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North Koreas Nuclear programme poses what the us director of National Intelligence calls an existential threat to the United States. They said china is trying to access sensitive us technologies and intellectual property. But it was russia that they all agreed on they were unanimous in saying that russian attempts to meddle in us politics were continuing. Heres dan coats on that threat. Frankly, the United States is under attack, under attack by entities that are using cyber to penetrate virtually every major action that ta kes pla ce virtually every major action that takes place in the United States, persistent and disruptive Cyber Operations will continue against the United States and our european allies, using elections as opportunities to undermine democracy, sowed discord, and undermine our values. My colleague katty kay was following this briefing in washington heres how she viewed this briefing. So there you had it, three hours long, repeated questions about russia, and at one point all of these six directors, these six white guys, sitting up there, they were asked, do you think this is an ongoing problem . And each one said, yes, this is an ongoing problem. They were also asked about the president s attitude to this, and why doesnt the president come out and say this is an ongoing problem . Ive just interviewed leon panetta, who was director of the cia under president obama. He said that President Trump should listen to those intelligence chiefs, that this is a real threat to american democracy, and thats to american democracy, and that not enough is being done to address it. Katty, lets just listen in to a bit of that interview you did with the former cia director, leon panetta, saying how the president does need to listen. The president of the United States needs to listen to his intelligence chiefs. They are the ones who testified today, and they made very clear that the russians are going to attack our election institutions in this country. That is a serious issue that the president of the United States needs to address. Katty, how worried are they about the forthcoming mid term elections . Yeah, well, there are already reports that the russians are already meddling. Ive spoken to a couple of politicians, actually both from the republican and the democratic side, who are telling people who are running for office, listen, just because you think you are in a small state wide election, nobody has ever heard of your district, dont think that makes you are immune from russian meddling or interference. Its extraordinary to think that it could go down to that really local level, but everybody seems to be convinced that the russians are continuing to get involved in American Democratic processes, perhaps even in the machinery that does the election processes and the voting, and the intelligence agencies so far arent managing to do enough and that the social Media Companies are not so far regulated in a way that can prevent this. Katty, we heard that list of threats from these six. I mean, hasnt the us always faced multiple threats, or are we really into different times now . Of course, this kind of briefing happens under all administrations. This is their chance to see these are the things we are facing. One thing that struck me about this hearing, it lasted for three hours, and nearly the entire focus was on north korea, russia, as you heard, and there was quite a lot of talk about china. There was very little talk actually about so called Islamic State and the threat of global terrorism. In the United States at least that is being perceived as of a lesser threat now and we know that because the department of defence put out their new policies and that is to focus on the emerging threats of russia and china and less so on islamic terrorism. Thank you, katty kay. Israeli police are recommending Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus indictment for bribery, fraud and breach of public trust following long running investigations into two cases of alleged corruption. James reynolds took us through the charges. They related to two separate cases that the police have been investigating. The first, the police have been checking whether or not mr netanyahu received lavish gifts in exchange for offering wealthy friends special treatment. And the second involves allegations that mr netanyahu tried to do a deal with the publisher of a major israeli newspaper for favourable coverage, and in exchange would curtail the circulation of a rival paper. Those are the two separate cases. There appear to be similar recommendations from the police. They say that mr netanyahu, they recommend he faces charges in both cases. Fraud, breach of trust, bribery, and the most important thing to say is this. The most important step is yet to come. The files now get handed to israels attorney general, and it is up to the attorney general to decide whether or not to indict or whether or not to do nothing, and that decision is expected to take at least several months. James, how long has Benjamin Neta nyahus legal wars been going on for . Several years in this case. The police have interviewed more than 100 witnesses and the have even interviewed witnesses from abroad as well to build up a picture of his activities in the last couple of years as relates these particular cases. He has known that this investigation has been going on. Israelis have known as well, and sore throated you see a running commentary by mr netanyahu essentially saying what he has said tonight, that the charges, the recommended charges, the accusations against him, are baseless, and he will continue to lead the country. The recommendation of charges against a weakened Prime Minister, a weak Prime Minister, would be a bit of a death blow, but mr netanyahu still dominates israeli politics. James reynolds. Well, the worlds been watching south africa very closely lately, butjacob zuma is still president even though hes officially been asked to resign for the sake of the country. Earlier, in pretoria the governing party, the anc announced that its executive had told zuma to go as soon as possible. The party is clear about what it wants this was said in the News Conference. The collective of the anc believe that indeed president Cyril Ramaphosa must take over the presidency. You cant then have another president who is still president of the anc. Jacob zuma is expected to respond to that by wednesday and were hearing hell hold a News Conference at 8 gmt tomorrow thats 10am local South African time, but remember hes under no