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Good evening and welcome to bbc news. A local council has taken the highly unusual step of imposing emergency spending controls after saying its facing severe financial challenges. The move by Northamptonshire County Council means a ban on all new spending apart from whats used to protect Vulnerable People. The councils conservative leader, heather smith, says the move is a result of rising demand for services and cuts in government funding. Our Political Correspondent matt cole reports. Like so many others across britain, people in northamptonshire have watched their council manage multi Million Pound budget cuts since 2010, and now theyve run out of cash, meaning a host of services from subsidised buses to libraries are threatened. Ill be absolutely devastated if it closes. Weve been here forjust over a year and i was delighted that this is kind of ten minutes down the road from us. We just feel, i suppose, let down, and why wasnt anything in place to prevent this situation happening . There will now be no new spending save on services to safeguard the vulnerable until the next financial year. Weve been in what you might call a perfect storm of huge increases in demand for our services, at the same time, significant reductions in funding coming from Central Government. But is this a one off . English councils say by the end of the decade, they will have seen £16 billion cut from their core Central Government funding. They say by 2020 there will be a £5. 8 billion annual shortfall. Whats more, they say they need an additional £1. 3 billion now for social care. Ministers will point to much needed efficiency savings made in the same period, but labour says its time for change. After nearly eight years of conservative government, councils have lost 50 of their funding from Central Government. And yesterday, we found that tory run Northamptonshire Council is effectively bankrupt. In northamptonshire, government inspectors are now investigating the Councils Financial management, but the conservatives have responded tojeremy corbyns proposals, saying they would deliver less money to peoples pockets and hit communities with Higher Council taxes and worse public services. The government has plans for a new funding system for local authorities to come in at the start of the next decade. Alongside that, proposals for councils to be allowed to keep more of the Business Rates raised locally. But with this years finance settlement for authorities due to be announced in the coming week, the local Government Association is calling on the ministry here to provide new funding for all councils now. Matt cole, bbc news, westminster. A little earlier, i spoke to nick golding editor of the local government chronicle. He began by telling me how trouble had been brewing for some time in northamptonshire. It must be really desperate time in northamptonshire. It has been obvious for a long time there council was really dire financial difficulties. Basically, the council is really struggled and faces huge costs with rising social care and Childrens Services costs. If you speak to be borrowed and local governments, a lot of people query whether northamptonshire took tough decisions soon enough. There is a sense this has been a losing battle for quite some time. We have had enough a lot about austerity over the last few years. It seems local government has been at the forefront of all of that and you talked about difficult decisions they are. You think northamptonshire should have done more artisan is being replicated in other places across the country . I speak with lots of council chief executives around the country and there are huge worries in many places about the tall that austerity is having on councils. Basically, a lot of it comes down to rising Childrens Services costs and rising Childrens Services costs and rising social care costs. Loss of councils are really struggling. When i speak to senior people in the sector, there are expectations that other councils could go the way of northamptonshire and mostly take drastic action quite soon. And where the cuts falling in northamptonshire particularly . They have said they will protect services to Vulnerable People but are there particular areas where people are beginning to notice what is going on . In northamptonshire, they are having to make cuts across the boa rd northamptonshire, they are having to make cuts across the board that yes, youre right. Services do the most honourable people will be maintained. But when a look around councils around the country, all types of Council Services are being cut back. And intelligence from leading people is that errors like public health, street cleaning, they will be among the areas hit worst in the coming period. And when councils have to cut money from public health, it is a very short term thing. It is not good if you invest money and if you invest money in that, it saves money and makes people more healthy in the future. Italys Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni has insisted that hate and