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Of bullets in rapid succession. He said he would also support a modest tightening of background checks for gun purchasers. Survivors of last weeks School Shooting in florida have marched on washington to call for tougher laws. And at the Winter Olympics, team gbs Womens Curling Team have beaten the reigning champions canada to reach the semi finals. It means the Canadian Women have failed to win a medal for the first time in olympic history. Good morning. Its wednesday 21st february. Im annita mcveigh. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. The met police has lost an appeal at the Supreme Court against two victims of black cab rapist john worboys who won compensation for its failings. The women were raped by worboys in 2003 and 2007 and said their treatment by police, who failed to believe their reports, caused them mental harm. The Supreme Court unanimously dismissed the polices appeal. Our Home Affairs Correspondent june kelly is at the Supreme Court. What did the lawyers for the two women argue . And can you tell us details of the ruling . Good morning from the Supreme Court way have a number of womens groups represented here, because this decision by the justice is for womens groups more generally who were involved in these sorts of issues. To go back to your question, the lawyers fought the case on the basis that the met police had breached the human rights of the two women involved. These id victims of the black cab rapistjohn worboys. The lawyers argue the breached human rights by failing to investigate him. He was roaming around london for a number of years picking up women in his cab, dubbing them and sexually assaulting them. The lawyers have argue that they should have been stopped sooner and said he had been, these women may not have become victims of this man. There was a failure to investigate. They brought this case on that basis, and the women had won the case in the lower court, they won at the high court and the appeal court, but the met police fathers were such an important issue because of the implications of this case. The met police felt this was such an important issue. We will hand you over to Scotland Yard were rear having a statement from the Deputy Commissioner. From the most senior court in the country, we should look at the policing implications. You see the article three cases are the ones you will have to have a serious look at, can you explain what that means . It is cruel and inhumane treatment. Cases involving serious violence. It is clear that case fits into the criteria. We need to look at all of those cases, look at how we balance the challenge of resorting those against the many other demands we face. Do you expect now that there will be a slow or triple of cases from people who feel they hadnt had their crimes investigated properly, going through the courts, asking for compensation and holding you to account . We have always been held account and it is right and proper that we are. We are a public servers, thats what we do. Of course, there will be more claims. People will look at this judgment, as we all will, and work through what the policy implications are, what we need to change, were doing. Where do we need to look at the balance here. Where are you going to fool Police Officers away from to look at these crimes . |j dont from to look at these crimes . dont want to speculate too much, but the reality is its looking at things where article three isnt engaged, where we have to move resources from those sorts of investigations, things like fraud, into supporting your work around serious crime. We know we have more work to do about getting a offering investigations right. We are absolutely clear on the range of work we need to do. Another example of the met police not getting things right. Weve had huge issues with disclosure, now we have this. You will have to take resources away from one area of investigation to another. Can you cope with this . Its notjust another. Can you cope with this . Its not just about another. Can you cope with this . Its notjust about not getting things right. I think what you see with the complexities of issues that have come up with the complexities of issues that have come up over with the complexities of issues that have come up over the last few months and the challenging modern police situations that we face. We have to work out how we support those in addition to providing day to day service to be people of london. Thank you very much. As we we re london. Thank you very much. As we were hearing, the implications of thisjudgment could were hearing, the implications of this judgment could be very significant indeed. Not just for the met police, but for Police Forces around the country. What it means is that in the future, anybody who the victim of a serious Violent Crime and feels that the police failed to investigate crime properly could bring a case on the basis of what the justice has bring a case on the basis of what thejustice has decided this morning. That is where it has repercussions for the met police and for other forces. The repercussions for the met police and for otherforces. The Deputy Commissioner there was talking about what it means to them in terms of how they deploy resources, because what the met police are saying is that we will now have to look at perhaps moving resources away from certain areas. He spoke about fraud for example, and moving them into other areas, which are covered by thisjudgment, serious other areas, which are covered by this judgment, serious Violent Crimes. We are already hearing potentially what the implications could be, and forces around this country will be looking at this judgment and scrutinising it very carefully indeed. Thank you very much for that. The United Nations says its deeply concerned about the fate of hundreds of thousands of people trapped in the syrian district of Eastern Ghouta, which is still under rebel control. Syrian Government Forces have carried out some of the heaviest bombardments of recent years, supported by the russian military. Activists say that more than 250 people have been killed there since sunday including children. They have described it as the worst violence to affect the area near damascus since 2013. 0ne mum who is living in Eastern Ghouta with her two daughters said the constant bombardment is making it extremely difficult for her family to survive. In the middle of her interview, more bombs start dropping. My my daughters and all children of ghouta are facing. 0h, my daughters and all children of ghouta are facing. Oh, my god. Sorry. They are facing difficulties such as anger, fear, horror. The face that every day because of the war, and there is no water, no food, no medicine, no medical care, no access to light or heat. Many people and children are dying of hunger. Most of the children are in need of food and medicine. My doctor has become ill. We cannot do anything for them. We are having one meal a day. One meal in ghouta cost about 25 during the day. All children of ghouta have been deprived from playing, going to school, and having fun, eating and drinking. Listen. Exposure did you hear that sound . Were living in danger. Please help us. You can clearly hear the types of bombs close by and the panic in the voices of that mother and children. 0ne doctor living and working in Eastern Ghouta, named bassam, told the Victoria Derbyshire programme. You cannot measure the situation in ghouta now. Many injured civilians. We cannot treat all of them. I can hear the we cannot treat all of them. I can hearthe air we cannot treat all of them. I can hear the air strikes now. Believe me, the patient and injury at our awaiting places. There are more injured than we can deal with. Sorry, i am going to interrupted if i may. Can i hear the sound of bombs falling . Yes, yes. Every minute we have more than three or four error strikes. It is a situation. It is catastrophic in ghouta. You cannot imagine it. 0ur correspondent lina sinjab has reported from ghouta. Shejoins me now from beirut in neighbouring lebanon. In both those cuts, the noises, the sounds of explosions in the background while those interviewees we re background while those interviewees were being spoken to. It illustrates the horrendous conditions that people are in living in ghouta. They say they dont feel a anyone is listening to them. What is the International Community doing about this . As you mentioned, people are desperate for help, but they dont have any hope that the International Community can help. The un have condemned it and have said they have no words to describe the situation, that it no words to describe the situation, thatitis no words to describe the situation, that it is beyond imagination, but still they dont have any means to stop this horrific attack. The Syrian Government and russia say that they want to clear the area from what they describe as terrorists, but from all the images and reporting we have seen on the ground and the videos that are coming up, it is basically civilians that are targeted, hospitals, schools, bakeries, shops. It is an indescribable situation for the civilians trapped there. Nearly 400,000 are living under siege. Civilians trapped there. Nearly 400,000 are living under siegem there any sense that syria would agree to some sort of humanitarian pause to get in food and basic medicines that are needed . This has been a negotiation that has been ongoing for a long time, because ghouta has been besieged and sealed off the past 50 days or more. With this operation, the government is sending a message they are going to continue with ground operation, so we might be seeing a similar scenario to what happened at aleppo. If the deal is achieved, civilians should be evacuated and leave this area. This is what people do not want. They dont want to leave their homes, but they want to stay in their homes in safety. Some people watching me say that if there was an opportunity for people to leave here, why would they not take that opportunity . You have been to ghouta, you have watched the deterioration of the situation there. Why do people still want to stay there if they possibly can, evenin stay there if they possibly can, even in these extreme conditions . Definitely the priority for people is to have their own safety, and if safety is not provided and bombardment continues in ghouta, the priority is to leave, but they dont wa nt to priority is to leave, but they dont want to see another scenario that they have seen in many other cities and towns where people surrender to the fact that they have to leave their own towns and homes and never know if they will go back. The ideal situation is to stop the bombardment and have a peaceful deal with a can remain in their homes, but this is unlikely at the moment. The most likely scenario to happen is what happened in aleppo and many other cities, where if the deal is reached to stop the attacks, people may have to stop the attacks, people may have to leave their towns. Briefly, does syria with russian backing feel that it can act with impunity at the moment . We have seen they have been acting with impunity. No one has managed to stop the Syrian Government from its attack on many areas. The International Community the man able to even implement the geneva deal to find peace in syria, so so geneva deal to find peace in syria, so so far russia and the Syrian Government have the upper hand and no one seems to be able to stop them are ina no one seems to be able to stop them are in a peaceful agreement. Thank you very much. Uk unemployment has increased slightly for the first time in two years. The number of Unemployed People rose by 46,000 to 1. 