legal obligation to step down as president yet, and so far, says hell resign in 3 to 6 months which isnt what his party wants. This is the man waiting in the wings, ready to take the job of president the partys leader, Cyril Ramaphosa. Our africa editor fergal keane is following the developments from johannesburg. Well, were going to know tomorrow morning. Its been disclosed here that he will meet the top six leaders of the African National congress, including the man who would be his political nemesis, Cyril Ramaphosa, the organisations president , and at that point he will give his response. What we do know up until now is he is saying he will not resign. If the anc wants to force him from office they are going to have to do that. He can fight if he wishes, but this is only going one way. The question is, does his clinging on split the African National congress . After cars oldest liberation movements. He still has a substantial degree of support in the party. The question is over the last month since Cyril Ramaphosa have taken month since Cyril Ramaphosa have ta ken over month since Cyril Ramaphosa have taken overenough month since Cyril Ramaphosa have taken over enough people have seen the way the wind is blowing and will iiow the way the wind is blowing and will now why not behind Cyril Ramaphosa, and critically if it gets to a motion of no confidence in the parliament, will they decide they can vote along with Opposition Mps to remove Jacob Zuma Office . To remove jacob zuma from office . The foreign minister of the netherlands, Halbe Zijlstra has resigned after admitting to lying about meeting russian president Vladimir Putin at his dacha in 2006. He claimed that he overheard the russian president talking about expansionist ambitions whereby putin defined greater russia as russia, belarus, ukraine and the baltic states, which are estonia, lithuania and latvia. But doubts emerged about the story and he later admitted to lying about meeting putin, in order to protect his source. He said, the manner in which i wanted to protect my source and underscore my message about russia was not sensible, that is crystal clear. And today, in an emotional speech to parliament, he resigned. Translation so as not to burden the position of the minister of Foreign Affairs i see no other option now than to offer my resignation today to his majesty, the king. Ido to his majesty, the king. I do this with regret in my heart. But in the full conviction that the netherlands deserves a minister of Foreign Affairs who is above any form of doubt. Hugging the dutch Prime Minister there. Anna holligan has more on the reaction to these events. An extraordinary story indeed. On monday we heard from the Dutch Foreign minister, admitting he had lied about this meeting with president putin back in 2006, in which he had claimed the russian president had outlined his plans for a greater russia, which were said to include the baltic states, ukraine, bezel belarus and kazakhstan. Today Halbe Zijlstra apologised and he said the netherlands describes a foreign minister who was beyond reproach, and it had been the biggest mistake of his political career. Initially the dutch Prime Minister mark rutte had stuck by his man, saying minister mark rutte had stuck by his man, saying that although he shouldnt have claimed to have been somewhere he was the crux of his comments were true. And then a former shell executive e mailed a dutch newspaper to say he had been at the meeting, which Halbe Zijlstra had not attended, and that actually these comments were made in an historical context. Halbe zijlstra was supposed to be travelling to moscow this week to meet his russian counterpart, sergey lavrov, to discuss amongst other things the downing of flight mh17 which left 298 people dead, but his position despite his attempts to hang on by the political skin of his teeth clearly has become untenable and thatis clearly has become untenable and that is why we have now see them stand down as the netherlands foreign minister. Thank you. Stay with us on outside source still to come. Waging a war on waste well take a look at how companies are helping clean up the oceans by cutting down on plastics. In liverpool today the former football coach Barry Bennell was found guilty of sex offences against young boys in the 1980s. The 64 year old denied a0 charges young boys in the 1980s. The 6a year old denied a0 charges of abusing boys in his care while coaching at major football clubs. Ben ando was in court. This afternoon the jury started returning verdicts. Of the a8 counts they were asked to consider they found him guilty of 36 charges, involving ten different victims, boys aged 8 ia at the time of the abuse that took place in the 1980s. There are legal restrictions on what we can report today. Youre watching outside source. The s. s. The headlines. Americas intelligence agencies have said that russia has never stopped trying to meddle in us politics, and is a threat to novembers mid term elections. A 17 year old palestinian girl who was charged with assault after a video went viral showing her hitting two Israeli Soldiers has gone on trial in a military court. Ahed tamimi arrived for her hearing with her hands and feet shackled. Proceedings got under way behind closed doors, as she is being tried as a minor. Yesterday we told you about cyclone gita heading for tonga. Well, now rescue teams in the Pacific Island state are assessing the extent of the damage after it hit the capital, nukualofa. Many buildings were destroyed, including a Catholic Church and the Main Parliament building. Thousands of tongans are in evacuation centres. And a lot of people have been reading about a man smuggling cocaine in fake buttocks. He was detained in lisbons International Airport after landing with on a flight from brazil. He is accused of carrying i kilo of drugs enough to make 5,000 individual doses of cocaine. Yesterday we told you about the a refugee crisis in uganda. Its caused by ethnic clashes in the democratic republic of congo that have forced thousands to flee the country. People have been crossing lake albert which sits here on the border with uganda after attacks intensified here in ituri over the past week. T . Of emergency there are than 16,000 people there are more than 16,000 people who have been waiting here for registration. Some have been standing the whole day. It is a slow process. The humanitarian organisations say they were not prepared to handle the kind of numbers coming, and more people are still crossing over from the democratic republic of congo, some using canoes and boats