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This is the scene live in hong kong, where tens of thousands of pro democracy protesters have taken to the streets in the latest challenge to beijing. Iran hoists its flag on the masthead of the captured uk registered tanker in the gulf. Can irish golfer shane lowry follow his sensational round yesterday with victory in the open at royal portrush this afternoon . Its the circle of life. And disneys remake of the lion king hits cinemas this week. Find out what mark kermode makes of it in the film review. The chancellor of the exchequer, Philip Hammond, says hell resign this week if borisjohnson becomes the new conservative leader and Prime Minister. Mr hammond says he doesnt agree with mrjohnson over brexit and thinks its unlikely britain will get a deal agreed with the eu by the current leaving date of october 31st. Heres our Political Correspondent nick eardley. If theres one thing these two can agree on, its that delivering brexit has not been an easy ride. Have you got the green light . I have not got a green light. Oh, the story of my life. Borisjohnson is odds on to become the Prime Minister on wednesday, but the chancellor cant sign up to his brexit strategy. And so this morning, live on television, he announced that he plans to quit. Assuming that borisjohnson becomes the next Prime Minister. I understand that his conditions for serving in his government would include accepting a no deal exit on the 31st of october, that is not something i could ever sign up to. Its very important that a Prime Minister is able to have a chancellor who is closely aligned with him in terms of policy, and i therefore intend to resign to theresa may before she goes to the palace to tender her own resignation on wednesday. We dont know for sure that borisjohnson will beatjeremy hunt. Well find out on tuesday. But its notjust the chancellor getting ready for Prime Ministerjohnson. Others are ready to quit, too. Just like theresa may, the next Prime Minister will have a divided party in parliament. Theyll also face a familiar issue here, the border between the republic and Northern Ireland. Both men say they want to take out the controversial backstop, but the Irish Government isnt having it. If the approach of the new british Prime Minister is that theyre going to tear up the Withdrawal Agreement, then i think were in trouble. I think were all in trouble, quite frankly, trouble, quite frankly, because thats a little bit like saying, either give me what i want or i am going to burn the house down for everybody. So no deal remains a possibility, and he says it will have a significant Economic Impact and mean checks on the island of ireland, but he says itll be britains fault. Not so, says mrjohnsons team. They want to prepare for leaving without a deal, but still think a new one is possible. The deal, as it stands right now, is dead, and theres no point in trying to twiddle or fiddle it. The reality is that there are huge elements in it which simply are inoperable in the uk. The eu is a master at hard nosed negotiation, and i think we got taken for a ride. As we know. Well, we got taken for a ride because we werent. There will be a new boss in here on wednesday with their own ideas about how to get a better brexit offer, but many of the challenges will be ones weve got very used to. Nick eardley, bbc news. And nick explained why mr hammond decided to announce his resignation plans now and what that means for the next Prime Minister. Philip hammond, a man whos been in government since the coalition years, for nine years at the heart of government, always seen as a safe pair of hands. Fairly mild mannered and loyal, has just dropped this bombshell on a sunday morning live on television, for the simple reason that he is really despairing about the way that it looks that the conservative party is going to go under borisjohnson. He thinks that no deal brexit would be a calamity, and he isnt prepared to sit back and watch it happen. Now, there is an element of being pushed before, sorryjumping before he was pushed, for the simple reason that he wasnt going to stay in Boris Johnsons cabinet anyway. Boris johnson wouldnt have wanted him there. The same is true for some other cabinet ministers, but theyre clearly trying to get out with the maximum impact to say to borisjohnson, we think youre getting this wrong. Ok, there are, though, rumours that we could see more people leaving, stepping down. Whats that going to do to boris working majority . Well, youll certainly see more ministers refusing to serve under boris johnson. We know that the justice secretary david goff is going to be one of them. There could be two or three more cabinet ministers who say we wont serve under borisjohnson. Morejunior ministers on top of that. The big challenge to borisjohnson will come if, as you say, people decide to actually leave the conservative party and eat away at his working majority, because that doesntjust impact brexit, it impacts his whole ability to run a government. And he could be in a situation within the next few weeks where a wafer thin working majority is ebbing away. Theres the by election in wales next week as well, which again, the conservatives could lose a seat and that wafer thin working majority could be even slimmer. What does it all point to . It points to borisjohnson finding the first few months of government extremely hard. All working towards that 31st of october date, when somehow, he has to try and persuade parliament to get on board with whatever he decides to do. Ok, and then we were hearing there from Simon Coveney as well, just to add to that increasing and very busy intro, just remind us what he was saying. Well, youve got, in many ways, with mrjohnsons entry, exactly the challenges theresa may faced. A rebellious conservative party and a parliament that is deeply divided over brexit, but also a European Union that is holding firm. So far, there is no sign that the European Union is willing to revisit the backstop, the thing that both mrjohnson and jeremy hunt have said needs to go. There is no sign that europe wants to do that. Will it . Might it budge at some point in the face of no deal . Possibly, but at the