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As possible to be experienced and highly qualified. The manager, ann marie, says finding and keeping those staff has recently got much harder. We have had two members of staff its designed to prove that china that went travelling, is responding rationally to years one went three years ago, and other recently. Of sporadic separatist violence. I asked if they would come back we are also taken to the id kah and they said that they by going mosque in the city of kashgar, to go at work, one in a supermarket, one of xinjiangs holiest sites. Faith is alive and well, the other in a bar, we are told, with a government because it was more money. That was the only reason, approved imam insisting that there is no ban that i could not better the wages. On long beards. She says that is because most children here are eligible for government funded places. Day nurseries have been warning for some time government pays less than the market rate, causing a financial shortfall. Now one group is warning that thats increasingly affecting the type once again, the satellite pictures tell a different story. Of staff they can afford to employ. Right across the region, mosques are being destroyed. What weve seen over the last three over the past two years, years government funding staying in cities, towns and villages, dozens of religious sites once clearly visible on the satellite stagnant, but at the same time images have been turned they have rising staff costs, rising business cost, business rates, and other things like pension contributions, all pushing their costs up, which leaves them much less money at the end of the day to cover staff wages. Into patches of bare earth. The department for education told us more children, including from low income families, are now benefiting from free i asked if we can get to the mosque childcare and its investing in training early years staff, and he says the road is closed. But it is monitoring we think its onlyjust been closed the sector closely, including moments before our arrival. Workforce and costs. Katie austin, bbc news. Weve seen a number of other people on motorbikes, scooters, some cars as well, stopping and asking why they cant get through. Now on bbc news our world. China is thought to be holding more than a million muslims in camps in its far west region of xinjiang. The bbcsjohn sudworth was given rare, and highly controlled, access to the facilities. We are hoping to find out whats happened to this, the gatehouse of the aitika mosque in the city of keriya. Muslims are being detained. Its distinctive shadow shows mosques demolished. It was Still Standing in late 2017. Thoughts transformed. But now its gone, overwhelmed by the surrounding commercial development. We get close enough and children are disappearing. With rare official access. To film the building work. Have you been convicted of a crime . Our own evidence. Marooned in the middle, the mosques prayer hall with its domed towers. And testimony from more than 60 is still intact. But there is Construction Machinery on the spot where the gatehouse once stood. Grieving relatives. Nearby, traditional uighur neighbourhoods are being demolished too. Where are they now . The old homes are visible in this image from two years ago. Whole swathes have disappeared just a few months later. We find out whats really this patch of land encapsulates happening in chinas far western perfectly the two driving forces of modern china. Region of xinjiang. China used to deny that these places exist. But now we are being given a tour. Taken inside some of the giant secure facilities thought to hold more than a million muslims. Political stability and economic development. There is no doubting that these neighbourhoods were poor, music plays. But by demolishing them, by repressing the faith of those who lived in them and by forcing hundreds of thousands of them this is what china to re education, the concern is that wants the world to see. Offered up as proof that these a whole history and culture are not prisoners but students. Are being wiped out. And now the bbc has new evidence willingly being guided of what is happening to their children. Away from extremism. Is it your choice to be here . In account. After account. Gathered in a meeting hall in istanbul. Uighurs tell us again and again of the immeasurable grief government officials watch of separation from their over every interview. Loved ones back home. This is how thoughts do you have any idea who is looking are transformed. Xinjiangs uighurs, kazakhs after your children now . And other minorities who have their own languages and culture spend long hours rote learning chinese. Do you know where your children are now . Studying chinas tightening restrictions on religion. And replacing their religious and cultural identity with something else. For decades, ties of language i love the communist party of china, this man has written. And faith have brought uighurs how often are you able to pray . To turkey, but now there is no way back. The three children at home, do you know where they are now . Do you know whos looking after them . These are places where adults wear uniforms. And where they dont go home at the end of the day, but sleep up to ten a room, sharing a toilet with no idea how your husband was arrested . Many months or years it will be before they can return to theirfamilies. If they dont want to come, then what happens . It isnt a place where people have to come . Obey the rules, stay until you allow them to leave . Abdurahman tohti moved it sounds more like a prison, even if its a prison where you can to turkey in 2013. Do some art. Three years ago, his wife and children went back to xinjiang for a short trip and vanished. Then, earlier this year, he found something online. I think a definition of a prison isnt about what happens inside. Its whether you can leave or not. Hes certain its his son, abdulaziz, in his orphanage, speaking not in uighur, his mother tongue, but in chinese. Over the past few years, a vast network of high security facilities has been built across chinas Western Region of xinjiang. Surrounded by high walls, barbed wire and watchtowers. But in some of the places we are being taken to, the satellite images show the internal security fencing alongside the camps, china has been and what look like watchtowers building something else. Were taken down shortly before giant new schools, many the tours forjournalists began. With huge dormitories. This kindergarten sleeps hundreds. The authorities seem and empty exercise yards have been transformed into sports facilities. To want to keep them hidden. On full display when we visited. We find one street blocked by the police. Reports say there is a school here for 2000 children of detained parents, but we are not allowed to get any closer. This kindergarten for the children of detainees has barbed wire, but if these are show camps, cameras and signs that say only what might that say about the places were not given access to . With their