across lake albert to the ugandan side. The eastern side, where they come from particularly, is deeply troubled and has been for many years, with different conflicts happening across the region. The region is mineral rich and therefore is important not only for the democratic republic of congo, but also this region, the Eastern African region, and the interests there, so it is a complex situation and these people have found themselves in the midst of something they say they dont understand. We ask why they are here, and they say they have been attacked but they do not know why and they do not understand what the trigger of those attacks was. Anne soy reporting from uganda. The United States is set to become the worlds leading oil producer at some point next year. Thats according to the International Energy agency which says the fracking boom could lead to the worlds biggest economy overtaking saudi arabia and russia. Joe millerjoins us now from new york. Hello, joe. What is fuelling americas rise as an energy giant . Put simply, it is economics. Just a few years ago when oil prices started to slump because Global Demand weakened, it looked like the american fracking industry, based mainly in texas and new mexico, it looked to be on its last legs because it could no longer be profitable. What has happened since is they have just got more efficient, a lot of cost cutting measures and a lot of fracking sites have come back online, and this has led to a huge increase in supply, so quite good news i suppose for america, and we saw a shipment of oilfrom the us america, and we saw a shipment of oil from the us to the uae, america, and we saw a shipment of oilfrom the us to the uae, the middle east, topsy turvy Energy Market these days, but what is not so market these days, but what is not so good is the supply is higher than the demands of their is still quite a lot of pressure on energy prices, oil prices. I wonder if Donald Trumps attitude to fossil fuels which we have heard so much about over recent months is having an impact on this . Well, he certainly hasnt hindered it. He has relaxed some of the regulations are planned to relax some of the regulations around fracking but what happened here is really an economic story, about cost cutting, and it was happening before donald trump came into office and it has continued after he has done so. I doubt that will perhaps stop him and other members of his administration is taking credit, that remains to be seen, but really what is happening here is a story in texas and new mexico with new hydraulic techniques for fracking that brings down the cost a lot. Brings the cost down dramatically. What impact could this have on the cost of oil around the globe . It is not good for the cost around the globe because, put simply, the more oil there is, the more downward pressure on the price, and it also means that the oil cartel opec and basically most of the Oil Producing countries outside of the usa, they have been trying to boost the price by pushing down supply, boost the price by pushing down supply, restricting supply, and because there is all of this shale oil out of the us, their efforts are essentially not working, so it really m ea ns essentially not working, so it really means the mechanisms to control prices other countries have, they are failing, and the us really is in the driving seat now, so it could have quite an effect, quite a pressurising effect on oil prices. It remains to be seen of course and it is all down to how quickly the World Economy grows. Joe, thank you very much, from new york. Plastic is one of the worlds favourite packaging materials. Its cheap and efficient for transporting goods. But only a fraction of it is recycled. Vivienne nunis reports now on the demand for greener alternatives. At least 8 Million Tonnes of plastic ends up in the ocean each year. One of the biggest culprits is the consumer goods industry. The Plastic Packaging is often used just once before being thrown away. A tenth of the plastics in the world is actually recycled so that leaves 90 either buried, burned or lost into the environment. Now, and number of companies are trying to stem the tide. British firm recycling technologies thinks this machine can be a game changer. It takes difficult items like food wrappers, toothpaste tubes, coffee cups and bin liners, at very high temperatures, and brea ks at very high temperatures, and breaks down the plastic to its raw material. And at the end of the process you get Something Like this, and oil that can be sold back to Petrochemical Companies to be made back into plastic once again. Many plastics and currently only be recycled ones. This company, which makes household cleaning products, once its bottles to be recycled again and again. The more sustainable system we can have on plastic usage, so everyone use transparent bottles, because then all bottles could be recycled back and any bottle could be used to be recycled into any other bottle. As more Companies Look for ways to tackle the problem of plastic waste, costs will come down. Vivienne nunis, bbc news. A malaysian newspaper has a check list on how to spot gay people. Remember, homosexuality is illegal in malaysia. The articles in malay in the sinar harian daily newspaper, but weve translated a bit of it. It says gay men like to wear tight clothes to show off their six packs, have adoptive brothers and adore beards, moustaches and branded clothes. It goes on to say lesbians hate men and enjoy belittilng them, love to spend time alone, and enjoy hugging and holding hands. Its prompted a backlash from lgbt groups. Arwind kumar is an activist and one of malaysias biggest social media stars he posted this video on youtube. There are much more important issues in this country to be addressed in this is not one of them. Explain to them up or molester, a kidnapper, a murderer, those people who are in of another. How the hell does a gay person endanger your life . If you really wa nt person endanger your life . If you really want to help this society. Probably with this article that could have saved many lives, but this article will only take away lives, and if that is what you are happy doing because you want less 93v happy doing because you want less gay people in this country, good job for you i spoke with Boris Dittrich, director of the lgbt programme with the Human Rights Watch, berlin heres his reaction to the article. The words that come to mind are stupidity, ignorance, prejudice, and possibly dangerous. Because as you said in the introduction malaysia is a country where homosexual conduct