moment, theres no sign of that, so borisjohnson, if he does win, will enter downing street on wednesday, struggling to see how he gets something through parliament, but also knowing that europe, yes, it says, come and speak to us, yes, we want to be your friend, yes we want to sort something out, but we are not going back on the Withdrawal Agreement, so theres a lot to do. The owners of the british flagged tanker seized by iran on friday says theyve put in a formal request to visit the crew members who were captured. The stena impero has been impounded with all 23 crew aboard in the port of bandar abbas. Meanwhile, a recording has emerged of Radio Exchanges between a Royal Navy Warship and irans revolutionary guard moments before the tanker was seized in the strait of hormuz on friday. Irans ambassador to the uk says any further escalation of tensions between britain and iran would be unwise and dangerous. Daniela relph reports. The radio messages came ahead of the Iranian Revolutionary guard taking over the stena impero, descending from a helicopter to the deck of the tanker. A british warship, hms montrose, had been alerted, but failed to reach the ship on time. It did, though, embark on a Radio Exchange with an iranian patrol boat. The swedish based owners of the tanker insist the vessel did not breach any regulations. It says its priority is protecting its multinational crew. Translation we followed the ship every second and every minute and the tanker never Left International waters. We understand that the crew are in relatively good condition, but its a stress situation for everyone. The British Government says its now looking to its International Allies to help ease the tension. Our first and most important responsibility is to make sure that we get a solution to the issue to do with the current ship. Make sure that other british flagged ships are safe to operate in those waters and then look at this wider picture of actually having a working, proper, professional relationship with iran. But this is a hostile act, lets not dodge away from that. In this deepening political and diplomatic row, there are still 23 crew members on a british flagged ship who remain prisoners of irans revolutionary guard. Daniela relph, bbc news. Henryjones is a journalist who specialises in defence and international security. He told us how he sees the situation being resolved. The first thing, i think, to say is the uk is not necessarily keen tojoin a coalitionjust with the United States to solve this. It was reported earlier today that that had been on the table last week. And the london concern is that siding with the us and allowing them to help us through this situation almost validates the us position on the nuclear deal. So thats the first issue here. How you get through it is a difficult question for london to answer. A number of options have been drawn up, as Philip Hammond has said, sanctions are on the table. Tobias ellwood there as well. And i understand that military options have been drawn up. The understanding is the ministry of defence presented a whole raft of options to downing street and they need the green light, they need a go ahead from their political masters to do that, and so its now up to, if it is being resolved, it is up to the politicians to decide how to do that. And if that involves the military in the region, that will be their call to make, and they will no doubt enact that. Admiral lord west has said that more needs to be done, there has been a call for more investment in the navy. How realistic do you think it could be for military escorts to accompany tankers through the strait of hormuz . Its not inconceivable. Lord west is entitled to his comments, and its worth adding that the uk has a very significant permanent presence in the region. It has its four mine hunters, it has hms montrose, hms duncan en route, there are other auxiliary ships again en route. It has a substantial presence in the region. It needs. Im not entirely sure i buy this idea that we lack the capability to protect our shipping. We have this capability to protect our shipping. What more needs to be done . I think its hard to say. But saying that we lack the capability to protect shipping is not particularly helpful. As you mentioned, there is this prospect that we could have convoys moving through the strait. We could have set times where the 30 british flagged ships pass through the strait every day can pass through at a set time, but that is difficult to achieve. Henry, iran earlier described what is taking place as reciprocal actions, hinting that this is just tit for tat. Surely it is not as simple as this. This is brinkmanship. How far do you think iran is willing to go . I agree it is not a simple as tit for tat. The Royal Marines on the 4th ofjuly seized the iranian tanker and it hasnt yet been released. They can argue it is just retaliation for that, they can spin it however they like, and of course theyre going to spin it how it benefits them. They have an agenda here. I think an interesting point to make is what iran wants to get out of this. And how their actions, the precedent that their actions set. If they can get away with this, if they can seize a british flagged tanker in the strait of hormuz that was exercising innocent passage, that it was going about its usual business, if they can do that and they can get away with that, it sets an incredibly dangerous precedent, not unlike that which has been set in the South China Sea by china flouting International Law upheld by the united nations. There have been violent clashes in hong kong following another mass rally against the authorities. An update on the latest events, it is pretty dark as you can see. Some idea of the figures this weekend. Today, around 400,000 people came out on the streets. You can see the blue lights of the riot police. There have been lasers that have been shot by protesters at the right police. The police had been reportedly using tear gas and pepper spray and we saw some of that smoke earlierfrom spray and we saw some of that smoke earlier from the gas and also smoke bombs from the protesters themselves. Police also reportedly using batons and firing plastic bullets. That reported to us by