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He is doing it with his ice wide open. Flash floods in North Yorkshire cause a bridge to collapse and roads are washed away. Warnings are in place across the north and west. Britains ten hottest days on record have all taken place since 2002 Scientists Say its a clear sign of Climate Change. Mps call for dedicated Police Officers in schools saying violence among youths is now a social emergency. Investment in the uk car industry plummets as companies spend heavily on preparations for a no deal brexit. And for the first time video assistant refereeing or var will be trialled in one of the oldest equestrian sports in the world jousting. Good morning. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. Borisjohnson is holding talks with the five main Political Parties in Northern Ireland, after promising to do everything in his power to help efforts to restore the power sharing government at stormont. But the Prime Minister has been met with angerfrom sinn fein, who say his reliance on the dup means his claim to be impartial is laughable. The leader of sinn fein, mary lou macdonald, also warned mrjohnson that he has set the compass for a crash brexit, saying a no deal exit would boost the case for a united ireland. Our correspondent sara girvin is at stormont in belfast. Borisjohnson is Boris Johnson is over there borisjohnson is over there in order to focus on restoring the power sharing government but how much is the focus really on brexit . Very much so. Statements we got yesterday we heard that Wallace Johnson was coming here and attempts to restore evolution stop Northern Ireland has been without a functioning devolved government for two years. In a statement Wallace Johnson said that was simply much too long. Interestingly that statement said it did not mention brexit but it is very much on the table as is the other what we hear so table as is the other what we hear so much about, the issue of the irish backstop which has proved such a contentious issue and the eu withdrawal negotiations. Arriving at stormont for atm, he does what Boris Johnson said. Clearly the people of Northern Ireland have been without a government for two years and six months so my prime focus is to do everything i can to help that get up and running again because i think thatis and running again because i think that is profoundly in the interest of people here. All the citizens you Northern Ireland and i will be helping the parties and anyway i can to get that over the line. I expect brexit may come up much of it, i do not rule that out and i think the crucial thing to stress as i attach huge importance to the letter and spirit of the belfast good friday agreement adobe insisting on that. And will be existing on that. Arlene foster essentially props up the conservatives in parliament and said she would like to strike a deal to leave the eu but will not take no deal of the table, he is what she has to say. There are no point taking options off the table if you are negotiating. At people who see it take no deal off ever been engaged and negotiating because it is important all options are on the table to get the best you and thats what we want to get and not one but as bad for Northern Ireland which they withdraw likely met was in terms of the economy and the constitution. After sinn fein met with the Prime Minister made a living and had this to say. The challenge as for the british Prime Minister and secretary of state to act demonstrably on the common good. Do i have a sense that is what they are in tension is . No i do not. I dont believe we heard anything that would give us any great groans of hope but i wish to report we have raised all of the salient issues so if borisjohnson does the wrong thing by citizens here and the north, effie does the wrong thing by ireland, he is doing it with his eyes wide open. Still very early days any talks about it sounds as though everyone as still on brexit in terms of getting devolution up and running and on brexit and of course as a lwa ys and on brexit and of course as always and Northern Ireland very complex issues still to be discussed and it seems fair to say that one day of talks does not look likely anything will be dissolved soon. S resolved soon. A bridge has collapsed and roads have been washed away following flash flooding in North Yorkshire. Homes and businesses have also been hit and theres been a landslide on the main settle to Carlisle Railway line. About two weeks of rain fell in just an hour. Richard lister reports. Hailstones the size of marbles. In parts of yorkshire yesterday it covered the ground like snow. Extreme weather took a dig and by surprise but the hail was the least of the problems. In the Yorkshire Dales roads became rivers after a month of rain fell and four others. North yorkshire fire and rescue said it had received more than 100 calls to flooding summits. Roads were washed out and this village collapsed. This bridge collapsed. This is what the floodwaters left behind, a village strewn with cars carted off by the deluge. Farmers are among us carted off by the deluge. Farmers are among us counting the cost with silage ruined and aligned waterlogged. Many events have had to be cancelled including a Mountain Biking festival. 16 centimetres of rain, devastated the place, the route became a 3 foot high reverend with river with tree trunks, cars, hay bales just flowing down it taking absolutely everything out in its path. So you know local businesses, local residents, local landowners, theres so much devastation around here where were just trying to do everything we can to support that first off. Many roads and still waterlogged. The Environment Agency is advising people to stay away from frozen rivers. People are trying to clean up rivers. People are trying to clean up but with more torrential rain forecast situation is likely to get worse before it gets better. The latest uk climate data has revealed that the ten hottest years on record have all taken place since 2002. Analysis of temperature records, dating back to 1884, also reveals that none of the 10 coldest years has occurred since 1963. Scientists say the report underlines how much the uk has been affected by Climate Change, as our science editor, david shukman, explains. Temperatures so low, the sea off kent actually froze. This was back in 1963, one of the chilliest years experienced in britain over the last century. But what is significant is that since that icy time, we havent had a year quite so brutally cold. Theres obviously been plenty of snow more recently, some paralysing much of the country, but in terms of temperature, none of the years since the early 60s has ranked as one of the top ten coldest. By contrast and this is very striking the ten warmest years for more than a century have all come since 2002. The recent heatwaves are part of a pattern, and its yet more evidence, says the met office, of our climate changing. This year so far, we have already experienced the hottest winter day on record, in february, and the hottest summer day on record. And this is all part of a pattern of change that we are seeing, both globally and here in the uk, and it is a trend that we are expecting to continue into the future. Archive never admit theres such a thing as a solid snow covering. So will we ever get scenes like this again . Well, the british weather is so fickle, you can never be totally sure. Last year saw the cold and snow of the beast from the east. Then, later in the same year, we had the joint hottest summer on record. But as the average temperature rises, bit by bit, cold years become less likely and hot ones more likely. David shukman, bbc news. Earlier i spoke to professor liz bentley whos chief executive of the Royal Meteorological Society and she explained more about whats in the report and its significance. We talk about the summer heatwave last year, we remember that, talks about the beast from the east in late winter so we know about these things but it puts it into context of these events compare to previous decades so even though we had the speed of cold weather with the beast from the east, unbalance the whole of 2018 was our seventh warmest year on record. The government says it is doing all it can to combat Climate Change, as it . Theresa may introduced a net zero carbon bell, their actions and activities taken by government, it is work to be done from the point of view of mitigation of Climate Change, how we can reduce Carbon Dioxide and other Greenhouse Gases which need to be driven at government level but also business level and us as individuals to take a stance on that. What could we be doing . It is about reducing the amount of fossil fuels we use, for petrol and diesel cars, using them myself converting to electric, reducing the amount of meat we eat so reducing the amount of meat we eat so maybe have one day a week and we do not eat it already meet in particular. Try to reduce the amount of fossil fuels we use, consuming less and using less energy and every little bit we do make an appointment pa rt little bit we do make an appointment part of this. What do you make of the baby set up in terms of infrastructure . The way the railways buckled in the heat, in order to get us buckled in the heat, in order to get us ready, right is going to cost millions. Billions. We can talk about how we mitigate but we need to adapt, we are seeing evidence of Climate Change already happening and last week with heatwave we had problems on the rail network, other parts of the world that expedia is this kind of temperatures regularly are geared up for it but our network is not to deal with these so another to convert the network to something that can manage that will take a significant amount of investment. Mps say schools in areas with a higher risk of Youth Violence should be given dedicated Police Officers. The Home Affairs Committee criticised the governments current Violence Reduction strategy as completely inadequate and have called on Boris Johnson, to take personal responsibility for tackling knife and gun crime among young people. Heres more from our home affairs correspondent, danny shaw. A young life cut short. Yousef makki from Greater Manchester died in march after being stabbed in the heart. He was only 17. The knife violence which led to the death of yousef and a growing number of other teenagers is described in a new report as an epidemic. The Home Affairs Committee says young people are being failed by agencies and whitehall departments that are meant to keep them safe. Teenagers are dying on our streets, and families are being devastated. But the governments response is just completely inadequate. At a time where weve had a perfect storm of Youth Service cuts, police cuts, county line drug networks, and School Exclusions, and the government isnt taking Strong Enough action on any of them. In april, theresa may held a summit on Youth Violence and set up a ministerial taskforce. But the committee is concerned momentum is being lost, and says the new Prime Minister must take the lead. The report says borisjohnson must drive activity to reduce Youth Violence. It says schools in the worst affected areas should have dedicated Police Officers, and it calls for a Youth Service guarantee to ensure funding is provided for outreach workers and community projects. Its designed to steer young people away from gang culture, knife crime and gun violence. The home office disputes some of the committees findings, and says the government is taking urgent action to keep communities safe. Danny shaw, bbc news. Earlier i spoke to kit malthouse, the Home Office Minister in charge of police, to see what he made of these recommendations. Theres been quite a lot of for Example Development of an online life for young people which we need to understand and appreciate. I mean you know the promulgation for example of gang culture online is something that has grown over the last ten or 15 years and which we need to look at and address. So alongside your 20,000 extra Police Officers, a big growth in Enforcement Powers and capacity, we do need to look coherently at what those long term drivers are and look at where we can turn young peoples lives away from violence and frankly from the proclivity to use a weapon in the moment, in a moment of conflict. I mean one of the issues for example that weve looked at and is highlighted in the report is this notion of absence from school of truancy. Young people who are transitioning from Junior School to secondary school where