Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC Newsroom Live 20240714

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In england to treat patients with a rare hereditary disease. It is making a disease that was previously untreatable treatable and has the potential to make patients lives dramatically better. In the last hour, the labour and video footage is released leader, Jeremy Corbyn, has said his party will challenge showing the final moments of a team of climbers whose bodies the next Prime Minister to put any new brexit deal to a second referendum. Were recovered in the himalayas. Following a meeting of the shadow cabinet, mr corbyn issued a statement saying labour would campaign in that referendum for remain. Good morning. The statement does not explain what welcome to bbc newsroom live. A labour would do if the party won a im joanna gosling. President trump has stepped general election before a decision had been made on brexit. Up his attack on the uks our assistant Political Editor norman smith is at westminster. Ambassador in washington, how big of a deal is this norman . Saying we will no longer deal with him. In a series of tweets, i think it is a significant step and mr trump also said that theresa may had made a mess of brexit, there is no doubt labour remainers adding he was thankful that the british people would soon will be delighted. That mr corbyn is have a new Prime Minister. The remarks follow a leak of emails now saying that the party will not written by Sir Kim Darroch, only back another referendum in the describing the Trump White House event of no deal or a tory deal, but as inept and dysfunctional. Downing street says sir kim has the governments full support. Labour will campaign to stay in the andy moore reports. Eu. That is a huge step from where shortly after President Trump labour was a couple of years ago criticised mrs may and her where it promised to abide by the ambassador, downing street issued a statement saying Sir Kim Darroch result of the referendum, where it continued to have the full support voted to trigger article 50, where of the Prime Minister. Jeremy corbyn called the article 50 the leak was unfortunate, the statement went on, to be triggered immediately. There but the special has been one way travel since then relationship would endure. With mr corbyn slowly, incrementally on his twitter feed, President Trump said, i have been moving towards disposition. Very critical about the way the uk and Prime Minister theresa may handled brexit. Inevitably, it will prompt alarm and what a mess she and her representatives have created. I told her how it fury from labour leave supporting in should be done, but many traditional labour seats that she decided to go another way. I do not know the fear the party will be seen as going back on what it has promised, and it ambassador, but he is does not end the uncertainty of what not liked or well thought of on earth happens in the event of a in the us. We will no longer deal with him. The good news for the wonderful United Kingdom is that they will general election. A mr corbyns soon have a new Prime Minister. Entirely silent on that possibility while i thoroughly enjoyed ofa the magnificent state visit last entirely silent on that possibility of a stop it is quite possible that borisjohnson, where month, it was the queen of a stop it is quite possible that Boris Johnson, where he of a stop it is quite possible that borisjohnson, where he to become who i was most Prime Minister, could decide to call impressed with. There are reports that a snap election. What we know is the ambassador has already been frozen out from a diplomatic event that the five biggest labour backing in washington over night. But it is unlikely the uk will bow to american pressure and bring him home. Unions believe there should be a when i was foreign campaignfora secretary eight or nine unions believe there should be a campaign for a brexit but a labour brexit deal. You end up with this years ago, there was art juxtaposition that brexit deal. You end up with this artjuxtaposition that if boris the more release of us the more johnson as Prime Minister, they will campaign against brexit, ifjeremy release of Us Diplomatic cables, corbyn was poised to become Prime Minister, then they would campaign wikilea ks releasesed it, that caused outrage around the world, there was a scathing for brexit for one little safety comments about gordon brown, berlusconi, catch, little safety catch is they president sarkozy. The us ambassadors were, would insist on what is called a if i remember rightly, excruciatingly embarrassed at that time. But they were not withdrawn. Confirmatory referendum, in other to the whitehall hunt for the source of the leak has onlyjust begun. Approve a labour brexit a deal and the foreign secretary is reported as saying it is a possibility it are ready we are hearing from labour could be the act of a foreign hostile state. Remainers who are sane, if that is andy moore, bbc news. What is going to happen, we would earlier, i spoke to like the freedom as labour mps to the former uk ambassador to washington from 1997 to 2003, sir christopher meyer, about these lea ks. Campaign against ourown like the freedom as labour mps to campaign against our own partys brexit a deal. That was the message from the shadow treasury minister clive lewis. You know that whatever the deal is, the great leak of the cache of documents has stung him to the quick, and i think he is also that they do if it will go back to deeply irritated by theresa mays full faith and support in sir kim. The public. So put those two things together labour would then be on the side of and from his point of view you have brexit. It wouldnt necessarily. What we got a toxic combination that has led to this shower of tweets. Know, it is entirely possible for can sir kim carry on doing hisjob the government, a Labour Government when obviously the relationship to put forward that this is our is a vital one, and already deal, but to give a free vote to the we understand he has actually front bench, to be able to campaign been barred from one on what they want. That has happened diplomatic dinner overnight . In the last referendum in the 19705, well, being barred from a diplomatic dinner is not the end of the world it can happen again. It is not if you are an ambassador in washington and i think we have rocket science. So as you have said, it has been a to be a little bit careful about saying, sir kim is finished. Long time coming because of divisions. The question is going to he is ruined, his tenure in office is now unsustainable. Be with it revive labours fortunes it could be that, but we cant because we have seen the tories and make that judgment yet, because when trump says he is not labour suffering in the local going to receive him, elections and the european elections we are not going to receive him, we dont quite know against the other parties. What he means by that. I think the honest answer is we do not know. It depends whether people is thatjust trump and his family . Is that the whole of the white house staff . Are convinced on the clarity of does it include the National Security council and national labours position, and i have to say security adviserjohn bolton, at first glance, i am not sure it is a key contact . We dont actually entirely clear because, as i say, in know at the moment. Probably sir kim the event of a borisjohnson doesnt know either. Government, then it is pretty clear we have got a Summer Holiday coming that labour will back remain. But in up, it is soon going to be august, washington shuts down, the event of a Jeremy Corbyn well come back in september, government, it appears labour would and maybe by then tempers will have cooled a little bit. Of course, in the meantime, we will change prime support brexit in a labour brexit minister here in the uk, deal. And we are unclear about what the party was my position would be but that is another story. If the president were to decide in that eventuality in terms of a to freeze out sir kim completely referendum it does seem slightly extraordinary that labour could in a way that meant that a diplomatic relations were then impossible with him in post, pledge to try and secure a brexit we would be in a situation deal and then somehow allow its mps to vote against it in any subsequent where the us president calls the shots on who the ambassador is, or at least who the ambassador referendum, of Castle Howard wilson is not. What would that indicate . Did perform precisely this balancing i mean, what would be act back in 1974, and that at the the implications of that . End of the day may be the only my instinctive reaction is not to submit it option left to mr corbyn if he does so that kind of pressure. So if sir kim found that come not thoroughly alienate one wing or september and the start of the new political year, the other of his party. It risks, i the new diplomatic year that he was frozen out think, being seen as a pretty foggy, unclear position if you are going of everything, i just dont think into a general election on that this is going to happen, by the way, joanna, but lets assume basis against a presumably boris he gets frozen out of everything, Johnson Tory Party who would be then he has underneath him an extremely capable staff openly campaigning for no deal. Who would be able to hold the fort, in my view, for at least thank you. A couple of months or so. So this is another reason why now lets get the facts of hilary i am saying this is not something that we should rush benn. Into and we should certainly not he is the chair of the brexit select kowtow to the american president. Committee and has also been campaigning for his party to support the uks relationship with the us another referendum on eu membership. What is your reaction to what has is likely to be a topic in tonights emerged . Television debate between tory i think this is a very significant leadership hopefuls Boris Johnson and jeremy hunt. Announcement. There is a valid theyre due to take part confirmed that a labour now supports in their first head to head debate, a confirmatory referendum in all in front of a Live Audience on itv at 8pm this evening. Circumstances, and secondly, we have a conservative government at the the 160,000 or so conservative moment, we will have a new members eligible to take part have conservative Prime Minister and any already begun voting by post, deal that the Prime Minister puts after ballot papers started arriving at peoples homes on friday. Forward , deal that the Prime Minister puts forward, we want that to be put to the british people in a referendum the office for National Statistics and in that referendum, labour would has published its first report campaign that remain. I think we into the black and minority have now got clarity, whereas before ethnic pay gap. We had confusion for stop it is it it found that employees of chinese, indian and mixed or multiple real clarity when there is still the ethnicity all had higher median issue of if there were to be a hourly pay than White British employees in 2018. General election and the issue of earlier, i spoke to Hugh Strickland from the office for National Brexit where unresolved, labours statistics. Position is not clearly remain in that context . Asi this is the first analysis that context . As i understand it, the shadow cabinet did not take a decision on that we have been able to do looking that because if we get a general at specific different ethnicities and the pay gaps in regards to White British. Election, the policy will have to be so it is perhaps not a surprise decided then. I cannot conceive of to me, but it may be a surprise any circumstances where labour will go intoa to the public as a whole. Any circumstances where labour will go into a general Election Campaigning to deliver brexit. So, as you say, chinese groups, employees from an indian background as well, they earn more than white because part of the reason why this decision i think has been made today british people. I will interrupt you just is we saw what a lack of clarity did for a moment, because we can see a graphic that you have tell labour support in the european elections. We got 14 of the vote. Done on this. So, yes, carry on and we willjust and while it was entirely right and take a look at that. Proper to try and bring both sides so there you can see the earnings by different ethnic groups of the argument together, what and you can see that the chinese, the people from chinese ethnicity became Crystal Clear was it wasnt in more than White British. The same is true of indian groups. Working because one has to make a and we see the people who are mixed ethnic or multiple ethnic, choice. And now the shadow cabinet they match pretty well, has made a choice to support a actually, White British. Whereas