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And more scenes like this are expected in texas. The president denied that he bears responsibility for anti immigrant sentiment. Right now the president is flying down to el paso, a city where emotions are still very raw. I would like him to bring unity, not only to el paso, texas. But to our country. Also on the programme. British supermarkets say the government must set aside Competition Laws so they can work with suppliers to tackle Food Shortages in the event of a no deal brexit. Brexit will mean jobs for one group of meps well speak to one of the politicians elected in may who can only take her seat in brussels when the uk meps leave theirs. Hello and welcome im katty kay in washington, and Christian Fraser is in london. Donald trump says hes in favour of background checks for people buying guns in america. But he doesnt think theres any appetite for banning assault weapons. The president made the comments as he was leaving the white house to visit the sites of two Mass Shootings. But as he touched down in dayton, ohio, he was met by protests people saying mr trump hasnt done enough to control guns and that his own rhetoric has fuelled the kind of racial animosity that was behind the attack in el paso. Mr trump himself denied that today. No, i dont think my rhetoric has at all. I think my rhetoric, it brings people together. Mrtrump speaking a mr trump speaking a short time ago. And we can now talk to the dayton city commissioner chris shaw. He is there for us. Mr shah, did you welcome the president s visit today to la pthorne . Welcome the president s visit today to lapthorne . Mr shaw. Two dayton, ohio. I did not. He was greeted at the air force base. But isnt it habitual for president s, seen to be the most important person in times like this, president 0bama, president clinton and president bush all went to Mass Shootings, isnt it normalfor all went to Mass Shootings, isnt it normal for the all went to Mass Shootings, isnt it normalfor the president to all went to Mass Shootings, isnt it normal for the president to visit the families of the victims and the people affected by the people affected by these situations . M most certainly is. These are strange times we are living in with this president. Normally they should be the console in chief, and that is certainly not the case here. Mr shaw, there is a long delay on the line but lets persevere. You say you are looking for action. What specifically does meaningful gun control look like for you . Well, there are many proposals out there. I know one thing for sure. We need to get these weapons of war off of our neighbourhood streets. They are devastating, it is devastating for the citizens, for our Police Department and first responders, and we just have to make sure that the congress is working on eliminating machine guns from our neighbourhoods. Yeah, and the republican governor of ohio is calling for background checks on all sales, the president today saying he is in favour of background checks. Does that go far enough for you . And with that have stopped the shooting in dayton, hanley, at the weekend . No, i dont believe it would have andl no, i dont believe it would have and i dont believe it is far enough dayton, ohio. We need to take weapons of war off the streets. You would not have people armed with bazookas or tanks so why would they have machine guns on our street . Mr shaw, nine people lost their lives. Sorry, go ahead. Nine people lost their lives in dayton over the course of the weekend. Their lives in dayton over the course of the weekendlj their lives in dayton over the course of the weekend. I wasjust saying. Go ahead. Yes, iwasjust going to say that the red flag proposal is a good one to have. If you see something, say something, and alert authorities. The people who lost their lives in dayton, theirfamilies are who lost their lives in dayton, their families are still suffering. How is the town responding to what happened over the course of the weekend . Yes, thank you. We are trying to ta ke yes, thank you. We are trying to take care of them as best possible. We are providing Mental Health counselling services for them, and just trying to be very supportive. We are a very Strong Community here in dayton, ohio, and this event will not define us as a community, but it is going to take some time and we have to pull together, and we will get through this together. And we saw some very heroic action on the police in dayton. It is possible that many more would have died had they not acted as fast as they did . That is correct. They responded and neutralised the threat within 24 seconds, which isjust amazing. It speaks to their training, and it speaks to their training, and it speaks to their courage. Ijust would hope that our senators and other elected officials would be just as courageous in their work as oui just as courageous in their work as our fine Police Department was in theirs. Ok, chris shaw, city commissioner, thank you very much for joining commissioner, thank you very much forjoining us. We are very much focused on gun control and the president s reaction but it is obviously worth focusing on the families there. If the scene in dayton was awkward for the president , it could be even more so when he lands in el paso in a couple of hours time. The attack in texas specifically targeted hispanic immigrants the people mr trump says are invading america. And when he held a press conference on monday at the white house after the shootings, President Trump did call for the country to come together. In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and White Supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in america. Hatred works the mind, ravages the heart and devours the soul. Yeah, that sounded good. But the conciliatory tone didnt last. Today mr trump tweeted this. Beto phony name to indicate hispanic heritage orourke, who is embarrassed by my last visit to the great state of texas, where i trounced him, and is now even more embarrassed by polling at i in the democrat primary, should respect the victims and Law Enforcement and be quiet it wasnt the only tweet he sent today. He also attacks the government in dayton who he said was linked to elizabeth warren, and the Antifa Movement on the left in america. A very divisive day all in all, katty . Yes, and there are also people saying this whole thing is overblown, that there isnt a problem with White Supremacy in the country, and so it has caused. Just the amount of division over this issue is particularly intense, and so sadly these last two night attacks almost seem to have made it even more intense. We can now speak to gary 0donoghue who is in el paso. Gary, the president did not get a particularly friendly reception