Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Nine 20240714

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And, scotland are out of the womens world cup. There was penalty drama as they let a 3 0 lead against argentina slip, whilst england beat japan. Good morning, and welcome to the bbc news at 9. The tory race to become the next Prime Minister continues today, as mps decide which two candidates will face a members vote. Former foreign secretary Boris Johnson looks certain to make the final pair. He topped the ballot in the first three rounds of voting. Last night, he secured the support of 143 out of 313 conservative mps. But the race to join him remains too close to call. Jeremy hunt, michael gove and sajid javid are all in the contest after fellow candidate rory stewart was knocked out last night. Lets look at how the process works. Conservative mps will begin voting for who they wish to be the next Prime Minister in a secret ballot this morning, with the results expected ataboutipm. The candidate with the fewest votes is knocked out, leaving three candidates remaining. There will then be a further vote this afternoon, where the candidate with the fewest votes is again knocked out, leaving the final two. The result of this last parliamentary ballot is expected at 6pm. The final two candidates will then begin trying to win the support of conservative members, of which there are around 160,000. Saturdayjune 22nd sees the first hustings take place in birmingham. The party aims to hold hustings in all 12 regions of the uk throuthune and july to allow tory members to see the candidates in action. Conservative members will recieve their postal ballots in early july, and vote for who should be the next party leader and Prime Minister. The result will be announced in the week beginning july 22nd. Lets get the latest from our assistant Political Editor norman smith. A busy day ahead. A flurry of interviews from the candidates and their backers this morning as they jostle for position and those votes. What will be happening with rory stewa rts what will be happening with Rory Stewarts boats . Well will they go Rory Stewarts votes . Where will they go . There are a lot of talk about the dark arts and people moving votes behind different candidates to novel others. The only person who could really do that is Boris Johnsons team person who could really do that is borisjohnsons team because he has loads of votes to spare so he is the only team that can afford to play that game and there have been suggestions that may be he was behind the behalf bizarre behaviour in terms of the votes for rory stewart because he ended up in the last place of those who went through then he suddenly doubled his votes a nd through then he suddenly doubled his votes and then yesterday he crashed back down, losing ten and a lot of people are saying that that was because Boris Johnsons people are saying that that was because borisjohnsons people supported rory stewart to knock out dominic raab and then pulled the plug on him out of the race. Its almost impossible to substantiate those claims because what mps do in the privacy of the booth is up to them and Campaign Managers have no effect at all. We are shaping up for a straightforward tussle, it seems between jeremy hunt and a straightforward tussle, it seems betweenjeremy hunt and michael gove. Jeremy huntjust betweenjeremy hunt and michael gove. Jeremy hunt just ahead betweenjeremy hunt and michael gove. Jeremy huntjust ahead with michael gove breathing down his neck and gradually getting closer and i suppose the achilles heel for jeremy hunt is that he is a former remain and Boris Johnsons jeremy hunt is that he is a former remain and borisjohnsons people say they are relaxed about facing jeremy hunt, even dubbing him as theresa may in trousers. In response, mr hunt as adopted a more abrasive stance tweeting over night that he will put his heart and soul into giving Boris Johnson that he will put his heart and soul into giving borisjohnson the contest of his life and again this morning restating his now familiar argument that he is the man who can cut a deal with brussels. We have to put someone forward as Prime Minister who the European Union are actually prepared to talk to. That is the only way to get a better brexit deal and solve the crisis we are in. Lets not forget sajid javid is still in the race, against all predictions and many people thought he would be for the chop in the first round, then the second, then the third but he is still there. His tea m the third but he is still there. His team are saying do not underestimate him although he is coming from a long way behind. His argument is to make this a more outward looking modern facing campaign, not an Old School Tie contest between people who went to 0xbridge. Still difficult for him, although he was sounding upbeat this morning. I want to go for it and try my best and by the end of the day we will have two candidates for the leadership election in one of them will certainly be Boris Johnson leadership election in one of them will certainly be borisjohnson and i think will certainly be borisjohnson and ithinki will certainly be borisjohnson and i think i have the strongest case for being the other one, a change candidate that can win over the nation in a general election with Jeremy Corbyn because we must keep oui Jeremy Corbyn because we must keep our sights set on that and keep Jeremy Corbyn out of government. You mentioned, where will the rory stewart votes go, and he tweeted this morning that he is not backing anyone in particular. That said, i would think michael gove would hope to get some of his votes because we know yesterday michael gove and rory stewart were involved in talks to look at whether they might be able to get some sort of pact, although that didnt happen. Michael goves best pitch is that he is a brexiteers and if you want to stop borisjohnson, then maybe he is the man. He obviously was involved in a pretty bitter feud with Boris Johnson last time so you would imagine he has the energy and motivation to go toe to toe with borisjohnson. This was his thoughts as he left home this morning. Im feeling very confident today and i had a wonderful level of support yesterday from my parliamentary collea g u es yesterday from my parliamentary colleagues and im looking forward to making it through to the final two and then a several civilised debate with boris to make sure we can make the country better. We are on course for what looks like a very close race indeed for second place and it really is almost impossible to tell who is going to nudge it, whether it will be jeremy to tell who is going to nudge it, whether it will bejeremy hunt or michael gove. A footnote to that, albeit a significant footnote, warnings from the chancellor Philip Hammond ahead of the speech he will be making tonight about what he thinks