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Translation dont shake hands like that, too strong men will think, this one is going to beat me up, and no one will marry you. Hello and welcome im Christian Fraser in london, jon sopel is in washington. The problems started in middle school. The assaults, the disturbing drawings, the Florida Shooter nikolas cruz was cited in more that a0 disciplinary incidents at his school. Hed written that he wanted to kill people. So how is it a character with a background like that was allowed to buy notjust one firearm, but ten, and all of them rifles. Today, the president , whose campaign, of course, was part funded by the National Rifle association, said he is supportive of efforts to improve federal background checks. On wednesday, hell sit down with students to hear their concerns. Hes already heard the anger and today, there was a protest outside the white house. 16 year old rain vayadarez was in a room in the middle of the school at the time of the shooting. One of her friends was shot three times. She plans to join a student march on the state capital of florida later this week to call for change. Rain, before i talk to you about the march and the way youre going to campaign, i must start by asking you how you are feeling and how you are processing the enormity of what happened last week. Well, at first, everything wasjust a huge shock. Youre going to hear that from everyone. But each day feels different. You know, the first day was shock, the next day was grief, but now its more and more hope. Of course we are grieving every single life lost. Its incredibly devastating, the fact that this happened right in front of my eyes, right in front of everyones eyes, but slowly but surely, we are going to make a change. Were coming together. Ive never seen this sense of unity, itsjust so strong. Not just within our community, just within the country, and im just grateful that this is what its come to. The lives that were lost, its a huge tragedy, but the fact that were coming back from this and we are using our voices to make a difference, its just filling my heart again with this will, this strength. Theres a lot of grassroot noise at the moment, a lot of movement springing up, a lot of people want change and they are calling for change. But of course, what happened last week is very fresh in peoples conscience at the moment. So how do you harness everything thats happening this week and make sure that you can, over the long term, deliver the change that you want . Exactly. Within these protests that were having, were still visiting viewings, were still going to vigils, were still participating in going to the funerals in between all this. So in the middle of everything, were still grieving and were still upset, angry, mourning. But were using this energy that we have to be the change, to use our voices, and i thinkjust knowing that because of this tragedy, the fact that were using it as a catalyst for change, i think its just the best thing that we could have done from this. Rain, youve got a demonstration in tallahassee in florida this week, theres going to be a demonstration in washington next month and i think the president is going to meet a number of students this week. Do you think that you can change the president s mind on the whole issue of gun control . Yes, because this whole time, he has not spoken with us directly. He has not spoken to the students, the staff, he has not spoken directly with the families, victims. And i feel like if he looks me in the eye, he looks all of us in the eye, he sees the amount of passion and change that were calling, pleading, demanding from him. Because hes going to know, hes going to see in our eyes that were not going to back down. No matter what, were not going to stop until change has happened, you know, this country changes. My heart can barely go through this one time and im not going to let it happen again, im not going to let my heart go through this again. Im not going to let these families, these victims end in vain. Rain, great pleasure talking to you. Thank you very much indeed for being with us. Thank you so much. Another of these eloquent students from florida, who we must remember are attending the funerals of their friends. Lets bring in andy parker he is the father of Alison Parker the reporter who was shot and killed live on air whilst doing an interview in 2015. Hes campaigned for gun control since his daughters death, and joins us now from virginia. It is very good of you to spell some time. The similarities of the character of the man involved in florida and the man who murdered your daughter are there for all to see. Yes. And the sad thing is that immediately, the president comes out with, well, its Mental Illness, and certainly this young man had not illness. Alisons shooter had no Mental Illness. Thats how they deflect the crisis that we have and the plague that we have going on in this country. Were not the only country in the world that has Mental Illness. But we do have a monopoly oii illness. But we do have a monopoly on Mental Illness and the two easily available guns that they can get their hands on. I read some of your Campaign Literature today and you have,in Campaign Literature today and you have, in the past, specifically called out the chairperson of the judiciary committee, a republican who has enormous power in congress. You say that he told you face to face that he would never hold a hearing on gun legislation. Do you think he mightjust have changed his mind this week . |j do you think he mightjust have changed his mind this week . I wish i could say that but sadly, no. You mentioned, and i saw earlier, that the president suggested he might consider some kind of background checks. Well, in the wake of las vegas, they did the same thing with that and of course it