violence will not divide his country after a series of drive by shootings which the police say were motivated by racism. Six people, all of african descent, were injured in the town of macerata in central italy. Police have arrested a 28 year old man, who is a supporter of the far right, anti immigrant Northern League. From italy, James Reynolds reports. One man, a young Italian Armed with a pistol, turned the italian city of macerata into a terrifying place. The gunman fired from his car at anyone who appeared to be a migrant from africa. There was no time for his targets to hide. I was passing by this morning to go and buy cigarettes. When they shot me on my leg this morning, you know. So the person inside the car was shooting, you know. During the attack, the authorities posted warnings instructing the citys residents to stay inside. The gunman was arrested when he got out of his car. He was draped in an italian flag. Witnesses say that they saw him give a fascist salute. He is identified as 28 year old luca traini. The italian media reports he had been a candidate forthe anti immigrant Northern League party in local elections held in 2017. Translation heinous crimes will be punished. This does not have any ideological motivation. Criminals are criminals. The state will be severe to anyone who feeds a spiral of violence. This attack comes at a time of high anxiety in the city of macerata. Earlier in the week, the dismembered body of a young italian woman was found, a nigerian migrant arrested in connection with her death. Now migrants have been injured in this drive by shooting. The country now heads into next months general election with all this on its mind. James reynolds, bbc news, rome. Scotland yard are looking into two more allegations of Sexual Assault against Harvey Weinstein. It brings the total number of women who have reported weinstein to British Police to nine. Earlier, i spoke to our correspondent ben ando, who gave explained more about the allegations. It was october the 11th when the police were first contacted by a woman in this country claiming that she had been Sexual Assaulted by Harvey Weinstein. There are a further six women who came forward. Up to christmas this year, thats what we thought. There were seven alleged victims making a variety of allegations. What has emerged today though is that on october the 31st, a woman came forward to claim he attacked her in the republic of ireland. The police say that they forwarded that information to the irish police. Also, on november 13th of last year, another woman came forward and claimed she was attacked on two occasions. One in london in 2011 and another in 2010 in a foreign country. The police arent saying which country that is but they say they will forward the information to the relevant force there. This comes on the same day as uma thurman has made allegations as well. Actually, theres been a response from mr weinstein and his team. Yes, thats right. Shes told the New York Times in an interview that back when she was promoting the film pulp fiction, in which she starred, made by Quentin Tarantino but produced by Harvey Weinstein, she was at the savoy hotel in london when he attempted to sexually assault her. She says it was like a lizard trying to wriggle away from him. She said that came after a similar incident in a hotel in paris. What he has said, through a spokesman, apparently, is that he misread the signals that he thought she was giving him. A Syrian Rebel Group says it shot down a russian fighter plane near the city of idlib on saturday. The syrian observatory for Human Rights Monitoring Group said the pilot ejected from the plane and was killed, but this has not yet been confirmed. Video posted on social media appeared to show the plane being hit, while other video showed burning wreckage on the ground, with a red star on a wing. Russian fighters have been bombing positions south of the city of aleppo in support of a Syrian Government offensive. The government has announced a package of Financial Support for Small Companies affected by the collapse of the construction company, carillion. The state backed British Business bank will provide up to £100 million in loans. Customers worried about repaying mortgages will also be offered help. Thousands of suppliers were left unpaid after the firm went into liquidation last month. A prominent conservative mp has stepped up his criticism of Civil Servants at the treasury, accusing them of fiddling the figures in brexit forecasts in order to make the case for the uk remaining in the eus customs union. Jacob rees mogg, who was caught in a scuffle last night when protesters disrupted a meeting he was attending at the university of the west of england, told the today programme on radio 4 that treasury forecasts about the impact of brexit were clearly politically influenced. With the referendum, and with the eu, the treasury has gone back to making forecasts. It was politically advantageous for them in the past, its the same now. So yes, i do think they are fiddling the figures. Earlier, i spoke to our Political Correspondent