a reporter that was on the scene. Some reports of those protesters throwing bricks and petrol bombs. We have seen pictures of some of the protesters being treated by paramedics on the streets of hong kong. We saw a lady being given water to wash her eyes out because of the tear gas but also somebody being transferred who looked rather poorly being transferred to an amulet. Lets just explain the focus of those protesters today. They were heading towards the rather sensitive Liaison Office of the peoples office in hong kong. They have been throwing paint bombs they are, writing graffiti and throwing eggs on the walls. In one of the protesters explained and this is a comment of what they said, some protesters have even arrested everything, even their personal safety, to occupy the Legislative Council building. It is very sensitive to the government in beijing. Within roughly one month, a few brothers and sisters have sacrificed their own life. We have seen sacrificed their own life. We have seen some sacrificed their own life. We have seen some pretty distressful scenes there in hong kong, and number of people being treated. There was a security blanket that was placed around that building. And certainly police were wanting the protesters to disperse or they would fire the tear gas at them. But since that took place, we have also had reports of plastic bullets and the protesters once again calling for political reform and protection of their democratic freedoms in hong kong. But it does look as if it is dying down now. It started off as a largely peaceful rally, but as the protesters made their way to the Liaison Office within hong kong itself, throwing paint bombs and eggs and putting graffiti on walls, thatis eggs and putting graffiti on walls, that is when the right police were brought in. This has been going on now for some seven weeks. I spoke to our china correspondent Stephen Mcdonnell a short time ago, and he sent this update from the scene. Those protesters who were surrounding beijings headquarters here in hong kong have been forced away by the riot police, and they have retreated to this position. Now, you can see that they are holding shields, makeshift shields with cardboard and plastic and the like, to try and repel the tear gas that the police have been firing at them. We might move along here to see if we can get a better idea here, they are definitely kitted up to take on the riot police, knowing that another charge from the authorities is coming. And if we swing around in the other end of the direction, where you can see this bright light thats the riot police just there, waiting to come again. And theyve been pretty forceful tonight, i have to say. Every time they come, theyre pushing everybody out of the way, including reporters and other bystanders. I think that the imagery of going to beijings headquarters, spray painting it, even writing graffiti all along the lines of that president xi jinping is a dog, well, it was never going to take long for the police to come out after that had happened and clear them away. And thats exactly whats happened. But its quite a tense situation at the moment. Weve got bits of barricade still on the ground here that have been thrown, and various other projectiles, glass, bricks, and the like, have been thrown at the police, and the police have responded with baton charges, with tear gas, and it will keep going like this, i think, until theyve managed to clear these people out of the street altogether. Stephen, this has gone past the fight against the extradition bill. You described earlier chance of defending freedoms in hong kong, just give us an idea of a freedom that were talking about here. Because many people around the world wont understand that special relationship that hong kong has. Yes, exactly. So, this movement started off against this very unpopular extradition bill, allowing for extradition to mainland chinese courts controlled by the communist party. But people here say that other freedoms have been slowly deteriorating here. They think that the independence of the courts has been deteriorating, free press has been deteriorating, you know, people, journalists actually get thrown out of hong kong now for doing things the government doesnt like, something which never possibly couldve happened many years ago. And, yeah, so they think this could be the end of hong kongs way of life. Yes, i know, i can sort of hear projectiles being thrown from this side, so thats. And you can see them preparing, like definitely they know that the next charge from the police is coming very soon, and thats partly because protesters are throwing projectiles and the like at them. Potentially to provoke such a clash. Stephen there and you can see some of the pictures on his twitter feed it for yourself. The headlines on bbc news Philip Hammond says hell resign as chancellor on wednesday if borisjohnson becomes Prime Minister. Irelands foreign minister warns the uks next Prime Minister that if they tear up the brexit Withdrawal Agreement were all in trouble. More violent clashes in hong kong. Police fire tear gas at protesters during another huge pro democracy rally. A 15 year old boy has been shot in coventry city centre. Police say it happened last night. The teenagers injuries are said to be serious, but not life threatening. Detectives are treating it as attempted murder. In portugal, at least one village has been evacuated, and more than 100 firefighters deployed to three separate wildfires in the Castelo Branco region, north of lisbon. One person has been seriously injured, as well as four firefighters. Six neighbouring regions are on the maximum fire alert. A three year old boy has been rescued after falling into an abandoned well in china that was four metres deep and just 30 centimetres wide. Firefighters tried to pull the boy out by tying a rope around his wrists, but were unable to bring him to the surface as he was stuck below the waist. He was given oxygen while they excavated a tunnel at one side of the well. They finally managed to free him, and he was treated by medics at the scene and reunited with his family. What a lucky little boy. British Airways Flights between london and cairo remain suspended until