brexit could do to the british economy. Tell us more about what he will be saying. Philip hammond is slightly demob happy because his time in the treasury is coming to an end and we have already had in the past few days him sounding off against theresa mays spending splurge to try and ensure her legacy. Tonight he is expected to fire a warning shot across the bowers of all the leadership contenders, saying dont think about no deal, because if you do you wont have any money to spend anything because the extra cash he has kept back will have to go for no deal planning. Also, interestingly, saying nothing much will change. Parliamentary arithmetic is not going to change, the eu negotiating sta nce going to change, the eu negotiating stance will not change, Northern Ireland border, that isnt going away. So you guys need to have a plan band away. So you guys need to have a plan b and what is interesting is that mr hammond is suggesting that plan b ought to be another referendum as he is saying the only way to break the logjam would be to have another referendum. It is interesting, because up until now its almost become impossible for any senior tory to move to the idea of another referendum. Now we have the chancellor, albeit a departing chancellor, nevertheless saying, actually it might be the only way to sort this out. Norman, thank you very much. Do stay with us on the bbc news channel for the latest on the lorry tory leadership race. Well be bringing you coverage of the final two rounds of voting throughout the day, with the results expected at 1pm and 6pm. The dutch Prime Minister has told the bbc that the uks economy and place in the world will be seriously diminished after brexit. He was talking to our europe editor katya adler on the eve of the Eu Council Summit in brussels. They began by talking about the challenges of brexit facing the new british Prime Minister whoever that may be. When the new Prime Minister comes in and would ask for an extension, we all have to learn about what his plan will be in terms of new elections, a new referendum, making changes to the red lines that the uk currently holds. If nothing is happening, it would mean after the 3ist happening, it would mean after the 31st of october, again, can we make changes . No, we cant, because we have to change the red lines, then there is no point in an extension. You would be prepared to have no deal brexit on the 31st of 0ctober . No deal brexit on the 31st of october . No, i hate it, i hate brexit from every angle and i hate brexit from every angle and i hate brexit from every angle and i hated brexit from every angle and i hatedd no brexit from every angle and i hated no deal angle no deal brexit from every angle and we have to avoid the ha rd every angle and we have to avoid the hard brexit, so we must walk towards a negotiated brexit and i hope it is possible by the 31st of october. And again, with brexit, be it hard or not, the impact on the economy, society, everything is huge, it is so society, everything is huge, it is so much bigger than so many people anticipate and that is my worry about the united kingdom. Therefore iamso about the united kingdom. Therefore i am so sad you are doing this because the impact is huge and many people are underestimating it and you will have a diminished role on the world stage, your economy will suffer and it will have a huge impact on society. The populist eurosceptic threat for those who believe in the eu has not gone away though, has it . Not completely. It is something you deal with here and you had to face it in your recent general election. How does the eu navigate its way through . Surely we are ina navigate its way through . Surely we are in a period of new latex. The paradox is this and ive had this many questions time with david cameron, the direction that the uk wa nted cameron, the direction that the uk wanted us to take, we took, from 2012 slash 13, the whole idea of a closer union and the unavoidable to your history and this unavoidable march to a sort of european superstate is all gone. Nobody in a Senior Leadership position will end up Senior Leadership position will end up pleading for that. So we have most of the direction that the uk wa nted most of the direction that the uk wanted the eu to move in the paradox is that when Jean Claude Juncker came in the European Parliament said there was not enough for them to do and im very happy about it. I want and im very happy about it. I want a European Parliament that is complaining that they dont have enough legislation on their plate. It is good. It means the European Union is focusing on core interests and moving away on doing everything to everyone. Adam fleming is in brussels for us. Listening to that, this is a self confessed anglophile, one of the uks biggest fans in the eu and he is saying all of that and it really highlights the realities of brexit as eu leaders see it versus the reality that the candidates for Prime Minister are talking about. Yes, there are two points i would make. The first is looking at the netherlands, close to the uk geographically, politically and economically and its going to be really ha rd economically and its going to be really hard hit, one of the hardest hit of all the other eu countries if there is no deal brexit but they have decided that their National Interest is best served by preserving the eu interests and protecting the integrity of the Single Market rather than facing one of their friends who is leaving and thatis of their friends who is leaving and that is the kind of philosophy that informed the Brexit Process and that is why where we are and even though countries aligned with the uk are not prepared to rip up the eu brexit position. The second thing to say is in the rest of the interview that we did not have time to look at, he is critical of the ideas being put forward by tory leadership candidates, the idea that Boris Johnson mentioned that you could have a transition period, a standstill period after the uk had left with no deal and then negotiate the future relationship from there and he says no, the transition period comes with the Withdrawal Agreement so period comes with the Withdrawal Agreement so you period comes with the Withdrawal Agreement so you only get the transition period where things stay the same for a couple of years if you signed the deal, so interesting listening to him. Interesting that brexit is well down the agenda for the people gathering their having biggerfish to fry the people gathering their having bigger fish to fry at the moment. That is totally true. Brexit has been allocated a five minute slot at the end of the summit tomorrow lunchtime and it will be an update on the state of play from donald tusk and Jean Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission will update everyone on the eu contingency plans in case there is no deal on the deadline on the 