they find that that change gives them an opportunity to drop out of full time education and get involved perhaps in culture and with others who are leading them astray. And these are the areas that we need to look at. So therefore when the Committee Suggests that schools in areas where the high risk of Youth Violence should be given dedicated Police Officers, that is something you would agree with and will do something about. Yeah, absolutely. Thats a commitment, is it . Well, its a productive. I mean in the end the deployment of Police Officers is an operational matter. It is for a chief constable to decide whether a Police Officer should perform that function. But i would encourage them to seriously consider it. I mean i was in Welwyn Garden City yesterday talking to officers who have had a long term relationship with local kids. One of them for 1h years a pcso whos watched kids go essentially from toddlers to teenagers and therefore in the town centre is able to interact with them in a way that is familiar and respectful and able to deal with problems as they arise. And thats the kind of relationship we need to get to now. Its not suitable for every school but certainly schools where theres a perceived issue it is the case that a Good Relationship with local police is absolutely vital. The childrens commissioner says this unless the government treats this as a top priority children will continue to die on our streets and yet we know that brexit is the governments top priority. The Prime Minister has said that so. Do you accept that children are going to continue to die on our streets because of brexit. No and i think thats a very unfair question. Its perfectly possible for a government to do two things at the same time. I mean there are domestic priorities and international priorities. Brexit obviously is a Short Term International priority but at the same time you know my predecessors, i mean, perhaps its because brexit has been a sort of blanket presence across the media. My predecessors in the home 0ffice have done a huge amount of work on this. You know weve got a Serious Violence strategy. Theres been hundreds of millions of pounds spent on youth intervention, surge policing, weve got Violence Reduction units now established across the country but it hasnt really been communicated because theres been very little room on the media to do so. Now we have a new leadership. We are increasing Police Capacity to do more. You know myjob is to make sure that we drive that activity particularly around serious Youth Violence but violence in all its forms across the country because its causing alarm amongst people so that when brexit is done and it will be done by october 31st, you know what will be revealed is a really vigorous domestic agenda as part of which crime is the primary concern. The headlines on bbc news. Borisjohnsons in Northern Ireland for talks aimed at restoring the stormont government, amid continued tension over his brexit plans. Flash floods in North Yorkshire cause a bridge to collapse and roads are washed away. Weather warnings are in place across the north and west. Britains ten hottest years on record have all taken place since 2002 Scientists Say its a clear sign of Climate Change. Adam peaty has called for more to be done to tackle doping in swimming. He won three gold medals at the one jumping ships whenever protest against a chinese swimmer who is completed after being banned for a banned stimulant. The ashes is just over 2a and was away and ben stokes has fired a warning shot to as julia, he says england will head the australians hard and fast as they try to win back the urn. But its totte n ha m tottenham boss has said he is not in charge of transfers at the club and believes his job title should be changed from manager to coach. More on those studies after half past. The body which represents the car industry says new investment has fallen dramatically as companies spend hundreds of millions of pounds preparing for a no deal brexit. The society of Motor Manufacturers and traders has warned that no deal would present an existential threat to the industry. Our business correspondent, theo leggett explains. Production is down, and there are many reasons for that, the biggest one is that demand is down around the world, particularly in markets like china. Eight out of ten cars made in this country are exported, so production is down by about a fifth. Some of that is due to factory shutdowns in april which were brought forward from the summer in case we left the European Union in dramatic fashion, back in april, and that didnt happen, of course. Even without that, production is down by about 15 so thats not great news. But what the smmt says is much more worrying, more disturbing, is the fall in investment. This is what mike hawes, the chief executive of the smtt had to say about it. Over the last seven years, the uk Automotive Industry was a real success story, we were averaging Something Like {2. 5 billion per annum. The First Six Months of this year, its not half of that 2. 5 billion, its 90 million, its been a massive drop off because we have that fear of no deal. Yes, we are in a bit of a down point of a cycle, but anecdotally, what we are seeing is the fear of no deal is causing investors to hold back and wait and see whats going to happen. That was mike hawes, the chief executive of the smmt. I should stress its not all bad news. In earlyjuly we did have an announcement from Jaguar Land Rover to say they were investing close to £1 billion in their factory at Castle Bromwich to prepare the production lines for electric cars, but the smmt has said thats really an outlier because investment has stalled everywhere else. This is seen as a bad thing because around the world the industry is investing heavily in new technologies like electric cars and also autonomous vehicles. Another point, the industry at the moment is having to spend a lot of money on Contingency Planning for a no deal brexit at the moment. According to smmt, that figure is around £330 million and some of that money has been effectively wasted because it was spent on bringing forward factory shutdowns in april which cannot now be repeated in october. All of this money is being used, not being invested, at a time when the industry feels it needs to be investing. And lets not forget, in the uk, we have the Honda Swindon plant due to shut down in 2021. Ford says it wants to shut down its plant in bridgend and nissan has taken work that was meant to go to a plant in sunderland to japan. The problem is, those factories are going for different reasons, not down to brexit, but the problem is that fear of brexit is deterring investment so no money is coming in to replace the jobs and work thats leaving. South korea says that north korea has launched two short range Ballistic Missiles from its east coast. Last week the north fired two short range Ballistic Missiles, describing the tests as a solemn warning to seoul as it plans to conduct joint military exercises with the United States next month. 0ur correspondent laura bicker is in seoul and has this update. South Korean Military are still analysing the path these missiles took but they were fired from the east coast earlier of the morning when we got that alert. They flew about 120 miles of very low, does not sound very far but they were going very fast. This is not to be a new type of missile similar to the missiles wired last week. They are capable of thought to be capable of avoiding radar and detection. Here in south korea we have a Missile Defence system, put year by the United States and it is thought that north korea could be developing new kinds of weapons to try to avoid that missile protection service. I wonder what message there are trying to send. It is very difficult to figure out what they are thinking in north korea but there are two main things and going on, first thejoint military exercises between the United States and south korea, they are due to take part in the next couple of weeks. Every year north korea sees them as a propagation in preparation for war and they react in some way. This year the ar reacting before the military exercises take place which suggest they are trying to prevent them taking place at all. The us and south korea have scaled them right back, it is mostly computerised but still north korea seems to find some kind of provocation. It is also worth noting that despite the fight donald trump as brushing this off and saying these are only small missile tests, north korea might be pushing and pressing seoul and washington are to say hang on a second, you say you are in no rush but we are trying to show that as a sense of urgency here. There could be more tests in the future, how long can a donald trump continue to say these are small missile tests and brush them away . Especially in that run up to the 2020 president ial campaign. The owner of Ladbrokes Coral has been fined five point nine Million Pounds for not protecting vulnerable customers and for failings in its anti Money Laundering measures. The Gambling Commission says that over a three year period, ladbrokes and coralfailed to put effective safeguards in place to prevent consumers suffering gambling harm. 0ne customer lost £98,000 and had asked the company to stop sending promotions. Our business presenter, dominic 0connell explains more. Background to this is that Gambling Companies are expected to have safeguards in place to look at for unusual movements and customer accounts. To guard against anti Money Laundering and also to protect problem gamblers from doing too much harm. In the case of the £98,000 customer, this person had 460 attempts to deposit money into his account refused by his bank and they still did not contact him to see what was happening and he also asked to be stopped sent promotions. In another case a new customer deposited £1a0,000 and their account and ladbrokes did not get in contact to see that this money had come from saugus that the Money Laundering aspect of it. This behaviour at the Gambling Commission is talking about is between 2014 and 2017, said the systemic failings. Ladbrokes coral has since been bought by another company say they no regret these historic feelings. Failings. As a sustain of the Gambling Commission getting tougher . It is and they are pains to point out how they are taking tough action because it is under some pressure, we have had the changes. Tom watson has been pushing quite hard to say it is not fit for purpose, he wants a much tougher watchdog to crackdown on Gambling Companies and all this is against the backdrop of gambling moving from being a high street activity, those are closing quite quickly, to off line and offshore. So policing and industry that is a multinational operating offshore through the internet is very difficult so maybe there is a change coming and regular today powers with the gambler commission as well. Its already used in football, tennis and cricket and now the medieval sport of jousting is getting video assistant refereeing for the first time. The system will track and use video replay to score accurately the competitors moves in the fast paced sport. It will be used for the first time in a series ofjousts taking place across england next month. Now its time for a look at the weather with lucy martin. A mixture of sunny spells and torrential downpours. Yesterday one site in North Yorkshire recorded felonies like mike 50 millimetres and one hour, flash flooding. Some will see sunny spells today, particularly for southern parts, also Northern Ireland not doing too badly but there will be these heavy and thundery downpours across northern parts of england and wales and the midlands and east anglia and into parts of scotland as well. There could be some disruption very have the showers, potential downpours and thunder and lightning and hail mixed in. Fading overnight as the low pressure bringing these u nsettled as the low pressure bringing these unsettled weather moves east and tomorrow a day of sunny spells and showers. The showers are getting going as the heat rises through the day, they could be heavy and possibly thundery, temperatures at a maximum of 25. Hello, this is bbc newsroom live. The headlines Boris Johnsons in Northern Ireland for talks aimed at restoring the stormont government, amid continued tension over his brexit plans. Clearly Northern Ireland has been without a government for two and a half years so my prime focus this morning is to do everything i can to help that get up and running again, that