. The government are preparing the groundwork for a snap election and support was found from the tories, michael heseltine, saying money was thrown around, clearly electoral targets. You and we have been looking into some of the details. There are some concerns. If you look at the prison places to start with, the announcement looks similar to one made in 2016. That perhaps is not a new announcement. We started looking in to stop and search, asking what led to the decision for its moving from seven Police Authorities having a three month trial, the extension of these sections 60 powers, to all Police Authorities across england and wales, 43, the home office and downing street have said some initial assessments, feedback was received but are still awaiting a full report on that. In terms of the initial assessment, they pointed us towards a study that shows a drop in knife crime by 15 at under 25s, they met our unable to confirm that is directly related to this trial on the weekend. Might be able to on monday. Those are two big question marks. And the third, Boris Johnsons third policy announcement, kim malthouse, officer in charge of policing and bringing in the 20,000, asked about details on that policy on sky earlier today. This stage looks like this. So we are at about 123,000 Police Officers at the moment. There was a plan already afoot for £1 billion of extra funding last year to recruit another 3500 across the country. We are now putting in place to launch in september the next wave to get the 20,000 on top of that over the next 36 months. Between then and now, we have to have a conversation about the deployment of those Police Officers, and critically what they are going to be doing. Because what the public want to see is a restored sense of governance of the public realm, alongside some of the enhancements to stop and search we are putting in place today to deal with the big rise in knife crime that we really want to address assertively. We do need to address this general sense among the public that they want more reassurance from their Police Officers. Details still needing thrashed out about what the Police Officers need to do ina about what the Police Officers need to do in a few weeks. It gives the sense at the least these are rushed announcement, the opposition saying in line with an election. And many details still to be processed. We will leave it there for now, mark, thank you. Dr michael shinerjoins us now associate professor at lse and trustee of stopwatch a Campaign Group against disproportinate use of stop and search. Thank you forjoining us, doctor, your thoughts on the timing of this announcement. I would say that i am not surprised but i am shocked. Not surprised in the sense that this is quite predictable, the direction of travel we have been seeing recently. I would say i am shocked on a couple of ways. Firstly, the way the decision has been made. The Current System was described as a pilot, suggesting and evaluating published. And evaluation published. No equality impact assessment, very significant because we know these powers have been hugely disproportionate on their impact on bame community. And this is not an enhancement of any powers. The widespread powers available, no new powers. The only change is a rolling back of a light touch regulation put in place by theresa may. All forces have been able to use section 60 how they wanted to for the last two yea rs, they wanted to for the last two years, since those regulations have been put in place. Lets be clear, this is not amount to an enhancement of police powers, simply a rolling back on important safeguards on the use of those powers. You are referring to the powers of the 19705, referring to the powers of the 1970s, is that right . No, section 60 powers. Very specific. The language used from government is an enhanced power, it is not, is an exceptional power. Vast majority of stop and search powers available to Police Require individual reasonable suspicion, objective grounds for stopping and searching a particular individual. For section 61 is authorised Police Officers dont need reasonable suspicion to stop and search individuals, anybody within that designated area. Not an enhanced power, it is an exceptional power. How should they be doing this . Crime figures have gone up. Today we are doing with a lot of knife and gun crime. How should it be tackled . I would like to see specific interventions which are based on a rigorous understanding of the particular problems which are driving in knife crime, gun crime in particular areas. What we need is robust understanding and tailored interventions, not a generic use of a broad power which has been shown through research and evidence and previous experiences not to have the impact you say it is going to have. That this is an example of mis selling. A business, the government would be prosecuted for false advertising. This is not a solution to the problems we face, they are to a large extent political choices made around austerity. Politicians do not want to draw attention to that, they would rather distract the public to reasons which are not actually really at the core of all of this. Thank you, doctor, we will leave it there. An 18 year old man who got into difficulties in the sea off essex on thursday has died. Haider shamas and his 14 year old sister, malika, were pulled from the sea close to the pier in clacton. Police say a 15 year old girl, a relative of haider and malika, who was with them, is expected to make a full recovery. The Chinese Government has told britain it should stop interfering in hong kongs affairs, after the foreign secretary, dominic raab, suggested there should be an investigation into violence during the recent pro democracy protests. Beijing said the days when the uk ruled the territory were long gone. It comes as police fired tear gas at demonstrators in a working class district of hong kong, in what is the tenth consecutive weekend of protests. 