other groups, black, african, caribbean, second referendum and a campaigner bangladeshi, pakistani, of the remain. That is a big step they consistently earn lower amounts forward and i cant see in terms of average earnings circumstances in which labour would than a White British. Go intoa circumstances in which labour would and do you have an go into a general election saying we explanation as to why . Will deliver brexit because it would so these are the raw figures be very hard to see how we could win that the 0ns has produced today. An election in those circumstances. We havent delved underneath those reading through the e mail that is in any great detail to actually try going out from Jeremy Corbyn to all and find out whats going on, labour party members, saying labour but we are able to say a few things. Set out a compromise plan to bring the country together based around a so younger people from pretty much Customs Union, a strong single all the ethnic groups that we have market relationship and protection identified and analysed have smaller of environmental regulations and pay gaps rights. We continue to believe this than people who are over 30. So if you are younger, isa rights. We continue to believe this is a sensible alternative that could you tend to have a smaller pay gap. Bring the country together. It seems we have also looked at some analysis to lay open the prospect of a labour where we have tried to control, going into a general election where brexit is still unresolved, pushing if you like, hold steady, that argument, saying that is the things like occupation and qualification sort of deal labour would try to level, and again we can explain some of these pay caps, deliver. Because obviously the issue level, and again we can explain until now has been not going back on some of these pay gaps, but certainly not all of them. The outcome of the referendum, not is it different in different sectors of the economy . Braking that promise. We believe it probably is. We havent produced data to show that as of yet. I think the truth is we can now see we have also found that. So is your data an average across all sectors . Our data is an average that there is nothing that could be across great britain, negotiated, and that has i was been across all sectors, and we have a labour priority. How do we protect tried to analyse to hold things the economy and jobs . There is like industrial sector and occupation steady. Nothing that can be negotiated that and we have seen that can explain is better than the deal we currently some of the pay gap that ethnic have and we have also been very groups face compared to White British employees. Clear from the have and we have also been very clearfrom the beginning have and we have also been very clear from the beginning that a no deal brexit would be the absolute we have also actually looked at region and we find that there is a difference worst outcome for the british across the country as well. So the ethnic pay gap economy. We have been taking evidence in front of our select is actually largest in London Committee for the last three or and it is smallest, in fact, it is positive in the north east weeks, representatives of business, and eastern regions. Without exception they say that no deal brexit would be damaging to theres growing speculation that their industries. And the reason why labour could be poised we need to be referendum, and that to shift its policy on a brexit is why today is so important, a referendum at a meeting of the shadow cabinet this morning. It follows a decision significant step, and i warmly by the leaders of the five biggest welcome it. Parliament is labour supporting unions to back a vote on any deal reached deadlocked, however is the new Prime Minister will come back and find the by the next Prime Minister. 0ur assistant Political Editor same minister will come back and find the sa m e votes minister will come back and find the same votes in parliament. We cannot go on like this, we need to resolve norman smith is at westminster. This question because the lack of a decision is in itself damaging 0bviously obviously a subject of debate for a confidence in the economy. We see long time. But to change today . What is happening to investment. Therefore, for labour to come out, i think we will see another significant step today, but another Jeremy Corbyn saying clearly we now back a second referendum on any deal incremental step and i step make that borisjohnson, back a second referendum on any deal that Boris Johnson, if that back a second referendum on any deal a step that will leave people that borisjohnson, if that is who wins, is going to put to parliament, confused. What i think we can expect and labour in that referendum will is the shadow cabinet to endorse the campaignfor remain, and labour in that referendum will campaign for remain, this is a very position taken by the five biggest significant moment and i welcome it. What do you say to labour voters who labour backing unions yesterday which was a two fold sort of backed brexit and will feel that decision. It relates to the Current Parliament and it says that if boris they have been betrayed, potentially, by the labour johnson orjeremy hunt come up with a deal i did decide to pursue no leadership which had said it would deal, then labour will back another respect the outcome of the referendum and would campaign for referendum. Labour is no longer remain in that event. In this doing that. I would say that three years on from parliament, it is pretty clear labour is now a remainder party. The referendum, we now know that the however, should there be a general election instead, and that is quite promise made, the offer made by the leave campaign, you can have the possible, then labour would campaign in its manifesto for its own brexit economic benefits of being a member a deal, so it would remain a brexit of the eu, that was not true on backing party, only they would be their campaign. There are choices to trying to secure their own be made and trade offs we have to agreement. 0n face up to as a country of the stuff trying to secure their own agreement. On top of that, if they thatis gotan agreement. On top of that, if they got an agreement, then they would face up to as a country of the stuff that is the first thing. Secondly, a no deal brexit would be disastrous wa nt got an agreement, then they would want a confirmatory referendum to sign it off. And they are not saying and the point about going back to the people, in a way it is a how they would urge people to vote compromise between those who say we in the event of such a referendum, must have a new deal brexit and those who argue we should revoke is it possible that some labour mps article 50, abandon the whole thing, ignored a result of the referendum. Could campaign against their own a confirmatory referendum allows you to get back to the people and says pa rtys it is now your choice, this is what could campaign against their own partys brexit could campaign against their own pa rtys brexit position . Could campaign against their own partys brexit position . Frankly, it isa partys brexit position . Frankly, it is a little bit confused about what we know about what brexit looks happens in the event of a general like, here is the deal negotiated, election, albeit at the direction of and you can change your mind but are travel in a labours pretty clear not. The thing about a referendum is for the immediate aftermath of the if people want to vote again to leave, they are perfectly free to do referendum when jeremy for the immediate aftermath of the referendum whenJeremy Corbyn was absolutely clear that the party so. Leave, they are perfectly free to do so. But you get the final decision respected the result of the and that is the argument that i referendum, wanted article 50 would make. At the moment, we are triggered straightaway. There has deadlocked, the country is being been a gradual process over the past damaged by the deadlock, and a few months where the party has gradually and gradually moved closer referendum is the way through and out of it. To being an openly remain backing is there going to be space in the the party. Party with this policy for mps who and another issue that is being are pro brexit . There has i would looked at today by the labour party, have been mps are saying they will not stand as an mp at the next the suspension of Chris Williamson as labourmp, election. The suspension of Chris Williamson as labour mp, that has seen it toing of course there is space. You go and froing after he was initially back as you are hearing from clive Lewis Committee 1975, then labour suspended the anti semitic comments . Was a very strongly divided on i think suspended the anti semitic comments . Ithink are suspended the anti semitic comments . I think are the signs are bad today, whether we should remain a member of when the nec takes a look at the the Common Market and we had the referendum then. Labour is one of decision by the subpanel of the great strengths, it is a broad Disciplinary Committee which led church, and it represents a range of Chris Williamson off with a slap on the wrists, i think when the nec opinion and long may it remain a ta ke the wrists, i think when the nec take a look at it, they will broad church. Of course there is probably decide, we need to think room for people who take a again here and they will refer the particular view. That is what matter to what is called a National Constitutional committee. That is the mainjudicial body defines the labour party, it is not constitutional committee. That is about telling people they have to the main judicial body within the labour party which has the authority think Something Else. It is about to expel and impose much more the shadow cabinet making a choice. Significant sanctions. And the reason i think that is going to so that we are clear with the public because when people look to support happen is because of the uproar that us, they need to know exactly where created that initial decision it is. That the public make their ownjudgment too. Greeted that initial decision. There it is. That the public make their own judgment too. A it is. That the public make their ownjudgment too. A broad church is one of our greatest strengths and we we re m oves greeted that initial decision. There were moves to remove the whip from need to keep it. Thank you very much. Chris williamson anyway by having a simple vote in the parliamentary labour party, but it was also President Trump has stepped up his attack on the uks ambassador in washington, saying we will no longer deal with him. Sparking anger in the party, those in a series of tweets, on the right unhappy, but also mr trump also said that theresa may figures on the left likejohn once had made a mess of brexit, adding he was thankful that the british people would soon the founder of the momentum group, have a new Prime Minister. The remarks follow a leak of emails written by Sir Kim Darroch, describing the Trump White House and it seems very hard for the nec as inept and dysfunctional. Downing street says sir kim has given all that to say, you know the governments full support. What, we will just andy moore reports. Given all that to say, you know what, we willjust keep with the original decision and allow Chris Williamson back. I suspect they will shortly after President Trump refer it to the constitutional criticised mrs may and her ambassador, downing street issued committee to take another look. A statement saying Sir Kim Darroch thank you very much, norman. Continued to had the full support of the Prime Minister. Instagram has announced new features aimed at curbing online the leak was unfortunate, bullying on its platform. The statement went on, one new tool being rolled out but the special relationship is a warning generated by artificial would endure. Intelligence to notify users that their comment may be considered on his twitter feed, offensive before it is posted. President trump said i have been very critical about the way the uk and Prime Minister theresa another proposed feature called may handled brexit. Restrict could make posts from an offending person visible what a mess she and her only to that person. Representatives have created. Bullying, exam pressure i told her how it should be done and social media some of the things having a negative but she decided to go another way. Impact on modern day i do not know the ambassador childhoods in the uk, but he is not liked or well according to action for children. Thought of within the us. Its published a major report this morning that calls for the creation we will no longer deal with him. Of a National Childhood strategy, to better protect young people. The good news for the wonderful john maguire reports. United kingdom is that they will soon have a new Prime