watchtowers and barbed wire still in place, chinese should be spoken. They look much less like schools. And we are much less welcome. And everywhere we go, senior officials deny that family separation on such a scale the locked and deserted homes hint would cause lasting psychological damage. At the scale of the system, and at a definition of extremism that now includes the mildest of islamic customs and beliefs. What is happening to those children so, here it is in black and white where extended families have been a notice telling People Living taken into the camp system . In this village that certain religious practices are banned. At this point here, number ten, it says the wearing of long beards for young men is not to be allowed. Rakhima senbay, who now lives in kazakhstan, spent more than a year in the chinese camp system just for having whatsapp on her phone. But such cases are not hard to find. Amine wayit, who now runs a clothes shop in turkey, only towards the end was she in a facility resembling recently found this picture those weve been shown. Of her stepdaughter on social media. Mostly she was in much tougher its a sign her close camps, including this one. Relatives are in the camps. Her stepdaughter in a boarding school and wearing traditional chinese costume. If you could send a message to her today, what would you tell her . Buried deep on the chinese internet, when you see the pictures that china there is evidence to suggest is showing the world, of happy muslims studying hard, dancing even, inside these 00 09 11,572 2147483051 41 20,501 facilities that they call 2147483051 41 20,501 4294966103 13 29,430 schools, what do you think . There is now a deliberate policy to separate children from their roots. I have uncovered very detailed evidence of how both students and teachers in these boarding schools, if they fail to speak chinese to each other, there are severe penalties. Other documents found by mr zenz mentioned Psychological Counselling for the children of parents taken to the camps, and the need to make up for the lack of family love, suggesting china is all too aware of the impact. Since the camps were built, hes found an 82 jump in kindergarten places, and by even more in areas of xinjiang where uighurs are the majority. Chinas National Increase was just 8 . The xinjiang government is attempting to gain full control over the young generation, to literally raise a new generation that has been cut off from original roots, from religious beliefs, from cultural knowledge, and even from their own language. I believe the evidence really points to what we must call a cultural genocide. Kalida akytkankyzy now lives in kazakhstan. Last year, herfamily members back in xinjiang were all taken to the camps, leaving her 14 grandchildren parentless. So she phoned their village official. Kalida cant look for her family. Anyone returning to xinjiang is likely to end up in the camps. So we look for her. The family home is locked and deserted. We call the village official. But he hangs up on us too. Other families weve spoken to also give us permission to search for their missing relatives. But we find no one. Only the signs of a giant vanishing. Back on our official tour, job training, we are told, is crucial for peoples transformation. How long does it take to learn how to make a bed . Just to learn to make the bed, four months . We would call that brainwashing. In 2015, we filmed the crowds, young and old, turning up to pray at the id kah mosque. Beards were easy to spot. Four years on, the faces are clean shaven. And this is the scene just before prayer time. Inside, a few elderly men gather in silence. Isnt the truth that what weve just seen is proof that china has suffocated islam in this region . Until recently, this place was the vibrant heart of a deeply devout society. Now, theres almost no one left. Late at night, we return uninvited to one of the camps weve been taken to on our official tour. Long after dark, the lights still burn. And the sound of thoughts being transformed echoes late into the night. Chanting. Hello. The first half of the weekend has been mainly dry and fine for most. For others, a few hefty showers, particularly across the eastern side of scotland, into the pennines, through the midlands, east anglia and south east england. This building area of High Pressure through the early hours of sunday morning will tend to ease away most of the showers but we could keep one or two going first on sunday across east anglia and south east england. A lot of cloud around to start the day. It will thin and break. Well all see some spells of sunshine, particularly across northern ireland, a fine day here. Still the chance of one or two showers across the Higher Ground of scotland, Northern England and wales. Maybe one or two across south west england, but most will have a mainly dry day, fairly light winds as well, except for eastern coasts. Brisker breeze here, a bit more in the way of cloud at times, just keeping temperatures pegged back to around 17 or 18 celsius. Further west, in the best of the sunshine, 21 24 celsius. Some fine conditions for the cricket World Cup Final at lords. A lot of cloud around through the morning, but it will thin and break and by the afternoon some spells of sunshine, lighter gentle north easterly breeze, highs of 21 celsius. Similar conditions at wimbledon as well. So its a fine evening for most. Late spells of sunshine. As the night wears on, more cloud feeding into northern scotland, eastern parts of scotland and england. Could be low enough that cloud to bring some patchy drizzle but for most it is a dry night. Clearer skies further west. Slightly cooler night as well, lows of between nine and 13 celsius. Its a quiet start to the new week. Weve still got our area of High Pressure so its mainly dry. Some cloud around through the morning, will thin and break, much more sunshine by the afternoon, fewer showers as well, if any. Most will stay dry. Temperatures up a notch, 21 24 celsius. A little bit warmer along eastern coasts as the winds subtly changes direction. As we go from monday into tuesday, heres our area of High Pressure still with us. Look whats happening in the the atlantic, though, a frontal system starting to make inroads. So thats going to start to produce some showers on tuesday, perhaps across northern ireland, the western side of scotland and just filtering their way a bit further north and eastwards, across scotland through the day. It could become heavy in places. For much of england and wales, dry, fine, very warm 2a or 25 celsius on tuesday afternoon. But heres our front as we go into wednesday, starting to push its way further eastwards. So whilst most of england and wales will probably stay mainly dry for a time on wednesday, we will see increasing cloud and eventually some outbreaks of rain. And that means in turns more unsettled by the end of the week. Bye bye. This is bbc news. Welcome if youre watching here in the uk or around the globe. Im reged ahmad. 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