went away. Sadly, the only way were going to make a change in country is we have to kick every republican lawmaker from state level to congressional level, you have to kick them to the card. Because the other problem and they are in the pockets of the gun lobby. Youre not going to change their minds. Youre just not. Even these kids, i love what theyre doing. But, you know, looking the president in the eye, as i did, its not go to change their mind. Youve just got to get them of there. But, andy, weve already seen that after sandy hook, there was an overwhelming call that there should be action taken. It didnt happen. The ad seen we have seen a whole succession of dastardly deaths. Your daughters, what happened in charleston, las vegas, i can go on and add to the list. What is it that is going to shift the dial on this issue . The only way, the only way is to put republicans in the minority. Thats it. Some of these guys are true believers. They want guns everywhere. Even in virginia, the House Majority leader in virginia thinks that a specialty license plate that says stopped on violence, something as basic as that, would lead to guns being seized. We have typically does out there who are not afraid to tackle the gun issue. I havent seen that coming from any republican lawmaker in the country. Other than susan collins, she might get. 0k, andy, we have to leave it there. Grateful to you forjoining us. There. Grateful to you forjoining us. From virginia. Thank you very much indeed. Michael nutter is the former democratic mayor of philadelphia he has just written a new book. Its called the best job in politics. You would think that a while back we would have actually done something significant, certainly after sandy hook. But there is a different feeling from florida. I think a lot of it has to do with the voices of the young people speaking out very strongly, very directly, and being heard. I hope that more and more adults, or people who are supposed to be adults, take their lead, show some guts and actually do even a few things, reasonable things that can be done. Mayor nutter, we talk a lot about federal solutions to these atrocities, but what shines through from your book is that you had remarkable success dealing with the homicide rate in your city. In fact, it was at a 50 year low by the end of your term. So im bound to ask from this side, from london, why cant america find local solutions within cities and within states . Again, as you mention from the book, even the legislative success that we had came as a result of my being sued, the city being sued by the nra on my 100th day in office, which i would say is one of the proudest moments of my entire political career. The conflating of the Second Amendment and what i would say is someones First Amendment right not to be shot is a ruse by the nra. They are very powerful, they attack state legislatures to the extent that general assemblies have prohibited or pre empted local action on the issue of guns. Notwithstanding the fact that many of our Large Population centres have a need to be able to better regulate what happens. Mayor nutter, i think one of the things that shines through from your book is that you absolutely loved your time being a mayor. Practical actions, getting things done for the people of philadelphia. Do you think when we talk about who is going to be the next Democratic Party candidate for president that instead of looking to congress or looking to a governors mansion, we should look to city mayors . Absolutely. Again, with every respect to those other offices that you mentioned, there is no executive closer to the ground, closer to the people than a mayor. Small, medium or large a city, we have a daily duty to get stuff done and make things happen on behalf of our constituents. You cant have the kind of gridlock that we see in Congress Taking place in cities. These are folks who are used to getting things done and making things happen on behalf of their constituents and could do the same at the national level. Just a final question to you, we havent talked about donald trump. You have a quote in your book which says, if you have a deep seated need to be loved and admired every day, you shouldnt be in politics, you should go to work at a pet shop. I wonder whether you had anyone in mind. Well, ive had a lot of people in mind with regard to that particular quote, but it absolutely fits the current president of the United States of america. His need for constant adulation and constant attention, this kind of personality disorder is very disruptive to any common sense here in america and its quite frankly embarrassing. He could run maybe the biggest pet shop in the world and should be really happy doing that. Mayor michael nutter, thank you very much indeed for being with us. With me in the studio is our political analyst and former advisor to george w bush, ron christie. Always great to have you with us. Lets just start on some of what donald trump said today. That they might be in favour of tighter background checks on guns. Is this the start of a movement or is this a limited bit of space that donald trump is willing to give and doesnt simplify very much . Good afternoon to you. It is too early to say. It isa to you. It is too early to say. It is a step in the right direction but, as we know, with congress being controlled by republicans, i dont know that there is a movement necessarily to have significant gun control legislation at this point that could pass the 60 vote senate and make the presents desk. Thank you for that. I wanted to stay with us, because its been a Holiday Weekend in the United States. The president has been at malalai go. The president has been at malalai 90 the president has been at malalai go. Mar a lago. But this time took the decision not to play golf. It might have looked unseemely so