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At four key airports, British Aviation experts have installed new screening equipment. So i asked britains ambassador, how safe is it now . Well, no country is 100 safe, as we saw with the tragic attacks in london and manchester last year. But it is safer here than it was in 2015, because the tunisians capability has improved. In the resort town of hammamet, where thomas cook is taking the first returning british tourists, i asked the Hotel Manager what precautions hes taking. We have around 60 cameras all around the hotel. The exterior cameras are all monitored 2a hours by persons behind the screens. But tunisia sits in a dangerous neighbourhood. Across this border, libya is in chaos, and isis has bases. The manchester bomber trained in libya, and so did the sousse gunman. Back in the capital tunis, the night raid yields results. Suspects are arrested and will now face trial. Tunisia has made huge progress against terrorism, but if its tourist industry is to recover fully, it will need to stay vigilant. Frank gardner, bbc news, tunisia. Thats a summary of the news, newsday is coming up at midnight. Now on bbc news its time for newsnight with evan davis. The stopped and searched i was around 11 years old. The first timei around 11 years old. The first time i got. He would not tell us a description we fitted except for being black, probably. Tonight the views of young black men on what it means to be a target of police stop and search. So what would you do if you were running the police in london, trying to deal with knife crime . You might think that stop and search works, but is that at the cost of Community Relations . Well ask the deputy mayor for policing and crime in london whether she thinks stop and search is the right. 0xfam the Charities Commission opens a statutory inquiry into allegations of misconduct in haiti, but are they investigating a crime or a cover up . Well discuss charity transparency. And south africa stands on the brink of a historic change of president. Is this a Second Chance for the country to put itself on the right road . Hello. How do we stop knife crime . And what should be the role of police stop and search in preventing it . Its quite a dilemma, this, in london right now, because knife crime in the capital is at a six year high. Last year there were 134 knife murders in the capital, and im afraid there was another death yesterday afternoon. Everybody acknowledges the tragedy of it, but what do we do . Now, the met commissioner Cressida Dick has said she thinks that more stop and search may be useful. After all, knife crime rose just as stop and search was being scaled back. So thats one view. But there is a cost to stop and search in the goodwill that is lost from the black community who know they are the ones who are stopped most often, particularly young black men. Before we hear that perspective, take a look at some Key Statistics on this. The starkest figure is this in the last 12 months, the chance of being stopped in london was almost five times higherfor black rather than white men. Hence the sense that it is a racially charged policy. But of course the police can say that reflects where the crime is. So the crucial piece of data is whether they are stopping more innocent black men than white men. And there is a small amount of evidence for that. In the last 12 months, looking at is to i9 year olds, 29 of searches led to some follow up on white men; 25 did on black men. Its not a huge difference but, yes, the searches on black men are marginally less fruitful than those on the white, which suggests the police dont have the balance quite right and are searching too many black men. But to stress the dilemma, lets remember that it is young black men who need protecting they were the victims of 29 of knife homicides in london last year. Well, thats the dry data. Hear now what young black men in the capital themselves think. Film maker sarah 0connell has been finding out exactly that for us. My name is p] taylor, im 28 years old and ive been stopped and searched about eight or nine times. It gets countless after a while, its something that happens. 0h, stop and search today, what happened, and then you talk about something else. The first time was when i was 14, playing on the estate in brixton and the police were on foot, they came up to us and said they were going to stop and search us. We had to stand up against the wall and they threatened us about running away. There was no level of respect, we just stood there, watched each other get searched and emptied the pockets, getting frisked, front and behind, top to bottom. Nothing was explained to us, theyjust done it. Like i said, we were 14 years old, we were just playing out. How i felt at the time, scared, hoping i dont get in trouble with my mum because i want to play tomorrow after school. My name is shanin omara, im 32 and have been stopped and searched at least 20 times in my life. They start by saying that theyve had lots of incidents in this area and ive heard that over and over in my life. The first time they stop you they tried the good cop, bad cop approach where one of them will try and be the more friendly version saying, 0k, were going to be going to do this, this kind of crime is happening in the area and you start questioning yourself. What was i doing, where am i going . Why do i need to tell you what im doing . I am 25 and ive been stopped and searched so many times i cant remember how many. The first time i was around 11, 12 years old. A lot of the times, when i was stopped and searched as a child, the police would say its because theres been robberies in the area but they wouldnt tell us a description that we fitted, except for probably being black and wearing urban clothes. Theres times when they would just harass us. Strip search in the back of the van, touching certain places that theyre not really meant to, legally, i