is criminalised and were for instance cross dressing is illegal, many transgender where men are arrested, for instance, and there is public hostility towards lgbt people, so when a newspaper runs a story like this, so stupid, it could also maybe incite people to become aggressive and, you know, try to target lgbt people. As well as offensive, this article is potentially dangerous . Yes, because there is so much ignorance in malaysia about what it means to be homosexual, and that is because, for instance, the media, and the mainstream newspapers, they are government controlled. They never write anything balanced about homosexuality. They dont provide honest information. Usually when there is something about lgbt people, it is quite scandalous, and so people, it is quite scandalous, and so the general public doesnt know a lot of facts about lgbt people and so lot of facts about lgbt people and so when such an article is being published many people might believe it, so what i think, and what Human Rights Watch thinks is imported, sexual education should be taught in schools so young people will learn about sexuality, including homosexuality. One brief final question. Do you think this article and the furore that has accompanied it, at least outside of malaysia, has done anything to open up the question about homosexuality in malaysia . Well, because the media are government controlled there will be some smaller news outlets, yes, that will Pay Attention to this, but im afraid that the general public that reads the sinar harian in the malay language will not be included in this public discussion, but thats why Human Rights Watch publishes reports about discrimination of lgbt people, and hopefully those reports will lead to a public discussion. That was Boris Dittrich of Human Rights Watch. Lets tell you what is coming up. The top spy chiefs all lined up talking to the senate committee, and we will be talking about the threat that they see as opposed to the United States by north korea. Stay with us. We will be back in a few minutes. Hello. A relatively quiet weather story at the moment, but that said there are two storms to point out. One is moving away from the southern philippines, and this is starting to weaken as it moves across cool waters. Further south and east, this was Tropical Cyclone gita, quitea and east, this was Tropical Cyclone gita, quite a significant storm particularly for the island of tonga, the biggest they had seen in 70 years. Power lines down, it com pletely 70 years. Power lines down, it completely demolish the Parliament Building with significant disruption across the capital of the island. We saw sustained winds of 160 mph gusts, well in excess of that, then it moved across the islands of fiji, but it continues to track in a westerly direction and continues to wea ken westerly direction and continues to weaken all the time so we are not concerned about that. It looks like it will continue to decay. Across to australia we will need to keep a close eye on the northern territories, cluster of showers may develop into a storm. We are seeing her frontal system moving away from tasmania towards new zealand. Elsewhere, heat building but a relatively quiet story. We can see this in the five day forecast. Herath will see some beautiful weather with temperatures perhaps into the low 30s. Moving away from australia, we have been looking quite a lot at parts of korea, all due to the Winter Olympics, and the winds have been a feature, but i suspect over the next days the winds will start to ease slightly and it will start to ease slightly and it will stay dry. Dry weather across much of china. It looks like this continues to track and a westerly direction and may well interact with vietnam over the next few days, but by then not a storm, just bringing some enhanced rainfall. A good deal of dry weather in the five day city forecasts. It looks like bangkok will see some beautiful blue sky and sunshine through the middle part of the week. North america stays quite quiet as well, a southerly breeze starting to introduce something a little less cold and some sharp showers moving out of texas towards tennessee. A weather front end from the Pacific North west, snow on the leading edge of a few scattered showers perhaps likely in the southern half of california. That front in British Columbia may well bring greater seattle in the next few days, and elsewhere it is quite a quite unsettled story to come. But certainly not across europe at the moment. One storm moving through the black sea and another bringing heavy rain, strong winds and some rain across central and southern italy. Strong to Gale Force Gusts of wind and snow with the leading edge of scotla nd and snow with the leading edge of scotland moving through france and over into the pyrenees. Here it will stay pretty unsettled but it is a south westerly wind so it is introducing something a little less cold. Take care. Hello, im karin giannone, this is outside source, and these are the main stories here in the bbc newsroom. Americas top intelligence agencies have been laying out the threats to the us. Well look at the list and focus on the top threat theyve all named, russia. There should be no doubt russia perceives that its past efforts were successful and will use the 2008 in us mid term elections as a potential target for russian influence operations. Jacob zumas own party, the anc, tells the South African president to step down urgently. Were expecting to hear from him early tomorrow morning. Every day, outside source features bbc journalists working in over 30 languages. Your questions are always welcome. Bbcos is the hashtag. We started this hour covering the heads of the Us Intelligence services and their concerns about russian meddling. Now i want to turn to what they said about north korea. The cia director mike pompeo says north korea poses a Nuclear Threat to the United States. Heres what he had to say. Our analysts remain concerned that kimjong un is not hearing the full story, that is, that those around him arent providing nuance, arent suggesting to him the tenuous nature of his position, both internationally and domestically. I can bring in Barbara Plett usher, our state department correspondent. Barbara, weve been focusing a lot lately on the thawing relations between north and south korea on the sidelines of the Winter Olympics. At these intelligence chiefs still see north korea as a very real threat . But these. See north korea as a very real threat . But these. Yes, they do, for several reasons, first, north koreas determination to be able to carry