close to the florida shooting. Instead, by all accounts, the president watched television, cable news. Which always draws a reaction. Even by this president s standards, this was a weekend tirade. He blamed the fbi forfailing to stop the Florida Shooter, they are too focused on russia he wrote. If it was the goal of russia to sew discord and disruption, said another tweet, then they are laughing their asses off in moscow. It is worth noting that the president who blames the fbi for their russia obsession posted 12 tweets this weekend on the russia investigation. There is a recessed by russia . The fbi, Congress Donald trump . The fund one. fbi, Congress Donald trump . The fund one. The third answer. Donald trump. It was several tweets. He needs to recognise he is in charge of the executive branch. Mr president , youre in charge of the executive branch of government. If you see something that needs to be change, you can make that order. I think it isjuvenile change, you can make that order. I think it is juvenile to go on twitter like the way he does and it is beyond the office he holds. Twitter like the way he does and it is beyond the office he holdslj twitter like the way he does and it is beyond the office he holds. I was on holiday last week and my phone kept going because of trump. I was on holiday, kept going this is what happened when Oprah Winfrey spoke to voters last year. Who here believes that he made the comment about, quote, bleep hole countries . Absolutely. You think he made the comment . Yeah, i think he made the comment, yeah. I think all president s have made comments behind closed doors and it wasnt reported. You think all president s have used the term bleep hole . Yes, i do. 0k, can ijust Say Something . Its not about the swearing. 0k . I expect every politican to say that. Its the fact that he demeaned an entire race. Oh, no. 0r country. And if our president , who we. I respect the office. And i expect and demand better actions than that. Right, first off, theres nothing insecure about Oprah Winfrey. We all know that. But of course, she is potentially a president ial candidate. Its president s weekend. Why is he tweeting about Oprah Winfrey . Christian, first of all, welcome back. Good to see you back. Weve missed you. I have no earthly idea. Im a republican, and conservative, i like Oprah Winfrey. When your president of the United States, you represent all 330 million of us, republican, democrat oi million of us, republican, democrat or independent. The fact that he will single out people voted as is is not what you should be doing. You should be leading by example. The example President Trump is leading by right now leads me to ask, why is he doing and saying these things . I have no idea. Yes. Thank you very much, as ever, for your insight and analysis. I suppose, christian, these tweets are extraordinary in many different ways. If you look at the guns issue first of all, may be donald trump is the person who can deliver something on guns in a way that barack obama simply couldnt. Because there were so simply couldnt. Because there were so many people who were set against him and thought that they didnt wa nt to him and thought that they didnt want to listen to him. And there we re want to listen to him. And there were democrats in red states voted to maintain the Second Amendment rights, against laba mac obama was calling for, because they feared for their political careers if they voted any other way. When it comes to russia, the cac was ok about the indictments because they were people not necessarily connected to his campaign. Many watched cable news all the weekend. Sitting in his room, not playing golf and he thought, maybe this isnt a good thing. He tweets i2 thought, maybe this isnt a good thing. He tweets 12 times about russia. Condemnation in the air, for congress, for the team in occasions adviser in munich and doesnt say the right things, no condemnation from the commander in chief about russia. That is the key point. You have an entitlement against russians. Three russian entities, the details of what they were doing, we now know as a result of that indictment. And yet from the president , there are still not been condemnation of russia. There are still much been condemnation of vladimir putin. Most importantly of all, where is the outrage that says all, where is the outrage that says a foreign entity is interfering in us democracy and outlining a strategy of what is going to be done to correct it . Thats whats been missing from the presents response so missing from the presents response so far. Lets ta ke lets take a look at some of the days other news. A former researcher at birmingham university, said to be one of britains worst sexual offenders, has been jailed for 32 years for offences against children. Matthew falder pleaded guilty to 137 charges, including encouraging the rape of a minor and blackmailing his victims into sending him obscene footage of themselves carrying out degrading acts. The operation to catch falder included Law Enforcement agencies around the world. An anti doping case has been opened against russian medal winning curler alexander krushelnitsky, says the court of arbitration for sport. Krushelnitsky, who won bronze with his wife in the mixed doubles at the Winter Olympics on tuesday, is suspected of testing positive for meldonium. Now, heres a striking image of thousands of starlings swooping over blackpool beach in the north of england. It is known as a murmuration with flocks of birds swirling through the skies together before settling into their roost for the night. The numbers swell in winter when they are joined by migratory starlings from scandinavia. Hes the media tycoon famed for his parties as much as his politics. With silvio berlusconi, there is rarely a dull moment. We had thought his political career was