John worboys seriously defective. His victims could now claim compensation. Hell on earth, the uns verdict on the syrian capitals last holdout. They said bombing has killed around 300 people this week. And billy graham, one of the most prominent christian preachers of the past century, has died at the age of 99. Good evening and welcome to bbc news. President trump has been meeting survivors of last weeks School Shooting in florida, in which 17 people were killed by a teenager armed with a semi automatic rifle. Mr trump told the students he would tighten background checks for people buying guns, and work on improving Mental Health services. Heres a flavour of that meeting that finished a short time ago. I was on the second floor of that building. , texting my mum, texting my dad, textured three of my brothers that i was never going to see them again text it. Then it occurred to me that my 14 year old brother was directly above me in that classroom wescott beagle was murdered where scott beagle was murdered. Scott beagle got my brother in the class, he was the last kid to get back in that class. Iam sure last kid to get back in that class. I am sure a lot of you have read my text on the internet with my brother, i did not intend for them to go viral, ijust wanted to share with the world, because no brothers oi with the world, because no brothers or sisters orfamily with the world, because no brothers or sisters or family members with the world, because no brothers or sisters orfamily members or anyone should ever have too shared those texts with anyone. And that is why i am here. I lost a best friend. Was practically a brother. And i am here to use my voice because i know here to use my voice because i know he cant and i know hes with me, cheering me on to be strong, but it is hard. And to feel like this, it doesnt even feel like a week. Time has stood still. To feel like this, ever, i cant feel comfortable in my country knowing that people have, will have, are ever gonna like this. I wanted to feel safe at school. You know, senior year and junior years a big yearsumiko know, senior year and junior years a big year sumiko whereat and academics around, started connecting with teachers, and i started actually connecting with school yea rs actually connecting with school years for me. And now i dont know how im ever going to step foot in that place again or go to a public park after school or walk anywhere. Me and my friends get scared when a car drives by. Anywhere. And. I think, i agree with hunter and huck, and how we need to let ideas flow and how we need to let ideas flow and get the problem solved. I dont understand is. Iturned and get the problem solved. I dont understand is. I turned 18 the day after. Worked up to the news that my best friend was gone woke up. And i dont understand why i can still go in i dont understand why i can still goina i dont understand why i can still go in a store and buy a weapon of war. President trump says he thought it made more sense to have armed teachers to deal with School Shootings. If you had a teacher who was adept at firearms, they could very well in the attack very quickly and the good thing about a suggestion like that, and we are going to be looking at a very strongly, and i think a lot of people will be opposed to it, i think a lot of people will like it, but the good thing is you will have a lot of people with that. You know, you cant have 100 security guards in stoneman douglas, that is a big school, that is a Massive School with a lot of acreage to cover, a loss of floor area. So that would be, certainly, a situation that is being discussed a lost by a lot of people. It would have a lot of people. It would have a lot of people that would be armed, they be ready, they professionals, maybe marines who left the marines, left the army, left the air force, and theyre very adept at doing that. President trump speaking in the last hour. We will listen to much of that extraordinary meeting at the white house at 11 30 p. M. On the eve of the cabinets key meeting to settle its approach to the Brexit Process downing street has published proposals for the transition period after britain leaves the European Union. The plans are being interpreted by some conservative mps as opening the way for a longer transition process than originally set out, with britain abiding by any new european laws, but not being able to sign trade deals without the eus permission. This report from our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg contains some flash photography. No, not that red bus. Campaigners who want brexit to get stuck brought their own to westminster. The government is going to have more difficulty getting brexit through the house of lords than this bus is having coming in here. Under pressure, its a big week for the Prime Minister to show she is making progress with her plans. Speaker Prime Minister. We want to ensure this is a country that can negotiate free trade deals around the rest of the world. We want to ensure we have a good trade agreement with the European Union and that is what we are starting to negotiate. We want to ensure we have a good Security Partnership with the European Union. It isnt clear from todays exchanges this government isnt on the road to brexit, mr speaker, its on the road to nowhere. But for all the arguing, what matters to the government right now is this, the guidelines for the implementation phase, or the transition. That is the period of time after weve left the European Union when broadly, not very much will change for quite some time. The uk thinks it will take about two years to make all the changes, but brexiteers are nervous about this phrase, that the time frame could be shaped simply by how long it will take to prepare and implement the new processes and systems. Basically, it will be the eu status quo, the rights and obligations of the uk will continue, but a joint committee should be set up so the uk still has a say over changes to any rules and on some specific areas like fishing. There is no mention in todays text about immigration, the core argument in the referendum. Number ten says the Prime Minister will still insist that the system changes as soon as we leave the European Union. But a government source told me to expect the uk to back down and that in the face of resistance from