Minister. While i thoroughly enjoyed the magnificent state visit last it was more in the mocks where i felt more stressed month, it was the queen and like there was more pressure. Who i was most impressed with. There are reports that what do three generations of the same family think about a modern day childhood . The ambassador has already been harveys just finished his gcses, but earlier in the year frozen out from a diplomatic event struggled with anxiety. In washington overnight, but its for a teenager these days, unlikely the uk will bow to american pressure comes in many forms. Pressure and bring him home. I think with social media and stuff, people my age now grow up with, oh, this is what you need to be like, when i was foreign secretary eight or nine years ago, this is how you need to act to fit there was the more release of us in, and now its not so much diplomatic cables, wikilea ks of that happens at school, released it, that caused outrage around the world, that happens at school there was a scathing and then when you get home, comments about gordon brown, its not really something berlusconi, president sarkozy. You can escape. The us ambassadors were, when obviously i was 16, if i remember rightly, excruciatingly embarrassed at that time. It was kind of like, well, but they were not withdrawn. The whitehall hunt for the source you go and do what you do and if it of the leak has onlyjust begun. Comes off great, if it the foreign secretary is reported as saying doesnt, it doesnt. It is a possibility it could be but now theres that much emphasis the act of a foreign hostile state. On the fact that theres only a few andy moore, bbc news. Jobs and youve gotta be the best of the best in order to get those jobs. Right from an early age, well, lets discuss the various the schooling is more full reactions to these leaks. Dr Mark Shanahan is a lecturer in on and life is more full on, politics and International Relations and peer pressure is much more full on. At the university of reading and joins me now. They worry so much about thank you forjoining us. Do you what their peers are thinking. Think Sir Kim Darroch can carry on in thejob . I think the government has to back whereas i think we were much more, we are what we are. Him and give him every chance to carry on in the job. He the Charity Action for children have him and give him every chance to spoken to thousands of families carry on in thejob. He is coming home ina across the uk and its report speaks carry on in thejob. He is coming home in a few months anyway and this is after being in the Foreign Office of childhood in crisis. Since 1976, so he has a long and 62 of grandparents, 60 of parents and 34 of their children said childhoods distinguished career and our government should make sure that a today are getting worse. Private conversation doesnt lead him to having to ascend his service. Bullying was highlighted as the main concern, ido him to having to ascend his service. I do think the fallout is going to exacerbated by online and social be from this . We have had the sound media issues, and the charity and fury, we have had the tweets is calling on the government to better protect youngsters from donald trump, i guess that was by creating a national predictable. What would the longer childhood strategy. In response, the education secretary damian hinds says a youth charter term impact be . Is in development to give young longer term, probably very little. People a voice in the issues this will be a storm in a tiny they care about such as combating Serious Violence and knife crime, addressing mental and physical teacup. Essentially the Relationship Health challenges and concerns about the environment between the uk and the us is and Climate Change. Multilateral, it happens at many levels stop the prime relationship john maguire, that diplomats have are with the department of the state, so rather bbc news, worcestershire. Than the white house all the time to discuss this, im joined stop trump will find Something Else by the chief executive to vent his fury against, probably of action for children, very quickly, and the diplomatic julie bentley. Welcome, thank you forjoining us. Cycle will go and largely unchanged. What we must make sure it is all our welcome, thank you forjoining us. We had an hour apart from the grandmother who said, we were much diplomats have the freedom to speak truth to power, to tell it is true more, we are what we are. Previous generations where more carefully for as they see it rather than being a subi generations where more carefully for sub i do think it has changed . What we are hearing from the patsy for any foreign government. Research that we have done but also going back to what you said about importantly from the children we the multilateral diplomacy that work with every day in action for happens at many levels, it has been children is that one of the big challenges is a social media, it is talked about as a result of what is the fact that we are living in a going on with Sir Kim Darroch and Global Environment that is 24 7, there is no turn off time. And that the comments and the importance of negotiating a trade deal with is putting huge pressure on children america means there has to be good ina number of is putting huge pressure on children in a number of ways. We learned from diplomatic relationship at that oui in a number of ways. We learned from ambassadorial level. Do think that our survey that bullying is a significant concern, we learned that is not right, then . Anxiety and stress and pressure of i dont, it is a much bigger team in school is really playing a big washington that gets involved in the impact in childrens lives, and then the expectation that they feel are negotiations than putting the focus on them to succeed, do well, to look on the ambassador. The ambassador a certain way, all of these things leads the Civil Servants who are are contributing to very high levels of anxiety and contributing to a professionals in this, professionals and diplomacy. Foreign ministers up real concern about Mental Health. We to our foreign secretary change are seeing a really worrying emerging Significant Mental Health quite regularly and they are the problem with our children and young enthusiastic amateurs were stop they come in from the political sphere. People. So you want a National Childhood strategy was about what would that in the diplomatic sphere, most of look like . What we feel is the government has the talks are handled by professionals who are in the job taken its what we feel is the government has ta ken its eye what we feel is the government has taken its eye off the ball in terms of children and young people whether the governments raise our recently and we have seen a massive profile and for a long period. They have the skills that perhaps the disinvestment in children services, is the government has taken its eye politicians dont. Off the ball in terms of children and young people recently and we have seen a massive disinvestment in thank you very much. Children Services Comes when the last ten years, £3 billion has come sport now, heres olly foster. Support . Its the first of we need a National Childrens the cricket world cup semi finals. Strategy that covers all support, we india have made a good start against new zealand need more as a part in youth at old trafford. The black caps won the toss services and Mental Health and early and chose to bat first, but they lost the wicket yea rs services and Mental Health and early years services, family intervention services, which often the places of Martin Guptill in the fourth where the early signs of difficulty get picked up. Those are all to deal with issues currently 82 2 after 23 overs. A once they arise, what about trying very slow run weight migrator for new zealand. They are relying on to switch off some of the pressures . Something big from williamson and can the clock be turned back, when taylor as they have done for most of you look at what is happening with the tournament. Coverage from old trafford on the bbc sport website. Social media, the increasing pressure in schools on performance, can any of it be stopped . Australia against england on i dont think we can turn back the progress of the world and society in terms of technology and social media. I think that is here to stay thursday. John watson is out of the and of course it can be a good thing and of course it can be a good thing and it brings benefits and advantages. I think we have to all england club. Both of the women accept that we are operating in a new world that has new rules and boundaries and our job players came through the sweats and new world that has new rules and boundaries and ourjob as the grown if fatherland yesterday, so they could be tired legs on both sides of in society is to understand the impact it is having on the children the net. There could be, but i think and how we can respond to that. But withjohanna the net. There could be, but i think with Johanna Konta she the net. There could be, but i think withJohanna Konta she will feel we do know is we need a coordinated boosted by the fact she has come approach from government that brings from a set down against a two former together a whole range of Different Services and providers for children grand slam champions, sloane and young people. This isnt about stephens and patrick a vetiver. That will give her a huge amount of action for children, there is a huge role for the whole of the charity confidence heading into this sector to play alongside government quarterfinal against barbora and that is what we are asking strycova, hoping to reach back to government to do, to take the lead in that. Back a grand slam semifinals having thank you forjoining me. Achieved that at the french open and iamjust i am just hearing thatJeremy Corbyn potentially here at wimbledon. She got there to make here at wimbledon. She got there two years ago. Can she has put out an e mail outlining his position on brexit, so lets go to begin to dream of the final oui position on brexit, so lets go to our assistant Political Editor norman smith. What is it . Appearance at wimbledon to emulate the achievements of Virginia Wade . Drum roll it is another shift by the last british woman to reach the labour to becoming an openly remain finals in 1977. She will have to come second because it is serena backing the party in this Parliament Williams who is up first on send a ahead of a general election. It says ca rd williams who is up first on send a card and a big match for her in what quite clearly that it believes it is another quarterfinal for her. She would be unacceptable any deal that faces alison risk who is also may borisjohnson orjeremy have tired legs because she has gone would be unacceptable any deal that Boris Johnson orjeremy hunt would be unacceptable any deal that borisjohnson orjeremy hunt stroke because they say it would be a through a full 12 sets in all of her sweetheart deal with donald trump four matches to reach the paving the way for lower wages, quarterfinals and she beat the world worse working conditions, ifjobs number one in getting there. Interesting to note that they have and labour would oppose it and never faced each other in the years demand another referendum and would they have been on the tour, but campaign the remain in the event of that referendum. And Jeremy Corbyn Serena Williams having not hit top says they have taken this position gearjust yet in this wimbledon because the tories have been championship. She certainly did unwilling, he says, to compromise yesterday knocking out her opponent. Over brexit and unwilling to take then it will be Serena Williams back their stance which was to remain in out on centre court after that match their stance which was to remain in the Customs Union and a strong Single Market relationship. Mr because she partners andy murray in corbyn says he has consulted with the mixed doubles was up we will see the different sections of the party, them in action also later on. The different sections of the party, the trade unions, the nec, the mps, many thanks. We will be back with and this is now the party buzz my you at1 30pm. Position ahead of a general election. After a general election, thank you, see you later. We still dont know. Mr corbyn does not say what would happen if boris the pro beijing leader johnson, if he became leader, would of hong kong, carrie lam, has said a controversial bill hold a general election. There is no allowing suspects to be sent to Mainland China clue. In this statement as to what for trial is now dead. The government had already suspended the bill which had cards weeks of theys position is, which points to unrest. Some protesters are unhappy theys position is, which points to the ambiguity, slash confusion about with the statement. They demand she where labour