eleanor garnier. She said this was the second time in a week that mr rees mogg had questioned the impartiality of Civil Servants. This is about far more than an mp who is unhappy with treasury figures. As you say, an ardent brexiteer and leads a group of tory brexiteers. That group could one day perhaps be doing or undoing of theresa may and herfuture in number 10. Ithink theresa may and herfuture in number 10. I think this is about putting pressure on theresa may as she goes into a difficult week of brexit negotiations, rather than complaining just about the figures. We have had a pretty strong response today from the union which represents senior Civil Servants. The fda union. Its general secretary said that mr rees mogg had been peddling unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, and he called for theresa may to make an unequivocal statement in support of the civil service. The Prime Minister is the leader of the conservative party and, ultimately, this is an issue within the conservative party. We have government ministers now standing at the dispatch box and undermining the governments own evidence. It is chaos. And it will undermine trust over the longer term in the civil service. Now, as you say, and we set a lot, theresa may and a fire from all sides but particularly going into brexit negotiations next week. On monday, eu chief negotiator Michel Barnier will be in london having talks with the Prime Minister and brexit secretary. But some really important meetings coming up ata really important meetings coming up at a senior ministerial level later in the week. Bsog brexit subcommittee, a group of senior ministers, getting together over a couple of days to thrash out exactly what kind of relationship the government should be pursuing with the year after we leave the uk, once we have left the european union. That meeting will be extremely interesting to see which way may cause. She backed ardent brexiteer s or side with some of her cabinet, like the chans, who would like to see a close relationship with the eu after brexit. Like the chancellor. President trump has said a classified memo, accusing the fbi of abusing its powers, vindicates him and his election campaign. The memo, written by republican members of congress, accuses the fbi of bias against the president in their investigation into the Trump Campaigns alleged ties to russia. David willis reports from washington. Chanting usa, usa, usa his supporters believe he struck a blow for justice. But by releasing a secret memo alleging bias on the part of officials who are currently investigating him, others believe the president is undermining a vital branch of government. This memo totally vindicates trump in probe, he tweeted today, but the russian witch hunt goes on and on. There was no collusion and there was no obstruction. The memo, written by republicans, describes a politically biased Justice Department and fbi, which was determined to ensure donald trump lost the president ial election. They got a warrant on someone in the Trump Campaign using Opposition Research paid for by the Democratic Party and the Hillary Clinton campaign. The man the president appointed to lead the fbi was fiercely opposed to the memos release, having questioned its accuracy. In an e mail to his beleaguered staff, Christopher Wray wrote, talk is cheap. The work you do is what will endure. Were going to keep doing that work, because we know who and what we are, and because we know our Mission Comes first. The American People come first. Democrats accused the president of recklessness in releasing the memo. Its appalling. Its a misrepresentation. It isnt even the release of intelligence material. Its a release of a distortion of it. What is its purpose . Its purpose is of course to thwart the investigation, the mueller investigation. Special Counsel Robert Mueller is thought to be nearing the end of his investigation into allegations of collusion between the Trump Campaign and russia. And there have been reports here that he may soon be looking to interview the president himself. The white house, for its part, has consistently denied suggestions that the president may be about to sack robert mueller, but democrats have warned that such a move could prompt a constitutional crisis. David willis, bbc news, at the white house. The headlines on bbc news. Joining me on video link is the founder of the George Mason Universitys National Security agency get in virginia. Thanks for joining us this evening. President trump says he is been vindicated and this should really be the end of the matter. Is that everyone sees it . |j dont think so. Ill be honest with you, the memo doesnt tell us a whole lot new. A lot of whats in the memo was pretty much well known prior to the memo coming out. The only really new fact in the areas that Deputy Director andy mccabe a p pa re ntly that Deputy Director andy mccabe apparently testified that but for the memo, they might not have looked into things. Other mac, this was pretty well known. Into things. Other mac, this was pretty wellknown. Doesnt muddy the