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Police are trying to identify the body of a suspected stowaway who fell from a plane and landed in a garden in south west london landing next to a man sunbathing. Officers believe the person fell from a Kenya Airways flight as it opened its landing gear on the approach to heathrow. Heres our special correspondent lucy manning. Coming into land at heathrow on sunday, but minutes earlier, from beneath this Kenyan Airways plane, a body had fallen to the ground. The man fell thousands of feet into a garden in clapham. A small crater visible. It is a desperate act, to stow away on a plane, and he didnt survive. The body, described as an ice block, just missed a man who was sunbathing in the garden. Neighbours are reported to have said they heard an almighty bang and that a man had fallen from the sky. The man who was sunbathing in the garden has been left badly shaken by what he saw and the narrow miss that could have killed him as well. The Kenya Airways flight left nairobi on sunday morning at 7 19 british time, at the start of a nine hour, 4000 mile trip. It was at 3500 feet when the body fell. The plane flying over 0fferton road at 3 36pm, and landing at heathrow just six minutes later. This has happened in the past. We have heard about it happening in richmond. Now it has just happened here. It is quite frightening, it has happened so close as well. Unfortunate, the poor chap. A bbc documentary about a man who fell to his death in 2012 showed how stowaways get into aircraft. And he would have had to climb up as quickly as possible, along this bit of metal and then into the wheel arch. The temperatures down to 60 celsius, and the partial pressure of oxygens not enough to sustain life, so the stowaway will pass out at about 20,000 feet and then they will die above 30,000 feet. Then, on the approach to land, the gear comes down and they probably fall out of the aircraft and fall of their death, if they are not already dead. A bag, water and some food were discovered by the landing gear. They were not enough to keep the stowaway alive. Lucy manning, bbc news. Now on bbc news our world. Denmarks efforts to better integrate its migrant population are attracting controversy at home, and abroad, with the government designating 29 housing areas as migrant ghettos. Denmark a country consistently ranked as one of the happiest in the world. But recent controversy over immigration, and a newly introduced ghetto plan, threatens to damage its happy image. We would say that this is actually institutionalised racism. I have come to denmark as they face a general election. Bbc, is danish immigration policy racist . To find out what impact these new laws are having. Unless youre white, youre not danish. And what the future looks like for denmarks 500,000 immigrants. I think we would actually like to help these children. We have a real problem and we dont want to have those problems like you see around the world. Ive come to the city hall square in copenhagen. Its the celebration of iftar, the communal breaking of fast at the end of ramadan. Its supposed to be a low key peaceful event. Its the city square and it is completely surrounded by the police. And im not sure if their presence at this scale is comforting or worrying. The police are here because alongside the Eid Celebration is one of denmarks far right politicians Rasmus Paludan. We think that since there are 51 muslim countries in the world, and only one danish country, which is denmark, it is only right that danes and should remain in denmark and the muslims should go back to one of the 51 muslim countries. We dont want it in denmark at all, we want it in the countries that the great President Trump has spoken about. Iraq, iran, syria, libya. Ive been here every year and its the first time in many years that i have seen this many cops. But hes turned it into a media circus with his hate speech. Jirwan sarwar is a dane of pakistani descent. Hes seen a recent rise in intolerance. What do you think hes is doing . Well, hes speaking to the worst in all of the people. But the hate speech that hes doing, if you would take out the muslim and put injew, then you would have a Second World War rhetoric. Tonight, Rasmus Paludans supporters are desecrating the koran and the plan is to burn it. Recent changes to danish blasphemy law means free speech is protected, no matter how inflammatory it is. Last year this event had a handful of police, cops, i heard, but because of you, this year, look around, there is police everywhere, there press everywhere. How does it make you feel . Freedom of speech only really matters if you do something that really, really offends other people. Because if you only state something that everybody agrees with, then freedom of speech doesnt matter, because nobody will react hostile towards you if you only Say Something they agree with. What are you thinking . Well, hes got a lot of insane followers, and most of them have a small scent of alcohol in their breath, and now hes moved over there so he that can burn the koran. Singing. But the real aim of paludans stunt is to put his Political Party on the map at a crucial moment in danish politics. I would say nine out of ten werejust like. We were in shock, but frankly i dont care because i have my religion in my heart and i have my holy koran in my home, elevated. And as long as hes not touching that, hes not my problem. But he might be my problem on wednesday. Wednesday is election day. Denmark will choose a government and give its verdict on the countrys controversial ghetto plan. Last year the government designated 29 inner city areas as ghettos. A ghetto was where more than half of an areas population is from an immigrant background. And also where crime and unemployment are higher than average. And levels of education and income are below average. The ghetto plan brought in new laws for these areas. Parents will be forced to send their children to danish Nursery Schools from the age of one. And police can impose higher penalties for crimes committed in these areas. The policy was announced by the right and centre right coalition prime minister, lars rasmussen. I have come to one of copenhagens best known ghettos mjoelnerparken. 