over, but perhaps not. The 81 year old is making an unlikely comeback. Mr berlusconi has told the bbc that he is the best option for the country in the upcoming general election. He also had a few words of advice for our reporter, sofia bettiza, who sent this from rome. Forza italia many thought he was politically finished. Done. But silvio berlusconi, italys four time Prime Minister, is making a comeback. His centre right coalition is set to win the most votes in the general election in two weeks time. Outside of italy, berlusconis famous for his love of women and his ability to remain freshfaced. But in many parts of this country, he is much more than that. Translation im voting for berlusconi. Hes experienced. I trust him. Im sure hes learned from his mistakes. Translation hes built a good coalition. He has my full confidence. Berlusconi cant technically become Prime Minister. In 2013, he was barred from Public Office because of his criminal convictions for tax fraud. But he can still lead his party. When i caught up with him, i asked why he thinks hes the best person for the job. Translation i was ousted from politics because of an unbelievably shameful sentence. The italian people know that everything thats been said about me is false. That all the accusations are made up. They never stopped trusting me. And i have governed this country for longer than anyone else. His main challenge will come from the five star movement, an anti Establishment Political Party on the rise. So, in a couple of weeks, silvio berlusconi, a man who cant be elected as an mp and isnt even allowed to vote, could be back in power, leading a grand coalition in parliament here. This would be, in effect, the fifth time hes led this country. Despite the prominence of feminist campaigns worldwide, including movements like me too, it seems many Italian Women can look beyond berlusconis alleged sex scandals. Translation he is my idol. All men are like that. He was just a fool because he got caught. Me too is not so strong in italy, as it has been in the anglo saxon countries. People dont remember very well the night of berlusconi, all the scandals. Its something far away in our memory. And not many interviews with prominent politicians end like this these days. Translation dont shake hands like that. Too strong men will think, this one is going to beat me up, and no one will marry you. Lets try again. No, a little less who is ever going to marry you . Im joking. You have to joke every once in awhile. For many, the idea that berlusconi would run the country again was itself a joke you go. But the man italians either love or hate seems on the verge of yet another comeback. As you know, i once had the bestjob in television. I was a correspondent in rome for two years and they have covered a couple of italian elections. They come around quite frequently, you will have noticed. One thing frequently, you will have noticed. One thing i learned in rome was that you should never write off silvio berlusconi. He is the definition of a political survivor. Im just trying to think if anyone in Politics Today could fit that kind of description of a populist, outspoken, controversial, bit of a reputation where women are concerned. Nothing comes to mind. This is beyond 100 days from the bbc. Coming up for viewers on the bbc news channel and bbc world news a rap on the knuckles for poland for flouting european laws, but does it highlight a bigger divide across the eu . And not so Finger Lickin good a shortage of chicken at kfc forces hundreds of outlets to close across the uk. Thats still to come. A very gay, drizzly day for most of us a very gay, drizzly day for most of us today. Heres the good news for tomorrow. Very grey, drizzly day. In one or two areas, the cloud will be stubborn and a bit more drizzle present. This weather front crossing the country in the satellite. Actually two weather fronts. That will be stubborn to clear from the east tomorrow. Within the weather fronts, we have some mild air. Here they are. You can see during the course of this evening what will happen. Tonight, the two will merge and basically, was left over will park itself across the east by the early hours of tuesday morning. Many Western Areas will have the clearing skies tonight, whereas the east, from london all the way up to possibly newcastle and maybe aberdeen, will be pretty overcast with some rain. Watch what happens. The rain tends to dissolve away from eastern areas. But it will be very stubborn across east anglia and the far south east. For the vast majority, it should be a nice day. Wales is looking beautiful. Glasgow, most of the Western Isles and belfast getting s century. This is the forecast into tuesday evening and early hours of wednesday. Still and early hours of wednesday. Still a bit of cloud left over from the weather front across england. A bit of cloud left over from the weatherfront across england. Hence, it would be desperately cold. Not far off freezing, for celsius in towns and cities. If frost in scotla nd towns and cities. If frost in scotland and northern ireland. Wednesday, a shift in the weather. Rather than weather fronts coming from the atlantic, the wind shifts direction becomes released. Look how cold it is across europe first thing on wednesday morning. That is a hint of things to come a little later on this week, next weekend, this coming weekend, that is, where we will start to see called aurier mac coming in from the east. Tempjust acting to drop by wednesday. Mist involved in the morning, perhaps, but overall pretty nice for most of us but overall pretty nice for most of us with some sunshine. Then this big High Pressure building almost from siberia. That will send a lot of settled weather but a but some dry winds from the continent. Temperatures will stop to dip away by the end of the week. This is beyond