waters, others that the intention in regards to the investigation about rushing collision . By only releasing the republican memo, and i was on the republican memo, and i was on the republican memo, and i was on the republican staff at the House Committee a couple of years ago, u nfortu nately, committee a couple of years ago, unfortunately, they open themselves to criticism that it is a politically biased memo. Even if you believe there was problems with the fbi and Justice Department, this memo lacks credibility because they didnt show the other side. That is now the challenges. People will wait to see what the democrats memo says and what the euro does in terms of response before making a judgment on whether this memo vindicates anyone or anything. Particularly given all the facts were well known ad of time. What is the next step in the investigation into this . Robert miller continues as prices in interviewing a number of people in the white house, the campaign and elsewhere. Eventually, ithink the white house, the campaign and elsewhere. Eventually, i think he will seek an interview with the president and the president will have a choice as to whether he testifies under oath in front of the special counsel or not. And if he doesnt, that is one thing. If he does, and most president s have pushed back. President clinton famously ultimately did testify after a lot of push back. He did it by video and under limited circumstances. We are likely to see some kind of combination like that Going Forward but the investigation has a ways to go before we really know anything. In the meantime, the tension there is between the president and fbi is pretty extraordinary, isnt it . It is. The real challenge for the white house is that the president has a very interesting agenda. He has tax cuts, regulatory reform, things hes trying to reshape with judges. Regulatory reform, things hes trying to reshape withjudges. And other distraction, talk about the investigation and russia and the like, it is not helping the white house with his agenda. I think the best play for the white house is to let the investigation take place. Robert miller will do the investigation the way he wants to and see how it comes out. At the end of the day, all this noise about members and staff is not helping the president with his own agenda forward. Ok, we must leave it there. Thank you very much forjoining us this evening. The headlines on bbc news. Northamptonshire council imposes emergency spending controls because of what it describes as severe financial challenges. The italian interior minister says the drive by shooting that injured six african immigrants in macerata was motivated by racial hatred. Its emerged tonight that two more women have reported Harvey Weinstein to the met police over allegations of Sexual Assault. Tim barrow full round up of the sport from the bbc sport centre on a very busy day. It is time for the phil round up. If you get a chance, snatch it. Scotla nd if you get a chance, snatch it. Scotland could see their pre match optimism disappearing after just scotland could see their pre match optimism disappearing afterjust six minutes, as gareth davies, legs and lungs, he led the line. Wales led 140 at lungs, he led the line. Wales led 14 0 at half time. Scotland tried the fancy stuff on field, wales that the fancy stuff on field, wales that the basics brilliantly. Leigh halfpenny is called two tries. Who saw this coming . Not the scotland coach. Now the welsh flourished to finish. Four tries in a match means a tournament bonus point. At his best, rugby is pace, power and agility. In other words, this man. 347 agility. In other words, this man. 34 7 final score. So many injured players missing from this welsh team and then they produce a performance like that. Wales really made everything about home advantage count. In paris, nothing much happened for 71 minutes, then everything did. Irelands defence been dominant, then this man broke through. He sprinted to lift the nation. France led by one point and they still lead when the clock had gone red. Time. Ireland had one chance to win it. One click. Get the ball tojohnny sexton. Drop goal. Watch and wait. It was there. What a moment. What a day. The womens six nations got underway last night with wales narrowly beating scotland. This was the first of two tries to give the hosts a 211 0 victory and a bonus point. In 2017, england, champions, begin the title defence away to italy. Several of the january transfer windows new signings made an impact in todays premier league games. It was an emotional day for Manchester United as they commemorated the 60th year of the munich air disaster with a one minutes silence. They beat huddersfield zero with new signing Alexis Sanchez scoring the second goal. Arsene wengers new signings were integral to arsenals 5 1win over everton. Pierre emerick aubameyang, arsenals club record transfer this week, scored for his new club. It is very early, but it looks like we have the quality to play the game we have the quality to play the game we wa nt we have the quality to play the game