at least friday because of what the airline has described as a safety precaution. No further details have been given. The german carrier lufthansa also abruptly cancelled flights to cairo yesterday, but resumed its services today. Andy moore reports. The last minute cancellation of the flight to cairo caused confusion and anger at heathrow airport. One passenger, due to fly to her sisters wedding on tuesday with her husband and two children, says she now faces a huge bill to rebook. I dont know what to do. I cant even tell my sister that the flight is cancelled. My kids, they are feeling disappointed. They are very, very disappointed. I had to tell them the truth, that we dont know whether were going to travel or not. It may be very inconvenient for some travellers, but this plane crash is the spectre that looms behind the ba cancellations. In 2015, a russianjet plunged into the sinai desert, killing all 224 passengers on board. Britain was one of the first countries to warn it was most likely a terrorist attack. Other nations followed the uk in stopping flights out of sharm el sheikh. Its now thought the plane was blown up by a bomb smuggled on board at the airport. So far, the cancellations only affect ba flights to and from cairo. Other British Airlines flying to other destinations in egypt are not affected. But the Foreign Office has updated its travel advice, saying theres a heightened risk of terrorism against aviation. It says extra security measures are in place for british planes leaving egypt. Earlier, i spoke to amanda flannigan, who lives and works in cairo, but is originally from staffordshire. She was due to fly back to the uk with ba on wednesday. I had an e mail yesterady from ba Late Afternoon saying they had cancelled the flight and cancelled it for the next seven days and that was it basically. I havent managed to get another flight, but i want refund with ba so i can book immediately with another airline. Are using that ba are refusing to refund you . I have been chasing them since last night, i got through to them and they said i needed to talk to the agent i booked through, which i have, but they said they needed to speak to ba and that was about four hours ago, and promised to call me back within the hour. I have heard nothing yet. Youre hoping to fly back to visit family. Are there alternatives open to you . Ba havent mentioned alternatives, but there are many alternatives i can fly with, so i dont understand why ba have cancelled. Weve had no further information. When other airlines are flying in an out of cairo as normal. What do you make of this explanation from ba saying this is just part of a routine check. You travel a fair amount, have you come across something with before . No, i havent. I came back to cairo airport from another trip i have been on, not from the uk. No issues whatsoever. I didnt fly with ba, i flew with another airline. But, no, i have never come across this before in cairo. I have flown in and out many times. Obviously, egypt has been subject to different cancellations due to terrorism in the past. The Foreign Office says there is a heightened risk of terrorism. What is security normally like at the airport in cairo . Ba has a different section than other airlines, but i have been through both. The security seems fine to me. You are scanned quite a few times before you actually go in to check in. The machines scan your luggage, machines you have to go through yourself and numerous passport checks, searches. So, every time i have been through, the security has been actually fine. I do understand the position that there is a danger of terrorism but i dont understand why it is just British Airways at the moment. So what is next for you, amanda . Hopefully i will get some information from British Airways or the agents and then i will book a flight straightaway. I can book a flight straightaway with somebody else but i think all this chasing that i am doing really is not acceptable. It is not Customer Service at all. The government wants to stop companies gagging employees who want to speak out about wrong doing in the workplace. Theres been growing concern about the use of non disclosure agreeements, known as ndas, to silence staff, particularly over issues such as Sexual Harassment and racial discrimination. But new legislation will make it illegal for companies to use ndas to prevent staff from reporting misconduct to the police or their doctor. Heres our Business Correspondent katy austin. Typically, signing a non disclosure agreement, sometimes nicknamed a gagging clause means an employee gets a pay out, but they know cant be used against their old employer. Non disclosure agreements have a range of uses. They can apply to commercially sensitive details such as inventions, but there has been growing concern, including from mps, about their use to cover up allegations of harassment or discrimination in the workplace. Last year, theresa may promised reforms to prevent their misuse. Now, the department for business say changes to the law will stop them being used to prevent people talking to police or other services about their allegations and make sure people fully understand what theyre signing and their rights. Its also promising new measures to take action where ndas dont follow the rules. One lawyer whos been calling for reform says this is a start, but doesnt go far enough. The good things is you can tell the police, you can talk to your doctor, go to a lawyer, you can even talk to your priest. The problems are that very many people in the real world will want to talk to their nearest and dearest, and this reform doesnt allow them to do that. A group that has campaigned will was a total ban. This is something we would like to see a total ban on using them in the case of Sexual Harassment or racial misconduct. The law is seen to tackle the imbalance of power between employees and their employers for there is no set date for when it will come into effect. Deaf student liam mcmulkin was so frustrated by the lack of sign language for scientific terms, he invented his own. More than 100 signs he came up with while studying at the university of dundee have now been accepted by british sign language. Hazel martin has