one hundred days, with me Christian Fraser in london jon sopels in washington. Our top stories. The white house says the president is supportive of efforts to improve background checks for gun ownership. Never far from social media donald trump takes to twitter a dozen times over the weekend to criticise the fbi over the russia investigation. Coming up in the next half hour. The oxfam report which finds three of the men accused of Sexual Misconduct in haiti physically threatened a witness during an investigation in 2011. From sunrise to sunset we speak to the photographer changing time with thousands of images taken from a single vantage point. Let us know your thoughts by using the hashtag beyond one hundred days. Drivers employed in haiti by oxfam after the earthquake in 2010 were forced to deliver prostitutes to the charitys premises or risk losing theirjobs. Thats what the bbc has been told by a source. Its also claimed that one oxfam employee involved was unnecessarily allowed to resign instead of being sacked. Today oxfam published its investigation which found that three oxfam employees accused of Sexual Misconduct physically threatened a witness during the investigation. Heres our Diplomatic Correspondent james landale. Those operations have become an industry which has spread into 80 countries. For more than half a century oxfam has been helping those in need, such as these victims of conflict in nigeria in the late 1960s but that hard won reputation has been put at risk by the behaviour of some staff in haiti in 2011. An internal report published today shows one was dismissed and three resigned for using prostitutes on oxfam premises. Two more were dismissed for bullying and intimidation, one of whom also downloaded pornography. And another man was sacked for failing to protect staff. A source said drivers were forced to deliver people to oxfam villas. They had parties which were described as orgies. Women were dressed in oxfam t shirts. It would go on all night. We were told they were under age. Security guards and drivers talked about it indirectly because a the talked about it directly they would lose theirjobs. Today the bbc caught up with one of those dismissed by oxfam. The kenyan aid worker bees outside the capital of nairobi. Beast. Oxfam support says its country directors admitted using prostitutes. He has spoken of lies and exaggeration but it also says he was allowed to resign with dignity and one thats pay because dismissing him would have damaged the investigation. A bbc source challenges that account. They did not need him to stay and help with the investigation. He was not part of the investigation team. From all accou nts of the investigation team. From all accounts he owned up to his own behaviour. Today, oxfam officials met members of the haitian government. Tomorrow seniorfigures from the charity will face mps in parliament. Questions for oxfam keep on coming. We heard james talking about how oxfam had met haitian officials. And a short time ago, oxfam sent this statement through after meeting with haitian officials. We are deeply ashamed and sorry for what happened. Were here to say were sorry to the government and the haitian people and to share our reports with the government. Were ready and going to collaborate with the government on all the steps forward. I am joined in the studio by Andrew Mitchell who is the uk governments former International Development secretary. You would impose from 2010 until 2012. You had asked last week on the bbc whether you had been aware of this kind of information from oxfam and the story was breaking, what have you found out since . Dfid have gone through the files. The reason i did not know was because officials did not know was because officials did not know was because officials did not realise the gravity of the misdemeanours which were presented to them. Oxfam told them they were investigating misdemeanour and breaches of the regulations but did not see what they were. Officials quite rightly filed this and the not vitally important file. They had the seriousness of its . They abided by the letter of the rules but not the spirit. Had they and told me, obviously i wouldve taken appropriate action but i was never told. I dont think officials can be faulted for not having told me. Youre still heavily involved with charities in this of work, i am sure it is not oxfam who are reeling from what has been uncovered, there must bea number of what has been uncovered, there must be a number of charities who could be a number of charities who could be wide open . Be a number of charities who could be wideopen . All charities operate, including those who receive taxpayers money, must ensure the regulations are overhauled and be totally open and transparent. That is the key, they must be totally open. That is obviously a huge amount of concern about oxfam, this isa amount of concern about oxfam, this is a terrible story which does damage to oxfam and the International Charities and ngos which operate in this area but it is important we do not throw the baby out from the bath water. This sector attack attracts decent and brilliant people who put themselves in harms way for their fellow citizens so it is important to remember that all round the world, oxfa m remember that all round the world, oxfam and others, really good and decent people are working to help fellow members of humanity caught up in the catastrophe and disaster. Fellow members of humanity caught up in the catastrophe and disasterlj in the catastrophe and disaster. am sure a lot of people are thinking doi am sure a lot of people are thinking do i want to keep the Standing Order i have for oxfam or whatever charity, what is your advice, what do charities need to do to rebuild confidence so people can continue to give money to worthwhile causes and think it will be