in dayton, ohio. I imagine there will be more protests when he goes down to el paso, from what people are saying down there . Yeah, certainly one protest and maybe more are already organising, particularly groups working with issues around the border with people coming across the border with people coming across the border, human rights organisations. Theyve been organising for is not one of them was interviewed this morning saying, you know, this is personal. Im a hispanic and donald trump and his language brought about what happened here on saturday, incited it to happen, in effect. Yes, well you get a debate about gun laws particularly in dayton, ohio, with the governor bringing his views to bear on red flag laws, here the question will be much more about the motivation behind the gunman plus my actions and the fact that he did seem actions and the fact that he did seem to target notjust a group of people but a whole community, really. And that community will feel that right around the country. Before he left the white house today, gary, he did respond to that criticism, and we have played a little bit of it. He went on to say, my critics are political people. They are looking for political gain as much as possible. Ive tried to stay out of that. Can he really say that with any credibility . Well, i think it was not quite in the same breath, but perhaps in a sentence or two night later he went on to talk about the gunman being inspired potentially by support for Bernie Sanders and elizabeth warren, and antifa and all those type of thing is, well then i dont really think the president can suggest he is sort of above the politics of these things. He is up to his neck in the politics of these things, as he always is sol politics of these things, as he always is so i dont really think the president can suggest. Gary 0donoghue, thank you very much. Here are some statistics, katty. A federal investigation going on into tonight of the shootings. Two of these shootings. Lets hear from Tucker Carlson on fox news. White supremacy thats the problem. This is a hoax. Just like the russia hoax. Its a Conspiracy Theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. Thats exactly whats going on. Its not a hoax, is it . Well, not according to the head of the fbi, who was testifying just last month, christopher wray, in the senate, and this is what he said. I will say that a majority of the domestic terrorism cases weve investigated are motivated by some form of what you might call white supremacist violence. There you have the head of the fbi saying this is a problem, 100 domestic terrorist arrests since last october, and the overriding issue there in domestic terrorism is this growth in White Supremacy. So thatis this growth in White Supremacy. So that is coming from the head of the fbi and other Law Enforcement people are saying the same thing. It is something fbi agents want more focus on, more resources to deal with, so it is something they are saying the numbers would suggest there is a growth in, white supremacist violence. It is hard to see how it isa violence. It is hard to see how it is a hoax. Of course we should say the president did call it out on monday and did call it out again today. Yeah. Now, borisjohnson isnt bluffing. Eu leaders now accept it, and with talks stalled it seems both sides are now working on the most likely scenario, a no deal brexit. This week every British Government department was ordered to set out in detail what they had done or perhaps not done this past year to prepare for no deal. Yeah, and just today, the uk Food Industry asked the government to waive aspects of competition law so firms can co ordinate supplies with one other, to direct food around the country after a no deal brexit. They had asked theresa mays government to relax the restrictions before christmas, but the government did not want to go there. 0ur economics editor, faisal islam reports. They call it a rolling motorway, the 20 minute turnaround of a channel tunnel freight train. Fresh fish, medical products, car parts even thoroughbred horses are exported and imported in a system built on zero checks but that is now changing. Vladimir is picking up a trailer of fresh food thats come overnight from spain to be imported into britain. Estas frutas these fruits peaches. Uno es carga par tesco, y otro tesco. This lorry park at the mouth of the channel tunnel in france is full of refrigerated trucks, the embodiment of britains dependence on fresh food and its even more at the end dependence on imports of fresh food and its even more at the end of october, just when the uks scheduled to leave with an increasingly likely no deal brexit. The government says the overall food supply will be fine. The Food Companies are rather sceptical about what they see as the governments optimism about the impact of a no deal brexit on the supply of fresh food. I think if we do leave without a deal on october 31 there will inevitably be bumps on the road, but it is myjob to make sure we are as ready as possible for all contingencies. The Food Companies are rather sceptical about what they see as the governments optimism about the impact of a no deal brexit on the supply of fresh food. They anticipate having to coordinate where trucks like these go in the united kingdom, together. That would be illegal under competition law. They want some guarantees from government. In the event of a no deal brexit, if were going to co operate to smooth out shortages of food, retailers with retailers, manufacturers with retailers, we need a cast iron assurance from the secretary of state for business that that wont be seen as a breach of competition law. But till now the government has not deemed it necessary. One reason it is getting a little less pessimistic. Bbc news has learnt that the government has now twice lowered the secret assumption about the disruption to cross channel freight from a no deal brexit. Why . Because of this facility, un used at the moment, never before needed, to check british exports into the eu. Last year the governments reasonable worst Case Scenario for no deal was that for 3 6 months only one or two in every ten freight lorries crossing the channel would make it through normally, with the restjoining dues. With the restjoining queues. In april this secret assessment shared with industry, but not the public, was up to around four and ten on account of new preparations made of the french side of the border. In the past few days, that has been further raised to around half of all lorries. Better than it was, but it still means thousands of lorries stuck on motorways in kent and around calais. We are not going to have frictionless trade on day one no deal, in spite of some progress that has been made on preparedness and contingency plans on all sides. This tunnel was built on franco british cooperation. For trade to continue to flow smoothly through it, as much depends on what happens here in france is preparations back home. Faisal islam, bbc news, calais. The uk government says it is scaling up preparations to avoid as much disruption as possible. In his first week in office mrjohnson pledged an additional £2. 