is profoundly in the interest of people here. The leader of sinn fein says things cannot remain the same if britain leaves the eu without a deal if borisjohnson does the wrong thing by citizens here, by ireland, he is doing it with his eyes wide open. Flash floods in North Yorkshire cause a bridge to collapse and roads are washed away. Weather warnings are in place across the north and west. Britains ten hottest years on record have all taken place since 2002 Scientists Say its a clear sign of Climate Change. Mps call for dedicated Police Officers in schools saying violence among youths is now a social emergency. Investment in the uk car industry plummets as companies spend heavily on preparations for a no deal brexit. We will be the sport in just a moment but i want to bring you breaking news that British Airways has lost its court of appeal bid to block pilots from taking strike action in dispute over pay. You will remember that this has been a long legal battle on part of to share ways to try and stop pilots from taking strike action. The airline had urged the court appeal to overturn a decision by a High Court Judge not to grant an injunction that the British Airlines Pilot Association whose members are backing industrial action, association whose members are backing industrialaction, im association whose members are backing industrial action, im more than nine two one. They have now won in the court of appeal and British Airways has lost its bid to block pilots from taking strike action in a dispute over pay. We are waiting to hear what the implications will be. Sport now. And for a full round up, from the bbc sport centre, heres jane dougall. Good morning. Adam peaty has re iterated calls for swimmings governing body to do more to tackle doping in the sport. He won three gold medals at the world aquatic championships in south korea last week, a meet that saw two swimmers warned for protests against the chinese swimmer peaty also told will perry that hes now fully focussed on multiple golds at next years olympic games. I would be very angry if they didnt get a single in the 100 metres and the individual, the relay are mark obligated, you have to get everything right and that is more at risk but that is what we do. We take the risk but we take calculated risks and that is who we are. I love racing and all the training and everything else, the media, you deal with it because if you are not the best that is it, the pressure. Everyone is comparing you to michael phelps, mark foster was saying you are outstanding but not michael phelps. How do you deal with those comparisons . Very different. Just to dominate the breaststroke and to be good at that event, i am happy to dominate that event. But me in back stroke and i will be ten months behind. Sun yang made headlines at the world aquatics championships, he has been banned for a doping offence and there is allegations of a new one. Duncan scott refused to take to the podium with him, that started from the australian summer. Is that a slap in the face to clean athletes . Yeah, i think the whole world is fed up with people cheating their way to win and get on that podium. It is embarrassing to see but we need people like duncan scott to ta ke but we need people like duncan scott to take a stand and a protest that we shouldnt have to be taking. Why are these people in a sport and being celebrated in their country . Do you think enough is being done . No, no near. I have taken a massive sta nce no, no near. I have taken a massive stance but the ban in russia but the pics is going to be an interesting time to see what happens with that. We will let it develop and see what happens. But we have been saying this for three years and nothing is happening. Who knows what renovations they have for the sport . Less than 24 hours to go until the start of the ashes and ben stokes has done his bit to ramp up the war of words. He says england will go hard and fast at australia from the first ball at edgbaston. Stokes also says he might need sleeping pills tonight to deal with the anticipation of the first test. Australia are the holders, but england have won 5 out of the last 8 series. Mauricio pochettino says he is not in charge of transfers at tottenham and believes his job title should be changed from manager to coach. Spurs broke their transfer record to sign lyon midfielder Tanguy Ndombele earlier this month theirfirst signing in 18 months. Pochettino says he knows nothing about the situations of his players, and that anything contractual is dealt with by chairman daniel levy. And Justin Holbrook will leave the Super League Leaders st helens at the end of the season. Hesjoining Gold Coast Titans in australias nrl as their head coach. Holbrook has been with saints for two and a half years and is on course to guide them to a treble, with his side top of the league and into the challenge cup final. Thats all the sport for now. Ill have more for you in the next hour. Many thanks. President trump has been keen to show his support for britain leaving the European Union. His former strategist steve bannon is also watching politics here in the uk very closely. 0ur north america editorjohn sopel caught up with him at a conference on the border with mexico, to get his thoughts on brexit and our new Prime Minister. When theresa may and the team came over early in the administration, they looked at brexit as an obstacle to be overcome, not an opportunity to be grabbed. You can tell that, i think, right away. If you look at 16, brexit and the trump election are inextricably linked. Here we are two and half, three years later with brexit and you are still not out and now you have a hard deadline on october 31st. It was inevitable somebody like boris would come to the forefront and become Prime Minister and now, it is still an open question, the 31st, you are burning daylight and the eu has dug in in brussels. You have got to go and we are not going to back off and give you an inch. The british people have not seen even the beginning of the turmoil, i think the beginning of turmoil is about to start. With a hard brexit . I have said from the beginning that a no deal hard out is the way to go. There is a civil service, the bureaucracy in london, are they prepared to do that . I dont think so. In my belief, you aint seen nothing yet. You are going into what we call in football the red zone, where it will be tough and choppy and true leadership will come to the forefront. How much are you still in touch with Boris Johnson about this . Not much, he is Prime Minister, he is doing his thing. I stay in touch with nigel quite a bit. Nigel was just over here last week. Nigel farage . Nigel farage. Boris has done an obviously terrific job in running for the leadership of the tory party, he laid out his case, but now you have got to deliver. Everybody in the United Kingdom, all the voters, even people who are remain people are saying that october the 31st is a hard date and we will see what happens. I have got to tell you, if you are not out, i think it really fundamentally changes british politics. The european parliamentary elections, you could see that, where the brexit party came out of nowhere. People got to remember nigel farage is the only individual in political history in england that has won two elections with entities he created himself. Do you think there should be some kind of alliance formed between nigel farage and boris or do you think there is a de Facto Alliance . I think it would be a Natural Alliance to put forward a programme. We will have to see if it comes up or not. Boris is a very savvy guy and he has thought about this for a long time, he has written books about churchill and leadership. To clear something up, after he resigned from the cabinet over theresa mays deal, you said, i have been talking to him all weekend about this speech. We willjust go with what boris says. Lets return to that news i was bringing you within the last ten minutes that British Airways has lost its court of appeal bid to block pilots from taking strike action. That is in a dispute over pgy 0ur transport correspondent tom burridge is at the court of appeal. Bring us up to date if you would. you have got a flight booked in roughly two weeks time with British Airways, dont panic yet but i think naturally you will be concerned and thatis naturally you will be concerned and that is because the decision today, backing up the decision last week from the high court, threejudges saying that the pilots Union Representing nine out of ten British Airways pilots was legitimate and strike action can go ahead. The union i saying they are not announcing a strike date. They have got to give two weeks notice therefore dont panic quite yet. There is time for the two sides to reach a deal. You feel, i think, after this decision going in the pilots favour that the barr is back in there quite figuratively speaking and therefore, you would imagine British Airways are going to have to come up with some compromise of better pay deal is for the pilots of this strike action is going to be averted. They have offered a 11 and averted. They have offered a 11 and a half percent pay rise over three yea rs. A half percent pay rise over three years. The union are saying look at your profits last year, £2 billion £2 your profits last year, £2 billion £2 billion. They want a greater slice of the cake. They are saying they are worth more. What are British Airways saying . We have not got a statement quite yet. The decision hasjust got a statement quite yet. The decision has just happened. Got a statement quite yet. The decision hasjust happened. They have said in the past they are disappointed this is continuing in the way it is. They are saying that payoff of 11 and a half percent over three years is fair and i think they are going to go back to the negotiating table with the pilots union to try and find some kind of compromise. Many thanks for that update. The russian leadership has launched a criminal investigation into what it calls mass unrest last saturdays protests in moscow calling for free elections. State investigators say theyre opening 3 criminal cases into violence against police and other officials. Anyone found guilty could face up to 15 years injail. John mcmanus reports chanting central moscow on saturday. Thousands of people take part in what was supposed to be a peaceful political protest against the exclusion of some 30 candidates from local elections but it didnt stay peaceful for long. When they refused to disperse by police confronted the protesters with batons, arresting more than 1000 people. It was the largest crackdown by Russian Police in several years. Now the russian authorities have launched criminal investigations into what they call the mass unrest and attacks on police. Officials will look at the participants and the organisers. They say that those that use social media to rally the public beforehand knew that riots might ensue. Translation they switched to active measures trying to block roads and streets, attacking policemen who, as a result, were obliged to use force. In this situation it was absolutely appropriate. I want to thank the police and National Guard officers. They were carrying out their duty. Anyone found guilty could face up to 15 years injail. Meanwhile a moscow court has refused to release Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny from jail on health grounds. Mr navalny was taken from his jail cell to hospital on sunday after falling ill. His supporters suspect he was poisoned. We believe the toxic agent could have been administered to a pillow or a pillowcase while he was out during a walk. President putin often uses russias military might to bolster his strong man image but these protests are an unpleasant reminderfor him of his plummeting approval ratings, and the opposition have already called for more protests. People in russia are demanding authorities do more to tackle wildfires in siberia, after officials said it would be pointless to put them out. The fires, which have been burning for several weeks, currently cover three million hectares of forest almost the size of belgium. More than half a Million People signed the petition calling for a siberia wide state of emergency. Authorities have said they do not plan to use any more resources. In hong kong, dozens of people have appeared in court charged with rioting following last weekends Anti Government protests which turned violent. Hundreds of supporters gathered outside despite wind and heavy rain. The defendants