understand, they arent legally allowed to do. They used to really take advantage of our lack of knowledge of the law and a lot of us thought that because their police, they can do anything they want. My name is lamarjennings mckenzie, ive been stopped and searched once, when i was 13. Me and my friend was walking down the street. An undercover officer, who wasnt wearing any clothing that showed he was an officer, grabbed me. At the time i thought it was kidnappers so i was really scared for my friend. I now know that. Youre meant to show your permit, to let us know you or the police and you are going to do a stop and search. My name isjunior, i am 24 and ive been stopped and searched over 400 times, even today they still use the same language, robberies, you match the description, thats their reason, basically. When they target you from young and you done so much when you were young, they dont want to let it go. They always try and watch you. Youre more likely to be stopped and searched if you were a tracksuit because they think everybody wearing one is a drug dealer. So they target that, thats my opinion. Generally the young people i work with, identify and they dont trust the police. Even when its mostly the males who are getting stopped and searched, the girls will tell me about how they see their boyfriends or brothers etc, siblings being stopped. Do i have faith in the police . Now im going to say yeah, i do have faith in the police because not all police are. Insert aggressive word here, but they are actually doing theirjobs and they are cool ones and know how to deal with it but a lot of officers are trained on dealing with human beings. You have to respect that they are doing theirjob but theresfar way yafldo yourjflb l to do the stop and searches, are doing theirjobs correctly. You have two come correct. Personally i dont like the police but theres good police out there, good ones, bad ones, corrupted ones. A lot of them are corrupted, which is why they have a bad name because they do a lot of things behind closed doors that is not in the media. Ive been a victim of police brutality, they put me in a van and punched me up. The police are high up and being on the streets, making that accusation, you are no one. You tell me how its meant to change. I dont know where they get it from but in their mind, as soon as they see a black man or black boy they think hes a criminal, hes going to hurt me, but somebody, so they start defending themselves against something they dont need to defend themselves from. We arent going to hurt you, were just trying to get on with our lives, trying to get home the same way you are. Every time i see the police i get an uncomfortable feeling. Never comfortable with the uniform, the car, just not comfortable. I just know that they arent here to protect and me, they arent here to work for me, they have no interest in me. If the Police Officers are wearing body cameras and they are active, then they cant turn them on or off, then id feel a bit safer because right now the police can control their own cameras though if they really want to do something then it doesnt have to be filmed. Im just hoping my phone has got a battery and something that can maybe protect me. I can go live and they may not be able to do as much. Just me on the roads, if they brutalise me and im saying this officer done this, in the court of law, without camera evidence, his word is going to be taken over mine. It can sometimes turn out to be horrific, the outcomes. There was a little boy called terrell, his picture went viral on the internet. The police in a stop and search smashed his face into a window. He may be on medication for the rest of his life. What there needs to be, there needs to be more projects to give the people, youth, ambition. If youre not going to play sport or music then is looking less hopeful for you. But there is so much more than that. Investing in the youth, that is the key, rather thanjust random stop and search. Stop and search itself doesnt deal with the issue of knife crime because knife crime is a mentality issue. Nothing is going to work to be honest. There must be something . No, im trying to think. I dont think. Cut from there, where i stopped. Im done, im done. The film was made by sarah 0connell for us. So lets hear from the other side. Sophie lindon is londons deputy mayor for policing and crime. Good evening, whats your reaction to listening to those voices . Do you hear them . Ive heard them many times in the time ive worked on the police and crime and when i hear young men talking about stop and search and the lack of trust in the police it is concerning because the police are there for them, to keep them safe. As weve seen from the statistics you put up today, many victims of knife crime are young black men and theirfamilies and communities. What was striking is that they had quite nuanced views of the police, it wasnt simple or all hostility, they understand there is good and bad everywhere but low levels of general trust. Do you think they are actually wrong not to trust the police more or are they right to take the view that they do . I can understand and i have heard many times as we did on your film why some young men dont trust the police but thejob of the metropolitan police is to get into the community so that the young people who find it difficult to trust them know that the police out there on their side. There are two reasons you might not trust the police, it maybe understandable but they are good, but on the other side, you dont trust the police and you shouldnt trust the police, im wondering if you are right that they shouldnt or you sympathise with them . I think they should trust the police because they are there to protect them, to get knives off the streets, to ensure they can protect them. The reason i talk about understanding their concerns is that ive spoken to many young people like those in the film who talk about the times