80 of the people who live here are immigrants or their descendants. Im in one of one of the poorest and biggest ghettos in copenhagen and this is their Community Centre where the community have come together to ask questions about the ghetto plan from the politicians. Crime and unemployment are higher than the National Average here. Todays election candidates all say they want to improve things. Sine heltberg is standing for denmarks Opposition Centre left social Democrat Party. Traditionally supportive of underprivileged communities and architects of the countrys generous welfare system, but controversially sines party has decided to defend the governments tough new immigration policies. Part of the ghetto plan is to remove some residents and to create a more mixed community. She went to a school where a lot of her classmates were from a ghetto and her whole argument is that kids should not be brought up in a place where the majority of adults around them are a unemployed. Sines words are not going down well. Residents resent their neighbourhood being called a ghetto. Some of the residents are leaving, not best pleased by what theyve heard. What was it that made you think that they were being racist . How were these points that you made received today, because it didnt seem like. No, i wasnt the popular one today, not at all. But i think its very important that i stand up for what my party believes in and i hope people respect that. When you were doing some of your comments, a whole bunch of people left the room, they accused the ghetto plan of being racist, of being anti immigrant, anti muslim. I think the opposite. I think we would actually like to help these children. We have a real problem and we dont want to have those big ghettos like you see around the world, we dont want to have them in denmark, we would like to live together. But whatever the intention, critics of the ghetto plan point to the small print, which they say makes it inherently divisive. We have a situation where the law says it is not such a good thing to be unemployed or to be a poor or have low degree of education, but its a really bad thing to be of non western origin. So basically, if there is a high rate of crime, unemployment, lower rate of education and income, but youre not 50 or more immigrants, the area will not be considered a ghetto . Exactly. I mean, what youre saying sounds to me like racism within the danish system. We would say that this is actually institutionalised racism. Back in mjoelnerparken, two blocks have been reserved for new residents, as part of the ghetto plans programme of changing the areas social profile. They are currently social housing plans. Asma has brought up herfamily here. I have to lie here for ten hours every night to get my blood cleaned. I used to be able to survive just doing this, but now i have to go to the hospital. Asma has to go to a local hospital for her dialysis twice a week. She and her husband asif have been given a year to move out from their home. Weve lived here 28 years. 28 years youve lived here yeah, all my three girls were raised here, and the last ones getting married next month, so. Congratulations. Thank you. So,you know, theyre like. So this place means more to you than just a home . Its like your. Family home, you know. But when they move us out theyre saying, you cant even stay in this area. Youve got to go further afield, because we dont want too many foreigners in one area. Thats why we are moving you out on the first place, so all the foreigners are scattered. Why would it be so bad for you to move out, further away from this neighbourhood . For me, theres lots of reasons. Number one, my hospital;s five minutes away. The only hospital that does dialysis here. The other one is a0 minutes away. Number two, my daughter has just purchased a house, not an apartment, she has bought an apartment, three minutes walk away from here so shed be close. Number three, he works here. Asif works as the taxi driver and his office is nearby. We cannot neglect that there are no problems, there are problems. There are people who have the problems, people who never want a job, they never ever got a job. If they are coming from the war zones, they are not qualified, they did not even learn the danish, but it dont mean that if they are living in a place then we just throw them out. How do you think the society sees you . How do you think the society categorises you . I think the society sees us as foreigners. And they always will, because were not white. It doesnt matter what you do. It doesnt matter what you do, it doesnt matter how perfectly well you speak danish, unless youre white, youre not danish. Election day is not far away. Im meeting sine, the social Democrat Party candidate from the community meeting. As you can see, its lovely houses we have here, but theres like four blocks and theres two blocks in the middle that are going to be sold because we want to have them mixed. I think of course there are some People Living here who are sick and it will be hard for them to have to move. A lot of the residents that we met the other day, they were saying that no one asked them. Yes. What seemed to really anger them, concerned and worried them, they said the decision has been made about us, our lives, our homes, our communities, and we werent involved in it. Yeah, of course theyre right. When you make a new law you hear everybody, but they will not have the. I mean, you will still make the law even though they do not like it. So in that part they were totally right. How are the elections going . A crazy time right now in danish politics. I think my party, the social democrats, are doing fine. Because, actually, were taking the concerns people have, also with immigration, seriously. And, i mean, if you look out in europe you can see right wing parties moving forward and we have seen that in denmark as well and we would not like to have that. So we take peoples concerns seriously. I want to know what sine thinks about the prospects of the far right in the forthcoming elections. People like Rasmus Paludan. How realistic is it that he would get elected, though . Hes 50 50, i will say. And what does that say about denmark as a society for someone like him to have a 50 50 chance of getting elected . I think its a very bad situation for denmark and very shameful as well. Freedom of speech only really matters if you do something that really, really offends people. Why would you do it to provoke them so much. You have to give me time to answer, 0k. I didnt know for certain. The video of me talking to Rasmus Paludan has now become a part of his campaign. Hes uploaded it on youtube and its been snowballing and its had thousands of