47 million for the final quarter of the year. Despite the slight increase in the Unemployment Rate, the total number of those in work increased by 88,000. More than 60 brexit supporting conservative mps have written to theresa may, setting out what they believe britain should achieve from a deal with brussels. They say britain should be able to negotiate free trade deals with other countries, when it leaves the eu in march next year. Joining me now from westminster is our assistant political editor, norman smith. Critics are calling this a ransom note, is it and is it going to be able to strike any sort of deal . The signatories insists this is not a ransom demand, its not a threat to theresa may. If you read the letter, it is written in very conservatory language. It suggests they support the Prime Ministers approach to brexit, they support her leadership. It contains suggestions, things like theresa may needs to approach the negotiations as an equal partner, not just accept the eus timetable and mandate. It also wants to read the made to ensure that britain has the made to ensure that britain has the right to sign and negotiate trade deals during the so called transition or implementation period. It also raises questions about accepting new rules once we leave the eu. We have heard from some of her brexit critics as mining arguing that this amounts to the tory brexiteers trying to put the squeeze on theresa may ahead of that crucial meeting tomorrow where she will try to forge an agreement amongst the cabinet. That was certainly the view of one conservative mp. These hard line brexiteers of one conservative mp. These ha rd line brexiteers have of one conservative mp. These hard line brexiteers have a very strange view of what the rules and terms should be. This is in marked contrast to the views of the vast majority of my colleagues who would prefer to assess all the options available. Joining me now is one of the signatories of the letter. To be clear, youraim is the signatories of the letter. To be clear, your aim is to the signatories of the letter. To be clear, youraim is to make the signatories of the letter. To be clear, your aim is to make sure theresa may does not backtrack or backslide on previous brexit pledges, particularly those made at the lancaster house speech . pledges, particularly those made at the lancaster house speech . I would not dream of including her with that language. She constantly comes under pressure with people like antoinette who has voted against the government. Those are the people putting the squeeze on theresa may. We thought it was time she got a clear indication of how much support she has in the party and the kind of deal that we hope she is bringing out of the negotiations. Presumably your fear is that she might succumb to that pressure and soften her stamp on brexit . I think she is under pressure to do all kinds of things. What we are demonstrating as how much support she has for what she has already set out, and we are looking for clarification on some issues. It is known that are leading the delegation of colleagues in to see the Prime Minister yesterday. We had a positive and helpful conversation. We have every confidence she is delivering the brexit that a majority in the house of commons once. You listed suggestions for how to approach the negotiations. I these suggestions red lines . They are issues that need to be clarified, because there are some people in and around the government who seem to contest these things. For example that we might be ina things. For example that we might be in a Customs Union or might continue to be ruled takers from the European Union have two we leave or might be forced to align our regulation permanently with the European Union. These things are all contrary to what the Prime Minister has already said in speeches and we are just making sure that these points are clarified. What happens if theresa may decides for whatever reason that she cannot meet all the suggestions . I expect. There is this idea that somehow there is a halfway brexit approach that would have sort of consensus majority in the house of commons. It would split both parties and the government would be in very deep political trouble. The Prime Minister has set out something that will get a majority support in the house of commons from conservatives and the dup. That is the governments programme and we are behind it. You know that argument is contested by former tory remain supporters. What if theresa may cannot meet these so called suggestions . Even if the gang up with the labour party, and the snp, to try and defeat the government, they will not succeed. If the government were hypothetically to abandon its present policies and go for something who knows what Jeremy Corbyn really wants to bring down the government, there would be chaos. It is people like antoinette putting people on the Prime Minister. Putting pressure on the Prime Minister. We are making sure she has plenty of support from her own party. We expect david davis to set out the governments formal position on the transition period in response to the eus position. You happy with what appears to be shaping up as a standstill, nothing changes transition period . Shaping up as a standstill, nothing changes transition period . Up to a point. It is a very big compromise to accept this implementation period where we carry on implementing all the eu laws. Whether our new laws, new courtjudgments, laws. Whether our new laws, new Court Judgments, there has laws. Whether our new laws, new courtjudgments, there has to be some constitutional safeguard. It has to go through parliament. We cannot allow the European Parliament to pass any law where we have a veto. To be clear, your view is that Parliament Must have a view to concerning any european bills . Must have a veto. What the European Union decides for itself cannot automatically apply in the United Kingdom after we leave. We have no say in the making of that law. Even when we gave independence to all our former colonies, we never attempted to carry on ruling them after we give them of their independence. Its perfect really reasonable. I think most reasonable people would agree. Even if you doesnt accept it, it is something we have to do it into our own statute. One other potential area of conflict is concerning the rights of eu migrants coming to britain, whether they will still enjoy all the same rights as they did prior to our departure from they did prior to our departure from the eu. It is clear that brussels wa nts the eu. It is clear that brussels wants those rights to continue u naffected, wants those rights to continue unaffected, director residency, the right to bring family end, and the right to bring family end, and the right to bring family end, and the right to benefits. Can the government give ground on that . The Prime Minister has made clear that is not her position. Eu nationals arriving in the uk after march 2019 will be required to register. We will be required to register. We will be required to register. We will be registering all the eu national in the uk in order that their rates can continue. They will be guaranteed under british law rather thanjust be guaranteed under british law rather than just eu law be guaranteed under british law rather thanjust eu law and we will wa nt rather thanjust eu law and we will want to make sure we are in control of the process. We cannot be out of the European Union and still totally ruled by the European Union as though we were subject to the courts, government and legislative processes. There has to be a substantial change. At the point we leave the European Union, we are going to keep as far as possible everything the same for the implementation process. Of course, this is also putting that the eu has committed to be kind of comprehensive Free Trade Agreement thatis comprehensive Free Trade Agreement that is necessary. If the eu doesnt agree everything at the start, there may not even be an implementation period, at least not a formal one. Thank you for your time. It will be interesting to see if this comes up at Prime Ministers questions. Jeremy corbyn tends to avoids talking about brexit, but will he do that today . We will have to see. Thank you very much. We expect to hear the uk response to the eu proposals for the brexit transition very soon. Breaking news from the high court where Environmental Lawyers have won a third victory over the government on its plans to tackle a pollution. These lawyers we re acting for client paris. This was a third legal challenge for proposals to reintroduce a legal levels of. Uk was found to be in breach of eu limits. The levels were too high in 37 out of 43 zones across the country. The idea was a Significant Impact on human health for many yea rs into impact on human health for many years into the future. The case was brought against the environment secretary and the transport secretary and the transport secretary while a claim against the Welsh Government was discontinued after it agreed to work with client earth on new proposals. They won a third High Court Victory over the governments plans to tackle a pollution. Two men had been stabbed in two separate attacks in kentish town in north london last night. 0ne victim is in his teens and the other it is thought to be in his 20s. The officers are working to discover whether the killings are linked. A reporter has been one of the scenes. Police were called to this road at about ten past ten last night to reports of a man believed to be in his 20s who had suffered from stab wounds. When he arrived, they pronounced him dead at the scene. 0ne pronounced him dead at the scene. One hour pronounced him dead at the scene. 0ne hourand a pronounced him dead at the scene. One hour and a have before that incident here on this road behind me, there was a separate stabbing of a the knee jerk. Me, there was a separate stabbing of a the kneejerk. Me, there was a separate stabbing of a the knee jerk. Separate stabbing of a teenager. Local residents have said that they saw the mother of a teenager being comforted by the police. She was in an emotional state and taken to a local community centre. It was there we re local community centre. It was there were family members gathered and a number of Police Community officers we re number of Police Community officers were talking to the family and local residents on the estate, they were saying they are shocked and saddened about what happened, but it is a reality of what happens in this area. Its emerged that a former chief executive of save the children, faced three complaints of inappropriate behaviour towards female staff before leaving the charity. Justin forsyth was accused of sending inappropriate texts and commenting on what young female staff were wearing. Mr forsyth said he had apologised unreservedly to the three workers. Yesterday, representatives from 0xfam and save the children were questioned by mps about alleged Sexual Misconduct by workers. Security experts have warned of the risk of Artificial Intelligence being exploited by rogue states, criminals and terrorists. A report, entitled the malicious use of Artificial Intelligence, warns of scenarios such as drones using face recognition to attack individuals and hackers manipulating autonomous cars. The report authors say designers need to do more to prevent possible misuse of the technology. The majority of small and Medium Sized Companies are still paying male employees more than their female colleagues, according to the latest government figures. Companies have six weeks left to report their gender pay gap. So far, almost 1000 businesses have responded out of the 9,000 asked. Our business and consumer correspondent Nina Warhurst has more. It is time to answer the question what does every man and woman in your company get paid . And if you lined up all their salaries, what is the figure in the middle of each sex, and what is the gap between those two figures . For 74 of companies this figure was higherfor men, 15 higherfor women. What this data does not look at is any difference in salaries between men and