out a Nuclear Attack on the us and the other is its ability to do so and those increasingly sophisticated missile tests we saw last year showed it was getting closer and closer to that capability, to be measured in months, not years, probably. Also, the intelligence agencies assessed that kim jong un is the intelligence agencies assessed that kimjong un is not the intelligence agencies assessed that kim jong un is not about to negotiate away his Nuclear Weapons which is what the us is demanding because he sees it as crucial to the survival of the regime. You have defrosting on the korean peninsula, diplomacy between north and south korea and in the face of the success of that so far, the us has endorsed a deeper in gauge went after the olympics with the possibility of talks with the us perhaps come that is what we had Rex Tillerson and mike pence talking about. But i think the intelligence agencies are focusing much more on the chance of another missile test rather than the chance of a diplomatic breakthrough. On the role of the us in this, where does the thaw, however temporary or permanent, between north and south korea, leave the us . It is interesting, isnt it . The us position has been one of maximum pressure which means to sanction north korea and isolate it, to try to get it to the negotiating table, ready to talk about denuclearisation, whereas instead of being isolated, it has great publicity from coming out to the olympics with kim jong uns sister, with the cheerleaders and the athletes and it has painted a picture that is hard to go against in Public Relations terms. Where it leaves the us if they have had a chat with south korea who have convinced them that even if they are talking to north korea, they wont give them anything. They wont ease sanctions or give investment or aid u nless sanctions or give investment or aid unless north korea comes up with some goods on denuclearisation and on the basis of that, the us says, 0k, on the basis of that, the us says, ok, those talks should be able to go ahead and maybe we will even talk although we are going to keep sanctions on as tightly as ever until we see some results from it. It has put the us on the back foot a bit. Now, i want to follow up on a story we brought you yesterday, the iraq reconstruction meetings in kuwait. The us secretary of state Rex Tillerson is there have a listen. The enduring defeat of isis in iraq and syria means all members of the Coalition Must support and sustain the post isis stabilisation efforts. This means continuing to provide essential aid and services to communities which are only now starting to rebuild. What is the us actually committing in order to assist iraq moving forward . In order to assist iraq moving forward . Not reconstruction, we have heard again and again that the administration does not do nation building. It is trying to encourage iraqs neighbours, especially arab countries in the gulf, to come forward with reconstruction assistance and especially the private sector. It has some us Companies Participating in this conference, the Us Import Export Bank has just signed a 3 billion memo with the finance ministry saying they will provide financing to facilitate such projects. Still quite a big ask for the private sector to invest in this kind of climate with security risks and corruption risks but the Us Government says it is focusing its money on humanitarian aid and also on what it calls stabilisation, the areas where isis has been defeated, preparing them for people to return back, like basic services and that kind of thing. Rex tillerson said the us would supply some 200 million extra to syria for the stabilisation process. Thank you for joining us. Barbara plett usher in washington. Well, lets look at north korea from their neighbours perspetive. That relationship is improving. North koreas state media said that leader kim jong un is delighted with the outcome of his countrys attendance at the games. Accompanying the report was this unusually relaxed picture of mr kim with his delegation that had just spent three days in south korea. You can see here his sister kim yo jong and to the left the norths ceremonial head of state, kim yong nam. Both are linking arms with him and kim yong nam is practically holding his hand. The report also says mr kim thanks the south for specially prioritising the norths attendance at the games and gave instructions on how to liven up the warm climate of reconciliation and dialogue. The question is whether this Charm Offensive is working beyond the two koreas. Today the south korean president president moonjae in said the us is open to talking with the north. Laura bicker is at the Winter Olympics in pyeongchang. Over two months ago, kim jong un fired his last missile, and here we are as the two sides exchanged warm words. The state media reported that the north Korean Leader described the way that the south korean government treated his sister and other north korean delegates as very impressive, as sincere. He also went on to say that they provided a warm climate for further dialogue and further unification. Now when it comes to that wish, he has already invited the south korean president , moonjae in, to visit pyongyang. That is something that he will have to mull over and will have to decide what kind of conditions he will put on that visit. Meanwhile, president moonjae in has confirmed that the us is open to talks with north korea. That is a Significant Development and a significant diplomatic breakthrough for president moonjae in, because there had been this wedge between the us and south korea. South korea wants to pursue a twin approach to north korea. It wants to pursue this approach of maximum pressure and sanctions but it also wants to engage with the north, to talk to them. At the start of mike pences visit here during the Winter Olympics, it seemed that was not something the us was willing to do. It now seems that they are at least willing to talk about talks. Theres a huge hurdle in the way, though, and that is north Koreas Nuclear programme. So far, the north has refused to put that on the table and that will be something that is difficult for the International Community to come to terms with. However, if you look at critics, people who believe, some people believe that president moonjae in is on the wrong track, that he has given pyongyang a propaganda platform at these olympics. The Japanese Foreign minister has even described his approach as naive. Others, however, believe that he may be on the brink of something, including enabling talks between the us and north korea, and