spent in the right way . My advice is to keep things in perspective and accept that a terrible disaster has afflicted oxfa m terrible disaster has afflicted oxfam here because of the behaviour of seven people but remember thousands of others around the world are working hard to ensure they go to the rescue help of their fellow human beings. I think of the oxfam workers i saw last year in yemen which is a catastrophe unfolding before our eyes. The way they made sure water was made available to two small cities and looked after 5000 people driven out of their homes by bombs, driven out with nothing apart from their clothes. They made sure they had food and medicine so the truth is this is a brilliant organisation, temporarily mired by this awful disaster in haiti. It will recover. It has had new leadership since then, leadership which i admire and respect. Oxfam will put it behind them and re establish their reputation and continue doing brilliant work which many of us have seen around the world. Andrew mitchell, thank you very much. Just before christmas, the European Commission began unprecedented Disciplinary Proceedings against poland, whose right wing government, it argued, was flouting the rule of law by attacking the independence of polish courts and judges. The clash has highlighted divisions in the eu between older western Member States and those in the east of the bloc like hungary and austria where nationalist parties have also achieved success. This week, our correspondent jenny hill, is taking a look at these divisions. Today she reports from zambrow in poland on the success of the governing law and justice or pis party when your country has come a long way, it is easy to feel left behind. Poland has gone from communism, to the eu, to relative prosperity. But out here, many felt forgotten until now. Generous child benefits, a lower retirement age, small wonder perhaps the pis government gets the family vote. Translation everyone, all the other parties make promises, but they dont deliver. Pis kept their promises, it is good and i support them and i dont see anything wrong with what they are doing. Quite the opposite. But they have divided a country, enraged the eu. Last year protests in warsaw, pis attacks press freedom, access to abortion and the independence of the judiciary. Translation the system is already broken. There is no balance of power. We are moving towards an authoritarian state. One party will dominate parliament and will destroy independent justice. But resistance is giving way to resignation, the government is backed in part by the catholic church, the voice of tradition is growing louder. Translation most importantly it was patriotism that drove me towards pis, the patriotism i inherited from my grandparents and my parents. I could only find that kind of patriotism in the pis party. It is as if there is a battle going on here. For the very soul of this country. It divides society into liberal elite or populist patriot and it is a struggle which symbolises, perhaps even feeds what is happening within the eu. This is no longer a defining moment simply for poland, but for the whole european project. Because, it seems, no one is really sure how to deal with what is arguably the eus most troublesome state. Reports from iran suggest that the wreckage of a plane which crashed on sunday may have been spotted in a remote mountain range. The Aseman Airlines passenger plane came down in the Zagros Mountains on sunday, its believed there were 65 people on board. Fog and blizzards and temperatures well below zero are hampering the search operation. Chinese authorities are demanding punishment for one man who is accused of snapping off the finger of one of the terracotta army. They are among chinas most prized treasures. What if you could change time in a photograph . Thats what National Geographic photographer and explorer Stephen Wilkes wanted to achieve in his series day to night. his aim was to meld all the events of a single day into one image and the results are pretty spectacular. Recently we went to see his work here on display in washington. Art that is powerful is emotional and so i want you to have some kind of emotional response to what you are witnessing and seeing. I try to capture images that have a certain kind of scope and breadth and an intimacy at the same time. The day to night series is something i started nine years ago. I started with a crazy idea, to compress a single day into a photograph. I take pictures from a single point of view, usually elevated. Elevated about 50 feet in the air. I never move my camera, ijust photo specific moments throughout the day and night. When i get back i edit anywhere from 1200 to 2200 images. It takes me about a month to edit them all down. Then i decide where day begins and night ends. Thats what i call my time vector. This is kind of how it works. In this photograph day begins on the far right of the photograph and time tracks this way so it literally goes across. In the morning i was blessed, we had an amazing rainbow that happens. This is happening. Right now. Then this time changes, you have the afternoon light and the rotation of the light and then of course sunset. Photography has always been an evolution, part alchemy, part science, part magic, right . And luck, really, right . One of the things which is really special about this image is the elephants, thats one frame, one moment. I created a photograph in the serengeti when i was able to witness for 26 hours amazing communication between all these different competing species at a water hole. It felt almost biblical when i was there. I felt noah was about to drop the arc and load the animals. It was through that experience that my work changed. I saw something in animal communication that i never shoots every 30 seconds. It does not work that way. I am