0ur correspondentjonathan head has the story. Theres a rich supply of materials in this city for determined protesters, and they have turned improvising barricades into an art form here. These hit and run blockades seem intended to provoke a police reaction. Especially when theyre surrounding a Police Station, as here, taunting the officers inside. 0ne even scaling the walls to disable the cameras. And, inevitably, they get a response. This is now a familiar weekend routine in hong kongs streets. The protesters quickly retreating, the police noisily retaking some of the ground and then stopping to consider their next move. The protesters are sticking to their five demands, including an independent investigation of police tactics. The suggestion backed by foreign secretary dominic raab, which has now prompted china to tell britain to stay out of hong kongs affairs. These protesters justify these actions by the need, they say, to defend the freedoms of hong kong. But, to china, this all looks like intolerable disorder and its making it clear it wont put up with what it sees as foreign interference. China has accused outside powers of encouraging these protests. In truth, for all their desperate hope of foreign intervention, hong kongs dissidents are on their own and up against an unyielding and increasingly impatient Chinese Government. Jonathan head, bbc news, hong kong. Stephen mcdonell is in hong kong. You have been on the streets of hong kong over the last ten weeks with protesters. The beijing authorities now pointing their fingers directly at the uk and the us. How are these protests going . They have changed, they have this new strategy, more hit and run. We are into the night after a full day of protesting, people still gathering, thinking of their next move, where they might go to next. Round here, barricades still being built here. A sort of home made shield made from a street sign. This is going on all of the city. Down here, other groups at the end of the street. The fact that there are smaller groups is kind of pa rt there are smaller groups is kind of part of the plan. It does not matter if youve got this guerrilla tactic of going somewhere, hitting it and moving fast if you have less people because they can be more mobile. The reason the police have also been more mobile, coming in fast, trying to grab people, make enough arrests to grab people, make enough arrests to try and somehow take the wind out of this protest movement. There are still many thousands of radicalised protesters prepared to break the law, not mattering that they are warned not to come out, they have gas masks and helmets like we have. They disperse when the rubber bullets come, go to another area, go on the subway and do it all again. It is becoming difficult for the authorities to come up with a strategy to bring it to an end. They are trying and helping well before the looming deadline on the 1st of 0ctober the looming deadline on the 1st of october that they can finish this. If there are scenes like this on the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the peoples republic of china, the Standing Committee will be horrified, mass military marches, celebrations of chinese nationalism they want. Not this display of dissent, the challenge to Chinese Government rule here in the city. Thank you very much indeed. Emergency services are responding to a Hazardous Material incident in worthing. In a tweet, Sussex Police confirm a small number of people have reported symptoms including sore eyes and vomiting and their investigation is ongoing. Social media users reported being evacuated from the pier. People nearby have been urged to stay away from the area and shut windows and doors. A 200 strong search team is continuing to scour dense forest near the resort where a 15 year old british schoolgirl went missing more than a week ago. Nora quoirin, who has learning difficulties, disappeared while on holiday with her family. Her mother has thanked the teams looking for her daughter. Malaysian police have set up a hotline dedicated to receiving information about the teenagers disappearance. 