face up to ten years in prison for their role in the protests. They are the first to be charged with rioting in weeks of demonstrations some of which have ended in confrontations with the police. Further clashes took place following the announcement of the charges on tuesday. Lets go back to the news that a bridge has collapsed and roads have been washed away following flash flooding in North Yorkshire. Homes and businesses have also been hit and theres been a landslide on the main settle to Carlisle Railway line. About two weeks of rain fell in just an hour. Peter harris is in leyburn in North Yorkshire for us. What is the situation where you are . Iam afraid what is the situation where you are . I am afraid it is the grim process of clearing up after the night before. This is a market town in the Yorkshire Dales, at the height of the tourist season. I can show you some obvious damage. There is debris that has been washed down the bank and deposited. For the businesses around the damage is rather more serious. The pub is closed and was flooded out. Ironically, down the back here there is the fire station. While they were dealing with the cold, they had about hundred 15 goals in the area, their station was flooding out. Many firefighters got back into find their cars had been damaged. The wedding from the police is about travel in this area. As you try to get in many of the routes are closed. You never know what the depth will be. We believe there was almost three times the amount of rainfall following in one night which is why we have ended up with so much damage. There is a new Housing Estate where the fire brigade had to help out hundred people. There were hailstones following as well, around about the size of golf balls. We have warnings from the police and it is notjust leyburn, it is the surrounding area. There is a bridge that collapsed. There is a bridge that collapsed. There is a real danger is around there and further west on the carlisle there and further west on the ca rlisle settle there and further west on the carlisle Settle Railway there was a landslide and that has affected services there. This morning it is going to be a question of clearing up, the conditions were described at one point last night by mountain rescue as a raging torrent and clearly, with the rain falling there are concerns of more to come. Thank you. In a moment well have all the business news, but first the headlines on bbc news. Boris johnsons in Northern Ireland for talks aimed at restoring the stormont government, amid continued tension over his brexit plans. Flash floods in North Yorkshire cause a bridge to collapse and roads are washed away. Weather warnings are in place across the north and west. Britains ten hottest years on record have all taken place since 2002 Scientists Say its a clear sign of Climate Change. In the business News British Airways has lost an appeal aimed at halting planned strike action by its pilots. Members voted in favour of industrial action on 22 july, after three days of negotiations failed. Todays ruling will allow pilots to name dates for a potential strike, which would likely fall in august one of the busiest months for holidays. Car production fell by more than a fifth in the first half of the year, largely due to falling demand in key Global Markets and fears over a no deal brexit. The society of Motor Manufacturers and traders said inward investment into the sector effectively stopped in the first half of the year. 0utput dropped by 20. 1 in the First Six Months of the year. The owner of Ladbrokes Coral has been fined £5. 9 million for not protecting vulnerable customers and for failings in its anti Money Laundering measures. The Gambling Commission says that over a three year period, the firm failed to put effective safeguards in place to prevent consumers suffering gambling harm. Lets get more on those car production figures published this morning that fell by more than a fifth in the first half of the year. 0utput was down over 20 in the First Six Months of the year compared with the same period in 2018, and investment into the sector was just £90 million. Joining us now is emma butcher, spokesperson at the smmt. Put this into perspective for us, how bad is this fall in production . It isa how bad is this fall in production . It is a worrying time for the industry. Production is down by the 13th consecutive month and investment has stalled in the first half of the year and money has to be diverted into planning for a no deal brexit that could be better spent elsewhere so it worrying time. We know that car production is something that relies on parts arriving smoothly, seamlessly without tariffs and border checks. Is that with a car industry fears the most . Yes, the industry thrives on frictionless trade with the eu and that means pipes coming into production lines. Parts. We cannot have any delay. We calculated that a minute of delay at the border it would cost the industry at £50,000. It is a very big concern. They believe the Prime Minister who says we will be out of the European Union at the end of october with or without a deal, what is the industry having to do to make sure it is ready . A huge amount of preparation and these are vast sums being spent that can never make the industry ready at all because of so many eventualities but he not a big part of the production downfall in the first half was down to april when a lot of factories brought forward their annual summer production shutdowns to april in order to mitigate any potential delays from march break that deadline. This is something you cannot repeat in 0ctober. Something you cannot repeat in october. A lot of the industry is worried and we dont know what is going to happen if we leave without a deal. We hope there is a deal. The Prime Minister has said he wants one, so do we, desperately. Prime Minister has said he wants one, so do we, desperately. It is not just brexit because one, so do we, desperately. It is notjust brexit because we know the car industry itself is changing. There is a move away from petrol and diesel cars and there is growth in electric vehicles and smaller vehicles. The industry is changing outside of the brexit issue. That is playing into these figures, isnt it . They moved to autonomous vehicles, changes in consumer behaviour, consumer demand and while the rest of the world has a focus on investing in those changes, we are very worried about being left behind because we are still distracted by the brexit issue. It is good to talk to you, thanks very much. Let me show you what is happening on the markets. The ftse100 is down by more than half of 1 . Keep an eye on what happens in america, that is the closing figure from yesterday but we are expecting these fund essential bank on cuts in Interest Rates. You might wonder why when the us economy is quite strong but a cut in Interest Rates could kick start the us economy and push up inflation because the dowel or react to that and that could affect currencies as well. The pound is worth 1 21 and creeping closer to parity with the euro. That means your holidays will be more expensive but keep an eye on the dollar because if there is a cut in Interest Rates the dollar will fall in value as well. The Worlds Largest economy at the Federal Reserve may cut Interest Rates but the question is, by how much . Thats all the business news. We have been reporting that Boris Johnson is in Northern Ireland, he has been in wales and scotland as well this week but we are getting news from our corresponding team in brussels that one of the Boris Johnsons chief advisers on europe, david frost, is going to brussels today and tomorrow to have introductory meetings with key officials and to pass on the Prime Ministers message in person that the uk is leaving the eu on the 31st of october whatever the circumstances. Apparently he will reiterate that the uk will work energetically for a deal but to the Northern Ireland backstop must be abolished and if no agreement can be reached than the uk will have to leave the eu without a deal. We believe that is the first of Boris Johnson pass key advisers to visit brussels and he will be having talks with other leaders at the eu in brussels. Just three months ago, 18 year old khadijah mellah sat on a racehorse for the very first time. Tomorrow, she competes in the prestigious magnolia cup at goodwood. Its an extraordinary story that sees her go head to head with the likes of 0lympian victoria pendleton. It will be a big moment for British Racing too, as khadijah will be the firstjockey to race wearing a hijab. Miriam walker khan went to meet her. Khadijah mellah only sat on a racehorse for the first time in april. At goodwood on thursday, shell be making waves in the racing community in front of around 25,000 people. I feel ready. I have ridden the horse im riding for the race many times and i am feeling confident. But theres always a little nervousness because i have never ridden a big race ever. The Muslim Womens Sport Foundation says you can count the number of female muslim jockeys in the uk on one hand. But khadijah doesnt view her background as a barrier. Generally i like explaining where ive come from and how ive got to where i have. When i do ride out there i try and spot other people or any other women of colour and there was only one woman of colour in 200 riders. It doesnt faze me in any way. It means that ijust end up talking to loads of people and making great connections, so im happy. Ebony horse club in brixton provides access to horseriding for young people who wouldnt usually be able to afford it, as well as children from special schools and young offenders. Specialist schools. Seven years ago, khadijahs mother came across a leaflet for the club and she has been coming ever since. Khadijah, as long as ive known her, has always been extremely ambitious and extremely determined and she will be here every week riding but also helping out the young riders here. Ive never seen her be anything less than super excited to take on a new challenge. For khadijah, finding a club in such an urban part of the country wasnt a problem, but for many muslim girls its not that simple. Of the nearly 3 million british muslims, the vast majority of them live in big cities, making equestrian sports difficult to get into. I think what the clubs done here is quite amazing. Its brought the club to the community and has made it accessible for lots of young people here who might not have had the chance to participate in horse riding and racing had it not been in such an urban environment. But how easy is it for other muslim girls to get involved in sport when they dont have people from the same backgrounds to look up to . 0n the elite platform, we struggle to find females who represent the Muslim Community as well. So role models are something that will, i think, help muslim girls to try sport at least and if they do like it to try and progress through so it is not just about grassroots it is about supporting these women to the elite. I never thought initially that i would have a future in racing at all but now that ive been introduced and ive, you know, been riding race horses for the past couple of weeks, and ive fallen in love with it and ill definitely keep at it. And somehow, maybe one day ill get into big races, and become an amateur or an apprentice. Miriam walker khan reporting. Now its time for a look at the weather with lucy martin. It isa it is a mixed picture isnt it . Across the country . We have seen disruption from torrential thunderstorms and downpours, we have seen around 50 millimetres of rain recorded in an hour. This is the scene courtesy of flash flooding and there is potential for further disruption. We have thunder and heavy showers for parts of the map. Where we do see them with a could be heavy with lots of rainfora them with a could be heavy with lots of rain for a short space of time. Further south, a drier day and the prince later with some sunny spells and temperatures at a maximum of 24 celsius. 