theyve been stopped and searched, the way it was done and how it was ineffective and they werent given proper reasons. You believe them when they say it is like that . Absolutely, we know in the past there has been blanket stop and search on the streets which has caused community tension. What were talking about with stop and search now is expecting an increase where it knife crime is increasing. In particular areas . Yes, particular areas. When police say that you match the description of a suspect of a crime in this area, and i think we heard it several times, do you believe that the police say that sometimes to justify going after someone . Or the only way they resemble the suspect is the colour of their skin. If the police are undertaking stop and search and they dont have a good reason, that is wrong. It is important to have the right intelligence because as you seen tonight, notjust in london but across in another wales, violence and knife crime is increasing which is why we have said to communities, work with us and give Us Intelligence so we can target those young people and adults who are carrying knives, and for whatever reason it is, some of them perpetrating violence and when things get out of hand, people get seriously injured or murdered. So the contention is, and you and the mayor believe this, stop and search does help in the fight against knife crime . It is only one of the tools involved in tackling knife crime. One of the Enforcement Powers the police have, and they are doing lots of other work on the street and in communities, but that is just one part, enforcement, and actually towards the end of your film the young people really did start to talk about what needs to be done to tackle knife crime and that is absolutely what were doing from the mayors office, and the metropolitan police, putting in place the measures working with schools, families and communities, but the real problem, and you picked out one figure, £22 million coming out of london. That is just one figure. We have money coming out of schools, head of Mental Health services, and only this weekend we saw other survey where headteachers were saying they couldnt get the Mental Health support young people need. We know if you really want to tackle knife crime, yes, stop and search, effectively and professionally done, but also you need to have investment in services that are really going to support young people, and that needs the government to step up and invest. I am interested in one thing, though. Scotland i think had no knife deaths of young people last year. London was a very different picture. What scotland doing that london isnt doing, and by . Sorry, scotland, going back some years, but why is it working in scotland and why not in london . We are looking at scotland and have learned the lessons there, many of the things as part of that strategy in investing in Mental Health services, putting youth workers into a e departments, but one of the key things they have done in scotland is invested in services, in services for young people, Mental Health services and work in schools, and it really is very difficult to really do that, the wide strategy of Public Health they are doing in scotland, if we dont have the investment from the government who are cutting the crucial services. So your point is it is the Central Government cuts, to your budgets, that are going to be responsible for the difference between london and scotland in the performance on this really significant measure . So Central Government cuts to local Authority Budgets or the nhs budgets, obviously 32 local authorities in london, they are making it very difficult to effectively tackle knife crime. The police can only do so much. As we all know they are the enforcement part. We need and we are investing the mayors office, in new services, Mental Health services, but compared to the money taken out by Central Government, itjust isnt enough. Sophie linden, thank you very much indeed. Thank you. The Charity Commission has opened an inquiry into 0xfam this evening in the wake of the scandal of misconduct in haiti a scandal that is not going away. The charitys chief executive, mark goldring, went to meet the International Development secretary Penny Mordaunt today. There was an apology to her, and there was also a resignation. Not mr goldring himself he only started at 0xfam in 2013, sometime after the misconduct was inadequately dealt with. But his deputy resigned today. Penny lawrence was International Programmes director at the time and said she was ashamed of what had been exposed. What about 0xfams foot soldiers, though . And its customers . Here are some voices from reading. It sounds like bad behaviour of a few people, but charities generally do a lot of good work, i think. Yeah, it wouldnt put me off. Im long term unemployed due to ill health, and im grateful for being able to volunteer for charities as well. I mean, i like the idea that im contributing towards something which hopefully does a lot of good. Do know what i mean, theyre making out theyre whiter than white, doing nicejobs, getting a nice wage packet, and theyre just taking the mickey out of everyone that puts all the money in the bucket, arent they . So really they should go to court, shouldnt they . Using the 0xfam shop, or donating, as ivejust done, it wouldnt make me feel any different to do that, but if i was going to give substantial amounts of money i would probably think more carefully about what im putting my money into, and asking a few more questions about what it is theyre doing and where that money is being invested. If people are going there they should be doing what theyre meant to, not just. Theyre not on holiday, are they . Somebody in a position of, you know, responsibility, and a position of power, who is actually going out there to help, you know, deal with a crisis, shouldnt be using and taking advantage of those who are obviously being made