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Come in to try and clear the streets. This is the scene in hong kong, as chinas Central Government issues increasingly stern warnings about unrest. Talks aimed at averting strikes by thousands of Heathrow Airport workers have resumed. The airport has already cancelled 177 flights scheduled for monday and tuesday after staff who are members of one Union Rejected a pay offer. Now on bbc news, click. This week, we get our teeth into future food meat free burgers bursting with flavour . And some rotten food for thought. I love food. Who doesnt . And like Everything Else in our lives, food has become globalised. We have access to a multitude of cuisines. Out of season, a thing of the past. But the true cost of this indulgence is becoming apparent with a spiralling Public Health crisis and environmental destruction. I have been to a facility in north london where our discarded food ends up. In this country, Household Waste makes up for at least 70 of what is thrown away. Currently only half the uks food waste is being processed. If it all came to a place like this it could power 350,000 households. This place receives about 30 lorries a day. Full of waste, mostly coming from homes. This whole operation is powered by the waste that comes in here. And, surprisingly, there is actually only one machine. Thats because what arrives here is just food waste in plastic bags. So all that needs to happen is the plastic be separated from the food. But that shows just how important it is that we do our bit at home first. After the food is removed from the bags, a kind of soup is created. It even has its own recipe to make itjust right for the next bit of the process. These tanks behind me are actually called the digesters and they work like the human digestive system, breaking down food in just the same way. In fact, the temperature inside there is 37 degrees the same temperature as the human gut. Once the food is broken down, the gas produced is turned into electricity and the rest is sent as manure to the surrounding farms. But there is no denying that aside from the waste, we need to be creating more food to be able to feed the worlds growing population. And to be able to do that, we need to find ways of creating sustainable and efficient farming. So we took a trip to the Orkney Islands off the coast of scotland to see how 56 is being used to do just that. Sg networks are starting to pop up in uk cities. But for many rural areas, even getting a basic signal remains a challenge. Including in the Orkney Islands off the north coast of scotland, with a population of just 22,000 people. In the past, an argument against setting up mobile networks in remote locations was the high cost of infrastructure, relative to low population. But this could all be about to change. In a revolutionary move, the uks communications regulator, 0fcom, is opening up part of the airwaves, or spectrum, to anyone who wants to use it. At cost price on a first come first served basis. Mobile operators want to provide service right across the country. Some places dont use all the spectrum, sometimes it might be available for others to use. We are hoping innovations will come out of it and new industries will develop. Industries will not be constrained by bits of wire, and will be able to use radio. Experiments to build local networks are already under way. The 56 rural first trial has brought sg capabilities to different projects across the Orkney Islands. One of the most remote and under connected parts of the uk. But while remote, the islands contribute significantly to uk exports of salmon and whiskey. Salmon is one of the uks biggest food exports, worth more than £700 million a year. Many salmon farms are located offshore in scottish waters. With up to 25,000 fish in each cage, there is a lot of data that needs to be collected. This box monitors sensors in the water that include temperature sensors, salinity sensors and oxygen sensors, so it is seeing how oxygen is going to the fish. The oxygen levels affect when and how much the fish are fed. Automatic feeding systems work off that data on a Wi Fi Network over a 56 connection, with four feeders running at once. Just did that feed off your laptop . Yes. I am connected to the barge computer via screen connect which is a total benefit to us because we can be out on site and ready to feed the fish rather than have a man just sitting and feeding them all day. He can be out working with us and helping us. And some processes are still done by hand, like checking for sea lice. That could change as well. We will be doing Health Checks on them and make sure they are nice and clean. That one is beautiful. So if you had a 56 connection you may not need to do this, where you remove the fish from the water . No. We would have hd cameras that could monitor the condition. 56 brings a couple of elements that maybe we didnt have with ag. Of course it has higher bandwidth. But it also brings low latency, meaning that the time the signal takes to go back and forth becomes much much faster. We can deploy it in areas that we may not have been able to before. It is all now coming together into a single infrastructure, providing solutions that maybe over ag was only a dream. While only 22,000 people live in 0rkney, a further 200,000 tourists come to visit its whiskey distilleries and famous neolithic sites every year. Many arrive by cruise ship including this disney one, dropping off hundreds of passengers. By selling access to bespoke Wi Fi Networks over 56, the local community could pay for the masts needed to get Network Access all year round. So we are standing in the middle of the ring of brodgar and you can see two masts from here. If you look over here, there are two masts up there. We are running from that right now. Fantastic. Can we see . So. That is us connected now. That is the full signal. Number 15 is queueing up. Signal strength is impressive. Other applications like augmented reality tour guides are being tested, which tourists can also buy while