women who were doing the same job. But what it does show is that while there were lots of women lower paid jobs, women arent earning those big salaries in the same way as men. At clydesdale yorkshire bank, men earned 37 more than women. There was literally four days of meetings, and there was only one female in those four days. There were almost four times as many women in lower paid jobs. It has been lonely at times. I regularly find myself in positions where there is not nearly as many women. We have set ourselves a target. So by 2020, we want to make sure that there is 40 of women in our most senior roles. So i think thats quite bold, and i think everybody in Financial Services should be making those kinds of targets and progressing towards them. Six to ago, around 8,000 firms still to report, and then come the bigger questions what exactly do the full figures tell us and what should and can be done . Nina warhurst, bbc news. Lets ta ke lets take a look at these amazing pictures from south korea, where drones have been lighting up the sky. Hundreds of the drones took to the nights sky for a performance for the delight of those onlookers. There we re delight of those onlookers. There were actually 1000 drones in total, which broke the Guinness World record. For the number of drones in the sky at the same time, i issue. The headlines are coming up on the bbc news channel. Now for a look at the weather forecast. This guy is a pretty good at the moment across the uk. Lots of blue sky in scotland and Northern Ireland at the moment. The temperatures are set to drop in the next few days. It will certainly not feel like spring into next week. We have some cloud floating around, but sunny spells breaking through. Averages down on what they were yesterday. Between six and nine celsius. It will turn quite cold white quickly tonight. There will be a widespread frost developing into thursday morning. Temperatures typically down close to freezing, if not below, suddenly below this in the countryside. Cold and frosty to start off thursday, some cloud here and there. Some channels perhaps in the north of the channel. The temperatures down by a couple of degrees on today. Between four and seven celsius. This is bbc news. Our latest headlines the met police has lost an appeal at the Supreme Court against two victim support ofjohn worboys. They previously won compensation for failings in the investigation. The woman said that the treatment from the police gave caused them serious mental harm. A senior United Nations official urges world powers to use their influence to secure a humanitarian pause in the fighting in the rebel enclave of Eastern Ghouta in syria. Uk unemployment has increased slightly for the first time in two years. The number of Unemployed People rose by 46,000 to 1. 47 million for the final quarter of the year. More than 60 brexit supporting tory mps write to theresa may to insist the uk makes a clean break with the eu. Downing street insists the government is united in seeking a good dealfor the uk. Now for a look at the sport from the sport centre. Good morning. Its been another busy day of action at the Winter Olympics in south korea. No more medals to speak of for teamgb, but things are building for more british success we hope. 0ur sports news correspondent, david 0rnstein, is live in pyeongchang. 0ne one of those hopes, im sure, will be in the carling later on. Tell us how team gbs women have been getting on. Could this be the side of any more record breaking success for Great Britain tonight . The womens bobsleigh two go in their final two runs, the third and final runs. They currently sit sixth, just off the medal places. If they were to win a medal, it would make britains tally five medals at these 0lympics, which would be their most successful of all time to stop you can probably see behind me that the teams are preparing for those final two runs. The fans are filtering in, the atmosphere is building nicely. They we re atmosphere is building nicely. They were not expected to get a medal here. They are fortunate just to be here. They are fortunate just to be here at all, having been helped to get here by a crowdfunding campaign, after theirfunding get here by a crowdfunding campaign, after their funding was cut in september. Now they are here and, incredibly, they are in medal contention, the 2017 world champions. Team gbs Womens Curling Team has reached the semifinals of the event at the Winter Olympics. They came through a very difficult matchup against the defending champions canada, snatching the win with two points on the final end. The 6 5 win for team gb also means the canadians are knocked out failing to reach the semifinals for the first time. They are into the knockout stages, with three macro teams set to get medals. For the mens curling team, they suffered a crushing defeat from the united states. They will now face a sudden death play off tomorrow, to see if they are able to progress to the semifinals. Plenty for Great Britain to play for, and soon we will be getting under way in the final two runs at the bobsleigh. And finally australia have won the t20 tri series, beating new zealand by 19 runs on the Duckworth Lewis method this morning. With the australians chasing 151 for victory, the umpires called the match off due to a couple of spells of heavy rain with their score 121 for 3. Darcy short top scored with a half century for the aussies, who were well ahead on the dls method its when play was brought to a close. Thats all the sport for now. Ill have more for you in the next hour. The metropolitan police has lost an appeal at the Supreme Court against two victim supportjohn worboys. They said their treatment by police, who failed to believe their reports, caused them mental harm. The appeal was unanimously dismissed. After the night out, i was out with some friends who called the cap for me. I got into the cab, and he seemed like a normal cab driver. There was nothing that made me feel uncomfortable or threatened by his manner. He was just chatty, talking about the night out. He asked where i lived, if i lived on my own, about my family. I explained to him it was my family. I explained to him it was my friends birthday party, and id just had a baby, so that was the first night out since having the baby. The baby was with my partner that night. He offered me a drink. What kind of drink . Are member taking a sip, it was a really strong orange liqueur, not for a nice at all. We went over a speed bump and i spilled practically all of the dreich over myself. I apologised, but he poured me another one. I cant explain why i drank the drink. It was one of those situations where you feel you had to drink it, it would be fine, he would take me home. There was some conversation about him stopping for a cigarette or something. He pulled over and i remember him getting into the back of the cab with me and then the next memory i have is waking up in hospital. June kelly is at the Supreme Court, where she was listening to that ruling. We can go there now for some reaction. Of course, this case has been fought through all the courts before it came to the Supreme Court this morning and resulted in a defeat for the met police. The lawyer for the women involved joins me now. Thank you forjoining us. Why did you think it was so important to bring this case in the first place . It is a case about the duty of the police to investigate crimes of a serious nature. This case was a terrible failing, as we know. At least 105 women were victims ofjohn worboys, possibly more. At the police done theirjob rob lee in the first place, he would have been stopped in his tracks. It is a case that you can learn from, i did was the right case to challenge the law, which so far. Previously, the police had an immunity in negligence for their poor investigations. You could not sue them for negligence. In the human rights act, there is a duty not only to not inflict such treatment on its citizens, not only to have laws in place to protect its citizens from that treatment but also to effectively apply those laws, that means to investigate crimes by third parties. This is where this case will have implications for other victims . M well, because it does confirm now that there is a duty on the police under human rights to ensure that laws are not only in place but there isa laws are not only in place but there is a effective investigation. It wont affect all cases, c cant go ahead and complain to the police every time they mess up in an investigation. But where there is really serious failings, as they we re really serious failings, as they were in this case, and the crimes committed or of a particularly high level threshold, there is a potential to hold the police to account through legal channels. What we hope is that because this system of accountability is there now, that the police will get their act in order. We know there is good policing, but there is poor policing. What we want is for those in charge to ensure that the police are directed in terms of their resources and in terms of their application to conduct effective investigations, so that such crimes are not repeated on the scale they we re are not repeated on the scale they were in this case was not can i finally asked you. The Deputy Commissioner of the met said this morning that it could have implications for other investigations, they might have to start moving resources away from areas like fraud because of this ruling this morning. What is your response . First of all, in this particular case, it wasnt a lack of resources that cause the failures, it was an attitude, a failure to apply the resources they had in place, and they didnt follow their own guidance. It is not necessarily a resource in issue. In any event, if there is a duty to protect citizens from serious crimes, if we wa nt citizens from serious crimes, if we want rapists not to have impunity, we need assistance in place and we need to operate those systems effectively. If it requires more resource in, then that. We need to protect citizens from rape. This is such a significant ruling this morning that there will be further reaction on it throughout the day. Thank you. More than 60 brexit supporting conservative mps have written to theresa may, setting out what they believe britain should achieve from a deal with brussels. They say britain should be able to negotiate free trade deals with other countries when it leaves the eu in march next year. Joining me now from westminster is our assistant political editor, norman smith. Theresa may is due to host an awayday for senior members of the cabinet tomorrow, 2 iron out more detail on the brexit policy. Then she has this letter. Are there any red lines in it for her . Those who signed the letter insist they are not red lights, simply suggestions. They are backing the prime and stop, they have confidence in her leadership and it should not be seen as some sort of threat or ransom demand. I have to say, many of mrs mays brexit radix are far from convinced. Brexit critics. Mays brexit radix are far from convinced. Brexit critics. Vicky ford, how do you read this letter . Im not sure this letter is as helpful as some colleagues thought it was going to be, because there is a lot of devil in the detail in this letter. The Prime Minister says she wants to deliver this deep trade partnership, which is extremely important, and she needs to have that negotiating flexibility. But the two areas of the letter that concern the uploading restriction on the way the transition period works will stop theresa may has said she does not want any cliff edges, but there is a wto process which basically says she would not be able to have an interim period unless everything had been ironed out already. That will be difficult in reality for that to be delivered. There is also the issue on alignment. If you want to have the Market Access on things like medicine, we would may want to continue to align with european law on those areas. The letter suggests that that would be not in agreement. You say it is not as helpful as they might suggest. It is an attempt to put pressure on mrs may, to adopt their sordid brexit. I have also spoken to some of my colleagues today who havent really taken in the level of detail for how this could be interpreted. Im going to suggest that they thing they are helping the Prime Minister, she said she was due deliver this partnership, she said she wants to have orderly transitions. Is it a tug of warfor have orderly transitions. Is it a tug of war for the have orderly transitions. Is it a tug of warfor the prime have orderly transitions. Is it a tug of war for the Prime Ministers is from people like you and supporters are brexit . We should not say it like that. For myself, i have always said we need to deliver a brexit that works for both sides, that respects the vote to leave. We need to deliver that. It also reassures those who didnt, which means getting the Trading Partnership which the Prime Minister has said. There is a huge amount of devil in the detail and we should let her get on with the negotiations. Thank you for your time. Let me tell you, we are all mulling over david daviss statement to mps about the governments approach to the transition period. Details are just approach to the transition period. Details arejust coming approach to the transition period. Details are just coming out. I approach to the transition period. Details arejust coming out. I can see some of the areas of contention. 