hand cocking a conventional large lens. Each time i take a picture, id cock the shutter. I am just capturing on a digital back but everything i do is traditional, there is no automation. Essentially i am a street photographer from 50 feet in the air and i am constantly looking, constantly scouring the scene. I never get bored because i am just so afraid of missing a magical moment. I would like a job swap with him. This is beyond one hundred days. Still to come. The fast food lovers in a flap about chicken why some kfc stores in the uk had to shut their doors. The former football coach Barry Bennell has been jailed for thirty years for abusing 12 young footballers who he trained in the 1980s. Bennell who was convicted of more than 50 child Sexual Offences coached at a number of clubs including Manchester City and crewe alexandra. The judge called the 64 year old the devil incarnate whod stolen his victims childhoods. Heres dan roan. They came seeking closure, the victims of Barry Bennell, accompanied by their families arriving at court for the sentencing of british sports most notorious paedophile. The accused arrived at from a different entrance after being found guilty. Having appeared throughout his trial by a video link due to ill health, today he was here in person as he was handed a 31 year prison sentence. The 64 year old mpeg in prison sentence. The 64 year old mpeg in passive as his punishment read out. Cries of yes from the Public Gallery were hushed, outside emotion came to the fore. Today we looked evil in the face and we smiled because Barry Bennell we have one. We today we hand our shame, guilt and sadness back to you, it should never have been ours to suffer in the first place. The care and diligence he took in brimming with victims and their families is amongst the most manipulative behaviour is insane. He was a predatory paedophile and to the state that is no evidence he has any remorse or regrets but the dreams he has shattered in the lives he has damaged. Sentencing him, thejudge said, to these boys you appeared as a god, said, to these boys you appeared as agod, in said, to these boys you appeared as a god, in reality you were the devil incarnate. He stole their childhood and innocence to satisfied europe perversion. His abuse was sheer evil, thejudge said. To perversion. His abuse was sheer evil, the judge said. To satisfy your perversion. Youre watching beyond one hundred days when your name is kfc or Kentucky Fried Chicken the one thing you really cant afford to run out of is. Chicken. But thats exactly what happened to the fast food chain kfc at the weekend. The company had to close around 750 outlets across the uk after they ran out of their main ingredient asjon kay reports. No when youve been promised kfc as a half term treat but there is no chicken. Nine year old maxine is not happy. Angry. Sad. And disappointed. And hungry . Very hungry are you more hungry or angry . Hungry its notjust maxines local outlet. Hundreds across the uk are shut because kf has no c. Theyve run out of chicken. Pretty shocking, really, to be fair. Pretty shocking. Especially when youre hungry, like, you know what i mean . Kfc have blamed teething problems with the new delivery contract. They switched to dhl last week, who say operational issues have disrupted the supply. Its a chicken place, so they should have enough chicken. They should be able to store it. Its a big chain, so it does seem unbelievable, really. All the chicken. Theres farmers, surely there should be enough chickens. We tried several outlets across bristol today but found no fingers being licked. Almost every store closed. Its lunchtime. Youd expect these hatches to be really busy at this point but the kitchen is empty, the fryers switched off. Chicken with fries, please. Chicken with fries. Its a far cry from this. Tonight, the company is encouraging staff to take holidays until it can meet the demand again. Kfc says its own employees will be paid, but the large majority of restaurants are franchises. It just seems amazing. I thought everything was pretty much automated these days and as they use chicken, mores ordered. Something has gone seriously wrong. The company says its working flat out to rectify the problem. But, for some, that is little consolation. Jon kay, bbc news. I think the kernel might get Court Martialed for that. I have the potatoes and coleslaw but missing something. The whole point of security conferences is to talk about, doom and gloom. But what made this years annual gathering in munich particularly depressing, according to those who attended, was the absence of any positive vision for the future. Whether its east asia, the middle east or even Eastern Europe the view at this years conference was that, there is in fact, an increased risk of escalation. Many of the speeches underscored it perhaps in some cases, there was fuel added to the fire. Israel will not allow irans regime to put a noose of terror around our neck. We will act without hesitation to defend ourselves and we will act if necessary, not just to defend ourselves and we will act if necessary, notjust against irans proxies who are attacking us but against iran itself. Lets speak to the head of policy and analysis for the munich security conference. Your tweet said World Politics is worse than if you dont work there. There are of reasons, i feel that we have seen a lot of brinkmanship in recent yea rs. Have seen a lot of brinkmanship in recent years. This years conference has added fuel to the fire as you said in the beginning. We have seen not a lot of constructive proposals. We have heard some speeches that we re we have heard some speeches that were really confrontational. We also we re were really confrontational. We also were lacking any constructive engagement so for instance, you mentioned eastern ukraine. The war is still