been to meet him. Six puppies that were stolen by burglars, who had machetes, have been reunited with their mother after they were found by police. They were taken by two men, who managed to get access to a flat in the north of manchester. When their mother zena tried to defend them, she was slashed in the face. A 40 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of aggravated burglary and remains in custody for questioning. Now its time for a look at the weather with chris fawkes. Hello again. Well its been quite a reasonable day of weather for most of us. A lot of dry and bright conditions, a bit of sunshine too, but for Northern Ireland, over recent hours, we have seen the rain really come down quite heavily, and that wet weather has been spreading into western scotland as well. Now overnight tonight, the rain will continue for a good chunk of the night for Northern Ireland and western scotland, where we could see as much as 25 50 mm of rain building and by the time the rains clear through later on monday. Perhaps even as much as 100 mm over the hills of dumfries and galloway, so there is a risk of localised surface water flooding here, otherwise its a warm night, 15 17d, the over night lows for many of us. Tomorrow, the south westerly winds will push that rain northwards into the highlands of scotland, the western isles, perhaps damp for a time in the Northern Isles, elsewhere, after a cloudy start for some of us, we will see plenty of sunshine coming out through the afternoon, and its going to be a warm, or very warm day for many areas, Northern Ireland, wales, eastern scotland, and hot across eastern england, with highs up to 29. Hello this is bbc news with lu kwesa burak. The headlines. Philip hammond says hell resign as chancellor on wednesday if borisjohnson becomes Prime Minister. Irelands foreign minister warns the uks next Prime Minister, that if they tear up the brexit Withdrawal Agreement were all in trouble. More violent clashes in Hong Kong Police fire tear gas at protesters during another huge pro democracy rally. This is the scene live in hong kong. Tens of thousands of demonstrators are now on the streets in the latest challenge to beijing. Iran hoists its flag on the masthead of the captured uk registered tanker in the gulf. Time for sport and for a full round up, from the bbc sport centre, heres sarah stone. Good evening. We start with golf. To the final round of the open championship now, and irelands shane lowry continues to blaze a trail at the top of the leaderboard. Lets get the latest from our reporter, adam wild, at royal portrush. Adam . Yes, sarah, barelya blade adam . Yes, sarah, barely a blade of grass to be found in the areas around the tea, the fairways and the greens, in the final few holes here at royal port rush. Tens of thousands of supporters are lining those holes to welcome home the leading pair of shea lowry and shane lowery, began the day with a four shot lead, and he has barely looked back all the way, he did bo give the first, but from then on, he has had a very steady around indeed. He currently sits at 15 under par, thats a six shot lead from tommy fleetwood. He is one overfor the shot lead from tommy fleetwood. He is one over for the day, but much of thatis is one over for the day, but much of that is due to the really difficult conditions weve had here at royal port rush. Very, very windy, we have had some torrential downpour is, very difficult conditions for all the golfers here, but shane lowery has looked very solid indeed. Some questioned whether he would have enough to hold his nerve, he has beenin enough to hold his nerve, he has been in this position going into the final round of a major before, and not one, but shane lowery is a very different player the and the one he was in 2016. Tommy fleetwood, steady round as well, he is three over, a double boogie at the 14th a moments ago. Its really cost him. He is on nine under par, so six shots off the lead, just to confirm, the top of that leaderboard. Shane lead, just to confirm, the top of that leaderboa rd. Shane lowery followed by a tommy fleetwood, brooks curb scott, he has looked unhappy for most of the day, we should just mention as well, the scotsman, the young left hander, bob mcintyre, playing in his first major championship, he has had a terrific day, was one of the early starters, went one round and three under par today. A really good day for him, and the round of the day it belonging to francesco molinari, five under par, but he was one of the early starters, and didnt see the early starters, and didnt see the worst of the weather. It is more ofa the worst of the weather. It is more of a procession today, lacking the drama we have had over recent days, but i suspect there could be something very special waiting for it shane lowery coming down the 18th. There is, i suspect, it shane lowery coming down the 18th. There is, isuspect, unless something seriously changes, going to bea something seriously changes, going to be a big party in port rush tonight portrush tonight. Absolutely, thank you very much adam. Now, it was known as project 56. Adam peatys plan to become the first man to swim a hundred meters breaststroke in under 57 seconds. Today the olympic champion did just that, breaking his own world record in the process. Patrick gearey has the story. Adam pd says he now meditates before big races like this world breast stroke semi final. Mental peace before incredible pace. This is a swimmer who has already conquered the world, who wants to do it better, faster. Giving everything just to finish in less than 57 seconds. 56. 