0ur correspondent Howard Johnson is following the search operation the headlines on bbc news. The Prime Minister pledges two and a half billion pounds to create 10,000 new prison places and says all Police Forces will be given extended stop and search powers. Police in hong kong fire tear gas at pro democracy protesters in the tenth consecutive weekend of Anti Government demonstrations. The fbi is investigating the death of the multi millionaire businessman and convicted sex offenderJeffrey Epstein who was found dead in his new york prison cell. The 66 year old is believed to have taken his own life while awaiting trial on new charges of trafficking dozens of underage girls for sex. 0ur north america correspondent nada tawfik reports. The body ofJeffrey Epstein is taken away from a new york hospital. The multimillionaire sex offender was found dead in his prison cell saturday morning as he awaited trial for sex trafficking. 0nce epsteins extravagant lifestyle saw him party with donald trump. The president called him a terrific guy. He has since distanced himself from the convicted sex offender. Originally a maths teacher in manhattan, the financier mysteriously accumulated a fortune that gained him entrance into high society and royal circles. He was Close Friends with Prince Andrew, seen here as recently as 2010 in new york. But his social status and opulent parties, his accusers say, masked lurid crimes at his many estates. For more than a decade epstein faced allegations that he sexually assaulted dozens of young girls, recruited to give him and other wealthy men massages. 0ne alleged victim, virginia roberts, said Jeffrey Epstein instructed her to have sex with at least half a dozen prominent men, beginning when she was 16 years old. She was photographed with Prince Andrew and in 2015 she alleged she was forced to have a sexual relationship with him. Buckingham palace has said those allegations are categorically untrue. In 2008, epstein pleaded guilty to lesser prostitution charges. That widely criticised plea deal is now under investigation by the department ofjustice. After 13 months in prison he continued to live a life of luxury but he was arrested again last month and charged with sex trafficking. Epstein was found unresponsive on the floor of his prison cell here in manhattan. Many are now questioning how he could have apparently taken his own life and why greater precautions when put in place precautions were not put in place after he was found semiconscious with neck injuries just two weeks ago. His victim say they would have preferred that he had lived to face justice. Nada tawfik. More now on the governments new measures on policing and prisons. The home office is set to roll out a nationwide pilot of stop and search powers to all Police Forces in england and wales which will allow an officer to stop someone if they reasonable believe a Violent Crime may take place. With me to discuss this is ken hinds, chair of the haringey stop and search an independent group which combats race discrimination and stereotyping of black people by the police. Thank you for coming in. What sort of feedback have you had in the community about the announcement . They are not surprised because it seems like Boris Johnson they are not surprised because it seems like borisjohnson and his crew are playing politricks with young people pass. We know what works and does not work. This has been tried before deviously and has not worked. Why do we expect a different outcome this time . Lots of people will say, if you have nothing to hide, allow the police to search you and you can carry on your way. What damage is that doing . Quite clearly, young people where i am from, haringey, they are calling it the thought gaza. Tottenham gaza. They call it that because of the interaction with the police because the police, some of them, cant engage with people who do not look like them. They have the unconscious bias, back in the day it was called institutionalised racism. What has happened is, we quite understand that we are going to be at the but end of this. All the figures we looked at over the last ten years showing that section 60 does not work for getting knives and guns off oui work for getting knives and guns off our street. We have just had a statement from number ten. We asked him about this and they claim that an increase in stop and search by one force, the met in this case, helped put knife crime amongst under 25s, cut it by 50 . What period and where this is happening, i would like to know. This is the calm before the storm, like a game. I believe the Public Health approach is the right approach because the people that are generally picking knives up have mental illness, some sort of trauma they are going through. And they are projecting that kind of paranoia into the community. When they are saying a reduction, i would like to know where this is happening, i do not believe this on the ground. I see more young people walking with knives and guns. And i am seeing when they do the section 60 and find a knife, they are not finding it on the black youngsters, it is white youngsters. You spoke about people not looking like them, not understanding culture. Has the police force changed in any way in terms of representation . As a black person, you always have the feeling people dont understand where you are coming from. So how is it you can makea are coming from. So how is it you can make a stand not only to somebody who has no idea of the issues that you walking, and also make these shoes you walk in and also someone from authority. Should someone also someone from authority. Should someone from haringey be making a stand and asking the question as to why are you stopping