brussels. How bullish are ministers . Are starting point has been as the Prime Minister set out, that we would allow people to come and go and live out their lives and live and work in the uk during the implementation period on the same basis as before but we will need to have a conversation about how they will continue on after the implementation. Eu leaders and theresa may arent one million miles apart in the talks about transition, but however friendly the three kiss greetings with the dutch pm were today, ends have to be tied up and a lot of discussion still to be had. Discussion at this moment is about two years and of course the discussion will then be, if things move smoothly, at the end of the two years you would allow for a short extension. That debate is still going on. The brexit secretary and his cabinet colleague still have plenty of convincing to do. In european capitals like in athens today, at home with their party and of course, most importantly, with you. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. What are we expecting in the next 2a hours . Ben wright is in westminster for us. How important is getting this transition period right for the government . It is their imperative at the moment, rebecca, this is what businesses around britain are wanting clarity about as quickly as possible. Wanting to know that life continues as it does now in the two yea rs continues as it does now in the two years after we leave the eu next march. That is what the transition really is, it is a snapshot, a standstill agreement. Where we remain members of the customs union, what we dont have is Voting Rights are any say in how the Big Decisions in the eu are made. It is the continuity that companies are looking for and the government wants to give to businesses now. It matters a lot that they get this agreed and signed off by the end of march. It is going to be a big European Council meeting in brussels. There are little bits of disagreement. For instance, around naming the exact date that the transition period will end. The eu have said they think it should only last for 18 months, the uk have said it should last around two years. They seem to want more flexibility. That debt needs to be hammered out. There is also in discussion to be had on how eu and the uk will mediate any differences over the terms of the transition once it has started. These feel technicalities that can be sorted out. If the far bigger issue is what the long term security and trade will be with both sides. Tomorrow there is this big Cabinet Meeting at the Prime Ministers country retreat, are we likely to get any clarity on theseissues are we likely to get any clarity on these issues after that . That is what we are all waiting for. And whats the eu is certainly waiting for, the u. K. s coupled with a proposal on how they in vision that long term trade relationship working. We know the uk to be outside the Single Market and the customs union, would be paying any big contributions into the eu budget, but it wants a bespoke, close, new Economic Partnership with the eu. The government now has to put flesh on the bones. Theresa may has to reconcile the very different views within her own cabinet about how closely the uk should be aligned economically to the eu after brexit and what sort of compromise that might entail, what sectors might like to in tale with the eu regulations and which might want freedom to do their own thing. She has to get that signed by the cabinet very quickly. I think that is what the meeting at chequers is all about morning, tried to get the cabinet to agree on the big picture. Then the negotiation will begin with the eu. That is where this gets really tough, because the eu have maintained all the way through this piocess maintained all the way through this process that the uk cannot pick and mix the best bits from the Single Market in the future, it cant cherry pick, and the integrity of the Single Market cannot be threatened. I think there are those in brussels now to suspect that what the uk is about to put in the table something that looked exactly like that. Good to talk to you. Ben wright, our Political Correspondent in westminster. Police forces could face new legal action by victims of major crime if the Police Investigations are found to be seriously defective. Judges at the Supreme Court gave the ruling, under human rights law, in a case brought by two women who say they were victims ofjohn worboys, the serial sex attacker. The police say the outcome means they must set aside more money to cover possible claims for compensation. Our Legal Affairs correspondent Clive Coleman has more details. If theyd have done theirjob in 2003, there would be one victim. What i cant deal with is 105 victims because i wasnt believed. This woman, known for legal reasons as dsd, was the first to report being attacked byjohn worboys back in 2003. Why do you think the police simply didnt believe you . Id like to throw that one back at the police because all the evidence was there. All the witnesses were there, everything was there, why didnt you believe me . Why did you put me through this for 15 years . You get to the point where you think, you are going mad. From when that first report was made, it took a further six years for police to bring warboys to justice. During that time, he continued to cruise the streets looking for women to dupe, drug, and sexually assault. The police cant be sued for negligence, so dsd and another of worboys victims claimed Police Failures to investigate breached article three of the human rights act and amounted to inhuman and degrading treatment. The metropolitan police, with the backing of two home secretaries, fought them to the Supreme Court. But today, judges ruled in the womens favour. We have held that failures in the investigation of the crimes, provided they are sufficiently serious, will give rise to liability on the part of the police. Todays landmark ruling has huge implications for both the victims of Violent Crime and the police who investigated it. If they seriously fail in an investigation, they can face human rights actions by the victim and had to pay compensation. This is the highest court in the land, telling the police that in the most serious of cases, they have to do theirjob properly

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