8, he is absolutely destroying the best of the world this has been a journey far longer than that 100 metres of water, when peaty at one on the big old three years ago, setting a world record in the process , setting a world record in the process, many would feel there were no worlds left to conquer, peaty took on project 56, a personal crusade to break what he called the magic 57 second barrier, as an athlete so far ahead of the field, he had now found his new frontier. Im really thinking, coming to the finest form of an athlete i have ever been in, and hopefully the finest person ive been, trying to get back to the sport. This is how is that my legacy, this is howl wa nt is that my legacy, this is howl want to do it. With every record broken, every race one, the question returns to adam peaty, what next . In this case, the answer is immediate, the World Championship final is tomorrow. Patrick geary, bbc news. Australia and englands conquerors new zealand are contesting the netball world cup final, while england have secured the bronze medal after beating south africa. Kate grey is watching in liverpool for us. How is it all going in liverpool, kate . Yes, its a hugely thrilling final here, it was always expected, australia versus new zealand. But at the moment, the defending champions, australia, are having a run for their money. We can take a look at some of those life pictures now we are at the moment, and new zealand have got a six goal lead, and are just finding the net very co mforta bly. Just finding the net very comfortably. Maria, the very experienced shooter, confidently taking that shot there, and at the moment, australia are struggling to find the net there, and they made a few changes at half time, which they havent been able to capitalise on, it was very, very close at half time, but actually, it looks like the australians are very much struggling at the moment, and the new zealanders are very much in control. Its going to be a thrilling match, but as it stands at the moment, its six goals in it, 37 goals 31, we will keep you updated on that a match, but lets go back to the bronze medal match earlier today, where we saw england redeemed himself, and take the bronze medal against south africa. They were a Different Team to what we saw in the semi finals, they were much more competent, much more composed, the shooters were back on form, and they managed to see out that match, 5842, a managed to see out that match, 58 42, a huge score line in the end. Better than their previous magic in south africa, proving that they have bounced back in his tournaments, and ended it on a high. Huge celebrations at the end, as you can imagine. And we caught up with serena guthrie, the captain, and a macro to reflections on the match. This bronze medal isnt a consolation for us. World of netball at the moment, is as high as its ever been. We knew that we would get what we deserve at the end of the day, and it was a bronze medal in this world cup, it was a bronze medal. We went out yesterday, and we fought, and we gave her we could, and it wasnt good enough to him and you have to accept that as an athlete, the best we could get today is bronze, and we are externally proud of that. Although it was a difficult position for me to hand in my notice, and just take a bit of a break, it was the best decision for me at this particular time, but hopefully in 20 years, the residence programme, im destined to be back in this role again, and sometimes i hope that whoever is in charge will give me this opportunity. Is that a promise, you want to come back . Of course i always want to come back to the roses, when i stopped playing, i wanted to coach, and when i stopped coaching, i want to be part of the squad no matter what. It was a big smile on tracey nevilles face on the end, obviously not the metal she wanted, but at least the team go home with a metal around their neck, and even though england didnt get the result they wa nted england didnt get the result they wanted in this tournament, there has been a brilliant buzz around netball throughout the ten days of this world cup. And we have definitely been treated to some fabulous matches, this final included in that, and we will keep you across the action as it happens to find out who will be crowned the world cup champions for 2019. Its all very exciting there in liverpool, thank you very much kate. Cycling now. Its been a much better day for britain at the Tour De France. Simon yates claimed a second stage win as defending champion Geraint Thomas clawed back time from race leader julian ala philippe. Nick parrott reports. Another day in the mounds of the Tour De France promised another day of intense battles. After losing time to Ella Phillippe yesterday, defending champion Garrett Thomas couldnt afford to lose sight of him again. One man who was allowed to get away was a britons simon yates, the spaniard champion wasnt a threat to their ambitions as his searing pace saw him shoot up the final climb to stage victory. Behind him, the attacks came thick and fast, for a moment it looked like thomas had let allaphillipe get away, but the increase in pace proved too much for the frenchman. Back on level terms, and with just over a mile to go, thomas went for it. Yesterday, he said he felt quite weak, but now he showed strength, as he pulled away, cutting the time deficits between them with every pedal stroke. It was a serious statement of intent, but not enough to ta ke statement of intent, but not enough to take the Yellow Jersey off of allaphillipe. After all that effort, tomorrows rest they will be needed. Nick parrott, bbc news. So heres how the standings look now. Thomas has cut alaphilippes lead by almost half a minute, but he remains just 12 seconds ahead of steven croys vike. Britains Dina Asher Smith missed out on victory in the 100 metres at londons anniversary games but still turned in an impressive performance. The 23 year old won her heat earlier in the day with a seasons best time, but lost out in the final to the double olympic champion Shelly Ann Fraser pryce. Smith finished the race in second place with a time of 10. 92 seconds. 2014 Commonwealth Games silver medalist lynsey sharp produced a strong finish down the home straight to win the womens 800 metres in a seasons best time. Fellow briton Alexandra Bell finished third in a personal best. Great britains men were also winners in the four by 100 metres event. After a blistering third leg from richard kilty, it was left to Mitchell Blake to bring the team home in a time of 37. 