31st of october and theres a lot of other business for the leaders to get through before they get to that point. This afternoon they will discuss Climate Change and whether the eu should collectively have that target being Carbon Neutral by 2015 and nearly every single country is in favour of that but there are some big important holdouts and we are waiting to see what the final communique says and whether they go explicitly for the target or a aim without signing up and then the big show is tonight, the dinner where all 28 leaders including theresa may will talk about the process for nominating the eu topjobs. There are about to be vacancies for president of the European Commission, president of the european council, who chairs the summit, president of the European Central bank, president of the European Parliament and the higher representative, the Foreign Policy chief. Varying things have to be balanced like geography, gender, politics, the European Parliament wa nts to politics, the European Parliament wants to have a say over the Commission President and there is even a split between countries that wa nt to even a split between countries that want to get names chosen tonight and some that want to get a weight on and there is the prospect of another emergency summit to finish off the process which means this may or may not be theresa mays last ever trip to brussels for an eu summit. An eu changing of the guard. Thank you, adam, in brussels. Iran and the United States say that an american surveillance drone has been shot down over the strait of hormuz, the vital shipping line between iran and the arab gulf states. Irans revolutionary guards say they brought down the Unmanned Aircraft when it entered iranian airspace. Pentagon sources deny this, saying their Us Navy Drone was flying in International Airspace. Tension remains high in the region following a number of attacks on oil tankers that washington and its allies have blamed on tehran. 0ur middle east correspondent tom bateman is in the port city of fujairah in the uae. Another episode of claim and cou ntercla i m another episode of claim and counterclaim and accusation and denial between iran and the us. What fa cts denial between iran and the us. What facts have been confirmed . M denial between iran and the us. What facts have been confirmed . It seems pretty clear that a drone was shot down. Neither side denies that fact and this was a High Altitude american surveillance drone, very powerful drone that can fly for hours on end and scoop up images of what it sees below it. The key issue is where the drone was and when it came down. The Iran Revolutionary guard said it had flown this morning into iranians airspace and masses when the air defences were brought down and the americans had no comment other than to say that there was no drone over iranians territory but they have since said, an official at the pentagon, that an american drone was shot down but they said crucially it was in International Airspace and not in iranians airspace, so that will be a crucial detail. We had the iranians saying yesterday that breaching of the airspace would be a red line and in the last hour or so the commander of the iranians revolutionary guard, who has been lying on arabian Television Live on arabian television, was saying that the americans do not desire war with americans do not desire war with america but they would be ready for war if it comes. President xijinping is beginning his first visit to north korea. Its the first time any chinese leader has visited in 1a years. 0ur correspondent robin brant is in china for us. What do you think both sides, especially china, undertaking this visit one from the meeting . M especially china, undertaking this visit one from the meeting . It is rich in symbolism as xi jinping arrived five hours ago and there was arrived five hours ago and there was a massive red carpet to greet him, an adoring crowd, according to Chinese State media waving flags and flowers as he journeyed Chinese State media waving flags and flowers as hejourneyed in Chinese State media waving flags and flowers as he journeyed in and also there was the beginning of talks between the two leaders. Its the first time in14 between the two leaders. Its the first time in 1a years that a chinese leader has been. There has been some reciprocal see here because xijinping has been hosted forfour because xijinping has been hosted for four years, mostly for the because xijinping has been hosted forfour years, mostly for the north Korean Leader to brief him on the failed talks with donald trump over the Nuclear Weapons programme. So xi jinping is going for two reasons, i think. Firstly to continue to cement the relationships between the countries which hasnt been good in recent yea rs countries which hasnt been good in recent years mainly because china has supported tougher un sanctions to try and force north koreas hand over its Nuclear Weapons and its also going to send a message to donald trump. China and the us are in the midst of a trade war showing no signs of improving and if president xijinping no signs of improving and if president xi jinping can show that maybe china is the one that retains some kind of influence on north korea, that is a message that he wa nts to korea, that is a message that he wants to send. For kim jong un on its a good moment to go turbo on propaganda. He has the leader of an important neighbour coming to town through state controlled media he can say look, he is here, willing to show his support in a demonstrable way and also willing to show the world that china, at the moment, certainly, has north koreas back. Robin, thank you very much for that stop the rate at which himalayan glaciers are melting has doubled in recent years. Scientists from Columbia University in new york used Spy Satellite pictures from the cold war to show that ice loss in the region has accelerated dramatically over the last a0 years. 0ur science correspondent Rebecca Morelle has more. Covert images snapped from space. These were taken by us Spy Satellites in the 1970s. Recently declassified, they reveal how the himalayas once looked. Now scientists have compared them with modern satellite images and theyve been able to see how the himalayan glaciers have changed. Since 2000, the height of the glaciers has shrunk by an average of half a metre every year. That means theyre losing eight billion tonnes of water annually. Scientists say that Climate Change is the main cause of this rapid melt, leaving the area dramatically altered. The concern is that there are millions of people who rely on the glaciers for water. Researchers are continuing to track the vanishing ice, but they warn if the climate continues to warm, the melt will be hard to stop. Rebecca morelle, bbc news. An age check scheme designed to stop under 18s viewing pornographic websites is expected to be delayed for a second time. The controversial changes, which require users to verify their age using personal identification, was due to come into effect next month after already being delayed from april 2018. The reason for the delay is not clear. New zealands government is launching a scheme to buy back semi automatic guns which were banned in the aftermath of the christchurch mosque attacks. More than 135 million has been set aside for the six month long scheme which only applies to licensed guns. New zealand mps voted in april to outlaw military style, semi automatic firearms, along with parts that could be used to adapt lower powered weapons. Young people under 30 are spending less than the equivalent generation did at the turn of the century. Thats according to a new report from the Resolution Foundation looking at Living Standards and the changes in pay, housing, taxes and benefits. 