1 billion funding specifically for no deal preparations. It will go to recruiting 500 extra borderforce officers, upgrading infrastructure around ports, managing traffic disruption in kent, and expanding freight capacity, warehousing, and medicine stockpiles. On top of that, the Prime Minister has also set up three new cabinet committees to help preparations. The exit organisation committee, headed by michael gove, is meeting on a daily basis to plan for an orderly brexit. Im joined now by claire fox, brexit party mep for the northwest. The brexit party campaigned to leave without any further delays. You have just seen that extract on food and what the Food Industry are saying. Are you aware we might not be ready to leave on october 31 . Ive no doubt we could have been better prepared, because part of the brexit partys point and the broader political point, over the last three years there has been so much prevarication, it is almost as if the government of the day and parliament with it and all of the different trade federations, saying, basically, were probably not going to go, and if we do it there will be minimum disruption, so or the rhetoric preparing for a no deal didnt feel like it really meant much. Referring to the food and drink federations, they were assured by people like philip hammond, look, we are going to try and stop this and make this as easy for you as possible. In some ways, i dont think anyone. They said they had asked at christmas and the government didnt go there, presumably because they didnt think no deal was a realistic option. Presumably because they didnt think no deal was a realistic optionm is because people have been trying actively, you know, this is a well trodden political path, there have been attempts to thwart that, as it were. I been attempts to thwart that, as it were. Lam been attempts to thwart that, as it were. I am making the been attempts to thwart that, as it were. Lam making the point been attempts to thwart that, as it were. I am making the point that it would just be utterly stupid to say there are no challenges from no deal, but i do think they have been talked up, and a lot of organisations and Companies Just through their own volition have got on with preparing for no deal. I dont think Government Departments are as prepared as they are, as they should be. And i do feel, to his credit. You almost past that off,we are where we are, lets just get on with it. But we are where we are and therefore people are saying we shouldnt go through with it. But these decisions about whether we should leave the eu where politically mandated by the british people, and they are notjust technical challenges. And the impact of yet once more sidelining democracy would be far more serious for britain and for the future than dealing with some of the technical problems that we might face. Im not trying to say that we have got no preparations in place. When you actually do talk, even to big corporate some are being quite civic about leaving, they have said, of course we have to prepare, so i think it is not as bad as people say. Im simply making the point that the way Boris Johnson has conducted himself since becoming Prime Minister, and im no fan of his or the tories, im a bit sceptical, but in fact theyve done what i thought the British Government should have done three years ago, so government should have done three years ago, sol government should have done three years ago, so ijust think we can be better prepared, no doubt about that. Are you concerned at all that we re that. Are you concerned at all that were there to be a general election before october 31, with the brexit party running, you inadvertently play the role of spoiler, as happened in the by election, and potentially help remain instead of leave . Potentially help remain instead of leave . I think that is a real challenge for the brexit party and it depends on the circumstances under which the general election is called, but i think it is very important to acknowledge that the tory party might now be running the country and they are saying they are going to honour the referendum, but brexit itself and the cat might leave vote does not belong to the conservative party. In fact the leaf vote. Many people have voted to leave the eu are not conservatives, and also the conservative party has been the party in charge that has actually made the mess of it so far, well they might forgive me for saying that we just have to wait and see the circumstances in which a general election might be called before we make those kind of decisions, and at the moment there is no reason yet to say the tory party are going to deliver. Ive heard all this before, remember. We did after all have to listen to philip hammond. Very quickly on that issue, if they called a general election which they might have to do before october 31, if you campaign against them, you could lose no deal brexit, couldnt you . Against them, you could lose no deal brexit, couldnt you . Im saying it depends on the circumstances of those elections, it depends what borisjohnson goes to those elections, it depends what Boris Johnson goes to the country with. If he goes with some reheated theresa may deal, maybe with or without the backstop, if there is a sense in which it becomes parliament against the people, some people are talking about that is the kind of basis of a general election, it would seem to me the conservatives would seem to me the conservatives would do well to consider their labour heartlands, the fact that brexit are more likely to get those leave the voters than they are, and perhaps there is a conversation to be had, but i think one of the big mistakes the tories are in danger of making is trying to get those leave vote rs making is trying to get those leave voters than they are, and perhaps there is a conversation to be had, but i think one of the big mistakes the tories are in danger of making is trying to present themselves as the saviour of you know, two weeks m, the saviour of you know, two weeks in, and the saviour of you know, two weeks in, and i think, just hold on a minute. Ithink in, and i think, just hold on a minute. I think it is important for democracy that we give voters a much richer option thanjust democracy that we give voters a much richer option than just saying, this is all youve got, borisjohnson richer option than just saying, this is all youve