6 seconds. Australia are on the brink of retaining the womens ashes as the final day of the test match continues in taunton. England declared earlier today on 275 for eight, 145 behind. Australia are currently 230 for seven as they stretch their lead and take time away from englands attempts to force a win. If it ends a draw then australia will have retained the ashes with three t20 matches still to play. Thats all the sport for now. You can keep up with the latest from the open and all todays sports news on the bbc sport website. Now on bbc news, its time for the film review. Bye bye. Hello and a very warm welcome to the film review on bbc news. Taking us through this weeks cinema releases, mark kermode. Hello. Hi. Mixed bag this week. We have tell it to the bees, which is a new british drama. We have the lion king. Is it live action or animation . And varda by agnes a film maker looks back on her life and career. Lets start with tell it to the bees, which is adapted from a book by fiona shaw which i confess i have not read. I know you have seen the film. I have not read the novel either, actually. We are both working on just the basis of the film. Holliday grainger is lydia, who is raising her son on her own in rural scotland. She finds herself homeless, and this new doctor actually, returning doctor, jean, played by anna paquin offers her a housekeeper because she doesnt have anywhere else to live. So she moves in, and the two women become very friendly. This kind of story is seen through the eyes of the young son. In the beginning, there is a voiceover of what did he see, what didnt he see . He becomes particularly fascinated by the fact, in the garden there is a hive of bees, and hes really interested in the way in which the bees live together in their society, and he is told by anna paquins character, you tell your secret to the bees, which i think is where the title comes from. The bees sort of seem to serve a larger role which is both mirroring and, in some cases, actually moving on the story. Heres a clip. Oi, oi get off oh, its on me get it off me stay still. No. We mustnt. What did you do to the bees . No, nothing, i, erm. So. And this is the 50s. Its a period drama but i do think it still has some relevance, because it talks about some pretty tough subjects. It talks about homophobia, it talks about racism, it talks about domestic abuse. It does all of those things quite frankly. It is sort of upfront about them. There are a couple of scenes in the film that did make me wince because they are kind of tough. My problem is this. I didnt that its very well intentioned, and i think its solidly played. Im not entirely sure that, on the screen, the bee metaphor works, because up to a point, there is this idea of the discussion, youre telling your secrets to the bees, the hive mind. Its fine. There are moments, however, in which the bees to start to play an active part in the narrative, in which i did think this is falling apart. It was a bit peculiar, that point, wasnt it . The bee element was quite lovely with the little boy at the beginning, and then towards the end, you think, not sure where this is going the more it was kind of happening in the background, as a counterpoint to the main story, the better it worked. When it actually became part of the story, it was less successful. That said, i think its heart is in the right place, and i think it is at least striving to tell a story in an adventurous way. I would rather watch something try to do something and fail then just simply play it safe. I think some of the performances are not quite as great as they perhaps ought to be, i think thats partly due with actors wrestling with accents which are not their own. Yes, i agree. I kind of wanted to be. I wanted to be better but i think there are still things, and there are individual moments in it which i think, oh, they work really well. Individual moments of real electricity and spark, and kate dickies in it, and i love kate dickie in absolutely everything. She is fantastic. She is flinty in this for them. Very, very stern. She is aggressive and we dont mess with her. No, you dont. The lion king. Why . Why is it being remade . Explain. Well, i think the most obvious reason, live action disney remakes are making a tonne of money. They are doing really well. In the case of this, this is kind of billed as live action. It is not live action. It is animated. Everything youre saying on the screen is animation. The whole thing is done in a Virtual Reality environment in which the cameras are moving around in Virtual Reality but it is all completely computer generated. Its photorealist animation. And what this does is, you can create a photoreal version of an antelope or a lion, or a lion cub. The only thing is, they look like real animals but they are talking in singing, and i have a slight conceptual problem with this. If you see a cartoon talking and singing, it is fine because you understand. If you see the stage production of the lion king, your mind is filling some of the gaps. You cannot fault it technically. It is breathtaking. The environment is the best sort of realised environment on screen you can possibly imagine, but it is. Its like a David Attenborough documentary, and theyre all singing. Its just weird i am personally a great fan of old, traditional animation. I never watched an old animated film and thought, i wish it was more real. This is something very new and it is kind of ground breaking. This is real cutting edge stuff, and its made byjon favreau, who made jungle book, which did have a human character. It is very strange. I am not entirely convinced by it. Our third choice this week. People might think they would only like if theyre obsessed with cinema i dont know anyone like that this is varda by agnes. Its agnes vardas final film, looking at her life, her extraordinary career. Shes talking sometimes to an audience, sometimes shes talking to the camera, and so we get clips from her films. We get encounters of people who remember working with her, and how tough she was. When you see the film, what comes across as her generosity of spirit, her enthusiasm forfilm, her enthusiasm for the medium and also her great love of beaches. And she says this thing about a beach is the opposite of a wall, which is a phrase which wins me over. Heres a clip. Its so enchanting, and i did not actually expect to be enchanted, but theres something really. Did you think it was going to be hard work and sort of. . I thought you would have to be really, super knowledgeable