0ur Consumer Affairs correspondent Colletta Smith reports. The Resolution Foundation has taken a look in the wallets of different age groups in what they are calling an intergenerational audit. Different generations are always going to face different financial circumstances but as lots of us have noticed, in recent years, those gaps between generations have become more pronounced. And the Younger Generation in particular are facing a very stark future. Spending has fallen by 7 for those under 30 since the millennium. At the same time, spending by pensioners has increased by 37 . It all goes, and i have to work out where it has all gone at the end of the month because it goes quickly. In recent years, wages have been growing faster for those in their 20s than those in their early 30s. Certainly amongst my peers in the profession i worked in, the increment in salary was relatively slow and now the new entrants have seen a higher starting point. Housing costs are putting increasing pressure on Living Standards for all generations with more families now in rented accommodation. Budgets are stretched with things going up, the insurance is going up, like Car Insurance and various bills going up. A gender divide opens up for the over 50s with women in their late 60s having around half the wealth of their male counterparts. They do have to have a pension now, dont they, the younger people . They do have to join a works pension. So maybe they will be in a better position than we were. The Resolution Foundation says their goal is not to turn generations against each other. Looking at these differences and the gaps within generations as well helps us understand how to get Living Standards moving in britain again. Colletta smith, bbc news. In a moment, the weather, but, first, heres Victoria Derbyshire with what shes got coming up in her programme at ten. Good morning. As four prepare to become two, we will be talking to various conservative politicians as they head to the ballot box at the latest round of voting in the partys leadership race. It comes as this programme can reveal that the conservative party has now been passed more than 130 complaints on islamophobobic and racist behaviour online. We will bring you that exclusive story at ten on bbc two, the bbc news channel and online. Criminals who are considered to be vulnerable may be offered targeted treatment instead of a prison sentence to improve rates of rehabilitation. A Successful Pilot scheme means the Community Sentence treatment for offenders with Mental Health problems or addictions will be rolled out in nine more locations in england. 0ur reporter Graham Satchell has been to meet one woman who says the initiative has changed her life. Life was very chaotic. I didnt feel like anything was going to improve, like i was going feel better at any point. So, to me, not being here, not being alive seemed the only option. Chloes home life had fallen apart, her Mental Health in crisis. 18 months ago, she attempted to take her own life by setting fire to her home. Chloe was charged with arson and faced a potential custodial sentence. Life would have been extremely different had that happened at the time. And i dont really know where i would have been or how life would have progressed had i ended up in prison. Milton keynes magistrates court, one of five areas in england piloting a new sentencing regime. Mental health teams are on site here to assess the vulnerable, those with addiction and Mental Health problems. Magistrates, who decide someones sentence, have been encouraged to send people for treatment rather than to prison. This is a sentence that is robust, it gives us an option in the community to really address peoples behaviour and why theyre offending. We want to punish, but you want to break the cycle of offending behaviour and so far all the statistics have told us this is working really well. Theres a growing debate about the effectiveness of short term prison sentences. More than half the prison population in england and wales are serving sentences of six months or less. Almost two thirds will reoffend within a year. In scotland there is already presumption against prison sentences of less than three months. So how did you find it . Chloe was ordered to undergo a six month Mental Health treatment requirement. You know, i quickly learned there was a different way of managing things. The criticism of programmes like this is that theyre soft. That people who commit crimes should go to prison. A soft option might be to go to custody for six weeks and come out and continue with the same pattern of behaviour, but to work with clinicians and work with providers to really address what is happening in a persons life to make that change. For chloe, working with clinicians has had a dramatic impact. You think the treatments saved you . Yes, i do. I think it it not only saved me physically in being still alive, but piece by piece ive put things back together and ive got a life that is now much happier, calmer, and im in control of it. The government is rolling out the use of treatment sentences across england from today. The hope is that fewer people will end up in prison and fewer will reoffend. Graham satchell, bbc news. Now its time for a look at the weather with simon king. Hi, there, good morning. Weve got some drier, brighter and warmer weather coming our way for the next few days. Today, for many of us, its going to be dry, therell be some sunny spells. There are, though, a scattering of showers throughout this morning. And those continue into the afternoon, especially to the north west of scotland. You can see these band of showers from South West England up into lincolnshire, that is moving its way into the south east. Some of those showers could be on the heavy side, but, as you can see, there is plenty of green on the map here, so some clear skies, some sunshine this afternoon for most of us. Maximum temperatures, 16 19 celsius, a bit fresher than it was yesterday. We have lost that