that is something that he has been looking for since he came to power eight months ago. Lets get back to this picture released by the north koreas state media. There have been previous photos showing affection between members of the kim family and even Senior North Korean officials. This latest photograph is reminiscent of this old photo from the 1970s showing mr kims aunt, kim kyong hui, with her arm around kim il sung. Thats kim jong il on the right. In this picture, a girl is shown overwhelmed with emotion as she holds the arm of the then leader kim jong il. Kim jong un has also held the arms or hands of elder senior officials and even civilians before. These Fruit Farmers are seen locking their arms with kim jong uns. And last year mr kim was even pictured giving an official a piggyback to celebrate what state media said was the successful test of a rocket engine. Dont forget you can get much more detail on our top stories on our website. Its no secret thatjihadi groups use the internet to recruit. Their successes in cyberspace have sucked in many young fighters. Many of them have left their homes, even here in britain, for bloody wars in syria and iraq. Some are drawn by the grim videos posted by this group, the Islamic State. Theyre the sort of propaganda videos that governments are trying to catch before they enter the online world. Well today, the uk unveiled a tool which it says can do just that detect this type of content and remove it instantly. Its been tested on thousands of hours of videos posted by the Islamic State successfully detecting up to 9a of videos posted, with almost total accuracy. It works in the upload process, so the video is stopped before reaching the internet. Research suggests Islamic State used up to a00 different websites for propaganda last year. The challenge now is predicting which areas of the internet terror groups could use next. Amal rajan reports. Militaristic, cinematic and often shot with high level production values, these propaganda videos for the so called Islamic State espouse terror and hatred. Theyre also easy to find on the internet right now. What we have here are two videos, one of which is extremist content, the other which is perfectly legitimate news coverage. Now an Artificial Intelligence firm in london has used home office money to target such extremist content. The creators claim the technology, which is obviously secret, can spot 9a of is content online with an accuracy of 99. 995 . The technology distinguishes between news and extremism and flags up examples such as the one on the right, with a high probability of being extremist content, to be vetted by a human. What we are looking to do is to try and remove this content from the public web. If it requires somebody to have ten passwords and an incredibly complicated tor browser before they can get access to content, we see that as a win. It means that it cantjust be shared between friends on, like, their mobile phones. While attention is focused on big firms like twitter, google and facebook, crucially, this technology will benefit smaller platforms, who will have free use of it. Islamic state supporters used over a00 unique platforms last year, 1a5 of them for the first time. Like other forms of modern media, terrorist propaganda has now shifted online. Whats so striking about this new tool is both that its funded by government rather than technology firms, and that its powered by Artificial Intelligence. In other words, its an admission that machines rather than manpower will be most effective at finding and removing extremist material online. One former jihadist who now works in counter radicalisation argues that terrorists will always adapt their methods to find new audiences, and the platforms need to be willing to take action. The big players in this area are taking a lot of action, but weve found that its the Smaller Companies who arent necessarily prepared to play ball with government, sometimes because theyre suspicious of government, sometimes because they simply dont regard it as being part of their business model. Its not yet clear how widely the technology will be taken up, but the government says its instinct is to collaborate with industry. Were not going to rule out taking legislative action if we need to do it, but i remain convinced that the best way to take real action to have the best outcomes is to have an industry led form like the one weve got. Your algorithms are doing that grooming and that radicalisation. Its a war of attrition, but the chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee Says the onus is still on the biggest digital companies. I think its imperative on the tech giants, on all of these companies to do more to operate swiftly to remove illegal material. If they dont, there has to be some form of penalty on them for not doing this, because in the end, this is about illegal material. Its important to be realistic about the costs and consequences of the open web. While technology and government pressure can reduce harm, the fight against digital extremism is a war without end. Amol rajan, bbc news. Nakita malik is the director of the centre for the response to radicalisation and terrorism. Lets hear her views on this new tool. I dont think it is a game changer but i do think it is a step in the right direction. We have to remember that nothing beats human intelligence so although the softwa re intelligence so although the software is very good in spotting trends, what we have already begun to see when we analyse islamists and far right propaganda, which we do on a regular basis at my organisation, is the islamists and the jihadists and extremists are always one step ahead of the technology already, they know how to skirt policy guidelines, to make sure that they are using certain language or symbolism that only the insiders of their group symbolism that only the insiders of theirgroup can symbolism that only the insiders of their group can understand. The softwa re their group can understand. The software is good at removing perhaps the bulk of the material but the real nuance and the trends and how this will change remains to be seen and we also have to remember that the Islamic State is just one group which was found through a foundation of islamist ideology, starting with alanda, with the taliban and now what we see with Islamic State. We really have to look at the bigger picture, although it is a step in the right direction. I dont know the right direction. I dont know the details of the software but from what i can understand, it is quite similarto what i can