0ne see some of the areas of contention. One is not a particular mention of freedom of movement. That matters because the eu want freedom of movement to continue unchanged during the transition period. Mrs may has said it cannot continue as if nothing had happened. There will also be, i suspect, a focus on what procedures are in place to and to enable the uk to veto european decisions that may put the country ata decisions that may put the country at a disadvantage. Thank you. In a moment, a summary of the Business News this hour. But first the headlines on bbc newsroom live. The Supreme Court has ruled in favour of the victims ofjohn worboys, saying the met police was liable for its failings in investigation. And more than 60 brexit supporting tory mps right to Teresa Mitchell insists the uk makes a clean rake a clean break with the eu. Right to Teresa Mitchell may to insists. In the Business News. Britains Unemployment Rate has gone up for the first time in almost two years. The numbers are for the three months to december. The rise of 46,000 was the first increase since the three months to february 2016. Shares in aa have fallen by over one fifth after the firm warned its full year profits were going to be disappointing. The reason is its been investing in technology, but increases in premiums have let off customers. Have put off customers. Profits were up by 24 for lloyds of the best figure since 2006. Not out of the woods yet, it has had to put money aside to pay compensation over mis sold ppi insurance. Its a big week for banking results, with hsbc, lloyds, barclays, rbs all releasing their figures. As is metro bank, the challenger founded in 2010. Its results revealed that last year it turned a profit for the first time. Joining me now is the chairman and founder of metro bank, vernon hill. It has taken you eight years to make a profit, why so long . It was established to completely change and disrupt reddish banking, designed around service and convenience to both the Business Community and customers. It was beginning to grow on scale and we have had tremendous growth. Like every growth business, we see it more in the tech space. We expect have operating losses as you build. Why are you growing so quickly at the moment . Our business is divided between consumer business and commercial business. In a country where the press sometimes a the brits wont switch banks, 1. 2 Million People have switched to us. The model is about service, convenience and building fans. We offer their customers a choice, youre not logged in the big four. It is fresh, new, it is open. The customers embrace this idea but the idea that they finally have a choice. There are questions about the margins, they are getting tighter. There is a difference between the interest you earn and the amount you have to pay out, it is getting tighter. Some people are saying you are having your emphasis on growth, not perhaps on keeping the margins good. Some people dont get what metro bank is about. The margins bounce up and down a bit. We are created to build a Dynamic Growth business that redefines how banking is delivered in britain, and our profits are up this year and we expected them to be up in the future yea rs. We have expected them to be up in the future years. We have announced targets for 2020 and 2023. When you are building a growth business, investors care about whether you up performing on growth, whether you may call this a small quota number. That is different in the big four banks, who we re different in the big four banks, who were big and established, try to shrink. We are different. I would like to talk to you for a lot longer, but we are pressed for time. Thank you forjoining us. The oil company bp has said Oil Consumption will probably peak in the late 2030s. The world uses about 100 Million Barrels per day at the moment. Bp estimates that will go up by another 10 before levelling off. Meanwhile, renwables are the Fastest Growing fuel source, and will increase five fold by 2040. Troubles at the diy business homebase has had dramatic impact half a world away at the Australian Company wesfarmers, which bought the uk business two years ago. Wesfarmers profits are down 86 and the reason is the cost of overhauling homebase. The problems mean some 2,000 homebasejobs could be at risk as it closes stores. Glencore, the biggest mining group in the world, has had its strongest ever year. 2017 profits went to almost 7 billion nearly £5 billion. Last year, it made a loss. The reasons for the recovery is simple good Economic Growth round the world and its been cutting costs. Thats ever look at the markets. The ftse has not moved very much. Those are the figures therefore the mining sector. Metro bank, down slightly, because of this margin questions, whether the company is emphasising growth too much rather than making money on every pound it spends. Lloyds also in profit. That is the Business News. Some hints on uks response to the eu. There is broad alignment between the uk and eu. A government source excepting that the government has softened its stance on european citizens being able to settle during the transition period. The prime and is the has said that that had to be different. Apparently, the uk government is facing a brick wall, it is being described as, on that issue. Joining me now from westminster is our assistant political editor, norman smith. He is trying to cast his eye over these lines as well. What do you make of that ahead of Prime Ministers questions. It will not be a bestseller. It is dense and technical. The governments position is these are mostly technical amendments which they say underlines the fact that there is not a huge area of disagreement or disparity between the positions of the uk and eu when it comes to the transition period. 0n things like the length of time, they said they are happy to talk about it, it should last as long as it should last. That should be about two years, give or take. They will set up a joint committee, including percentages from uk and eu to monitor the withdrawal of the uk from the eu. 0ne to monitor the withdrawal of the uk from the eu. One thing that does not seem from the eu. One thing that does not seem to be there is any response to the chief negotiators demands to migrants having the same rights during the transition period as they currently have. Mrs may the other day, when pressed on this, said there was no way that freedom of movement can continue unchanged during the transition period. The suggestion was there would be a red line in granting migrants who arrived during that time the same residency rights and family rights, the same rights to benefits. There is nothing about that as far as i can see in this written statement. I suspect many of the brexit supporters will say, why not . There should be. They will fear that maybe the British Government will back off over that particular area, knowing that brussels is adamant that freedom of movement should continue unchanged. Thank you. Now for a look at the weather. We have got some flowers blooming, blue skies in the distance, it almost looks like spring. This is just one scene we have got at the moment across the uk, from one of our weather watchers in dorset. A beautiful scene at the moment. But it is chillier than it was yesterday. That cold theme will continue. Some cloud across england and wales, some across scotland as well. But on the whole across scotla nd well. But on the whole across scotland and Northern Ireland, blue skies and sunshine. That will continue into this afternoon. Elsewhere, the cloud will break up to give us some sunny spells. Temperatures down a couple of degrees from yesterday. Between six and nine celsius. Through this evening and into tonight, it is going to turn quite cold quite quickly. There will be a frost as we know into the early hours. Look at the blues on the map, a white a widespread frost. Cold and frosty to start thursday, but again there will be plenty of dry weather around. Some show was coming up the north channel, for parts of Northern Ireland and into scotland. Sunny spells developing elsewhere, but averages againjust down spells developing elsewhere, but averages again just down by a few degrees, between four and six celsius. What is the Bigger Picture . I area of big area of High Pressure, bringing winds from the south and east, blocking any weather systems coming from the west. There will be some cold air and some sunshine, again mostly dry with maximum temperature is five or six celsius. But it will get colder as we go into the weekend. That cold air originates from siberia. Look at the dark blue that, coming through europe and into the uk. We will notice plenty of dry weather, lots of sunshine around, and averages taking a dip with that easterly wind. Into next week, there will be a significant drop in temperatures. This is one location, as an example, the trend of that averages. At best, daytime maximum is one or 2 degrees. Some places may not get above freezing during the day. 0vernight, those temperatures will be well below freezing. The risk of some snow as well. The details need be pinned down. Goodbye. This is bbc news, and these are the top stories developing at midday the Supreme Court has ruled in favour of two victims of the black cab rapist, john worboys. Thejudges upheld a High Court Ruling that the metropolitan police was liable for failures in its investigation. Clearly, as we have done in the past, we apologised to those victims we left out. We have been clear all the way through this case that we got things wrong with the handling of this case, and this Court Judgment was never about the specifics of the case. A senior United Nations official urges world powers to use their influence to secure a humanitarian pause in the fighting in the rebel enclave of Eastern Ghouta in syria. Uk unemployment increases slightly its the first rise in two years. More than 60 brexit supporting tory mps write to theresa may to insist the uk makes a clean break with the eu. And this is the scene live in the house of commons where Prime Ministers questions is about to get under way. Good afternoon. Its wednesday 21st february. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. We are expecting Prime Ministers questions to start in the house of commons and the next few moments. There is the live scene previews. Joining me now from westminster is our assistant political editor, norman smith. Here at westminster tends to be a big brexit day and i suggest this might bea big brexit day and i suggest this might be a big brexit moment, adult willJeremy Corbyn doesnt usually go on brexit, perhaps today he will because of that letter today from tory brexiteers to theresa may. Lets hear what she has to say. will have further such meetings later today. On monday, children and appear in fact Marys Catholic School in chiswick told me about their concerns about air pollution affecting childrens help. Today the High Court Ruled that the government is macro plan is on waffle. What does the Prime Minister fuel is worse, losing for the third time in the high court or 40,000 unnecessary deaths and the impact onjordans health because of the uks unsustainable a quality . The issue raised is an important one and that is why we have been taking action to improve air quality. Can ijust say to the honourable lady that the way she has described the decision of the court this morning i dont think properly reflects the decision the court has given. If i canjust perhaps explained to the house, because we are at and we do welcome the fact that the court has dismissed the complaint relating to five cities with major here quality problems and has found we are to the appropriate action. They have agreed the modelling we used to support the 2017 modelling plan is sound and have asked us to go further in areas with less severe problems were only got a pragmatic approach was appropriate. We all my former life that, but actually onto the head of the tariq hinds be found in the governments favour. The people want to see more police on the streets. I lobby the Prime Minister to put more on the streets. Police minister. Well be Prime Ministerjoin me on urging the Labour Police and Prime Minister to put more police on the streets instead of increasing his back office staff by 10 million . My honourable friend raises an important issue and is rated sick up his constituents in relation to this. As the government we have been keen to ensure police are out there and not in back officejobs. More money, more money, is going to policing. Order, order please. The questions and the answers must be heard and i make no apology for repeating that the discussions here at Prime Ministers questions should be some resemblance to what he has in saying in relation to culture. We have recently had a report on harassment. Lets try to behave properly in these sessions. That means listening to the answers and listening to be questions. Both sides of the house have got to try to wake up to the reality that huge numbers of people outside this place, i couldnt care less about the press gallery, huge numbers of people outside this please disapprove of this sort of behaviour on both sides. Stop it. Prime minister. Thank you, mr speaker. The funding settlement for next year provide extra money for policing, which means that the West Midlands police will receive an increase of £5. 9 million. As my honourable friend says, it is up to the West Midlands police and Crime Commission, the labour commissioner to decide how you spend that money. I know Police Forces can be more effective and productive, and im sure hes going to make his case very strongly. Jeremy corbyn. Cheering. Thank you, mr speaker. Yesterday, the brexit secretary assured the country that brexit will not plunge britain into a mad max style world borrowed from dystopian fiction. Doesnt the Prime Minister feel he could set the barjust a little bit higher . Laughter Prime Minister. I will tell you. As the right honourable gentleman knows, we are very as the right honourable gentleman knows, we are very clear that when we leave the European Union we are going to be able to take back control of her borders, are money at our laws. Cheering and i have to say to him that the only fiction around in relation to brexit and the European Union is the labour partys frontbencher brexit and the European Union is the labour pa rtys frontbencher cant even agree with themselves what their policy is. One of. Mr speaker, one of her former brexit ministers in the other place warned the Prime Minister that britain will be walking a gangplank into thin air if she doesnt decide what she wants on weaving the European Union. In his speech the brexit secretary also said that fears about the deal regulatory race to the bottom were based on nothing. So why then did his own department exit analysis state there could be opportunities for britain in deregulating areas such as environment and Employment Law . Can i say to the right honourable gentleman that he talks about what we actually want to achieve when we leave the European Union, ill tell him what we want to achieve. We want to ensure this is a country that can negotiate free trade deals around the rest of the world, we want to ensure we have a good trade agreement with the European Union and we will start to negotiate that, we want to ensure we have a good Security Partnership with the European Union as i set out in detail in my speech in munich last week. We also want to ensure that this contradicts the opportunities open to us outside the European Union to boost our economy and to ensure we are developing the economy for the future, jobs for the future, more a high paid unskilled jobs for people in this country. We are kidding the people first. Jobs for people in this country. We are kidding the people firstm december, the foreign secretary and the environment secretary were briefing that the working time directive would be scrapped. Briefing that the working time directive would be scrapped. We are perusing the people first. The only party that wants to scrap worker regulations is the party opposite. In her lancaster house speech one year ago, he Prime Minister clearly stated, i also want paris free trade with europe. 0ne year on she has downgraded that aim to as tariff free as possible. The businesses and workers want a tariff free access to protect jobs, businesses and workers want a tariff free access to protectjobs, so businesses and workers want a tariff free access to protect jobs, so why has the government abandoned that for as tariff free as possible . Have to say that the government has not abandoned its negotiating position in relation to this. We will be insuring we get that good comprehensive trade agreement new Economic Partnership with the European Union, but he also mentions workers rights. I have been clear since i became Prime Minister that this is a government that will not only protect workers rights, but enhance workers rights. Letsjust look at the conservatives record in government. Which government was about to act shin on zero hours co ntra cts . About to act shin on zero hours contracts . Which government was it that took action on the hours co ntra cts . It that took action on the hours contracts . Which government took action on the new economy, a conservative government not labour. Which government is ensuring that workers voices are heard the of countries . Companies. Conservative, not labour. countries . Companies. Conservative, not labour. I dont know if she has had a tense to read the Daily Telegraph today, but 62 of her backbenchers want to destroy workers rights in this country. When the governments eu exit analysis was published, the brexit ministers said it does not consider our desired outcome. Could be Prime Ministerdid our desired outcome. Could be Prime Minister did this opportunity now to tell beehives and the country what is the governments desired outcome . Iam very is the governments desired outcome . I am very happy to, a bespoke Economic Partnership. Deveney Prime Minister ruled out any Canon Partnership post brexit, how can she expect to avoid a hard border with Northern Ireland . I have already pointed out in this chamber that the government published papers last summer which showed how we can deliver exactly that, no hard border and a bespoke Economic Partnership with the European Union. Well, the foreign secretary recently made a speech about brexit and he found time to mention parrots, spam, stag parties and a plague of boils. Not one mention of Northern Ireland in his speech. Mr speaker, we are halfway. We are halfway through. They speak over each other calm yourself. You have the rest of the week to get through, i am trying to help you. Journey corgan. We are happy to these beaches we were told would set out the governments negotiating position. Jeremy corbyn. We are halfway through the speeches we were told would set out the governments negotiating position. People and her backbenchers want to know, but it is unclear from todays exchanges, this government isnt unable to brexit, its on the road to nowhere. think. I think i have its on the road to nowhere. think. Ithink i have mentioned its on the road to nowhere. think. I think i have mentioned to the right honourable gentleman before that hisjob is actually the right honourable gentleman before that his job is actually to have a question, not. But, you know. They speak over each other lam they speak over each other i am perfectly happy to respond to the point that he made. He said that we have not set out any detail. That i suggest to him that he needs to think very carefully about the Security Partnership that we want the European Union when we have left . I set out in my speech in munich last week exactly what we once that partnership to cover, because we believe, we believe in ensuring that we are maintaining the security and safety of people here in the uk, but also of people in europe. We are unconditionally committed to the safety and security of europe. Can i congratulate the right honourable gentleman, because normally he stands up every week and asks me to sign a blank cheque, i dont know he likes checks, but that is terribly. Thank you, mr speaker. Cheering i will let it die down. My kids to the rent mr fisher was killed when a car mounted the pavement with tests indicating the driver had an undyed those medical condition that would need to have been assessed by the dvla if it had been detected beforehand. What rules does the government holds to ensure those who hold driving licence are fit to drive . My constituent mr fisher. It is absolutely important because we want to ensure people who are driving are fit to drive. I know that the sympathies of not just my honourable friend, but the whole of the house will be with her family and friends. The current driver licences is designed to balance those needs of the individual with road safety or drivers must inform the dvla if they have a medical condition that may affect their driving and to discuss their medical concerns with their own doctors. We ta ke concerns with their own doctors. We take this seriously and are committed to ensure that those granted a driving licence are fit to drive. At least 194 people have been killed in the last 48 hours in ghouta. Canny Prime Minister tell beehives what discussions her government has had with un collea g u es government has had with un colleagues on sunday on in forcing existing un resolutions, calling an end to attacks on civilians . Can the Prime Minister tell the house. We are appalled by the ears strikes in ghouta and are concerned about the reports of the ongoing deliberate targeting of civilians and civilian incest structures. This is blatant violation of humanitarian law. We call on the regime and its backers to ceaseless campaign of violence, they shoot respect International Humanitarian law, protect civilians and allowed unfettered manager ian access. There is concerned that there are 700 people who need evacuation and are being refused by the regime. We will being refused by the regime. We will be continuing to work with the un and geneva led process. The un envoy has our full support in trying to bring a political solution to syria. Cani bring a political