warmth and humidity, that mugginess we have had over the last few days. Through tonight, still some showers in scotland, otherwise, though, with clear skies. It could turn a little bit chilly overnight into tomorrow morning, but, otherwise, for friday, plenty of sunshine and those temperatures are starting to rise. Bye bye. Hello, this is bbc news with annita mcveigh. The headlines. Conservative mps will today choose the final pair of candidates for Prime Minister. Then its up to the Party Membership to decide. Theresa may will attend her last eu summit as prime minster later, as Prime Minister later, as her dutch counterpart issues a warning about the impact of brexit. The impact is huge and many people are underestimating it. You will be diminished on the world stage, the economy will suffer and it will have a huge impact on society. Satellite pictures show himalayan glaciers are melting twice as fast as they were a0 years ago. And an age check scheme designed to stop under 18s viewing pornographic websites, is expected to be delayed for a second time. To mark World Refugee day, the tate modern in london has teamed up with the International Rescue committee to highlight the work of artists who fled conflict and persecution. All four tate galleries across the uk are involved in the collaboration, which shines a spotlight on the work of artists including marc chagall and max ernst. The former foreign secretary David Miliband is the president and ceo of the International Rescue committee hejoins us now from outside the tate modern in london. Very good to have you with us this morning. And we mentioned marc chagall there, he was spirited out of france with a group of 1,500 refugees and on the day when it is being recognised 80 years on from then, it is all the more important, im sure you would argue, to highlight the contribution refugees make in an exhibition like this. I hope you can hear me. Yes, thank you for having me, and as it happens, International Rescue committee. Can you hear me . As it happens, it was the International Rescue committee that smuggled marc chagall out of occupied france in 1941 and i think that is just one demonstration of the way in which the refugees that do make it to safety, wherever they are from, know the value of freedom and are determined to repay the countries they have landed in. For britain, it is obviously also a massive contribution across the arts, across politics, across business, across sport and i hope that we can, on this day when the Record Number of fleeing conflict and persecution in the modern world is evident, we can highlight the fact that the welcome that countries offer to refugees is not just a matter of that countries offer to refugees is notjust a matter of having a big heart, it is the matter of having a smart head. The record figures today are over 70 million refugees forcibly displaced, in your words, through war, economic misery and climate stress. When it comes to britains role in dealing with refugees, do you think that role has been diminished as britain has become distracted by domestic political matters . Well, there is no doubt that brexit has castrated british Foreign Policy, butjust to be clear, their 70 million figure of refugees and internally displaced are not people fleeing economic misery, these are people fleeing war, conflict and persecution. They are fleeing syria, myanmar, where there was ethnic cleansing of the wrecking year which you have covered, rohingya and they are fleeing el salvador. These are civil wa rs fleeing el salvador. These are civil wars which are going on for longer and they represent a crisis of diplomacy, because there isnt a proper tackling of the sources of these problems and that makes it all these problems and that makes it all the more important that countries like the uk are able to step up and tackle the humanitarian consequences. The good news is britain does have a Good Department foraid, it is britain does have a Good Department for aid, it is a genuine leader when it comes to helping displaced people, but history shows, when you look at someone like freddie mercury, who was welcomed to britain asa mercury, who was welcomed to britain as a refugee, we have to play our pa rt by as a refugee, we have to play our part by welcoming refugees into the country and the fact that at the moment, only five or six refugees are admitted per parliamentary constituency, shows the minuscule level of entry at the moment that theresa mays government, they cancelled a commitment made by david cameron, to welcome 3,000 child refugees, the most innocent of all, and that is the second half of the coin that countries like britain should be playing. Unfortunately, the retreat of the uk is matched by a retreat in the us which has slashed by about three quarters the number of refugees allowed in the country. So significant challenges for organisations like yours, the International Rescue committee, to try and persuade major governments around the world to change policies. Which of the candidates standing to become the next Prime Minister of the uk do you think would most listen to you . Which of those four do you think would be the best Prime Minister . You have talked about Boris Johnsons minister . You have talked about borisjohnsons position minister . You have talked about Boris Johnsons position on minister . You have talked about borisjohnsons position on brexit, to quote you, straight out of never never land. To quote you, straight out of nevernever land. Well, i am not sure i want to damn any of the candidates by endorsing them, which is what you are inviting me to do. I dont want to get myself into the middle of that, it may raise all sorts of weird and wonderful questions. I think that the worrying thing for all of us who are british citizens is the extent to which the debate inside the conservative party is happening in a parallel universe. It is almost like they have deluded themselves, never mind wanting to delude the voters, that we can continue to have our cake and eat it on brexit. Brexit involves trade offs and it involves costs and we need a Prime Minister who is willing to face up to those costs. I havent seen that from any of those candidates so far and frankly the policy discussion has been very poon policy discussion has been very poor. You will be as frustrated as i am that Boris Johnson poor. You will be as frustrated as i am that borisjohnson is not putting himself forward for interviews, so hes not having the kind of cross examination that is a healthy part of democracy. You have also said that the brexit now on offer is so different from what was envisaged at the time of the referendum that it would be undemocratic not to have a second vote and talk to us if you would about labours position in all of this, because you believe that Jeremy Corbyn has been trying to please both sides but actually satisfying no one. What you think, as labour leader, he should be saying clearly to voters in the uk right now . Well, i think you have summed it up very well, which is that the labour leadership has been trying to please everyone and has, in the end, pleased no one. I think there is something very simple to say about this. Both major parties have been trying to calculate their brexit position to satisfy internal divisions. I mean, the origins of the brexit referendum at the robert David Camerons attempted to satisfy splits within the conservative party back were David Camerons thames. It must be deal instruction we give to all of our political leaders, they have to start thinking about they have to start thinking about the state of the country and not internal divisions. 