going on, people are dying ona is still going on, people are dying on a weekly if not daily basis. But france, russia and ukraine did not even meet at the conference. It is even meet at the conference. It is even worse regarding north korea and syria. A lot of people will see look at the United States, perhaps because there is a different president with america as the first priority, is that a factor in this . Yes of course, that is the big elephant in the ring. There was a big delegation from the United States which tried to reassure the europeans. Some of them said please ignore the tweaks and focus on what we do, notjust what ignore the tweaks and focus on what we do, not just what we ignore the tweaks and focus on what we do, notjust what we tweet. In munich, the us looks like a ru d d e rless munich, the us looks like a rudderless ship. The crew might be doing fine but it is not enough if the captain is. We do not know what the captain is up to. It is just not enough and that is the most worrying trend, what you would call the traditional guardian of the liberal international order, the United States, and its western allies, they just seem United States, and its western allies, theyjust seem overwhelmed, maybe even paralysed. There are not that many good proposals. We have seen a that many good proposals. We have seen a lot of good analysis of the situation were then but we havent seen situation were then but we havent seen that many strategies or ideas how to overcome the situation. We are nearly out of time but a lot of these conflicts are classical, with intractable issues and lots of governments have struggled with some, the point of a conference like this is to look at long term challenges to security and ease think the west is failing to get to grips with it . We are trying to grasp the new age. We had side events grasp the new age. We had side eve nts o n grasp the new age. We had side events on Artificial Intelligence and Climate Change and also traditional topics that have come back at us again, for instance nuclear issues. We are at the start ofa nuclear issues. We are at the start of a new nuclear race i think. A p pa re ntly of a new nuclear race i think. Apparently right now, it is just too much. Always good to get your thoughts, thank you very much. I was reading the comments of a former american diplomat who comes this programme very much who said it was striking to hear from the rest of the world how far they notice states has fallen. But that is leadership from washington but perhaps just not the leadership the rest of europe wa nts to the leadership the rest of europe wants to see. Conventional politics demands a certain role from the United States. Donald trump got elected with a mandate to do things differently in terms of international relations. Obviously the big slogan is America First which does not mean america alone in the world but he would choose where he wants to engage in the battle against islamic state, america has been quite successful but in other areas, the rest of the world would like america to be part of the fight against global Climate Change but he will have nothing to do with it. They just do not like will have nothing to do with it. Theyjust do not like what america is doing. These are new times were living in and that is why we have beyond 100 days so that we can look these issues. We will be back. Thank you for watching. For now from jon sopel in washington and me Christian Fraser in london goodbye. A very green drizzly day for most of us a very green drizzly day for most of us today. The good news for tomorrow is that it will be brighter. Not everyone. In a couple of areas that cloud will be stubborn and there will be more brazil. Drizzle. There are actually two weather fronts. This will move in from the east and there will be mild here within the weather fronts. You can see the light colours. Tonight, the two france will merge and what is left over will park itself in the east by the early as of tuesday morning. Western areas will have clearing skies tonight. From newcastle to aberdeen it will be overcast. The rain will not fizzle away from the east, it will be stubborn across the east anglia and the far side of the vast majority it will be a nice day. In wales, glasgow, the Western Isles and belfast. He was the forecast into tuesday evening and the early hours of wednesday, still a bit of cloud left over from that weather front across england. For degrees in towns and cities. Frost in scotland and northern ireland. A bit of a shift on wednesday, rather than weather france from the atlantic, the winds shift direction and they will come from the east. The cow cold europe becomes. Freezing cold right across europe. That will come later on this week. Next weekend, this coming weekend we will see the cold air carmen. Really temperatures start to drop by wednesday. Overall a nice day from most places with sunshine then this big High Pressure is building, that will send a lot of settled weather but dry winds coming out of the continent so temperatures. Dipping away by the time we get to the end of the week. This is bbc news. Im ben brown. The headlines at eight. Oxfam apologises to the haiti government following a report detailing the prostitution scandal there involving its aid workers. One of britains most prolific paedophiles a 29 Year Old University lecturer from birmingham is jailed for 32 years. The Prime Minister calls for better value for University Students in england where tuition fees are among the most expensive in the world. I believe as do most people, including students, that those who benefit directly from Higher Education should contribute directly to the cost of it, thats only fair. Also this hour not so Finger Lickin good. A shortage of chicken at kfc forces hundreds

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