0vernight there was heavy showers will tend to ease and perhaps one or two showers lingering. Tomorrow we are looking ata lingering. Tomorrow we are looking at a day of sunny spells and showers. Lightly dressed up for many with sunny spells but as the day wears on, a chance of seeing a thunderstorm. Though showers can be heavy. Temperatures similar to today, a maximum of 25 celsius. Youre watching bbc newsroom live its midday and these are the main stories this morning hundreds of children who were sexually abused while in care in nottinghamshire were failed by local authorities a report finds. Boris johnsons in Northern Ireland for talks aimed at restoring the stormont government, amid continued tension over his brexit plans. Clearly Northern Ireland has been without a government for two and a half years so my prime focus this morning is to do everything i can to help that get up and running again, that is profoundly in the interest of the people here. The leader of sinn fein says things cannot remain the same if britain leaves the eu without a deal. If borisjohnson does the wrong thing by citizens here, by ireland, he is doing it with his eyes wide open. British Airways Pilots could go on strike this summer after ba loses a court appeal aimed at blocking action. Flash floods in North Yorkshire cause a bridge to collapse and roads are washed away. Weather warnings are in place across the north and west. Britains ten hottest years on record have all taken place since 2002 Scientists Say its a clear sign of Climate Change. Good morning, welcome to bbc newsroom live. Breaking news this hour the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse has published a damning report on the response to allegations of abuse of children in the care of nottinghamshire councils. The report found some 350 individuals reported being sexually abused while in the care of the local authorities from the 1960s. But the true numbers of victims is likely to be considerably higher. It concludes that sexual abuse of children was widespread in both residential and foster care during the 1970s, 80s and 90s. The chair of the inquiry alexis jay says for decades, 0ur correspondentjeremy ball is in nottingham. John 0brien is secretary into the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse. I have been in the enquiry since 2015 and this is probably in terms of scale the most shocking we have seen and if you think about it were talking about one individual that participated or blocked the sexual abuse of children, we are talking about a regime that over many years did not recognise what they needed to do to protect children. Stay with us, we will bring you more of that story soon. Borisjohnson has been holding talks with the five main Political Parties in Northern Ireland, after promising to do everything in his power to restore the power sharing government at stormont. But the Prime Minister has been met with angerfrom sinn fein, who say his reliance on the dup means his claim to be impartial is laughable. The leader of sinn fein, mary lou macdonald, also warned mrjohnson that he has set the compass for a crash brexit, which would boost the case for a united ireland. Lets talk to our correspondent sara girvin who is at stormont in belfast. The focus is supposed to be on restoring a devolved government but yet again brexit gets in the way. Absolutely. Discussions are ongoing at stormont when wallacejohnson has been meeting the five main parties with the hope of restoring devolution in Northern Ireland which has been without a functioning devolved government for two and a half years. Any statement he said this was much too long. He this what you had to say on arrival at stormont this morning. Clearly the people of Northern Ireland have been without a government for two years and six months so my prime focus is to do everything i can to help that get up and running again because i think that is profoundly in the interest of people here. All the citizens in Northern Ireland and i will be helping the parties anyway i can to get that over the line. I expect brexit may come up a bit, i do not rule that out and i think the crucial thing to stress is i attach huge importance to the letter and spirit of the belfast good friday and will be insisting on that. Discussions on brexit very much on the table today and also discussions around the other issue of the irish backstop which has proved so contentious around the eu with wrought negotiations. Earlier we heard from the leader of the dup Arlene Foster whose party props up the conservatives in parliament. She said ideally they would like to strike a deal to leave the eu but she is not taking deal the table. If you are negotiating, theres no point in taking options off the table if you are negotiating. Sometimes i wonder, when i hear these people say you have to take no deal off the table, have these people ever been engaged in negotiating, because its important all options are on the table to enable you to get the best deal, and thats what we want to get, the best deal Going Forward and not one that is bad for Northern Ireland, which the Withdrawal Agreement was, in terms of the economy and indeed in terms of the constitution of the United Kingdom. 0n the other side we heard from the president of sinn fein who said a no deal brexit would be catastrophic for the people of the island of ireland and she wants but she warned borisjohnson not to act as the dup gopher. It is more of what she had to say. The challenge as for the british Prime Minister and secretary of state to act demonstrably in the common good. Do i have a sense that is what their intention is . No i do not. I dont believe we heard anything that would give us any great grounds of hope but i wish to report we have raised all of the salient issues so if borisjohnson does the wrong thing by citizens here in the north, does the wrong thing by ireland, he is doing it with his eyes wide open. It is still early in the day, but it seems the two main parties in Northern Ireland remain at loggerheads. As always in Northern Ireland very complex issues to be discussed and it seems fair to say that one day of talks is not going to resolve those. Thank you. Back to the breaking news of the independent enquiry into child sexual abuse has published a damning report on the response to allegations of abuse of children in the care of nottinghamshire council. Lets go straight to nottingham. 0ur correspondentjeremy ball is in nottingham. It isa it is a damning report they have been winding up to 40 decade. The enquiry heard evidence from 350 people who said they had been victims of abuse in Nottingham Shire over several decades. That is probability to the iceberg and they have received more complaints on this investigation than any other pa rt this investigation than any other part of the enquiry and this goes back to childrens homes at several. Ca re back to childrens homes at several. Care as well, at one home they said there was a culture of abuse, children were ignored, they said there was a culture of Foster Carers being believed over children which allowed this abuse to continue. They are particularly critical of the response of the city and county councils and say children in their ca re councils and say children in their care where failed, they are still actually concerned despite the apologies and the fact the councils have said things have changed massively, they are still concerned lessons have not been learned and what is happening in the foster care system. They have made some recommendations for new safeguards. Tell us more. They have made recommendations first of all for the first of care system, they want checks on both people who are foster ca re rs checks on both people who are Foster Carers and where Foster Carers in the past to look at the possibility of abuse and whether they are fit to do thejob. We have of abuse and whether they are fit to do the job. We have also of abuse and whether they are fit to do thejob. We have also made of abuse and whether they are fit to do the job. We have also made a recommendation for nottingham city council, one of the authorities to call an external consultant to review its childcare system and makes recommendations to tighten things up. Thank you. British airways has lost an appeal aimed at halting planned strike action by its pilots. The British Airline Pilots Association voted in favour of industrial action on 22july, after three days of negotiations failed to resolve the dispute. Ba owner iag sought an injunction to prevent the strike in the high court, but it was overturned. The airline then appealed and the court of appeal ruled today. It opens the way for the pilots to name dates for a potential strike, which would likely fall in august one of the busiest months for holidays. 0ur transport correspondent tom burridge is with us now. How worried should holiday makers be . Ithink how worried should holiday makers be . I think if someone has a flight with British Airways and a couple of weeks they will naturally be concerned. My advice is not to panic quite yet. The union balfour representing the pilots have to give at least two weeks notice but they could wait longer soon youll have to see and talks are going to kick off again at 3pm between British Airways and the pilots union to try and flush out a deal. I think after this latest Court Decision, the ball remains in the court of the pilots. You would imagine British Airways will have to copy some form of compromise to avert a strike from going ahead. Id spring and brian from the pilots union involved with a suitcase and the ballot. She didnt want this trick to go ahead, lets deal with the dispute at its core. lets deal with the dispute at its core. You do not want this strike to go ahead. 0ffered core. You do not want this strike to go ahead. Offered in 11. 5 pay rise, most people think that is pretty good. It is not worth 11. 5 , it is worth considerably less than that and the point as British Airways pilots have said a mass about result that it is not good enough for them. 93 of them have said they are prepared to go on strike action to get a better deal. We have been trying to engage with British Airways to negotiate a way through that and unfortunately spent the last two weeks and legal proceedings, the second judgment today has vindicated our industrial action ballot result and we have one on the technical argument that British Airways tried to establish. Iam British Airways tried to establish. I am pleased with the Court Decision today. You are saying this proposed pay rise is not good enough because iag made a whopping pre tax profit, we wa nt iag made a whopping pre tax profit, we want our pilots want a bigger slice of the cake. The ultimate pilots have not one based greed or anything, it is wanting a fair share of the profit ability of the company they contribute much to. British airways made nearly £2 billion profit and pilots are simply saying we wa nt profit and pilots are simply saying we want a share of that through a bonus scheme and that is a good way to approach this because if it doesnt want a profit they do not get much and have a dozen then they divorced you have not named a strike date, you can now after that Court Decision. Talk is through the thinking on that you can wait months so it would be in everyones interest, passengers, yourselves, British Airways not to go ahead with a strike in the summer. This is exactly why we have not set a date and we keep telling everybody until we do that is no threat of disruption. Today we have had clea ra nce disruption. Today we have had clearance from the court that we could go ahead and set a date, we asked about going to because you wa nt to asked about going to because you want to engage in constructive negotiations with acas. 0n the back of thejudgment negotiations with acas. 0n the back of the judgment today i have said to British Airways we should get back round the table with acas and they have agreed and we are meeting this afternoon at cpm. Thank you. Talks beginning at 3pm, they have a couple of weeks at least to come up with ideal and it is worth bearing in mind British Airways on a busy summer day can fly 145,000 passengers saw thoreau to be a strike the disruption would be significant. British airways can mitigate that with planes and crews from other airlines but watch this space for now, talks beginning at 3pm. A bridge has collapsed and roads have been washed away following flash flooding in North Yorkshire. Homes and businesses have also been hit and theres been a landslide on the main settle to Carlisle Railway line. About two weeks of rain fell in just an hour. Richard lister reports. Hailstones the size of marbles. In parts of yorkshire yesterday it covered the ground like snow. Extreme weather took athe region by surprise but the hail was the least of the problems. In the Yorkshire Dales roads became rivers after a month of rain fell in four hours. North yorkshire fire and rescue said it had received more than 100 calls to flooding. Roads were washed out and this bridge collapsed. This is what the floodwaters left behind, a village strewn with cars carted off by the deluge. Farmers are among those counting the cost with silage ruined and aligned waterlogged. Many events have had to be cancelled including a Mountain Biking festival. 