would position itself withdraw the legislation completely. In the event of a general election. This is what caroline had to say. We know yesterday the union said, mike larmour. Carry lamb. Perhaps the answer is to campaign for brexit and a labour deal, but to put it into a so called confirmatory referendum. How they would gain being in that, we dont know. I have put to a stop the clarity ahead of a general election, no real clarity after a general election, but it is, as expected, legislation. There are doubts about another definite step by labour to this and worry is whether the government will restart the process become an overtly remain as a in the Legislative Council. So i parting party. The reason that it has taken so long reiterate here there is no such is because of concerns within the party with alienating people who plan. The bill is dead. Would vote for labour who want to lets speak now to phoebe ng, who is a freelancejournalist see brexit. What is the reaction whojoins me from hong kong. Likely to be do this . We have already seen it from the hello. I spoke to a protester likes of kate terry, prominent earlier that said unless the bill is labour leaves a parting mp who has actually withdrawn, it will make no described the decision is stupid, one of the damage it will do in leaf difference. What is the overarching reaction there . Spotting constituencies, and there thank you for having me. She has is still a possibility you could get been careful with her words, she a block of mps that will not go said the bill is dead thinking deep along with the party line and back protesters would be satisfied, but to some sort of borisjohnson deal no. She has to take a wider. It if he were to secure a deal, because many of them believe it would be a betrayal of the party and its stance has reached the end of the the at the last election to campaign for another referendum, never mind to impression is that the contentious campaignfor another referendum, never mind to campaign for remain. There is still quite a long way to go here, it extradition bill is at a status of doesnt meanjust quite a long way to go here, it doesnt mean just because labour is suspension, nothing has changed at officially taken this position that all, and also the government didnt it can deliver all its mps to back have a good record of keeping their it. Words. So with the formality of the we arejust it. We are just looking at an extract from that statement, saying that as com plete words. So with the formality of the complete withdrawal, i dont think you have been saying, i want to make the opposition will accept that. So if she says it is dead and she is clear this is the statement from true to her word and the protesters jeremy cave in, labour would say that they are not accepting it, campaignfar remain they want to be withdrawn, why does jeremy cave in, labour would campaign far remain against no deal ora campaign far remain against no deal or a torrid does not protect the she not just they want to be withdrawn, why does she notjust withdraw it . It has economy and jobs. This is obviously taken her some time to get the point of using the language that she has a big dealfrom labour, a big shift, just used. I think she has just played the and what you are talking about there worst games because former officials with concerns from some in the party about leave spotting constituencies, haveis it has under land all of this, it is worst games because former officials have is stated that it is go ahead not just the tories that area have is stated that it is go ahead are a complete withdrawal. Or it has under land all of this, it is notjust the tories that have been divided on europe, the labour party hasissues divided on europe, the labour party has issues as well and where this all ends up is still unclear whether com plete are a complete withdrawal. Or complete withdrawal. There is no the parties can remain as they are. Reason she cant say the word withdrawal. In the absence of her withdrawing i think that is very true, we have seen a i think that is very true, we have seen a steady but remorseless it, the protests will continue. How movement within labour from the days much longer do you think this in the aftermath of the referendum situation can carry out far in this today and it has all been in one effective stalemate . It is really hard to predict what direction, which is to support remain and it is interesting in the will happen. As far as i can see, letter, he goes out of his way to the series of protests is not going praise sir keir starmer. Keir starmer is viewed by many as the to end anytime soon. The demands of figure that is slowly revealing protesters have been very clear and Jeremy Corbyn into this position with the government addressing them, i dont think they are going to from a stance where initially he said the party respected the result stop. The Anti Government movement have been reading this, organising of the referendum, to where they are actions using online forums and now which has been an awfully long, messaging apps, so actions have been convoluted and confusing position to planned for the coming days, where they are openly backing remain including one targeted at the in another referendum in this so called media of public parliament. They are halfway there. Where they have not got to is the broadcasters have been accused of aftermath of a general election where it is a distinct possibility, spreading pro government messages and trying to meddle with the public it is not beyond the bounds of possibility to think that boris opinions. So it really depends on johnson as Prime Minister thinking how the government take the matter the best way to change the arithmetic, the best way to seize on forward. With the request of the arithmetic, the best way to seize on a Labour Division is to force an protest is to have an independent election and then labour is in a very difficult position because it investigation of a stop at any assumes it is at sixes and sevens in moment, carrie lam seems to be happy to have the matter done with it. The their position over a general protesters dont think it is election. Credible enough to pacify the hong kongs chief executive carrie lam has declared that a controversial bill, situation. It is not only a demand which would have allowed extradition to the chinese mainland, is now dead. Of the protesters, being spotted by the government had already suspended the bill, which had caused weeks of unrest. Neutral figures, of the protesters, being spotted by neutralfigures, including a some protestors remain unhappy with ms lams statement. Of the protesters, being spotted by theyre demanding she withdraws neutral figures, including a former the proposed legislation completely. This is what carrie lam had to say. Chiefjustice in hong kong. The anti Police Sentiment has been high, the cause of all of these grievances so we need a credible figure like a and confrontations is an exercise to amend the fugitive offenders orders. Judge to investigate into police behaviour. To give you some figures, i have almost immediately put a the police had fired 151 rounds of stop, to the amendment exercise was tear gas and several rounds of up stop, to the amendment exercise was up there are still lingering doubts rubber bullets and. People have about the governments sincerity or been accusing the police of using worries whether the government will restart the process and the Excessive Force and protesters. Many Legislative Council. Of whom are not really armed by i reiterate here there is no such plan. The bill is dead. Weapons. Thank you very much. Lets speak now tojoshua wong, secretary general of the youth the office for National Statistics activist group demosisto has published its first report whojoins me from hong kong. Into the black and minority ethnic pay gap. Thank you forjoining us. Carrie lam it found that employees of chinese, indian and mixed or multiple ethnicity all had higher median has said that the bill is dead. Is hourly pay than White British employees in 2018. That enough . Earlier, i spoke to Hugh Strickland from the office for National Statistics. She claimed that the bill is dead, this is the first analysis that we have been able to do looking but it might come back to life, at specific different ethnicities and the pay gaps in especially even carrie lam and the regards to White British. Hong kong government the view exist so it is perhaps not a surprise in the legislative programme until july next year, which means in the to me, but it may be a surprise next 12 months, Hong Kong Government can still easily reactivate the to the public as a whole. Legislative process of the extradition bill and the threat still continues in the next 12 months. What does she need to say . I will interrupt you just for a moment, because we can see withdraw the extradition bill is the a graphic that you have done on this. Way out and we urge hong kong so, yes, carry on and we willjust take a look at that. Government to realise that. When so there you can see the earnings by different ethnic groups thousands of people took to the and you can see that the chinese, street and joined the strike, it is the people from chinese ethnicity time to respect the vice of hong in more than White British. The same is true of indian groups. Kong people. Iwonder, how come and we see the people who are mixed carrie lam can still claim that the ethnic or multiple ethnic, they match pretty well, actually, White British. Bill is dead because it is a whereas other groups, black, african, caribbean, bangladeshi, pakistani, ridiculous lie. In fact, the bill is they consistently earn lower amounts still existing in the programme, so in terms of average earnings it is still about how the hong kong than a White British. Government can easily push the button and reactivate the process, especially the Legislative Council of hong kong is not the democratically elected, it is selected by beijing. So you want her to withdraw. If she were joined now does not, what will you do . By Kathleen Henehan who is a policy analyst with the think tank the resolution foundation. They are interesting figures are massive protests, rally and strikes stay found that some groups do continue. Up to 2 Million People to receive higher pay on average than the street, half a Million People White British men and women, there joined us on the anniversary of the hong kong handover. This sunday we isa White British men and women, there is a somewhat worrying figures in terms of the proportion of black and have a rally again and we want to pakistani and bangladeshi people terminate the bill immediately put making less. Good news on the one hand, but a making less. Good news on the one hand, buta bid up terminate the bill immediately put up let the hong kong people have a making less. Good news on the one hand, but a bid to worry about as free election in the long term. Well. What do you read into those figures, how can you keep these protests and why it is some ethnic groups do going . If she stands firm and says the bill is dead, she has no intention to revive it and it will better and some worse than the average pay for white workers . Fall away once the legislative it is an interesting question and i think it is a tough one. Like most Programme Ends next year, ultimately things in the labour market, there is not a simple story behind this. The protests will die away and that some of the Research Last year looked at what is the difference is that . The protests still continue until between pays of different groups in the first 0ctober which is the the main and what did he pay differences look like once you national of china. It is a must for compare people on a like for like basis. Some accounting for the types of places people live then, the jobs they realise another crackdown on they do, and we found that once we human rights in hong kong, and the looked at the background factor, movement will continue for stop hong there were big gaps. Graduate men kong only has so many citizens and we re there were big gaps. Graduate men were there were big gaps. Graduate men were there are worrying findings 2596 kong only has so many citizens and behind them. 25 of. Withdrawing the bill is in terms of addressing aware there the only way out, suspension i stop are inequalities, how hard is it to the only way out, suspension i stop the legislation process is better than nothing, but it still let the do that, when it comes to the gender fear exist because we cant pay gap, that is a pretty straightforward thing, where you are guarantee Hong Kong Government will never reactivate it, the legislation comparing people in that regard. Is it more complex when we look at the process again. Thank you very much forjoining us. Breakdown . This is the Million Pound question, a new form of medicine called gene