got, Boris Johnson and the tories. , you know, two weeks m, the tories. , you know, two weeks in, and the tories. , you know, two weeks in, and i think, just hold on a minute. Ithink in, and i think, just hold on a minute. I think it is important for democracy that we give voters a much richer option thanjust democracy that we give voters a much richer option than just saying, this is all youve got, borisjohnson richer option than just saying, this is all youve got, Boris Johnson and claire fox, thank you very much for your thoughts. Interesting. Sounded like there might be some wiggle sounded like there might be some wiggle room there. Donald trump has never been shy of offering his advice on brexit. Last month he said the uk should walk away without a deal, if it doesnt get what it wants and focus instead on a trade deal with america. Last night the new foreign secretary, dominic raab who has not yet been to europe, turned up at at the white house. Now it would not normally be the foreign secretarys job to drum up support for trade deals but then dominic raab is a former brexit secretary and also the deputy Prime Minister. Heres what he said about his meeting with the president. tx sor night we talked about what we might wa ntsi re night we talked about what we might wantsire night we talked about what we might want to achieve. Wantsire night we talked about what we might want to achieve. Yes, we talked about what we wanted to achieve. Amazing to hear an american president talk about our country in such warm terms. He expresses high regard for Boris Johnson as the Prime Minister, and we talked about all the things we want to do together in the post brexit era for the uk, whether getting a free trade deal done, and their obviously will be a lot of work to make that happen, but there is a huge appetite on both sides to achieve that, and then all the range of Security Issues that we share in common and want to make sure we strengthen the relationship and build our capacity to tackle those issues together. And with downing street desperate to secure that trade deal, it is more and more likely the uk drifts towards the sphere of us influence. This week it was announced the royal navy will in fact be joining a us led taskforce to protect merchant ships from any iranian inteference in the gulf. Until two weeks ago the uk had signalled it would not bejoining that us led taskforce, preferring instead to cooperate with the europeans, who of course are trying to preserve the imperilled Iranian Nuclear deal. Heres what the us secretary of state had to say about the joint taskforce. Sighi sigh i sigh i i want to thank you. You have centuries of maritime expertise under your belt and you understand how to protect shipping from international attacks yes, i want to thank you. This is a good example of effective multilateralism. Like my eye was to a white house official la st my eye was to a white house official last night, christian, who said on that trade deal issue, and even dominic raab are saying this, there is still an awful lot to sort out yes, i was speaking to a white house official. The white house is giving kind words at the moment, but it has to get through congress. It will be in americas interest to get the best possible deal it can come on things like agriculture and pharmaceuticals, so it will not be a quick process. And this drift towards the United States is not lost on the europeans either. Im just spotting a tweet from the retiring french ambassador to the United States, re tweeting a wall streetjournal piece United States, re tweeting a wall street journal piece on United States, re tweeting a wall streetjournal piece on the shipping issue. He said. So they see the drift, and i think there will be some reaction in europe to it. Ok. Talking of directions, when will west never be west, but only be east . You will see what we mean. Ive been puzzling over this one today, but let me show viewers what we are talking about. This is the second night in question, nothing to report there, but look at this, when you turn it it never point west, it only points east, no matter how many times you spin it. What is the secret . Ok, spoiler alert, look at this. It has curves, the second night, it is actually kind of an optical illusion remember that one about the dress, was it black and blue or white and gold . Everyone went crazy about that. It is sort of one of those things. You can see it in the mirror, but actually christian would never have known because he is totally colour blind. Yes, that one with the dress was totally over my head, but thank you for letting everyone know that i am colour blind i do know that we are colour blind i do know that we are colour coordinated today, because youve told me no, i am wearing a green dress, christian. It is like pulling wings off fly, the teasing so easy. You did say the other day that i was wearing green, and you said , thats that i was wearing green, and you said,thats a nice pink blouse. I worry stay with this Beautiful Partnership because this is beyond 100 days from the bbc. Coming up on the bbc news channel and bbc world news. President trump considers background checks for people buying guns. We will ask a former republican president ial candidate which measures the president might back. And brexit limbo that night we will speak to one of those 27 european politicians waiting to take their seat in brussels. If only the uk ones would do one. Good evening. Still the potential for stormy conditions. The weather sta rts for stormy conditions. The weather starts to change thursday night into friday as we get some heavy rain sweeping north and east, then the winds pick up and particularly windy across england and wales on saturday. There may be some further impact. The culprit is this developing area of low pressure in the atlantic which will be heading our way. Ahead of that, we had low pressure for the past few days. It is still being close to scotland, focusing the heavy and thundery showers here. This was through edinburgh earlier on. Whilst we have had a scattering of showers for england and wales, some quite wet weather in Northern Ireland leaving the streets awash. Those showers will be fading away through this evening and by midnight most places will be dry with some clear skies. But we keep more cloud and on that northerly breeze across scotland and there will still be some showers particularly in the north, and overnight lows of 11 13. Tomorrow many places will have a dry day with some sunshine. Still a few showers, mainly for scotland and Northern Ireland, but not as many as today. Cloud increasing across the southern counties of england had made a a few spots of rain. Otherwise plenty of sunshine, lighter winds, and spots of rain. Otherwise plenty of