homeless, being made vulnerable, have potentially lost family members. You know, its just taking advantage. Its not very nice at all. Some voices from reading there. In fairness to 0xfam, it is not alone in having failed to deal with Sexual Misconduct properly. In fact, its not easy to think of an organisation that has dealt with a scandal of that kind very well. Something seems to get in the way of full openness and transparency. Penny lawrence, the 0xfam Deputy Director who resigned today, says in her biography on the charitys website, i am a passionate advocate of womens rights. There is no reason to disbelieve that, but clearly something inhibited her publicly calling out bad behaviour towards women in her own organisation. So lets think about transparency why it is so hard to be open, and how far it should be expected . Im joined by Crisis Management consultant robin swinbank, and founder of the Charities Advisory trust, dame hilary blume. A very good evening to you both. Hilary blume, why do you think people find it so hard to be transparent . They havent done anything wrong, the people in headquarters. Why do they want to quieten it all down and not exposed to people like the regulator what has been going on . I am not as complacent as you about it. I think they should be ashamed of themselves. The problem we are talking about, transparency, it is not what the problem is. The problem really is what was 0xfam doing sending people from western europe into a situation where the didnt have. Nobody had any control over them, they were answerable to nobody, and they were having an appalling time in the sense that they werent helping the people, and they brought the whole upper and into disrepute. Now, if you see your charity as an operation to raise money, and you think that what you are doing is about money, then you would want to keep very quiet about it. What we should be talking about is why they were sending people from outside with no democratic control over them, why were they doing that in the first place . You really raising a very big point going much wider than Sexual Misconduct at 0xfam, which is the whole model of aid often as you send foreigners in to try and help the locals, that is what aid mostly is, isnt it . Yes, that is how it was in 1950. I dont think we should proceed on the same basis. When ghana became independent there were not that many graduates in the country but now we are watching their doctors and nurses, so there are people there who are qualified and the real problem is there is nobody controlling these outside organisations. We go in not really accountable to government. Yes, who are they accountable to . Robin swinbank, i am interested in this issue of transparency, to get back to that. What do you think the obstacle is . So often, you think, why did you do that . It was obviously going to come out at some point. I think is the time pressure involved and being able to articulate your story from your prospective in a very brief and clear way. You are under immense under immense pressure, immense scrutiny, and you are likely to get a kicking from your key stakeholders, the media, the public, the politicians. But is it not possible to look good . You have to sanction this conduct scandal and one of your projects. You see, we have on this, uncovered it and we have dealt with it. Does that leave everybody feeling very queasy or do they think, it is an Efficient Organisation . We know that things go wrong in organisations all the time. We are not embarrassed to say that things have gone wrong. I think the general public or of that view, that things can be forgiven, but in the media, with the story breaking, something has gone wrong, and you are going to be judged for the thing that has gone wrong. It is how you move forward from that position, how you defend it and how you articulate it in a way that is convincing in a short space of time, and that is very challenging from a management perspective. Is it the case that all the other aid charities, with models very similar to 0xfams, they must be looking through their back catalogue and saying, 0mg, what have we got . I dont think they will look through it. Whistle blower might now bring it forward and you will look much better to have exposed it yourself than to let someone asked. I just think you will look terrible doing it, and i think it is intrinsic, particularly in disaster situations, that you will get these abuses, because think about it. People have nothing. Somebody comes in, and theyve got food and theyve got supplies, and theyve got possibilities for you. And you have three hungry children at home, and youre still quite pretty. Wont you therefore expose yourself and try to get the best for your children . It puts you in a terrible position, and the real problem is that so much of this parachuting people into the situations makes it difficult. If you gave it to the local corrupt organisations, at least the public there would know that they were there. It is a fascinating argument. They would have to have, they would have some control over them. One of the most interesting examples of aid is that in an african country, and i wish i could remember which one, they put up signs on the schools saying this school gets this amount of money from the government, and it was a real revelation to the people, and they said, ok, that is enough for more teachers and why havent we got the textbooks . If you give people information they have some power. Well, transparency was our original topic and you are making the point more general than that. Robin swinbank, what is your advice to all the other charities now . Well, i think it is a collective problem, because it will damage the voluntary sector, undoubtedly. Confidence will be damaged in the giving aspect of that. People will be wary of it. You have given advice on Crisis Management, with handling these things. What is the sort of goal to advise at this point . It