silencing has been approved i think it is something the for use by the nhs in england. Government are grappling with at the the drugs will be used to reverse moment. One thing we do know is that a disease called amyloidosis, whilst there was a lot of complexity which causes nerve and organ damage, and can be fatal. In terms of how he would categorise heres our health and science different groups of people and make sure you have meaningful results, i correspondent james gallagher. Think the one thing that it showed neil and Vince Nicholas know us was think the one thing that it showed us was shedding some light on the the pain of amyloidosis. Issue gets a conversation started they had toxic proteins building up and that is the most important thing inside their bodies that we can do first. Were damaging the nerves thank you very much forjoining us. And weakening their hearts. Now its time for a look the disease runs through families and eventually its deadly. At the weather with matt taylor. Its decimated our family. Now its time for a look good afternoon tea. A bit grey out but theyve been given gene silencing medicine that can halt their crass parts of the country and and even reverse the disease. It will turn out to be a damp you just hope that someones going to invent a drug. Tuesday. Rain continues on and off you know, im lucky that im here today and able in scotland this afternoon. The best of the brightness across shetland to talk to you about that. And south wales, South West England, those guys here, heading up to 25 this is how it works. Degrees with a gentle breeze. Inside our cells are our genes, turning increasingly humid across they send out messages containing england and wales, a muggy night instructions for running our body, with temperatures in the teens are but in this form of amyloidosis the way to the mining, but some rain a rogue gene leads to a build up of toxic proteins. And drizzle further now and a damp gene silencing intercepts the messenger disabling it start through parts of scotland and and restoring the correct Northern Ireland tomorrow. The rain will break up with more showers balance of proteins. Todays decision applies in england through the day, so more assumption as choices on which drugs to fund in the Northern Areas, but some showers could turn heavy and are devolved in the uk. Scotland made it available injune. Thundery across parts of eastern this is huge. Scotla nd thundery across parts of eastern scotland and we will see as the sunshine breaks in the south, this is making a disease that was previously untreatable treatable and has the potential increasing the muggy feel. Thursday, to make patients lives dramatically better. More severe storms across parts of scotla nd more severe storms across parts of scotland and Northern Ireland. But the showers will go through to the. The drug may have saved neils music career, as he was starting to lose feeling hello this is bbc newsroom live. In his fingers and his voice, the headlines. But the implications of this study go much further than the brothers and amyloidosis. Jeremy corbyn challenges the next Prime Minister to put any experts say gene silencing new brexit deal to a second referendum with labour campaigning to remain. Is an exciting new area of medicine with the potential to work downing street confirms its full in diseases that are support for the uks currently untreatable. Ambassador to the us james gallagher, bbc news. Parkinsons disease, after donald trump said he will no longer work with him. And huntingdons could both be hong kongs leader declares that her controversial treated with this gene silencing extradition bill which sparked weeks medicine. Of angry protests is now dead. Cath stanley is the chief executive of Huntingtons Disease Association and joins me now. I reiterate here there is no such plan. The bill is dead. Analysis reveals a 4 it is being used to reverse pay gap between white workers in britain amyloidosis was up by not compared with those huntingtons at the moment . From ethnic minorities. There was an initial safety trial for huntingtons disease which did show that it lowered the huntingtons protein and they are Sir David Attenborough has currently recruiting for a big trial told mps that they cannot be to make sure it is safe and radical enough in dealing with Climate Change. Giving evidence to the commons business, effective and does lower the energy and industrial strategy huntingtons protein. These are a committee, the natural historian and broadcaster said he wished he didnt have to make tv programmes diseases. Tell us more about what it arguing for action to tackle the problem. Our environment correspondent, does. If you inherit the gene he matt mcgrath has been following the proceedings and joins me now. Will go on and develop symptoms. It sounds like he was punchy. He was does. If you inherit the gene he will go on and develop symptomsfl can occur between the ages of 30 and a little bit. He has come from his last big gig at glastonbury so a 50. It begins insidiously and slightly more prosaic surrounding of the Business Energy and industrial strategy committee. They were very glad to see him. They were almost in progresses. And so this gene all of him in some respects and the first question they put to him was the idea, what had he seen in the silencing therapy could be transformational . What could it do . Natural world that convinced him that Climate Change was real. The plan would be that it would either delay the onset so that Natural World that convinced him that Climate Change was reallj Natural World that convinced him that Climate Change was real. I will never forget diving on the reef people could live longer without the about ten years ago and suddenly symptoms or ultimately never seeing that instead of this developed the illness at all. And multitude of wonderful forms and life, that it was stark white, it how long would you expect the process to take while they assess how effective it can be for the had bleached white, because of the rising temperatures and the increasing acidity of the sea. 30 to disease . Is any reason to think it shouldnt work . Researchers are very 40 of all oceanic fish depend upon the coral reef at some point in optimistic. Realistically in terms their life. And if you wipe that ofa optimistic. Realistically in terms of a treatment for huntingtons, we out, you might out whole areas of are talking five years away for a the ocean. And the notion that trial and for it to go through the approval process. Currently what somehow we had stopped this, the oceans on which we depend for a treatment is therefore huntington . Food, and so many nations around the world do, is appalling. Sir david there is very little treatment for talking to the Committee Earlier on the cognitive, people have a and he was quite passionate about the impact he had seen in the cocktail of drugs that can help Natural World. Scientific data had symptoms but does not change the process of the illness. And if it convinced him that Climate Change was real but those examples he we re process of the illness. And if it were to come through in five years, sought in the arctic, the antarctic it would be something that would be and around the world, especially the coral reefs, that hit home. How used hopefully prior to symptoms fragile the world was. So he was becoming obvious . Would people know also asked about what he would do in those circumstances. What plans he if they have the gene . How would had to help the world and he had a that be. You can have a predictive number of suggestions, amongst them the idea that aeroplane tickets are test that will tell you whether or too cheap and that they should be not you carry the gene. At this taxed more. He said that was up to moment in time, the majority of politicians. But as he said, he took people who risk huntingtons choose great hope that younger people were making a big impact now and making not to have that. Because it does their voices heard. This was what gave him hope for the future. |j not to have that. Because it does not change the risk. Thank you so much for coming. Suspect that we are, right now, at now its time for a look the beginning of a big change. Young at the weather with simon king people particularly are the stimulus thatis people particularly are the stimulus that is bringing that about, in which people are slowly beginning, Northern Areas are pretty wet at the members of the public, our moment. Some heavy rain moving understanding that to track plastic into the ocean is an insult. Through Northern Ireland and scotland. Patchy rain in northern track plastic. England. Drier in South West England to have the nerve to say that will and south wales and that is where give you money and you can put it on you will have the highest your land instead of hours is temperatures. Elsewhere it remains intolerable. And for some reason or cloudy. Someone going to move its way into parts of england and another, young people see that very clearly now. And that is a source of perhaps parts of wales. Maximum great hope to me. He is such a rare temperatures about 17 to 22 degrees individual, in that he speaks and for many of us. Quite warm and humid everybody listens and has the despite the cloud and rain. Respect of all demographics. So when throughout tonight, the rain will continue across scotland and he was asked what solutions he would Northern Ireland. More rain for come up with, did he give many examples . He said he set about air Northern Ireland. More rain for north england. More rain around on travel. I think more on the big wednesday. That will generally clear picture, particularly about what the away from england and wales. Some showers into the afternoon. A warmer uk had done, what australia and the United States came in for some sharp day, temperatures 23 to 25 degrees. Criticism from him. One of the overarching things from this morning was the connection with young people. He brought more young people hello this is bbc newsroom live. To the Committee Meeting according the headlines. To the Committee Meeting according to the Committee Members than they had ever seen before. And he felt, labour leaderJeremy Corbyn has written to labour members saying the party will demand a second they felt that was quite inspiring, referendum from the next prime they felt that was quite inspiring, the most inspiring session that they ministerand campaign had ever had. So i guess he is for remain, against a no deal or damaging tory brexit bringing the spotlight to it as he has done for a number of years. Repeated warnings that in order to downing street confirms its full support for the uks deliver what is now the stated goal ambassador to the us, after donald trump said he will no of the government, which is zero longer work with him. Emissions by 2050, action has to start now. He was very strong about hong kongs leader declares that her controversial extradition bill which sparked weeks of angry that, there needs to be immediate protests is now dead. Action and can be no backsliding and we must take the steps. But he also i reiterate here there said that we have to bring the is no such plan. The bill is dead. Electorate with them. That was the slate that crazy use. Meaning that 2050 is a good goal as opposed to more radical goals like 2035 or sport now, heres 0lly foster. 