sunshine, lighterwinds, and we spots of rain. Otherwise plenty of sunshine, lighter winds, and we will probably feel a bit warmer, temperatures into the mid 20s. Then we have that low pressure area getting closer, unusually deep for this time of year and unusually far south. This will suite the rain northwards and eastwards on those weather fronts. It will be quite heavy at times will sweep the rain. This will saunter northwards into scotland. Quickly after that, we will see lots of heavy and thundery showers across more western parts of the uk. Really gusty winds, maybe 60 mph in the south west. It will turn quite windy in many places, the best of the weather in the afternoon, and eastern parts of england where it will be drier and also feel warmer as well. But that low pressure is still with us into the weekend, drifting slowly north. Wind is not quite as strong for the northern half of the uk but showers and long spells of rain. England and wales, winds pick up, looking at widely gusts of 40 mph, gales across the south of 60 mph along the south coast of england and wales. Temperatures will be lower on saturday and remember that wetter weather is in the north. This is beyond 100 days. With me, katty kay in washington, Christian Fraser is in london. Our top stories President Trump visits the sites of Mass Shootings in ohio and texas amid warnings he is not welcome. But mr trump dismissed critics who say his rhetoric on race and immigration has stoked extremism instead claiming his words bring people together. Coming up in the next half hour. A twist in the tail of no deal brexit why the classic english breakfast could be at risk if the uk leaves the eu without an arrangment in place. Plus well hear from one of the 27 so called ghost meps who are waiting patiently for the uk to leave the eu so they can take up the vacated seats. More on our top story now. The president is on his way to el paso, texas, after the mass shooting there which killed 22 people. The dual attacks last weekend have renewed calls for america to do something about guns. Speaking to reporters outside the whitehouse today, President Trump said he was looking at bringing in background checks for those who buy guns. I am looking to do background checks. I think background checks are important. I dont want to put guns into the hands of mentally unstable people or people with rage or hate, sick people. I am all in favour of it. For more on what gun control measures republicans could get behind in the wake of these tragedies, im joined now by Carly Fiorina who ran against President Trump in 2016 and is author of the new book, find your way. In the past, you have been opposed in the past, you have been opposed to measures that would limit access to measures that would limit access to guns in the United States. In the wa ke to guns in the United States. In the wake of these two attacks over the weekend, has any of your thinking changed . Politics always drives us to the extremes in this debate. What all the polling shows is that most americans, myself included, whether we are republican or democrat, supports certain common sense measures. Sol supports certain common sense measures. So i support and most americans support universal background checks. I support add most americans support limiting the kind of machinery that americans can get their hands on. We do not need a military style weaponry in the hands of civilians. And finally, most americans, and i among them, believe that it americans, and i among them, believe thatitis americans, and i among them, believe that it is really important to have consequences for people who fail to safeguard their guns in a locked case so safeguard their guns in a locked case so that the wrong people get their hands on them, which has happened, not in the shootings but in previous shootings. It has got deeply partisan today, we have had joe biden and i were saying the president found the flames of White Supremacy, add cory booker said in South Carolina today, you might remember in 2015 they lost nine parishioners in a mass shooting, this is what he had to say. The act of and tyler tino hatred, it did not start with the hand that pulled the trigger. It was so by those who spoke the same words, the village el paso murderer dead, speaking of an invasion. Do think the president had a hand in this, in this sense the line which has stoked some of the hatred . You talked about leadership before you talked about it in 2016, does he bear some response ability . I posted today a comment on theirs, and what i said in that post is that tone is set at the top. Character counts. Character is revealed over time. By behaviour and words. From thes character has been revealed over time, and his words have been all too often divisive, insulting, offensive and racist. Is it fair to lay all of the blame at one president s feet . No. Is it fairto blame at one president s feet . No. Is it fair to lay some of the blame at this presents feet . Absolutely. Because tone is set at the top. The words you have just said, i want to play something from the debates in 2016, it sounds similar to something you seem 2016, it sounds similar to something you seem to think on that debate stage as one of the few people who has run against donald trump and been on a debate stage with him. I think mr trump is a wonderful entertainer hes been terrific at that business. I also think that one of the benefits of a president ial campaign is the character and capability, judgment and temperament, of every single one of us is revealed, over time and under pressure. You are saying the same thing today, and you have been consistent. Yes, additives no secret that i did not wa nt additives no secret that i did not want donald trump to be the nominee of our party. It is no secret. Because as i say that my post today, and for many years, characteristics that need. It is destiny for a person and for a party and for a nation. What would your advice be to the democrat who now want to be their partys nominee when they come to think how they would handle donald trump in a debate . The one thing i would say to all of the Democratic Candidates is that trump ina way Democratic Candidates is that trump in a way is far too easy a target. It is much too easy to just in a way is far too easy a target. It is much too easy tojust blame everything on him, and some of them are falling into that trap. What i would say to everything a person who was to be president is tail as, the american people, who you are. Show us american people, who you are. Show us who you are. It is notjust american people, who you are. Show us who you are. It is not just about what you will do, it is also about how you will do it. Because how someone how you will do it. Because how someone gets things done, their