16 centimetres of rain, devastated the place, the road became a 3 foot high river. Ticking absolutely everything out and his path. Local businesses and residents and landowners, so much devastation when we are trying to do everything we can to support that. Many roads are still waterlogged and the Environment Agency is one of people not to drive through floodwater and stay away from swollen rivers. People are trying to clea n swollen rivers. People are trying to clean up but the more torrential rain forecast the situation is likely to get worse before it gets better. The latest uk climate data has revealed that the ten hottest years on record have all taken place since 2002. Analysis of temperature records, dating back to 1884, also reveals that none of the 10 coldest years has occurred since 1963. Scientists say the report underlines how much the uk has been affected by Climate Change, as our science editor, david shukman, explains. Temperatures so low, the sea off kent actually froze. This was back in 1963, one of the chilliest years experienced in britain over the last century. But what is significant is that since that icy time, we havent had a year quite so brutally cold. Theres obviously been plenty of snow more recently, some paralysing much of the country, but in terms of temperature, none of the years since the early 60s has ranked as one of the top ten coldest. By contrast and this is very striking the ten warmest years for more than a century have all come since 2002. The recent heatwaves are part of a pattern, and its yet more evidence, says the met office, of our climate changing. This year so far, we have already experienced the hottest winter day on record, in february, and the hottest summer day on record. And this is all part of a pattern of change that we are seeing, both globally and here in the uk, and it is a trend that we are expecting to continue into the future. Archive never admit theres such a thing as a solid snow covering. So will we ever get scenes like this again . Well, the british weather is so fickle, you can never be totally sure. Last year saw the cold and snow of the beast from the east. Then, later in the same year, we had the joint hottest summer on record. But as the average temperature rises, bit by bit, cold years become less likely and hot ones more likely. David shukman, bbc news. The headlines on bbc news hundreds of children who were sexually abused while in care in nottinghamshire were failed by local authorities a report finds. Borisjohnsons in Northern Ireland for talks aimed at restoring the stormont government, amid continued tension over his brexit plans. British Airways Pilots could go on strike this summer after ba loses a court appeal aimed at blocking industrial action. Sport now, heres jane dougal. Adam peaty has re iterated calls for swimmings governing body to do more to tackle doping in the sport. He won three gold medals at the world aquatic championships in south korea last week, a meet that saw two swimmers warned for protests against the chinese swimmer sun yang. Sun served a three month ban in 2014 after testing positive for banned stimulant. Nowhere near. I think across the board they have taken a massive sta nce board they have taken a massive stance with banning rush about the 0lympics stance with banning rush about the olympics is going to be a very interesting time to see what happens but we will let it develop and see what happens but we have been saying this for three years, still nothing has been happening but who knows what motivations they have two keep him in the sport. Less than 24 hours to go until the start of the ashes and ben stokes has done his bit to ramp up the war of words. He says england will go hard and fast at australia from the first ball at edgbaston. Stokes also says he might need sleeping pills tonight to deal with the anticipation of the first test. Australia are the holders, but england have won 5 out of the last 8 series. Theyve confirmed that captain joe root will move up the order to bat at number three, withjoe denly moving to 4. Very excited. I was not too fussed where i was batting, it is great to be in the starting 11. I have batted at number four before, playing for kent and throughout my career so for me it was not a big issue. Just happy to be playing. Mauricio pochettino says he is not in charge of transfers at tottenham and believes hisjob title should be changed from manager to coach. Spurs broke their transfer record to sign lyon midfielder Tanguy Ndombele earlier this month theirfirst signing in 18 months. Pochettino says he knows nothing about the situations of his players, and and that anything contractual is dealt with by chairman daniel levy. And Justin Holbrook will leave the Super League Leaders st helens at the end of the season. Hesjoining Gold Coast Titans in australias nrl as their head coach. Holbrook has been with saints for two and a half years and is on course to guide them to a treble, with his side top of the league and into the challenge cup final. Thats all the sport for now. More after 1 30. The body which represents the car industry says new investment has fallen dramatically as companies spend hundreds of millions of pounds preparing for a no deal brexit. The society of Motor Manufacturers and traders has warned that no deal would present an existential threat to the industry. Im joined by Rachel Burgess from autocar magazine investment, i want to talk about production but start with investment, is it all down to brexit . No, there are cyclical changes through the industry so when we develop new products for example a car will be replaced maybe every five or seven years, nature of investment as it dips and then rises. But it absolutely has been affected by the . Over brexit and it is felt within the industry a lot of investors are sitting on their hands whilst we are going through this unknown period. I write that investment in british car plants fell to just 90 investment in british car plants fell tojust 90 million but investment in british car plants fell to just 90 million but that 330 million has been spent on brexit planning . Yes, that 90 million is in the First Six Months of this year whilst the 330 million as across car makers from the time of brexit to know, basically anything they have spent on brexit Contingency Planning. That can include stockpiling materials, components, extra warehouses, looking at alternative logistics like different ports. Such a massive project to undertake to prepare for a no deal brexit. The concern is with this dramatic fall in investment people are spending money and areas for the aduu are spending money and areas for the adult expected to versus investing to secure the future of the british car industry. Could also be because the nature of the car industry is changing, moving away from petrol and diesel to electric. Could that be playing into the figures . Finally enough be playing into the figures . Finally enouthaguar be playing into the figures . Finally enough Jaguar Land Rover announced be playing into the figures . Finally enouthaguar land rover announced a big investment at the plant which cuddly produces petrol and diesel ca rs cuddly produces petrol and diesel cars and they will retool it so it is ready for a new generation of litigation. The message coming from the car industry is for case and is the car industry is for case and is the way forward to secure the future of british car, batteries and a fundamental component and we want to produce millions of batteries so they can be put into vehicles that are also built in the uk, securing the whole supply chain to make sure the whole supply chain to make sure the future is safe. Investment is down but car production is also down. Why is that . Two key reasons, firstly a global downturn. We can see it at home in the uk, we see it in china, every bit as affected by a downturn in demand. The other major factor for falling 20 was that a lot of the factory shutdown in april, they normally shuts down and summerand april, they normally shuts down and summer and moved the shutdowns to april because that is when they thought next was happening. Thats two a whole month of numbers out of the system which would normally be there. It will balance out a little bit in the next six months and we are expecting to be about 15 down on the year as a whole. Thank you. Its the final day of campaigning in the brecon and radnorshire by election. Voters go to the polls tomorrow in the first electoral test for borisjohnson as Prime Minister. The by election was triggered when a recall petition unseated the conservative mp chris davies, after he was convicted of making a false expenses claim. 0ur correspondent, tomos morgan is in brecon for us now. Give us some more background to this. It is a seat that is historically between the liberal democrats and conservatives and the reason we are having this by election is that chris davies was found guilty of submitting a false expenses came when he set up the Parliamentary Office and 2015. Guilty of producing £700 worth of false expense claims. That conviction led to a petition taking place last month and with more ten than 10 signing it it meant he had to increase his seat and a by election was triggered. The other democrats and conservatives historically are between this and westminster. In the Welsh Assembly liberal democrats hold the seat currently there will be looking to regain it from the tories. Chris davies has been chosen to stand by the tories this time round, jane dodd for the liberal democrats, she is the welsh leader and at will be a huge coup for them as do not have any mps and a huge coup for their new leader. Tom davies will be standing for labour and this interesting as a seat that resides in the county of powys ready brexit party came out on top in the eu parliamentary election with also members standing for ukip. This is the first vital challenge for the new Prime Minister sensi took his place last week and at the conservatives do lose out on the seat will reduce their majority to just one in westminster at a time when wallacejohnson needs all the support he can get. Thank you. You can find the list now and you can find the list of all candidates standing in the by election on the bbc news website. More now on the flooding in North Yorkshire. Around two weeks worth of rain fell in just an hour yesterday. Some roads remain shut and rail passengers faced disruption after a landslip between carlisle and skipton. Our correspondent fiona trott is the North Yorkshire village of grinton. What is the picture where you are . In this part of the world that is we are about six weeks of rain fell and three others so that gives you an idea of why the rivers have flooded so much. This is an area where two bridges were damaged overnight, we are hearing from rescuers that sheds and oil tanks were seen floating down the road, about 100 people had to be helped from their homes. In that part of the village you can see bales of hay that have been washed away from local farmlands and got into the road and stuck underneath ca rs. Ca rs into the road and stuck underneath cars. Cars have been pushed onto the other side of the road. This was meant to be the focal point of the community this weekend, a Mountain Bike festival, that has had to be cancelled or stop we can see the force of the floodwater that has damaged the area for the event was due to take place. Trees have been snapped off and floated down the river. Not very far away firefighters last night were out trying to rescue people from their homes. The fire station was flooded. The clean up operation has started there this morning despite the rain. Businesses trying to get back to normal. You mentioned the rail there andi normal. You mentioned the rail there and i can give you an update. What we had healing as the latest is that rail passengers are still facing disruption after a landslide between carlisle and skipton. Trees have been suspended between other stations. The rain is continuing to come down in parts, we know there are still ten flood warnings and place across the uk, notjust here in North Yorkshire, lancashire and the West Midlands as well. The Environment Agency saying funding as possible due to thunderstorms the unexpected little today and asking people to take care. Thank