2025, they might be to 40 people. You have to bring the public with you and now is a good time because good morning. The public really have got the its the first of the cricket world cup semi finalsindia have made message, he feels, and the young a good start against new zealand people are set to line site black at old trafford. The black caps won the toss driving that one. And chose to bat first, but they lost the wicket bullying, exam pressure and social media, of Martin Guptill in the fourth some of the things having a negative impact on modern day over, leaving them 2 1, childhoods in the uk, a sharp catch by captain virat kohli according to action for children. Its published a major report this off the bowling of jasprit bumrah. Morning that calls for the creation of a National Childhood strategy, theyre now 44 1 off 13 overs. To better protect young people. John maguire reports. It was more in the mocks england and australia where i felt more stressed play their semifinal at edgbaston on thursday. And like there was more pressure. What do three generations of the same family think about a modern day childhood . Harveys just finished his gcses, but earlier in the year its womens quarterfinals struggled with anxiety. Day at wimbledon. For a teenager these days, Johanna Konta is second up on centre court facing the czech barbora strycova. Pressure comes in many forms. Konta beat another czech, the two time champion Petra Kvitova i think with social media and stuff, in three sets yesterday. People my age now grow up with, oh, this is what you need to be like, strycova has reached this is how you need to act to fit the quarters once before. In and now its not so much of that happens at school, that happens at School Everybody that is in the tournament and then when you get home, its not really something is here for a reason. There is eight you can escape. When obviously i was 16, it was kind of like, well, players left because these are the eight best players of the you go and do what you do and if it tournament. That is how you go into comes off great, if it doesnt, it doesnt. But now theres that much emphasis the next match, i am playing an on the fact that theres only a few opponent who deserves to be there because she has earned her right and jobs and youve gotta be the best of the best in order her way to be there as well. That to get those jobs. Means she is playing great tennis right from an early age, and that is what i am looking the schooling is more full on and life is more full on, forward to. That is all ive got to and peer pressure is much more full on. Look forward to because there is nothing guaranteed after that. Kim clijsters has reached they worry so much about the wimbledon semi finals twice, and she believes konta has the game what their peers are thinking. Make it through today. Whereas i think we were much more, we are what we are. It is great to see that she is the Charity Action for children have spoken to thousands of families playing her best tennis again. She across the uk and its report speaks played well a couple of years ago of childhood in crisis. And made it to the semis. And to see her in the semifinals again and 62 of grandparents, playing with confidence, that is 60 of parents and 34 something i miss about a year or so. It was almost a very. Like she of their children said childhoods today are getting worse. Bullying was highlighted didnt know how to play any more. At as the main concern, times. Insecure about her game plan. Exacerbated by online and social media issues, and the charity and now it feels like it has fallen is calling on the government to better protect youngsters back into place and she looks by creating a national confident and excited and healthy. Childhood strategy. Anything can happen. Serena williams in response, the education secretary is the third highest seed left damian hinds says a youth charter in the womens draw, at number 11. Is in development to give young people a voice in the issues she practised this morning, and she says shes feeling they care about such as combating better physically than she has done Serious Violence and knife crime, in months and if she didnt think addressing mental and physical Health Challenges and concerns she could win an 8th title about the environment and Climate Change. John maguire, at wimbledon, she wouldnt be playing. Shes first on centre court against alison riske, bbc news, worcestershire. Who knocked out the world number one ash barty. The world number 55 is in herfirst instagram has announced new features aimed at curbing online bullying on its platform. Grand slam quarter final. Paris st germain say they will take appropriate action after neymar one new tool being rolled out failed to turn up for the first day is a warning generated by artificial of preseason training. Intelligence to notify users the brazilian was due that their comment may be considered back at the clubs offensive before it is posted. Another proposed feature called Training Ground yesterday. restrict could make posts from an offending person visible he joined them for a world record £200 million two years ago. Only to that person. He missed the copa america because of an injury, and has been linked with a move back joining me now is ceo of childnet international, will gardner. Hes an executive board member of the uk council to former club barcelona. For child internet safety also sits on facebooks safety advisory board. The first qualifying stages of the Champions League start this evening. Scottish champions celtic are in the bosnian capital welcome, thank you forjoining us. To play fc sarajevo. Their opponents have never reached the group stage before. Is that a significant move by rangers are in gibraltar facing stjosephs in Europa League qualifying. Instagram . I think everything helps. To given people more tools at the Manchester City women have signed defender Aoife Mannion disposable disposal to manage their from birmingham city, own behaviour and how the audience on a two year deal. Well. I think that is useful and in she was voted player of the season by birmingham fans last year, and shell be reunited terms of blocking, this restricting, blocking in an anonymous way, to with her former team mate ellen white, one of seven man city feel empowered to block without players in the england squad that consequences, i think everything made the world cup semi finals. Helps. That plays its part. But there is still a bigger piece that needs to be done in supporting children and young people in this increasingly on white limit online world. What would you want to see in that regard . We are working in schools talking to children and pres thats all the sport for now. Young people and i think to echo ill have more for some of the report, we want young you in the next hour. With little over a fortnight to go people to be empowered to be part of until the new leader of the conservative party the solution. We have 6000 young is announced, were looking at the policies being promoted by the two candidates. People active across the country in yesterday we looked atjeremy hunts the skill communities, supporting plans if he was to get piers and educating peers and the keys to number 10, so today its the turn pa rents, piers and educating peers and parents, and we see there is a role of borisjohnson. For young people within that space. With me now is our reality check correspondent, chris morris, but it is important as adults, we pres thats all the sport for now. Are getting alongside so we are supporting children with challenges that perhaps we didnt even face. Yesterday we looked atjeremy hunts plans if he was to get the keys to number 10, so today its the turn what is social Media Literacy . Do of borisjohnson. The key pledge if we leave on kids just feel it is much easier to 0ctober the key pledge if we leave on october 31, whether there is a deal be mean online . Do they do things or no deal, and the phrase he used online that they wouldnt when they we re online that they wouldnt when they were face to face with peers . was leaving on october 31, do or think there may be an element of die. In another hustings, he said that. There is the once removed the chance of leaving with no deal where a million to one so if i have element about communication which my maths right he is 99. 996 sure can harm recognition of the impact that it can harm recognition of the impact thatitis can harm recognition of the impact that it is having on the person on that he can renegotiate for a the receiving end. We all have witnessed how people can be quite different deal by the 31st of 0ctober. Which i would homeless a nasty on occasions online. So we bit suggest is baloney. Humbly need to be making sure that we are dealing with that issue. Making sure that when we work, and we work with suggest. The first thing he wants to children from a very young age, we are working with them to make sure do is ditch the backstop. He wants they know there is an impact of what to deal with all the problems and they know there is an impact of what they do online even though you can see the person. It is important to issues around the irish border after brexit has happened. A problem with generate what this online friend actually means, how can you be a thatis brexit has happened. A problem with that is that the eu has said good friend online as well as consistently that without the off line. Good friend online as well as offline. In that, the concept of backstop, there is no withdrawal friendship, has a change . Because agreement and without the literal agreement and without the literal agreement there is no transition people have so many friends online, period after brexit. So ditching the so do kids necessarily recognise exactly what friendship is, and what backstop means youre heading for a constitutes what is right in the ha rd backstop means youre heading for a friendship . I think it is a good hard brexit. He has also spoken of question. We look at at as loss of withholding the divorce bill and using it as a bargaining chip to get opportunities within that relationship online for you to a better Withdrawal Agreement and support yourfriend better trade deal in the future. His relationship online for you to support your friend in an online way, when you cv might be suffering supporters say we have to play hard ball and show them we mean business. Off line. So there are ways in which technology can be useful in the problem with threatening to withhold that money is it is not extending your friendship and we going to generate a huge amount of know the vast majority of young goodwill on the other side of the people have reached out to a friend to his been upset by something channel. When you need to online. As well as making sure that renegotiate. Given that, and given they understand that to be good, you the fact that there is a majority including conservative mps in the need to look after not only yourself house of commons who will try and but your peers and think about the stop no deal, i think despite what consequences of the actions you are mrjohnson says, despite what mr taking. And more broadly, the action hunt says, there is still a for children is saying that there significant possibility we will not be leaving on october the 31st. Needs to be a National Childhood strategy to put kids first and keep money. Spending pledges. What is he them from harm. What would you want offering . This is a new prime to be in that . We would want young peoples voice to be in the. We need minister without an election. His to tackle the issue that your most eye catching tax proposal is reporter is mentioned. How can you raising the higher rate income tax use social media response safely and so on. How do we make sure we are threshold, the point at which you stop paying 20 income tax and start looking after young peoples paying a0 . At the moment, it is well being including online . How do well being including online . How do we make sure that we are really listening to the issues that young £50,000. He wants to raise it to people are worried about in that £80,000. Different in scotland where space . Not to dominate that, but we the Scottish Government does its own wa nt to space . Not to dominate that, but we want to nature that young people thing. This would cost an estimated wa nt to nine or £10 billion a year. The want to nature that young people want to play an active part. Thank you very much. Criticism as it does not come cheap and doesnt help the poorest in the final footage of eight society. He has another proposal international mountaineers, which is to raise National Insurance including four britons, who were killed by an avalanche threshold which would help the poor while climbing indias paid individuals. If you raise that second highest mountain, has been released by the indian authorities. Four climbers from the same expedition survived, after turning back due to bad weather, but the remaining team members died during their ascent of nunduh davey. Gareth barlow has more details. By year it would cost about £3000 a these are some of the last year. They can make a difference. We have heard from labour that they are recorded moments from going to campaign for remain in the the ill fated expedition. The eight mountaineers, referendum. So there is of moving roped together for safety, walking slowly as they attempt to scale the peak. Shortly after this, parts. Yes there are. We will find the footage ends. An avalanche, a Common Threat on snow covered mountains, out the new leader on july the swept the climbers to their deaths. Parts. Yes there are. We will find out the new leader onjuly the 23rd . Two days before parliament goes into as members of the team who were sent recess. Thank you chris. To retrieve the victims bodies were recognised for their efforts, the leader of the rescue operation called for more climbers to carry cameras. I think it should be mandatory to all high risk area climbers. More on todays main stories coming up on newsroom live they should carry, here on the bbc news channel, all team members should carry a gopro, i think, but now we say goodbye on every mountain area. To viewers on bbc two. Mexico has until the end ofjuly it is like a black box to show that its reducing the flow of migrants to the United States of an aeroplane, if im not wrong. It should be. Or face tariffs on its exports. Because only that can give the last evidence and and can give the. These are the terms of a controversial deal what went wrong. President lopez 0brador signed with President Trump. 