character, matters over time, sometimes even more than what they get done. Interestingly, the nra, National Rifle association, is in its wea kest National Rifle association, is in its weakest position in history, riven by infighting, people are not paying their subs, not as many as one state, they have a huge legal fight on at the moment. Do you think republican politics will allow right now republican politicians to do something that is meaningful . certainly hope so. But i think politics is different from where citizens are. The reason i say that is George Washington in 1789 said, the trouble with Political Parties as they will come to care only about winning. Both Political Parties care about winning, and that means they ca re about winning, and that means they care mostly about their base. Their activist flew back. The activists had both parties are more extreme. But the truth is that most americans are not political activists, just citizens trying to do the best they can, and as every poll says in this country, the vast majority of citizens say it is time for background checks, the vast majority, donned owners, my family owns guns, the vast majority of them are saying they do not need military style dance in the hands of civilians. There is a common sense path, i hope politicians will take it. The book is find your way, no thank you for coming in tojoin us. Thank you for coming in. He is an easy target but also not an easy person to debate, he can be a hard person to debate, he can be a hard person to debate, at what democrats are now looking at as they go through their own primary process is which of those candidates do they think is the one who gets tied up against donald trump on the stage. Id command the kind of respect that the voters are looking for. We have reported so much about donald trump passing executive orders and forcing things to come away can he not do that with gun control . He has reversed one of the executive orders from Barack Obamas time it says thatis from Barack Obamas time it says that is now what he is considering. There are limitations on some issues because you run up against the constitution, so he can only do limited things to executive orders because it cannot be seen as unconstitutional because they would have to go to congress. In order to get past. Some things he can do, the question is how much. Us farmers are bearing the brunt of the us china tariff war. Yesterday we brought you the story of a soy bean farmer in virginia hit by the trade tensions. Today were talking to a farmer in wisconsin who raises calves to sell to Dairy Farmers for milking. Turn back the clock a couple of years and china was a growing market for us dairy. The pig farmers in china use whey, from milk, to feed the livestock. But exports have dropped dramatically down 44 sincejune 2018 when china imposed 25 tariffs. The dairy industry calculated that losses in 2018 exceeded 1 billion, but the governments compensation package amounted tojust 127 million. On twitter yesterday, donald trump said the Great American farmers know that china cannot hurt them, while the president is standing by them. Joining us now is cattle farmer lee shlenvogt. Has donald trump stood by you . Well, my thoughts on the whole tariff position we are in is we have an unfairtrade tariff position we are in is we have an unfair trade balance, tariff position we are in is we have an unfairtrade balance, i have tariff position we are in is we have an unfair trade balance, i have said that in the past and will continue to say it. What donald trump has done, and her staff and cabinet, the programme called the market facilitation programme, so anybody that was affected by these tariffs, it will be a direct benefit to them. We would go up to our fsa office and sign up and you would get a payment add a per head payment, and that would help is out as a direct benefit. Are you affected by the downturn in the dairy market . You are selling cars to Dairy Farmers, there is obviously a knock on effect. You see it as without gain . Well, unfortunately leaders there is always pain before gain. That is the way it is. We are hoping this straightened out, i know that people have to understand that this did not just happen overnight. It has been going on for years. This is the fifth year of not the best prices in the egg industry. How long are you prepared to give donald trump to turn this around . How much longer can you carry on taking a hit from this trade war . We have to let the president and his staff do their job, and how long it is going to take, your guess is as good as mine. I dont know. I am struck by the different tones that we have had her last two days. We heard from a farmer yesterday, soybean farmer who has been badly hit and wants him to stop right now. You seem to be, you see it has a patriotically to stand by the president. With that be fair . That would be a fair assumption. But you dont put a timing on that . Is that support a definite, will you stand by him, what may . that support a definite, will you stand by him, what may . I guess everybodys situation is different. Farmers are an independent breed, everyones debt load is different, some people have no debt, some people have to service a lot, that would definitely change your position. And how long you could hold on. Ok, thank you very much for joining us. Interesting, you are pointing out that there is some parallels in the Brexit Debate where people say they will take an economic head but we think it is still worth doing. In order to be better off in the long run. Yes, similar, it echoes what is going on here in the brexit side, the economic figures that are presented to brexiteers, does not necessarily have an effect because it is about sovereignty and wanting government closer to home, and it goes past economics and people have factored that end, and may be why when you present gdp figures to brexiteers, it does not resonate because that is not what they are after, they want the sovereignty, that is what they voted for. It did sound like she perhaps had some economic cushioning, because it could depend on how much debt you are carrying, if you are carrying a lot of debt you will be hit much harder maybe it helps if you have a little bit ofa of a cushion. It seems highly likely that british mps opposed to a no deal brexit will try to bring a vote of no confidence in Boris Johnson when parliament returns in september. If successful, they will try to replace him with a National Unity government which would immediately dissolve itself in order to call a general election though not before going to europe to ask for a further delay to brexit. But Boris Johnsons most Senior Adviser Dominic Cummings has told government officials that plan will not work. If mrjohnson loses that vote of confidence, he says, he will call a general election, but not until he has taken britain out of the eu on october 31st. David howarth is a law professor at Cambridge University and former lib dem mp, hejoins me now. The difference between the system in america and here is our Prime Minister stands as prime minster with the support of parliament, he is not elected to that position. If he was to lose a vote of no confidence, under the constitution, does he have to go . Lets go back a bit. The Prime Minister is appointed by the queen, the queen appoints someone on the basis that they have come out of a majority in the house of commons, the confidence of the house. If the Prime Minister loses that confidence in a vote, then he loses his authority to be Prime Minister. But they do not have to resign yet. They can, they should hang around for a bit until one of two things happens. Either 14 days pass, no one else has been appointed, in which case there is an election. 