solution to syria. Can i thank the Prime Ministerfor that answer. The bombing is relentless. Doctors on the ground are treating pregnant women and babies who have lost limbs. It is estimated that well over 100 children have been killed since sunday. The un has issued desperate pleas calling for political intervention stating that no words will do justice intervention stating that no words will dojustice to intervention stating that no words will do justice to the children killed, their mothers, their fathers, and their loved ones. Will be Prime Minister showed leadership andjoin me in be Prime Minister showed leadership and join me in calling for an urgent meeting on the Un Security Council to address the horrific genocide on full thing in syria . The United Nations has called on governments around the world to call out the action taken and to be ready to stand up against that action. That is exactly what this government is doing. We will be ensuring that we will be talking to our colleagues in the United Nations to ensure that the United Nations to ensure that the best possible approach will be taken in relation to these issues, but it is notjust about the Syrian Government, it is about the backers of the Syrian Government as well, and we call on all their backers, including russia, to ensure that this violence stop them but those people in need of help are given that help. Thank you, mr speaker. Manufacturing and innovating in the ukfor manufacturing and innovating in the uk for nearly 200 years. Including at its factory in westport in at the heart of my constituency. They are the only British Company bidding to produce our new passport, the other two being french. Will migrate honourable friend commit to doing all she can to support our manufacturers, innovators and making our new blue passport truly british . Cani our new blue passport truly british . Can i say to my honourable friend that i am sure he is aware that this will be an open and fair competition, i cannot comment on individual bids, i am sure he will make his voice heard, but it is true that from 2019 we will issue new blue passport and i think it is absolutely right that we leave the European Union we return to deciding the colour of passports that we want is not for the European Union wants. Thank you, mr speaker. My constituent suffered terrible tragedy when she and her two children were murdered by their father in an arson attack on the family home at the family home. When her two children were murdered. This brave woman has omitted herself to campaigning for better protection of victims of Domestic Violence. Committed. When is the Domestic Violence bill going to be published and will it be as comprehensive as she promised when she announced the intention to legislate . Connected the honourable lady that are with her following this terrible tragedy she has been through. We do recognise the need to ensure that we are providing support for the victims of Domestic Violence and as she has said, there are many aspects to this issue. Before she brings forward the legislation she will be issuing a consultation, because we wa nt issuing a consultation, because we want to ensure that we listen to all those affected is that we are dealing with all the aspects of this particular issue. This government is committed to working to support the victims of Domestic Violence, but also to working to ensure that we end violence against women and girls. I recently visited the memory cafe in my constituency. The cafe is open to individuals and their carers and helps to provide support for memory loss. I was touched by the dedication of these volunteers and i will soon be holding my own memories surgery which will provide constituency opportunity to speak about issues affecting our lives. Will the Prime Minister to this opportunity to update has what the government is doing to help those with dementia and congratulate their hard working with dementia and congratulate their ha rd working carers . With dementia and congratulate their hard working carers . with dementia and congratulate their hardworking carers . I am very happy to congratulate those many carers looking after people with dementia and also the volunteers who provide services both for people with dementia and their carers. We are working with partners across the Health System to ensure that more people with dementia than ever before receiving diagnosis to raise awareness, to get an earlier diagnosis, and to provide the support they need. I am pleased see the rainaud two point 3 million across the country. Im going to make sure that members of the cabinet are given the dementia friends training. Last night i attended the meeting of hundreds of residents who are concerned about rising levels of crime and anti social behaviour. Crime has increased by 20 via its 2011, we have lost over 500 officers and sufferers millions of pounds of cuts. Well be Prime Minister commits straightaway and to giving that the money for Neighbourhood Policing and will seek apologised to constituents who have had to put their hands back in their pockets to compensate for her massive cuts . Cheering thats about when i say that it is good to see her back in her place in the house. As i said in an earlier answer, what we are doing, we are providing extra funding for Police Forces. It is no good labour members shaking their head and saying, no, you are not. Because we are providing extra funding. It is up to the police and Crime Commission is to decide how it is spent. the police and Crime Commission is to decide how it is spent. I am sure the whole house including my honourable friend from bolton worst willjoin me in welcoming. People from across the European Union have settled in many london boroughs believing they will be able to build a life here on the basis of their eu treaty rights, so naturally they wa nt treaty rights, so naturally they want certainty. What the assurances canny Prime Minister give that a speedy, low cost no hassle system will be started to allow them simply to get on with their lives, continuing to play an Important Role in our economy, our communities and our culture . Can i say to my honourable friend that i am happy to join that we have beenjoined by a delegation of frenchman was a parliament, but he has raised an important point about eu citizens who have made a huge contribution to our country, that is why we want them and their families to stay. I am clear that them and their families to stay. I am clearthat eu them and their families to stay. I am clear that eu citizens living loftily in the uk today will be able to stay. Loftily in the uk today will be able to stay. Living lawfully. It is not going to cost more than the cost ofa not going to cost more than the cost of a british passport. They will have a period of over two years to apply, it will be surmised, user friendly, and it will ensure that this is as simple and as easy a process for people as we can provide. Well over1 Million People in this country are living with the consequences of brain injury, and the great news is that thanks to the governments new trauma centres, 600 extra lives are being saved everything go year. It is brilliant. The problem is, many of these people are having their lives saved, but they are not getting the rehabilitation support that can get them to live independent lives all over again. Miracles can be done, but have the units have no. Will be Prime Minister please get together all the ministers who have a responsibility in this area. Not just helps, but the mod, justice system, the treasury and the department for work and pensions to make sure that every Single Person who has an acquired brain injury in this country gets the full rehabilitation that they need . The right honourable gentleman has raised a very important point and at the main or, there are two ways in which those Rehabilitation Services will be commissioned those Rehabilitation Services will be commissioned. Nhs england has commissioned. Nhs england has commissioned specialised centres that a national level, but more routine rehabilitation is provided and commissioned locally. Nhs england also sets out a series of guidance for those commissioners to support delivery, including for brain injury. He has raised a very important point and i will ask the Health Secretary to respond to him and to take up the issue and specific question here is raised. And at other Prime Minister how welcome the Police Ministers statement was yesterday at the urgent question that he will help find a way to access the Medicinal Cannabis he needs. Could he also ensure that the ministers words go beyond the popular view of i am from the government, i am here to help, but alsojoin from the government, i am here to help, but also join a majority of seats of the European Union, of the united states, of British Public opinion and all the colleagues who raised questions yesterday to give british citizens the earliest possible access to the potential benefits of medicines derived from cannabis on a proper evidence based process and the United Kingdom to get on the front foot in licensing of the medical investigations that need to be done to get this . of the medical investigations that need to be done to get this . I know that the sympathies of the members across the house are with algae and his family as he is undergoing treatment, and of course people with chronic pain and debilitating in the listeners we recognise will always look to alleviate their symptoms. With alfie. If medicines are going to be permitted to be used, we have to be permitted to be used, we have to ensure that they have been through the most rigorous testing and we apply the most rigorous standards before those drugs are used, and we believe that cannabis should be subjected to the same regulations that applied medicines in the United Kingdom. Previously i have highlighted that each scottish tory mp cost scotland £265 million. It turns out the scottish leader is much cheaper because £15,000 can hire her out for the day at a dinner. 0n hire her out for the day at a dinner. On that same day, the defence secretary was hired for £30,000. £55,000 for the Prime Minister. Doshi agree with me that although they will sell anything that moves, it is time to hold the privatisation of the tory mps and they should get on with your day job . Order. I was they should get on with your day job . Order. Iwas struggling they should get on with your day job . Order. I was struggling to hear. Before i ask the Prime Minister to respond, i hear. Before i ask the Prime Ministerto respond, i need hear. Before i ask the Prime Minister to respond, i need an assurance from the honourable gentleman that he is not suggesting that the presence of a member of parliament was bought, because if he is suggesting that, that is straight off out of order . I was referring to a story that was in the newspaper. am afraid that was not good enough. I have to make instantjudgments, is with the Prime Minister wishes to issue a response she can do so, but she is under no obligation. Twice in the last four weeks the call. Twice in the last four weeks the equality minister. Equality law must be applied equally and the are there to protect all groups equally . be applied equally and the are there to protect all groups equally . I am happy to agree with my honourable friend on that point. I was in opposition when the equality act we nt opposition when the equality act went through, we supported that. It is there to ensure exactly as he said, that people are treated equally. Mr speaker, the governments decision to withdraw from the Customs Union could potentially limit our access to vital Cancer Treatment. The ceo of the Nuclear Industry association. The ceo of the nuclear. Order. This question like every question will be heard. The honourable lady will be heard. The honourable lady will not be shouted down. That is the end of the matter. If some foolish person is seeking to do so, examine your behaviour and stop it. This ceo of the Nuclear Medical association points out that if isotopes are delayed in reaching the uk, they could be deemed useless on arrival because of their short half life. Could the minister expo into the house how she intends to prevent delays to Cancer Treatment due to her hot for her hard pursuit of a her hard pursuit ofa hard brexit. It is the case, as we have made clear previously that the availability of medical radioisotopes will not be impacted by the uks exit. The import or export of these isotopes is not subject to any licensing requirements. Our subject to any licensing requirements. 