we want to play. We are quick, agile and won the ball. That is very good. A very good sign, positive signs. Manchester citys lead at the top of the premier league has been cut to 13 points after their 1 all draw with burnley. There were important wins for bournemouth, brighton and southampton whlie Leicester City and swansea drew 1 1. In the scottish premiership, celtic suffered only their second domestic defeat under Brendan Rodgers as kilmarnock claimed a 1 0 victory at rugby park. Elsewhere, aberdeen close the gap at the top to just eight points after the 3 0 win over hamilton. Ross county beat dundee 41 hamilton. Ross county beat dundee 4 1 and there were also wins for hearts and hibs, and it ended in a draw at work act between motherwell and partick thistle. At four park. Tennis now and britain face an uphill battle in marbella to rescue their World Group Davis Cup tie with spain, after losing in the doubles this afternoon. Jamie murray and Dominic Inglot were beaten in straight sets by Pablo Carreno and Feliciano Lopez which means britain have to win both singles matches tomorrow to be victorious. Theres live coverage on bbc two from 10 oclock tomorrow. Thats all the sport for now. Ill have more for you in the next hour. Thank you very much, holly. The Civil Aviation authority has announced a review into Airlines Seating policies. It follows concerns that some operators have deliberately been splitting up groups of passengers in order to force them to pay extra for allocated seating. Some people have complained that theyve been victims of the policy and the caa says it wont hesitate to take action if necessary. Our Business Correspondent Vishala Sri Pathma explained more about the review. If you book a flight on a budget airline, for example, you will be made to pay, sometimes, to sit with your family and friends when you go on holiday. So they are looking into whether the seating algorithms are deliberately done to make people pay extra. Today, yougov, the pollsters, have released the results of a survey saying that, actually, rya nair passengers are more likely to complain of being separated. They have come out and said that their seating policy is very clear and they are happy to participate in a review. It costs two euros to allocate the seat that you want on ryanair. They have actually had quite a few complaints on social media, though. Lots of people have been tweeting them. You can go on their twitter feed to find that out. They have dealt with a lot of complaints over the last six months. Easyjet, again, very happy to participate. They say they do their best to try and allocate family and friends together and that is in their algorithm. But what is key there is that algorithm, and that is what the caa will be investigating. Time for a look at the weather with tomasz schafernaker. Most parts of the country today had horrendous weather. Grey, cold, dark, awful day with outbreaks of rain. Sunday is looking a lot better. This is what we have been dealing with. This slow moving weather front. What does that mean . It means that once it is over us, it stays there and its cloudy and horrible. It is stuck between the wind coming out of the east and also this wind from a different direction. It has stalled across the uk. That easterly wind over the next 2a hours will win. So we will see easterly and north easterly winds developing. When the wind comes from that direction, it tends to stay cold. This is what it looks like first thing on sunday morning. It will be freezing in some spots. A lot of sunshine for many of us. The further west and south west you are, the better. But there are showers across south eastern england, east anglia and lincolnshire. On sunday and monday, some of those showers coming out of the east and north east in that cold wind will turn increasingly wintry. Possibly with rain and hail. And sleet and snow. It will feel cold whether you are in the north or the south. Heres a closer look. Sunday night into monday, it doesnt look like a lot but some of the snow showers can be substantial. There could be a nice covering in some areas across the south east and east anglia. But for most of us on monday, the weather is looking bright and cold. Then as we head into tuesday, another weather front pushes out of the atlantic. So the winds want to push in from the north west and this weather front could bump into the cold air sitting across the uk so there could be snow across northern and North Western areas. The basic message is that it will stay cold across the next few days, cold enough for some snow. But not everywhere. Stay tuned to the weather forecast. There could be snow showers on the way. This is bbc news. Well be taking a look at tomorrow mornings papers in a moment first the headlines. A conservative led council in northamptonshire which has imposed emergency spending controls has said it has been warning ministers for years about its financial problems. Six migrants have been injured after a man opened fire from a car in the central italian city of macerata

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