0r, appointed, in which case there is an election. Or, if mps can get it together to form a different majority bahai together to form a different majority ba hai different together to form a different majority bahai different person, then that person becomes Prime Minister, replacing the outgoing Prime Minister. Majority behind a different person. They say they want to be the government and everyone can fall to be the government and everyone canfall in to be the government and everyone can fall in behind. It is a big question as to whether you could get a government of National Unity. But lets explore this scenario. If you ta ke lets explore this scenario. If you take the 14 days after the first week of september, up near the 20th, 27th of september, if you hold a general election, we are running into october 31 without a government calling for an extension. Have to go back a bit again. He cannot call a general election. The Prime Minister cannot call an election in this country anymore because of the fixed Term Parliament act. If no new government has been formed and got the confidence of the house at the end of the 14 days, then an election must be called. The wrinkle is that the date of that election is set by whoever is Prime Minister at that point. On your scenario, that would be borisjohnson point. On your scenario, that would be Boris Johnson and point. On your scenario, that would be borisjohnson and he could set the date to be after the 315t of october. That is the scenario. Of course if he is not the Prime Minister, either that Prime Minister will have got a vote of confidence, in which case there is no election, or if that Prime Minister has not got a vote of confidence, that Prime Minister sets the date of the election and it could be earlier. You need 25 working days from an election. To protect the other side of brexit, 20 . Yes, the person who is Prime Minister at that point gets to set the date of the election 25 day minimum. What was being discussed was the idea that Boris Johnson were Prime Minister, he would call the election after brexit day. But the alternative hypothesis is that somebody else is Prime Minister at that point, they do not need to have got a vote of confidence, just appointed by the queen in the meantime, and if someone elsewhere Prime Minister, that person would set the date of the election, and if they wanted it to be earlier, as long as it was 25 working days, they could do that. think i follow all of that. Thank you very much forjolly guards. Ta ke you very much forjolly guards. Take you very much forjoining us. This is beyond 100 days. Still to come keep your beak out well hear how scientists are advising people to deal with scavenging seagulls. Around 1,500 people who had to leave their homes in derbyshire last thursday because of fears a dam would collapse have finally been allowed to return home. Emergency services say the dam wall at the toddbrook reservoir is now stable, after it was damaged following heavy rain last week. Our correspondentjudith moritz joined residents as they returned. This is the moment the whole town was waiting for. Without ceremony, roadblocks lifted, Whaley Bridge open again. The streets empty for a last moment. And they are the first residents began to reappear. Amongst, margot and dave, first residents began to reappear. Amongst, margotand dave, back first residents began to reappear. Amongst, margot and dave, back home for the first time in nearly a week after waiting all morning for the green light. Looking out your phone every five minutes, and then haply the police came and said the court in warsaw. When you come in add realise this could have gone. It is more than bricks and mortar, it is the community. I have come back down to be hugged by one of my neighbours. To everyones relief, the pub has been unlocked. Landlady jennifer back behind the bar. And counting her blessings that disaster has been averted. You can see the relief, it is emotional, and we got in the carto relief, it is emotional, and we got in the car to come down, staying on chapel road, i drove the car down in floods of tears, but just to be chapel road, i drove the car down in floods of tears, butjust to be in here isjust the best floods of tears, butjust to be in here is just the best feeling floods of tears, butjust to be in here isjust the best feeling in the world. With sandbags being cleared out all around them, people are usually grateful for the emergency effort. It is amazing. We cannot fight this lot enough. If it were not for them, the quick actions, we would not have a home to come home to. We have been staying at a friends attic. Not ideal. But we we re safe friends attic. Not ideal. But we were safe and altogether, that is all that matters. The dam on the towns doorstep will be monitored closely from now on, after a week Whaley Bridge would like to forget, no one wants to go through this experience again. Europes largest pork producer, danish crown, has told the bbc that britain could suffer shortages of bacon in the event of a no deal brexit. I am sorry, but if you are telling me bacon sandwiches are off the menu, then i am afraid there really could be civil disobedience. Maybe. There is the threat of tariffs, potential disruption at ports, and of course the low value of the pound all that could affect exports, as jenny hill has been finding out. Danish, born and bred, for the british breakfast table. For denmarks pig farmers, the uk market has been solid, dependable. They are unsure now, seeking out other customers. In case a no deal brexit pulls their pork from british shelves. I am a little worried, but we have had three years to prepare for this, so i think we are well prepared. We have made a very special product for the uk market. I thick it would be very sad if we cannot sell it to the englishman anymore. Ah, danish tempting british taste buds for generations, denmarks the biggest supplier of pork products to the uk. Satisfying a demand that british farmers cannot meet alone. Bacons big business in denmark. This processing plant, purpose built for the uk market. That was before the prospect of no deal and import tariffs. Now sterling is low, uncertainty high. Already they are exporting less and looking for other customers. Of course we need to look at the alternatives, the possibility of a no deal brexit on october 31st is relished by some and feared by others. But for a small group of 27 european politicians, it represents something quite simple a job as an mep. As things stand, there are 751 meps in the european parliament. 