0urability subject to any licensing requirements. Our ability to import isotopes from europe and the rest of the world will not be impacted. Can i thank the Prime Ministerfor taking a personal interest and beating myself and colleagues from across the house in support of the primodos victims. Is there any good news that she has so they can put an end to this situation . I was pleased to meet him and give me my honourable friend to discuss this issue. I recognise there are many individuals whose lives have been affected by this. There were powerful stories of these individuals. I know this has been a concern across the whole house, and the concerns raised by campaign groups, have highlighted that there is an issue without health care and regulatory system, and im determined to address it. I agree we need to do better. I was struck by the powerful stories i heard. We need to see a faster, more understanding response to patients if they have concerns. If my right orfriend can if they have concerns. If my right or friend can be if they have concerns. If my right orfriend can be patient, there will bea orfriend can be patient, there will be a statement this afternoon setting up plans for a review on this issue. It is over eight months since the terrible fire at Grenfell Tower, but thousands of people are still living in blocks with dangerous flammable cladding, including one in croydon. This was allowed to go up because of flawed government guidance, and there is still one fire every month linked to the cladding. It is clear that this is the governments responsibility. Why is she running the risk of a second Grenfell Tower when she could act and take the dangerous cladding down . Over the years, under both labour and conservative governments, obviously the building regulations and enforcement have been looked at. The arrangements in relation to enforcement were changed by the last labour government. What we did immediately following the fire was to ensure that all those local authorities and others worked with death by authorities to inspect towers, to look at where the cladding was present. It is also about how it is affixed to the building. Action was taken by local fire authorities where they thought it was necessary. That is why we saw people in camden having to leave their tower block while action was being taken. The housing secretary has put in place that review of the regulations. It was urgently put in place, and action is being taken as a result of that review. Yesterday, after months of ignoring evidence from a wide range of stakeholders, the snp agreed to pause their plans to merge the transport police and the scottish police. It is to be ensured that we get the best possible deal rather than failed integration plans . It is an important point. We are committed to delivering the Smith Commission as pa rt delivering the Smith Commission as part of that. We are devolving powers to the scottish parliament. The number one priority must be the public as they travel. We will work with the Scottish Government to make sure there is a smooth transfer of the British Transport Police to their responsibility. Whether or not their responsibility. Whether or not the British Transport Police is merged with Police Scotland is a matter for the Scottish Government, but the Scottish Government. Order calm yourself or stop you are supposed to be setting an example to some of your colleagues. You aspire to bea some of your colleagues. You aspire to be a statesman, one century or another. I intended to say he is a right example, but there we are. Can ijust right example, but there we are. Can i just say that it is a right example, but there we are. Can ijust say that it is a matter for the Scottish Government as to what they choose to do, but i would urge them to make sure they are putting them to make sure they are putting the safety and security of the people who travel first when they make that decision. Over the last two months, this government has butchered glasgows job centre network. When we prime and the look me in the eye and tell me that there we re me in the eye and tell me that there werejob me in the eye and tell me that there were job centres me in the eye and tell me that there werejob centres in me in the eye and tell me that there were job centres in glasgow are due for closure . Can i say, he is perfidy right to ask me for questions about which i am responsible. I have a right, as i did previously, two, don issues which we are taking up to comment on issues which we are taking up the Scottish Government. The Prime Minister was Scottish Government. The Prime Ministerwas in Scottish Government. The Prime Minister was in order, and that is again the end of it. Somebody has to decide, and i have done so. What were doing in relation to the job centres services is ensuring there will be no decrease in the level of services that they are offering people in scotland. We will increase another of work coaches to provide more support to the people that need it. These plans are designed to retain the skills and experience of the workforce across the country and ensure that we notjust protect but enhance the service offered to people. Well the Prime Minister tell the International Aid sector that, despite the abuses that have come to light recently, that this government is committed to helping the most wonderful and poorest people around the world the most vulnerable. This government maintains its commitment to helping the most wonderful people around the world. We maintain our commitment to international development, but we do wa nt to international development, but we do want to work with organisations that meet the high standards that we expect, and the behaviour of 0xfam staff in haiti was horrific, below those standards. Im pleased to say that not only has the right honourable friend the develop and secretary demanded assurances from all of our charitable partners here and abroad about their safeguarding and abroad about their safeguarding and protection policies, she has also demanded those by the end of the month. Next month, the Charity Commission will hold an emergency summit where they will bring together development charities with experts to look at the possibility ofan experts to look at the possibility of an accreditation scheme for aid workers and to take that into the International Arena later in the year. It is crucial we continue our support to those who are most honourable. But they also deserve to be treated by the same high standards but we would expect to be treated ourselves. One of my constituents was denied leave to remain due to a clerical error which was deemed a threat to security. My constituent is not alone in this. His home is in glass go, he has worked hard and cold beauty to society. Why does the prime and is the want to force him out . society. Why does the prime and is the want to force him out . I will not comment on the individual case. The home office looks at the circumstances of individuals, there are circumstances of individuals, there a re rules circumstances of individuals, there are rules and immigration balls in place and the home office will make decisions based on those was the there are immigration rules. At the moment, the polish Constitution Court is considering a d raft law Constitution Court is considering a draft law which would make it illegal to refer to polish death camps and also the role of polish listens during the holocaust. Will my honourable friend take this up with her counterpart to ensure the families of victims and survivors words are heard so that history is not rewritten. I understand that this issue has already been raised with the polish government. What we should be doing is ensuring that nobody forgets the holocaust, nobody forgets the horrific inhumanity to man that was shown through the action that was taken by the nazis in the holocaust. The Holocaust Education trust does important work. The Education Centre at oriel that will be placed here at westminster will be placed here at westminster will be placed here at westminster will be a long standing memorial to people, and will do the important job of educating people about the past, to insure we never see such horrific crimes being committed again. How would the Prime Minister feel if someone how would the Prime Minister feel if someone pinched her car and it then cost her £200 to get it back . That is what is happening to hundreds of people, so why doesnt she allow the police to use proceeds of crime returns to recover legitimate costs and putan returns to recover legitimate costs and put an end to this state sponsored secondary mugging of innocent victims . Can i say to the honourable gentleman that a lot of work has been done on what the proceeds of crime can be spent on. People have noted that the home secretary has heard the question he has raised, and im sure this issue is looked into. I raised the case of a constituent distressed by the relationship tween his 17 year old daughter and her much older driving instructor. This week, the a relationship between a student driver of 16 or 17 and their instructor would be considered illegal. This sets a strong example in which she asked the department for education to consider adding driving instructors and other coaches to their list of those formerly covered in law by the position of trust. Can i thank him for raising what was an appalling case, but from that has come a change in attitude from the dvla, which i hope will be of benefit to others who could have been put into that difficult and appalling situation. I will certainly make the department for education to look at the point raised. In sheffield, the councils £11. 