0ur reporter ana Gabriela Rojas has despite the huge effort to retrieve the remains been to mexicos southern border of the four britons, with guatemala to see two americans, and australian and an indian, the body of a british climber, the plan in action. Martin moran, has still not been found. The perfect pr drill. Nanda devi is considered one newjeeps. Of the Worlds Toughest climbs. Shiny uniforms. And a brand new badge. This footage, and the lives lost, mexico has created a new security testament to the danger force called the national guard. Of taking on the mountains. And invited the media for their first day on the job. Gareth barlow, bbc news. We are at mexicos southern border with guatemala. The border between guatemala and mexico is hundreds of kilometres long. With little over a fortnight to go full of rivers, mountains and forests. Until the new leader there are many question marks about how mexico can of the conservative party is announced, were looking at the policies being promoted by the two candidates. Yesterday we looked atjeremy hunts plans if he was to get the keys to number 10, so today its the turn of borisjohnson. With me now is our reality check correspondent, chris morris to take us through some of the former foreign secretarys key campaign pledges. The obvious place to start chris. The border between guatemala and mexico is hundreds brexit where does mrjohnson stand of kilometres long. Full of rivers, mountains and forests. There are many question marks on what should happen next . About how mexico can really control this area. Half a million migrants have already it will be number one on the in tray crossed using unofficial routes this year alone. Many are dreaming of a better life of whoever becomes Prime Minister. Mrjohnsons main thing is to say we in the United States. Maria, not her real are going to leave on the 31st of name, is from honduras. We are protecting her identity. October with a deal or without a translation we left honduras because gang members cut off two deal. In fact, october with a deal or without a deal. Infact, he october with a deal or without a deal. In fact, he has used the of my sons fingers. Phrase leave, do or die. It may be we are only passing through mexico to the usa, but the authorities have our papers. An easier slogan to see them carry when they expire, out for various reasons because as they want to deport us. We know, there is a lot of immigration officials opposition in parliament to leave with no deal. How does he think he are on high alert in tapachula. Wa nts to with no deal. How does he think he wants to read negotiate a deal . That and are now supported is his first priority. First of all by the national guard. He wants to get rid of the irish mexico needs to be seen to be tough, backstop, his idea, his plan is that he can negotiate all the problems on especially after President Trump the irish border after we have left threatened to impose tariffs the irish border after we have left the eu. The problem is that the eu on its exports. Has said very consistently that they then cut the number of migrants without the backstop, they can be no Withdrawal Agreement. And without a Withdrawal Agreement. And without a Withdrawal Agreement, you cant have reaching the us border. Any kind of transition period. That suggests ditching the backstop would inevitably lead to some kind of very if it didnt cut the number of migrants reaching the us border. Ha rd inevitably lead to some kind of very hard no deal brexit. The other thing but critics say president lopez he said he wants to do is withhold 0brador should have stood firm. Translation trumps wall starts here, and the Mexican Government the divorce bill, the £39 billion is somehow paying for it. Financial settlement that the year two uk has agreed to pay the eu. His the mexican president rejects this supporters say we have to be tough during a visit to tapachula. And play hard ball and look them in the eye and believe that we mean it. Translation we are protecting but you need a bit of good well and migrants so they dont become by starting by saying you will not get the money that we had agreed to victims of people trafficking. For the young and old, pay, its probably not the most good sleeping on the streets, the us border feels a long way away. Well producing way to start. So his but many ask how mexico can seek support for its own undocumented plan is they are, i think it is a people in the United States, when its prepared to implement very tall order to carry out before similar policies at home. The 31st of october which is why when you look at plans of mrjohnson and mr hunt, there is a significant possibility that we wont be leaving on the 31st of october. What about in a moment well have matters away from brexit . What he all the business news, would want to spend money on. There but first the headlines on bbc news. Downing street continues to stand by the uks ambassador to the us is tax and spending. On tax, both despite Donald Trumps latest tweets saying he will no candidates say they are going to cut longer deal with him. Tax because people like that. His big offer is to cut the income tax Jeremy Corbyn challenges the next Prime Minister to test their brexit plan with a second referendum, threshold, the place in which you and says labour would campaign to remain. Hong kongs leader declares that stop paying 20 , instead you pay 40 a controversial extradition bill which sparked weeks of angry in scotland, it is slightly different. At the moment it is at protests is now dead. £50,000 and he wants to raise it to £80,000 so you only pay 20 income in the business news. Tax on up to £80,000. That will cost online Delivery Firm ocado says the fire that ripped nine or £10 billion a year and one through its andover warehouse criticism is that it only helps in february cost £110 million. People who are already earning more the company has already claimed millions of pounds back than 50,000. He had another proposal from its insurers but the fire did which would help people on low force it to report a half year loss incomes which is to raise the of £143 million last year, National Insurance threshold. At the moment, you start being if you are and hit sales by 2 . Employed, at class one national a new survey from the shopkeepers insurance when you earn roughly association, the brc, eight and insurance when you earn roughly eightand a insurance when you earn roughly eight and a half thousand pounds a year. For every shows Consumer Spending in june was at its weakest since the mid 1990s. Eight and a half thousand pounds a yea r. For every extra eight and a half thousand pounds a year. For every extra thousand pounds, you raise that threshold. That is going to cost at least £3 it says its further evidence that the british economy is shrinking. Billion a year. So there is a lot of total sales fell injune by 1. 3 , money being potentially found while the annual rate of growth slowed to 0. 6 . Somewhere. On spending, he has various ideas. One of them is to supplier eon is to provide all of its residential uk customers increase Public Sector pay. It is with an Electricity Supply not entirely clear how much buy or that is wholly matched by renewable sources including wind, biomass and solar. When. But we do know that roughly its one of the Biggest Green Energy switches to date, and comes at no extra each 1 increase in Public Sector pay costs about 1. 8 billion per cost to customers. Year. More money which need to be found. He also wants to fund higher education, at least 4 billion for lets get more on the cost of that massive fire at the online that and recruit 20,000 more police Delivery Firm ocado. The fire, in february, officers. That would take england and wales roughly back to the figure cost the firm £110 million where we were in 2010. Just over a in lost sales and repairs, leading it to report a heavy half year loss. Police officers in england and but the company says its wales. The cost of that, at least £1 optimistic about its outlook. Earlier this year, the company billion a year. So if you look at both candidates, there is a lot of signed a deal with marks and spencer to give the retailer a Home Delivery money being pledged. No surprise in an Election Campaign but also no surprise that we have Heard Service for the first time. Increasingly the outgoing chancellor, philip hammond, firing a few warning shots saying, you are mollyjohnson jones is from conservatives, dont spend money you dont have. The Analysis Firm stone river. Conservatives, dont spend money you dont have. Thank you very much. Good morning. Lets talk about the after a Long Campaign 12 implications. As we heard, costing a and 13 year old boys will also be lot of money, even though they can offered the hpv vaccine in year 8, at school, from september onward. Probably claim all the money back from their insurers it has had a big the vaccine has been offered t girls on the nhs since 2008. Effect on sales. It has, yes. Ocado men can spread the hpv virus to women and themselves can grow have surprised everyone by being so up to suffer from hpv related cancers such as throat, head and neck cancer. Resilient. It hit a large part of Health Officials say the vaccine will prevent 29,000 cancers in uk one of theirfulfilment men in the next 40 years. Resilient. It hit a large part of one of their fulfilment centres and yet only 2 of sales. They have set earlier Victoria Derbyshire spoke to mandy parker, who had Cervical Cancer, two shown that they can adapt and her 10 year old son ted, that technology is not reliant on whos eligible to receive the hpv those warehouses. We have spoken vaccine when hes a bit older, and jamie rae, who had throat about technology before, that has cancer and wishes he had proved to be a really important access to the vaccine. Element for them. We think of them asa element for them. We think of them as a Delivery Firm but it is a technology firm, isnt it . As a Delivery Firm but it is a technology firm, isnt it . It is and we saw the share price dropped because it was such a huge loss but it has just climbed back up again during the Analyst Conference and my my Cervical Cancer was caused by the the reason is they were detailing hpv virus and if i had had the how they would transition from being vaccine, there was a huge chance i a largely retail Delivery Business to being a Technology Solution would not have had Cervical Cancer and gone through the emotional journey that we have all been on business and the market are very since i had it. You had to have a happy about that because that is the way that food and Grocery Shopping hysterectomy. What was hardest about is moving. Absolutely. That feels that to come to terms with . It was like the future, being able to order willie difficult because i am lucky what we want and get it very enough to have children but it takes quickly. And that is what ocado was away, if i wanted any more children, doing so well that at the moment. It was a radical hysterectomy. It whether it is through ocado or took me three months to recover. And another supplier. We have learned it is emotional, the emotional they cant go into every single effect of cancer that hits me later. Country, what they have is Good Technology so why not go to the so ifi different retailers in those effect of cancer that hits me later. So if i had had the vaccine i might different retailers in those not have had to go through it and Different Countries and be the one to get them online and become nor would my family. How do you react as a mum of girls and a retailers of the future. We spoke of Marks Spencer is signing that ten year old boy to the fact that deal. It shows how vulnerable that supply chain is. A fire back invariably causing so many problems boys will now get the hpv vaccine of the supply chain and it shows how like gels have been doing for a number of years. It is massive. Both much we rely on getting stuff quickly. Absolutely and i think that my girls have been vaccinated and ted will be vaccinated when it is is the nature of any physical time. It is huge and a great piece product business. But ocado are very of news that has come out. It is so aware of how vulnerable the supply chain is which is why they are important to prevent all cancers that are related to hpv. Ted, do you trying to get so many warehouse and think it is important for you to fulfilment centres around the uk soy have this when you get to year can switch between the method is an eight . Yes because i dont want issue. We are just looking at anyone to go through what my mum did pictures of the fire in february. Molly thank you very much. Obviously. And i think