0n the labour side, i think it is a principled position that has more chance not just of speaking to his own claim to bea man just of speaking to his own claim to be a man who speaks truth to power, but also to actually give some respect back to the voters, because the voters want to know what the politicians actually think. I dont think it is a matter of choosing either to support remain voters or leave voters, it is to appeal to all of them by setting out a clear position and i cant tell you what the labour position as today, it is very unclear and from my point of view, the most straightforward and credible thing to do, and frankly truthful thing to do, is to say, look, the brexit you voted on in 2016 was on the principle of brexit. The brexit on offer today bears no relation to the brexit promised then by the leave campaign. Just like someone who is buying a house has a report by the surveyor and if they find there is subsidence in the house, they do not buy it, the people should have the chance to decide whether they want to go ahead or not. I dont see how that can be undemocratic, i think it is a way to give legitimacy and credibility and stability to the very difficult choices that will lie ahead. And just a final point, you would almost believe that this stage of the negotiations is the end of the Brexit Process. It is not, we havent even started the main discussions, which is about our future relationship with europe, which will be essential, in or out. As you have watched politics, no doubt, very closely in the last couple of years, on some level are you relieved not to be right on the front line of it at the moment . No, i wouldnt put it like that, that is not quite how i would put it. I feel very privileged and proud to be leading an organisation of 13,000 humanitarian aid workers around the world, we are an 800 million organisation, we think we helped 27 Million People last year, so i feel very lucky to be someone who used to be in politics but is now able to put his values into practice in a new and different way. If you are saying am i relieved to be out of government, then, no, of course, thatis government, then, no, of course, that is not the way you think about it. If you are running an ngo, there is less power but there are also less obstacles to getting things done and i think it is really important as a british citizen that we have a strong British Government and a strong opposition and the tragedy at the moment is we have neither. David miliband, thank you very much for your time today and on this World Refugee day, wishing you good luck with your work with the International Rescue committee. Thank you very much. Thank you so much, i really appreciate it. Apologies, obviously, quite a delay of that line, but good to be able to talk to David Miliband. Time now for the morning briefing, where we bring you up to speed on the stories people are watching, reading and sharing. The need to find greener ways of transport is greater than ever before, and Hydrogen Powered trains could be the answer. They already run regularly in germany and britain is looking to become one of the next countries to get them on the tracks. 0ur transport correspondent tom burridge has been getting on board the uks First Hydrogen train. 0k, ok, so, robin, please fire us up. And we will be cooking. There we 90, and we will be cooking. There we go, we are cooking on hydrogen, off we go. Lets bring it back around, lets try and talk to a couple of people, the masterminds behind this project. Helen simpson and alex burrows. Alex, what is the magic behind this train, why does this matter . This is the First Hydrogen train in the uk, which is obviously a huge achievement and the partnership between porter brook and the university of birmingham has been absolutely fantastic, with industry and academia working together. You achieve this in nine months. Yes, a fantastic achievement. Helen, how soon will these trains be had, we have had roughly two years but when will we see these trains operating on a commercial sense . This is a test train and we are running it to see how the Technology Works and we will run it on the main line for testing, so run it on the main line for testing, so working with the university of birmingham with porterbrook, working to get this train tested on the mainline and from there, we will go out to building something for passenger service. And we need these trains in britain because there are still diesel only trains out there, polluting, the sort of change you dont want to stand next to at the station. Yes, both local pollution and the global warming, Climate Change issues, this is the chain that can solve both of those things with only pure water omitted and it gives you an alternative. With only pure water omitted and it gives you an alternativelj with only pure water omitted and it gives you an alternative. I wonder if tom wanted to be a trained eye but when he was little. Train driver. And that story is number one on the most watched story, the uks First Hydrogen train. I willjust scroll back to look at what you are reading, the number one story, the us confirms a drone was shot down by an iranian missile, although there isa an iranian missile, although there is a bit of denial and counterclaim surrounding that story. Lets have a look at number nine, in a week when mps have been talking again about fast fashion, this is a story about boohoo, their recycled range, provoking some scepticism with one shopper quoting that if somebody really cared about buying ethically sourced clothes, they wouldnt shop at boohoo, but she was commenting on this first recycled range from the fashion retailer, made from reclaimed plastics and boohoo is claiming it is planning other green initiatives and others have welcomed this new collection as a starting point. Then going back down to the most watched, an interesting story done by radio one news beat, it is talking about Work Life Balance and how the employees at this particular pr firm in gloucester, how their life has been changed by a four day week, exactly a year ago. The boss of the firm e mailed employees telling them