me . Absolutely because the whole point of safeguards in place is for us to be able to be able to feel like we are pa rt able to be able to feel like we are part of this community. What young people complain about, they are not complaining about stop and search. There is a place for that. They are complaining for the aggression that is being used on vulnerable young people, people with autism and other special needs that cannot express themselves in that way, for example. And other young people terrified of the police. When you have young people running away from the police, which Heightens Police suspicion they have something going on, and when the police to apprehend them, and he asked the question, why . I do not like the police, i dont want to go to the Police Station they say. And the action will have them going to the Police Station for a long period of time. My brother has been stopped. They understood he worked in thejudiciary stopped. They understood he worked in the judiciary and it was over quickly. What advice do you give to the police . I would prefer to give advice to young people, comply and then complain. If it goes wrong. What a gift to the police, simply this, stay professional, be professional. Regardless of whatever bait you may get from these young people who may be traumatised in other ways. So long as the police are professional, that will work out. My stepson got stopped four times in three hours. When i asked him to write the stop and search, he rated two eight out of ten. And one two out of ten. One out of ten. They threw him to the ground and smashed his iphone. And the eight out of ten, it was an armed unit but they were professional, explained why, throughout. The police should step up and be professional. This goes both ways. Many people say it needs to be intelligence led. How do you commence the community to meet the police both buy and start sharing intelligence . Is that ever going to happen . If the Police Change the focus on the way that they actually are engaging with the black community and even, groups like us, we set and we train Police Officers. We spent two hours at the new recruits at haringey. And a session with 150 Safer Neighbourhood policing. We have narrowed the mistrust that is on both sides. The only way we are going to narrow this gap is by having positive conversation and understanding from each side what each side sees, what the police tell me, they can spot a bad guy. What the young people tell me, they can spot a dodgy police. Both sides are watching each other and coming up with different strands as to how things should be done. Ken, this conversation could have carried on but thank you so much for your time. Thank you. A 29 year old man remains in custody after being detained on suspicion of the attempted murder of a Police Officer in birmingham. The suspect was cornered by armed police and tasered before being arrested in the moseley area. Police said he had earlier punched an officer to the ground before running him over with his own vehicle as he tried to arrest him in connection with a car theft. The officer is being treated for head and pelvic injuries. Police say two men have been charged with a public order offence after they were arrested outside the home of arsenal footballer mesut 0zil on thursday. On friday, the club annouced that 0zil and his team mate Sead Kolasinac would not play this weekend because of security concerns. Both players were targeted by carjackers in north london last month. Police say theyre treating the arrests on thursday as a separate incident. The National Farmers union is calling on the government to make the uk more self sufficient, and to stop relying on the rest of the world to feed britains growing population. It believes this autumn will be critical to the future of british farming as Greg Mckenzie reports. Farming is the backbone of the countrys largest manufacturing sector, food and drink. It contributes more than £120 billion to the uk economy. But the Nationalfarmers Union which represents the industry is calling on the government to make a strong commitment by ensuring a secure supply of home grown food for shoppers. It says new figures put the uks self sufficiency level at 61 . The nfu want british farmers to produce more food. It says that if we had eaten only british produce since the 1st ofjuly this year, today is the date that the country would notionally have run out of food. A spokesperson for defra says it will always trust in british farmers and Food Producers and insists leaving the eu will give the government an historic opportunity to create new domestic policies that work for farmers. Greg mckenzie, bbc news. Now its time for a look at the weather with helen willetts. They went we had yesterday have eased through the night. The rain is still causing concern. Southern scotla nd still causing concern. Southern scotland and northern england, persisting all day. For southern scotla nd persisting all day. For southern scotland and northern england, it just continues. Met Office Warnings still. Some areas have had over 100 millimetres of rain since friday morning, since the rain event began. We could see another 10 20 millimetres. To the south, more

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