is absolutely to have the position that the crisis is both a threat and an opportunity and the vision must be to be in a better place at the end of it than you were before the crisis unfolded. I dont see the opportunity. Do you mean to sort out your safeguarding . Absolutely, to sort out how you are structured, what your policies and procedures are, how robust they are, and how will you communicate your beliefs and your values to all you stay called as. Stakeholders. There has been a further development in that helen evans, who was actually in charge of monitoring these events, has just spoken out and said, all her approaches were ignored by 0xfam. I think that one is a hard one to overcome. This is obviously going to run on for days. Thank you both very much. Thank you. Now, we will take a pause for viewsnight. Polly mckenzie has her say about workers rights in the so called gig economy. That was pollys viewsnight there. South africa really is on the cusp of regime change of a significant kind. Jacob zuma is on the way out. According to the broadscaster sabc, he has been given 48 hours to resign. For the best part of a week now, hes been clinging on. His heir apparent, cyril ramaphosa, has spent days trying to persuade him to stand aside. That didnt seem to work, so today, it was the Ancs National executive committees turn that met for six hours, but it didnt quite agree to dislodge him. But everyone now assumes he will be deposed, and south africa will get a Second Chance to launch itself as a well run african country. For quite a few years now there has been popular discontent at president zuma. Here, as long as go as 2013, he was being booed at Nelson Mandelas memorial service. A sense that the man was better at looking after himself than his country. He became president in 2009 after rising to the top of the anc two yea rs before. You could just dismiss him as a bad president that can happen in any country. I, jacob. But there have to be Big Questions for the anc, which selected zuma, despite some massive questions that predated his rise to president of the party. He was charged with raping an hiv positive family friend in 2005. Although he was acquitted, he told the court that in order to avoid catching hiv he had showered, a claim that was much derided. But more significantly, mr zuma had been Deputy President under president thabo mbeki but was sacked on allegations of Money Laundering and racketeer. It would be best to release honourable jacob zuma from his responsibilities as Deputy President of the republic and member of the cabinet. Charges that have refused to go away. Was there any Due Diligence by the anc at the time . Did anyone care . Well, theres no doubt mr zuma has enjoyed strong support among some members of the public, particularly in his home province of kwazulu natal. He has a populist appeal. From a poor start, he portrays himself as a man of the people. When the going was getting tough last year he made a populist gesture of suggesting white land might be expropriated without compensation. For him, the future may involve some legal problems. For south africa, the question is whether the anc has learned its lesson and will pick more carefully in future. For now, everyone thinks zumas replacement, cyril ramaphosa, is a big improvement, but can he really turn the country round . Verashni pillay is head of digital at thejohannesburg Radio Station power fm, shes the former editor in chief of huffpost south africa and the mail guardian. I asked her whether president jacob zuma could expect a soft deal similar to the one Robert Mugabe got in order to get him out of office . This is the raging debate happening right now in south africa, and i have to say that south africans are a lot less forgiving than zimbabweans appear to be around their president leaving office. So right now theres all sorts of speculation in the media around the kind of deal that is being cut within the ruling party to get the president to leave. From what the reports are saying and the sources that are sort of leaking, it seems he is very reluctant to go and wants some sort of protection. However, it would make the new president very unpopular to give him any kind of blanket amnesty, so while there have been reports of various deals nothing has been confirmed. However, if the Opposition Party takes it into their own hands to do some sort of vote of no confidence in the president , and are finally successful with that, you know, he has no bargaining power, and will leave with no benefits for the rest of his life. He has a terrible press here and he has a pretty bad press in south africa. I just wonder if you could explain his popular appeal because there are plenty of people who rather love jacob zuma, right . I think especially at the beginning of his presidency he was very well loved. I mean, he managed to do the unthinkable and get a sitting president recalled. So he was very popular in the beginning. And he particularly had a very grass roots appeal, particularly in his native province, kwazulu natal, and its said that within the rural areas he was considered very popular too, because the previous president , thabo mbeki, was seen as very detached and very sort of intellectual and cold, and zuma was seen as a friendly, charming person. He is said to be very charming in person. But he has frittered away that goodwill and its very hard to find real supporters of zuma, even in his former strongholds its very difficult to find supporters now. There were a lot of signs of the things that have turned out to be problematic about zuma. Some of those signs were there before the man took office and ijust wonder whether, you know, everyone loves cyril ramaphosa, but do you think, looking ahead, that the anc will pick candidates responsibly . If they get a Second Chance. I mean, lets be honest, the ancs fate at the polls is dire. Their share of the vote has been rapidly declining over every election. We