you. Now its time for a look at the weather with darren bett. Thank you, what is also incredible about this rain it comes a week on from when we were setting record temperatures. There is more rain around today and the main focus is across northern parts of england, not quite as intense and widespread as yesterday but still the risk of further local flooding as there will bea further local flooding as there will be a Cross Western scotland with heavy thunder and showers developing. A couple of showers across the south. Not as windy as yesterday. More wet weather to come this evening across scotland and Northern England in particular, it becomes drier overnight and the showers die out largely. Clear skies and temperatures, typically 11 to 14 degrees. We were stuck generally dry and see some sunshine for tomorrow, we increase the cloud and see a of my showers but they are hit and miss. Many places will be dry and those temperatures should be a little bit than today. A little bit higher. Hello, this is bbc newsroom live with rebecca jones. The headlines hundreds of children who were sexually abused while in care in nottinghamshire were failed by local authorities a report finds. Boris johnsons in Northern Ireland for talks aimed at restoring the stormont government, amid continued tension over his brexit plans. Clearly the people of Northern Ireland will be without a government and a strong want for it to use and and a strong want for it to use and a six months so my prime focus this morning is to do everything i can to help that get up and running again. I think that is profoundly in the interest of the people here. The leader of sinn fein says things cannot remain the same if britain leaves the eu without a deal if borisjohnson if Boris Johnson does if borisjohnson does the wrong thing by citizens here in the north, if he does the wrong thing by ireland, he is doing it with his eyes wide open. British Airways Pilots could go on strike this summer after ba loses a court appeal aimed at blocking industrial action. Flash floods in North Yorkshire cause a bridge to collapse and roads are washed away. Weather warnings are in place across the north and west. And britains ten hottest years on record have all taken place since 2002 Scientists Say its a clear sign of Climate Change. Mps say schools in areas with a higher risk of Youth Violence should be given dedicated Police Officers. The Home Affairs Committee criticised the governments current Violence Reduction strategy as completely inadequate and have called on Boris Johnson, to take personal responsibility for tackling knife and gun crime among young people. Heres more from our home affairs correspondent, danny shaw. A young life cut short. Yousef makki from Greater Manchester died in march after being stabbed in the heart. He was only 17. The knife violence which led to the death of yousef and a growing number of other teenagers is described in a new report as an epidemic. The Home Affairs Committee says young people are being failed by agencies and whitehall departments that are meant to keep them safe. Teenagers are dying on our streets, and families are being devastated. But the governments response is just completely inadequate. At a time where weve had a perfect storm of Youth Service cuts, police cuts, county line drug networks, and School Exclusions, and the government isnt taking Strong Enough action on any of them. In april, theresa may held a summit on Youth Violence and set up a ministerial taskforce. But the committee is concerned momentum is being lost, and says the new Prime Minister must take the lead. The report says borisjohnson must drive activity to reduce Youth Violence. It says schools in the worst affected areas should have dedicated Police Officers, and it calls for a Youth Service guarantee to ensure funding is provided for outreach workers and community projects. Its designed to steer young people away from gang culture, knife crime and gun violence. The home office disputes some of the committees findings, and says the government is taking urgent action to keep communities safe. Danny shaw, bbc news. Well, the labour mp Yvette Cooper chairs the committee. We are grateful for your time, thank you. You talk about a national emergency. What is the best way forward . Emergency. What is the best way forward . There needs to be a proper plan because when you have teenagers dying on the streets and knife crime going up by 70 , a shocking increase, and things are getting worse, there has to be proper action from government, from the whole of government but from local areas. That has to include more policing but more youth prevention work as well. I think the government has to get a well. I think the government has to geta grip well. I think the government has to get a grip on this and they do not have that at the moment. The government has announced 20,000 more Police Officers, will they help . We are looking forward to seeing the details because we have heard this but we have support workers gone and special constables. This is a really important thing to have more police on the streets, especially Neighbourhood Policing and we are saying dedicated Police Officers in School Working with schools, we have seen that work before and we think it is important to have that close working relationship between young people and the police as a confidence can build. It is not enoughjust to confidence can build. It is not enough just to do policing, confidence can build. It is not enoughjust to do policing, you confidence can build. It is not enough just to do policing, you also have to have proper youth prevention work. We found the peak of young people being ta ken work. We found the peak of young people being taken into ame with sta b people being taken into ame with stab wounds was between 4 6. Immediately after school when there is no Youth Services, no safe places for young people to go though it is crucial we have support for e services and prevention work as well. Theres not much dispute there isa well. Theres not much dispute there is a problem. It seems to be the dispute is over the approach and how you tackle that problem. I know you are calling for a plan. We talked to kit malthouse, the Police Minister and he broadly agreed with your plan to put Police Officers into schools but he says ultimately that is not down to the government but down to individual Police Forces to decide how to employ their officers. How much of the problem is it to get a morejoined up much of the problem is it to get a more joined up approach to the problem . I think that response sums up problem . I think that response sums up the problem. The government is taking a two hands off approach, it is saying 0k, we will do it was a bit from our end but then it is a matter for local organisations. If you had a Real National emergency approach and seriously want to make this a priority to save lives, you would have the Prime Minister calling regular meetings and eve ryo ne calling regular meetings and everyone pulled in, education ministers being told, what are you doing to tackle this growing problem of School Exclusions . You would have Police Forces being asked around the country, what are you doing to make sure you are working with local schools . You would have local councils involved, being given the funding to restore some of the huge cuts we have had in Youth Services so they can get prevention work into every community and local area. You would have all that being done, you would have all that being done, you would have all that being done, you would have targets, milestone, a proper plan. There will be regular phone calls every week asking for a progress in making sure something is happening. That is my problem with the home office approach. It is hands off. This is too important for that, the government has to get a grip. The difficulty is, as you will be well aware because it is happening in your own party, so much of the oxygen is taken up with brexit. Borisjohnson of the oxygen is taken up with brexit. Boris johnson is of the oxygen is taken up with brexit. Borisjohnson is clear that the uk will be leaving the European Union with or without a deal on the 0ctober union with or without a deal on the october 31st. Do you think parliament can and will be able to stop a new deal if necessary . think parliament is still opposed to the chaos that no deal would bring, the chaos that no deal would bring, the damage to manufacturing, police and security operation and food prices. Just as i think the majority of people do not want to see the chaos of no deal. I think we are not yet sure what the opportunities will be to have votes on any of this and thatis be to have votes on any of this and that is why in the end this is a responsibility on the Prime Minister. He needs to be clear what the plan is because we have not seen one. Iam the plan is because we have not seen one. I am worried there is a bit of a problem with borisjohnson careening around, wanting to pick fights with everyone and helping someone else will sort it out. Maybe parliament, maybe europe, was somehow sort it out and stop him from causing the chaos he is threatening and i think actually he needs to take the responsible tea on this. He is the Prime Minister. He needs to make sure he is not putting this country into a damaging chaos. Thank you. South korea says that north korea has launched two short range Ballistic Missiles from its east coast. Last week the north fired two short range Ballistic Missiles, describing the tests as a solemn warning to seoul as it plans to conduct joint military exercises with the United States next month. 0ur correspondent laura bicker is in seoul and has this update. South Korean Military are still analysing the path these missiles took but they were fired from the east coast earlier of seouls morning when we got that alert. They flew about 120 miles and very low, it does not sound very far but they were going very fast. This is thought to be a new type of missile, similar to the missiles fired last week. They are capable or thought to be capable of avoiding radar and detection. Here in south korea we have a Missile Defence system, put here by the United States and it is thought that north korea could be developing new kinds of weapons to try to avoid that missile detection service. Why were they fired, in your view . I wonder what message there are trying to send. It is very difficult to figure out what pyongyang is thinking at any time but there are two main things and going on, first the joint military exercises between the United States and south korea, they are due to take part in the next couple of weeks. Every year, north korea sees them as a propagation, a preparation for war and they react in some way every year. This year they are reacting before the military exercises take place which suggest they are trying to prevent them taking place at all. The us and south korea have scaled them right back, it is mostly computerised now but still north korea seems to find some kind of provocation. It is also worth noting that despite the fact donald trump is brushing this off and saying these are only small missile tests, north korea might be pushing and pressuring seoul and washington to say hang on a second, you say you are in no rush but we are trying to show that as a sense of urgency here. There could be more tests in the future, how long can lets head straight to Northern Ireland with the Democratic Unionist Party have just emerged from talks with borisjohnson. But here what Arlene Foster has to say. We have delivered that through our confidence and supply agreement and we will continue to work for the people of Northern Ireland regardless of their background. Do not forget, this morning goes to those people and services, hospital care, and we think that is something that should be celebrated and not denigrated in the way it has been. We took the opportunity to talk to the Prime Minister about the situation they find themselves in at present. We raise the issue of rate bus as well, a Strategic Company in Northern Ireland and will be continuing to work with the Prime Minister and his team to try and find solutions and both of those areas. The Prime Minister reiterated the fact that he would never be neutral on the union, we welcome that. He will of course be neutral on the straight and of government here in Northern Ireland but he should not confuse the two. Today i have heard those two matches confused regularly. It will never be neutral on the union and talk of a border poll, he