about her work to get some thing out of it, and you dont have to, because i am not. And yet, she is delightful to listen to. It shows you just as much as you need of the clips to make you think, i want to see that film particularly the Robert De Niro film. She said, its so great i got Robert De Niro. The film flopped, but it doesnt matter i got Robert De Niro for a day she says this thing about all film making comes down to three things, and its inspiration, creation and then sharing. Inspiration is where the film comes from, creations how you make it and sharing is showing it to the audience. And i love the fact she loves cinema, but she loves the audience engaging with the cinema. She does these artworks, installations did, her final film and what you get from this is a portion of somebody, her enthusiasm, her intelligence, her empathy. I thought the film was great fun. Theres many laughs in it. Its really funny and playful and witty. I thought it was really, really charming. It is an absolute delight. Best out this week . I really, really love only you, which is the debut feautre by harry wootliff. I think she has done a greatjob of telling this story. About a relationship between two people, a slightly younger man, a slightly older woman. The woman thinks that their relationship is going to be unbalanced, out of sync, but he is the one who thinks, i think we should start a family. It is about what happens when something which is an idea turns into a demand. I think it is brilliant. I love the performances. Fantastic, yes. It feels so intimate and so honest i absolutely believed in the characters you loved it, too, right . Yes. Not quite as much is you, and we dont have time to explain why, but i thought the performances were fantastic. Fabulous, fabulous. Fantastic. Captain marvel. Ive watched it this will surprise you. Captain marvel, i did. I married someone who loves superhero movies. What was their verdict on it . She loved it. I loved it for about two thirds of it and then went, oh, is it still on . It felt a little bit long. When it came out, a lot of people saying, it cannot work, it has not enough blokes in it. And how dare they and of course, its been a runaway success. The reason ive chosen it on dvd is, i want to see it again. In cinema, i thought it was fine. I felt the same thing as you. Two thirds of the way. But i want to see it again because its been such a runaway hit. I think theres stuff in there that i probably missed first time around. Brie larson was good. Brie larson is great i think brie larson is really good, and i think shes got a great sense of humour as well. Thank you very much. See you again soon. That is it for this week. See you next time. Bye bye. Hello there. Well, the weather is going to get very hot for some of us over the next few days, particularly so across parts of england and wales, notjust hot, but also very sunny as well. Scotland and Northern Ireland, while warm at times, there will be some sunshine, but also the risk of some very heavy thundery downpours to come over the next few days. Towards the middle part of the week, as High Pressure developes in northern europe, we will start to get the south easterly winds bringing us the hot air. Now temperatures in paris could reach 41 degrees, which would be a new record for the french capital. We get temperatures pushing on into the mid 30s, with the heat really concentrated across eastern parts of england. Here is the weather picture at the moment, and you can see extensive clouds showing up on the satellite picture, and that cloud extends well out into the atlantic, with this waving weather front wiggling its way towards Northern Ireland and western scotland, where its going to continue to be very wet here overnight tonight, in fact, the rain really mounting up, particularly for western scotland, where 25 50 mm of rain could fall in places, may be up to 100 on some of the western hills, may be in dumfries and galloway. Its going to be a warm night, temperatures 15 17dc. And the south westerly winds will be pushing the rain northwards across the highlands, into the western isles, perhaps a bit of damp weather at times for the Northern Isles too. Otherwise, where we start off with a little bit of cloud, it will tend to break up with spells of sunshine developing through the day, and in the sunshine, some warm weather around, temperatures 25 degrees in belfast, warm too for eastern scotland, 24 for aberdeen. Wales 26 or so, and across eastern areas of england, hot. Temperatures up to 29, and it gets even hotter on tuesday. As the winds turn more to a southeasterly, notice a lot of dry and sunny weather across most areas of the united kingdom. Those temperatures will be rising again into the mid 20s for western counties of Northern Ireland, 25 in edinburgh, but up to around 33 34d across eastern areas of england, and after such a warm day, those temperatures will be very slow to ease through tuesday night. Look at this. Ten oclock at night, 27 in london, at 26 in cardiff, an uncomfortable night sleep ahead, and it looks like it will go bang as well. Through tuesday night, some very big thunderstorms moving up from europe, pushing their way northwards, and will probably reach parts of scotland during wednesday. Generally, scotland and Northern Ireland could see some further bands of thundery rain later in the week, england and wales dry and sunny. This is bbc news. Im lukwesa burak. The headlines at 6pm the chancellor threatens to resign if borisjohnson becomes Prime Minister. Philip hammond tells the bbc he would then campaign to prevent a no deal brexit. I understand that his conditions for serving in his government would include accepting a no deal exit on the 31st of october. That is not something i could ever sign up to. Irelands foreign minister warns well be in trouble if the new pm tears up the brexit Withdrawal Agreement. If the house of commons chooses to facilitate a no deal brexit and if a new british Prime Minister chooses to take britain in that direction, then it will happen. But this will be a british choice. More violent clashes in hong kong. Police fire tear gas at protesters during another huge

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