1 million projected current overspend on Childrens Services is the highest in yorkshire and humber, and the second highest in england. This is clearly in correlation with the £350 million of cuts since 2010. What this the Prime Minister say to those children who need these Vital Services but may not be able to access them because the tories continue to cut Council Budgets so savagely . As i pointed out earlier, in response to other questions, what we are doing is ensuring that local authorities do have more money to deal with particularly difficult issues they had to deal with at a local level. We do want to see an end sure that children are given the best start in life, but it is completely wrong to suggest that decisions taken at local level are all the responsibility of this government. It is clear from academics, charities and trainers that of educating dogs does not help train them but risks creating more detrimental consequences for their welfare. I thank all the colleagues who came along to my event yesterday to sign up to pledge to ban shock collars. Does my right honourable friend agree that as dogs are mans best friend, it is time we showed some of that loyalty and friendship in return by banning the use, it is to be sure and sale of these barbaric devices . I know he has been campaigning hard on this particular issue. We have made clear in the updated code of back of practice that they should not be used. And any use of devices that causes rest would be against Animal Welfare acts. The Deputy President of the National Farmers union has said that losing full access to the european angle market would be absolutely disastrous for british agriculture. Does the Prime Minister agree . My position remains what it a lwa ys agree . My position remains what it always has been cold we are going to negotiate an Economic Partnership with the European Union, and i can assure the honourable lady that the interests of agriculture will be the considerations we take into account for me make sure were able to have a good trade relationship with the European Union, as well as improve relations with the rest of the world. Order. The speaker says order, bringing to an end that session of Prime Ministers questions. He had to admonish mps on a couple of occasions, and ask them to behave properly. Quite a few questions on brexit, including those from Jeremy Corbyn, who talked about the letter from the backbenches to do to reza me. from the backbenches to do to reza me. From the backbenchers to to the Prime Minister. Lets get the thoughts from norman smith. A long, convoluted pmqs, went through all different issue so stop brexit again will be the focus of much of the coverage. Jeremy corbyn trying to press the Prime Minister over the final deal she was seeking, describing it as the road to nowhere, and accusing mrs may of waffle. She said she was clear on what you wanted, a bespoke special agreement. Doesnt tell us a lot and doesnt move as much further forward. As mps were coming out, a lot of interest and a statement from david davis, copies of which we have now seen, david davis, copies of which we have now seen, setting out the approach to the transition period. I suspect, talking to the brexit supporters, they will not be thrilled by it. There is no mention that i can see that the government will push back against eu demands that are in the transition period freedom of movement should continue unchanged. The resource of ambiguity about the length of the transition period. The government said it should take as as it takes to secure an agreement, although they will be two years. There is also no suggestion of a veto to block eu rules during the transition which some of the brexit supporters have demanded. Instead, theyll be a joint committee to and resolve disagreements. And, crucially, if the uk wants to strike new trade deals during the transition period, we would have to get the eus permission. Bundle that together, and i suspect a lot of the brexit supporters, especially those who signed the letter earlier, are not going to be best pleased. Thank you. We will head back into the house of commons becausejeremy hunt is making a statement. On friday, i will host campaigners, clinicians and Safety Experts from across the world as part of a safety, science and technology conference, being held in london. We will release a landmark report on the extent of medication errors in modern health care systems, as well as the nhss plan to tackle them. Alongside those in the report, there are three areas of potential medication area which i wish to update the house on today, where serious concerns have been raised by patients and their families. The first is the hormone based equity test which is claimed to have led to miscarriages and birth defects during the 1960s and 1970s and was prescribed to more than 1. 5 million women before it was withdrawn from news in 1978, partly due to more modern pregnancy tests becoming available. The second is sodium valproate, and epilepsy drug, which has been linked to learning difficulties when taken jerry pregnancy. Up to 20,000 children may be affected. The third is the channel mesh vaginal mesh implants. Our thoughts are with those whose lives have been turned upside down by these issues. They enjoy complications and a great deal of pain, distress and ill health, alongside concerns that there are problems have not received a satisfactory resolution. They have responded with a resolution to campaign on behalf of others. Many have met ministers and murmurs of this house to share concerns, and i thank everyone who has written to or spoken to me personally to raise these concerns on behalf of their constituents. We must acknowledge thatis constituents. We must acknowledge that is a response to these issues from those in positions of authority has not always been good enough. Sometimes the reactions felt overly focused on defending the status quo rather than addressing the needs of patients and come as a result, patients and come as a result, patients and come as a result, patients and their families have spent too long feeling they were not being listened to, making agony of a complex medical situation even worse. In addition to practical steps, for each of these three cases, i am also setting up plans to establish a fairer, quicker and more compassionate way of addressing issues when they arise, bringing different voices to the table from the start and giving individuals and theirfamilies a the start and giving individuals and their families a clear path to a nswe rs their families a clear path to answers and resolution. In terms of immediate action, in each of the three cases, on the first i have asked for an acceleration in the recommendations of the expert working group, further strengthening our systems for monitoring the safety of medicines in pregnancy. This will include offering the families of the association for children damaged by hormone pregnancy children damaged by hormone preg na ncy tests children damaged by hormone pregnancy tests a full up to date jemma better training and support, better recommendations around dosing, and stronger more joined up messages on safety. An sodium valproate, this issue is broader than the uk, and the outcome of the eu review expected in march will strengthen our regulatory position. In preparation, we have tasked system leaders with delivering a rapid, coordinated response, directly responding to calls from patients. We are introducing a new warning signal on the packaging, updating guidance on it, pushing for it to be contraindicated for women of child bearing potential, but using effective contraception, strengthening alerts across all gb systems and for those women for whom it is an effective treatment, offering more tailored advice on risks and contraception. An vaginal mesh, i asked the chief medical officerfor mesh, i asked the chief medical officer for advice mesh, i asked the chief medical officerfor advice in response to calls for a full ban. She is clear that political Clinical Experts here and abroad, when used appropriately, many women gain many benefits from its use. A full ban will not be productive. This is not to minimise the suffering that many women have experienced, which is why we will be publishing a retrospective audit to explore outcomes, and investing £1. 1 million to identify issues. These actions will improve the way regulators and the nhs deal with issues relating to vaginal mesh and sodium valproate. The fact it has taken so long to surface these issues also raises bigger questions. It is an essential principle of Patient Safety that the regular at environment gives sufficient voice to lead it amid concerns reported by patients, families and campaigners, and works alongside them and response to them ina alongside them and response to them in a rapid, open and compassionate way to resolve issues when they are raised. My view is that this did not happen in the way i would expect in these three cases. To do better in future, we need to ensure that patient voices are brought to the table as systematically and consistently as other voices in the system. Today, i have asked for a review into what happened in each of these three cases, including whether these three cases, including whether the processes to date have been satisfactory, and to make recommendations on what should happen in future. She will assess firstly the robustness and speed of the processes followed by the releva nt the processes followed by the relevant authorities and clinical bodies, to ensure that appropriate processes we re bodies, to ensure that appropriate processes were followed when safety concerns were raised. Secondly, whether regulators did enough to engage with those affected to ensure their concerns were escalated and acted upon. Thirdly, whether there has been sufficient coordination between relevant bodies and the groups raising concerns, and whether we need independent systems to decide what further action may be required, either in these cases or in future. This is because one of thejudgments to in future. This is because one of the judgments to be in future. This is because one of thejudgments to be made is whether when there has been widespread harm there needs to be a full or even Statutory Public enquiry. So she will make recommendations as to the right processes to make sure justice is done and maintain Public Confidence that such decisions have been taken fairly. Whilst i am deliberately leaving the terms of this model open, i also ask that they consider how we strike the right balance around the criteria or threshold. That is jeremy hunt threshold. That isjeremy hunt announcing a review of how patient problems caused by a number of nhs treatments are handled, including the hormone pregnancy tests, the anti ad and it see pregnancy tests, the anti ad and it see anti epilepsy drug sodium operate. In a moment, the news at one. First, the weather. When High Pressure builds across the uk, that generally means a lot of settled weather. It is not the case there are no changes to come. Quite a big change, much colder by the start of next week. More on that in a moment. Here is the high as it stands, for the remainder of today. It means a dry and settled day of weather. The cloud will break, allowing it widespread frost to develop. Patches of freezing fog as well. Temperatures around 2 or 3 in the coldest areas. More cloud building through the course of the day tomorrow, a weather front trying to sneak into the north west, perhaps bringing drizzle into Northern Ireland and north west scotland. By friday, we will notice more virtual as the wind becomes particularly nagging, and temperatures are down in the mid range of single figures. That wind is what is really going to bring that change to the way things feel. More High Pressure firmly with us into the weekend. That means a lot of fine weather, decent sunny spells but also a significant chill in the air. Widespread overnight frosts. Isa five or six celsius, the easterly wind nagging across england and wales. A subtle high, shifting orientation slightly, but if you follow the isobars back they go all the way to siberia by next week, allowing colder air to pool around the high and potentially come our way. It may stay further south than us, but it may head towards the uk. Either way we look at it, next week will be significantly colder with widespread frosts perhaps even lingering by day. The wind will be raw, and there is the chance is no in eastern areas. It will be worth staying chewed to the forecast. Lobby efraim siberia go further south, always be the case that it pushes all the way across as even into the atlantic, bringing biting cold to the uk . Case against the police. The women, who were raped by worboys years before he was brought to justice, were not believed by officers they had all the information there. They should have caught him, they could have stopped him the very next day, but they didnt. They chose to not believe me. The ruling means the police could face legal action from anyone whos a victim of serious crime that they feel is not properly investigated. Also this lunchtime. The United Nations says the bombardment of ghouta in syria is beyond imagination hundreds of people have died after days of attack. Donald trump indicates hes willing to ban devices which turn rifles into machine guns, following pressure after last weeks School Shooting in florida. Were

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