have very trustworthy elections. Hopefully they will take this as a lesson and clean up their house in the party so people will give them the chance when it comes around again. How excited are you by a change in administration . It seems like quite a significant change of direction. For me, purely from a political point of view, what is happening right now is a spring. There is no other way to put it, everyone is calling it an absolute spring thats happening in south africa. Not only do we have new leadership but we have strong words and action being taken around accountability. Not all just emanating from ramaphosa. Coming from our parliament, our civil society, everyone has really pulled together to say, you know what, we arent going to let it slide, were demanding accountability. All the corrupt deals weve been reading about for years, and its showing were making a u turn. We were very close to going off the precipice where corruption would have become entrenched and ifeel like were coming back from that cliff. Exciting times, thank you so much, thanks for talking to us. We hoped to speak to peter hain who is in south africa at the moment but i dont think we can so we may have some time to look at the papers. Fascinating how Something Like the 0xfam crisis escalates, starting on friday in the times. The guardian leading on that, 0xfam deputy leader quitting. Catching up on todays news. The guardian saying 0xfam could lose 29 million in european funding because of the handling of the misconduct scandal. In a column, the 0xfam sex story is effect and so is the war on foreign aid. The Daily Telegraph also leading on the subject, 0xfam workers offered aid for sex. Whistle blower claims rape overseas and abuse in Charity Shops were ignored, that was helen evans, who we heard about, shes a spoken on channel 4. A full blown crisis for 0xfam. Thats it from us. Were going to leave you with the voice of katie couric on nbc. We all occasionally say stupid things but her observations about the netherlands speed skating team, they appear not to be based entirely on fact, much to the amusement of the dutch. Next is the netherlands. Its probably not a newsflash to tell you the dutch are really, really good at speed skating. All but five of the 110 medals theyve won have been on the speed skating oval. Now, why are they so good, you may be asking yourselves . Because skating is an important mode of transportation in a city like amsterdam which sits at sea level. As you all know, it has lots of canals which can freeze in the winter. For as long as those canals have existed, the dutch have skated on them to get from place to place to race each other and also to have fun. Good evening. We are a long way from being as cold as pyeongchang, but a wintry flavour to the weather for the United Kingdom for the next 2a hours. That is thanks to an area of low pressure with it sent out in the atlantic, this weather front will be approaching as tuesday. It will come in along with strengthening winds and will bring rain into the south and will bring rain into the south and so to the north. The winds overnight tonight particularly strong and gusty, particularly along the southern coast, but even inland as well. Through the small hours, frost developing across eastern areas. In the west, the cloud piling m, areas. In the west, the cloud piling in, that will keep the frost at a somewhat. Along with the cloud we will get some snow, that in itself will get some snow, that in itself will bring some complications for the morning rush hour to scotland. Ten centimetres possible across the highlands, even through the central belt, maybe a couple of inches. Lougue from Northern Ireland by about eighta. M. Lougue from Northern Ireland by about eight a. M. Icy conditions to start the day. Pulling away from. Whichever way you look at it, it is a difficult rush hourfor tuesday morning. To the north, snow and ice, further south, gusty winds and heavy rain. Keep up to date on your bbc local Radio Station. Here is the front pushing its way eastwards through the day. Eastern england fine probably until the afternoon. Western areas breaking up nicely, a difficult mixture of rain, sleet, and snow for the midlands. It will largely be rain by the time the front gets into eastern england. Still chilly. Highs of 4 5. Wintry showers for northern and western scotland. That front of quickly into the continent. Into tuesday, clearing skies. Do you have, the next whether weather system coming from the west on tuesday. Plenty of cold air a row. Snow likely to be issue. Mild airfinally coming in behind that weather system let it on wednesday combet averages will be in the figures. That is the transition that will be key for the latter pa rt transition that will be key for the latter part of the week temperatures. It will still bring showers into scotland and Northern Ireland, but it will introduce a milder air. For many, temperatures finally getting into double figures by the time we get into the weekend. A wintry flavour certainly for us on tuesday. Coming up next on the bbc news channel, newsday look at the latest international news. Tomorrow morning, joined business light for Global Business news at 8 30 a. M. Lively debate and breaking news in the Victoria Derbyshire programme from nine a. M. Im rico hizon in singapore, the headlines kim jong un warms to reconciliation and dialogue between the koreas after the norths high level delegation returns from the winter 0lympics. Jacob zuma is reportedly told by his own party to resign as south africas president within 48 hours. Im Sharanjit Leyl in london. Also in the programme Donald Trumps daughter in law is taken to hospital after opening a letter addressed to her husband containing white powder. And dodging the dogs in india, fear on the streets where thousands die every yearfrom rabies bites. Live from our studios in singapore and london

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