understand, it is quite similar to the way that, say, child pornography details are seen on the internet, how visuals and videos can be removed in that way so yes, it is useful and in the past we have seen unsuspecting smaller websites like etsy hosting islamist material com pletely etsy hosting islamist material completely by accident and not knowing what to do about it so it is good having said that, however, the Search Engines still posed a lots of handbooks, they host poison manuals, they housed a lot of disturbing material which we interact with and flag up to be social media providers ona flag up to be social media providers on a daily basis. So id really like to see changes in that and also in legislation. We have yet to see what exactly the government means by extremism. The threat of terrorism has hit the tourist industy in a number of countries on the continent. Not least tunisia, where in 2015, 38 people were shot dead at a beach resort. And today, for the First Time Since that incident, a british tour company, thomas cook, is taking tourists back to the country. Frank gardner reports on the measures that tunisia has taken to ensure security. Tunis by night, and a National Guard unit prepares to raid a suspected terrorist hideout. Since two devastating attacks in 2015, this country has vowed to stamp out terrorism and make tunisia safe for tourists. Well, theyve just gone into a house here. We can hear some shouts. Were in a tiny little backstreet, and theyre looking for members of an isis cell that has been in libya, they suspect, so the whole street is flooded with these armed National Guard soldiers. Three years ago, on this beach near sousse, an isis gunman shot dead 38 people, 30 of them british. Now, tunisia is getting training from royal navy instructors in maritime security, while met Police Detectives have been training up hotel staff. At four key airports, British Aviation experts have installed new screening equipment. In this resort town, where thomas cook is taking the first returning british tourists, i asked the Hotel Manager what precautions he is taking. We have around 60 cameras all around the hotel. The exterior cameras are all monitored 24 hours by persons behind the screens. But tunisia sits in a dangerous neighbourhood. Across this border, libya is in chaos, and isis has bases. The manchester bomber trained in libya, and so did the sousse gunman. Back in the capital tunis, the night raid yields results. Suspects are arrested and will now face trial. Tunisia has made huge progress against terrorism, but if its tourist industry is to recover fully, it will need to stay vigilant. Frank gardner, bbc news, tunisia. The funeral of prominent pakistani human rights activist and lawyer, Asma Jahangir, has been held in lahore. Senior government officials and members of the Legal Profession were among the mourners who attended. Msjahangir who died on sunday campaigned for womens rights throughout her career. Bbc urdus henna saeed was there and sent us this report. Hundreds of people came out here at the gaddafi stadium in lahore today to pay tribute to the prominent human rights activist and lawyer Asma Jahangir. Asma had a great Fan Following in pakistan, especially with women, because she was a voice for women who were suppressed here. She fought for the rights of women, and got them justice. A large number of such women, her friends, family, co workers, they all came to her house today to see her for the very last time, then they formed groups and came here as they walked to the stadium in lahore where they offered the final funeral prayers. For the first time in pakistan, men and women stood side by side in the funeral prayers. Never has this country seen this scenario, and this is what Asma Jahangir wanted in her life, to see men and women stand by together. Asmas last wish has been granted, although there were voices from across pakistan that she should be given a state funeral, but nothing was finalised in that, and now she has been laid to rest in bedian graveyard. Henna saeed, bbc news, pakistan. Lets bring you a story from australia now, which is marking ten years since it said sorry to its Indigenous People for the wrongs of the past. This is what the former Prime Minister kevin rudd said to parliament back in 2008. The pain, suffering and hurt of these stolen generations, their descendants and for their families left behind, we say sorry. Applause it was a defining moment in australias history. This was the scene in the Capital Canberra that day. Thousands watched. Many of them described it as a watershed moment. Up until the 1970s, Aboriginal Children thousands of them were taken from their families. They became known as the stolen generations. So ten years on, the question is are indigenous australians still being disadvantaged . Heres a tweet from an indigenous rights campaigner, roxy moore who says . On monday the government released this report, closing the gap, which found that although its made some progress in reducing inequality, it still has a long way to go in several areas. One of them is closing the Life Expectancy gap. More now from our reporter Hywell Griffiths who is in canberra. The apology ten years ago was a cathartic moment for australia. It is hard to overestimate its significance at the time. I have been speaking to survivors of the stolen generations, people who were taken from their families and they told me how they cried for hours on that day ten years ago. A lot of the focus today has been on progress or the lack of it. Sadly, we know that things like Life Expectancy for indigenous australians is far lower than nonindigenous. When it comes to employment rates, for example, the gap has widened in the last decade. The employment rate for indigenous australians is 25 lower. There is some progress being made but one of the other concerns we have heard about is talk of a new stolen generation, the high number of children from indigenous families taken into children from indigenous families ta ken into out children from indigenous families taken into out of home care. They account for about 35 of the children in care although proportionally, they are only about 596 proportionally, they are only about 5 of all children in australia so you can see there are difficult issues that people are still grappling with. In terms of Aboriginal Community leaders, they are asking for more self determination, for them to come up self determination, for them to come up with the answers rather than be dictated to by the government. But it isa dictated to by the government. But it is a