they would be working four days a week but for exactly the same pay, and they have talked about how it has improved their productivity and really helped with work balance. Thats it for todays morning briefing. Lets catch up with the sport and get a full round up from the bbc sport centre. Here isjohn watson. Good morning, there you are. Yes, at long last, a brief pause. We will start with the womens world cup, heartbreak and late drama in paris as scotland let a three goal lead slip, chasing the wind that would have seen them into the last 16, only to concede three goals and draw with argentina, the last was a penalty which was retaken after the scotla nd penalty which was retaken after the scotland goalkeeper was judged to being off the line. England march on after beating japan to top their group. Jane dougal can bring us up to date with the talking points. How did it end in tears for scotland, just 20 minutes earlier, cuthbert was celebrating at scoring scotlands third goal over argentina. They needed a win but it is never that simple. Argentina got two back and then another controversial video assistant referee decision against scotland. It came down to this penalty kick. Lee alexander thought she was the hero but wasjudged Lee Alexander thought she was the hero but was judged to have come off hero but was judged to have come off her line. A retake and scotland were out. I feel like we her line. A retake and scotland were out. Ifeel like we have her line. A retake and scotland were out. I feel like we have done a little out. I feel like we have done a little been a little bit hard done by with some of the decisions and to give away a three goal lead in the world cup is absolutely getting put on a positive note, i think the girls have been unbelievable. It has been such an incredible journey being if the first time and i feel like we have well and truly earned our place on the stage and hopefully we will be backin the stage and hopefully we will be back in four years. Despite the result, this has been an historic journey for scott ands women in their first world cup and although they are travelling home, they can do so with their heads held high. Englands women have secured an easier route through the tournament by beating japan and finishing top of the group. Ellen white has a good record against japan. It was reinforced when she pounced on a steinway pass and the ball bubbled home. Her second, another shot from the edge of the box, sliding a the keeper. So england win the group and travel to northern france for the knockout stages and they continue their bid to win the competition. So agony for scotland but a great result for england, nine points from nine, they progress as Group Winners and will find out later who they will face in the last 16. I think we keep growing and growing as this tournament goes on, so our Main Objective was to get out of this group top, which is what we have done, and there we look forward to the round of 16 who ever we may face so it is exciting and we now need to recover and look forward to whoever we play next. Add to the result, some criticism of the rule which stipulates that a goalkeepers foot should be on the line when the ball is struck. This was one of the tweets that came from the Manchester United and england goalkeeper siobhan chamberlain, who said. From a goalkeepers perspective, she goes on to say. Siobhan posing the question, which isa siobhan posing the question, which is a great debate raging online following the misfortune of scotland last night. It is englands win that features most on the back pages of this morning s papers. The telegraph with a picture of the england striker ellen white and her goal celebration, which she is based on one of her heroes, a cologne striker. The daily mail reporting that Dylan Hartley is likely to miss the world cup. And the mira feature a smaller headline but focus on this speculation of paul pollock bys future, which is set to continue over the last few next few months. Lets have a look at the dyla n months. Lets have a look at the Dylan Hartley headline, the england hooker has been struggling with knee injury all year and hasnt played since december. He captained the side to back to back six nations titles in 2016 and 17 but it looks like eddiejones will leave him out of the upcoming world cup, along with danny care and chris robshaw, when he names his first training squad later today. It is gold cup day at royal ascot, with Frankie Dettori looking for back to back wins on stradivarius. We had a warm up yesterday on crystal 0cean, his second win of the day and a Frankie Dettori win wouldnt be right without the traditional celebration. Andy murray makes his competitive return to tennis at queens today, playing alongside Feliciano Lopez in the doubles. He thought his career might be over after defeat in the first round of the Australian Open before having his hip resurfaced at the start of the year. British number one kyle edmund is also in action, he continues his match against the top seed stefan tsitsipas. Play was suspended with the pay level at 3 3. The weather for today, we should have a full days play. Coverage begins at1pm on have a full days play. Coverage begins at 1pm on bbc two and later on on radio 5live. Commentary on the womens world cup between sweden and the United States as well, which will be well worth listening to and watching a little bit later on, to see how well the usa have been playing so well in this tournament. That is all the sports and i, plenty more later. Breaking news coming to us from the courts, because the man known as the black cab rapist, john worboys, has admitted further offences. He changed his name tojohn radford, 62 yea rs changed his name tojohn radford, 62 years old, he pleaded guilty to drugging for other women with the intention of carrying out sexual assaults my four other women. You may remember he was nearly freed from jail last year. He was recommended for release by the pa role recommended for release by the parole board last year, this was for his original sentence back in 2019, for Sexual Offences, 19 Sexual Offences against women, but that release was stopped when victims appealed. Now today, john worboys, who has changed his name tojohn ra dford, who has changed his name tojohn radford, has pleaded guilty to four other offences, pleading guilty to drugging four women with the intention of carrying out sexual assault. That news coming into us from the courts. A charity for childrens hospices in england is warning that some will be forced to shut, unless the nhs increases its funding across the sector. Together for short lives says a rise in costs and a drop in donations means hospices have had to turn families away. The government says funding for childrens end of life care will double within the next five years. Phil mackie reports. For little amad and his family, acorns childrens