views. Hes trying to tap into the global alt right or populist right movement and hes clearly succeeding. One of the comments says i hope this guy gets the support he deserves in denmark. Thats a hero right there. And he needs only 2 of the peoples votes to get into the parliament. Rasmus paludan has run a campaign of provocative and offensive stunts. This is another copenhagen ghetto, norrebro. It has a significant immigrant and muslim population. Seven weeks before the election, Rasmus Paludan has come protected by police to perform his koran throwing stunt. Two men run in trying to take the koran from him. He is taken to safety in a police van and for two days Police Struggle with rioters incensed by paludans actions. I have come to norrebro to meet the two young men who rushed to stop paludans koran stunt. One was arrested and awaits charges while the other evaded capture. Theyve asked us to hide their identities. You werent born in denmark. You came to denmark when you were very, very young. How danish do you think the government and the white danes, the majority of them, see you . How does that make you feel . If you could go back in time would you do this again . Its finally polling day. The centre right and right Wing Coalition government who brought in the ghetto plan is facing the electorate. Two new far right parties, including Rasmus Paludans are attempting to get into parliament for the first time. And the social Democratic Party out of government for four years, are hoping that supporting the ghetto plan will help them win back power. It is approaching midnight. And ive come to the Parliament Building where the candidates are waiting for their results. Already something seems to be happening. This area has been allocated to Rasmus Paludans party and this is actually where hes been waiting. Why are we not allowed to go inside . Because they dont want visitors . Why is that, do you know . Dont you. You dont know. 0k. Its almost midnight and 98 of the votes have been counted. Rasmus paludan has received only 1. 8 of the votes. There is no way hes now going to get into the parliament suddenly suddenly we spot him. But hes less talkative than he was in the city square. Rasmus, how does it feel to be rejected . The winners of the night of the social democrats. Sines party leader, mette frederiksen, will almost certainly become the new prime minister. Its a new Political Programme for the country with a key ingredient from before. Sine is celebrating the victory of her party. Congratulations. Thank you. What do you think this means . Well, i hope for a new direction in denmark, of course. And in terms of integration, the ghetto plan . Yeah. What she said that right now, that shes standing on that same perspective as she has done all the way through. Which is . The plan will be continued. The cross Party Support for the ghetto plan means its unlikely to be stopped anytime soon. Bbc, is danish immigration policy racist . No, of course not. Denmarks elections, saw support for populist parties fall and the far right fail to get into parliament. But around 80 of voters chose parties which support the ghetto plan. For many of the countrys immigrants concerns about their place in denmark continue to grow. Hello there. July has started on a dry note for most of us, certainly a far cry from the weather we had for at least some ofjune. The met office has now released provisional rainfall statistics for the month ofjune. Where you see the darker blue colours on the chart, well, those areas had around double the amount of rainfall they would normally expect during the month as a whole. But as we look ahead to the rest of this week, well, it stays dry for many of us. Just a little bit of rain around across the north of the uk. Now, we start off wednesday morning on a rather chilly note, some rural spots in scotland and wales down around two or three degrees, towns and cities not quite as cool as that. But, as we go through the day, most of us will see some sunshine. Some patchy cloud lingering for east anglia and the south east, but further west across england and wales, probably more sunshine than we had during tuesday. There will be more cloud into Northern Ireland and scotland. Some rain in the far north, where it will also be quite windy. Winds also picking up close to the English Channel coasts and the channel islands, but in the best of the sunshine through the afternoon, temperatures topping out at 21 or 22 degrees. So it is another promising day in prospect at wimbledon. There will be patchy cloud around, often fairly large amounts of cloud, i think, but some spells of sunshine breaking through. Those temperatures up to 22 degrees in the gentle north easterly breeze, and its a fine end to the day across most parts of the uk. As we go through the night, it stays predominantly dry, with clear spells. Always more cloud toppling into Northern Ireland and scotland, some rain in the northern and western isles, and not such a cool night temperatures between 9 12 degrees. So we go on into thursday. The further south you are, thats where well see the best of the sunshine. More cloud for the far north of england, Northern Ireland and scotland, and rain making a bit more progress across the northern half of scotland. Some particularly heavy bursts of rain for the western highlands, breezy here as well, and temperatures across scotland between 14 16 degrees. But further south, 25 or 26 degrees looks likely towards the south eastern corner. Now, another warm day to come in the south on friday, with some sunshine. But that cloud in the north will make a bit more progress southwards through scotland, northern england, Northern Ireland, taking a band of rain with it. So temperatures dipping away for all of us as we head towards the weekend, but it looks like staying predominantly dry. This is bbc news welcome if youre watching here in the uk, on pbs in america or around the globe. Im duncan golestani. Our top stories an investigation by Us Government inspectors warns of dangerous overcrowding at immigration detention centres in texas near the southern border. As the clean up begins in hong kong, beijing condemns the protests as an undisguised challenge by violent offenders. Englands lionesses are out of the world cup. Theyve been beaten 2 i by the defending champions, the usa. And a total eclipse of the sun. Parts of northern chile are plunged into darkness as the moon moves

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