told us, was not something he was entertaining. We look forward to working with the Prime Minister in strengthening the union, we look forward to working with the new secretary of state in trying to find the restoration of devolution and we look forward to working with them on delivering the votes of the british people injune of 16 votes of the british people injune of16 in votes of the british people injune of 16 in delivering brexit. The dyad, clearly we have had a number of discussions with Boris Johnson before he became Prime Minister and this week here in Northern Ireland we welcome him here and take an early opportunity to engage with all of the parties in Northern Ireland and julian smith, the secretary of state. We believe he will bring in focus and detail and will help with the negotiations that lie ahead. In terms of what we have heard about the confidence to supply arrangement, i hope the media and journalists will question sinn fein about whether they continue with their policy of wanting to be part of the next administration in dublin because they criticise so heavily the democratic role given to us by the democratic role given to us by the people of Northern Ireland by electing ten members of parliament, if they criticise that so strongly country to the good friday agreement, clearly they will not wa nt agreement, clearly they will not want to have anything with a future dublin government which they describe as fickle guarantors of the agreement, or perhaps they are being somewhat selective in their approach to this particular issue. Cole guarantors. It is a matter of discussion for another day in those discussions will continue in the coming weeks but they are about delivery for all the people of Northern Ireland, on infrastructure, health, education, mental health, guaranteed support for our farmers, security, the winter fuel allowance and on nato defence spending on security for our country. These are vital issues we do not believe Jeremy Corbyn would be able to deliver on in the same way as a conservative and unionist government in the current circumstances. We will continue those discussions, confident that we could get a good outcome for the whole of the United Kingdom and for Northern Ireland and when people talk about a confidence to supply agreement that is toxic has poisoned the well, i think those people that have benefited in the health service, our schools, our infrastructure, who are going to get broadband at the appropriate level across the province, not least in the constituencies of sinn fein members who boycott westminster, there was a good thing is for the people of Northern Ireland. We are proud of those achievements and we think we can achieve more going for it and certainly Boris Johnson think we can achieve more going for it and certainly borisjohnson is very committed to carrying that forward. We look forward to those discussions. It looks unlikely that you will agree to abolish the backstop as it sounds. Educate leaves a deal you prepare for the economic damage . If the uk leaves without a deal. Of course there are going to say what they have been saying in the past two and half years because they have never been tested about the issue. It is clear the backstop has caused all the difficulties with the Withdrawal Agreement and that should be the subject of focus and negotiations to deal with it and we will support the Prime Minister in doing it. deal with it and we will support the Prime Minister in doing it. I notice your party never campaigned for a no deal brexit, do you support a sensible brexit . Can you explain in laypersons language, in the current political climate, giving the arguments taking place, but a sensible brexit look like in your opinion . It is a brexit that recognises me that the british government, the Irish Government or ourselves in Northern Ireland want to see a return of the borders of the past. We want to see a sensible way forward that recognises the whole of the United Kingdom are leaving the European Union. We will stay with this on newsroom live on the bbc news channel but now we say goodbye to viewers on bbc two. Last week, i think it was, the Irish Government published what would happen in the event of a new deal scenario and we made it very clear there would be no checks or controls or infrastructure at the border. We know there are currently checks that happen in terms of immigration issues, we know there are checks in terms of police and security and all of that, but there will be no extra checks at the border. If that can be donein checks at the border. If that can be done in the event of a no deal brexit, that gives us ground there isa brexit, that gives us ground there is a possible of getting a sensible deal but it will require, let me finish the point, it will require both sides to reach an agreement. As borisjohnson has said the current Withdrawal Agreement is not going to the house of parliament, that is the reality and we have to face those reality and we have to face those real facts. Your wife works as an mep, how is your point have two jurisdictions, one essay europe one inside europe. There is a border, we are not united ireland, we have a currency board, a school border, a security budget. There will be buoyed as to how you managed checks and controls other is no hard border . The Irish Government had made the point that can be done away from the border even in the event of a new deal. What is the policy on the backstop . We a new deal. What is the policy on the backstop . We have said the fundamental trouble with the Withdrawal Agreement is the backstop and has to be dealt with. The Prime Minister is saying clearly he believes the Withdrawal Agreement is dead and therefore the backstop is dead. Now we have to find a different way forward and that is what we need to do and that is what we we re what we need to do and that is what we were support the Prime Minister and do. The position has not changed because the Withdrawal Agreement has gone, the backstop has gone because it isa gone, the backstop has gone because it is a part of it, therefore we need to find a way to deal with thoseissues need to find a way to deal with those issues and there are ways to deal with this issue if there is a willingness on both sides. I hope dublin will dial down the rhetoric and there will be a willingness to engage with our new Prime Minister. We have seen sinn fein under huge pressure today. We have seen the way they have reacted to the Prime Minister coming to Northern Ireland and talking about strengthening the union and restoring demolition. We witnessed how that has gone down but they need to get real and recognise this as part of the United Kingdom and needs to leave the eu but needs to be done anyway that is no damage to be done anyway that is no damage to the uk, republic of ireland, our neighbours avoid the our neighbours. We talk to the government all the time at westminster. We talked to the government here as well about issues concerning constituents. The idea that would prejudice the talks process is ludicrous and not in the real world of politics. That is why it took a little while to talk about the confidence and supply agreement because it has been good for the people of Northern Ireland. You think to hear some people it is a bad thing. We have delivered an extra billion pounds for the people of Northern Ireland which they wouldnt otherwise have if it was not for the relationship between ourselves and the current government. We await to see what happens in the republic of ireland. Well, because happens in the republic of ireland. Well, because we are a devolutionist party and we believe in devolution. It was not us that pull down the devolved administration, we want to administer in health and education, we wa nt administer in health and education, we want to see better roads, more tourists coming to Northern Ireland. We believe in devolution, that is what we are about. Are you really prepared to back borisjohnson going for no deal knowing all the damage it can do to your constituents . We have heard the Prime Minister saying he is not taking it off the table but he wants to find a deal and he is focused on it, we are here to help him find that deal. As i have often said, i wonder have people ever been in negotiations where they ta ke ever been in negotiations where they take things of the table before you get to an end . Of course you keep it on the table. We are in a negotiation trying to get the best dealfor the negotiation trying to get the best deal for the people of the United Kingdom. You do not take things off the table. He noted that sinn fein had been talking about a boy pull and the referendum. A border pull. Had respond to the comments . The taoiseach took a photograph from an old paper to the European Union saying he did not want this to happen again on the border in Northern Ireland without even thinking of some of the victims who had been associated with that atrocity. He needs to dial down the rhetoric and recognise the mandate of the Prime Minister, and he needs to engage. Unfortunately he has not been engaging. We have tried to engage with him on a number of occasions around brexit. Famously he did not take the Prime Ministers calls on one occasion so he needs to get engaged and find a way forward. That is Arlene Foster, leader of the dup standing alongside nigel dodds. More in the news at one on this. Now its time for a look at the weather. After a ll after all the flooding we had a North Yorkshire we have seen some more rain and it is focused on much North Yorkshire we have seen some more rain and it is focused on rr are well. Further south the showers are fewer, they went is gusty, not as strong as yesterday. The same area of low pressure that brought all that torrential rain yesterday is still sitting very close to Northern England and that is where we have the focus of showers or longer spells of rain. You can see that on the earlier radar picture, the extent of those downpours. Not as widespread as yesterday. We will see showers coming into wales, perhaps the midlands, east anglia, southern england but not too many. For scotland, the wester side of scotland, the wester side of scotland, showers could be heavy and thundery, again the risk of localised flooding. In the south east it will be warmest. Quite wet weather again for much of Northern England, including lincolnshire. 0vernight it tones drier and we will see though showers becoming fewer and lighter. Most places turning dry. Quite a mild night, temperatures 11 14d. It is turning drier because the pressure is drifting to the north sea. Most places on thursday was that was in china. We have a across parts of northern scotland initially and maybe to the north sea coast where it isa maybe to the north sea coast where it is a bit windy on thursday. As a builder temperatures through the day, we build up cloud and introduce a couple of showers. Not as many as today, most places will be dry and temperatures a shade higher and feel a little bit warmer as the winds are lighter. 0n a little bit warmer as the winds are lighter. On friday, in a lot of places starting dry, we build up some cloud and some showers perhaps across eastern parts of england and down the south west along southern counties of england but they should be lighter. It is turning drier on friday and the temperatures continue to rise a degree or so. Into the weekend, another area of the pressure that is sticking out to the west. It will push these weather fronts our way in from the atlantic. The start of the weekend, most places will be dry with warm spells of sunshine, temperatures on sunday, could be the mid 20s in the south east but the north and west are seeing more cloud some patchy rain. Failed by the system. Hundreds of children who were sexually abused while in care in nottinghamshire were let down by local authorities, despite decades of evidence. Children were repeatedly raped and abused in Residential Care and in foster homes. Should the inquiry into sexual abuse says councils still havent learnt lessons. Were not talking here about one that either blocked or actively participated in the sexual abuse of children. We are just talking about a regime that over many years, just did not recognise what they needed to do to protect children. And i cant repeat strongly enough just how shocked i am. Anger issues, obviously, because of what happened to me. I did not trust anybody at all, which led me to basically get into trouble, self destruct

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