it isjust a in other business news. Jab and it can prevent a lot of the value of the pound has fallen again, to its lowest things which are quite bad. Do you levels since mid 2017. Not worry about jabs . Not really. Its been hit by worries about the threat of a no deal brexit because if you think it is really under the next Prime Minister important, it is just and a deteriorating uk economy. Reports say Richard Bransons because if you think it is really important, it isjust five seconds. Even less jamie, i want to bring Space Tourism venture, un. You had throat cancer and had intense radiotherapy. What was that virgin galactic, is planning to go public. Like . To be honest it was an the wall streetjournal says one firm is to invest about 800 million in the firm, incredibly difficult, it completely for a 49 stake. Turned my life upside down and even bransons company is racing today, nine years later, i still against blue origin, the Space Business of amazon founder have side effects from the treatment jeff bezos, to bring so have side effects from the treatment so it isa have side effects from the treatment so it is a very rough journey. Could tourists into space. The jab have saved you from that trauma . Absolutely. I have transport and Logistics Group Eddie Stobart has warned its first absolutely no doubt whatsoever. Had half results for the year will be it been available at that time, i towards the lower end of expectations, despite have no doubt it would have posting stronger results. Revenues were up 25 compared presented this cancer. How did you to the same period last year develop throat cancer . To be honest, after growing the business and winning a number lam not develop throat cancer . To be honest, i am not exactly sure when i got of new contracts. Hpv, it probably was when i was a nintendo is planning to shift some of the production of its switch gaming console teenager, possibly, or when hpv, it probably was when i was a to vietnam from china. Teenager, possibly, orwhen i hpv, it probably was when i was a teenager, possibly, or when i was in my early 205 but the actual gestation period before it became a the shift is aimed at diversifying cancer, it is a long time and can risks, it says, to avoid ta ke cancer, it is a long time and can tariffs with the us. Take decades. Sol cancer, it is a long time and can take decades. So i was 43 when i was china and the us have been embroiled diagnosed nine years ago, it is like in a trade war over the past year, placing tariffs on billions of dollars worth of a ticking time bomb. There is no way one anothers goods. Of knowing whether or not you have it if you are a man and if it is throat cancer. So it is a very difficult thing to deal with. You we re difficult thing to deal with. You were on our programme to years ago, moving the production could mean the you are pointing to the evidence for avoid to the tariffs but the firm denies it. Boys getting this free jab like thats all the business news. Girls have been doing. It has taken pres the National Farmers union is demanding clearer long term another two years but the announcement is today. How do you the National Farmers union react . I think it is excellent piece is demanding clearer long term commitments from the government on how they will support food of news. I congratulate public producers after brexit. Health england on the decision to it comes after a report by the National Audit office found vaccinate boys. My only concern is, that four in ten farms rely on eu subsidies to remain profitable. Effort is a concern, is that in 2008 spencer stokes reports. This is the environmental strip. Acre after acre of crops, when girls were vaccinated, the growing in some of the countrys vaccinated girls between the ages of most fertile soils. But 5 of this land has also been 12 and 18 but my understanding is handed back to nature. Netting carrot farmer roger hobson that boys, only boys aged 12 will be an eu subsidy of £100,000 a year. Vaccinated. With the introduction of the government says those green payments will continue when we leave this programme. And i think that is the eu but only if farmers sign up a mistake, i think it is a missed to a new environmental scheme. Opportunity. So you mean the i think it could be vaccination could should go up through the years of school up to a shake up of the industry. The age of 18 . Yes, we have been campaigning for the last five years. I think it could be more. If you are at schooljust now and you are 16 or 17 years of age, you less attention to detail, may well have had that vaccine had and attention to the wildlife it been introduced earlier and if and the environment you dont get it, you are still at which we are so passionate about. Risk. I accept that the situation and farms and farmers disappearing . Inevitably, inevitably. In total, uk farmers received into thousand and eight, less people £3. 5 billion in payment in 2018. We re into thousand and eight, less people were vaccinated, but it is still an after we leave the eu, the government will switch issue and one which should be to the Environmental Land Management addressed. 2008. Scheme or the elms. It places a much greater emphasis on the environment. The aim is to sign up 82,000 farms by 2028. And the Government Spending donald trump has been tweeting again watchdog has warned some may about the uk ambassador. He is now turn their back on the industry. Farmers could go out of business, as a result at this stage. Seen about the uk ambassador. He is now seen he would no longer work with it is perhaps inevitable that there is some risk of that because, at the moment, we dont know the details of the scheme. Him. We dont know what outcomes the government is going to pay for. We dont how much they are going to pay. The government says the agricultural bill is the greatest opportunity to reset the Agricultural Sector for a new generation of farmers and land managers. Breaking away from the eus Common Agricultural policy. But replacing that funding could change the face of the industry, over the next decade. The final footage of eight international mountaineers, including four britons, who were killed by an avalanche while climbing indias second highest mountain, in response to tweets from him, has been released by the indian authorities. Four climbers from the same expedition survived, after turning back due to bad weather, but the remaining team yesterday, the kim darroch e mails, downing street said they had made members died during their ascent of nanda devi. Clear how unfortunate the leak was Gareth Barlow has more details. And the extracts dont reflect the these are some of the last esteem in which the uk holds the recorded moments from the ill fated expedition. Relationship. The eight mountaineers, a bit ofa roped together for safety, a bit of a damp day for some of you. Walking slowly as they attempt to scale the peak. Cloudy for the vast majority. A shortly after this, the footage ends. Satellite image shows all the cloud in the country at the moment. Gaps an avalanche, a Common Threat on snow covered mountains, swept the climbers to their deaths. As members of the team who were sent in the country at the moment. Gaps in the shetlands, and south west to retrieve the victims bodies were recognised for their efforts, england and well. Warming up quite the leader of the rescue nicely. Temperatures peaking at 24 operation called for more or 25 degrees. Occasional rain, more climbers to carry cameras. I think it should be mandatory persistent rain through some parts to all high risk area climbers. Of scotland, shetlands will sit in they should carry. The sunshine. Just 12 degrees there. All team members should carry a gopro, i think, in the mid teens in parts of on every mountain area. It is like a black box of an aeroplane, if im not wrong. Scotland, possibility of 2324 it should be. Towards the south west which because only that can give the last wealthier particularly warm given the we have had late wednesday. Evidence and and can give the. What went wrong. Despite the huge effort light winds tonight but slightly more humid went trying to push its to retrieve the remains of the four britons, two americans, and australian way eastward, given that is mostly and an indian, the body of a british climber, damp, today some of that will hang martin moran, has around in the night. We will see still not been found. Some spots of shower towards the nanda devi is considered one of the Worlds Toughest climbs. West and temperatures for most this footage, and the lives lost, testament to the danger setting between 12 and 16 celsius. Of taking on the mountains. Gareth barlow, bbc news. 10 degrees in lerwick. High pressure to the south of the uk at the when William Wordsworth came across a host of golden daffodils moment, allowing this run of south westerly when pushing on and steadily building humidity levels. A slightly more humid day tomorrow at wimbledon. A greater chance of some cloud outbreaks temperatures at 24 varying conditions across the uk. Or 25. A few showers around wales, the north is cloudy and wet, this is the scene in st andrews. Umbrellas the midlands, east anglia, maybe the south east but a bit of sunshine in between. A cloudier day in northern are up. You can the scene in st andrews. Umbrellas are up. You can see the scene in st andrews. Umbrellas are up. You can see from the satellite imagery you have all that ireland with occasional rain, we cloud for much of the uk, beneath will see some share was developed in scotla nd will see some share was developed in scotland into the east of scotland that some outbreaks of rain. They could become heavy and thundery. Torrential downpours could South West England and wales, into lead to one or two problems on the the near continent. Injersey, that road. Temperatures at their highest is the scene. A very different into the mid 20s across england and wales. I humid day on thursday, a picture. A lovely day for the beach from our weather watcher. You can lot more cloud around, greater chance of the chair work but some see for the forecast for the gardens will stay dry. Sunshine further north but most of it storms afternoon, the rain will continue across much of scotland, moving its way out of the ioc into north west are expected into central and england. A bit of rain through east eastern scotland later in the day. Temperatures climb to 20 or 22 and the midlands. Further south it is likely to stay dry. Temperatures, degrees. Heaviest in eastern 24 scotland, humidity levels will have is likely to stay dry. Temperatures, 2a celsius. Further north, dropped by then and sunny spells for temperatures are still getting up into the high teens and low 20s. Many. Driest conditions to the south and west. Temperatures across Southern Area still into the mid tonight, continuing rain, primarily 20s. Across scotland, Northern Ireland, a bit through Northern England and wales. Some clear spells to the south east. Overnight temperatures down to 13 to 16 degrees. Through wednesday, it will remain unsettled. Lots of cloud, some showery rain, more rain affecting parts of scotland, Northern Ireland throughout the course of the day. Later on, more dry and brighter weather across england and wales. Temperatures will be even higher, temperatures 25 celsius and 18 to 19 further north. Into thursday, these weather systems continuing to bring the weigh in. Bringing unsettled weather again, starting with some rain and showers. Later on, heavier showers across eastern scotland and the north east of england. Some thunder and downpours expected here which could cause some issues. Elsewhere, quite a messy picture. A variation of cloud, bright spells and showers. Temperatures still quite high and warm up to about 20 to 24. Going into friday and the weekend, this ridge of High Pressure is starting to squeeze its way in meaning things will settle down as we go into the weekend. Maybe a few showers around on friday but certainly into the weekend, it is dry and brighter, temperatures getting into the high teens, about mid 20s for many of us. So when the 00 59 23,437 2147483052 06 27,078 sun comes out it will feel pretty 2147483052 06 27,078 4294966103 13 29,430 warm. A major shift in labours brexit policy Jeremy Corbyn says there should be another referendum on a conservative brexit deal or a no deal exit. The labour leader said his party would then campaign to remain in the european union. But its still not clear what labour would do if it won a general election well have more from westminster. Also this lunchtime. Downing street gives its full backing to britains man in washington as a former Ambassador Says President Trump is wrong to say it wont work with Sir Kim Darroch but President Trump has Just Launched a new attack. Calling the ambassador a very stupid guide

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