73 of those meps are representing uk constituencies. After brexit, the plan is for a majority of those seats to disappear as the european parliaments overall size is reduced. But 27 will be kept and redistributed to different countries. One of them is Miriam Lexmann who was elected by slovakian voters in may for the christian democratic movement. She joins us from bratislava. Did you have any idea when you run for election and elected that you would be in this position of being elected but not be able to take your seat . Of course, no idea, that this can happen and to me. I knew there would be one person allocated for the seat, but i had no idea this person would be me. This was the first time i was running for office. I was praying that god helps me with this decision at the end of may if i should be a politician or not, but now i became a politician but without deceit. What are you doing for work if you are a politician but not have a seat . Are you getting paid . I am not getting not have a seat . Are you getting paid . Lam not getting paid by the parliament, and neither by the International Republican institute, the organisation i work for, because itook the organisation i work for, because i took unpaid leave when starting to do the campaign. Since then i am still an unpaid leave because we are figuring out what to do in this kind of particular situation. figuring out what to do in this kind of particular situation. I guess this means you are following brexit pretty closely, because your future depends on it. Does it also means you what brexit to happen fast . have to say i do not want brexit to happen at all. I am coming from a new member state, from slovakia, and i kind of always saw that the uk was always bouncing out between the kind of grow federal steps of some countries and the slow federalisation of slow unification of the uk that it was i was prioritising. I would of the uk that it was i was prioritising. Iwould be of the uk that it was i was prioritising. I would be very sad if the uk is no longer a part of the european union. We wish you the best. I suppose the best is if there is brexit, you will get your seat, but we will have to see what happens on october 31. Not getting paid by anybody, though. Some people have more of a stake in this land you would think. Than you would think. Ever been sitting at the seaside, enjoying the sun, when a scavenging seagull flies in to tries and pilfer your fish and chips . Well, researchers at the university of exeter say the secret to protecting your bag of chips is quite simple you just stare at them. Apparently seagulls are more likely to steal food when they can avoid the gaze of their victims. I think ithinka i think a little bit like christian, they have a guilty conscience, but they have a guilty conscience, but the question is, how on earth do you manage to get a hold of a seagull in order to stare at it . Grab it by the face and stare at it . How long do you stare, walk around with your eyes on stocks . When you stare at me and that kind of way, i do stop. Maybe it would be effective. Still the potential. May conditions across southern parts of the uk, the weather starts to change thursday night into friday as we get some heavy rain sweeping its way northwards and eastwards. The wind picks up and particularly windy because england and wales on saturday, further impact. The culprit is this developing area of low pressure in the atlantic, heading our way. We have had low pressure for the past few days, still close to scotland, focusing the heavy and fuzzy showers here, squall line going to edinburgh. A scattering of showers for included wales, had some wet weather here and Northern Ireland, leaving the streets awash. Though showers i going to be fading away through this evening, and by midnight most places will be dry with some clearer skies. More cloud coming in that northerly breeze across scotland, still some showers particularly in the north, add overnight lows of 11 13dc. Tomorrow, many places dry with sunshine, still a few showers for squalid Northern Ireland, not as many as the day. Cloud increasing across southern counties, spots of rain as well, but otherwise plenty of sunshine, wind lighter and robert lee feel warmer, ten metres into the mid 20s. The area of low pressure gets closer, are usually deep, are usually far south, sweeping this rain northwards and eastwards on those weather fronts. Heavy rain at times, soon clearing away for england and wales and Northern Ireland, but sauntering northwards into scotland. Very quickly, whilst there is sunshine, heavy anthology showers are arriving across more western parts of the uk. Gusty winds, six Miles Per Hour in the south west later. Turning windy in many places, the best of the weather in the afternoon for eastern parts of england where it will be dry and also feel a bit warmer. That low pressure still with us as we head into the weekend. Drifting slowly northwards, wind not as strong for the northern half of the uk, but showers or longer spells of rain. When picking up, widely got 40 mph, deals across the south, 60 mild per on the south coast of wales. Temperatures lower on saturday, and remember that wetter weather in the north. This is bbc news, im shaun ley. The headlines at eight. Travel chaos for thousands of British Airways passengers the company says flights are returning to normal, after cancellations and delays left people stranded. Its my wedding but there will be people trying to get there and trying to get to the area. people trying to get there and trying to get to the area. I booked here because of how important it was and they dont get it. Heading home at last nearly a week after Whaley Bridge was evacuated amid fears the dam was about to burst. When you come in and realise it could all be gone, its more than bricks and water, its the whole town in community and ijust came back down to be hugged by my neighbours. The british Food Industry calls for Competition Laws to be relaxed

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