difficult balance for the Australian Federal government. They wa nt Australian Federal government. They want inclusiveness, to be the government for all australians. We spoke to warren mundine, an aboriginal leader in northern queensland, who told us about what kind of progress has been made in his community. Well, its a bit of a mixed bag, to be quite honest, but first of all ive got to congratulate the former Prime Minister kevin rudd. It was a major step. I was in the parliament that day and i actually cried when he made that apology. So it was a major step forward. There are many things that are improving but there are also many things that are not moving forward. I have just. Im up in cairns because i have just come from a tour of free remote aboriginal communities, looking at the challenges that we need to face to move ahead, but im very pleased there is more of a sensible approach in regard to if we are going to lift people out of poverty and bring them in the mainstream economy and the global economy, and we have to be able to deal with issues of education, health and housing. There needs to be Economic Development and that is what the major focus is now. Before we go i want to introduce you to some robots that are getting everyones attention. You may have already seen this and had a reaction to it. This is the spot mini robot. It was designed by boston dynamics and it has an extendable arm that opens doors. But a lot of people are saying its downright creepy. This clip has been picked up and shared widely on social media. The news editor of buzzfeed says, this is one of the most terrifying things ive seen in all my life. Comedian and daily show host Trevor Noah Trevornoah replied to that saying, all i see is a robot being a gentleman. Thank you very much for watching. Five. Goodbye. Hello. If you were with me this time yesterday you might remember that the big story for the next ten days is for things to turn quieter and that remains the case but not yet. At the moment, the jet stream, that remains the case but not yet. At the moment, thejet stream, the wind high up in the atmosphere, still whistling across the atlantic at quite a speed and that is generating areas of low pressure like this one which is actually going to dominate the scene for the next couple of days. During wednesday, it will bring a frontal system eastwards and in many ways, wednesday is a repeat performance of tuesday in that we will have some strong and gusty winds ahead of the front, southern areas will see mostly rain but for north wales, north midlands northwards, some snow mixed in, increasingly confined to Higher Ground in scotland as we get into later in the day. There will be increasingly mild air is spreading in from the south west. Through wednesday night, that frontal system pushes away but the area of low pressure, the engine room for the weather, remains in place up to the north west. That will spin some wintry showers in across Northern Ireland and scotland on a fairly blustery westerly wind. Further south, fewer showers, more dry weather, a fair amount of sunshine, sticking with that milder feel down to the south, a bit chilly, though, in Northern Areas. That area of low pressure, that spinning engine room, remains up to the north west on friday but this little bump of High Pressure starts to have a bit more ofan pressure starts to have a bit more of an influence and certainly across england and wales, friday should be largely fine, could be a cold and frosty start but then we will see sunshine and temperatures doing pretty nicely, 7 10, still some outbreaks of showreel rain with sleet and snow across Northern Ireland and scotland. There could still be one or two showers in Northern Areas on saturday but as our High Pressure as more and more influence, more of us will get into dry weather and sea spells of sunshine and those temperatures starting to rise, even in Northern Areas, 8 degrees for aberdeen and edinburgh. High pressure becomes the dominant influence as we move out on saturday and into sunday. The first sign of the quieter spell of weather and with High Pressure by this stage likely to be just to the south of the british isles, it will allow us to bring this fairly mild south westerly airflow across the country. On sunday, there are likely to be fairly large areas of cloud, perhaps the odd shower here and there but spells on sunshine and well and they milder feel, even aberdeen and stornoway up to 10 degrees, double digits for many towns and cities across the uk. And then we look further ahead it into our quiet period. Why are things quietening down . It is called southern stratospheric warming where the normally westerly winds around the normally westerly winds around the arctic, high above our heads in the arctic, high above our heads in the stratosphere, start to slow down and even reverse direction and that means overtime, our weather down at ground level starts to slow down. Remember thejet ground level starts to slow down. Remember the jet stream that was whistling across the atlantic. Next week it looks like it will be deflected a long way northward wall street year the weather system is a long way north and allow the High Pressure to have more and more control over our weather. But its now looks likely that the High Pressure will drift a bit further north through the week and instead of mild south westerly winds, we will be enough firing line for very cold easterly winds the continent. What that means through next week is a lot of dry weather, often a fair amount of cloud, should be fairly mild at first but it looks increasingly likely that it will turn colder later and that could bring some snow showers. Tonight at 10pm the former football coach Barry Bennell, is convicted of more than 30 counts of child abuse. Bennell had denied dozens of offences involving 11 boys, one of whom claimed to have been abused on more than ten separate occasions. During the trial, witnesses described how bennell had exercised a power hold over them, as ambitious young players. The jury asked for more time to consider seven others counts, well have the latest from Liverpool Crown court. Also tonight jacob zuma is formally told by his own party, to stand down, as president of south africa, following allegations of corruption. Lung cancer patients, including many who have never smoked, say its time to devote far more resources to research. It felt like i was being punished for a crime i hadnt committed. Ive never smoked. In fact, i used to be the butt ofjokes at school because i wouldnt

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