hospice in walsall is a lifeline. Its this kind of respite care thats vital for children like him, but because of a shortfall in funding, it could close in september. More than 200 children and their families will be affected and 70 jobs will go. I can sing a rainbow. Isabellas eight year battle with cancer ended in april. Her parents, mark and jenny, relied on acorns for respite and end of life support. I dont think wed have had as long with isabella as we did if it hadnt have been for the support that we received from staff here at acorns. Childrens hospices are keeping our children alive longer. If that costs more money, then, you know, something needs to be done about it short term and long term. The Charity Together for short lives has urged the government to increase the amount it pays to the 34 childrens hospices in england from £11 million to £25 million, or it says more hospices will cut services or shut. Why are we, as a society, to say that when isabella came to the childrens hospice, that 70 of the care she received would have to be funded by people jumping out of aeroplanes or running marathons or baking cakes . This is complex health care and childrens hospices in the uk need a proper settlement from the nhs. Acorns needs help soon as it will have to decide whether or not to close this hospice in the next few weeks. Two beluga whales have been transported halfway around the world to begin a new life in the waters off iceland. They were taken from an ocean park in shanghai and were flown nearly 10,000 kilometres to keflavik airport in iceland, where they will be taken to a natural habitat. The bbcs tim allman has more. Meet little grey and little white. They were caught in the wild when they were just two years old. Since then, they have been performing for the public at this park in china. It is thought beluga whales suffer in captivity, so the parks owners came under pressure to rehouse them. A new home was found, but getting them there would involve quite a journey. Transporting two animals who weigh 900 kilos each and are four metres long is no easy task. They were carried in specially designed containers and monitored constantly through the flight. Its an epic journey for them, 6,000 miles, they travelled by truck from the aquarium to the airport, the flight is definitely the longest part, but its the end of the longest part. This is their ultimate destination, a sanctuary off the westerman islands in southern iceland. They not being released back into the wild, but they will have much more freedom. Translation we are very excited about this. This is something new and this is a good project. We have been talking about this for a long time and now it is finally happening. The plan is, eventually, other whales willjoin little grey and little white. And with a Life Expectancy of up to 50 years theyll have plenty of time to get used to their new home. Tim allman, bbc news. And be careful if youve just eaten your breakfast. This is a pilots eye view from inside the cockpit of a stunt plane. Hugues duval was taking time out from his day job flying for air france, to perfom at the le bourget air show. He does admit theres quite a lot of difference between an airbus and this light aircraft. There he is doing a loop. And he promises hed neverfly like this with passengers on board. Now its time for a look at the weather. Simon, hello. It feels like a very long time since i have stood here to talk about settled conditions. We have some fine weather on its way over the next few days. Some fine weather this morning, that is the scene in the channel islands, some lovely cumulus cloud in the sky and you can see from the satellite imagery through the morning, lots of dry and sunny weather, a bit of cloud toward South West England, wales, northern parts of england, and it is this cloud that is producing a few showers moving gradually south and eastward. Quite a few showers moving toward scotland and Northern Ireland but as we go to the rest of the day, ghosh showers will continue, some sunny spells for scotla nd will continue, some sunny spells for scotland and Northern Ireland and showers pushing their way further south and east. So southern areas this afternoon, you might want your umbrella handy, you could catch a few showers but sunny spells for many of us and temperatures will be 1619 many of us and temperatures will be 16 19 celsius, not as humid as it was yesterday, so a bit of a fresher feel. Tonight, a lot of those shows will tend to clear away but for northern scotland, shows continuing to feeding on a north westerly wind but with clear skies, it could turn quite chilly into friday morning. Those temperatures down into single figures for many, lower than that in the countryside. Into friday, High Pressure is going to start to move its way up from the south and that is going to settle things down. We have still got low pressure to the north and still a weather friends affecting the far north of scotland mike weatherford. Elsewhere, though, we havent seen this for a very long time, the map has pretty much got nothing on it, friday, a dry day for most of us in temperatures getting up a little bit higher to about 17 21 degrees. Into the weekend, the area of High Pressure m oves the weekend, the area of High Pressure moves further northwards, it will eventually push its way to scandinavia and that will allow this weather system to move its way in across Western Areas later in the weekend, but before we get to that on saturday, plenty of fine and dry weather. There will be some sunshine to start off with, a bit of play building up in the sky into the afternoon, still some sunny spells, temperatures again a little bit higher, 18 21 or 22 celsius. By sunday, temperatures even higher, we will see again lots of sunshine and it is just will see again lots of sunshine and it isjust in will see again lots of sunshine and it is just in the west where there will always be a bit more cloud, the threat of some rain in Northern Ireland, west wales, south west of england but look at the temperatures, 24, maybe even 25 in the south east. Those temperatures going even higher into next week. Bye bye. Hello its thursday, its 10 oclock, im Victoria Derbyshire. Boris will be there, but who else will make it . Im not sure if its the morning before my wedding but big things will change today. These things can be predictable sol will change today. These things can be predictable so i want to go for it and my best. Im looking forward to making it through to the final few and having a civilised debate debate of ideas so to make sure we can make the country better. Also, islamophobia in the tory party. All the candidates promised to conduct an inquiry into it earlier this week, but this programme has learnt that evidence of least 138 alleged cases of racist and islamophobic abuse

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