visiting. Is it possible to see you have a signal or a connection to your network here . No, ijust have emergency calls. I have no 46, no 36. This is a 56 connection. Oh, wow is this something you would want to use . Yes. Especially if you have children as well. I think its a good idea. For important sites at this, yes. The 56 network is also being tested on windfarms. The Orkney Islands produce over i30 of its electricity demand through Renewable Energy, selling the excess back to the national grid. With sustained winds over 100 mph during the winter and farms in remote locations, having sensors delivering data in real time to a Central Point can help keep the turbines running in dangerous conditions. These turbines are now connected to a smart grid which mixes Renewable Energy with battery technology. Before, they were connected by copper wire to telephone lines, making them vulnerable to damage from lightning strike. Were hoping that the 5g system will minimise the amount of outages that the project can have. You can imagine that if we were connected by a simple wire, that can fail and that will stop generation. And we do not want that. We want to be able to provide power whenever it is windy and send it to scotland where it can be used. All these projects are still in the pilot stage. But with 0fcom opening up the airwaves, they could soon become reality. In some places like orkney where spectrum is not intensively used, we want people to be able to use spectrum as a way of deploying new services, be it in rural areas where people are doing new and innovative things or inside factories or enterprise offices as we go toward more industrial it and new 56 services we just want people to be able to do it and do it. 0fcom will assess each bid for parts of shared spectrum by 0fcom ensure there is no interference with other users. It will start taking bids for these shared case uses towards the end of the year. Hello and welcome to the week in tech. It was the week that a hack on Financial Services firm capital one compromised the personal details of around 106 Million People across the us and canada. Researchers at google found five flaws in the iphones imessage software that could make the device vulnerable to attack. And in nice work if you can get it news, a us teenager won 3 million by becoming World Champion at fortnite. Facebook announced a breakthrough in its mind bending plan to create a device that allows people to type just by thinking. A ucsf study funded by facebook uses electrodes on the brain. Facebook hopes it will pave the way for a non invasive wearable device that can process a hundred words a minute. If at first you dont succeed. Hoverboard man Franky Zapata is to reattempt crossing the english channel. His previous efforts saw him fall into the water halfway across while trying to land on a refuelling vessel. Nd the heatwave may have passed but it does not make this device any less cool. Sony have developed a wearable air conditioning device that, using a method known as the peltier effect, will cool you by up to 13 degrees or heat you up by up to eight. All on a single charge. And, finally Israeli Developers have created a device to help you find mosquitoes in your room, even in the dark. The wonderfully named bzigo uses lasers and some fancy optics to identify and then point out, literally, the location of the pesky bug. You will still need to get your swatter out the device doesnt do that. Yet. To make the whole Food Industry more sustainable, we are also going to need to broaden our diets. So i have come here to copenhagen to visit ikeas research and development laboratory, spaceio to see what they have in mind. What we are exploring in our test kitchen is not necessarily going to end up in ikea restaurants any day soon. 0ur starting point is feeding 10 billion people in a sustainable manner and without compromising deliciousness . What am i eating . Today you are having our dog less hotdog. A dog less hotdog . We use carrots instead of sausages and we have poached them in a mixture of apple juice and carrotjuice and then we have dried them in the oven for about 1. 5 hours so they shrink and they get this chewy texture to them, kind of like meat in a way. Much of what we have come up with is plant based because know that turning to a vegan diet is simply the most sustainable thing you can do as an individual. But besides that we need protein and there we have explored everything from insects, not only because they are environmentally friendly but also because they are delicious. We have explored microalgae or spirulina. The only problem with spirulina is that it tastes like algae. So we are really trying to find ways of making this taste good. We will start by putting this puree, or paste, of pumpkin seeds in the bottom of the hotdog and then we will add the carrot and our beetroot ketchup. So time for a tasting. Mmm. Do you like it . Mmm. Muffled sounds of delight. It doesnt taste like a normal hotdog but it tastes a lot better. I would never be eating a normal hotdog. Oh, thank you. The flavour of all the sauces, so many different tastes in there and they are all quite intense. 0k, it is a bit messy eating on camera, but beyond the ingredients, ikea is also hoping to reduce its carbon footprint, introducing hydroponic farming in all stores. This method creates the perfect environment for growing plants using their food waste as fertiliser. But we could all be getting a little more creative with our waste, it seems. Ta ke leftover grou nd coffee, for a start. Because you only use 1 of the nutrients in the coffee grounds when you make a cup of coffee, we actually use some of our coffee grounds for shortbreads and others for growing oyster mushrooms. Will there be caffeine in them . Will they keep me awake . I dont know. I dont believe so. One issue we hear a lot about is the need for a sustainable alternative to meat. That could mean a plant based alternative or something created in a laboratory. But are they really more environmentally friendly . Weve grown so accustomed to eating meat every day that Global Consumption is almost five times higher than just 50 years ago, reaching a staggering 330 million tons every year. And that is a problem. At beyond meat in la they have designed the next generation of meat substitute by analysing it at a cellular level. They then went hunting through the plant kingdom for enzymes, fats and proteins that behave in the same way as the elements of the meat. In this case, extracted from peas, potatoes and with beetroot for blood. I know its not meat, and im going to taste it soon, but just from the juice it feels like a burger. The result is a juicy burger patty that even looks like real meat, complete with marbled fat and a succulent ooze when you bite into it. As well as the visual appeal, scientists here use an e nose to examine the components of aroma so they can be mimicked in the lab. Im just going to do it the way you do a burger, straight on in, trying to. Oh, its oozing all over my fingers. Its dripping down my hands. And oozing in a very burger like way. What you have here is an assembly of amino acids, lipids, trace minerals, vitamins and water, which is also the composition of Animal Protein or meat. So what we are doing is essentially bypassing the animal, and ourjob is essentially to recreate meat directly from plants. If you look at the amount of water we use, we use 99 less water, if you look at the energy we use, we use half the energy. If you look at the emissions we provide, we are about 90 fewer emissions. And lastly on land, this is an important one for the farmer, we use 93 less land. So if you are a farmer with 100 acres, you can now grow on seven acres what you used to use all 100 for. There is still one major drawback for your average meat loving family. Where a pack of fresh beef burgers might be priced around £11. 40 per kilogram, the beyond meat alternative is currently around £24 for the same weight. If what i am saying is true that we are so much more efficient, why are we more expensive . That doesnt make any sense, right . The reason is that it is a new industry, its nascent, we arejust building our supply chain out, so as we are able to build our supply chain further and further, we will be able to drop our price below that of Animal Protein. This burger substitute is 100 vegan, but while vegetable substitutes struggle to recreate the effect of meat, there is one company who have decided to just grow it in the lab. Aleph farms are creating what is known as cultured meat, which is grown using animal cells. This meat does not fill up any Agricultural Land with gas emitting livestock, and no animals need to be slaughtered. We use less resources, less input to feed the cells, than needed to feed the animal, but also addressing the issues of animal welfare, the issues of antibiotics, which is one of the key drivers for developing the superbugs, meaning resistance to antibiotics. The potential for creating a more Sustainable Way to feed the planet is huge. But again the price, at around £2000 per kilogram right now, puts this way outside regular household food budgets. There is also the not so little matter of getting approval from food safety authorities before you can even think about selling it, which could take years. For many, switching to a meat free diet is partly about sustainability, and partly about better health. But beyond the marketing hype, are these heavily processed foods actually achieving either goal . With cultured meat you are in many cases trading off reduction of methane for potentially substantial increases in the co2 emissions. There is a lot of debate and uncertainty around if highly processed food is intrinsically bad for you or not. Actually look at what is done to that food on the way to you, and how much energy is added to it in the course of processing and how many pollutants are produced, that is an essential thing. There is still a long way to go to produce an effective meat substitute that is both delicious and affordable. But with a third of britons already stating they lead a mainly vegetarian life, it is a booming market attracting a lot of investment to design the perfect meat replacement. That was kate. So we have seen how new ways of farming and even creating food in a lab can solve one problem but we still need to be wasting less at home. So i have been taking a look at some technology that aims to help. These smart tags and containers are still in preproduction. They are designed to ping you reminders about your leftovers. As for your supermarket shopping, you can track that using apps like kitche or nowaste, which alert you food that is about to go off, and keep track of how much your wastage is causing you. Snapping a picture of your receipt creates a digital pantry. Kitche did seem better at deciphering the text than nowaste. Kitche also suggests recipes for cooking soon to expire food, although you would need to add more ingredients as well. The result made this seem a bit of a novelty to me. We have seen a few smart fridges that let you take a peek inside remotely, but those will set you back thousands. Fridgecam is trying to give the same convenience for a couple of hundred quid. The idea is that it will snap a picture every time you close your fridge door, so you can see what is inside from anyway. It also uses Image Recognition to keep an eye on the product that is the aim anyway. In reality, in this type of fridge at least, the camera viewjust wasnt wide enough to show more than one or two shelves. As for those snaps, it will tell you who has been opening the fridge. These apps may encourage us to think about how we treat food a bit more, but changing our lifetime shopping and eating habits might be a harder nut to crack. Well, its lunchtime, and there seems to be some food here. This exhibit at the barbicans life rewired event is a creative look at how the future of Sustainable Food could play out. Visitors vote on which they prefer. This looks like a brace. It is a brace, you just put it on and we have a sensor

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